Out of all the Voyager cast I think this is the most appropriate. Remember what ultimately happened to Tuvok in End Game? Going crazy didn't exactly do a whole lot to finish off his character arc. Admiral Tuvok, on the other hand, does and that's not an opportunity you'd have for anyone else (except the two "they died" exceptions but they got sufficient nods on the path to 2409.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Hey this isn't bad. Tim Russ is a great actor and I liked Tuvok.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
First off, I'm just happy that they got ANY actor from ANY Trek show, so I won't be one of those that "complain" that it's Tim Russ, that seems a bit ... ungrateful ...
And I always liked Tuvok, even though It's hard to "love" a Vulcan character, because of the nature of the role they play, but I think Tim Russ did a wonderful job of making Tuvok someone we could all like and respect, and even, for some, love.
From a story point of view, it would be hard to come up with a convincing story behind how some of the characters people are suggesting would even still be alive! It's what 60+ years since Voyager came home? And some of the characters weren't spring chickens to start with ...
Having said that, Seven of Nine might still be alive, due to her Borg physiology, so, Yep, I'll be one of "those" people that would really ... like ... to see Jeri Ryan do a VO ...
B'Elanna? Maybe her Klingon blood would give her more longevity, so Roxann Dawson might be a possibility, but then, could you really have B'Elanna without Tom Paris?
Data, or more correctly B-4, could conceivably still be around, so Brent Spinner would also be an option ...
Hmmm ... Kes? She could be written in I'm sure (isn't she some sort of 'demigod' now?) ... Quark? How long do Ferengi live anyway? T'Pol? Would she still be alive? (I didn't see all of the Enterprise series, so don't know if that's an option)
Just please PLEASE ... NEVER allow Nelix to make an appearance ...
From a story point of view, it would be hard to come up with a convincing story behind how some of the characters people are suggesting would even still be alive! It's what 60+ years since Voyager came home? And some of the characters weren't spring chickens to start with
It's not that long. STO is Nemesis roughly plus 40 so (I'm not going to look up the exact chronology) say 45 years or so after voyager came home. That pretty much puts us around the same date (plus or minus a few years) as the alternate future timeline presented in End Game (see. Miral Paris in STO and in that episode.)
And besides, what's the average life expectancy for humans in the federation? Bones made a cameo in TNG, remember. If Cryptic wanted to (and I'm not really suggesting this, just using it to demonstrate a point) they could probably bring in Simon Pegg to do Scotty...
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Very excited, he and Combs were my top 2 requests for VO talent to be added to the game. 1 down, one to go.
Damn, think if they got Combs in to do a VO replacement for Captain Shon? That'd be a handy way for them to fix a small part of the shattered dreams of the canceled fifth season of Enterprise. Or if nothing else they could simply have him in to do the next feature episode series' villain character?
I'd certainly support THAT as for season 9/10.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I rather like Tuvok. Elite Force left me with a certain fondness for him, and he does have a pretty good voice. Always nice to have voice acting in STO. Except for T'Nae, she's just weird.
Seeing the officially released screenshots and realizing that we're not getting an updated Intrepid bridge is....:(
As for Tuvok himself, I thought he was a good character in VOY. Who I didn't like much was Kim from the early seasons, too eager to please everyone. But overall, I liked the whole cast.
I am actually disappointed. First of all we don't know if tuvok is an admiral 2nd in what universe does someone has a voyager uniform with a 2409 badge. 3rd Star Trek renegades is coming up, now I don't know if cryptic would do this is if Star Trek Online follows the timeline then It should be related to both but in the trailers of renegades they haven't mention that tuvok was in starfleet.
This is my opinion about the things I have heard from now.
Can people get over the uniform? It is STO you are allowed to wear any combination of uniform you want.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
No means good? Voyager is excellent ... (not the best) ... and HEY! What is your beef with Enterprise, it is pretty decent!
