Im pretty sure I'd like to join you some time, although I don't know how much time I got on my hooves to participate regularily. I would like to join the channel though, just to be on stand-by. My handle is @vangarvega
And I have a question regarding the rules:
Did you try a run with ships only mounting one beam and one torpedo on each facing? Canonically there never was the lightshow we have in-game but usually ships like the galaxy would deliver single shots. Maybe this would be another experiment worth trying
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
The light show we have today is in Cannon. Think of some of the episodes in DS9 (especially the series finale) and the rare few in Voyager.
While B:FAW is not as accurate as the shows, the Galaxy's, Galor's, and varieties of other ships were putting out tremendous amounts of weapons fire.
You also see it in First Contact as well.
But, it is an idea we have had kicking around. Just to see what we could do with a Theme type setup. And by Theme, I am referring to TOS or TNG/DS9/VOY.
Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!
Im pretty sure I'd like to join you some time, although I don't know how much time I got on my hooves to participate regularily. I would like to join the channel though, just to be on stand-by. My handle is @vangarvega
And I have a question regarding the rules:
Did you try a run with ships only mounting one beam and one torpedo on each facing? Canonically there never was the lightshow we have in-game but usually ships like the galaxy would deliver single shots. Maybe this would be another experiment worth trying
Sounds like fun, I love experimenting. Heck, I sometimes fly my T2 Connie in the Dau Tawa dailies - with Rep consoles, of course.
Recently I took my Excelsior, put standard (non-reputation) Shields, Deflector and Engine with Mk XI common phasers... and it's still survivable. But then, I was using my Engineer.
I think sometimes we get too comfortable with our OP consoles and weapons and it all takes the challenge (fun) away from the daily stuff.
We'd just have to find a balance between canon and a battle that may take too long to get through.
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
The light show we have today is in Cannon. Think of some of the episodes in DS9 (especially the series finale) and the rare few in Voyager.
While B:FAW is not as accurate as the shows, the Galaxy's, Galor's, and varieties of other ships were putting out tremendous amounts of weapons fire.
You also see it in First Contact as well.
But, it is an idea we have had kicking around. Just to see what we could do with a Theme type setup. And by Theme, I am referring to TOS or TNG/DS9/VOY.
Yeah, CGI brought more shooting, although you never saw cruisers broadsiding, shooting 6+ beams at a single target. That's what I'm talking about
Sounds like fun, I love experimenting. Heck, I sometimes fly my T2 Connie in the Dau Tawa dailies - with Rep consoles, of course.
Recently I took my Excelsior, put standard (non-reputation) Shields, Deflector and Engine with Mk XI common phasers... and it's still survivable. But then, I was using my Engineer.
I think sometimes we get too comfortable with our OP consoles and weapons and it all takes the challenge (fun) away from the daily stuff.
We'd just have to find a balance between canon and a battle that may take too long to get through.
Yeah, it's just an idea, like risingstar2009 said it could be a theme experiment. In my head at least it sounds like fun since your abilities like BO would really matter. The group had to focus on a target to take the shields down and every ability would count until torpedos are fired to hit the exposed hull. It might not work actually, but I'd try at least After all, NPCs use that setup as well - granted, their damage is artificially boosted but it might be nice to see how it works out.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Could I politely request that no-one invite me to PvP matches. I don't enjoy them, am no good at them, and the team I was in received a 15-0 pasting despite us having a one-player advantage over them. I, personally, never managed to get either of the opposing players below 90% - my Fleet Nova couldn't scratch the Odyssey or Sovereign on the opposing team.
And that concerns me. Not just because it left me feeling as if I was as much use as an ejector seat in a helicopter, but it left another team-mate apologising for what he thought was a poor performance.
Also, sorry to have to say it, but it didn't help that the opposition had a small gloat about it afterward.
But to be honest, I can't help but feel that PvP contradicts what Triz created this channel for anyway. Sadly, I (personally) don't think that PvP - which is primarily about players out-DPS'ing other players - fits into that ethos.
So whilst I, obviously, cannot say "don't PvP" in this channel, please don't ask me to participate because I don't feel that PvP fits into the 'less focus on DPS' idea.
