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Official Federation Tutorial Feedback Thread



  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Played after the Nov 4 Tribble patch as a male Tellarite Science Officer

    Awesome work! Here's my constructive critique.

    Glitches in order of mission flow:

    1) The door to Taggart's office looks AWFUL. It reads "Deck F" (like those other oversized "castle gates") and the panel next to it looks totally out of place (it's wider than the frame it's glued on). It's actually just a PADD attached to the door frame. And you repeat doing that in the ship interior. I'd fire that construction worker.

    2) Running by the shoreline with Flores, she repeats the same line twice (about Boothby's hologram), whereas her remark about never seeing the whales is shown, but not spoken.

    3) Readying the ship for departure, Cpt. Taggart repeats his line "Very Good, Number One." twice, once each after requesting permission for departure and then for closing the shuttlebay doors. Hearing exactly the same line of VO twice within 5 seconds sounds odd and very cheap.

    4) Most VO during the Leaving-drydock-cutscene and the subsequent distress call is missing.

    5) After this cutscene, the character automatically gets up from the chair, causing the screen to wobble (likely due to a clipping glitch).

    6) The texture of the panels within the ship's turbolifts are in an extremely low resolution. This becomes very obvious as the cutscene shows them very prominently. Looks very very cheap.

    7) The Armory Door bug is back. The supposedly locked door is already open...

    8) The VO during Cpt. Taggart's death-cutscene is missing.

    9) A "Patching File" issue caused the torpedo seeking the cloaked Klingon ship not being visible during the cutscene.

    10) Acting Chief Zarva recites a wrong line of VO when she is supposed to give you a damage report once you take over command of the ship. She keeps throwing out wrong VO lines for the rest of the mission...

    11) Flores' VO already begins before the Full-Impulse-cutscene begins, and is then shown again as subtitle.

    12) During the final fight with the IKS Chok, Cpt. Vo'lok's and the Klingon captain's VO overlap.

    13) Fighting the Borg Probes and the Sphere, Cpt. Vo'lok's VO lines are often overlapping.

    14) The Borg Sphere armada warps THROUGH the planet in the Pollux System.

    15) SEVERE BUG: After clearing the 5 Borg groups over Vega colony, the mission suddenly got reset to me entering the Vega System and hailing the colony for the first time.
  • derrico1derrico1 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    love that new bridge however is there a way we can get the new interior also and the weapons room also im sure lots of us would buy it from the z store like we buy the bridges that our offered .... thanks and great job
  • dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    stodecker wrote: »
    We considered the Belfast but that would have prompted deeper investigation into Shon's wife (who is lost on Vega) and a longer denouement to the tutorial section of the Federation experience than we were happy with.

    Glad you liked what you played, sad you encountered some bugs that lead to hiccups.

    Or an even better idea than the Defiant: the Enterprise E. I for one would love some explanation of what happened to the federations former flagship and her crew (I dont mind if the ship goes down in a blaze of glory, so long as Data and spot survive to fight another day).

    On a more important note, I thought that STO went with the moronic 4 genders convention used in the novels? Wouldnt that be contrary to him having a singular wife?

    I had no idea Shon was even married, was that in path to 2409 or something?

    Anyway, really hope this is a step towards burying the four genders thing once and for all. I mean really, they only had two sexes in the tv show, and having four genders makes NO SENSE whatsoever from a biological, evolutionary or plain old common sense perspective. At least not for mammalian humanoids anyway, it could work for aquatic or insectoid species (new diverse species would be great in my opinion, but on the mammalian Andorians it is not only nonsensical but non-canonical as well).

    The Andorians from the show were by far the awesomest aliens of all time, and deserve at least half way workable reproductive physiology.
    Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?

    Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:

  • kelernkelern Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The various bugs i ran in to after the last patch,November 6th.

