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Season 9 Dev Blog #5: Changes to Reputation Powers



  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    paspinall wrote: »
    Well considering the game started with NO diminishing returns on consoles and they ADDED them to resistances one of your claims would seem to immediately prove hyperbole.

    Not really there was a point where they were asked after the fact in many ask cryptics and podcasts if they ever would be removed and their answers were "NEVER". Its a term thrown around by cryptic but when they say it the point is that they have no intention of remembering nor do they even care if they said something will never happen the next week it most likely will be sold in the c-store.

    It was only removed when they needed some kind of edge on the lockbox ships to make them more attractive than a lot of ships out there thus it was the start of what people call the "power creep" although i'd bet only about 5% of the player base actually knows what the power creep actually is.
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So you think people actually thinking this is a good change are not getting is a bad thing? Ever heard of a concept known as personal opinion? You don't like it, that's fine. I, on the other hand, don't mind the change, I think it's a very good change. Yet, you think people like me aren't "getting" it? who are you to decide what people can think or not think?

    Whoaaah......nice one there...get mad all by yourself or have someone help you?

    Its called rational thinking...

    If player A earns gear and abilities and Player B chose not to does not = power creep
    Nor if Player A has a certain skill set that Player B does not have does not = power creep

    If by some miracle that Player B decides to put effort and time into the game (which is not hard considering this games end content abilities) to match player A they still will not = player A since each person is different

    but yes lets start off with destroying the system that people used as it was meant to be used and not take into account other things like....cstore consoles...lock box ships...30 million credit duty officers....

  • minusthedrifter2minusthedrifter2 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Great to know all of the effort, resources and time I put into maxing all my reps was largely pointless. At least my alts no longer have to worry about doing any of that content.

    I can already see the ideal set up for these select powers so most players will still choose a cookie cutter setup.
  • bigjonny2284bigjonny2284 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So every second thread is a proclaiming that we're all doomed due to creep, they do something (albeit a small step) and we're also doooooooooomed?
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you had 8 nickels before, and now you have 4 dimes, is that a nerf because you have half as many coins?

    This analogy doesn't seem correct. These powers were improved, but they weren't doubled and some were changed completely.
    A correct analogy would be that you took 8 nickles, and added the option of 4, 7.5 cent pieces or new nickles with a 1 cent adder making a 6 cent piece.
    This would mean we lost $0.40 and gained between $0.24 to $0.30 at best.

    The only true benefit gained was the ability to switch them for free.

    Just my $0.02
  • adjudicatorhawkadjudicatorhawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    We should find a new word if a Buff and a Nerff happen at the same time


    I chuckled, which was badly needed. Thanks. :P
    Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
    Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
    Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Overall this is NOT a nerf at all.... don't just react until you consider how this will honestly effect your builds... this change makes all of my builds stronger.

    You keep telling yourself that . :)
    At least until they'll realise that they have overbuffed stuff and hit it with the Nerf Bat .

    And then ... you'll be stuck with less powers , less options and generically speaking less powerful .


    Because just around the corner , there will be that Mk 14 stuff fo you to buy to make you feel all nice and strong again .
    Well not really strong because those will get nerfed too ... to make room for whatever comes next ... .

    See how much fun you're having in STO ? :o
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Limiting the number of available passives is a great strategy. Instead of everyone racing to obtain everything, the new system will get everyone to slowdown and think.

    What passives do I need for space?
    What passives will I need for ground?

    Can I afford to skip tier four and five in rep system alpha?
    Do I need those passives in alpha? How about rep system beta?

    You can now build meaningful characters.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Assuming this will be introduced and ive unlocked all current rep systems to T5.... what should be my motivation playing another Reputation system (like an undine rep system) if I still can only use 4 powers (ground/space/active)?

    The only real motivation to play through the Reputation system is/was to improve the ship and ground skills. I dont see that given anymore.