I thought I might enjoy a STB themed PvP match (I didn't participate in the above mentioned match) but theoretically speaking I think you are right. PvP has been hit hard by power creep. Since everything does very high amounts of damage, player defences also went through the roof.
A match had to be strictly regulated, maybe just using mk x whites without any rep and fleet gear and no doffs or something like that. Because if your dps is low, which is a given if rules apply like limited number of weapons and such, it might not even be enough to out damage the passive regeneration a player has.
A STB PvP match had to basically try and make the game into something it isn't. If you take a look at Starfleet Command for example, those battles are slow. downed shields stay down for basically the rest of the fight, damage is permanent and strategy is key. In STO it is possible to try and recreate that, although I think the basic passive regeneration might be too much to handle depending on your class and ship. A engineer in a tank cruiser might be untouchable simply because the ship heals without any abilities, but he won't be able to hurt the other one as well.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Yeah, there are so much abilities to counter anything a Sci can do it's ridiculous. For instance: Immunity to tractor beams. Polarize hull does that and we can agree that this makes sense. But so can AtD for engies and attack pattern omega for tacs. Why on earth would emergency power to inertial dampeners or a attack pattern negate the effect of a tractor beam? Not to mention that attack pattern omega basically negates EVERY form of hold, grapple, slow, whatever.
A PvP match would need rules people agree on. I would suggest, for example, mk x common equipment, one energy weapon and torp per facing and no abilities that don't really make sense (unfortunately though, that covers most sci abilities. Grav well and tyken's rift are just nonsense with any regard to canon or plausibility). Not that cannon scatter volley, for example, doesn't make much sense either. First I never get how fixed cannons are supposed to shoot in a cone and secnd, CSV deals the same amount of damage to every target in the cone, unlike FAW which actually has to HIT something. And slowly, with these rules one could try and see if it is any better, but meh. Only ideas
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Im pretty sure I'd like to join you some time, although I don't know how much time I got on my hooves to participate regularily. I would like to join the channel though, just to be on stand-by. My handle is @vangarvega
And I have a question regarding the rules:
Did you try a run with ships only mounting one beam and one torpedo on each facing? Canonically there never was the lightshow we have in-game but usually ships like the galaxy would deliver single shots. Maybe this would be another experiment worth trying
I'm not sure if I sent the invite but I will later on today.
Join the channel and participate when you can. I know with the MU and the almost 2 hours it takes me to do it I have little time to do anything else but I do it with STB members which has made the MU grind BEARABLE!
I have not yet tried that but have used the Miranda which was pretty much the same. I refer to the some of the peoples sig where they have the Enterprise D firing everything which is the whole FAW thing. Though the though has has crossed my mind and I would not be opposed to trying it in a FULL STB group.
Could I politely request that no-one invite me to PvP matches. I don't enjoy them, am no good at them, and the team I was in received a 15-0 pasting despite us having a one-player advantage over them. I, personally, never managed to get either of the opposing players below 90% - my Fleet Nova couldn't scratch the Odyssey or Sovereign on the opposing team.
And that concerns me. Not just because it left me feeling as if I was as much use as an ejector seat in a helicopter, but it left another team-mate apologising for what he thought was a poor performance.
Also, sorry to have to say it, but it didn't help that the opposition had a small gloat about it afterward.
But to be honest, I can't help but feel that PvP contradicts what Triz created this channel for anyway. Sadly, I (personally) don't think that PvP - which is primarily about players out-DPS'ing other players - fits into that ethos.
So whilst I, obviously, cannot say "don't PvP" in this channel, please don't ask me to participate because I don't feel that PvP fits into the 'less focus on DPS' idea.
Hey Reyan,
I myself DO NOT like PvP but have done it. I am not the best but do it to help or try things out. I have done a PvP match here in STB and it was with Steve. The rules he put out were ALL gear and weapons are to be like MK X or XI gear and NO usage of ANY ability ie: BO, EPTS etc. I must say it was interesting and a bit fun. I took my Defiant and he creamed me in his Gal R then I took my MVAE against his and BARELY won. It was slow paced but you really had to work for it and I think there maybe some enjoyment for some in that THAT type of PvP. I also kept it to a minimum 3 rounds and I think I lost the other matches 3 in a row to his Negh'var.
