I tried to install Arc on the desktop to get the freebies but oh man, I've never seen anything as bugged as this before. The graphics are totally messed up, and I see the http code everywhere. Also there is an error of some .dll not being compatible with windows. LOL beta indeed. It won't even start my dl for STO either when I log into it. What a mess...
If... no WHEN this becomes mandatory I might not be able to play sto anymore. lol
Edit: I tried it on my laptop now and there it runs fine. Go figure...
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
I have the shuttle box, but my ship slots are full. Now I have to spend 500 zen to unpack it.
You guys are evil! :P
Let's hope there still are a lot of people not trying it so the bribe will get even better.
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
Other than advertising other Perfect World games that we have NO interest in playing, does ARC offer the STO ONLY players ANY advantage other than making us HACK thru yet more loading screens?
I fired STEAM for that reason. Why on Earth would I want to go thru 3 or more loading screens that filled with pop ups and garbage just to get to STO?
One icon, one loading screen is quite sufficient.
Um, right click Steam icon in notification tray, select STO, log in and go. No Steam loading screens required.
Wow, the tinfoil hat brigade is out in force today, isn't it?
Yeah, that's right, you've figured out the secret - the Illuminati are going to data-mine every single computer in the world, using Arc no less, because they can just handle all that data so easily. And you're just such a special little snowflake that they can't wait to see what kind of weird TRIBBLE you're hiding in the depths of your hard drive. Good thing you're onto them - now they'll never be able to use your Harry Potter/Gandalf slashfic to take over the world!!
Seriously. You guys are f'in morons. How you make it thru a day without your heads exploding everytime you open your browser is beyond me. Dumb. Just. So. Dumb.
Keep the bribes coming, Cryptic. Since small craft have very little purpose in this game (you dug your own hole on that one, guys), I won't be taking advantage of this bribe.
Mildly tempting, up until I realized I had to redownload the entire game for a few hours after uninstalling Arc.
Having the best metaphasic shields for small craft is like having the best-looking cold sore on your upper lip.
Arc looks in the Windows registry for the location of any Cryptic games. If your registry is missing the InstallLocation string Arc will want to reinstall the game because it has no other way of knowing if you have the game installed or not. All you need to do is add that string for STO in the registry and off you go.
But go on, tell me more about how Cryptic is bribing you. Do you even know what that word means?
But go on, tell me more about how Cryptic is bribing you. Do you even know what that word means?
From the first sentence in the Wikipedia:
Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.
From dictionary.com:
money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go.
From both sources it clearly states that it's the act of giving a gift to alter the behavior of a person.
If a person would not normally install Arc, but is given a gift in order to do so, that is a behavior they are being encouraged to perform because there is a valuable to be gained by doing so.
In doing so, I would argue that constitutes as the very definition of a bribe.
Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.
From dictionary.com:
money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go.
From both sources it clearly states that it's the act of giving a gift to alter the behavior of a person.
If a person would not normally install Arc, but is given a gift in order to do so, that is a behavior they are being encouraged to perform because there is a valuable to be gained by doing so.
In doing so, I would argue that constitutes as the very definition of a bribe.
Nice try, but you left off a crucial bit of info there. Let's look at the rest of the opening paragraph from Wikipedia:
"Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty."
Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc is not a crime or illegal in any way. It does not influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.
Like I said, you and others that keep using that word to describe a giveaway promotion do so without understanding what that word actually means. Your objection to installing Arc in exchange for freebies is illogical and irrational. It is by NO means the definition of a bribe.
Nice try, but you left off a crucial bit of info there. Let's look at the rest of the opening paragraph from Wikipedia:
"Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty."
But I'm not using Black's Law Dictionary to define it. I'm using dictionary.com to define it. And it plainly spells out that a bribe is the giving of a gift to alter the behavior of a person. I'm pretty sure Black's Law Dictionary would have a different definition of numerous other things as well.
Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc is not a crime or illegal in any way. It does not influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.
Like I said, you and others that keep using that word to describe a giveaway promotion do so without understanding what that word actually means. Your objection to installing Arc in exchange for freebies is illogical and irrational. It is by NO means the definition of a bribe.
