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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    idrona wrote: »
    That is to me borderline harassment and should be removed from this thread.

    Agreed. Just don't get into a fight with that guy; it always ends poorly. Wait for the mods to slap him.
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    gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Agreed. Just don't get into a fight with that guy; it always ends poorly. Wait for the mods to slap him.

    There, removed. -_- Sorry, he IS getting to me.
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There, removed. -_- Sorry, he IS getting to me.


    Let's avoid ugly little fights here and disagree peacefully, shall we?
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Urinating competitions aside, back to the subject of the thread:

    Any response on adding features that real forums have- like say, Ignore List functionality- to Arcgames.com?
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    catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »

    Let's avoid ugly little fights here and disagree peacefully, shall we?

    On that note, lets take a moment and enjoy a blissful video--> =^.^=

    ...before we resume why we like/dislike ARC.
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    pardusian141pardusian141 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    OK. So I wanted to get to the dev blog index of season 7 but I kept getting redirected to the news page of the arc website. Please fix. I really don't want to have to individually go through all the season 7 or earlier dev blogs manually. Why would I be looking at them? Because they contain useful information about developments and changes made at points in the game and they are different then the patch notes....
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    thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    OK. So I wanted to get to the dev blog index of season 7 but I kept getting redirected to the news page of the arc website. Please fix. I really don't want to have to individually go through all the season 7 or earlier dev blogs manually. Why would I be looking at them? Because they contain useful information about developments and changes made at points in the game and they are different then the patch notes....

    They're hoping you forget that until they get around to fixing it!
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
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    fadmbambamfadmbambam Member Posts: 656 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think it's very interesting how PWE is not responding to most of our concerns. Do they think that by not responding to what we've found (especially the security violations,) it'll just go away?
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    grace58grace58 Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was very disappointed to find my CORE gone. Just vanished... sigh* :(
    I did get a response from the support team and it basically said that Arc is the new CORE... but you cannot post pictures or update your status and much more. I feel like they traded in for less then what they had initially.
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    pardusian141pardusian141 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They're hoping you forget that until they get around to fixing it!
    I'm not very forgetful....
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    undarroundarro Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not sure if there are any posts about THIS yet, but I can't make my own post being f2p and I'm noticing Arc is trying to drive me insane in my effort to set up a paid account.
    So. I am trying to set up a regular PAID monthly for STO for the first time. I'm not generally considered the village idiot but seriously, I had to email for support just to find the link to get a regular paid account and not the lifetime or any of the other STO gunk I know nothing about yet featured on the Arc STO page. I was emailed a link to a page that looked promising, I clicked on the link to make an account and it said my f2p info was wrong. I entered it about three times and then it switched to an error message saying my browser wasn't enabled for cookies.....seriously? So I went into firefox and then internet explorer and confirmed yes, cookies totally already fully enabled. I tried switching from one browser to the other. Same error message. Now it's been a day and a half and apparently the help guys went home for the day as no one's responded to my follow up emails. Apparently I'm stuck f2p forever. You'd think games would still want customer's money... I hate Arc, it's confusing and annoying and basically like crawling over barbed wire.
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    smeeinn1tsmeeinn1t Member Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    undarro wrote: »
    Not sure if there are any posts about THIS yet, but I can't make my own post being f2p and I'm noticing Arc is trying to drive me insane in my effort to set up a paid account.
    So. I am trying to set up a regular PAID monthly for STO for the first time. I'm not generally considered the village idiot but seriously, I had to email for support just to find the link to get a regular paid account and not the lifetime or any of the other STO gunk I know nothing about yet featured on the Arc STO page. I was emailed a link to a page that looked promising, I clicked on the link to make an account and it said my f2p info was wrong. I entered it about three times and then it switched to an error message saying my browser wasn't enabled for cookies.....seriously? So I went into firefox and then internet explorer and confirmed yes, cookies totally already fully enabled. I tried switching from one browser to the other. Same error message. Now it's been a day and a half and apparently the help guys went home for the day as no one's responded to my follow up emails. Apparently I'm stuck f2p forever. You'd think games would still want customer's money... I hate Arc, it's confusing and annoying and basically like crawling over barbed wire.

    Wow, that really does suck.

    The PWE line of Arc being here to enhance customer experience is just laughable, as it is I no longer buy zen as the whole point is that I want to support STO, but this Arc is something that I don't want to contribute to.

    Serious questions to the Arc team:

    Do you guys that are working on Arc honestly believe that it in any way enhances the experience of STO customers?

    Are you happy with the quality of the product?

    Would you place Arc at the top of your resume/portfolio?

