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Invisable weapons Season 9

nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40 Arc User
edited October 2014 in Graphical and Sound Issues
In Any map where their are a good number of weapons firing my weapons "Now" go invisable as of Season 9. I can't see my Damage, Can't see by bolts (except for when I use rapid fire, or am VERY close to the enemy)

I can reproduce this bug EVERY single time in Crystal Catastrophy. Now I know lots of people exhibit lag there, but I don't. or rather I didnt at least.

I'm on a 75/mb sec line, Got a 3ghz dual core, and a gddr5 1,024mb graphics card (shader 5.0), 4gbs of ram, running windows 7 ultimate x64. Running the game under direct x11 maxed graphics like before.

I'm flying a scimitar and have 2 Undine antiproton Turrets in the aft+ Borg kinetic beam, and in front 2 Voth dual heavy cannons + 3 Fluidic dual heavy antiproton cannons in the front.
Wearing Romulan engines, and KHG deflector and Shields.

This is an annoying bug simply because I cannot really Tell if im firing at all except by the lill weapons consol and the recycling cool downs there.
Post edited by nativejoe on


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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    nativejoe wrote: »
    In Any map where their are a good number of weapons firing my weapons "Now" go invisable as of Season 9. I can't see my Damage, Can't see by bolts (except for when I use rapid fire, or am VERY close to the enemy)

    I can reproduce this bug EVERY single time in Crystal Catastrophy. Now I know lots of people exhibit lag there, but I don't. or rather I didnt at least.

    I'm on a 75/mb sec line, Got a 3ghz dual core, and a gddr5 1,024mb graphics card (shader 5.0), 4gbs of ram, running windows 7 ultimate x64. Running the game under direct x11 maxed graphics like before.

    I'm flying a scimitar and have 2 Undine antiproton Turrets in the aft+ Borg kinetic beam, and in front 2 Voth dual heavy cannons + 3 Fluidic dual heavy antiproton cannons in the front.
    Wearing Romulan engines, and KHG deflector and Shields.

    This is an annoying bug simply because I cannot really Tell if im firing at all except by the lill weapons consol and the recycling cool downs there.

    With the Scimitar I rarely see my weapons anyway. The beast it to big, the bolts are to small.

    But I can confirm that this happens often in crowded areas with other ships, including small ones like the Kumari of hegh'ta. Mainly those using cannons, didn't notice it happening with beams.

    But its not new, that happened before Season 9. May be its connected to the change on the graphic settings that some notice it now and not before.
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    cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not just weapons but things like grav well disappears also. I wish they could fix it so they dont vanish when your in a high dps team doing a elite stf. Not like its that gfx demanding really.
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    nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    With the Scimitar I rarely see my weapons anyway. The beast it to big, the bolts are to small.

    But I can confirm that this happens often in crowded areas with other ships, including small ones like the Kumari of hegh'ta. Mainly those using cannons, didn't notice it happening with beams.

    But its not new, that happened before Season 9. May be its connected to the change on the graphic settings that some notice it now and not before.

    Oh They are Clearly visable to me. Expecially at 9k back from the Target. And the Undine weps are HIGHLY VISABLE...so you definetly notice when the Tracers shots run out.

    Hrmmm... well as of now it hasn't really hurt my dps because occasionally I center myself behind my ship to "make sure" my invisable rounds are on the target.

    Atleast in crystal the target is mostly stationary... I'd be completely Screwed if it was in the new undine stfs where they run around and strafe behind you.

    I just wish their was a work around for this bug.

    As for the gravity wells disappearing, yeah I';ve noticed that as well.

    But for me this is completly a season 9... Probably undine weapons specific bug... because if i use all Voth weapons the bug doesn't occure.
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    therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Your technical specs dont matter. It has always been in the game, disappearing visual FX, it just getting more and more obvious now new stuff is constantly being added. The engine simply cant handle it. They know about it, they wont do anything about it. They have very little understanding on the game engine in the first place, and trying to fix something like this can have massive effects on the game which probablyh requires TONS of work.

    STO's not going to live long anyway, they're just milking out the last few cents for PWE, and shut it down eventually. The engine cant go on for 5 more years without it being simply super outdated. Graphics covering the fact that its a damn old engine cant go on forever.
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    gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Precisely why STO should render MY stuff first!
    I don't care what others are doing, but I've notices STO always seems to render their weapons, shields, and process their sounds over my own.

    Client side should always take priority over server side graphics and sounds on the local client.

