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Official Dyson Joint Command Reputation Feedback Thread



  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    Question: Are these commendations turn-innable (lack of any other word) for dil? If so, I can see what you might say, but then again, if they can be turned in for dil, maybe the dil amount itself should be toned down to prevent over-abundance of farming?

    There is a project that unlocks once you reach Tier 5 in the Dyson Joint Command reputation. This daily project requires 1 Dyson Joint Command Commendation and outputs 20 Dyson Marks and 820 Dilithium.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There is a project that unlocks once you reach Tier 5 in the Dyson Joint Command reputation. This daily project requires 1 Dyson Joint Command Commendation and outputs 20 Dyson Marks and 820 Dilithium.

    This system works great with a traditional mmo where most players play 1-3 characters where as this game the more serious players play anywhere form 6-12+ where this design really isn't feasible. From all the different statements on how this is said to work its roughly the same old song and dance with just marginal % decrease which most players are somewhat intelligent and won't take them long to figure this out.

    Not trying to put it down but the way its been stated it will in simpler terms if you try to get all the reps done on every single character pretty much you will just be leveling up tiers and not really getting any gear which for the most part is what is currently happening and will do so even with these changes.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So you've listened to all of the feedback about how much we dislike the grindy elements of the previous system and have now found a way to make it even grindy-er and also more difficult to fit it in with other things that we actually want to do in the game?

    Why don't you guys take a page out of the Neverwinter team's playbook and let us purchase our way through these rep systems.

    Give them a dilithium cost, let us buy our way through it as you can buy your way through "crafting" in Neverwinter.

    Here's a hint for the marketing team.

    PvPers do not care about PvE content, they hate it.

    They dislike having to grind it, and there is a small fortune to be made from PvPers who would gladly buy their way through your grindy systems to do the one thing they actually want to do in the game - Play PvP.

    This should be appealing to a F2Play model, as PvPers create their own content. They don't need you to make new enemies, and new PvE environment hoops to jump through.

    PvPers will literally play for hours on end, just shooting each other.

    This costs you nothing, except a few devs to manage items and powers balance so there aren't outliers that are allowed to completely obliterate fun or deter new players like some of the powers, rep and items we have now can do.

    There is money to be made, and an untapped portion of your game that can fuel itself perpetually.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I like the above mentioned just let me buy it with dilithium lol :D
  • eradicator84eradicator84 Member Posts: 1,116 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Why don't you guys take a page out of the Neverwinter team's playbook and let us purchase our way through these rep systems.

    Give them a dilithium cost, let us buy our way through it as you can buy your way through "crafting" in Neverwinter.


    There is money to be made, and an untapped portion of your game that can fuel itself perpetually.

    I kind of agree with this.

    As marks can be turned into dil via a project, why not the reverse? A project that converts dil into marks?

    I'm not even bothering to grind rep on my rom toon. Too much grind as is for me to just get FMs and fill dil plus doffs for the day before I go on to play what I want to play. 2/3 of my daily game time is just grinding.
    If I can straight convert dil into marks, I'd be way more likely to get the reps filled on my rom toon (and any future ones I create)

    Besides, it's another dil sink, surely PWE can't knock that back.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I gotta agree, this system is making it more grindy than before.

    With the current system, like I said before, it's fairly common to frontload the grind - take advantage of a weekend or day off to get a few days ahead - keeping the projects rolling through the week is usually still possible even if getting the time to run a queue event isn't.

    If commendations are only used for this one project, what's the sense in limiting them at all? It renders a fairly standard strategy inviable.

    I can see you'd worry about them just piling up faster than people can use them, but there's solutions. Easiest solution I can see is to convert the 200 xp project to take them as well. A dilithium dump would work, or mark conversion... Heck, you could dump them into fleet credits using a doff assignment unlocked by progression the Spire.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't know if this matters, but the two Ship 'Freebies' I've received so far doing this Rep on my SCI toon, were the exact same thing...