    IF all active powers are perfectly balanced (which i highly doubt) then there would only be the need to play 4 Rep systems even if cryptic introduced 10 new ones.
    In that case its simply not worth to play further rep system as the players would not gain anything by doing so.

    IF the active powers are not balanced... then the players will just go for the few rep systems that are worth it.... the ones with the best skills/traits... and everything else will be mostly ignored in future.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So every second thread is a proclaiming that we're all doomed due to creep, they do something (albeit a small step) and we're also doooooooooomed?

  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Reputations are all about "fighting the thing". That is to say, Omega rep is about fighting the Borg. Dyson rep is about fighting the Voth. Any new rep will be about fighting the critters that spawn int he content that give you marks for that rep.

    Absolutely agree, and we all wish we'd had this system in place when we launched the Nukara rep. We didn't, but we can't let past oversight stand as the only reason not to make a change that actually improves how the game works as a game.

    This will never happen. More Reputation Slots could be given out via a game mechanic at some point, so I guess you could argue there could be a time cost or an effort cost to get another slot. But we are not charging people for Reputation Trait slots - please don't propagate fearmongering nonsense.

    Sure, if all the powers you want come from two reps, then you shouldn't feel compelled to do the others! Our goal as designers is to make them all desirable under different conditions, so that everyone wants to collect them all eventually. But realistically, yes, you may feel less compelled to do some content with these limited choices.

    I'm sorry you feel these changes are taking something from you. I assure you, this is not our intent. I completely understand why many of you are feeling that way, and I empathize with that feeling as a player. The one question I would like all of you to ask is, "If I were making this from the ground-up, with a blank slate, how would I make it?" Taking a step back from the emotional charge that comes from change, uncertainty, and different-ness, what would the best, most systemic, most fair, most consistent set of rules be for an alternate progression system that rewards participation in content?

    We think this new system is the answer to that question. As I've mentioned repeatedly, though, all of this is subject to feedback on Tribble, and in any case where our stated goals are not being met, we will work swiftly to make this new system meet those goals.

    Here is a recommendation so that it uses partially what you just made up to ruin the reputation powers.

    Make it so you implement the choosing of powers and respeccing on the fly as you mentioned. Also make it so that we all have 8 space and 8 ground passives slots, but from this point forward any new reputations that are brought into the game provide you with 1 additional space/ground reputation passive abilities slot, that way once we get 2-3 additional reputations we would need to start picking and choosing what passives we use.

    So say for example at this time we have 4 reputations providing 8 space and 8 ground passive reputation power slots. Once season 9 begins and we get the undine reputation, we gain 1 space passives slots and 1 ground passive slots for a total of 9 selected passives from a pool of 20available. When the next reputation comes out say anti dominion task force we once again get another 1 space/ground passives slot for that reputation thus we continue to gain passive reputation slots but we will not have access to all of them.

    This continues to provide a sense of progression for older players as well as provide a slight advantage to new players not forcing them to grind all the reputations to become competitive.

    according to what you are saying here, then you don't really care then if people ignore content and focus on only specific things in late game. Thus you are validating that a lot of the content you put out is subpar or useless. This means that since some content is not played on a regular basis you have no obligation to fix it or improve it then. I mean it did take you 3 years to make a change to the Klingon task force mission. But I guess this doesn't really count as a valid point because as it stands the borg STF's are the most played content and there are still bugs like the invisible torpedo that plague it. or in kerrat where you have spheres or probes that warp into the structures and can shoot at you through them but you cant target them back ?

    You said this " I'm sorry you feel these changes are taking something from you. I assure you, this is not our intent." When in fact your intent IS to take away something from us. Can you give us back the time and resources spent grinding. the countless times we had to go epohh tagging, or spending 30-50 min looking for a group to do a nukara ground queue, no you cant.

    You have had countless times were systems you implemented didn't work out cause you didn't think it through, and every time you do a change like this there is a massive backlash from the community. Damn after 4-5 times you should have learned already not to make drastic changes that TRIBBLE everyone over. This is another one of those changes that if you go through with and make the change will have lasting repercussions for all your future content.

