Hey guys that use to sell consoles for stupid prices all I can say is "Go TRIBBLE yourself" all yo care about is that this will ruin your cash flow but the majority likes this change because the majority couldn't afford to buy your consoles anyway and now this can level the playing field in pvp.
Well i guess forum mods are in vacation, so i have to say right back at ya with that insult.
1st no1 cares about PvP anyway, and you are deluding youself if you think these will level any pvp field, they will make it even more unbalanced then allready is.
2nd no1 forced any1 to buy those consoles. They only grant about 1-2% in dps, and even if you are a min/maxer and PvPer, they hardly even mattered.
3rd the reason for their price is (well was now) the same as the lockbox ships price, their rarity given by a really small chance, 25-25% for a purple from a huge list of diferent consoles, so like under 1% chance of a energy type tactical one.
4th if you couldnt afford them its your problem, but there wasnt any drawbacks, there were more like a bragging items anyway, and bragging rights come with a price preatty much everywhere.
While I am concerned about the power creep I have to say... IN YOUR FACE price manipulating crowd. I hope you enjoyed your dirty money
How was this dirty money and manipulation??? I crafted them only on 1 toon with an average of 1 good console every 1-2 month or so, wich i allways listed on the exchange with the lowest price i found on the exchange.
Well done, you have now officially killed off console crafting - consoles, strange/powered artefacts will now crash and the Doffs associated with them will crash also
GOOD!! :mad:
Those Mk XII purple tac consoles are a rip off anyway. 50k EC to jump from +28.1% to +30% is ridiculous price bloat caused by an overly convoluted process to obtain them and "fashionable collectors" driving up the price.
Ok, so now you're really nothing if you refuse to pay dil for consoles, weapons.
Needless to say, that doesn't make me happy.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Awesome! Finally I'll be able to get better Tac consoles through Fleet contributions instead of grinding for EC and having to pay outlandish prices on the exchange. This is exactly what was needed to bring down prices for MKXII purple consoles. I have no idea how F2P players could even hope to get their hands on those items...
I thought I would pop in and make you aware of some improvements we'll be making to the Spire's Tactical consoles due to player feedback. Here are the patch notes that will hit Tribble sometime in the near future:
Tactical Consoles
-Improved the damage type (Disruptor, Phaser, Chroniton, etc.) bonus on Vulnerability Exploiter and Vulnerability Locator Mk XII fleet consoles from 25.5% to 31.9%.
-Improved the weapon type (Torpedo, Beam, Cannon and Mines) bonus on Vulnerability Exploiter and Vulnerability Locator Mk XII fleet consoles from 22.3% to 27.9%.
These changes were made to make these consoles closer in potency to those found in the Embassy and Dilithium Mine.
Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
Thank you! Thank you thank you, thank you!
Finally I am able to get my ship good without spending a ridiculous EC amount for the mark XII purple ones on the exchange!
This news is so awesome, I'll make a toast to it and I can not wait to get these on tribble!
Spire holding will be the best holding ever! I owe the whole dev team a beer! Or a soft drink if some of them does not drink alcohol : )
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Finally I am able to get my ship good without spending a ridiculous EC amount for the mark XII purple ones on the exchange!
This news is so awesome, I'll make a toast to it and I can not wait to get these on tribble!
Spire holding will be the best holding ever! I owe the whole dev team a beer! Or a soft drink if some of them does not drink alcohol : )
your ship could be good with MKXII blues, don't confuse good with the max bonus available.
and don't get me wrong, I'm glad their putting a strangle hold on the rampant inflation of top end gear, though I have a feeling this will just raise the prices of doffs and Box ships, and that the two will feed off each other inflating their prices yet more.
But people need to realize that the cutting edge of what's available isn't good, its the best, being good is doable with far less then the best stuff around. that 1-2% more damage wasn't as much as people think it is, its not 1=2% more of that the weapons telling you when its attached to your ship, its 1-2% more of the weapons base damage, prior to power levels, skills, other consoles.
your ship could be good with MKXII blues, don't confuse good with the max bonus available.