    Until this is fixed I can't do any space battles, because depending on my little weapon CD counter to know if I'm actually firing is a drag and most annoying.

    Everything is so much darker, had to adjust brightness to 1.25.
    Exchange is dog slow.
    Wierd blank black box will go over my chat box for no reason.

    Maybe I'll check back in after a month or so to see if any of this is fixed.
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    avastanavastan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    Some problema here I cannot see my fire (and I use beams) in Crystal Catastrophy and my shields dissapear sometimes also even when damaged.

    This did not happen before season 9, and my hardware is the same.

    Anyway of counter this ?

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    somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    avastan wrote: »
    This did not happen before season 9, and my hardware is the same.

    Yes this did happen before Season 9. Crystaline Entity, and the 20-man Starbase Fleet Defense tended to have it show up rather often.

    It's a limitation of the Cryptic Engine. Once so many effects are drawn on the screen, it stops displaying the rest.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do to fix this.
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    Yes this did happen before Season 9. Crystaline Entity, and the 20-man Starbase Fleet Defense tended to have it show up rather often.

    It's a limitation of the Cryptic Engine. Once so many effects are drawn on the screen, it stops displaying the rest.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do to fix this.

    Then maybe it would be helpful if I didn't have to see everyones fighters......

    Sometimes I cant see whats going on because all I can see are fighters firing beams
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    avastanavastan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    Yes this did happen before Season 9. Crystaline Entity, and the 20-man Starbase Fleet Defense tended to have it show up rather often.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do to fix this.

    Well if never happened to me before and I am running a pretty average tabletop... on Crystaline Entity.

    So yes its the fault of the new graphics post season 9. As can anyone with some sence see by the number of posts about it.

    Dont try to dismiss this as an old problem.

    As for the second part I really doubt it since as I said it didnt happend to me before, its just a matter of konwing what changed and how to counter it.
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    yorethelyorethel Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    avastan wrote: »
    Well if never happened to me before and I am running a pretty average tabletop... on Crystaline Entity.

    So yes its the fault of the new graphics post season 9. As can anyone with some sence see by the number of posts about it.

    Dont try to dismiss this as an old problem.

    As for the second part I really doubt it since as I said it didnt happend to me before, its just a matter of konwing what changed and how to counter it.

    I had it only with torpedo spread prior to season 9, now I'm getting it all the time, but if I alter the camera angle sometimes my beams appear. But mostly my shield fx, beams and torps no longer show since the update.

    Whatever they did it was in season 9 update, so the investigation should begin there if they can be bothered. I've already had 2 fleet members quit because the game is now unplayable/unenjoyable for them now since they can't see what the hell is going on in battles or it becomes a stutterfest whereas before season 9 they had playable framerates.
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    captainpanixcaptainpanix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I agree, I've noticed this now and never had it before.

    I am aware of the old bug of some few things not being rendered, last night in CCE for several minutes at a time, I would have ZERO visible weapons. I could only tell I was firing by looking at the weapon icons and seeing my damage being displayed.

    This is either entirely new or 1000% increase of the old bug.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    This is getting ridiculous.

    Any map, where a few players are doing the same mission, you cant see any weapons firing at all. I dont even know what im doing. In the past this happened sometimes, but nowadays, as i said, its ridiculous.

    There is no point in playing this way. Not if other players are involved, and people wonders why pvp is so abandoned. I cant imagine how this must be playing in a pvp map.. :eek:

    But meh, i said time ago thousands of times that there will be a moment that the game will be unplayable. People never seemed to care about it. They always said "this is a mmorpg, it have bugs like any other game, stop whinning". Well, now you can see the results.

    I dont want to lose STO, but at this rate..
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    ph4ze2ph4ze2 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I would only have this problem with QTorps in CCE before. The halos would show, but not the projectile itself. Now, it's consistent across all of my weapons. Happens to my roommate as well. We both have pretty high end systems.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    10 minutes ago i just finished a Tau Dewa red alert. Terrible. No graphics at all. Not a single torp. Unbelievable lol.

    Nah, i also have a high-end pc, thats not the problem. The game is not optimized, it never was. But now, plus all the bugs that are rounding all the code, it must be a huge maze to solve.

    We should have an emergency patch right away, because there is no way someone can play like this. Basically, we are almost out of the game until this is fixed.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    avastan wrote: »

    As for the second part I really doubt it since as I said it didnt happend to me before, its just a matter of konwing what changed and how to counter it.