    EDIT: (Never mind, I see by reading the Tiers that it's supposed to be that way)


    The Rare SCI Shield Refrequencer Mk-XII [+EMIT]

    They only add +14.1 to my healing skills.

    Kinda disappointing.

    Can't remember when a Rare Mk-XII actually gave that much less in stats, than a similar Very Rare Mk-X version. (26.2).

    OK, I just finished a third round of this Rep and got this:

    A Very Rare SCI Shield Refrequencer Mk-XII [+CMS].

    And it still only gives a +14.1 stat...

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Currently the power is using a generic power icon, and the effect lasts for 6 seconds.

    I notices that the buff has a 2 on it, I put on 4 of these consoles and cycled my shield heals to play with it, but im not sure if that's because I proced 2 of them, because its counting 2 secs, or before it has two heals left tills its gone, just that it said 2.
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh I should note that as far as the dyson project boxes go, I have recived a inordinately large number of crew regen Sci consoles, its by far the single most common one ive gotten.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Originally Posted by pwebranflakes
    Originally Posted by thay8472
    Can we just have account bound reputation?

    or X token from a character at tier 5, we can then trade to another toon to knock of X% of the grind?
    Did you bug our office or something? This is exactly what we are considering doing. We'll share more details as things get locked down, as it's completely subject to change.


    Brandon =/\=

    So , in true Cryptic fashion you are overcomplicating things once again .
    Call me paranoid , but I expect this to be just as "helpful" as the Dill mine was to small fleets -- as in not very .

    Plus you have to spend 4 hours a day to spend in game (or the time to log in 4 times a day to complete a Rep mission) -- all this to accomplish what you could do in 10-15 minutes once a day in the old Rep systems .

    In simpler terms , you will need to grind 4 times as hard to get to the 800 xp of the old system .
    (4 x 200 = 800)

    And if by any chance you happen to belong to the STO population that does not live in the game , then this Rep system will take a lot longer to finish then the old one and the risk of falling behind , of just abandoning it out of eventual frustration is much higher (and that's if you're playing it with just one toon) .

    If you have more then one toon ... , then even your abundance of free time won't save you from falling behind ... as this will end up the only thing you have time for in the game .

    And yeah , I'm still uber sceptical of this not-talked-about "solution" of Cryptic's to the Rep grind , since they are still going "lalalalalala... what ? you asked for account wide Reputations ? sorry we can't hear you ... lalalalalala " .
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    So , in true Cryptic fashion you are overcomplicating things once again .
    Call me paranoid , but I expect this to be just as "helpful" as the Dill mine was to small fleets -- as in not very .

    Plus you have to spend 4 hours a day to spend in game (or the time to log in 4 times a day to complete a Rep mission) -- all this to accomplish what you could do in 10-15 minutes once a day in the old Rep systems .

    In simpler terms , you will need to grind 4 times as hard to get to the 800 xp of the old system .
    (4 x 200 = 800)

    And if by any chance you happen to belong to the STO population that does not live in the game , then this Rep system will take a lot longer to finish then the old one and the risk of falling behind , of just abandoning it out of eventual frustration is much higher (and that's if you're playing it with just one toon) .

    If you have more then one toon ... , then even your abundance of free time won't save you from falling behind ... as this will end up the only thing you have time for in the game .

    And yeah , I'm still uber sceptical of this not-talked-about "solution" of Cryptic's to the Rep grind , since they are still going "lalalalalala... what ? you asked for account wide Reputations ? sorry we can't hear you ... lalalalalala " .

    I think its pretty clear they want you to spend more time in the game. Just as the Dil cost t upgrade doffs is "too light" according to them they also think the time players spend in teh game needs to be longer. Its too easy to log in, do a the rep and leave for the day, they want you in hour after hour. Unfortunately as is often the case with Cryptic instead of making you WANT to stay logged in they try to build it into the system to FORCE you to stay logged in. Its no different than the bonus mark hours and time gates.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There is a project that unlocks once you reach Tier 5 in the Dyson Joint Command reputation. This daily project requires 1 Dyson Joint Command Commendation and outputs 20 Dyson Marks and 820 Dilithium.