True, but sometimes I wanted the mark XII purples. But those prices on the exchange were ....ridiculous. Yeah that needs to crash, or at least have an alternative.
This is the alternative to paying an unicorn's soul for the consoles.
I mean really, Forge World Titans for warhammer cost less then mark XII purples on the Exchange.
But now the majority of the players can get an alternative fleet console, which is awesome.
A 20 member active fleet can get these consoles in a few months, and they'll be really good for the weekend warrior too.
This is really great news. When the first consoles were just weapon type, I was a bit saddened, but it keeps getting better and better.
Maybe an early Christmas present, I dont know, but Cryptic dev team, Thank you for giving the players what they always wanted, but what most of them never could buy.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
your ship could be good with MKXII blues, don't confuse good with the max bonus available.
Still its good to have the best available through direct gameplay, rather than lottery or EC farming. Switching around weapons in a build will be easier and more straightforward too, rather than being stuck in a build from the prohibitive cost of the best tac consoles. Its good all around for everyone except those who devoted considerable resources into farming up the MK XII purple consoles. The only real downside is yet again a bit of minor power creep (though most of the power creep from this is a leveling of the playing field rather than actual creep, its the barely more than MK XII purple bit of the stats that is making it creep).
I thought I would pop in and make you aware of some improvements we'll be making to the Spire's Tactical consoles due to player feedback. Here are the patch notes that will hit Tribble sometime in the near future:
Tactical Consoles
-Improved the damage type (Disruptor, Phaser, Chroniton, etc.) bonus on Vulnerability Exploiter and Vulnerability Locator Mk XII fleet consoles from 25.5% to 31.9%.
-Improved the weapon type (Torpedo, Beam, Cannon and Mines) bonus on Vulnerability Exploiter and Vulnerability Locator Mk XII fleet consoles from 22.3% to 27.9%.
These changes were made to make these consoles closer in potency to those found in the Embassy and Dilithium Mine.
Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
So many feels.
On one hand it's nice to know I don't have to save up a quarter billion to satisfy my OCD whenever I want to try a new build from now on.
But on the other hand, the crafters do have my sympathy. It is a hard job and an expensive investment to craft consoles. But at least your market will still exist, your pricing will just be more proportionately in line with similar items. And then there's the whole economy thing. Particle traces, artifacts, and doffs as well are all going to take a hit from this.
I have two questions now.
This means that there is very little if any at all practical reason to craft at present. Does this mean that you are planning and ready to revamp the crafting system in the proximate future, cryptic?
Also, now that every fleet holding offers tech in every aspect of ship building superior to non fleet stuff, what perks are you going to invent for the next fleet holding? Will there even be anymore fleet holdings, and if so, what will justify their existence now that between these three, it's perfectly possible to buil an all fleet cheese ship that is vastly superior over anything a fleetless player could build?
So this is it. Now if you want to stay relevant, you have to be in a fleet. Otherwise you'll be subject to those who are. This could be the first step towards a mass exodus of players. Rember where you were today.
True, but sometimes I wanted the mark XII purples. But those prices on the exchange were ....ridiculous. Yeah that needs to crash, or at least have an alternative.
This is the alternative to paying an unicorn's soul for the consoles.
I mean really, Forge World Titans for warhammer cost less then mark XII purples on the Exchange.
But now the majority of the players can get an alternative fleet console, which is awesome.
A 20 member active fleet can get these consoles in a few months, and they'll be really good for the weekend warrior too.
This is really great news. When the first consoles were just weapon type, I was a bit saddened, but it keeps getting better and better.
Maybe an early Christmas present, I dont know, but Cryptic dev team, Thank you for giving the players what they always wanted, but what most of them never could buy.
More then a forge world titan but less then a Manta Ray still
Seems like a massive mistake. I see now, they're not going to stop until people have a 95% crit chance. Hopefully they rethink this.