I think if any PvP is to happen within the STB channel let's just keep it short and sweet but primarily up to the individuals who agreed to it. As well keep it friendly... I have a feeling the outcome would've been different if the rules Steve suggested were applied. By friendly I also mean let's not make each other feel "bad" about the experience.
The main purpose and I've always said it of the channel is to have fun. My definition of fun could be different from anyones but I want this channel to be as drama free or bad free as possible. Things will happen but let's try to keep it a friendly environment. Also the fun that has come out of this is for me is the fun working with a team to get an STF done and do it as close to ST as possible.
Let's all try to make this a channel where all feels welcomed and doesn't walk away from the STB experience feeling like it's like any other channel out there.
I have never bothered with PvP - have not had the desire to have my aft-section served to me .
STB is the only group, besides with your other friends, that would provide the situation where it could become fair to everyone.
In RL and Star Trek, military organizations do combat drills and simulations under set conditions for the purpose of learning to better communicate and take orders to achieve an objective. If nothing else we would learn to harden ourselves to try PvP in a PUG... if so desired.
Although, I have never RP'ed and would probably be terrible at it, and since probably all of us have alien ships, MU ships, etc, it might also be a chance to do some themed RP in a private PvP session.
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
... As well keep it friendly... By friendly I also mean let's not make each other feel "bad" about the experience.
... Also the fun that has come out of this is for me is the fun working with a team to get an STF done and do it as close to ST as possible.
Let's all try to make this a channel where all feels welcomed and doesn't walk away from the STB experience feeling like it's like any other channel out there.
This appeals to my core being to such a great extent! Being able to work together with a plan, communication and focus. Playing fair and maintaining friendly accord with both sides the entire time, outside of RP. With this... both winning and losing can be fun!
Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home' SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
This appeals to my core being to such a great extent! Being able to work together with a plan, communication and focus. Playing fair and maintaining friendly accord with both sides the entire time, outside of RP. With this... both winning and losing can be fun!
It can be but I think a lot of people, myself included, just don't find PvP enjoyable. It takes 1 person to say something and the whole thing is ruined. I felt bad after vaping someone who said that they'd vape me as I was trying to help them out.
If the teams were balanced correctly and EVERYONE was using the guidelines Steve suggested then it can be a fun experience but again I fear that feelings still could come into play.
I play STO to try and emulate what I've seen on ST and for me that's blowing up Borg, Klingons etc. and NOT my fellow captains.
- No parking!, all ships must be flying at all times. (NO stopping unless engines are offline)
Why no parking? Parking and shooting is the canonical and favored battle strategy of the Battleship. Federation, Romulan, and Klingon battleships from the time of the TOS Enterprise have traditionally parked.
How did the Odyssey fight the swarm of Jem'hadar Bugships? Did it move about to-and-fro? No, it PARKED there. How does a D'Deridex fight? It PARKS and SHOOTS. How did the Negh'var attack DS9? By PARKING.
Parking is stately and dignified. Zipping about is unbefitting the dignity of a Battleship. A true capital ship parks and shoots.
Why no parking? Parking and shooting is the canonical and favored battle strategy of the Battleship. Federation, Romulan, and Klingon battleships from the time of the TOS Enterprise have traditionally parked.
How did the Odyssey fight the swarm of Jem'hadar Bugships? Did it move about to-and-fro? No, it PARKED there. How does a D'Deridex fight? It PARKS and SHOOTS. How did the Negh'var attack DS9? By PARKING.
Parking is stately and dignified. Zipping about is unbefitting the dignity of a Battleship. A true capital ship parks and shoots.
Parking only occurred in TNG and that was either against weak or non-moving targets. Ships kept moving in DS9, Voyager, and the Movies for the most part. Even if it was fairly slow.
