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Not happy about the rep system rewards only 4 active at a time

cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
Hi all.

So i thought id pop on tribble to see what the fuss is about with rep changes and esd and what i found about the rep system powers you "earned!" are being reduced.

Cryptic. I have no idea what your smoking but stop. Before s9 the rep system gave you 2 half decent space bonuses per rep tree. So you had about 8 in all tho i didnt move past tier 2 of the spire rep system so im with 7. Now with the new rep system intergrated into traits system i can now only have 4 active at a time. Yes you buffed some to make some nice ones but i would have been happy with 7 less powerful ones instead of 4 semi buffed ones active at one time.

Please do not go through with this for s9. I dont like having things taken away which this system does and quite a big removal indeed.
Post edited by cptskeeteruk on


  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's happening. And I am glad it is.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I personally like the change. And I say this as someone who has all the current reps maxed out.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well it's that, or accept that new players will stop coming to the game...

    Because eventually, reaching the top of the line will become almost impossible to new players.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • cptskeeterukcptskeeteruk Member Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    What makes you like them if i may ask? Sure it helps prevent being a little OP i guess but still. I grinded them reps and i reckon i should be able to keep all them reps and the powers they unlocked without being forced to pick and choose certain ones. They should have made it this way when they introduced reps not much later on when people had used it imo.

    Just checking it from tribble to holo and i get more damage out of my weapons on holo than tribble using the same procs from rep system on my weapons afaik. On tribble i get 1,110.6 from my romulan plasma array and on holo i get 1,141,4 on the same weapon. I think its the nukura tier 4 offensive power that is doing it. It should be buffed up a bit more i think so i dont lose damage compared to holo.

    http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/5664/eh1o.jpg Tribble
    http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/733/trm8.jpg holodeck
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    They could make 8 slots^^ then we could have the same amount of powers. Just within the difference the we can't take MORE then now.

    However.., this isn't the worst thing ever happening to the game so... I can live with it.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    What makes you like them if i may ask?

    I just like having another way to customize myself that doesn't require me to spend money to change.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hi all.

    So i thought id pop on tribble to see what the fuss is about with rep changes and esd and what i found about the rep system powers you "earned!" are being reduced.

    Cryptic. I have no idea what your smoking but stop. Before s9 the rep system gave you 2 half decent space bonuses per rep tree. So you had about 8 in all tho i didnt move past tier 2 of the spire rep system so im with 7. Now with the new rep system intergrated into traits system i can now only have 4 active at a time. Yes you buffed some to make some nice ones but i would have been happy with 7 less powerful ones instead of 4 semi buffed ones active at one time.

    Please do not go through with this for s9. I dont like having things taken away which this system does and quite a big removal indeed.

    Let me redirect you to http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1063221

    Where Cryptic basically sticks the middle finger out to it's veteran player base. Implying us to deal with it.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm past caring at this point.

    I'm willing to bet a few weeks after S9 lands everyone will wonder what all the fuss is about. Losing a handful of passives is not going to significantly alter how I play or perform in the game.

    This is a good change, and a step in the right direction. The only reason so many people are moaning over it is because of the mere fact that Cryptic is taking something away. Doesn't matter what that something is, it could be the most useless something in the game, the moment it goes missing the pitchforks come out.

    Something also to note of course is this will happen even if I hate it with a passion. Cryptic have their plan of action and they follow it. Seeing as they are the developers and I am just a gamer, I'm happy to let them edit and change their own game to their hearts content and adapt to whatever results.

    And of course, if it gets to the point I'm bored, I'll simply stop playing.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    coupaholic wrote: »
    I'm past caring at this point.

    I'm willing to bet a few weeks after S9 lands everyone will wonder what all the fuss is about. Losing a handful of passives is not going to significantly alter how I play or perform in the game.

    This is a good change, and a step in the right direction. The only reason so many people are moaning over it is because of the mere fact that Cryptic is taking something away. Doesn't matter what that something is, it could be the most useless something in the game, the moment it goes missing the pitchforks come out.

    Something also to note of course is this will happen even if I hate it with a passion. Cryptic have their plan of action and they follow it. Seeing as they are the developers and I am just a gamer, I'm happy to let them edit and change their own game to their hearts content and adapt to whatever results.

    And of course, if it gets to the point I'm bored, I'll simply stop playing.

    So, you are personally okay with someone taking what you spent your time possibly money to gain? I see you don't mind it happening online, now how about offline.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Eh, there's three separate feedback threads on this (The GNN Forum's entry on the blog post itself, and the Tribble Forum has two feedback threads). Plus an entire new sub forum devoted just to the reputation system.