+28.9% damage would be fine for the consoles. Then again, I forgot greed and money is in control here. Silly me. At this rate-- by year 2016 people will have 60% crit rates and they'll be 15 reputations... I guess I'll enjoy the ride until it blows up
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
Hah the Manta is so big, you could possibly make a home-made model of it that could fly.....
Crafting has been dead ever since it go the Dilithium prices. And it only gave mark XI purple gear.
Now, using doffs to get consoles really does not need any big investments, especially if you figure in the ridiculous prices they asked. Plus you can always get purple doffs for a little Dil from the doff skill tracks with Lt Ferra.
Now the dilemma will begin, do I get 4 AP consoles, or 3 Ap and 1 plasma torp, and do I want crit chance or severity with them? :cool:
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Seems like a massive mistake. I see now, they're not going to stop until people have a 95% crit chance. Hopefully they rethink this.
+28.9% damage would be fine for the consoles. Then again, I forgot greed and money is in control here. Silly me. At this rate-- by year 2016 people will have 60% crit rates and they'll be 15 reputations... I guess I'll enjoy the ride until it blows up
its just the power creep in action. on the plus side unless they decided that they have to one up the current status of sci, engineering, and now tac consoles, the creep in that area should mostly stop. course uni consoles, ships, weapons, doffs, so on and so forth still offer endless space to creep.
And its a good dev's job to say "No" and build breadth instead. This game needs less DPS, not more. Less spend-dil-to-win, not more. Used to take time, effort, and some luck for top-end gear, but now its just money and friends. Worse, it seems as if every release in at least the past year is just a little more powerful than the last to encourage players to keep buying the new shiny to keep up, and making their old stuff obsolete. Its a treadmill, you're being told you need to pay for the privilege of running on it, and so many people are short-sightedly cheering this fact. Think bigger picture, not how might benefit you personally but what the long-term implications of such a change are. Endless creep, endless newer-better, endless obsolescence. Its not a good thing.
People demand new content, and the devs add more levels, harder missions, and better gear for said missions.
Well when everything goes up together, its not really power creep so much as the game growing.
but when the majority of the game stays static, npc's, and the new npc's have new tricks but are held to the same basic measuring stick as the old ones, but the PC's keep gaining power, abilities, and their ships keep getting tougher and doing more damage, that's power creep.
if the NPC's were getting appropriately harder that it would be justified, well maybe not justified so much as understood as a natural progression of things.
Who says the Voth enemies wont be quite hard? They can be the challange some people crave, while the more casual gamers can use the fleet stuff against the borg.
And *** no, we dont need luck based gaming! If you want to try your luck, go to a casino. Or Lockbox.
The game has been getting better lately. Now you can unlock the rep store with effort and a forseeable work, instead of pure luck. This is much better, a sure way to get your gear.
A treadmill? You mean, I can get more powerful stuff EASIER than I had before ( Paying LULZ amounts of money to greedy console crafters) is the opposite of the treadmill scenario.
This is a HUGE decrease in the grind you need to do for your tac consoles.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Who says the Voth enemies wont be quite hard? They can be the challange some people crave, while the more casual gamers can use the fleet stuff against the borg.
ISE runs are already lasting all of three minutes because of the power creep. Shall we make it two? Its boring as hell and this makes it worse. As for the Voth, they're more obnoxious and grindy to fight than the Tholians even, geared to consume time. Thats not fun, thats just delay.
And *** no, we dont need luck based gaming!
Or you just run across something in the course of doing other things, random drops. The occasional 'oh by the way, SCORE!!!' Instead its just grind grind grind. I look forward to the Voth rep or another fleet holding about as much as I look forward to doing the dishes and cleaning my roof.
The game has been getting better lately. Now you can unlock the rep store with effort and a forseeable work, instead of pure luck. This is much better, a sure way to get your gear.