    Maybe its because you didnt play enough player teamed missions with a lot of weapons firing in space. Because this happened before S9 and not only once in a while... of course it was not so noticeable, just sometimes. But now.. well, all weapons are gone. Basically.

    If the engine cant handle it, then cryptic for god sake the first step is to upgrade the engine. Or to do something about it. Limit player missions to 5 guys at most, because we cant play like this lol. I cant even imagine how CV will be now.. a really amazing show.. lol.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not even a popup from the devs??? amazing.. :mad:
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    somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not even a popup from the devs??? amazing.. :mad:

    Because as I've said before, and that you refuse to believe, it is an engine issue.

    There is absolutely nothing that can be done about it. There is absolutely nothing that has been changed in Season 9.

    This is an engine limitation.

    It can draw X number of beams and X number of shield effects and X number of torpedo effects and X number of fighters and X number of cannon shots and everything else all at the same time. Once that number is exceeded, it does not display the effects anymore (and it is very, very random what it does display).

    It is a Cryptic Engine limitation. Period. There is nothing that can be done.

    This issue has plagued STO since launch (get into any large engagement with lots of ships and mobs and you will see it). This issue has plagued CO since launch (get a bunch of players all in one spot, say, the Takofangs fights, and you will see it). I'm assuming it's in NW as well, but I don't play that.

    No dev will come in here and say anything other than to confirm what I said above. Period.
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    nebregnirnebregnir Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Add me to the list. It's also been happening to me a LOT more than pre-graphics reset. I've been playing on and off since launch. Running Starbase Fleet Defense events pretty much all that time, but since the last issue this has been chronic in them.

    People can argue that we're not seeing what we ARE seeing, but that seems like a pretty pointless stance. Maybe YOU'VE been having this issue for a long time. I haven't. It's new. That's why I searched out a thread n this NOW and not in the past.

    If there is a limitation on the engine and it can't display over a certain amount of weapons fire, THAT'S FINE. On MY display kindly RENDER MINE FIRST. I don't so much care if other people are successfully firing, but it's damn difficult sometimes to see if I AM firing when I can't SEE my weapons fire. I have to glance at my weapons tray to make sure they're cycling.

    That's annoying, it's immersion breaking, and it's just ugly.

    Please either Cryptic, either FIX the issue, or tell me what change I need to make to my graphical options to go BACK to the way it all was BEFORE they reset them.

    /rant off

    PS. Something worth mentioning is that it takes something pretty egregious to bring me to the forums AT ALL. I think I've probably got less than 10 posts to my acct in all the time I've played.

    This problem might have existed before now, but I've not seen it till recently. SOMETHING has changed.
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    wtfforumnamesuckwtfforumnamesuck Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Add me to the list too. I've never seen this issue before S9, not even in the big fleet engagements in the Dyson contested zone. Now, I have this problem in almost every team mission. It makes the new Undine contested zone basically unplayable.

    This is a problem that needs to be fixed, because it is completely killing my desire to play this game.
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    Because as I've said before, and that you refuse to believe, it is an engine issue.


    And what do you think the devs are for?? they not only code the game mechanics, you know?

    They could say, "we are aware of the problem, but there is nothing we can do". AT least, dont you think?

    Its happening even in the tau dewa sector patrol. LOL.

    And if there is nothing they can do, well, then i suposse people will start to stop playing at giant steps. Since pvp is over now, and pve teamed games are almost over as well. I dont think someone will want to play in that state.
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    krimzon1982krimzon1982 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Also having the same issue after season nine, This is not the same issue that people had pre-s9 with CE or quantum torp spreads its entirely new and affecting all my weapon types in almost all group events and is crippling my enjoyment of the game
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    nebregnirnebregnir Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Got a fleetmate also reporting this problem. Add them to the list.

    I wish we could get Bort or someone in here to take notice of this. It's REALLY aggravating and is effecting my desire to play.
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    songofsevernsongofsevern Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Its happening even in the tau dewa sector patrol. LOL.

    I noticed it too. I also noticed it happens on New Romulus. In particular, the new Undine Antiproton assault ground weapon will not show up when fired successively. The fire animation is a bit slow and I think between primary and secondary fire the animation cancel each other out.

    I have also noticed that in STF's my weapon animations disappear now along with my shields. I pretty much just stare at my cycling and HUB shields with an occasional glance to make sure my target isn't wandering out of range.