    I kinda wish you hadn't glossed over the rest of my post, but oh well.

    Ok, that's nice and all Gorgonzolla, I look forward to using it for the extra dil and marks. But that's also still the thing: It's unlocked only at tier 5, and even then it's only a daily. Both of which are perfectly ok, not complaining about that at all. It's more that the commendation is still stuck to a daily aspect.

    Like I mentioned before, it works for the CE (even without having a known CD timer we can watch) because it is an event, it's limited time, and that is part of the thing.

    This is a rep. It's going to be put into the game and stay there. The 2k xp mission is a 20 hour mission, which is ok. That extra mission at tier 5 is a daily as well, which is also ok.

    So why keep the commendation at one a day? It seems like you've thought about people farming and thus keep the rep missions that need them to daily versions, which is understandable. Yet you are stuck with one a day.

    Let people collect as many as they want each day. It's not going to hurt them or you. They will be choosing to do it. Nobody is forced to grind many of them each day, but limiting them just feels like a means of purposefully trying to get folks to log on each day with that limiting factor, and you're asking for that from a reputation system at that, not a limited event like the CE.

    Edit: Oh yes, forgot. Gorgonzolla, are these commendations needed for any kind of gear unlock? If not, no biggie, but if they are, that's an even bigger limitation on finishing out rep since you have to get a bunch over the course of several days.

    PS: I agree with Ultimatum, paying for rep with dil or Zen would be something I'd gladly spend money on.

    Though I do still await whenever you release info about the thing in regards to making it easier (hopefully) to level alts through rep.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    While I gladly take most improvements in this reputation I must agree with some points previous posters brought up.

    It wouldn't hurt to allow more than one DJCC per 20 hour period. I see that unlimited supply is a problem (i.e. Let's just grind the 50 I need for the rep then never queue again!) but allowing a second one per day doesn't strike me as evil. Especially if the turn in project on rank five is a daily again. If not nothing prevents you from adjusting the payouts.

    I very much like the idea of being able to purchase reputation marks for dilithium. I am not sure if I would use that option (since I am cheap) but having that option would be nice. Especially if you 'just' need a handful of marks for that shiny new toy and already had your fill of queues.

    Speaking of toys aka new ground sets. The Dyson reputation adds ground set number 8? to the game. But since I am not only cheap but also lazy I still use the omega set, only digging out my nukara set for the odd time I am in need of an 'enviro-mental' suit. That does NOT include when I have to fight some Elachi because see above. Wouldn't it be time now for a backup outfit you can switch to out of combat with the press of a button instead of having to dig through your boffs to find the items you were looking for. I understand it wouldn't be exactly a trivial thing to add but would go great lengths towards a smoother playing experience.
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Did you bug our office or something? :P This is exactly what we are considering doing. We'll share more details as things get locked down, as it's completely subject to change.


    Brandon =/\=

    This is great news.
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here's a hint for the marketing team.

    PvPers do not care about PvE content, they hate it.

    They dislike having to grind it, and there is a small fortune to be made from PvPers who would gladly buy their way through your grindy systems to do the one thing they actually want to do in the game - Play PvP.

    This should be appealing to a F2Play model, as PvPers create their own content. They don't need you to make new enemies, and new PvE environment hoops to jump through.

    PvPers will literally play for hours on end, just shooting each other.

    This costs you nothing, except a few devs to manage items and powers balance so there aren't outliers that are allowed to completely obliterate fun or deter new players like some of the powers, rep and items we have now can do.

    There is money to be made, and an untapped portion of your game that can fuel itself perpetually.

    only can support this... again (and again and...)! ever heard of "cassandra"?!
    "the gods forbid to believe you" :D

    so they choose the decline :(
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I kinda wish you hadn't glossed over the rest of my post, but oh well.

