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RE: New Mirror Event



  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    this is the first time i have played mirror invation, never needed to use it for leveling up and cant understand how some have said they cant level up without it?
    i always have had no problem gaining all i needed from doing other things so i never really tried mirror, now having played it for the first time i must admit it is fun, no more or less then anything else but fun all the same.
    i did notice after playing with my 3 toons that the speed you complete is dependent on the team and i am sure as time goes on players will get more used to the objectives involved.
    i just think its a shame that they may take this down once the event ends as and cant see why they cant leave it in but minus the Multidimensional Transporter reward as it is defenatly somthing i would enjoy to play every now and then when the fancy takes me.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I like the new mirror invasion. But as many have stated before me I just don't understand why you won't keep this in game after the event is over. Things like Mirror Event, Elachi Alert or the Utopia Planetia map really need to stay permanently.

    What good does it do to invest days and hours into creating something and then only make it accessible to us for a few days?
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I certainly hope this event will stay, as it's very different from other event, and it's fun.

    I did try it with 4 chars, 2 flying advanced Solanae Destroyers and one a Scimitar, and the last flying a adapted cruiser.

    Two of the chars, 1 tac and 1 sci, was in destroyers. One the sci toon it was smooth sailing, but my tac toon, wich is my main, was struggeling for some reason.

    On my tac Reman flying the mighty Scimitar, it went ok, better than my main fed tac mentioned above.

    The last one, a rommie engi with the adapted Destroyer, wich was the first run through, went surprisingly well, but then again, the adapted Destroyer is a power house.

    It will take some time to adapt to the new mission, but in the PUGs I were in, it went ok relativley speaking. Some minor hiccups, but that's to be expected from a brand new event.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    this is the first time i have played mirror invation, never needed to use it for leveling up and cant understand how some have said they cant level up without it?
    i always have had no problem gaining all i needed from doing other things so i never really tried mirror, now having played it for the first time i must admit it is fun, no more or less then anything else but fun all the same.
    i did notice after playing with my 3 toons that the speed you complete is dependent on the team and i am sure as time goes on players will get more used to the objectives involved.
    i just think its a shame that they may take this down once the event ends as and cant see why they cant leave it in but minus the Multidimensional Transporter reward as it is defenatly somthing i would enjoy to play every now and then when the fancy takes me.

    the old mirror event didnt have a cd after you played it, it could be completed within a minute or few minutes on average, providing massive boosts to experience points and dilithium rewards over that hour it came around for. the old mirror event was great at leveling new toons on leveling up because you usually gained around 1 grades worth of experience per run, sometimes all some people did is leave before the stadi arrived and run the event again, otherwise you destroy the stadi then warp. it was great way of getting those grades, as much as say half to 3/4's a ranks worth. may not sounds like more, but it was a way to getting up that toon far quicker, then it came around again the next day so potentially you can skip entire ranks with it before all within 2 hours.

    this new version as others have stated takes a lot longer then what most were expecting so now it's just another repetitive grind for a short while before it disappears. 4 players and 1 floater is the thought being promoted for elite, but n reality it can get fubar quickly.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Okay, I actually think that this mission sucks to be honest.

    The lack of teamwork is a REAL problem. Everyone flies off to do their own thing, and as soon as you know it, mirror ships EVERYWHERE. Rifts can't be closed because there are ten mirror ships shooting at you. Power relays can't be activated as there are ten mirror ships shooting at you.

    It's just another zerg rush. Not impressed.

    A lack of teamwork isn't the fault of the mission, it's the players. I rather like that this encourages team work. And it's only been a single day since it came out on Holodeck. Give people some time to learn what they need to do and practice it. Simply zerging it isn't going to work.
  • keistermatzkeistermatz Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vamerras wrote: »
    I think there is a simple solution for the problem:
    Make science ships "immune" to enemy fire in terms of closing the portals. So science ships could close the portals even if they are under fire.

    Also cruisers could send energy to the power relays even if they are under fire.

    Actually, don't make the ships immune. Make the rift-closing progress immune. Only if you start shooting you should lose progress and have to start over.

    If you have the choice of hanging in there, taking the pain but closing that rift / sending that energy, or start shooting, that would allow you to make a stand and get the job done even if it kills you. Much more epic ;-)

    "Our hull is at 25% and falling, but we Will. Get. The. Job. Done. Even at the cost of our lives!"

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Second time playing it just now. It was only a pug but we di reasonably well. Got 62 marks at the end so that's not bad.

