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The Dyson's Sphere is just wrong



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xynoxx wrote: »
    So what you're saying is that you HAVE been hit by the bug?
    No big deal if your original design was within the Romulan size limitations, but if your alien was taller or shorter than that originally, as mine was your character was altered at level 10 when you chose your ally faction, and you CANNOT get it back.
    Been a month since mine was altered with exactly ZERO response from Cryptic - been months more for other players.

    Romulan female: 5'6" to 6'4"
    Alien female: 4'6" to 7'0"

    This getting out of beta is incompetence, laziness or maliciousness or all three - they either never tested aliens to level 10, or they knew the bug was there and released it broken and left it that way, even though they know the exact point where the bug occurs, the ally choice.
    Them not even acknowledging it, much less fixing it after months, is laziness.

    All of that "Venom" is richly deserved.
    "Richly deserved"? for a bug so inconsequential that I didn't notice (even though it affected me) or hear of it until you mentioned it? I think not.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    "Richly deserved"? for a bug so inconsequential that I didn't notice (even though it affected me) or hear of it until you mentioned it? I think not.

    Only because your character fits within the size limitaions of romulans.

    If an integral part of your alien design was being 4'6" or 7' tall, you would have noticed, you would have filed a bug report, and you'd still be waiting months later for Cryptic to even admit the bug exists.
    It's not like this is some random bug, it's 100% and they know EXACTLY where and when it occurs, and they've refused to even acknowledge it, much less fix it in the 6 months since LoR was released (plus however long since it was first reported in beta.)

    Crossing IP for a second - oh look it's a 5'6" minimum height Ewok or Jawa.
    Wouldn't work at all would it, nor does it work for some players alien character concepts that are destroyed by this bug.

    Lazy, Incompetent and Malicious sounds right on the money.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xynoxx wrote: »
    Only because your character fits within the size limitaions of romulans.

    If an integral part of your alien design was being 4'6" or 7' tall, you would have noticed, you would have filed a bug report, and you'd still be waiting months later for Cryptic to even admit the bug exists.
    It's not like this is some random bug, it's 100% and they know EXACTLY where and when it occurs, and they've refused to even acknowledge it, much less fix it in the 6 months since LoR was released (plus however long since it was first reported in beta.)

    Crossing IP for a second - oh look it's a 5'6" minimum height Ewok or Jawa.
    Wouldn't work at all would it, nor does it work for some players alien character concepts that are destroyed by this bug.

    Lazy, Incompetent and Malicious sounds right on the money.
    All things considered, I think they have a lot better things to worry about than whether your "Ewok" is too tall.....

    Snce you haven't been around long I'll explain how Cryptic does feedback on bug reports.... they read it, it goes into the "In" box and if it's a high enough priority it might get fixed soon. Regardless of priority, a comment to the effect of "we noticed" is about the only thing you'll get from the devs prior to it getting fixed. Sometimes they even forget to mention that a bug was fixed in the patch notes.

    Why? Because players harass them when they do discuss ongoing bug fixes...
    My character Tsin'xing
  • knucklesstarknucklesstar Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    All things considered, I think they have a lot better things to worry about than whether your "Ewok" is too tall.....

    Snce you haven't been around long I'll explain how Cryptic does feedback on bug reports.... they read it, it goes into the "In" box and if it's a high enough priority it might get fixed soon. Regardless of priority, a comment to the effect of "we noticed" is about the only thing you'll get from the devs prior to it getting fixed. Sometimes they even forget to mention that a bug was fixed in the patch notes.

    Why? Because players harass them when they do discuss ongoing bug fixes...

    Alright, sorry... I just picked myself off the floor when you said that. Cryptic does not even read bug reports so you are better off not submitting them. This has been an issue for a long time, Cryptic would release a season update with glaring bugs, the players would point them out and instead of taking an extra few days to fit that, Cryptic lets it go live.

    They generally only fix the bugs when it stops them from achieving profit otherwise they would simply ignore them and usually they have to take the game down for things that they really should have sorted out BEFORE the update went live. Its what we have Beta Testers for, which I was one for Legacy of Romulus and felt very discarded and unappreciated.

    Maximum profit/Minimum Effort.

    Its amazing that you can see this philosophy in practically every element of Star Trek Online. Its really sad... :(
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Alright, sorry... I just picked myself off the floor when you said that. Cryptic does not even read bug reports so you are better off not submitting them. This has been an issue for a long time, Cryptic would release a season update with glaring bugs, the players would point them out and instead of taking an extra few days to fit that, Cryptic lets it go live.