A treadmill? You mean, I can get more powerful stuff EASIER than I had before ( Paying LULZ amounts of money to greedy console crafters) is the opposite of the treadmill scenario.
This is a HUGE decrease in the grind you need to do for your tac consoles.
And then at the end of your work, what do you get? The privilege of spending your dil (aka money) on some new shiny that absolutely won't last. A year from now, it'll be collecting dust, left behind by the latest whatever. You'll have spent time, spent money, and have nothing to show for it.
More power is completely unneeded, and really anyone using purple12 consoles or committing to the grind required to get them is a fool anyways. Cheering this on is proclaiming "I like being manipulated, I like more grind, I like spending money."
ISE runs are already lasting all of three minutes because of the power creep. Shall we make it two? Its boring as hell and this makes it worse. As for the Voth, they're more obnoxious and grindy to fight than the Tholians even, geared to consume time. Thats not fun, thats just delay.
Or you just run across something in the course of doing other things, random drops. The occasional 'oh by the way, SCORE!!!' Instead its just grind grind grind. I look forward to the Voth rep or another fleet holding about as much as I look forward to doing the dishes and cleaning my roof.
And then at the end of your work, what do you get? The privilege of spending your dil (aka money) on some new shiny that absolutely won't last. A year from now, it'll be collecting dust, left behind by the latest whatever. You'll have spent time, spent money, and have nothing to show for it.
More power is completely unneeded, and really anyone using purple12 consoles or committing to the grind required to get them is a fool anyways. Cheering this on is proclaiming "I like being manipulated, I like more grind, I like spending money."
Nobody forces you to do the Voth reps. I did not do the Nukara ones because I thought the items were lacklustre compared to Omega and Romulan ones.
You think I actually pay for Dilithium? Naaaah. One ISE a day is more than enough for my dilitihium needs.
If the Tac consoles are priced like the Eng consoles, than their dil cost wont even be big.
Honestly I think you are trying to manipulate people, because this new and awesome feature is may cut into your 50 billion ec for a mark XII tac console "marketing scheme" .
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
The console market will die completely, only Field Generators will remain as a desirable asset on the exchange (and even these have competition in the form of embassy Emitter Arrays). I am not sure if I will miss the price inflation, but this is a huge step in the wrong direction for fixing this game's obsession with DPS.
The console market will die completely, only Field Generators will remain as a desirable asset on the exchange (and even these have competition in the form of embassy Emitter Arrays). I am not sure if I will miss the price inflation, but this is a huge step in the wrong direction for fixing this game's obsession with DPS.
You can never have enough dakka.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
If the Tac consoles are priced like the Eng consoles, than their dil cost wont even be big.
Mk12 only, probably requiring T3 spire, with 4-5 per ship. Assuming fleet credit costs as dil (representing whatever you donate to your fleet), plus the dil cost itself, say 58.5k per console (assuming T3 mine dil discount). Times 4 for an average ship is 234k dil. At current 134-1 dil-zen exchange rates, that means $17.46 for one imaginary starship. How many alts you run?
And people are cheering this nonsense.:rolleyes:
(Edit to respond to edit)
Also, not a crafter, and stick to 11-blues for cost efficiency. This is about principle, not personal gain.
Mk12 only, probably requiring T3 spire, with 4-5 per ship. Assuming fleet credit costs as dil (representing whatever you donate to your fleet), plus the dil cost itself, say 58.5k per console (assuming T3 mine dil discount). Times 4 for an average ship is 234k dil. At current 134-1 dil-zen exchange rates, that means $17.46 for one imaginary starship. How many alts you run?
And people are cheering this nonsense.:rolleyes:
(Edit to respond to edit)
Also, not a crafter, and stick to 11-blues for cost efficiency. This is about principle, not personal gain.
You got it all wrong.
Fleet credit comes from fleet marks, experience, and such, not dil. I'm sitting on thousands of fleet marks, time to use them.
And what less intelligent people buys DIL for ZEN?