    We did try some teamwork which we discussed during the intro. We got all the relays up fast then tried to close the rifts with the sci ships by distracting the mirror ships away from them.
    That just doesn't work.
    The mirror ships spawn in groups of 3-5 ships by the look of it and they seem to be tougher than your standard mirrandas etc. So you need so heavy hitting dps ships to kill them off and then close the rift. But I saw ships comming through again before we'd even closed killed the original group. So its easy to become overwhelmed with mirror ships.

    At the typhoons need to be tonned down a bit. I lost track of the number of people getting 1-hit killed or simply overwhelmed. There's only so many cruisers you can take on at one time!

    At one point the station had 6 typhoons attacking it and there must have been at least 10-20 smaller mirror ships that i could see on my side of the map near me.

    Definately think some some of immunity to allow the rifts and relays to be done whilst under fire would make it a bit better. Like someone said even if you die closing a rift its a bit more epic than just getting TRIBBLE off at being unable to close them and getting mobbed by 10+ ships.
  • keistermatzkeistermatz Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh, and by the way: has anybody else experienced weird disconnects during this mission?

    I have only had the opportunity to play it twice so far but on both occasions I was DCd just before or just after the Mirror Dreadnought appeared. I was able to get back in the fight in time to help finish the mission, but the timing of the disconnects seemed a bit conspicuous to me.

    I'm asking because I'm not sure if I should report it as a bug or consider it a problem with my internet connection.

  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No connection problems here during the event.
  • vamerrasvamerras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Actually, don't make the ships immune. Make the rift-closing progress immune. Only if you start shooting you should lose progress and have to start over.

    If you have the choice of hanging in there, taking the pain but closing that rift / sending that energy, or start shooting, that would allow you to make a stand and get the job done even if it kills you. Much more epic ;-)

    "Our hull is at 25% and falling, but we Will. Get. The. Job. Done. Even at the cost of our lives!"


    Sorry for my poor English :)

    I meant exactly the same: the ship could take damage but incoming fire not interrupts the process. For SVs: the rift closing, for cruisers: the power transfer.
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    I figure the time will shrink as people get to grips with optimum strategies.

    There's a certain amount of 'what do I do next' occuring at the moment.

    I've run it once, and it seems good to me.

    I do appreciate the fact that different ship roles get to do different things more effectively.

    VO work is fun too.

    I will say though, that it would be nice to have an alt-friendly event once in a while.

    No, its on a timer, the time will never shrink.
    Oh, and by the way: has anybody else experienced weird disconnects during this mission?

    I have only had the opportunity to play it twice so far but on both occasions I was DCd just before or just after the Mirror Dreadnought appeared. I was able to get back in the fight in time to help finish the mission, but the timing of the disconnects seemed a bit conspicuous to me.

    I'm asking because I'm not sure if I should report it as a bug or consider it a problem with my internet connection.

    Only happend 1 time, just after the 1st cut-scene and before the mission started (did the mission 15 times).
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vamerras wrote: »
    Sorry for my poor English :)

    I meant exactly the same: the ship could take damage but incoming fire not interrupts the process. For SVs: the rift closing, for cruisers: the power transfer.

    Yes, that would be a lot more valuable then just getting it done a tiny bit faster.

    The first wave is easily and fast soloed with an escort, leaving you enough time to close the rift.
    With a science vessel, you taketoo much to take out the enemy.

    And it's not like my science vessel didn't have good crowd control powers. I had both gravity well and tractor beam repulsors.

    Once I used Tractor Beam Repulsors + Evasive to get the enemy ships as far away as I could from the rift, and return, aided by one of those Hydrogen Fuel Cells ,and the enemy still wasn't far enough for me to close the rift unimpeded.

    Maybe 2 SVs could pull this off, via Dual TBR - but two Escorts will have an even easier time.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • kamenriderzero1kamenriderzero1 Member Posts: 906 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I though it was alright, though most of the problem I encountered were simply the side effects of the good old learning curve you get from people not having a clue what they were doing yet since the mission was only a few hours old.

    From 8 runs yesterday, I tended to make a habit of shuttling between two of the satellites until the station's defenses were fully charged up, then chasing the rifts.
    Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
    What's my position?
    That people should know what they're screaming about!
    (paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Okay, the thread's back in General Discussion! That's...good, I take it?
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tangolight wrote: »
    I had a different experience. I took my undergeared Solanae Dyson Science Destroyer (Klingon version with cloak) into a pug on Elite, and since I knew I wasn't going to be high on damage, I snuck around using cloak and closing rifts (which get closed much faster than when I did it on my other characters - also, apparently the Atrox doesn't count as a science vessel for this) and also powering some arrays when I had time. I'd just position myself out of range of enemies, or go to where my teammates were fighting and had aggro.