    So I'm not sure this thread needs to exist. All the relevant feedback could just get placed in an appropriate feedback thread that already exists.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So, you are personally okay with someone taking what you spent your time possibly money to gain? I see you don't mind it happening online, now how about offline.

    They are taking your ability to have all the traits away active at once. But you still have the option to use any of the traits, which means you still have an advantage over someone that didn't unlock all traits. So you still got something for your effort.

    And under this consideration, I am fine with the solution.

    If they'd go and say something like:
    "We've decided the Vesta is too powerful and the other Science Vessel can't compete, so we remove the ship from the game. YOu can't play it anymore." THen I would be pissed. If they say. "It'S too powerful, we will not give it a secondary deflector and give all other science vessels one extra forward weapon slot, but the Vesta won't get it", I'd be fine with that.

    If they go and say:" Hey, you guys, you all bought this DOFF that you thought was awesome, but it's really OP, so we'll delete it from your inventory, no compensation" I'd be pisse.d If they say "You can keep it, but you can no longer stack it or can no longer use the other DOFF that created the really OP combination", I'd be fine with it.

    It's Cryptic jobs to keep the game running, and if that requires balancing stuff, including nerfs and applying new limitations, then so be it.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • solidneutroniumsolidneutronium Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    "They have altered the deal. Pray they don't alter it any further."
    Professional Slider Since 2409

    Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    And in the end, remember, t his is a game. If you think you worked hard for something and it was just taken away, consider if you really treat this as a game anymore, or if it has turned into something else. It's time for some introspection, and if that results in saying that you stop working STO, that is a viable decision.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • gonzothegreat78gonzothegreat78 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    How is the trait system going to solve the power creep issue when they keep releasing grind rewards that merely add to it anyway.

    this about sums it up right here, there "just" opening up some options for other grinds that in turn will bring in more lockboxes and more money and more powers

    I'm totally pissed that i grinded 5 separate reps all winter only to see it get nerfed right when i'm approaching teir 5 on them, why? so new players powercreep blah blah

    If they were truly worried about powercreep they would just turn up the difficulty of npc's instead of the obvious gankage that's happening to existing players who actually worked for it

    on above replace "just" with "TRIBBLE over playerbase", look when you guys went free to play you should have known there's a huge percentage of gamers that won't even mess with a "FTP" or "dying" game just because of that alone.

    there afraid of wasting time on a gambling FTP setup that might not even be around for much longer in their eyes (exactly whats happening with this rep stuff) wasted time

    TRIBBLE over the players that are here, telling them to basically deal with it is gonna have much more negative reaction than you think, and word of mouth alone will negate any "new" players your trying to suck in.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    They are taking your ability to have all the traits away active at once. But you still have the option to use any of the traits, which means you still have an advantage over someone that didn't unlock all traits. So you still got something for your effort.

    And under this consideration, I am fine with the solution.

    It sounds fine BUT the very people who are complaining about over powered players are the ones who do not want to work up the reputation system like veterans. Then those same people play, foul!

    Cryptic decided to punish the ones who worked up the skills and reputation tree instead stating to Noob and Newbies to learn the game.

    So, your view might have the right premise but Cryptic implementation is horrible. Simply lock the number of skills to the 4 current system and make that the cap and no added buffs to what we have.

    It would have cut development time and kept most people having. So, now they have to do PR work to gain trust of old players and to get new players instead of fixing game bugs. That's not balance and illogical under any business plan.

    You can have upset customers but do not TRIBBLE off customers.

    I already was NERFED because I am thinking of making a Star Trek game that builds upon Cryptic failures. First thing I would do is have reputations for the mine major bad guys and then cap the reputations to that. Still add more reps for people to choose.

    Althougth Cryptic said 4/4/4 is the hard limit and they are not going make smarter NPCS or harder content.
  • gonzothegreat78gonzothegreat78 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    and all you guys saying it's cool, no big deal - have you guys thought about the people with one ship and one build???

    guess what, these people will now have their 4-5 actives set and WILL NOT change it around, there will be an optimal setup for escorts, cruisers etc that will not change, so in turn YES the time is wasted and they are having something taken from them they earned and they WILL NOT get it back or be able to use it

    what does any of this matter when the npc's will still be melted in seconds? ask yourself this too...........

    and to the guy above saying were only complaining because cryptic is taking something away, no matter how small or big we would complain???hahaha i guess 3 months of your time is the same as a puny module nerf huh guy??
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    this about sums it up right here

    Not really. This change isn't designed to solve the entire issue of powercreep. I'm actually at a point where I'm disappointed Hawk worded the blog that way because it's got people over focusing on that word and missing what he wrote.