Everybody knows that you spend DIL to *get* ZEN, not the other way around silly! That way you dont have to spend real money on getting Zen, just some free time.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Who says the Voth enemies wont be quite hard? They can be the challange some people crave, while the more casual gamers can use the fleet stuff against the borg.
And *** no, we dont need luck based gaming! If you want to try your luck, go to a casino. Or Lockbox.
The game has been getting better lately. Now you can unlock the rep store with effort and a forseeable work, instead of pure luck. This is much better, a sure way to get your gear.
A treadmill? You mean, I can get more powerful stuff EASIER than I had before ( Paying LULZ amounts of money to greedy console crafters) is the opposite of the treadmill scenario.
This is a HUGE decrease in the grind you need to do for your tac consoles.
No the voth arn't really hard at all, they have a immunity bubble, which isn't really new, some power drains, also not new, and some reflective shield stuff, a new flavor of reverse shield polarity technically.
Depth charge hurt, and shooting your self in the face always hurts, but depth charge got tweaked, and well just stop shooting, outside of that the voth are more of a cakewalk then a borg tac cube, and don't have 300k+ high yiled plasma torps who's graphics don't show up sometimes, and on rare occasions seem to bypass shields.
My recluse, and now my obelisk have felt utterly un threatened when fighting voth, and mind you a gate or tac cube in a elite stf can still make me pay attention, the voth, heck the depth charge that was hitting for way too much through shields only got me to like, 30-40% of my hull in one hit.
in summery the new voth tactics arnt really something new, outside of the aceton drones, but that's a drain, and drains arnt new, its not like when the elachi started their whole space jump stuff. its just a bunch of mechanics we have seen elsewhere on one set of enemy ships, not even all on one ship. Correction, they have the resurrecting ward ships, that's new, but the ward ships just another thing to shoot.
and they don't hit any harder then older enemies, if anything I think they hit weaker then some of them, id have to parse the numbers to be sure this is just based on how often I need to hit shield reinforcing abilities.
That all being said essentially the new enemies arnt more powerful, just different, and not really different in ways we haven seen before here and there, just not all in one enemies type. SO really increasing player survivability and damage yet more serves no purpose in regards to the voth as they stand, it only matters in pvp, and if we actually start to get content that is scaled against having this level of power.
Im not arguing to remove it, but I do agree that basically power without anything to match it against is just creep. and you could point to pvp, but pvp is already wildly out of whack.
Fleet credit comes from fleet marks, experience, and such, not dil. I'm sitting on thousands of fleet marks, time to use them.
And what less intelligent people buys DIL for ZEN?
Everybody knows that you spend DIL to *get* ZEN, not the other way around silly! That way you dont have to spend real money on getting Zen, just some free time.
Fleet credits come from somewhere, someone has to fill in the dil tracks, whether its you or a fleetmate, they still represent value. Dil, likewise, whether you spend time grinding it out or are impatient enough to purchase it, also represents value. Its all ultimately money, whatever intermediate currency its stored as.
I avoid PVP mostly, but I did hear the Voth are more defensive. Did you try their elite missions or the normal ones?
Ive done the elite stf a couple times, fought them in the battle zone, did the ground battle zone, did the normal version of the stf. their, well I mean its cool that they do a lot of different stuff and yes their defensive, but their defensive just feels annoying, since things like the immunity just drag out the inevitable, instead of possibly tipping the tide in their favor.
Fleet credits come from somewhere, someone has to fill in the dil tracks, whether its you or a fleetmate, they still represent value. Dil, likewise, whether you spend time grinding it out or are impatient enough to purchase it, also represents value. Its all ultimately money, whatever intermediate currency its stored as.
No, not really.
Unless you either A Buy dil with zen, or B, pay someone to play the game instead of you. Or, if we want to be really derp-dumb about it, just buy an account with a fully geared character from someone or something.
The Dil tracs are the hardest to fill up, with with a good sized fleet, each people just have to chime in a little. So if you do it sensibly, it is very cheap compared to other options.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Well i guess forum mods are in vacation, so i have to say right back at ya with that insult.