    They generally only fix the bugs when it stops them from achieving profit otherwise they would simply ignore them and usually they have to take the game down for things that they really should have sorted out BEFORE the update went live. Its what we have Beta Testers for, which I was one for Legacy of Romulus and felt very discarded and unappreciated.

    Maximum profit/Minimum Effort.

    Its amazing that you can see this philosophy in practically every element of Star Trek Online. Its really sad... :(
    Really? I've been around long enough to know better than that. It is true that a version of the Boff unseating bug did make it to the live server after the original bug was reported on tribble. BUT the version that made it live was far less severe(only happens rarely, and not all boffs) than the version seen on tribble(every boff, every map transfer).

    So no.... you really have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • knucklesstarknucklesstar Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Really? I've been around long enough to know better than that. It is true that a version of the Boff unseating bug did make it to the live server after the original bug was reported on tribble. BUT the version that made it live was far less severe(only happens rarely, and not all boffs) than the version seen on tribble(every boff, every map transfer).

    So no.... you really have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about.

    Well I'm not sure what planet/galaxy/spatial dimension that you come from. Probably one where Cryptic actually cares about its player-base. However, look at how long it took them to fix the infamous "loud as a whisper" cloaking bug. Not a priority to all the new cheese and p2w they wanted to shoehorn into the game eh?

    Cryptic have always been bad at avoiding obvious bugs that they were told about in the Beta, ignored, did not fix and allowed them to go live and then only fixed them when it stood in the way of them making money.

    Its just a conveyor belt at the moment. Instead of going back to balance pass the game after the years of power creep, Cryptic just add more and more grind and stuff into the game to bog it down.

    You are the ultimate Cryptic apologist, I can actually see why other people say that now. Your loyalty to your Cryptic masters is really impressive and somewhat unshakable I see.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You are the ultimate Cryptic apologist, I can actually see why other people say that now. Your loyalty to your Cryptic masters is really impressive and somewhat unshakable I see.

    Or maybe because there are differences between complaining about a bug not being fixed and complaining about a bug to the wrong dev while being insulting towards said developer and people calling you out on that.
  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    All things considered, I think they have a lot better things to worry about than whether your "Ewok" is too tall.....

    Snce you haven't been around long I'll explain how Cryptic does feedback on bug reports.... they read it, it goes into the "In" box and if it's a high enough priority it might get fixed soon. Regardless of priority, a comment to the effect of "we noticed" is about the only thing you'll get from the devs prior to it getting fixed. Sometimes they even forget to mention that a bug was fixed in the patch notes.

    Why? Because players harass them when they do discuss ongoing bug fixes...

    Funny, as I noted we haven't got a "we noticed" comment from them.
    It's been 6 months, it's been reported god only knows how many times and they refuse to acknowledge it at all.

    As for them having more important things to think about, a large portion of the attraction of this game is the customization - when they take your creation and turn it into something else it's a problem - a big problem.

    As I noted, it's not like they have to scour millions of lines of code to find a randomly occurring bug, they know EXACTLY where the trigger point is, so they could fix it with minimum effort and they won't even admit the problem exists.

    The problem with your priority scenario is fixing bugs is always lower priority to adding new buggy content and more cash grab items.

    Fix bug or introduce new lockbox, the new lockbox ALWAYS takes priority.

    Hell, the other day in a ten minute period I got 4 different kinds of lockboxes.
    All of which I discarded, since PWI isn't getting another penny out of me until my character is once again what I created, not just for STO, for all the PWI games I play.

    Cryptic's refusal to fix the bug, is costing them money.

    Your attitude seems to be "this bug doesn't matter because my character wasn't really affected".
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xynoxx wrote: »
    As I noted, it's not like they have to scour millions of lines of code to find a randomly occurring bug, they know EXACTLY where the trigger point is, so they could fix it with minimum effort and they won't even admit the problem exists.
    You don't really understand programming do you?

    Knowing WHEN something happens is always easier than figuring out WHY it happens.

    And really even you have to admit that the login glitch is more important..... Let's face it which glitch do you think costs them more money?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    As a programmer myself, I can tell you with absolute certainty this is almost never true when it comes to bugs. You don't know anything about programming if you feel bug fixes are always this simple.

    I never said fixes are always this simple, I said THIS FIX is that simple because they know exactly where the trigger point is and can replicate it, at will, 100% of the time.

    This isn't a random bug, occurring at various levels or at random on various missions, it happens at level 10, when you choose to ally with Fed or KDF.