    This change is designed to address the potential powercreep inherent in future reputations if they keep the system working the way it currently works.


    As quite a few people have pointed out almost hundreds of times already, rep passives don't affect powercreep nearly as much as crit percentage and attack patterns stacking.

    But the change to rep passives isn't designed to address THAT powercreep. It's designed to address a potential powercreep issue within the reputation passive structure itself.

    I wish people would take a moment to read the blog a bit better and understand some of the subtle stuff.

    I'm not defending this change. I'm just trying to clarify what was written about it.

    TLDR version: This change was never meant to address the powercreep complaints of people upset about things like vaping or 2 minute ISE runs.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    and all you guys saying it's cool, no big deal - have you guys thought about the people with one ship and one build???

    *waves* Sort of. I have one build for my character, but I tend to use multiple ships without switching that build (again, largely because switching costs money). Will I use multiple builds in the future? Not likely, but it's nice to have the option. Which, yes, does mean that I am less optimal in some ship, but that doesn't bother me at all.
    guess what, these people will now have their 4-5 actives set and WILL NOT change it around, there will be an optimal setup for escorts, cruisers etc that will not change, so in turn YES the time is wasted and they are having something taken from them they earned and they WILL NOT get it back or be able to use it

    They are losing anything really, other than when they log in they have to spend a few minutes selecting powers that are more powerful than the ones they had previously. If they never change them again, that's their prerogative.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    As long as STO is under the impression of making content that is completable by veterans and new players, then this type of change is necessary. After all, if we have 40 active reputation passives and do content that is challenging for new players, then it is completely boring for veterans since there is no challenge.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Uhm.. they can do like the rest of us, who were at one time new players ourselves:


    Except, you are ignoring the fact that we didn start out with 5 rep systems... We had them one at a time, and for new people getting 50K+ XP pr day (lets say you want to do one project in each daily)... thats pretty hard for people who may only have 1-2 hours daily game time...

    Also... lets say 2 years from now... there are prob what... 2 or 3 new reps, plus the 5 (6 with 8472 rep)... That would make 8 rep systems, each take around a month to complete... At some point, people lose interest and stop spending time on them.

    I guess you may just have forgot to consider it.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Not really. This change isn't designed to solve the entire issue of powercreep. I'm actually at a point where I'm disappointed Hawk worded the blog that way because it's got people over focusing on that word and missing what he wrote.

    This change is designed to address the potential powercreep inherent in future reputations if they keep the system working the way it currently works.


    As quite a few people have pointed out almost hundreds of times already, rep passives don't affect powercreep nearly as much as crit percentage and attack patterns stacking.

    But the change to rep passives isn't designed to address THAT powercreep. It's designed to address a potential powercreep issue within the reputation passive structure itself.

    I wish people would take a moment to read the blog a bit better and understand some of the subtle stuff.

    I'm not defending this change. I'm just trying to clarify what was written about it.

    TLDR version: This change was never meant to address the powercreep complaints of people upset about things like vaping or 2 minute ISE runs.

    Right. If the current reputation system limit is not the major problem to powercreep and Cryptic inability to make smarter NPC's or better content. Simply do not change any buffs and make it the hard cap.

    Cryptic decided to go the bad way of implementing it, and honestly you are defending it.
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    and all you guys saying it's cool, no big deal - have you guys thought about the people with one ship and one build???

    guess what, these people will now have their 4-5 actives set and WILL NOT change it around, there will be an optimal setup for escorts, cruisers etc that will not change, so in turn YES the time is wasted and they are having something taken from them they earned and they WILL NOT get it back or be able to use it

    what does any of this matter when the npc's will still be melted in seconds? ask yourself this too...........

    and to the guy above saying were only complaining because cryptic is taking something away, no matter how small or big we would complain???hahaha i guess 3 months of your time is the same as a puny module nerf huh guy??

    Nods. I use one specific ship for each faction and character. I do not mess with multiple ships, muiltiple officers, and ship load outs. If a Captain keeps having ships they are not specializing in something.