1st no1 cares about PvP anyway, and you are deluding youself if you think these will level any pvp field, they will make it even more unbalanced then allready is.
2nd no1 forced any1 to buy those consoles. They only grant about 1-2% in dps, and even if you are a min/maxer and PvPer, they hardly even mattered.
3rd the reason for their price is (well was now) the same as the lockbox ships price, their rarity given by a really small chance, 25-25% for a purple from a huge list of diferent consoles, so like under 1% chance of a energy type tactical one.
4th if you couldnt afford them its your problem, but there wasnt any drawbacks, there were more like a bragging items anyway, and bragging rights come with a price preatty much everywhere.
How was this dirty money and manipulation??? I crafted them only on 1 toon with an average of 1 good console every 1-2 month or so, wich i allways listed on the exchange with the lowest price i found on the exchange.
GOOD!! :mad:
Those Mk XII purple tac consoles are a rip off anyway. 50k EC to jump from +28.1% to +30% is ridiculous price bloat caused by an overly convoluted process to obtain them and "fashionable collectors" driving up the price.
Totally agree. It needed to be done.
Mine Trap Supporter
Needless to say, that doesn't make me happy.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
Thank you! Thank you thank you, thank you!
Finally I am able to get my ship good without spending a ridiculous EC amount for the mark XII purple ones on the exchange!
This news is so awesome, I'll make a toast to it and I can not wait to get these on tribble!
Spire holding will be the best holding ever! I owe the whole dev team a beer! Or a soft drink if some of them does not drink alcohol : )
your ship could be good with MKXII blues, don't confuse good with the max bonus available.
and don't get me wrong, I'm glad their putting a strangle hold on the rampant inflation of top end gear, though I have a feeling this will just raise the prices of doffs and Box ships, and that the two will feed off each other inflating their prices yet more.
But people need to realize that the cutting edge of what's available isn't good, its the best, being good is doable with far less then the best stuff around. that 1-2% more damage wasn't as much as people think it is, its not 1=2% more of that the weapons telling you when its attached to your ship, its 1-2% more of the weapons base damage, prior to power levels, skills, other consoles.
True, but sometimes I wanted the mark XII purples. But those prices on the exchange were ....ridiculous. Yeah that needs to crash, or at least have an alternative.
This is the alternative to paying an unicorn's soul for the consoles.
I mean really, Forge World Titans for warhammer cost less then mark XII purples on the Exchange.
But now the majority of the players can get an alternative fleet console, which is awesome.
A 20 member active fleet can get these consoles in a few months, and they'll be really good for the weekend warrior too.
This is really great news. When the first consoles were just weapon type, I was a bit saddened, but it keeps getting better and better.
Maybe an early Christmas present, I dont know, but Cryptic dev team, Thank you for giving the players what they always wanted, but what most of them never could buy.
Still its good to have the best available through direct gameplay, rather than lottery or EC farming. Switching around weapons in a build will be easier and more straightforward too, rather than being stuck in a build from the prohibitive cost of the best tac consoles. Its good all around for everyone except those who devoted considerable resources into farming up the MK XII purple consoles. The only real downside is yet again a bit of minor power creep (though most of the power creep from this is a leveling of the playing field rather than actual creep, its the barely more than MK XII purple bit of the stats that is making it creep).
So many feels.
On one hand it's nice to know I don't have to save up a quarter billion to satisfy my OCD whenever I want to try a new build from now on.
But on the other hand, the crafters do have my sympathy. It is a hard job and an expensive investment to craft consoles. But at least your market will still exist, your pricing will just be more proportionately in line with similar items. And then there's the whole economy thing. Particle traces, artifacts, and doffs as well are all going to take a hit from this.
I have two questions now.
This means that there is very little if any at all practical reason to craft at present. Does this mean that you are planning and ready to revamp the crafting system in the proximate future, cryptic?