    Ok, that's nice and all Gorgonzolla, I look forward to using it for the extra dil and marks. But that's also still the thing: It's unlocked only at tier 5, and even then it's only a daily. Both of which are perfectly ok, not complaining about that at all. It's more that the commendation is still stuck to a daily aspect.

    Like I mentioned before, it works for the CE (even without having a known CD timer we can watch) because it is an event, it's limited time, and that is part of the thing.

    This is a rep. It's going to be put into the game and stay there. The 2k xp mission is a 20 hour mission, which is ok. That extra mission at tier 5 is a daily as well, which is also ok.

    So why keep the commendation at one a day? It seems like you've thought about people farming and thus keep the rep missions that need them to daily versions, which is understandable. Yet you are stuck with one a day.

    Let people collect as many as they want each day. It's not going to hurt them or you. They will be choosing to do it. Nobody is forced to grind many of them each day, but limiting them just feels like a means of purposefully trying to get folks to log on each day with that limiting factor, and you're asking for that from a reputation system at that, not a limited event like the CE.

    Edit: Oh yes, forgot. Gorgonzolla, are these commendations needed for any kind of gear unlock? If not, no biggie, but if they are, that's an even bigger limitation on finishing out rep since you have to get a bunch over the course of several days.

    PS: I agree with Ultimatum, paying for rep with dil or Zen would be something I'd gladly spend money on.

    Though I do still await whenever you release info about the thing in regards to making it easier (hopefully) to level alts through rep.

    I agree with that. If the commendation wasn't limited to 1 per day and with the xp adjustment 'Hawk just announced (thanks for that, Adjudicatorhawk, btw.), there's no need for the variety of mark projects I explained earlier. And it's possibly somewhat easier to implement.

    But if the limit of 1 commendation per day stays, I really think a larger system of mark projects ought to be added as I outlined. I don't imagine adding two or three projects for 400-1000 xp costing marks and taking up to 20 hrs to complete would be that problematic.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It is more than likely too late to make this kind of change but here is my idea for how the rep system should work.

    First leveling up a rep, there shouldn?t be any projects at all, just an XP bar. So you?re once every 20 hour mission would just reward 2,000 XP, and killing enemies and doing related missions would also just reward rep system XP. You could have the system give out a random reward every few thousand XP. Once the XP bar is full that rep systems XP would be directly made into Dilithium, note not a straight conversion.

    Rewards, for all the items the system can get you just put them all in the store for Dilithium.

    Now for the first 4 tier powers, +3000 to skill points cap. The player can pick from space or ground. I say to use skill points cap because as you keep adding the current reps, say you get to 10 reps, that would be 40 powers 20 space and 20 ground. What happens when someone takes all 20 space attack powers? If you have it as a skill point cap increase a player can only pick so many attack type skills before they max it out. Then they have to pick a more even set of skills. If someone picked only space cap you could have 27.5 rep systems before they max out all space skills. But a player set up for damage now more than likely already has most of the tactical skill maxed. So even after 27 rep system they wouldn?t be doing much more damage than they are now.

    Now for the tier 5 powers, why not just let a captain pick any ground or space Lt. Commander Bridge Officer power. This will also stop people from stacking attack or defensive powers because of the globe cool downs. I would even say to let people retrain the power without a token.

    A system like this would also be easier to make a lot of. Because there wouldn?t be any testing/balancing of tier powers just copy paste. It also raise the skill cap which a lot of people want. Doesn?t allow so much stacking and min/maxing. It doesn?t time gate things as much because there are no projects. It also stop the adding of new marks and makes Dilithium simpler to get.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    I do like the fact that just logging in to fill projects isn't going to get you as far and you are rewarding active play, and that daily reward actually helps people who play more passively;

    How do you define active play? Can't those with other life commitments be active in spurts then log in to run their forced timegate to rep projects then return to being active again on the weekends?
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Like I mentioned before, it works for the CE (even without having a known CD timer we can watch) because it is an event, it's limited time, and that is part of the thing.

    This is a rep. It's going to be put into the game and stay there. The 2k xp mission is a 20 hour mission, which is ok. That extra mission at tier 5 is a daily as well, which is also ok.