I never said it was illegal, nor did I say it was a crime. I said it fit the very definition of what a bribe is according to two general, trustworthy sources of what a word would stand for.
PWE is giving you virtual gifts for doing something you might not normally do on your own accord. That is what I would consider a bribe.
"Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc" as opposed to paying PWE to use Arc? That is rather the point of a bribe. In that you do not pay for the free virtual merchandise, you are given it in exchange for performing an action for them.
My use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because I do not view it from the same perspective a Law Dictionary observes it from? I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not accusing PWE of illegal or criminal activity.
I'm merely calling it as I see it, which two separate sources define as what I would say is a bribe. Not in the criminal sense, but in the literal sense.
My take on this (goes both for the Khan outfit and the shuttle):
We're pleased to announce that we are giving STO players who have downloaded and play STO through Arc a FREE Ferengi Na'Far and 20 Lobi Crystals!
Should be saying something like, to be fair:
We're pleased to announce that we are giving STO players who have downloaded and play STO through Arc a Ferengi Na'Far and 20 Lobi Crystals! This as a thank you for testing our software.
But I'm not using Black's Law Dictionary to define it. I'm using dictionary.com to define it. And it plainly spells out that a bribe is the giving of a gift to alter the behavior of a person. I'm pretty sure Black's Law Dictionary would have a different definition of numerous other things as well.
I never said it was illegal, nor did I say it was a crime. I said it fit the very definition of what a bribe is according to two general, trustworthy sources of what a word would stand for.
PWE is giving you virtual gifts for doing something you might not normally do on your own accord. That is what I would consider a bribe.
"Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc" as opposed to paying PWE to use Arc? That is rather the point of a bribe. In that you do not pay for the free virtual merchandise, you are given it in exchange for performing an action for them.
My use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because I do not view it from the same perspective a Law Dictionary observes it from? I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not accusing PWE of illegal or criminal activity.
I'm merely calling it as I see it, which two separate sources define as what I would say is a bribe. Not in the criminal sense, but in the literal sense.
The problem is, your self-made definition is not the actual definition of the word, just your own personal cherry-picked definition. You can't just edit a word's actual definition to suit your own agenda. Because by your definition going to work when you didn't feel like it would be a bribe too, and I'm pretty sure offering you a paycheck in exchange for work when you'd rather be sitting home playing XBox isn't bribery either.
Ignoring the "with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go" part of the dictionary.com definition doesn't make the word mean what you says it means. It simply means you also do not understand how to use a dictionary.
Your continued use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because you are not being bribed. Why not call it extortion? Or maybe slander? How about libel? Oh yeah, because it's none of those either.
What a weak incentive. I wouldn't put Arc on my computer for anything less than 10,000 zen, although for only that much it would still be a very difficult decision.
It is a bribe but one you don't have to take. hey if you do this, i'll give you that, but only if you do this. I've bribed people myself to let me into a store before everyone else, and they do but only if I give them the money they want. To me with ARC, they are trying to bribe us to use this client by giving TRIBBLE items, but only by installing it. Of course people don't have to take that "bribe" or they can do a work around, taking the free TRIBBLE like I did without it ever touching your pc itself or installing any files onto the pc they want it to be installed on.
but what they are offering as someone else said is weak. If they were sincere they'd give it out anyway. TRIBBLE that Arc client, and the amateurs working on it, valve wouldn't hire.
The problem is, your self-made definition is not the actual definition of the word, just your own personal cherry-picked definition. You can't just edit a word's actual definition to suit your own agenda. Because by your definition going to work when you didn't feel like it would be a bribe too, and I'm pretty sure offering you a paycheck in exchange for work when you'd rather be sitting home playing XBox isn't bribery either.
Ignoring the "with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go" part of the dictionary.com definition doesn't make the word mean what you says it means. It simply means you also do not understand how to use a dictionary.
Your continued use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because you are not being bribed. Why not call it extortion? Or maybe slander? How about libel? Oh yeah, because it's none of those either.