    I miss my light shows. Especially Fire At Will and Torpedo Spread.

    This game has plenty of visual glitches, white boxes instead of npc chat, white background behind tar looking NPCs during interactions, superbloom Romulan Command Center, ships in the foreground blurred as if they were in the background and on and on. It happened especiallly if played for more than a few hours but I could always relog to fix them. I don't know what to do about the weapon invisibility now though.

    I havn't seen it or maybe it's not there at all but if we had a list of "Turn off NPC fire/ability effects" and "Turn off Other Player fire/ability effects" with check boxes this could help with engine load? Maybe make a nice little list of toggles that could make trimming out things we don't mind sacrificing easier to do.

    I am also all for the notion that if the engine can't render everything, the player should have his effects as a priority.
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Have the same problem now.

    It certainly is annoying.

    I can sort of see why.

    space fights have become a hell of a lot more fast and effects heavy over the years.

    Though the new season 9 update somehow made it worse.

    Well, one can pretend it is more realistic not to see an energy weapon fire with rainbow beams and bolts.

    I guess unless the environment is very, very misty it would look incredibly boring with some flashes of light when the shot connects to a shield or an explosion rips a ship apart.

    The rest would be the computer counting hits and displaying damage numbers. ;)

    But since we kind of have to aim manually with cannons to produce hits, the tracer effects would be appreciated. ;)
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    timelord79 wrote: »

    Well, one can pretend it is more realistic not to see an energy weapon fire with rainbow beams and bolts.

    A energy weapon is not invisible, it doesnt matter what type is it. If it needs to be rainbowed, so be it. But not be able to see weapons in space is a total game breaker. IT IS NOT REALISTIC lol. At least for me and i hope that for any reasonable person as well.
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    eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    somebob wrote: »
    This is an engine limitation.

    However with s8 I didn't have this issue... So the question is, what have devs changed?

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    eurialo wrote: »
    However with s8 I didn't have this issue... So the question is, what have devs changed?

    Yes. It happened in S8 and before that. It was not so noticeable because the engine was perfectly holding up and it happened just a few times. But after S9 it looks like the engine is done :cool:
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    colonelchenchuancolonelchenchuan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OK, I have noticed some patterns....

    IMO a lot of these issues are also based on player's choices. When I get really laggy and when weapons start not being seen, the common thread seams to be players who think they need to use every power ever time.

    Example - Voth Battlezone. Every thing would fine until 2 players would show up at the objective. One person was an engy and had 2 engy BOs. So we had drones and drones and turrets and turrets and turrets and Shard of Possibilities and Hortas and orbital strikes.

    Example - Fleet Alert - You have players with fighters who then call photonic ships and then use Distress call, Fleet assets. (and these people always seem to be in freebie ships!) So a map with 5players can turn into a fleet of like 20 ships

    Yes, there are issues with certain ships and gear but IMO a large part of the issues are caused simply by player overkill. Some people just use too much stuff too often.

    Like some of us have been saying, it would just be nice to be able to toggle some things. One thing I really dread is when some one puts their fighters on me as an escort. I spend most fleet alerts now trying to just stay away from carriers
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    OK, I have noticed some patterns....

    IMO a lot of these issues are also based on player's choices. When I get really laggy and when weapons start not being seen, the common thread seams to be players who think they need to use every power ever time.

    Example - Voth Battlezone. Every thing would fine until 2 players would show up at the objective. One person was an engy and had 2 engy BOs. So we had drones and drones and turrets and turrets and turrets and Shard of Possibilities and Hortas and orbital strikes.

    Example - Fleet Alert - You have players with fighters who then call photonic ships and then use Distress call, Fleet assets. (and these people always seem to be in freebie ships!) So a map with 5players can turn into a fleet of like 20 ships

    Yes, there are issues with certain ships and gear but IMO a large part of the issues are caused simply by player overkill. Some people just use too much stuff too often.

    Like some of us have been saying, it would just be nice to be able to toggle some things. One thing I really dread is when some one puts their fighters on me as an escort. I spend most fleet alerts now trying to just stay away from carriers

    In the end, you cant say this is it or not, since every excess of rendering will cause weapons to be invisible. No matter if a player is using photonic fleet or watever.

    AND, as i said, it happens in normal patrol missions where you dont have any other player with you.. in the tau dewa patrol daily mission, since you fight continously against 5 waves of ships, sometimes it happens. I saw it about 4 times, now.
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    dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    +1 no point at all in logging in
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