    So why keep the commendation at one a day? It seems like you've thought about people farming and thus keep the rep missions that need them to daily versions, which is understandable. Yet you are stuck with one a day.

    This is the wave of the future for rep, the lack of acknowledgement probably indicates they are laying low on this aspect and just going to push through. At least it will give them something in a couple seasons to change and "listen to the players."
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It turns out this buff wasn't scaling as well as it should have, it was diminishing faster than was intended. In short, the damage resistance rating granted will translate to more damage resistance %.

    "Diminishing faster than intended" seems to imply that these DR values are subject to their own DR curve, which runs counter to previous statements saying they weren't subject to DR at all.

    Clarify please?
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here is the real question on everyone's mind: You guys ready for a new tribble? I know I am, and I hope it rewards 1 dyson commendation every 20 hours! :) #testweekend
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • captainbaileycaptainbailey Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If they want the reputation system to be alt friendly is at the end when a character has hit t5 the 2000 and 800 exp projects turn into projects that produce account bound tokens that can be transferred to other toons on the same account.

    Considering how time-gating cryptic is trying to make the reputation system this concept shouldn't change in respect to the input marks needed to the experience output.
  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    Will the weapons, armour, and other equipment be available for testing like the Nukara, Romulans, and Omega reputation item's were?

    Absolutely! We definitely want to get these items into your hands soon.
    OK, I just finished a third round of this Rep and got this:

    A Very Rare SCI Shield Refrequencer Mk-XII [+CMS].

    And it still only gives a +14.1 stat...

    The consoles found in the Dyson Joint Command Reputation work like this:

    -Half of an existing standard (non-Embassy) console bonus
    -Proton damage proc on science powers (damage is doubled against Voth starships)
    -Shield heal proc

    -Half of an existing standard (non-Dilithium Mine) console bonus
    -Minor Damage Resistance rating to Proton and Antiproton

    -Half of an existing standard (non-Spire) console bonus
    -Increased Proton damage (applies to proton procs and to the Experimental Proton Weapon's damage)

    There's also a bug where the Very Rare Mk XII science consoles are giving slightly less of a bonus than intended. This is fixed internally and should hopefully be in the next build.
    I gotta agree, this system is making it more grindy than before.

    I would like to better understand what specifically makes this reputation more "grindy" than other reputations? Is it because you cannot stockpile resources necessary for large XP projects? Is it something else, or is it a combination of things? The more specific and objective you can be, the better I can understand your objections and possibly resolve them.
    I notices that the buff has a 2 on it, I put on 4 of these consoles and cycled my shield heals to play with it, but im not sure if that's because I proced 2 of them, because its counting 2 secs, or before it has two heals left tills its gone, just that it said 2.

    This is likely because two consoles procced, or you used two shield heals back to back with 1 console and both powers procced.
    Oh I should note that as far as the dyson project boxes go, I have recived a inordinately large number of crew regen Sci consoles, its by far the single most common one ive gotten.

    This is by design. You have a high chance of getting an item that is available in the next tier's unlocked dilithium store. I am assuming you're Tier 0 working your way to Tier 1?
    In simpler terms , you will need to grind 4 times as hard to get to the 800 xp of the old system .(4 x 200 = 800)

    I made a change yesterday to how much experience the daily and hourly XP projects work. The daily now gives 2500 and the hourly now gives 150. So, it's possible to earn 2800 in 1 hour of play assuming you have 10 Dyson Marks upon logging in.
    I kinda wish you hadn't glossed over the rest of my post, but oh well.

    If I don't answer or address a concern, it isn't because I am not listening or ignorning you. I read every single post. Sometimes I don't have anything helpful to add, don't have a useful solution for your particular concern or can't talk about how we're addressing something yet. I'm always listening and considering your feedback, just know that.
    Edit: Oh yes, forgot. Gorgonzolla, are these commendations needed for any kind of gear unlock? If not, no biggie, but if they are, that's an even bigger limitation on finishing out rep since you have to get a bunch over the course of several days.