    No voice over for cadet morek when directing you to get a assignment from Lt Ferra

    Cadet Flores says her Vo about boothby when the fly in message appears about the whales in the bay

    When boarding the shuttle to go to your ship you can hear the q teleport/change sound

    The cutscene on the bridge after leaving dry dock there is no Vo until the cutscene ends,also the first officer and captains chairs take a while to load

    No Vo for the duration of the captured captain cutscene

    Acting chief Engineer Zarva had the wrong Vo for all her lines in the whole tutorial,most of the time it seems to be Lt brikkars that is talking (asking for name and postion)

    No Vo for the cutscene explaining full impulse

    No reason given for the birds of pray being unshielded (i know its not a bug but it is very odd)

    When the EMH says "I've lost contact with the bridge.I am unable..." it sounds like there should be a and or a pause between the two lines

    The transwarp hub above pollux just appears (another non bug but odd moment)

    When leaving the pollux system there is no Vo for the renown cutscene

    When on the ground of Vega colony the default officer selected for the mission,for me, was T'vrell however Flores talks as if she was on the ground

    After opening the first gate,when you get armour, there is no Vo after "Oh no were too late" till "Remeber when we thought fighting a crazed klingon" line after setting up the pattern enhancers

    During the transport inhibitor cutscene the line about "we have to disable that force field" is at the start and end of the scene

    After the cube warps in,when fighting in orbit of vega colony, there is no Vo for captain Vo'lok

    On the starbase cutscene there is a subtitle that says "Fed Doorbell FX" there is also no voice over

    Spock starts his sector block Vo when in the admirals office
  • oooooonoooooon Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    basterand wrote: »
    The Voice Over's for the Cut Scene for when you are in warp and through the point to where you are put in command are missing.

    Same for me.

    kagasensei wrote: »

    1) The door to Taggart's office looks AWFUL. It reads "Deck F" (like those other oversized "castle gates") and the panel next to it looks totally out of place (it's wider than the frame it's glued on). It's actually just a PADD attached to the door frame. And you repeat doing that in the ship interior. I'd fire that construction worker.

    2) Running by the shoreline with Flores, she repeats the same line twice (about Boothby's hologram), whereas her remark about never seeing the whales is shown, but not spoken.

    3) Readying the ship for departure, Cpt. Taggart repeats his line "Very Good, Number One." twice, once each after requesting permission for departure and then for closing the shuttlebay doors. Hearing exactly the same line of VO twice within 5 seconds sounds odd and very cheap.

    4) Most VO during the Leaving-drydock-cutscene and the subsequent distress call is missing.

    5) After this cutscene, the character automatically gets up from the chair, causing the screen to wobble (likely due to a clipping glitch).

    6) The texture of the panels within the ship's turbolifts are in an extremely low resolution. This becomes very obvious as the cutscene shows them very prominently. Looks very very cheap.

    8) The VO during Cpt. Taggart's death-cutscene is missing.

    9) A "Patching File" issue caused the torpedo seeking the cloaked Klingon ship not being visible during the cutscene.

    10) Acting Chief Zarva recites a wrong line of VO when she is supposed to give you a damage report once you take over command of the ship. She keeps throwing out wrong VO lines for the rest of the mission...

    11) Flores' VO already begins before the Full-Impulse-cutscene begins, and is then shown again as subtitle.

    12) During the final fight with the IKS Chok, Cpt. Vo'lok's and the Klingon captain's VO overlap.

    13) Fighting the Borg Probes and the Sphere, Cpt. Vo'lok's VO lines are often overlapping.

    14) The Borg Sphere armada warps THROUGH the planet in the Pollux System.

    15) SEVERE BUG: After clearing the 5 Borg groups over Vega colony, the mission suddenly got reset to me entering the Vega System and hailing the colony for the first time.

    Experiencing the exact same bugs and i tend to agree with the low texture oversized doors. Not a pretty sight. Please revert!!

    I still cant destroy the EPS conduit. Tried both shooter modes and both weapons. I ended up approaching it and pressing use and it dissapeard without any effect.

    The ferengi freighter warps out and the green plasma leek can still be seen afterwards.

    The RED ALERT KLAXON still shows up on all the panels. Looks strange as you can see Flores using the console after the klingon invasion is repelled. What exactly is she pushing on that console?