Just rewatched Voyager last year. Lots of bland or clunky episodes a few real gems (The one with the doctor having a romance with the Vidiian scientist is one of the best Trek episodes ever, I also really like the Vaaduar). Needed more continuity to make it feel like there was something at stake. The writers ruined Janeway and Chakotay. It was the show I watched when I got home from high school as a rerun. As of right now I do like Enterprise better but I haven't watched Enterprise in a while.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Honestly my first choice would have been Kate Mulgrew. I also realize that it's not a realistic expectation. I (spoiler alert) never really liked that Janeway was killed off in the Expanded Universe (novels). Second choice? Jeri Ryan, but since we're dealing with Voth and not Borg it really doesn't make much sense to involve Seven. So all in all having Tim Russ join the party is pretty cool! Tuvok wasn't my favorite Voyager character but I don't have anything against him.
The honor of being my least favorite Voyager character falls to Harry Kim. I feel a little twinge of guilt at saying that because I've heard Garrett Wang is incredibly nice and it's amazing to meet him in person. I don't feel any ill will toward him at all, nor do I want to slight his acting ability. I just really didn't like how Harry was written sometimes. It seemed like every time something might happen where he could grow as a character they kicked him back to the post of "annoying ensign who whines everytime things don't go his way."
I mean really, lots of other characters got to grow. Heck, Tom Paris gained and lost rank in that show at a speed that Kirk would have been proud of.
Indifferent. I hate to say it, but for me at least, the last two voice overs didn't really add much more to the game.
Crosby's voice acting felt kind of flat and off, which I can't blame her for, as its been so long for her. Dorn felt kind of shoehorned into a story that would have fit better with Data, or Geordi, at least to me.
I hate Janeway even more than Neelix. Tuvok is OK.
Nooo! I won't have that! I grew up without a mother and I modeled my morals on Janeway, she was like a mother figure to me - I've met Kate Mulgrew, she's lovely and warm and fantastic to talk to.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, though, and I respect yours. I just have to agree to disagree.
Admiral Tuwud - High Commissioner, UFP Peace Corps Sigma Red
Nooo! I won't have that! I grew up without a mother and I modeled my morals on Janeway, she was like a mother figure to me - I've met Kate Mulgrew, she's lovely and warm and fantastic to talk to.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, though, and I respect yours. I just have to agree to disagree.
main reason i like kate... i was born and grew up in the same city she did. While i wasn't the biggest Voy fan (mainly watched DS9 during the time, so only really caught the last few seasons) I thought a woman Captain was a nice change.
now back on topic. I dont mind it was tuvok who came in, more trek Actors is a plus.
Dorn felt kind of shoehorned into a story that would have fit better with Data, or Geordi, at least to me.
I'll say it again:
I'm playing around in Fallout: New Vegas a bit, and watching DS9 through beginning to end.
Someone needed to remind Dorn that this was Star Trek and he was doing Worf but apparently they didn't, so I keep going through Sphere of Influence expecting him to look like Marcus since he sounds exactly like Marcus rather than Worf. Now sure, Dorn voiced both- but they don't sound alike, and this last stint as Worf didn't sound like Worf.
I hope he puts more into his STO appearance than he did during that interview.Always liked him in Voyager,way to much of Tuvoks lack of personality,not Tim Russ' going on.
Underwelming doesn't do it justice...
Meh, I'm not a fan of star voiceovers. If anything it detracts from what we should be focusing in, ie: the game.
Look at Sphere of Influence. The best part was not Dorn's voice, or Worf's appearance, it was the little bits of information spread about in the platform obelisks.
Same with Temporal Ambassador. The best part was not Crosby, it was the mission having a genuine trek feel to it. I don't feel it was due to Crosby's appearance, but rather the way the mission was structured. How often have we gotten such a feel for anything in STO these last few years?
I am actually disappointed. First of all we don't know if tuvok is an admiral 2nd in what universe does someone has a voyager uniform with a 2409 badge. 3rd Star Trek renegades is coming up, now I don't know if cryptic would do this is if Star Trek Online follows the timeline then It should be related to both but in the trailers of renegades they haven't mention that tuvok was in starfleet.
This is my opinion about the things I have heard from now.