    They know what section of code to look at, because they know exactly where the bug is triggered, that decision point (doesn't matter which side you choose, but it's the decision that triggers the bug.)
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xynoxx wrote: »
    I never said fixes are always this simple, I said THIS FIX is that simple because they know exactly where the trigger point is and can replicate it, at will, 100% of the time.

    This isn't a random bug, occurring at various levels or at random on various missions, it happens at level 10, when you choose to ally with Fed or KDF.

    They know what section of code to look at, because they know exactly where the bug is triggered, that decision point (doesn't matter which side you choose, but it's the decision that triggers the bug.)
    Nope... Again, that's WHEN it happens not WHY.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm coming into this thread a bit late.

    There are a lot of violations of forum rules in this thread.

    Let me be very clear:

    You are allowed to express your opinions of the game: negative, positive, harsh, or sweet.

    You are NOT allowed to insult or otherwise belittle other forum users, including Cryptic and PWE employees. You are NOT allowed to create a hostile experience on the forums for other forum users.


    Please limit your criticisms to the game itself and please keep your disagreements with other forum users civil.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • lordlalolordlalo Member Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    I know this has been brought up before but it gets even WORSE when you go to command and listen to what they say about the Sphere...

    They say it has a 200 Million KM diameter. REALLY?

    That would be to say that it has a diameter of: 124,274,238.447 Miles.

    That means that each part of the sphere should be orbiting the sun at roughly: 62,137,119.2235 Miles

    Terra orbits our sun at: 92,960,000 Miles and is in the optimal zone for comfortable living.

    Venus orbits our sun at: 67,240,000 Miles and is considered to be too close to be habitable even if it were terraformed.

    As you said, this sphere is completely enclosed and has its own atmosphere and climate control system.

    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Why is that important? Because on a Sphere this size you would NEVER notice the curvature of the Sphere from the inside. The land would curve SO gradually that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to detect. Furthermore, you would also NOT see the sides of the sphere going up around you with any clarity with your naked eyes. They would be so far away as to make it impossible. Keep in mind that Luna (our moon) is only 238,900 miles away from us but the walls of this Sphere are going to be further away at orders of magnitude.

    Say hello to dramatization. Most of Star Trek series has this -- you would NEVER hear a ship exploding in the vacuum of space, yet, every, single, episode a ship explodes with a big "BANG!".
    hasukurobi wrote: »
    Last but not least is gravity... If the Sphere is spinning to create Gravity then the only inhabitable zones would be at the equator and everything would naturally be dragged to that location. So in order for what we see to happen the sphere must either A) Be thick enough to create planet-like gravity all around or B) Be artificially creating planet-like gravity along its entire surface. Not saying that B is totally impossible with their tech but it would be a big power drain. Option A is nearly insane due to the fact that you would need the material from so many planets the size of Earth to build even a thin Sphere as big as this one that imagining making one thick enough to also produce suitable gravity is just mind numbing. There would be a lot of missing planets throughout the entire Delta Quadrant.

    I'm positive that the gravity created is artificial much like the gravity of a star-ship. The problem I have with the physics of the dyson sphere is why its gravity and the star's gravity it orbits hasn't torn the thing in half yet. To be perfectly honest, in accordance with physics, one the star-side of the sphere you should be yanked up to the top of the dome, on the other side you should be flattened like a pancake on the ground. This only applies if the sphere isn't mostly hollow -- if it is, then I revert back to my assessment to how come its not torn in half yet.
    Said NO to Arc. Gets punished by not being given a free outfit, free lobi, and free shuttle. Now forced to use Arc's site when trying to get to STO site. Still not rewards for beta testing the Arc website by force. Bravo Cryptic.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well I'm not sure what planet/galaxy/spatial dimension that you come from.
    Whether you see it or not, this is pretty much the reality:

    * They read the forums. They may not post much because of some people (this includes responses to bugs), but they do read them overall
    * They do read + see the bugs, but it's not up to us to determine their fix priority. Whether we like it or not, that is their job, not ours.
    * Bugs can be harder to fix than people think, even the simple ones (and especially the ones that "seem" simple). Sometimes knowing when they happen isn't enough; they need 'how' and 'why' just as much, if not more
    * Pointing out differences in opinion, even if it's in Cryptic's favor, does not make us apologists. One other poster pointed this out: many of us have things we don't like about this game, yet we continue to play anyway, because we like it - that's not apologetic in any way imo.

    I believe that's all of it. And ultimately, I think you'd be better off simply agreeing to disagree, and leave it at that imo
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Double post; ignore
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nope... Again, that's WHEN it happens not WHY.

    You don't think the two things are related?

    At exactly the moment you are changed from unallied Romulan to Allied Romulan, your race mysteriously also gets changed to romulan.