One only has to look at the Dominion War to see the advantage of continuously moving as the Galaxy Class (in their Battleship form) and other ships kept moving to target/destroy/get through the enemy ships. When the two lines clashed, you saw the fire coming from both sides before it broke up in to the dogfights and squadron battles.
When it comes to stationary targets (i.e. generators, transformers, gates), slow to 1/4 and slowly circle the object. And besides, the game gives you a bonus to defense if you keep moving.
Anyways, a group of us used one of the 2 available TS3 servers for an Mirror Incursion last night and to me it made it seem more realistic, not to mention easier than typing and having your ship wander aimlessly while trying to say something. Targets were called out, as well as engagements, calls for assistance, acting like we're ordering certain abilities to be used by our bridge crew. Even adjustments in tactics were thrown out in the midst of battle.
This, for me, made last night the most enjoyable time playing the game to date and I hope it becomes more than just a sideline for STB.
Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!
Well, for me it would be a different story. If Voicechat ever became mandatory, then I would be reluctantly forced to leave, as I play in a room with family, and I can't have voicechat.
Canon is a mixed kettle of fish in this regard, and has rarely maintained any consistency.
On one hand, you have the instances you refer to. On the other hand, the Fleet battles seen in 'Sacrifice of Angels' depicted the Federation ships, including the Galaxy class ships present, mobile.
That is hardly an inconsistency. It just shows that they CAN move, but often choose not to.
Parking only occurred in TNG and that was either against weak or non-moving targets. Ships kept moving in DS9, Voyager, and the Movies for the most part. Even if it was fairly slow.
Untrue. TWO of the three examples I cited above are DS9 examples of larger ships adopting the Park & Shoot.
It is clear from the canonical evidence up to and including DS9 that Parking and Shooting should be considered legal for cruisers.
I was, earlier, reminded of exactly why I love the STB channel so much.
My STO time has, lately, primarily involved teaming with friends from the STB channel and participating in whatever content the team decide to do. As a result, I have been using my primary (sci) character almost exclusively and hadn't logged into my other characters.
Anyway, decided to break the cycle a little this morning and logged into my Tactical Caitain character, using a JHAS, and joined a PuG ISE. Arrived in the instance, noting that the team comprised of myself (JHAS), a Scimitar, a Mogh, an Avenger and a Steamrunner.
All ships were well equipped, all ships were doing high DPS; we steamrollered the Borg and the instance lasted all of three minutes. Which quickly reminded me of why I enjoy STB so much.
Seriously - where is threat in an instance like the above? Where's the feeling of having accomplished something? I didn't get either from this morning's instance. I realise that some players love this sort of scenario - which is fine, each to their own - but I, personally, thought that it was a catastrophic bore.
I mean, I've lost count of the number of STF's I've done over the years, but I still feel a sense of accomplishment when the instances makes me work for the reward, and I am able to heal/crowd control.
Which is exactly why I enjoy STB teamups so much, and long may they continue!
Hey Reyan,
Man I did feel really bad about not being to do MI with you, it was just really late for me but as I mentioned plenty of other times ahead.
I myself sometime last week went back to my pre STB set up which has me rocking AP weaponery & the grav torp. TBH it was NOT fun... we blasted thru Japori like it was nothing afterwards it feel as satisfying as it is doing it with an STB group.
For me, STB is the way I'll be prolly be playing from now on. It's a huge bonus when I get to do it in a group but even if I have to PUG I will keep on doing my STB thang!
The MI has been taking up my whole playing time but as soon as it's done I look forward blowing up Borg again.... I miss them buggers!
Why no parking? Parking and shooting is the canonical and favored battle strategy of the Battleship. Federation, Romulan, and Klingon battleships from the time of the TOS Enterprise have traditionally parked.
How did the Odyssey fight the swarm of Jem'hadar Bugships? Did it move about to-and-fro? No, it PARKED there. How does a D'Deridex fight? It PARKS and SHOOTS. How did the Negh'var attack DS9? By PARKING.
Parking is stately and dignified. Zipping about is unbefitting the dignity of a Battleship. A true capital ship parks and shoots.
thanks for the comment, I actually did bring up the no parking guideline in a middle of an STB session. I referred to my memory of the Enterprise D taking up a defensive position between the Enterprise C and the incoming BOPs.