It's not a self-made definition. It's a definition given by Wikipedia and Dictionary.com, two sources which are generally agreed-upon as being objective and comparatively unbiased to other sources. It's a word used in everyday vocabulary to define anything from "Bribing your children to do their homework" to "Bribing an election official to count the votes in a certain way that ensured victory for one particular candidate", and does not inherently portray an action as either legal or illegal, but simply manipulative.
And offering STO players a virtual gift for doing something to their own personal property they would not normally do, is something I would consider a manipulative action -- and yes, I would consider it a bribe.
Going to work when you don't feel like it is not a bribe. You might bribe yourself into wanting to go to work, but you have a legal agreement with your employer to go to work and perform your job in return for pay. That's not a bribe. That's something you enter into knowingly and of your own accord.
Words can mean multiple things. Words by themselves can have multiple meanings. This is something every human being who has ever went to grade school would have learned. It is not the word, but the meaning of what the word implies. You are saying that my definition is that of a criminal act. When my definition is a literal interpretation of a manipulative act, meaning giving a gift to encourage someone to do something they would not normally do of their own accord. You are using your own perspective of what a bribe is and pressing it upon myself and others, essentially telling us that your meaning of 'bribe' is the only correct meaning there is. The english language does not work that way, and it never has. And it certainly won't when the forum thread is over with.
Extortion, slander, and libel are three separate things that one would really have to reach to get them to apply to this situation. You are using a false equivelancy, which makes for a poor argument.
It is a bribe but one you don't have to take. hey if you do this, i'll give you that, but only if you do this. I've bribed people myself to let me into a store before everyone else, and they do but only if I give them the money they want. To me with ARC, they are trying to bribe us to use this client by giving TRIBBLE items, but only by installing it. Of course people don't have to take that "bribe" or they can do a work around, taking the free TRIBBLE like I did without it ever touching your pc itself or installing any files onto the pc they want it to be installed on.
but what they are offering as someone else said is weak.
I don't even have the words to adequately describe the level of ridiculousness in this statement. As if you've somehow "cheated" PWE by installing Arc to a spare PC or in a VM. Newsflash: you STILL installed it, so BAM! They got ya! Har har! Sucker. Bribed into installing software you didn't want in exchange for some token costumes and a crappy shuttle. Not only that, but they made you go out of your way to do it that actually took MORE time and effort than if you just installed it on your primary machine and left it there. Yeah, you really got them but good, didn't ya genius?
Really. Do you people not understand how pathetically foolish and ignorant you sound?
I don't even have the words to adequately describe the level of ridiculousness in this statement. As if you've somehow "cheated" PWE by installing Arc to a spare PC or in a VM. Newsflash: you STILL installed it, so BAM! They got ya! Har har! Sucker. Bribed into installing software you didn't want in exchange for some token costumes and a crappy shuttle. Not only that, but they made you go out of your way to do it that actually took MORE time and effort than if you just installed it on your primary machine and left it there. Yeah, you really got them but good, didn't ya genius?
Really. Do you people not understand how pathetically foolish and ignorant you sound?
They didn't get me. They want it installed on the pc i'm playing the game. I installed it on a wireless flash, logged in, took the items. They won't be gathering any info from me. It's a throwaway device i have hundreds of so it wasn't out of my way. it took a whole minute if that. I didn't want it installed on my actual PC, and it isn't and wasn't. I don't see how they win.
It's not a self-made definition. It's a definition given by Wikipedia and Dictionary.com, two sources which are generally agreed-upon as being objective and comparatively unbiased to other sources. It's a word used in everyday vocabulary to define anything from "Bribing your children to do their homework" to "Bribing an election official to count the votes in a certain way that ensured victory for one particular candidate", and does not inherently portray an action as either legal or illegal, but simply manipulative.
And offering STO players a virtual gift for doing something to their own personal property they would not normally do, is something I would consider a manipulative action -- and yes, I would consider it a bribe.
Going to work when you don't feel like it is not a bribe. You might bribe yourself into wanting to go to work, but you have a legal agreement with your employer to go to work and perform your job in return for pay. That's not a bribe. That's something you enter into knowingly and of your own accord.