    I'd be willing to be it's not just aliens, but when it's applied to those folks who were already romulans there's nothing to notice.

    Any Remans out there also now flagged as Romulan for race?
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    xynoxx wrote: »
    You don't think the two things are related?

    At exactly the moment you are changed from unallied Romulan to Allied Romulan, your race mysteriously also gets changed to romulan.

    I'd be willing to be it's not just aliens, but when it's applied to those folks who were already romulans there's nothing to notice.

    Any Remans out there also now flagged as Romulan for race?

    Still missing why it happens. Is it due to a old piece of code that Cryptic forgot to get rid of completely that was based on when there was only Romulan/Alien Hybrids or was it due to a flag not activating properly or some other reason. Why a bug happens is more important than when a bug happens. Fixing why a bug happens is more important than creating some type of bypass since the bypass can fail to work after a future patch.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Maybe, maybe not. I need to see if I can find the complete text for the outskirts console next time. I did it on a differ char once, but I don't quite remember exactly what it said. but it was something to the effect that the Solanae race was now doomed because they did what the Iconians told them to do. It seemed to imply that they were becoming extinct, but it's hard to be sure.

    As an interesting footnote, it occurred to me while pondering this that maybe those hooded robes the Solanagen aliens wear are actually a sort of environmental suit....
    I forgot to copy down the exact text, but I managed to find the complete versions of the Forest and Outskirts console entries.

    Outskirts Data: The Outskirts data actually has 3 different things that it says. 1: Some sort of experiment failed horribly. 2: Their race is dying because of it and has to leave the Sphere in order to survive. 3: They promise to return one day.

    Conjecture: IF the Solanagen aliens are the Solanae, then they are NOT native to subspace and had to move into that subspace pocket until they could figure out how to cure themselves. Which both explains why the Sphere is largely deserted and why the Sphere has a Cass-M environment. This might also explain why they keep abducting and experimenting on humanoids....

    forest data: The Solanae were using those worm monsters as a bioweapon. They also researched using them to fight humanoids.

    conjecture: This was millennia ago and suggests that the planets we've encountered them on are not their native habitat. Also you fight worms in the forest area. Is it a coincidence that all the planets we see worms on are connected to the Tal Shiar? Or were they placed their as expendable ground troops?

    Oh and yes, you DO get an accolade for finding all of the data. :D WooT!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • tyrannyfighter22tyrannyfighter22 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • tyrannyfighter22tyrannyfighter22 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • grendelthewise#0990 grendelthewise Member Posts: 640 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    castsbugc wrote: »
    *shrug* its just a game

    I have to agree, its just a game. Just have fun, and enjoy the new season.
    Fleet Admiral of the U.S.S. ATTILA KHAN-CDA (NX-921911).
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I found something interesting when looking around the space battle zone earlier today.... there's a hole in the sphere.. no really.... go to the east end of the contested zone and look down. It's marked on the mini map as a long purple gash. It looks like it's currently being sealed with a forcefield. It also has a debris field floating in the air above it. ooohhh.... OMINOUS! what could possibly have made a hole like that? :D hehehe....
    My character Tsin'xing
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    what could possibly have made a hole like that? :D hehehe....
    I'm gonna say it was a knife.


    A very big knife.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,446 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As a side note, I was just running my newer Rom, Tovan Khev, through the mission where you help the Tal Shiar investigate a Borg cube with a spherical chunk missing out of the middle. It hadn't struck me before, except for the part about the Iconia file, but the Borg report on Species 29, the ones whose data was to be appended to the file named Iconia, noted that they seemed to be collecting Omega FILE CORRUPTED.

    Interesting that this was being foreshadowed back at the beginning of LoR...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    As a side note, I was just running my newer Rom, Tovan Khev, through the mission where you help the Tal Shiar investigate a Borg cube with a spherical chunk missing out of the middle. It hadn't struck me before, except for the part about the Iconia file, but the Borg report on Species 29, the ones whose data was to be appended to the file named Iconia, noted that they seemed to be collecting Omega FILE CORRUPTED.

    Interesting that this was being foreshadowed back at the beginning of LoR...
    O_O' I screenshotted that, but I forgot about it. then again I was really making a pic of the cool looking Borg LCars... the data on Species 29 just happened to be there.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    While I do agree the depiction of the Dyson sphere doesn't reflect their own description, a couple points

    Noticing the Curvature: this depends on where you are, if you on the surface, yes you are correct, it would disappear into whiteness due to Rayleigh scattering, but from up in the vacuum, you would be able to see the curvature.