Also, now that every fleet holding offers tech in every aspect of ship building superior to non fleet stuff, what perks are you going to invent for the next fleet holding? Will there even be anymore fleet holdings, and if so, what will justify their existence now that between these three, it's perfectly possible to buil an all fleet cheese ship that is vastly superior over anything a fleetless player could build?
So this is it. Now if you want to stay relevant, you have to be in a fleet. Otherwise you'll be subject to those who are. This could be the first step towards a mass exodus of players. Rember where you were today.
More then a forge world titan but less then a Manta Ray still
+28.9% damage would be fine for the consoles. Then again, I forgot greed and money is in control here. Silly me. At this rate-- by year 2016 people will have 60% crit rates and they'll be 15 reputations... I guess I'll enjoy the ride until it blows up
Crafting has been dead ever since it go the Dilithium prices. And it only gave mark XI purple gear.
Now, using doffs to get consoles really does not need any big investments, especially if you figure in the ridiculous prices they asked. Plus you can always get purple doffs for a little Dil from the doff skill tracks with Lt Ferra.
Now the dilemma will begin, do I get 4 AP consoles, or 3 Ap and 1 plasma torp, and do I want crit chance or severity with them? :cool:
its just the power creep in action. on the plus side unless they decided that they have to one up the current status of sci, engineering, and now tac consoles, the creep in that area should mostly stop. course uni consoles, ships, weapons, doffs, so on and so forth still offer endless space to creep.
People demand new content, and the devs add more levels, harder missions, and better gear for said missions.
And its a good dev's job to say "No" and build breadth instead. This game needs less DPS, not more. Less spend-dil-to-win, not more. Used to take time, effort, and some luck for top-end gear, but now its just money and friends. Worse, it seems as if every release in at least the past year is just a little more powerful than the last to encourage players to keep buying the new shiny to keep up, and making their old stuff obsolete. Its a treadmill, you're being told you need to pay for the privilege of running on it, and so many people are short-sightedly cheering this fact. Think bigger picture, not how might benefit you personally but what the long-term implications of such a change are. Endless creep, endless newer-better, endless obsolescence. Its not a good thing.
Well when everything goes up together, its not really power creep so much as the game growing.
but when the majority of the game stays static, npc's, and the new npc's have new tricks but are held to the same basic measuring stick as the old ones, but the PC's keep gaining power, abilities, and their ships keep getting tougher and doing more damage, that's power creep.
if the NPC's were getting appropriately harder that it would be justified, well maybe not justified so much as understood as a natural progression of things.
And *** no, we dont need luck based gaming! If you want to try your luck, go to a casino. Or Lockbox.
The game has been getting better lately. Now you can unlock the rep store with effort and a forseeable work, instead of pure luck. This is much better, a sure way to get your gear.
A treadmill? You mean, I can get more powerful stuff EASIER than I had before ( Paying LULZ amounts of money to greedy console crafters) is the opposite of the treadmill scenario.
This is a HUGE decrease in the grind you need to do for your tac consoles.
ISE runs are already lasting all of three minutes because of the power creep. Shall we make it two? Its boring as hell and this makes it worse. As for the Voth, they're more obnoxious and grindy to fight than the Tholians even, geared to consume time. Thats not fun, thats just delay.
Or you just run across something in the course of doing other things, random drops. The occasional 'oh by the way, SCORE!!!' Instead its just grind grind grind. I look forward to the Voth rep or another fleet holding about as much as I look forward to doing the dishes and cleaning my roof.
And then at the end of your work, what do you get? The privilege of spending your dil (aka money) on some new shiny that absolutely won't last. A year from now, it'll be collecting dust, left behind by the latest whatever. You'll have spent time, spent money, and have nothing to show for it.
More power is completely unneeded, and really anyone using purple12 consoles or committing to the grind required to get them is a fool anyways. Cheering this on is proclaiming "I like being manipulated, I like more grind, I like spending money."