I guess when I was mentioning to have your ship have torps it was to emulate the ships in ST but also just force the gameplay style which involve flying your ship.
I am not going to kick or ban someone from the channel for doing so because in the end I want to promote good team work and FUN.
Canon is a mixed kettle of fish in this regard, and has rarely maintained any consistency.
On one hand, you have the instances you refer to. On the other hand, the Fleet battles seen in 'Sacrifice of Angels' depicted the Federation ships, including the Galaxy class ships present, mobile. Although MOST of the Dominion ships remained static.
And one of the most obvious examples is the Borg. Whilst the Enterprise-D initially adopted a 'park and shoot' strategy in it's earliest encounters with the Borg, pretty much every subsequent encounter involved the ships attacking the Cube 'zipping about'.
Eitherway, whilst there is some argument for the larger, less maneuverable, ships adopting a 'park and shoot' strategy I (personally) wouldn't expect the smaller ships such as the Defiant class, Nova class etc etc, to adopt such a strategy.
So anyway - canon doesn't really favour one over the other, so this is a bit of a grey area.
So yeah as I mentioned you can adopt that but most STF's really your moving and as risingstar mentioned you get a defence bonus.
Not going to make THAT big a deal but I think everyone this far has been good with the guidelines anyways and we can always discuss things as a group.
Parking only occurred in TNG and that was either against weak or non-moving targets. Ships kept moving in DS9, Voyager, and the Movies for the most part. Even if it was fairly slow.
One only has to look at the Dominion War to see the advantage of continuously moving as the Galaxy Class (in their Battleship form) and other ships kept moving to target/destroy/get through the enemy ships. When the two lines clashed, you saw the fire coming from both sides before it broke up in to the dogfights and squadron battles.
When it comes to stationary targets (i.e. generators, transformers, gates), slow to 1/4 and slowly circle the object. And besides, the game gives you a bonus to defense if you keep moving.
Anyways, a group of us used one of the 2 available TS3 servers for an Mirror Incursion last night and to me it made it seem more realistic, not to mention easier than typing and having your ship wander aimlessly while trying to say something. Targets were called out, as well as engagements, calls for assistance, acting like we're ordering certain abilities to be used by our bridge crew. Even adjustments in tactics were thrown out in the midst of battle.
This, for me, made last night the most enjoyable time playing the game to date and I hope it becomes more than just a sideline for STB.
Hey risingstar,
Yeah it was WAY MORE EASIER than typing! hahaha... I totally would be up for another go at it. I almost tripped on some things I said and wanted to say things but didn't want to trip up my words but it was way fun.
Well, for me it would be a different story. If Voicechat ever became mandatory, then I would be reluctantly forced to leave, as I play in a room with family, and I can't have voicechat.
I hope you know me by now and by that I mean I wouldn't "force" anything upon anyone. I want to promote fun not a strict environment. If you can hop in to just listen cool and if you prefer not then all good as well.
I wouldn't want to the lose the captain of the Obereth because I "forced" something.
Up to this point and beyond STB will be a WIP. I'll always consult you guys just to bounce ideas off because I myself don't know everything about ST. I just know I like how the ships on the show blew up stuff and I want to do that to! hahaha
So yeah comms will NOT be a mandatory thing but the option is there for anyone who can and wants to use it.
My friend Input told me about you guys, and I'm interested. I may need to get a few Mk X Phasers, but I can probably kit my Ambassador to fly with you (it's got my Gal-X's old Phaser beams, since I switched to AP for my main build, but I think most of those are XIIs - well, maybe 4 of them). That is, if you'll have a 90-year-old Redskin who fought the Jem'Hadar the first go-round. Handle's @Lord-Ice.
My friend Input told me about you guys, and I'm interested. I may need to get a few Mk X Phasers, but I can probably kit my Ambassador to fly with you (it's got my Gal-X's old Phaser beams, since I switched to AP for my main build, but I think most of those are XIIs - well, maybe 4 of them). That is, if you'll have a 90-year-old Redskin who fought the Jem'Hadar the first go-round. Handle's @Lord-Ice.