    We had the starbase fully levelled in the first two minutes or so, and the last 30 seconds of the first phase being just waiting because all the rifts had been closed. Ended up with 72 marks out of it.
    Yeah I've done that a few times and it works well.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Quick question: How many STO players ever raided Hamidon, trudged through a Vex Thal run, or defeated Ragnaros in vanilla WoW?

    Answer: None of the people complaining about this mission being "time" gated. ;)


    Enough snark. On a serious note, I like the mission. The briefing is fun to watch. I like that I can do more than just shoot at balls of enemies. The time gate, thematically, fits into the story of the mission. I really like the cut scene for the dreadnought when it portals in. I like that there is more to this than just straight up killing the dread.

    I don't care that it takes more than 5 minutes. I think for the game, overall, that's a good move. They're getting away from the straight up shoot at a borg gateway encounter.

    Dragging some players kicking and screaming, but still moving away from it.

  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    IMO, the new mirror event is unnecessarily long.

    1 minute you're forced to sit and listen to obisek(why?) + 10 minutes of wait till the dread appears, which can generally result in sitting your TRIBBLE near the starbase for 4-5 minutes when you have a good team, plus the fight with the dread is unnecessarily drawn out.

    i get the feeling cryptic did this on purpose, to make mirror event less attractive for farming or something(also maybe due to the 14 days dilithium prize).

    i don't mind a long mission as long as there is actually SOMETHING to do, but when half of the mission basically results in staring at the screen, there is something quite wrong with it.
    Quick question: How many STO players ever raided Hamidon, trudged through a Vex Thal run, or defeated Ragnaros in vanilla WoW?

    Answer: None of the people complaining about this mission being "time" gated. ;)


    Enough snark. On a serious note, I like the mission. The briefing is fun to watch. I like that I can do more than just shoot at balls of enemies. The time gate, thematically, fits into the story of the mission. I really like the cut scene for the dreadnought when it portals in. I like that there is more to this than just straight up killing the dread.

    I don't care that it takes more than 5 minutes. I think for the game, overall, that's a good move. They're getting away from the straight up shoot at a borg gateway encounter.

    Dragging some players kicking and screaming, but still moving away from it.


    this ain't wow/everquest/CoH .

    and the briefing is "fun" to watch a couple of times at most, unless i don't know, maybe you really like obisek's voice or something.

    and you make it sound as if the mission has become more complex with the needlessly drawn out timer.

    pop FAW+a2b, and pretty much everything dies, do it repeatedly until there isn't anything left... sooooo hard/complex.
  • robbie222222robbie222222 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I though it was alright, though most of the problem I encountered were simply the side effects of the good old learning curve you get from people not having a clue what they were doing yet since the mission was only a few hours old.

    From 8 runs yesterday, I tended to make a habit of shuttling between two of the satellites until the station's defenses were fully charged up, then chasing the rifts.
    I agree that protecting the 3 satellites with one dreadnaught each ( carriers work well for this also ) , while the other two fast ships close the rifts is probably the best group strategy. But the 3 week time limit is probably not enough time for everyone to get the message. Players will learn they can enter the game, watch tv for 15 minutes, and claim their reward (like on the crystilline catastrophe grind.) This always happen on a grind reward and wait till bored players start sabotaging ( entering and leaving ) other serious players for laughs ( the winter mini me grind turned out that way.) THEN YOU'LL HEAR REAL COMPLAINING ON THE FORUM.
  • phoeniciusphoenicius Member Posts: 762 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree that protecting the 3 satellites with one dreadnaught each ( carriers work well for this also ) , while the other two fast ships close the rifts is probably the best group strategy. But the 3 week time limit is probably not enough time for everyone to get the message. Players will learn they can enter the game, watch tv for 15 minutes, and claim their reward (like on the crystilline catastrophe grind.) This always happen on a grind reward and wait till bored players start sabatoging other serious players for laughs ( the winter mini me grind turned out that way.) THEN YOU'LL HEAR REAL COMPLAINING ON THE FORUM.

    but... you can't really sabotage anyone in mirror event, unless you afk i guess.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I've been pugging it on normal and it's been going great. People seem to be learning the mission. They were even holding the last rift so the mission wouldn't bug out. When I ran it on elite, that's where I saw all the noobs that will probably never learn. I think they're used to jumping right into elite STFs where people will carry them and they'll get more rewards.

    anyway, I like this mission. It takes a little more than pew pew to complete. I just hate it when my team kills all the ships and closes all the portals and there's still 5 mins to wait out. Keep it up cryptic. Let's have more missions where brains > dps :)
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    phoenicius wrote: »
    this ain't wow/everquest/CoH .