    Right now the main reason people do reputations IS because they want new gear, new powers, a sense of progression, by making this change you are eliminating that one singular force that drives us. to put up with the endless grind that is Star Trek Online, All content, all story in STO is grinding content. Anyone who thinks otherwise is playing a different game than me then.

    Do not try to think of ways you could have done it better back when it first launched cause its pointless to think about
  • xbalankexbalanke Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    best change in S9 i've read so far.. something needs to be done to address the power creep.. it's ridiculous how easy most of the missions are nowadays, there s absolutely no challenge left, anywhere in PvE.. to the extent a lot of it is getting really boring..

    new content/features should have been kept comparable in effectiveness to the existing stuff, if not you'll end up having to buff NPCs in every single mission each time there s a new season... and yeah that obviously means nerfing something I put a lot of effort in.. I levelled rep on 6 chars before the tokens, but I think it's a necessity.. as it is right now the game's losing its appeal because there s only grind, a time investment.. the concept of doing an effort for something, other then spending time, was lost long ago..
    the old stf's are a nice example.. they took way to long, but you had to work for your reward.. now you just queue for ISE and 7 mins later you are done, not even the slightest risk of failure..
    sure it could be solved by adding a new difficulty level as some people have requested, probably wouldn't TRIBBLE off as many players, but the end result is the same.. players have gotten far to powerful compared to NPCs. players need a major nerf, and i can only hope this is just the beginning..

    also, people have been complaining about the grind, this fixes it.. not interested in any of the passives/power of a rep for your build, don't do it.. before you almost had to because everyone else had it..

    just one request.. please include it in loadouts.. it may actually help you sell loadout slots since rep passives is something that i'd consider changing way more dynamically then i would be changing the gear on my ship..
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    at the rate new reps are made i cant see how this will possibly work in the long run without constant adjustments to add 1 more selection to each power you can choose and a respec token to refund on the update. sure you can announce an exciting new change but simply from a mechanical point of view it seems like its not a step out the door from the workplace into the bosses office, but rather a step in a closet. so yeah, will need to see where this one will go first, but for now to me it seems like an odd choice of design.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • ffttfftt Member Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    In other words, as reps get added, players have to choose which four passives to take.

    However, active powers to get no limit.

    If I grind my way to tier 5 in every rep, how about i get an actual, tangible and ongoing reward for that.

    So, four passive ground, four passive space but unlimited active tier 5 powers.
    This would solve my issue of having to swap out the actives depending on whether I'm on ground or in space without bucketing them, but not necessarily the power creep that concerns many of the posters.
  • genrldestructiongenrldestruction Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Alright, how about this as a compromise.

    Keep the four passives, space and ground buckets, as proposed.

    In other words, as reps get added, players have to choose which four passives to take.

    However, active powers to get no limit.

    If I grind my way to tier 5 in every rep, how about i get an actual, tangible and ongoing reward for that.

    So, four passive ground, four passive space but unlimited active tier 5 powers.

    Except that I don't want to have an extra 20+ powers on my trays when I don't have enough room for everything already. There should be a limit on the number of active powers. The real question we should be asking is "Is it going to be limited to 2 ground/2 space, or is it 4 universal?" Better to make a decision on this now rather than leave it to chance and cause more unrest when it has to be changed later.
  • jack24bau3rjack24bau3r Member Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Another dev post without any comment on the don't nerf players, buff npcs and add more difficulty levels.

  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Great to know all of the effort, resources and time I put into maxing all my reps was largely pointless. At least my alts no longer have to worry about doing any of that content.

    I can already see the ideal set up for these select powers so most players will still choose a cookie cutter setup.