    Just asking...
    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
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    sparkiesoftsparkiesoft Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 47
    edited March 2014
    grace58 wrote: »
    I was very disappointed to find my CORE gone. Just vanished... sigh* :(
    I did get a response from the support team and it basically said that Arc is the new CORE... but you cannot post pictures or update your status and much more. I feel like they traded in for less then what they had initially.

    As per the blog post, those are all coming.
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    palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    More unwanted forced relocation in which I know I did not want, starting to feel like TNG episode where the native American were going to be forced relocated again , for marketing purposes.
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    captfabulouscaptfabulous Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Until Arc is fully functional you should use this site, as all the old features are intact:

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    bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    grace58 wrote: »
    I was very disappointed to find my CORE gone. Just vanished... sigh* :(
    I did get a response from the support team and it basically said that Arc is the new CORE... but you cannot post pictures or update your status and much more. I feel like they traded in for less then what they had initially.

    Maybe resort to using steam ie; http://steamcommunity.com/id/timjonesiddqd
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
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    neijonneijon Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't know a great deal about this ARC dealie. However I can tell you in general it is bad practice to download anything to your computer without full disclosure about what it does and without full explanation of why.
    In this day and age, more people are not just going to blindly accept "if you like how your game plays you can keep how your game plays" when in actuality it is misleading.
    All I am asking for is full disclosure and honesty.
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    grace58grace58 Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    A little notice would have been nice...
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    solochrissolochris Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    you know a SMART games developer would allow the players to use the old website and not force them to use a system linked to a BETA test that may not work an that half the players dont even want. Ok moan over positive feedback time (yes i actually have some) as someone who plays 5 games that are linked to this arc system it is good to have basically 1 shortcut on my desktop rather than 5, however (hey you knew it couldnt last right) i find it frustrating that there is no server status that i can see on the arc screen. so like today when sto was down i didnt know until i tried to login. if there was a simple server status on the page for sto in the arc launcher i would know not to waste my time clicking the link to sto when it is down or pw or fw or co or nw. its not hard, you have them on te individual game launchers so you already have what you need to do it.
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    ozekkiozekki Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I never have problems with Arc.

    Other than the updated news layout I don't really have any complaints.

    Steam really slows down my computer for some reason, Arc doesn't.
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    solochrissolochris Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    catstarsto wrote: »
    But seriously, if you cant offer something your customers want, they will go somewhere that gives them what they want. I know STO rocks and is still my favorite mmo, thats why i keep coming back to see if you guys changed your minds and restored it back to the way we enjoyed it. Think about what a number of us have been saying...we dont care what is convenient for guy collecting the money, when we come into your shop, WE want the convenience, OUR comfort and satisfaction is our priority.

    ARC in action..

    you do know the ONLY reason swtor doesnt have a system like arc is they havent made it yet, give them time they will too. Anyway the point i was going to make was pwe has several games and many accounts link to more than one of those games, your saying the majority should bend to the will of the minority cause a few people who only play sto feel its not fair to have to use arc. as one of the majority who have accounts with multiple games by cryptic and pwe i find it VERY convenient to have arc, the system isnt perfect yet but it isnt finnished yet (you wouldnt walk into a car factory before they stuck the engine in and say "oh my car doesnt start its rubbish" would you). oh and just to put my point accross here "The needs of the many outway the needs of the few." so wake up kiddo, arc is here and if you hate it that much leave, simple as that really.
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    solochrissolochris Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ozekki wrote: »
    I never have problems with Arc.

    Other than the updated news layout I don't really have any complaints.

    Steam really slows down my computer for some reason, Arc doesn't.

    i have steam and arc too, i can get slowdown/lag but usually its a forgot to stop steam when i was done with it and then started arc that will do it. someday when arc is working fully it has the potential to be as good as steam. its not there yet but it is getting there and im sure will get better.
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    solochrissolochris Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Until Arc is fully functional you should use this site, as all the old features are intact:


    lucky captfabulous. do you get a prize for having post number 1701 lol. maby you should take that up pwe :D
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    usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Your Web browser doesn't appear to have cookies enabled. Cookies are required for logging in

    why do I get this when I try to login to the secure site ? , cookies are on I have checked

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    dokardokar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    solochris wrote: »
    you do know the ONLY reason swtor doesnt have a system like arc is they havent made it yet, give them time they will too. Anyway the point i was going to make was pwe has several games and many accounts link to more than one of those games, your saying the majority should bend to the will of the minority cause a few people who only play sto feel its not fair to have to use arc. as one of the majority who have accounts with multiple games by cryptic and pwe i find it VERY convenient to have arc, the system isnt perfect yet but it isnt finnished yet (you wouldnt walk into a car factory before they stuck the engine in and say "oh my car doesnt start its rubbish" would you). oh and just to put my point accross here "The needs of the many outway the needs of the few." so wake up kiddo, arc is here and if you hate it that much leave, simple as that really.