    The lines spoken when Elisa tells player we should use full impulse are spoken BEFORE the cinematic starts. During the cinematic only the lines show but no VO is played.

    When warping into the Pollux system there is a typo in the text during Elisa's first VO.

    the VO for captain Vo'lok when my ship transmits the data from scan doesn't match the text.


    Many of Captain Vo'loks VO overlaps oneanother after the arrival of the borg.

    Has the borg torpedo sound effect changed? It doesnt sound like the sound in the movies and series anymore.

    On Vega, Elisa Flores VO lines trigger almost at the same time. Makes it impossilble to hear what she is saying.

    The final scene where the cube warps in is glitchy. the VO overlaps and not all of captain Vo'loks line are spoken. There should be a slightly longer delay between the cube arriving and the fleet arriving to assist to allow sufficient time for elisa's VO to play out. Same goes for after cube is destroyed. A delay before Volok gives us new orders. Also for a new player, a cube blowing up is quite cool to watch and with the popup appearing straight away you miss out on the fireworks!!

    Also I never got a chance to reconfigure the final sattelite as the cube warped in and afterwards I was sent to spacedock. Not sure if this was intentional...

    the Cinematic when arriving to Admiral Quinn's office is buggy. The doorchime also doesnt play and the door doesnt open. Instead the player walks right through it.

    <<Now for some praise>>

    1. I LOVE the little details such as the Break Even showing up on the viewscreen during dialogue. It makes me think of games such as A final Unity for some reason. The U.S.S Renown also has flashy lights when displayed on screen coolness!!

    2. The Lcars featured when Captain Taggert is contacting you through the intercom is also nicely done.

    3. The ferengi VO is fantastic. Very impressed with the voice actor. also the VO of Captain Taggert is nicely done. His aussie accent is a nice change for the overly american dominant VO work in the game. Some brittish voice actors would be a nice addition as well.

    4. I don't agree with the complaints in this feedback thread about the borg VO. They sound very borg to me.

    5. i enjoy the multiple options in many of the conversation. Even if the outcome remains the same, it still helps defining your character.

    6. Just the right number of career specific options.

    Overall, a HUGE improvement over the original tutorial. If the bugs above as well as the one mentioned by players are corrected then this would be a great addition to the federation experience.

    I just hope my new crew continue to play a part in the ongoing federation missions, like they do on the Romulan campaign.

    Thanks for reading!
  • sfc#5932 sfc Member Posts: 992 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2013
    kagasensei wrote: »
    Played after the Nov 4 Tribble patch as a male Tellarite Science Officer

    Awesome work! Here's my constructive critique.

    Glitches in order of mission flow:

    5) After this cutscene, the character automatically gets up from the chair, causing the screen to wobble (likely due to a clipping glitch).

    7) The Armory Door bug is back. The supposedly locked door is already open...

    #5 isn't being fixed as the player automatically stands up after sitting down when the warping away cutscene appears. The wobbling is the game moving you in the right position.

    7 and your last point is simple - something's not resetting the instances properly. This has been going on since the beginning of the tutorial on TRIBBLE and I'm wondering how bad things will get if it gets carried to Holodeck.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kelern wrote: »
    The various bugs i ran in to after the last patch,November 6th.

    No voice over for cadet morek when directing you to get a assignment from Lt Ferra

    Cadet Flores says her Vo about boothby when the fly in message appears about the whales in the bay

    When boarding the shuttle to go to your ship you can hear the q teleport/change sound

    The cutscene on the bridge after leaving dry dock there is no Vo until the cutscene ends,also the first officer and captains chairs take a while to load

    No Vo for the duration of the captured captain cutscene

    Acting chief Engineer Zarva had the wrong Vo for all her lines in the whole tutorial,most of the time it seems to be Lt brikkars that is talking (asking for name and postion)

    No Vo for the cutscene explaining full impulse

    No reason given for the birds of pray being unshielded (i know its not a bug but it is very odd)

    When the EMH says "I've lost contact with the bridge.I am unable..." it sounds like there should be a and or a pause between the two lines

    The transwarp hub above pollux just appears (another non bug but odd moment)