    In reality compared to stat difference in most mmo's if you truly understand STO this whole game is one giant cookie cutter. If you look at space stats on items between X and XII or even the difference of say healing between 3-6 and 6-9 when you spec medical the stats are so small in difference using minimalism with the game is one giant cookie cutter which out performs someone who puts 9's in small areas or even has all xii gear they are not gaining any advantage by being wasteful or grinding more to get something with such crappy results.

    Believe me though they wouldn't be doing this if there was not some reasoning due to future profits or they would have left this alone. I for one have been thrown under my last bus heh.
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    venkou wrote: »
    Limiting the number of available passives is a great strategy. Instead of everyone racing to obtain everything, the new system will get everyone to slowdown and think.

    What passives do I need for space?
    What passives will I need for ground?

    Can I afford to skip tier four and five in rep system alpha?
    Do I need those passives in alpha? How about rep system beta?

    You can now build meaningful characters.

    LOL what?

    No No No......People had to choose before....now you get all of it and waste the time to choose each time you decide to go do something else....
    Today for 1 hour I shall fight the borg...wait let me get my powers set...ok im good...hmm still beat elite in 3 minutes wtf??

    Well let me go ground and kill some dinos....wait let me get my powers set for that....hmm did that without any issues either....wtf??

    as before though when you did have to choose a skill from each rep tier and that's all you had....you might have been great at one thing but not so great at something else...now you are epic at everything it just takes a few moments to pick and choose before each map...

  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Exactly, we have put a lot of time and money into getting our characters to where they are, and a change like this comes along and makes it so all of our progression is LITERALLY rolled back.

    The difference between a fresh just got promoted to level 50, and a 4 year old level 50 with doffs, fleet stuff, lockbox stuff, real good spec, real good traits, full t5 reps on everything SHOULD BE MONUMENTAL.

    A fresh level 50 on a new player's skill should look like **** since they probably don't have a clue on what the hell they are doing.

    Still no dev post refuting the don't nerf players, buff npcs and add more difficulty. PRICELESS.

    And I am modding a game.

    I know how easy it is to make a harder version of the Existing event.

    Why not leave the reputation system, and just make "Nightmare" mode for stfs and other reputation missions? All that means is editing some script, adding it to the event que, and copying the NPCs to a "nightmare"' folder with them having, for example, twice as much damage.

    It would be doable in a day by 1-2 people, and fine-tunable in a week with some testers.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not really there was a point where they were asked after the fact in many ask cryptics and podcasts if they ever would be removed and their answers were "NEVER". Its a term thrown around by cryptic but when they say it the point is that they have no intention of remembering nor do they even care if they said something will never happen the next week it most likely will be sold in the c-store.

    It was only removed when they needed some kind of edge on the lockbox ships to make them more attractive than a lot of ships out there thus it was the start of what people call the "power creep" although i'd bet only about 5% of the player base actually knows what the power creep actually is.

    erm how did they remove it THEY NEVER HAD IT
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    fftt wrote: »
    This would solve my issue of having to swap out the actives depending on whether I'm on ground or in space without bucketing them, but not necessarily the power creep that concerns many of the posters.

    Well, i'm not sure the active powers are the issue, ala power creep.

    and my thinking is this.......the active skill in a rep system represents your toons mastery of that particular enemy.

    Which means its intrinsic.

    The passive powers, they represent the toons growing understanding of the enemy and their ability to tweak their ship to better face them.

    Which means you can swap them in or out.

    And those active powers......atm two space, two ground. They're all situationally useful, but power creep? Nope. They're not the issue.
  • spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ok at first I was a little annoyed. Now I am a little calmer and would like Hawk's opinion on the 2 things I mentioned:

    Why allow players to slot 3 of the same type of doff - like a purple tech doff - which with aux to battery can reduce almost all cool downs to global - but most other doffs which are not nearly as powerful can't be stacked to 3?

    The same goes for OP traits like Inspirational Leader being able to be stacked to 3?