It's all promotion material for marketing the STO Anniversary. Think of it in terms of Booth Babes like some companies do at conventions. It's something to draw your attention to the company, but the Booth Babes have nothing or very little to do with what they are promoting.
I'm fine with the idea of Tuvok in STO gameplay, and not one of the more annoying VOY characters. Tuvok was one of the more decent ones from that abysmal show. Hell, we see him in Star Trek Generations with the old school Starfleet.
I just want a more lively voice acting job from Tim Russ for a respectable amount of content. Denise Crosby's was kind of "meh" in her liveliness.
I just hope this FE is a LOT better than the Worf one. I ran that one on all 13 of my alts and was bored all 13 times. What a waste of time. Lots of talk and running around, very little else.
By the way, the "correct" order of show quality is this:
TNG > TOS > VOY >.............DS9 > ...........ENT
I grew up without a mother and I modeled my morals on Janeway...
You modeled your morals on the woman who murdered Tuvix, tried to develop weapons for the Borg, and attempted to torture a member of the U.S.S. Equinox's crew for information? :eek: I hope I don't run into you in a dark alley...
I kid, of course. As you said, to each their own...
I just hope this FE is a LOT better than the Worf one. I ran that one on all 13 of my alts and was bored all 13 times. What a waste of time. Lots of talk and running around, very little else.
Compare this statement to those made by all the players who want more non-combat content. :P
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
I'm fine with the idea of Tuvok in STO gameplay, and not one of the more annoying VOY characters. Tuvok was one of the more decent ones from that abysmal show. Hell, we see him in Star Trek Generations with the old school Starfleet.
I just want a more lively voice acting job from Tim Russ for a respectable amount of content. Denise Crosby's was kind of "meh" in her liveliness.
Tim Russ was in Generations but that was not Tuvok.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
And I always liked Tuvok, even though It's hard to "love" a Vulcan character, because of the nature of the role they play, but I think Tim Russ did a wonderful job of making Tuvok someone we could all like and respect, and even, for some, love.
From a story point of view, it would be hard to come up with a convincing story behind how some of the characters people are suggesting would even still be alive! It's what 60+ years since Voyager came home? And some of the characters weren't spring chickens to start with ...
Having said that, Seven of Nine might still be alive, due to her Borg physiology, so, Yep, I'll be one of "those" people that would really ... like ... to see Jeri Ryan do a VO ...
B'Elanna? Maybe her Klingon blood would give her more longevity, so Roxann Dawson might be a possibility, but then, could you really have B'Elanna without Tom Paris?
Data, or more correctly B-4, could conceivably still be around, so Brent Spinner would also be an option ...
Hmmm ... Kes? She could be written in I'm sure (isn't she some sort of 'demigod' now?) ... Quark? How long do Ferengi live anyway? T'Pol? Would she still be alive? (I didn't see all of the Enterprise series, so don't know if that's an option)
Just please PLEASE ... NEVER allow Nelix to make an appearance ...
He's doing a VO for chef crafting and for the new qued event where you have to help the borg purge talaxian drones from the collective.
Edit: I do hope there is something in the works for their Star Trek Renegades D7 to be available for the KDF
It's not that long. STO is Nemesis roughly plus 40 so (I'm not going to look up the exact chronology) say 45 years or so after voyager came home. That pretty much puts us around the same date (plus or minus a few years) as the alternate future timeline presented in End Game (see. Miral Paris in STO and in that episode.)
And besides, what's the average life expectancy for humans in the federation? Bones made a cameo in TNG, remember. If Cryptic wanted to (and I'm not really suggesting this, just using it to demonstrate a point) they could probably bring in Simon Pegg to do Scotty...
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Damn, think if they got Combs in to do a VO replacement for Captain Shon? That'd be a handy way for them to fix a small part of the shattered dreams of the canceled fifth season of Enterprise. Or if nothing else they could simply have him in to do the next feature episode series' villain character?
I'd certainly support THAT as for season 9/10.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
As for Tuvok himself, I thought he was a good character in VOY. Who I didn't like much was Kim from the early seasons, too eager to please everyone. But overall, I liked the whole cast.