    Well there's a certain amount of disparity among the players. There's thread after thread complaining that the end-game is boring. And those players keep lobbying for something akin to wow or eq.

    Then there's the players who don't want to work. (Which I am one of. I am lazy. I do not want to raid ever again).

    The compromise?

    Events like this.
    and the briefing is "fun" to watch a couple of times at most, unless i don't know, maybe you really like obisek's voice or something.

    You leave Obisek alone! He can read me the damn phone book!

    and you make it sound as if the mission has become more complex with the needlessly drawn out timer.

    Nah. The mission is inherently more complex. The timer, though, I meant to say doesn't feel needlessly drawn out. Since it's not a 30 minute timer. Since I don't have to walk down a whole hallway in Vex Thal trudging through twin and triplet spawning shadows of luclin ultra heavy HP mobs to get to a boss and then turn around and go back, through respawns.

    5 minutes of my time to shoot down ships and close rifts, when the story says that rifts are opening and we need to hold them off for 5 minutes so the station can power up, seems ok with me. It's just 5 minutes playing a video game.
    pop FAW+a2b, and pretty much everything dies, do it repeatedly until there isn't anything left... sooooo hard/complex.

    There's more to it than that though.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    phoenicius wrote: »
    pop FAW+a2b, and pretty much everything dies

    That usually includes you if you and your team haven't been astute in closing the rifts, since you tend to draw aggro from every ship in the quadrant.

    I know people have some decent tank builds but if you're telling me you can tank being shafted by twenty-five plus ships, I have a hard time believing it.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vamerras wrote: »
    First I did this with my main - tactical officer in a Tac Oddy. 66 marks is fairly decent, cruiser objective is ok. 480 dili for an Elite mission is not enough it should be 960 as all other elites.

    Second I did this with my science officer in a Vesta. My Vesta is not in the best shape at the moment - so this is not a DPS king like other Vestas. I sucked. The rift closing is simply a DPS race - there is no way to close the rifts without killing all ships at the area. Despite the introducing video a decent escort seems better than a science ship for this task - which is disappointing a little bit.

    Anyway this is a decent mission and I'm sure we will finish it much-much faster in a few days when tactics will spread across the board.

    This mission is intented for - a guy attacking the ships on the rift while a science ship is closing the rift. Thats the idea. That way, all the fire from the mirror ships will be focusing on the attacking guy and you can close the rift without any problem.

    Elite difficulty, please cryptic raise the dilithium reward. Its pointles right now. About marks, well i gathered 50 in the normal difficulty, so 66 for elite, it could be more, honestly but that is not a big deal, actually.

    Cut out scenes out, please cryptic, this mission takes too much time enough.

    Anywyas, i like the mission too, if cryptic can improve it and fix those little issues, it can be a really good daily mission when the event is ended.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This mission is intented for - a guy attacking the ships on the rift while a science ship is closing the rift. Thats the idea. That way, all the fire from the mirror ships will be focusing on the attacking guy and you can close the rift without any problem.

    Elite difficulty, please cryptic raise the dilithium reward. Its pointles right now. About marks, well i gathered 50 in the normal difficulty, so 66 for elite, it could be more, honestly but that is not a big deal, actually.

    Pretty much. It's not such a big deal for the energy collectors, since you can do them without drawing aggro if you position yourself right, but you definetly need some DPS to suppress the Mirror ships at rifts unless you catch one just as it opens.

    To further reitierate the fact that DPS is, in fact, king, I just finished a run that is arguably my best yet. I rolled my Fed Sci main in her Dyson Destroyer (Tac-Oriented Sci ship/Sci-Oriented Tac ship, w/e) and my teammates were three Scimitars (two Tac captains, one eng) and an Eng-Avenger (Tac-oriented Cruiser).

    And here's the result.

    For reference, since I just noticed it doesn't actually say it there, I think we closed around 36 rifts.

    EDIT: Holy batman, 2000 posts ^_^
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ok, I just ran it for the first time.. I have pros and cons so bear with me..

