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RE: New Mirror Event



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    av8torav8tor Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I have already gone through 9 plays of Mirror Invasion today and not once in any of them did we have a full team. Countless times we lost one player just at the start, but mostly players that just cloaked and did not play until the end of the mission. I know they were there, because they kept claiming prizes as the rest of us were being WAY over matched.

    The only good news is that I only have to run this event with the whole team about 4 more times and then I will be done with it forever!

    If you can not fix the cheating or do not care to, then scrub the event for something more humane.
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    zeatrexzeatrex Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    That's cute you kids like to play on your baby normal mode run, but I got something to say about the mightier big kids like me that prefer not to sit like idiots for about 5 minutes in a STF because it is obviously too easy. Moving to Advanced mode of Mirror Invasion (and all space Mirror STFs for that matter). To me, it seems the Development team played this only on Normal mode, didn't bother checking Advanced and let's not even go to Elite mode.

    If they made it that once the Starbase dies you get automatic fail condition, no one will do the Mirror Invasion event.

    And right now, I'm sick and tired of this Mirror Event and the incompetence that is obvious that NONE of these people in the Development team even have played it if not on normal mode only. And now, let's talk about every thing wrong with this Mirror Invasion event:

    1. Advanced should star Tom Cruise and be called: Mission Impossible.
    No one cares about Normal mode in Mirror Invasion because it is too easy. Then you meet Mister Advanced mode, to begin my rant I will say it is impossible to save the Starbase for the first optional, it WILL always get to 0% HP regardless what you do or the team you have.

    2. The bulls**ting DPS required.
    I have eleven (11) characters which are all maxed out, and I mean they are EPIC QUALITY and fully MKXIV upgraded. My characters hit for close to 3,000+ PER hit from all their weapons, even my freaking turrets hit for around 1,000 or so buffed up. I have many friends with kick TRIBBLE gear and can do loads of damage (even surpassing that of 50,000), and I do this Mirror Invasion advanced and even with a team of 5 people with FULL EPIC GEAR and even at MKXIV quality... You will not save the station.

    3. You will not close.
    If you have 2 portals in an advanced Mirror Invasion appear next to each other, you will not get to close any of them. This is due because even the f**king frigates have over the top HP. By the time you kill all 3, you got 3 more spawning on you. Instead of having escorts, science vessels and frigates, you rather just replace everything with freaking dreadnoughts because the amount of HP they all have makes more sense.

    4. Amazing AI gear.
    The worse thing in advanced Mirror Invasion is the torpedo spreads the mobs do. These mobs will hit you for 30,000+ for EACH TORPEDO IN THE SPREAD. No, I am not saying that you are getting hit for 30,000+ in total, you are getting hit for 30,000+ PER TORPEDO in that spread. Never, no matter what gear you have in the game will you EVER get not even 20,000+ out of ONE torpedo in a spread. I do not care what the hell you are using or your gear quality or whatever. If you can hit that high you are exploiting something or just hacking. On top of this, it is not just one particular ship that has torpedo spread, 90% of them do. Only way you can hit 20,000+ (and that is a HUGE MAYBE because most of the time you will hit 15,000-17,000 on it) is using the Neutronic Torpedo Launcher from the Delta reputation. But this torpedo only fires 3 torpedos in a spread regardless what rank you use. But I'm talking about mobs hitting 30,000+ x6 in a spread, the mobs hit it nonstop, and most of the time it is even up to 40,000+.

    5. The station will always fall.
    As mentioned before, the station is impossible to save in Advanced. You have frigates with a cluster f**k of HP that take ages to kill. You have torpedo spreads coming at you from all sides at 30,000+ per torpedo, hell even the fighters that the flight decks release have around T4 escort hull and shields. You will always be outnumbered because it is impossible for one person to go around closing portals because the HP on the mobs is so high, it takes ages to kill just one, let alone 3 protecting the portal. Again, doesn't matter your team, it doesn't matter how amazingly geared you are, doesn't matter the "strategy" used. There is no freaking strategy in this, you will lose the damn station regardless what you do.

    6. Final boss dreadnought is like 5 dreadnoughts in one.
    Finally after losing the station and only closing one portal (if you are lucky) - here comes the boss dreadnought. You will never get the bonus on destroying it on time. Doesn't matter how amazing your DPS is, you will not do it. It has more HP then 5 Tactical Cubes in normal Borg runs. Not only its HP, but to take down its shields is close to impossible regardless how amazing your shield drains are. Did I mention its torpedo spreads can reach for 50,000+ per torpedo in the spread?.. Yeah, that too.

    This is the biggest bulls**ting STF ever added to this game. It is not fun, it is very frustrating, the main optionals are pointless to be in the STF because it is impossible to get them, your team just can't kill anything fast enough regardless of gear used or build, or set up for that matter - thank the lord it is an event and will go away soon.

    Supposedly, normal mode is supposed to be for players who have TRIBBLE gear, or at least green to blue MKXII gear. Advanced should be for players who have Very Rare or Ultra Rare gear that is at least MKXIII+. Elites should be for players that have fully GOLD Epic gear and be fully upgraded to MKXIV. When you can not get not even the first optional with a full team with EPIC gear and MKXIV - something is wrong here.

    I challenge you.
    I want the Development team to steam this STF and show themselves saving the station on Advanced mode in Mirror Invasion. Quite frankly, it is obvious that the Development team does not even play these STFs at all. They probably play it just on normal, see everything is super easy and think it is fine. This message goes out to the Development team, I know you people won't steam anything because I know for a fact you will never save the station... ON ADVANCED. What the Development team is are highly incompetent morons that do not test out what they add to the game and this STF here is the total evidence of that.

    If I am fully upgraded with Epic gear at MKXIV, I shouldn't be having problems much problems on an STF, let alone a full team that are rolling Epic + MKXIV.

    On top of this, the new Mirror STF space is just like this as well.

    And if you think you can hit over 30,000 per torpedo with a torpedo spread that is not using the Neutronic Torpedo Launcher, I am @zeatrex in the game, come find me and PvP me because I want to see it. I want to see your torpedo spread hitting 30,000+ x6. If just one doesn't hit that high, I will leave the PvP match because you are wasting my time.

    I'm also going to kill you before leaving the match for being dumb enough to PvP me and wasting my time.
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