    These things are pure Pay-To-Win which Cryptic has claimed that Star Trek Online is not, often using the reps system as an example since the rep system is a time gated system. But then instead of reducing the effect of the pay-to-win items, you reduce the effect of the system that forces players to put time in - which you are/were using to convince players that STO was not Pay-to-win?

    This is very confusing:confused:
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I chuckled, which was badly needed. Thanks. :P

    Your welcome Jeff. I do everything to please you guys. Ask Taco...

    Hey Worffan, did you see? I too called him Jeff.
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    If you had 8 nickels before, and now you have 4 dimes, is that a nerf because you have half as many coins?

    It's a nerf because you've just halfed the number of reputation abilities that we can use at any one time, yet your not not doubling the stats on them.

    Also because of the active T5 only the Omega and Dyson are any good long run, the Duration of of the Romulan T5 one is that short it has to be timed to the millisecond and the Nukara one was only good for wiping a half a group of small npc craft.

    And has everyone forgot we've got another rep about to hit with season 9?

    Everyone's going on about power creep, so why not increase the difficulty of the end game game content.

    And if we're being made to choose again and having the options limited whats the point of grinding the reps at all? I know I for one wouldnt have pushed grinding all 4 four current reps across 6 toons to completion. So maybe its not infinitely scalable as previously posted. The solution is simple. Dont add any more reputation grinds.

    But overall I see this going the same way as the ship load out phase. We'll have a 2 free ground load out slots any more will have have to be brought using zen which is yet another money grab by cryptic.

    And at the risk of calling down the thunder, if you want people to experiment with things more in game try taking the technicians out for the aux2bat builds that will at least force the issue with the space side of things.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well, one way to reward long-standing players could be to give extra Rep Trait slots as Veteran Rewards?

    For example...

    600 Days +1 Passive Space Rep Trait Slot

    800 Days +1 Passive Ground Rep Trait Slot

    1000 Days +1 Active Rep Trait Slot

    It would be a small bump, but veteran players would feel better about it and there would be a hard limit to that power creep.

    Along the same lines, dedicated Rep grinders could be rewarded for reaching Tier 5 in multiple Reputations.

    3 or More T5 Reputations, +1 Passive Ground Rep Trait Slot

    5 or More T5 Reputations, +1 Passive Space Rep Trait Slot

    7 or More T5 Reputations, +1 Active Rep Trait Slot

    And then hard cap that.

    Anything that gives players a logical progression for earning more trait slots and has a built-in cap for how many extra slots can be earned.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    And I am modding a game.

    I know how easy it is to make a harder version of the Existing event.

    Why not leave the reputation system, and just make "Nightmare" mode for stfs and other reputation missions? All that means is editing some script, adding it to the event que, and copying the NPCs to a "nightmare"' folder with them having, for example, twice as much damage.

    It would be doable in a day by 1-2 people, and fine-tunable in a week with some testers.

    I suggested a nightmare mode myself on page....**** lost count

    also you see my remark about ToR? its a few pages back shortly after you had mentioned it....gosh what page are we on now.....

    Galaxy class thread eat your heart out!

  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have an issue with the 'Frequency Remodulation' loss.

    ...but, I think limiting everyone to a specific number of active passives is a good idea.
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bunansa wrote: »
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~LaughingTrendy

    Your level 45 that is bolstered to level 54 stats, making the gear they worked for pointless.

    Herp Derp indeed.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Except that I don't want to have an extra 20+ powers on my trays when I don't have enough room for everything already. There should be a limit on the number of active powers. The real question we should be asking is "Is it going to be limited to 2 ground/2 space, or is it 4 universal?" Better to make a decision on this now rather than leave it to chance and cause more unrest when it has to be changed later.


    We have 4 reps right now and four active powers.

    Because two are ground and two are space, thats a whopping...er....two extra powers in your tray atm.

    Assuming we get an even split between space and ground actives in future reps, where were you getting 40 reputation tracks from?
This discussion has been closed.