    When leaving the pollux system there is no Vo for the renown cutscene

    When on the ground of Vega colony the default officer selected for the mission,for me, was T'vrell however Flores talks as if she was on the ground

    After opening the first gate,when you get armour, there is no Vo after "Oh no were too late" till "Remeber when we thought fighting a crazed klingon" line after setting up the pattern enhancers

    During the transport inhibitor cutscene the line about "we have to disable that force field" is at the start and end of the scene

    After the cube warps in,when fighting in orbit of vega colony, there is no Vo for captain Vo'lok

    On the starbase cutscene there is a subtitle that says "Fed Doorbell FX" there is also no voice over

    Spock starts his sector block Vo when in the admirals office

    Pretty much this, I had exactly the same problems in the tutorial..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Today, I've started a fresh character for the Fed tutorial. It's a female, Andorian Engineer this time.

    Graduation Day

    As we meet each cadet along the path, Cadet Morek is missing a voice over.

    Taggarts office door still says Deck F

    Voice over inside Holodeck 2 and the training ship's shuttlebay still reverberates too much.

    Training Cruise
    The leaving drydock cutscene is missing Taggarts voice over through most of it.

    When that cutscene swaps to the next Distress Signal cutscene, there is a *thud* sound. As if someone fell. When it cuts to T'vrell she has a dust cloud around her chair. As if she fell. *wink*

    The distress call still lacks obvious information from the sender. Who never elaborates upon *why* they need assistance.

    Targetting the EPS conduit in the corridor shows a laser pointer hitting the floor. Firing fails to effect the EPS conduit. It's impossible to target the conduit a second time. As if it were already burst. But it isn't. As I reach the conduit, Taggart contacts me. I take the next step and pass the conduit toward the turbolift, the EPS conduit bursts with a green flash. No plasma is ejected. The conduit simply vanished from the wall.

    Breaching the turbolift door into Engineering triggers a phaser beam from my equipped rifle. Which is pointed to the floor. So is the beam. Then the door opens.

    Returning to the Turbolift as suggested would suggest the turbolift from where I came originally. Back down the corridoe. However, the minimap indicates a door within Engineering? Better details are needed here.

    Taking Command

    The cutscene of Captain Taggart aboard the Klingon ship is completely lacking a single voice over. This is inconsistant with the tutorial up to this point.

    When our training vessel - Miranda Class - fires a torpedo, it is shown to discharge from underneath the saucer. This is rendered incorrectly. All torpedos on a Miranda class are launched from the center of the rowbar. Atop the saucer. Not below. Tutorial first impressions are everything. Correct this detail and more Trek fans will grovel at your feet to play your game. Just sayin'.

    Field Promotions

    Voice Overs for Acting Chief Engineer Zarvas are placed incorrectly throughout this portion of the tutorial. Some were clearly intended for the Training Cruise portion.
    I'm impressed that Zarvas trainee crew went into the warp nacelles to replace the plasma injectors. My engineering cadets better all be purple to reflect that level of skill without a drydock. *wink* Because you won't find those installed in a Warp Core or a Jefferies Tube of a starship.

    Communication Breakdown
    The appearance of the Borg Transwarp Gate continues to be out of place on this map. Effort to better disguise this gate prior to its reveal would go a long way.

    When turning in this mission, Captain Vo'lok confirms our order to reach Vega. Yet he suggests the Renown will attempt to 'hold off the Borg here in Vega and repair the Khitomer'. Continuity suggests they are holding off the Borg at Pollux not Vega.

    Confirming the turn-in and receiving of the new Boff conflicts with the voice over from Leonard Nimoy. We need to hear this before Flores next voice over leads us further toward our next step in the tutorial.

    Assimilation of the Innocent

    I was able to select my Science Boff to beam down with me to Vega. However, upon arrival the pop-up and voice over suggests that Elisa Flore is with me.

    Dire Warning
    Following destruction of the Borg Cube, I'm ordered to Earth Space Dock. Again, no option to leave the map is available.
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    psiameese wrote: »

    Communication Breakdown
    The appearance of the Borg Transwarp Gate continues to be out of place on this map. Effort to better disguise this gate prior to its reveal would go a long way.