    Origin says hi.
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    tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    solochris wrote: »
    you do know the ONLY reason swtor doesnt have a system like arc is they havent made it yet, give them time they will too. Anyway the point i was going to make was pwe has several games and many accounts link to more than one of those games, your saying the majority should bend to the will of the minority cause a few people who only play sto feel its not fair to have to use arc. as one of the majority who have accounts with multiple games by cryptic and pwe i find it VERY convenient to have arc, the system isnt perfect yet but it isnt finnished yet (you wouldnt walk into a car factory before they stuck the engine in and say "oh my car doesnt start its rubbish" would you). oh and just to put my point accross here "The needs of the many outway the needs of the few." so wake up kiddo, arc is here and if you hate it that much leave, simple as that really.

    So as you say, to get the point across:
    People who use STEAM which does all of this for a lot more games >> People who use ARC to do this for just PWE games >> people who just use STO.

    Therefore the needs of the many (Steam) outweigh the needs of the few (Arc) or the one (STO only). As you say, why should the majority (steam users) have to bend for a minority (arc users)?

    I have no problem with their wanting to have ARC for some; I am glad some find it useful. However, they shouldn't force it upon those that don't want it. That is what the majority of people here are saying.
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
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    catstarstocatstarsto Member Posts: 2,149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    solochris wrote: »
    you do know the ONLY reason swtor doesnt have a system like arc is they havent made it yet, give them time they will too. Anyway the point i was going to make was pwe has several games and many accounts link to more than one of those games, your saying the majority should bend to the will of the minority cause a few people who only play sto feel its not fair to have to use arc. as one of the majority who have accounts with multiple games by cryptic and pwe i find it VERY convenient to have arc, the system isnt perfect yet but it isnt finnished yet (you wouldnt walk into a car factory before they stuck the engine in and say "oh my car doesnt start its rubbish" would you). oh and just to put my point accross here "The needs of the many outway the needs of the few." so wake up kiddo, arc is here and if you hate it that much leave, simple as that really.

    If ARC works for you, great. But why, and I ask once more, why should it be forced on me, or anyone else who doesn't wanna use it? Do not the customers who are happy without it have a say, do none of them count any longer? This setup is going way too far, and oversteps what should be considered acceptable! They aren't worried about your needs, listen to their words, they are worried about theirs and making you bend to them. (ring the bell get a banana) New players have no choice, old players are just kinda being shown the curb if they dont press the correct button.

    With Star Wars, its better then submitting my pc to ARC! If SWTOR ever decide to try for the big brother approach like PWE, ill just go to something else....and yes, I havent been really playing STO, I dont see the point, why waste time on something I wont be able to continue to play, its like saving for retirement with the knowledge you wont live that long. Thats why I have a sub in SW atm, they arent trying to poke their nose where it doesnt belong. I do banking and business on my pc too, so im not taking any chances. their is more they arent saying...it was stated that its being held back for the time being. I suspect to avoid a backlash for additionally going too far even for the ARC fanclub, they are just getting as many to sign up as possible before the bad stuff hits.

    But you are right on this, and ill make my point on it too. If your words reflect PWE or Cryptics official standing and they no longer want or need the business of anyone who doesn't want to use that ARC launcher/monitor, then let them say so and I will gladly leave and not trouble them again. Why should I be here for STO, if they arent here for me??
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    jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    *Sigh* PWE said they listened to our feedback. Our feedback saiid NO MANDATORY ARC, and yet we have mandatory Arc. Bravo PWE, you might have just killed a game.
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    jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Mods, please don't move this.

    Anyway, I'd just like to say, LOL to PWE.
    They didn't listen to the many players that say, "NO to mandatory ARC", and make it mandatory. It's like they hate there own game. WTF PWE?
    SWTOR is getting better and better. Up your game PWE. *Downloads Steam* No Arc for me!
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    robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jmaster29 wrote: »
    *Sigh* PWE said they listened to our feedback. Our feedback saiid NO MANDATORY ARC, and yet we have mandatory Arc. Bravo PWE, you might have just killed a game.

    As I have said the only time PWE listens to feedback is when it would make them money. However with Arc they think if they advertise there games more people will download them and will purchase zen for that game as well. However with a majority of people here they will either use ARC go to Steam or leave the game entirely so I believe they will lose money this way.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
This discussion has been closed.