Words can mean multiple things. Words by themselves can have multiple meanings. This is something every human being who has ever went to grade school would have learned. It is not the word, but the meaning of what the word implies. You are saying that my definition is that of a criminal act. When my definition is a literal interpretation of a manipulative act, meaning giving a gift to encourage someone to do something they would not normally do of their own accord. You are using your own perspective of what a bribe is and pressing it upon myself and others, essentially telling us that your meaning of 'bribe' is the only correct meaning there is. The english language does not work that way, and it never has. And it certainly won't when the forum thread is over with.
Extortion, slander, and libel are three separate things that one would really have to reach to get them to apply to this situation. You are using a false equivelancy, which makes for a poor argument.
Yeah, I just can't. Your cyclical explanations is like watching a dog chase its tail. First the word's definition is half of what's listed from two sources. Then comes the revelation that words can have many meanings, which completely invalidates your first statement that the only definition is the half-one you listed. And whooosh...there it goes. Believe whatever makes you feel warm and squishy inside. Clearly nothing I say, and no amount of logic or rational thought is going to change it, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time. You want to think of it as a bribe, go right ahead. No skin off my nose.
They didn't get me. They want it installed on the pc i'm playing the game. I installed it on a wireless flash, logged in, took the items. They won't be gathering any info from me. It's a throwaway device i have hundreds of so it wasn't out of my way. it took a whole minute if that. I didn't want it installed on my actual PC, and it isn't and wasn't. I don't see how they win.
They win because you installed it. Which is exactly what they wanted you to do. And you did it. Well done, you've played right into their hands. The laughs on you, sucker. Whether they get any info from you is irrelevant. If not today, then tomorrow when it's mandatory. They can wait. The fact you think you really got something for nothing, or somehow cheated them is extraordinarily laughable. You did EXACTLY what they wanted you to do, and that was install the Arc software and use it to log into STO. Now they know exactly who you are and that you can easily be bribed into installing anything they ask by merely offering you a few "gifts".
Thanks for the freebies can't complain there. Now I know why I left ARC installed on my PC. lol
Since you're doing this, would it be too much to ask that the Be'ves Honour Guard uniform bug be fixed so KDF and KDF Romulans could actually use it? Thanks . XD
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
Yeah, I just can't. Your cyclical explanations is like watching a dog chase its tail.
Probably because something as simple as explaining that a word can mean multiple things is not something that really needs to be argued from an adult perspective.
First the word's definition is half of what's listed from two sources. Then comes the revelation that words can have many meanings, which completely invalidates your first statement that the only definition is the half-one you listed. And whooosh...there it goes.
This is why Dictionaries (and other sources) have multiple meanings for a single word. I'm not sure how I'm invalidating myself by pointing out the obvious truth that words have multiple meanings. Your meaning of 'bribe' is a correct meaning. My meaning of 'bribe' is also a correct meaning. I'm not sure what part of that is difficult to comprehend, or that it 'went somewhere'. Everybody who has a firm grasp on the english language knows words have different meanings. And the Dictionary and Wikipedia and many other sources likewise support the truth that... words have multiple meanings. This is not something I invented.
Believe whatever makes you feel warm and squishy inside. Clearly nothing I say, and no amount of logic or rational thought is going to change it, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time. You want to think of it as a bribe, go right ahead. No skin off my nose.
They win because you installed it. Which is exactly what they wanted you to do. And you did it. Well done, you've played right into their hands. The laughs on you, sucker. Whether they get any info from you is irrelevant. If not today, then tomorrow when it's mandatory. They can wait. The fact you think you really got something for nothing, or somehow cheated them is extraordinarily laughable. You did EXACTLY what they wanted you to do, and that was install the Arc software and use it to log into STO.
Wow, another Arc post and suddenly the high horse riders trot out to prove their superiority of the "weak minded" people.
Seriously, get off the horses and stop trumpeting how you'll never be bought over by gifts. If you don't like Arc, you don't like it, but please stop spamming the posts over it.
There are FOUR lights.