Can people get over the uniform? It is STO you are allowed to wear any combination of uniform you want.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
sarcasm here but........but........but......... it dont fit in with my immersion
system Lord Baal is dead
Just rewatched Voyager last year. Lots of bland or clunky episodes a few real gems (The one with the doctor having a romance with the Vidiian scientist is one of the best Trek episodes ever, I also really like the Vaaduar). Needed more continuity to make it feel like there was something at stake. The writers ruined Janeway and Chakotay. It was the show I watched when I got home from high school as a rerun. As of right now I do like Enterprise better but I haven't watched Enterprise in a while.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
The honor of being my least favorite Voyager character falls to Harry Kim. I feel a little twinge of guilt at saying that because I've heard Garrett Wang is incredibly nice and it's amazing to meet him in person. I don't feel any ill will toward him at all, nor do I want to slight his acting ability. I just really didn't like how Harry was written sometimes. It seemed like every time something might happen where he could grow as a character they kicked him back to the post of "annoying ensign who whines everytime things don't go his way."
I mean really, lots of other characters got to grow. Heck, Tom Paris gained and lost rank in that show at a speed that Kirk would have been proud of.
I like Tuvok and Tim Russ in general. I would have preferred the Doctor or maybe Seven, but it could have been worse if we had Neelix or Chakotay.
Crosby's voice acting felt kind of flat and off, which I can't blame her for, as its been so long for her. Dorn felt kind of shoehorned into a story that would have fit better with Data, or Geordi, at least to me.
Nooo! I won't have that! I grew up without a mother and I modeled my morals on Janeway, she was like a mother figure to me - I've met Kate Mulgrew, she's lovely and warm and fantastic to talk to.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, though, and I respect yours. I just have to agree to disagree.
main reason i like kate... i was born and grew up in the same city she did. While i wasn't the biggest Voy fan (mainly watched DS9 during the time, so only really caught the last few seasons) I thought a woman Captain was a nice change.
now back on topic. I dont mind it was tuvok who came in, more trek Actors is a plus.
I'll say it again:
I'm playing around in Fallout: New Vegas a bit, and watching DS9 through beginning to end.
Someone needed to remind Dorn that this was Star Trek and he was doing Worf but apparently they didn't, so I keep going through Sphere of Influence expecting him to look like Marcus since he sounds exactly like Marcus rather than Worf. Now sure, Dorn voiced both- but they don't sound alike, and this last stint as Worf didn't sound like Worf.
Underwelming doesn't do it justice...
Look at Sphere of Influence. The best part was not Dorn's voice, or Worf's appearance, it was the little bits of information spread about in the platform obelisks.
Same with Temporal Ambassador. The best part was not Crosby, it was the mission having a genuine trek feel to it. I don't feel it was due to Crosby's appearance, but rather the way the mission was structured. How often have we gotten such a feel for anything in STO these last few years?
It's all promotion material for marketing the STO Anniversary. Think of it in terms of Booth Babes like some companies do at conventions. It's something to draw your attention to the company, but the Booth Babes have nothing or very little to do with what they are promoting.
I just want a more lively voice acting job from Tim Russ for a respectable amount of content. Denise Crosby's was kind of "meh" in her liveliness.
I just hope this FE is a LOT better than the Worf one. I ran that one on all 13 of my alts and was bored all 13 times. What a waste of time. Lots of talk and running around, very little else.
By the way, the "correct" order of show quality is this:
TNG > TOS > VOY >.............DS9 > ...........ENT
Kirk > Janeway > Picard > .......Archer > ................................sisko
You modeled your morals on the woman who murdered Tuvix, tried to develop weapons for the Borg, and attempted to torture a member of the U.S.S. Equinox's crew for information? :eek: I hope I don't run into you in a dark alley...
I kid, of course. As you said, to each their own...
Compare this statement to those made by all the players who want more non-combat content. :P
Tim Russ was in Generations but that was not Tuvok.
original join date 2010
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