Input had mentioned to send you the invite as well.
Everyone is welcomed to try this out. Hopefully you get the full experience of the channel with your team ups and if its something you fancy then great if not then at least you tried it out.
Yesterday was AWESOME.
We had a full group mess around in the voth contested zone. It was really fun, for the 1 zone we were the only ones really taking control of the zones and it was great the communication we had. Taking orders, receiving orders and giving status reports.
We also had another 9 man SB24, not quite up to the 20 yet but hopefully one day. Had some great team ups throughout the day which was really nice to see others wanting to form a team instead of me... don't get me wrong.. ill pew pew either way!
This is what I have been wanting. A way to make the game fun again and to take my mind off the grind. I would be very interested in joining. You can reach me at @gantri in game.
Im pretty sure I'd like to join you some time, although I don't know how much time I got on my hooves to participate regularily. I would like to join the channel though, just to be on stand-by. My handle is @vangarvega
And I have a question regarding the rules:
Did you try a run with ships only mounting one beam and one torpedo on each facing? Canonically there never was the lightshow we have in-game but usually ships like the galaxy would deliver single shots. Maybe this would be another experiment worth trying
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I'm not sure if Reyan you caught this but If you didn't I'll send @intrepid74656 an invite or you can if you see this.
Try it out and join in on the fun
The light show we have today is in Cannon. Think of some of the episodes in DS9 (especially the series finale) and the rare few in Voyager.
While B:FAW is not as accurate as the shows, the Galaxy's, Galor's, and varieties of other ships were putting out tremendous amounts of weapons fire.
You also see it in First Contact as well.
But, it is an idea we have had kicking around. Just to see what we could do with a Theme type setup. And by Theme, I am referring to TOS or TNG/DS9/VOY.
Our Battles
Sounds like fun, I love experimenting. Heck, I sometimes fly my T2 Connie in the Dau Tawa dailies - with Rep consoles, of course.
Recently I took my Excelsior, put standard (non-reputation) Shields, Deflector and Engine with Mk XI common phasers... and it's still survivable. But then, I was using my Engineer.
I think sometimes we get too comfortable with our OP consoles and weapons and it all takes the challenge (fun) away from the daily stuff.
We'd just have to find a balance between canon and a battle that may take too long to get through.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Yeah, CGI brought more shooting, although you never saw cruisers broadsiding, shooting 6+ beams at a single target. That's what I'm talking about
Yeah, it's just an idea, like risingstar2009 said it could be a theme experiment. In my head at least it sounds like fun since your abilities like BO would really matter. The group had to focus on a target to take the shields down and every ability would count until torpedos are fired to hit the exposed hull. It might not work actually, but I'd try at least
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I actually like Delta Rising.
I thought I might enjoy a STB themed PvP match (I didn't participate in the above mentioned match) but theoretically speaking I think you are right. PvP has been hit hard by power creep. Since everything does very high amounts of damage, player defences also went through the roof.
A match had to be strictly regulated, maybe just using mk x whites without any rep and fleet gear and no doffs or something like that. Because if your dps is low, which is a given if rules apply like limited number of weapons and such, it might not even be enough to out damage the passive regeneration a player has.
A STB PvP match had to basically try and make the game into something it isn't. If you take a look at Starfleet Command for example, those battles are slow. downed shields stay down for basically the rest of the fight, damage is permanent and strategy is key. In STO it is possible to try and recreate that, although I think the basic passive regeneration might be too much to handle depending on your class and ship. A engineer in a tank cruiser might be untouchable simply because the ship heals without any abilities, but he won't be able to hurt the other one as well.
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A PvP match would need rules people agree on. I would suggest, for example, mk x common equipment, one energy weapon and torp per facing and no abilities that don't really make sense (unfortunately though, that covers most sci abilities. Grav well and tyken's rift are just nonsense with any regard to canon or plausibility). Not that cannon scatter volley, for example, doesn't make much sense either. First I never get how fixed cannons are supposed to shoot in a cone and secnd, CSV deals the same amount of damage to every target in the cone, unlike FAW which actually has to HIT something. And slowly, with these rules one could try and see if it is any better, but meh. Only ideas
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I'm not sure if I sent the invite but I will later on today.