    Seeing the Other side: again, Rayleigh scattering on the surface would prevent you from seeing it, or anything in the interim space actually, but from the vacuum from the star ship yes, you would see it, and you could see detail infact, because there is no light loss due to reflection into nothing, inside a Dyson Sphere there would always be another surface for a photon to reflect off of.

    Gravity: Is a function of mass not velocity, the Dyson sphere doesn't have to move or rotate to create gravity, at that size, the sheer mass of the structure would be enough to create gravity, there fore all of the total interior surface is habitable from a gravity standpoint. it's also that same gravity that keeps the atmosphere sticking to the surface instead of floating in the interim space.

  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    While I do agree the depiction of the Dyson sphere doesn't reflect their own description, a couple points

    Noticing the Curvature: this depends on where you are, if you on the surface, yes you are correct, it would disappear into whiteness due to Rayleigh scattering, but from up in the vacuum, you would be able to see the curvature.

    Seeing the Other side: again, Rayleigh scattering on the surface would prevent you from seeing it, or anything in the interim space actually, but from the vacuum from the star ship yes, you would see it, and you could see detail infact, because there is no light loss due to reflection into nothing, inside a Dyson Sphere there would always be another surface for a photon to reflect off of.

    Gravity: Is a function of mass not velocity, the Dyson sphere doesn't have to move or rotate to create gravity, at that size, the sheer mass of the structure would be enough to create gravity, there fore all of the total interior surface is habitable from a gravity standpoint. it's also that same gravity that keeps the atmosphere sticking to the surface instead of floating in the interim space.

    I think you're you're over estimating the thickness of the sphere shell.

    With earth you're standing on the outside of a "solid" object, with the sphere you have only the hull beneath you.
    To have earth normal gravity without artificial generation you're going to have to have a surface of equal mass to the thickness of the earth crust->core.

    The existence of neutronium means they could build a thick enough shell of that to equal earths gravity, but have you considered just how much neutronium would be required for that?

    A thin shell with artificial gravity generation is probably far easier to do, especially when you are capturing the entire energy output of a star for power (not counting any power plants) and Trek has shown time and time again that their grav egenrators don't use much power.

    Offhand, I can't think of an example where they went out, except in Movie #6 when they were turned off, no matter what power problems the ship was going through at the time, they always had gravity. (OK, that's probably only because filming a lack of gravity would have cost too much for a TV show, but we can still take it as canon.)

    Hrm, in other works of fiction they've even done grav plates that are created and then always generate that gravity effect without being connected to any power source.

    Who's to say the sphere builders don't have a different system than the Feds/KDF/et and can created gravity plates that last forever effectively without power.

    On the flip side, there was talk that the atmosphere is changeable, almost like a laboratory, and if you need to do that because different races might live there, you might also need to be able to vary the gravity - which would be harder to do if you have mass generated earth normal gravity.
    Generated gravity fails, and you have whatever natrual mass generated gravity left only.
    Generated anti-gravity which was dropping earth norm to something survivable for a critter from a 0.1G world fails, and that critter just got flattened.
    Not a failure mode you would want.
  • xynoxxxynoxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    Still missing why it happens. Is it due to a old piece of code that Cryptic forgot to get rid of completely that was based on when there was only Romulan/Alien Hybrids or was it due to a flag not activating properly or some other reason. Why a bug happens is more important than when a bug happens. Fixing why a bug happens is more important than creating some type of bypass since the bypass can fail to work after a future patch.

    I don't care why it happens.

    The point I'm making is that since they know exactly what in-game event triggers it, then can trace through the code from that start point and FIND OUT why it's happening.

    They have a start point and the code calls will lead directly to the point where the player's race is mistakenly changed.

    It's the difference between finding out where Bob works in Chicago, when you don't know anything about Bob other than he works in Chicago, and starting at his home address so you can follow him to work.
  • radagast75radagast75 Member Posts: 333 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    One small detail about Borg, sphere and the Omega.

    That Romulan mission at T'liss system where you go undercover to Tal shiar. There is that cibe in that system. In one part of mission, you access the cubes datacore, Project name Iconia, testing for Omega... FILE CORRUPTED.

    This would suggest that at least some of the Borg knew it and i assume it still is that their hive mind is constantly connected to every Borg it can reach in that time, that includes Borg in alpha quadrant. This then, suggests that when they knew, the whole knew about it. Why would they ignore that?

    Just a hypothetical speculation here and im also tired of the curvature :)
    Captain Hunt, at your service!
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Can't compare something that isn't actually known to exist. So the Dyson Sphere in the game is neiither right or wrong.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
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