If... no WHEN this becomes mandatory I might not be able to play sto anymore. lol
Edit: I tried it on my laptop now and there it runs fine. Go figure...
"Sur le pond d'Avignon..." :P
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Don't forget the desk lamp.
*touches desk lamp*
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
You guys are evil! :P
Let's hope there still are a lot of people not trying it so the bribe will get even better.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Um, right click Steam icon in notification tray, select STO, log in and go. No Steam loading screens required.
Seriously. You guys are f'in morons. How you make it thru a day without your heads exploding everytime you open your browser is beyond me. Dumb. Just. So. Dumb.
Arc looks in the Windows registry for the location of any Cryptic games. If your registry is missing the InstallLocation string Arc will want to reinstall the game because it has no other way of knowing if you have the game installed or not. All you need to do is add that string for STO in the registry and off you go.
But go on, tell me more about how Cryptic is bribing you. Do you even know what that word means?
From the first sentence in the Wikipedia:
Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.
From dictionary.com:
money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go.
From both sources it clearly states that it's the act of giving a gift to alter the behavior of a person.
If a person would not normally install Arc, but is given a gift in order to do so, that is a behavior they are being encouraged to perform because there is a valuable to be gained by doing so.
In doing so, I would argue that constitutes as the very definition of a bribe.
Nice try, but you left off a crucial bit of info there. Let's look at the rest of the opening paragraph from Wikipedia:
"Bribery is an act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty."
Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc is not a crime or illegal in any way. It does not influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty.
Like I said, you and others that keep using that word to describe a giveaway promotion do so without understanding what that word actually means. Your objection to installing Arc in exchange for freebies is illogical and irrational. It is by NO means the definition of a bribe.
In most cases it automatically finds your current install and uses it. In the event it doesn't you can manually add the location of the game.
But I'm not using Black's Law Dictionary to define it. I'm using dictionary.com to define it. And it plainly spells out that a bribe is the giving of a gift to alter the behavior of a person. I'm pretty sure Black's Law Dictionary would have a different definition of numerous other things as well.
I never said it was illegal, nor did I say it was a crime. I said it fit the very definition of what a bribe is according to two general, trustworthy sources of what a word would stand for.
PWE is giving you virtual gifts for doing something you might not normally do on your own accord. That is what I would consider a bribe.
"Giving you free stuff in exchange for using Arc" as opposed to paying PWE to use Arc? That is rather the point of a bribe. In that you do not pay for the free virtual merchandise, you are given it in exchange for performing an action for them.
My use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because I do not view it from the same perspective a Law Dictionary observes it from? I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not accusing PWE of illegal or criminal activity.
I'm merely calling it as I see it, which two separate sources define as what I would say is a bribe. Not in the criminal sense, but in the literal sense.
So if it finds my current install....and I then uninstall ARC I'll have to completely reinstall the game or no?
no you don't or shouldn't.
I just use it through a wireless flash, flash shortcut for the client. Didn't install anything on my actual PC itself though.
Should be saying something like, to be fair:
Oh well..
Oh **** ! I'm always forgetting about that ****ing desk lamp !
The problem is, your self-made definition is not the actual definition of the word, just your own personal cherry-picked definition. You can't just edit a word's actual definition to suit your own agenda. Because by your definition going to work when you didn't feel like it would be a bribe too, and I'm pretty sure offering you a paycheck in exchange for work when you'd rather be sitting home playing XBox isn't bribery either.
Ignoring the "with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go" part of the dictionary.com definition doesn't make the word mean what you says it means. It simply means you also do not understand how to use a dictionary.
Your continued use of the word bribe is illogical and irrational because you are not being bribed. Why not call it extortion? Or maybe slander? How about libel? Oh yeah, because it's none of those either.
but what they are offering as someone else said is weak. If they were sincere they'd give it out anyway. TRIBBLE that Arc client, and the amateurs working on it, valve wouldn't hire.
It's not a self-made definition. It's a definition given by Wikipedia and Dictionary.com, two sources which are generally agreed-upon as being objective and comparatively unbiased to other sources. It's a word used in everyday vocabulary to define anything from "Bribing your children to do their homework" to "Bribing an election official to count the votes in a certain way that ensured victory for one particular candidate", and does not inherently portray an action as either legal or illegal, but simply manipulative.