    1. well cryptic is finally starting to "think" outside the dps race box. though I seem to feel they are having trouble grasping how still.
    2. multiple objectives, like that I can do different things to contribute.
    3. I like the choice of marks, this option makes it so I don't stop playing it when I got all the marks I want..

    and now for cons..
    1. in reguards to cryptic "thinking" outside the dps box.. they certainly put in other objectives, but, I was put in a group with all cruiser, there was not one sci captain, nor sci ship, and I was the only cruiser.. if you are going to make a list of profession, and ship type based objectives, you need to make sure there is at least one of each class/profession in each group. other games have a system where there is a tank/healer/dps, If you are deciding to do this, you need to adopt a similier sytem to make sure all objectives can be completed..

    ***I know you can do it all while missing one, but that's not the point..

    also, while making these objectives there, none of them "need" to be completed. and all ships can still do it, (some just take longer). thus, while it seems they were trying to think outside the box, they really didn't..

    2. way way way too long. like others have said. it kills trying to do this on multiple toons. also, it cheapens the great job you guys did with it. i get bored of wave after wave after wave.. shorter versions make it seem less repetitive.

    3. STOP MAKING LIMITED TIME CONTENT.. god damn, stop wasting recources developing new stuff, to only have it around for a short amount of time.. if you don't have a large enouph team to meet deadlines and bring out the content peeps want, than don't waste it developing limited time event.. ( summer event/winter event doesn't need to be reinvented everytime you do it either).

    4. no more obisek.. please.. kind of tired of him, infact, im tired of a lot of the game revolving around the romulan half fraction lately.. the dyson stuff. all about the romulans.. lets move on, we get it..

    so my overall, is that cryptic made some tiny steps forward, (which is better than backwards). but im hoping feedback will help them realize whats working and whats not

    (i know, that is wishfull thinking).
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Regarding point number 3, I'd say their overall goal is to have enough limited time content that the entire year cycles through it so it has the appearance of staying fresh. We're just not there yet. So that the content will eventually not be so limited, but part of an ongoing cycle of stuff you can keep zipping through.

    Regarding point number 4, we're still smack dab in the middle of the Legacy of Romulus from their development standpoint so it makes sense that for this part of the year that never ends (2409) it's very Romulan focused. For us it seems like it's been a year's worth of Romulan Romulan Romulan. But from the story standpoint, it's been like 2 days and some Epohhs.

    Least that's how I see it.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    Pretty much. It's not such a big deal for the energy collectors, since you can do them without drawing aggro if you position yourself right, but you definetly need some DPS to suppress the Mirror ships at rifts unless you catch one just as it opens.

    To further reitierate the fact that DPS is, in fact, king, I just finished a run that is arguably my best yet. I rolled my Fed Sci main in her Dyson Destroyer (Tac-Oriented Sci ship/Sci-Oriented Tac ship, w/e) and my teammates were three Scimitars (two Tac captains, one eng) and an Eng-Avenger (Tac-oriented Cruiser).

    And here's the result.

    For reference, since I just noticed it doesn't actually say it there, I think we closed around 36 rifts.

    EDIT: Holy batman, 2000 posts ^_^

    What's interesting is I've gotten more rift marks in a short-handed team that had no chance of keeping the station alive. We wound up with 60 marks total, most from rifts. I ran around doing the power and the other three did what they could closing rifts and when the power was done we'd look for rifts that weren't spawning anything.

    Surprising that a 4-man team could get 60 marks because it's more often that I get a full team that gets less than 50. That's what happens when you play for the mark bonus though, not just to pew pew everything.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I noticed that what works extremely well in this mission to keep everything far from the station is a mine launcher. I have a breen transphasic build with 2 mine launchers and 2 transphasic clusters. Plus a gravity well II ^^ In elite, i was ALONE around the station keeping away everything that tried to get closer while the whole team was at the rift locations. And i was surprised that i was not even suffering a bit, since my attack dispersal pattern mine deploys and my 2 cluster torpedos mixed with the GW were just wiping away everything lol. Really easy. I did at first in normal difficulty and it was easy, and i thought erm, ima try in elite, and its the same, really easy..
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    puttenham wrote: »

    1. well cryptic is finally starting to "think" outside the dps race box. though I seem to feel they are having trouble grasping how still.

    Yes, the idea of making Science and Engineering ships viable again is itself laudable. Sadly, the best groups I've been in were still simply those who kill the most, the fastest.

    Coordination, as always, is majorly lacking in the pug. And this is not like an eSTF: by the time ppl have found an optimal approach, the event is over and kaput. In other words: few ppl will really try and figure it out precisely.

    Also, there's no failing the mission. When station structural integrity has dropped to 0%, you should -- at least on Elite -- simply have failed the main objective (and not get endless full station heals ex nihilo).
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The most annoying thing is the folks that are basically AFKing it...running it without shields...even literally AFKing it...generally trolling the event...meh.
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