    Whoever says this is not a Nerf. Please wake up. I built my Hafeh - Haakona with 80 defense / 20 offense setup. This change basically forces me to choose 100% of either with 70% of the benefit.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. This is a bad Cryptic move.
  • gonzothegreat78gonzothegreat78 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    well i can see that went way over your head greyhame3.

    no matter what there will be an OPTIMAL setup for each class, using anything but this optimal setup will leave you weaker than the next guy with the optimal set and therefore you won't be adding to the team in the way you could

    the only ones that don't see a problem with this just don't care how they perform imo and probally have the mentality "oh well the TRIBBLE will die eventually anyway"
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    well i can see that went way over your head greyhame3.

    no matter what there will be an OPTIMAL setup for each class, using anything but this optimal setup will leave you weaker than the next guy with the optimal set and therefore you won't be adding to the team in the way you could

    the only ones that don't see a problem with this just don't care how they perform imo and probally have the mentality "oh well the TRIBBLE will die eventually anyway"
    And if the only way to be optimal is to have ever rep, then new players are not likely to ever by optimal when they need to grind 6+ reps to do it. Which is a pretty large problem the more reps are added to the system.

    This really is the part that people are missing who are against this. This also makes a system that can't be properly expanded in the future in such a way that may actually keep new players (which are as important if not more important than veteran players).
    Right. If the current reputation system limit is not the major problem to powercreep and Cryptic inability to make smarter NPC's or better content. Simply do not change any buffs and make it the hard cap.

    Cryptic decided to go the bad way of implementing it, and honestly you are defending it.

    Making NPCs smarter isn't fixing the problem they are trying to fix, which is that the rep system is really a broken system as far as being expanded on in the future.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    They are losing anything really, other than when they log in they have to spend a few minutes selecting powers that are more powerful than the ones they had previously. If they never change them again, that's their prerogative.
    Apart from a lot of the powers are worse then before. I lose a lot of damage and tank from the changes. It is a massive nerf.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    and honestly you are defending it.

    No, I'm not defending it. I'm trying to explain what was written about it.

    I'll make it really simple:

    - Blog post says the change is being made to deal with potential powercreep inherent in the system as more and more passives keep getting added.

    - Players freak out saying that this change doesn't stop powercreep because DPS in ISE is up and Vapers in PVP keep Vaping.

    - The disconnect is the word powercreep. People think that the change is being made to deal with what they perceive is powercreep in the game right now.

    I'm not defending the change. I'm trying to explain that it's not being made to deal with the powercreep half you people think it is being made to deal with. I'm essentially taking people to task for NOT READING THE BLOG or reading it and just not understanding what they read. Though I'd say with the overflow of posts on this topic, most people just read the forum comments and NOT the blog.

    Heck I can point right at you Viv, as a poster who ranted about this change without bothering to test it on Tribble first. Though you then went on Tribble to test it. But still ... most posters are going off half-cocked. And in the case of the word powercreep, it's completely warped what people think this change is about.

    It's not about 80K Deeps.

    It's about their reputation infrastructure.

    Which, as the blog says, can't scale infinitely.
  • gonzothegreat78gonzothegreat78 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    new players?, i came back after 3 years gone to see 5 reputations to work on and said damn i got some catching up to do

    one thing i didn't do was go waaaaaa these guys that have been here this whole time have more powas than me waaaa nerf now waaaaa

    seriously turn up the difficulty setting even if it's just elite mode, but if this so called baby step to fix powercreep is only the beginning than i'm worried and frankly just don't want to put any more time into it

    the next so called baby steps will be from a babygiant
  • vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    And if the only way to be optimal is to have ever rep, then new players are not likely to ever by optimal when they need to grind 6+ reps to do it. Which is a pretty large problem the more reps are added to the system.

    This really is the part that people are missing who are against this. This also makes a system that can't be properly expanded in the future in such a way that may actually keep new players (which are as important if not more important than veteran players).

    Making NPCs smarter isn't fixing the problem they are trying to fix, which is that the rep system is really a broken system as far as being expanded on in the future.

    Then simply cap it at the current system!!! Would that be too hard for Cryptic.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well this also helps newer players. I mean they were all passive abilites, but when you've got most of the grinds done then a new player tries to come in for PvP and gets blitzed by a player with everything, kinda takes the fun out of it.

    Least this goes some way towards evening the odds.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • adorenkoadorenko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    anazonda wrote: »
    Well it's that, or accept that new players will stop coming to the game...

    Because eventually, reaching the top of the line will become almost impossible to new players.

    On your first point, I doubt new players, supposing no change to the system, would say, "ahh TRIBBLE I gotta grind 5 reps to tier 5 to get all these passives? That's it TRIBBLE it I'm not playing this game!" More than likely most wouldn't even know about rep until a month in and no matter which way this system were to have gone I doubt there quitting would not be attributed to the rep.

    To your second point, I only started back in January and I am tier 5 in Dyson and Omega and tier 4 in the other two. Not that much need be paid to achieving this, other than playing the game as you would anyway.

    As to the rep change, I'm not a huge fan of it but I'll deal with it.
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