    This one bugged me too. The exit aperture of a Borg transwarp conduit doesn't need a gateway. The portal effect itself will do just fine.

    Also, I like the new bridge, but the oversized doors and the window for a viewscreen bugs the TRIBBLE out of me.

    There's also the question how Vega is left in Borg hands at the end. Starfleet would be freaking out over a Borg foothold that close to Earth. Go the the Klingon front? There is no Klingon Front. They would pull everything back at maximum warp. This is not a "keep an eye on it" problem, this is a "the Federation may only have days" problem.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Took me a few attempts to get the Tutorial Working. Those attempts, the tutorial started the entire screen being completely black, except some UI assets like map icons.

    Anyhow, criticisms for the tutorial has not changed from my previous posts on this thread.


    Some need some pausing in the dialogue. Like the Vulcan Cadet going saying "live long and prosper" immediately as she finished her sentience. Taggert's lines are the same.

    Too much echo in the Holodeck.

    I really wish you guys listened to our feedback with the dialogue in the cutscene. Those STO terms with the Vesta and the Miranda was not called for and NOT STAR TREK. Also, "Warp 5 point "nothing"!".............nobody would even use that term. You should redo that line and have her just say "Warp 5".

    I'm extremely disappointed in the Cryptic staff in doing that. Very Very disappointed.

    Shuttlebay: Way too much echo.

    "Maximum Thrusters" - once again I wish you people listen to our feedback. That is NOT A term that they use in Star Trek. It would be "thrusters ahead full".

    "Go see to the bridge"? Bad Grammar.

    Borg Voiceover - Like I said in the previous post.......it is absolutely horrible........It really needs redone. I guarantee people will be pointing this out.

    Also noticed after the Vega mission was completed, we get a new accolade. It's unfair to accolade hunters who will not ever be able to play the tutorial.

    And finally, as I repeated countless times VEGA DOES NOT BELONG IN SIRIUS SECTOR. It belongs in Vega Sector in the Alpha Quadrant, northwest of Earth. Please respect the real world and Star Trek with star positions.

    Overall, IMHO, the new Tutorial still gets bad marks from myself and I really think it would be unwise to have it go live with Season 8. And I am very adamant about it.
  • ats2040ats2040 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I really wish you guys listened to our feedback with the dialogue in the cutscene. Those STO terms with the Vesta and the Miranda was not called for and NOT STAR TREK. Also, "Warp 5 point "nothing"!".............nobody would even use that term. You should redo that line and have her just say "Warp 5".

    I just took that as her being derogatory towards the Miranda class after drooling over the Vesta. A pop at its aging warp drive.

    I really enjoyed the new tutorial (still to play the Vega ground bits). Congrats on the great work, and it feels much better than the previous one with good use of the Academy and Cadet uniforms. I did hit some bugs and glitches, but they've been well documented elsewhere in the thread.
  • zeroknightdxzeroknightdx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i just wish the space and the combat training was part of the holo deck to make it really feel that we had to pass the Academy just to get assign to a crew
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    a few things that came to mind when playing the tutorial:

    - you have cadets saluting. I can't remember a single scene in the movies or shows where any starfleet member did a military-style salute.

    - the whole order of events up until the ship leaves the dock seems strange. Shoot a bit on the firing range, drink, go on duty. It might be more immersive, if there was something in between the drinking and going on duty for example.

    - some minor things get emphazised too much, while others aren't even mentioned. The "shooter-mode" isn't even mentioned for example.

    - After getting your first Boff, it's space skills (Torpedo HY 1) get moved into the third skill tray to position alt-1, which is hidden by default. It would be much better it it was placed in the "1"-position on your visible and primary tray.

    - Also you could mention that Boffs are retrainable. It's one of the most important aspects of the game and you still have people who think Boff skills are a fixed thing.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,436 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    A few graphical issues:

    - When you go from the Academy to your first ship, she displays in the dock, ready for departure. However, during the actual departure sequence, she appears immediately below the dock; when the camera pans to watch your launch, what you really see is the empty space your ship should be in, as that empty space departs the dock on maneuvering thrusters. (The ship reappears for the warp-out animation.)