Nobody forces you to do the Voth reps. I did not do the Nukara ones because I thought the items were lacklustre compared to Omega and Romulan ones.
You think I actually pay for Dilithium? Naaaah. One ISE a day is more than enough for my dilitihium needs.
If the Tac consoles are priced like the Eng consoles, than their dil cost wont even be big.
Honestly I think you are trying to manipulate people, because this new and awesome feature is may cut into your 50 billion ec for a mark XII tac console "marketing scheme" .
You can never have enough dakka.
Mk12 only, probably requiring T3 spire, with 4-5 per ship. Assuming fleet credit costs as dil (representing whatever you donate to your fleet), plus the dil cost itself, say 58.5k per console (assuming T3 mine dil discount). Times 4 for an average ship is 234k dil. At current 134-1 dil-zen exchange rates, that means $17.46 for one imaginary starship. How many alts you run?
And people are cheering this nonsense.:rolleyes:
(Edit to respond to edit)
Also, not a crafter, and stick to 11-blues for cost efficiency. This is about principle, not personal gain.
You got it all wrong.
Fleet credit comes from fleet marks, experience, and such, not dil. I'm sitting on thousands of fleet marks, time to use them.
And what less intelligent people buys DIL for ZEN?
Everybody knows that you spend DIL to *get* ZEN, not the other way around silly! That way you dont have to spend real money on getting Zen, just some free time.
No the voth arn't really hard at all, they have a immunity bubble, which isn't really new, some power drains, also not new, and some reflective shield stuff, a new flavor of reverse shield polarity technically.
Depth charge hurt, and shooting your self in the face always hurts, but depth charge got tweaked, and well just stop shooting, outside of that the voth are more of a cakewalk then a borg tac cube, and don't have 300k+ high yiled plasma torps who's graphics don't show up sometimes, and on rare occasions seem to bypass shields.
My recluse, and now my obelisk have felt utterly un threatened when fighting voth, and mind you a gate or tac cube in a elite stf can still make me pay attention, the voth, heck the depth charge that was hitting for way too much through shields only got me to like, 30-40% of my hull in one hit.
in summery the new voth tactics arnt really something new, outside of the aceton drones, but that's a drain, and drains arnt new, its not like when the elachi started their whole space jump stuff. its just a bunch of mechanics we have seen elsewhere on one set of enemy ships, not even all on one ship. Correction, they have the resurrecting ward ships, that's new, but the ward ships just another thing to shoot.
and they don't hit any harder then older enemies, if anything I think they hit weaker then some of them, id have to parse the numbers to be sure this is just based on how often I need to hit shield reinforcing abilities.
That all being said essentially the new enemies arnt more powerful, just different, and not really different in ways we haven seen before here and there, just not all in one enemies type. SO really increasing player survivability and damage yet more serves no purpose in regards to the voth as they stand, it only matters in pvp, and if we actually start to get content that is scaled against having this level of power.
Im not arguing to remove it, but I do agree that basically power without anything to match it against is just creep. and you could point to pvp, but pvp is already wildly out of whack.
Fleet credits come from somewhere, someone has to fill in the dil tracks, whether its you or a fleetmate, they still represent value. Dil, likewise, whether you spend time grinding it out or are impatient enough to purchase it, also represents value. Its all ultimately money, whatever intermediate currency its stored as.
Ive done the elite stf a couple times, fought them in the battle zone, did the ground battle zone, did the normal version of the stf. their, well I mean its cool that they do a lot of different stuff and yes their defensive, but their defensive just feels annoying, since things like the immunity just drag out the inevitable, instead of possibly tipping the tide in their favor.
No, not really.
Unless you either A Buy dil with zen, or B, pay someone to play the game instead of you. Or, if we want to be really derp-dumb about it, just buy an account with a fully geared character from someone or something.
The Dil tracs are the hardest to fill up, with with a good sized fleet, each people just have to chime in a little. So if you do it sensibly, it is very cheap compared to other options.