    Commendations are only used for your large XP projects.
    Wouldn't it be time now for a backup outfit you can switch to out of combat with the press of a button instead of having to dig through your boffs to find the items you were looking for. I understand it wouldn't be exactly a trivial thing to add but would go great lengths towards a smoother playing experience.

    You're suggesting a sort of gear management feature? Like switching between a gear set with the click of a button? If so, I'd love to see a feature like this too. It would be a great quality of life improvement for both ground and space combat. That said, this isn't something that is trivial to implement, so unfortunately we can't expect such a feature anytime in the immediate future.

    Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
  • verline1verline1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    No I was in Tier 1, still getting crew regen, as in ive gotten a few of the other consoles too, but Crew regen is by far and away the most common thing for me to get on the sci consoles. lack of randomness.

    Im getting other stuff too, including a engineer console, but I noticed that of the sci consoles I got, most were crew regen, not one of the other ones.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I made a change yesterday to how much experience the daily and hourly XP projects work. The daily now gives 2500 and the hourly now gives 150. So, it's possible to earn 2800 in 1 hour of play assuming you have 10 Dyson Marks upon logging in.

    Ok, this one should be in neon lights. Thank you, that resolves my issue.

    I guess the fact we cant stockpile the big project commendations is a bit of a pain, but i do see the new system as being so much easier and with more potential do im not too concerned about that. logging in each day is not a big deal but if there is any way to better stockpile (perhaps you can get 2 a day for example so you can play every other day) then cool, but not critical.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    -Half of an existing standard (non-Embassy) console bonus
    -Proton damage proc on science powers (damage is doubled against Voth starships)
    -Shield heal proc

    -Half of an existing standard (non-Dilithium Mine) console bonus
    -Minor Damage Resistance rating to Proton and Antiproton

    -Half of an existing standard (non-Spire) console bonus
    -Increased Proton damage (applies to proton procs and to the Experimental Proton Weapon's damage)

    There's also a bug where the Very Rare Mk XII science consoles are giving slightly less of a bonus than intended. This is fixed internally and should hopefully be in the next build.

    Unless those procs are ludicrously large players are going to be sacrificing significant amounts of base stats by taking these consoles if said consoles are only worth half a non-spire console in terms of effectiveness.

    Not to mention the apparent disconnect between these and the embassy/mine consoles which were markedly superior stat-wise and included added effects.
  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    Ok, this one should be in neon lights. Thank you, that resolves my issue.

    I implemented this yesterday, but I hesitated to mention it here. Namely because I generally prefer players to see the patch notes, test it and experience it before shooting it down. But, I think enough people are concerned about the issue I decided it was worth mentioning.

    Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
  • gorngonzollagorngonzolla Member Posts: 172 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2013
    Unless those procs are ludicrously large players are going to be sacrificing significant amounts of base stats by taking these consoles if said consoles are only worth half a non-spire console in terms of effectiveness.

    All item stats are subject to change based on player feedback. I'm hoping that we can get some test items into your hands in our next push to tribble.
  • neok182neok182 Member Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    All item stats are subject to change based on player feedback. I'm hoping that we can get some test items into your hands in our next push to tribble.

    Looking forward to it!
  • dukedom01dukedom01 Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You're suggesting a sort of gear management feature? Like switching between a gear set with the click of a button? If so, I'd love to see a feature like this too. It would be a great quality of life improvement for both ground and space combat. That said, this isn't something that is trivial to implement, so unfortunately we can't expect such a feature anytime in the immediate future.

    Sort of. Speaking of ground only (because I seriously cannot see 'quick' starship loadout changes happening) I would imagine a possible gear set switch possible as soon as you are out of combat. And I 'did' say that it isn't trivial :P

    edit: Here is an evil idea. Get some friendly neverwinter coworker to do it for NW then adapt it to STO after it is done? :>
    Ceterum censeo Otha supplendum in praemiis.
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