Join the channel and participate when you can. I know with the MU and the almost 2 hours it takes me to do it I have little time to do anything else but I do it with STB members which has made the MU grind BEARABLE!
I have not yet tried that but have used the Miranda which was pretty much the same. I refer to the some of the peoples sig where they have the Enterprise D firing everything which is the whole FAW thing. Though the though has has crossed my mind and I would not be opposed to trying it in a FULL STB group.
Hope to see you in game:)
Hey Reyan,
I myself DO NOT like PvP but have done it. I am not the best but do it to help or try things out. I have done a PvP match here in STB and it was with Steve. The rules he put out were ALL gear and weapons are to be like MK X or XI gear and NO usage of ANY ability ie: BO, EPTS etc. I must say it was interesting and a bit fun. I took my Defiant and he creamed me in his Gal R then I took my MVAE against his and BARELY won. It was slow paced but you really had to work for it and I think there maybe some enjoyment for some in that THAT type of PvP. I also kept it to a minimum 3 rounds and I think I lost the other matches 3 in a row to his Negh'var.
I think if any PvP is to happen within the STB channel let's just keep it short and sweet but primarily up to the individuals who agreed to it. As well keep it friendly... I have a feeling the outcome would've been different if the rules Steve suggested were applied. By friendly I also mean let's not make each other feel "bad" about the experience.
The main purpose and I've always said it of the channel is to have fun. My definition of fun could be different from anyones but I want this channel to be as drama free or bad free as possible. Things will happen but let's try to keep it a friendly environment. Also the fun that has come out of this is for me is the fun working with a team to get an STF done and do it as close to ST as possible.
Let's all try to make this a channel where all feels welcomed and doesn't walk away from the STB experience feeling like it's like any other channel out there.
STB is the only group, besides with your other friends, that would provide the situation where it could become fair to everyone.
In RL and Star Trek, military organizations do combat drills and simulations under set conditions for the purpose of learning to better communicate and take orders to achieve an objective. If nothing else we would learn to harden ourselves to try PvP in a PUG... if so desired.
Although, I have never RP'ed and would probably be terrible at it, and since probably all of us have alien ships, MU ships, etc, it might also be a chance to do some themed RP in a private PvP session.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
This appeals to my core being to such a great extent! Being able to work together with a plan, communication and focus. Playing fair and maintaining friendly accord with both sides the entire time, outside of RP. With this... both winning and losing can be fun!
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
It can be but I think a lot of people, myself included, just don't find PvP enjoyable. It takes 1 person to say something and the whole thing is ruined. I felt bad after vaping someone who said that they'd vape me as I was trying to help them out.
If the teams were balanced correctly and EVERYONE was using the guidelines Steve suggested then it can be a fun experience but again I fear that feelings still could come into play.
I play STO to try and emulate what I've seen on ST and for me that's blowing up Borg, Klingons etc. and NOT my fellow captains.
How did the Odyssey fight the swarm of Jem'hadar Bugships? Did it move about to-and-fro? No, it PARKED there. How does a D'Deridex fight? It PARKS and SHOOTS. How did the Negh'var attack DS9? By PARKING.
Parking is stately and dignified. Zipping about is unbefitting the dignity of a Battleship. A true capital ship parks and shoots.
Parking only occurred in TNG and that was either against weak or non-moving targets. Ships kept moving in DS9, Voyager, and the Movies for the most part. Even if it was fairly slow.
One only has to look at the Dominion War to see the advantage of continuously moving as the Galaxy Class (in their Battleship form) and other ships kept moving to target/destroy/get through the enemy ships. When the two lines clashed, you saw the fire coming from both sides before it broke up in to the dogfights and squadron battles.
When it comes to stationary targets (i.e. generators, transformers, gates), slow to 1/4 and slowly circle the object. And besides, the game gives you a bonus to defense if you keep moving.
