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New KDF Bug with Costumes *team is investigating*



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    shadowkoshshadowkosh Member Posts: 1,688 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It would be nice if they got up off there rear ends and did something
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    xstaythirstyxxstaythirstyx Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My friends, I too am afflicted with this costume BUG. At first I thought it was merely a glitch when I upgraded my account from silver to gold, but that is not the case. So far the only characters that are effected are Romulan Ally characters, it is a bug before the FE that gave us the free carrier. I am thinking about deleting my Romulan allied toons, they are both level 50, but I see no other solution than to start over. :(

    I fear that will not fix the issue, so I have some reservations.

    Stay Thirsty my Friends
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    oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I can offer no help on the costume slot bug as I've had it for so long that I can't recall when if first happened.

    I do know all of my characters should have 7 costume slots, but my second oldest character on the account is showing 9 costume slots, but only 4 uniforms wearable.

    I do have one Romulan in KDF service which also can only wear 4 of her 7 costumes.

    None of the other 8 characters on my account have the bug.

    There is no obvious common accessory/c-store item/clothing option between the two characters with the bug..

    I don't know if it'll help but there is one really big difference between KDF and Fed players and thats KDF does not have Kit or Armor visuals.. normally.

    But my Orion does have the KHG armor unlock which is both a costume option, and an armor visual, where my rom character does not.. If the first reported instances of costume bugs can be traced back in time.. there mat be a tie in between eva suit/armor visuals being showable for KDF avatars and the bug. That would mean when we first got ev suits or shoawable armors that when it would have been when the Borg STF's launched..

    This isn't a new bug.. It's been around a while, And I'm wondering if it might not have been caused by a bug fix in the first place from KDF players wanting to see the KHG armor on their characters. I couldn't tell you if I posted a bug report when if first happened or not. You may have to track way back in the bug reports to find out when the studio first started getting bug reports to figure out when it happen and track down the culprit line or dozen or so of code.

    But to the Dev that posted... it's not new, though there may be more recent effects that are triggering it.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
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