That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Confirmation that the maintenance is finished and Season 9 looks to be up! Welcome aboard, Captains!
Except for one problem...since you redid the graphics options I can't find a setting where the screen colors don't look faded and washed out...
There is about as much water on Earth now as there was three billion years ago. But while the amount of water has remained static, the amount of tequila and Triple Sec available for the making of Margaritas has expanded enormously. So you see, we have made progress after all. ~Anonymous
Well I know what I'm going to be doing for the next 30 minutes, trying to get my ****in' graphic settings back to where they were.
The slider goes from right to left, and adjusts the brightness or lack thereof, but the colors look there any way to adjust the contrast?
There is about as much water on Earth now as there was three billion years ago. But while the amount of water has remained static, the amount of tequila and Triple Sec available for the making of Margaritas has expanded enormously. So you see, we have made progress after all. ~Anonymous
Already a major, major bug: 2 of my personal traits are filled up with 'Superior Romulan Operative' (yes, 2!), and can't be removed! That's not even a trait Romulans have! (only RO).
Do you ppl never ever test anything beyond 5 seconds?!
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Except for one problem...since you redid the graphics options I can't find a setting where the screen colors don't look faded and washed out...
That Lobi Fluidic weapon is 200 Lobi. For a ground weapon.
F*CK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously? That's terrible. I had 80 or so Lobi and was thinking of picking it up and messing around with it. Guess that kills my idea.
Mine Trap Supporter
Do you ppl never ever test anything beyond 5 seconds?!
Kudos on fixing the rifle rendering bug!
See you in game.
This is gonna be an awesome year.