Anyways, a group of us used one of the 2 available TS3 servers for an Mirror Incursion last night and to me it made it seem more realistic, not to mention easier than typing and having your ship wander aimlessly while trying to say something. Targets were called out, as well as engagements, calls for assistance, acting like we're ordering certain abilities to be used by our bridge crew. Even adjustments in tactics were thrown out in the midst of battle.
This, for me, made last night the most enjoyable time playing the game to date and I hope it becomes more than just a sideline for STB.
Our Battles
I actually like Delta Rising.
Untrue. TWO of the three examples I cited above are DS9 examples of larger ships adopting the Park & Shoot.
It is clear from the canonical evidence up to and including DS9 that Parking and Shooting should be considered legal for cruisers.
Hey Reyan,
Man I did feel really bad about not being to do MI with you, it was just really late for me but as I mentioned plenty of other times ahead.
I myself sometime last week went back to my pre STB set up which has me rocking AP weaponery & the grav torp. TBH it was NOT fun... we blasted thru Japori like it was nothing afterwards it feel as satisfying as it is doing it with an STB group.
For me, STB is the way I'll be prolly be playing from now on. It's a huge bonus when I get to do it in a group but even if I have to PUG I will keep on doing my STB thang!
The MI has been taking up my whole playing time but as soon as it's done I look forward blowing up Borg again.... I miss them buggers!
thanks for the comment, I actually did bring up the no parking guideline in a middle of an STB session. I referred to my memory of the Enterprise D taking up a defensive position between the Enterprise C and the incoming BOPs.
I guess when I was mentioning to have your ship have torps it was to emulate the ships in ST but also just force the gameplay style which involve flying your ship.
I am not going to kick or ban someone from the channel for doing so because in the end I want to promote good team work and FUN.
thanks again hope you join us sometime.
So yeah as I mentioned you can adopt that but most STF's really your moving and as risingstar mentioned you get a defence bonus.
Not going to make THAT big a deal but I think everyone this far has been good with the guidelines anyways and we can always discuss things as a group.
Hey risingstar,
Yeah it was WAY MORE EASIER than typing! hahaha... I totally would be up for another go at it. I almost tripped on some things I said and wanted to say things but didn't want to trip up my words but it was way fun.
I hope you know me by now and by that I mean I wouldn't "force" anything upon anyone. I want to promote fun not a strict environment. If you can hop in to just listen cool and if you prefer not then all good as well.
I wouldn't want to the lose the captain of the Obereth because I "forced" something.
Up to this point and beyond STB will be a WIP. I'll always consult you guys just to bounce ideas off because I myself don't know everything about ST. I just know I like how the ships on the show blew up stuff and I want to do that to! hahaha
So yeah comms will NOT be a mandatory thing but the option is there for anyone who can and wants to use it.
Hello and thanks for the interest!
Invite sent!
Look forward to meeting ya in game!
Always room for more. Feel free to contact me in game as others have.
Today has been a good day.
Had another 9 man team to SB 24 and multiple team throughout the day.
We also did our or my first Voth contested zone... it was really fun!
Hope to have more captains join our ranks!
Captain Triz out!
Input had mentioned to send you the invite as well.
Everyone is welcomed to try this out. Hopefully you get the full experience of the channel with your team ups and if its something you fancy then great if not then at least you tried it out.
Yesterday was AWESOME.
We had a full group mess around in the voth contested zone. It was really fun, for the 1 zone we were the only ones really taking control of the zones and it was great the communication we had. Taking orders, receiving orders and giving status reports.
We also had another 9 man SB24, not quite up to the 20 yet but hopefully one day. Had some great team ups throughout the day which was really nice to see others wanting to form a team instead of me... don't get me wrong.. ill pew pew either way!
This is super fun guys!
My daily grind is STB too!
Captain Hans Rainer Steiner - U.S.S. Enforcer (Steamrunner Class)
Captain Kharn son of Theral - I.K.S. Hurgh'a (Vor'cha Class)
Join Star Trek Battles!
Yeah... I thought I was the only one. Here's hoping they fix it soon if not yes... tomorrow is another day!