And offering STO players a virtual gift for doing something to their own personal property they would not normally do, is something I would consider a manipulative action -- and yes, I would consider it a bribe.
Going to work when you don't feel like it is not a bribe. You might bribe yourself into wanting to go to work, but you have a legal agreement with your employer to go to work and perform your job in return for pay. That's not a bribe. That's something you enter into knowingly and of your own accord.
Words can mean multiple things. Words by themselves can have multiple meanings. This is something every human being who has ever went to grade school would have learned. It is not the word, but the meaning of what the word implies. You are saying that my definition is that of a criminal act. When my definition is a literal interpretation of a manipulative act, meaning giving a gift to encourage someone to do something they would not normally do of their own accord. You are using your own perspective of what a bribe is and pressing it upon myself and others, essentially telling us that your meaning of 'bribe' is the only correct meaning there is. The english language does not work that way, and it never has. And it certainly won't when the forum thread is over with.
Extortion, slander, and libel are three separate things that one would really have to reach to get them to apply to this situation. You are using a false equivelancy, which makes for a poor argument.
I don't even have the words to adequately describe the level of ridiculousness in this statement. As if you've somehow "cheated" PWE by installing Arc to a spare PC or in a VM. Newsflash: you STILL installed it, so BAM! They got ya! Har har! Sucker. Bribed into installing software you didn't want in exchange for some token costumes and a crappy shuttle. Not only that, but they made you go out of your way to do it that actually took MORE time and effort than if you just installed it on your primary machine and left it there. Yeah, you really got them but good, didn't ya genius?
Really. Do you people not understand how pathetically foolish and ignorant you sound?
They didn't get me. They want it installed on the pc i'm playing the game. I installed it on a wireless flash, logged in, took the items. They won't be gathering any info from me. It's a throwaway device i have hundreds of so it wasn't out of my way. it took a whole minute if that. I didn't want it installed on my actual PC, and it isn't and wasn't. I don't see how they win.
Yeah, I just can't. Your cyclical explanations is like watching a dog chase its tail. First the word's definition is half of what's listed from two sources. Then comes the revelation that words can have many meanings, which completely invalidates your first statement that the only definition is the half-one you listed. And whooosh...there it goes. Believe whatever makes you feel warm and squishy inside. Clearly nothing I say, and no amount of logic or rational thought is going to change it, so I'm not going to waste any more of my time. You want to think of it as a bribe, go right ahead. No skin off my nose.
They win because you installed it. Which is exactly what they wanted you to do. And you did it. Well done, you've played right into their hands. The laughs on you, sucker. Whether they get any info from you is irrelevant. If not today, then tomorrow when it's mandatory. They can wait. The fact you think you really got something for nothing, or somehow cheated them is extraordinarily laughable. You did EXACTLY what they wanted you to do, and that was install the Arc software and use it to log into STO. Now they know exactly who you are and that you can easily be bribed into installing anything they ask by merely offering you a few "gifts".
Since you're doing this, would it be too much to ask that the Be'ves Honour Guard uniform bug be fixed so KDF and KDF Romulans could actually use it? Thanks . XD
Probably because something as simple as explaining that a word can mean multiple things is not something that really needs to be argued from an adult perspective.
This is why Dictionaries (and other sources) have multiple meanings for a single word. I'm not sure how I'm invalidating myself by pointing out the obvious truth that words have multiple meanings. Your meaning of 'bribe' is a correct meaning. My meaning of 'bribe' is also a correct meaning. I'm not sure what part of that is difficult to comprehend, or that it 'went somewhere'. Everybody who has a firm grasp on the english language knows words have different meanings. And the Dictionary and Wikipedia and many other sources likewise support the truth that... words have multiple meanings. This is not something I invented.
Yeah they sure won.
Seriously, get off the horses and stop trumpeting how you'll never be bought over by gifts. If you don't like Arc, you don't like it, but please stop spamming the posts over it.