    - The seats on the Bridge seem to randomly appear and disappear. (You're still sitting there, but appear to be floating in midair.)

    - I can't turn off Half-Graphics.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ats2040 wrote: »
    I just took that as her being derogatory towards the Miranda class after drooling over the Vesta. A pop at its aging warp drive.

    I really enjoyed the new tutorial (still to play the Vega ground bits). Congrats on the great work, and it feels much better than the previous one with good use of the Academy and Cadet uniforms. I did hit some bugs and glitches, but they've been well documented elsewhere in the thread.

    You don't get it. Of course the idea was her to drool over the Vesta.

    But the dialogue of X forward Y rear slots, are STO terms, so its like a sore thumb. You never hear such terms in real Star Trek. And this is what the game supposed to be.......us being in the Star Trek Universe.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Could use little more work from the art team...

    * large doors around duty officer area of the Academy. Where you first learn of being the first officer.
    *blinding light from 1 wall as soon as you get onto the bridge of the ship.

    Could you give couple choices of what phaser rifle you get from the armory...

    Make a new ship for the Tutorial? redo the tier system? I feel that it's 2 different games from level 0 to level 50.
    Very boring for first several levels. Ground combat pretty much stays the same throughout the entire game... space combat for first few levels could use a touch up. Starter ship could use more weapons slots. (* other games have used max level characters for tutorial and then used low level characters for when tutorial was done.)
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't really like the new tutorial, I've got to say.

    The story itself is certainly a mixed bag. I like the new representation of Vega colony invasion, as well as some of the dialogues there, but overall there's just too much stuff happening in too "little" time.

    Basically we're put in the shoes of a cadet just before getting his first assignment, but who forgot to take a silly phaser exam and does it at the last minute. He's so awesome that he's instantly a "Number One" on a ship that gets ambushed by Klingons during it's very first mission, because it was "the only ship in range" (despite us seeing the Vesta minutes earlier leaving the space dock). The captain is killed, player takes command, defeats Klingon ambushers, but moments later witneses a huge borg invasion and tries to save a civilian colony. All of this while listening to overly excited and honestly annoying tactical officer who talks like a spoiled college girl ("I mean, oh mah gawd, that is soooo lameee, I mean, duuuuh... and, like, oh my gaaaawd" etc.).

    It's just too much packed there. I think you should have gone with either just Klingons, or just the Borg. Having them both one after another makes the tutorial not only too lengthy, but way too unprobable, even for Star Trek standards.

    As a result, the gameplay certainly feels artificially stretched. It took me over an hour to reach level 3 and beat all three introductory missions (reading all the dialogues) before I arrived at ESD. That's WAY too long for a tutorial segment. I really didn't see a need to fight waves after waves of probes. After the third wave it just felt pointless, even for a tutorial. The same goes for scanning stuff - anomalies or satellites. Cryptic, you really want players to experience the whole game in just one hour? Because that's precisely what you did - "defeat X waves of enemies" and "press F for stuff to happen". Not a good introduction, if you ask me, especially if you ask players to do it multiple times per mission.

    The EMH/Zachary Quinto stuff also seemed forced. New players will notice the difference right away, while new players will certainly ask themselves "what the hell was the point of that?". And I'd agree - what was the point, other than to keep his voice in the game? I'd honestly rather see some standalone mission later in the game with USS Khitomer, than insist on keeping it in the tutorial.

    Oh, and I think Quinn is a bit too excited to see player come to his office - http://i.imgur.com/aWlHS2L.jpg (cutscene bug only).
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    A very good tutorial overall although I agree with the points about too many waves of Borg probes and it took me about an hour to get through it all although I let the VO work play all the way through. I liked the character of Elisa Florres, she's young and just graduated the Academy, of course she's excitable, nice to have a Fed bridge officer with an inbuilt personality, in fact I may well claim her to use as one of those recurring characters in my Captains own backstory (would it be possible to allow her biography to be edited as that option isn't currently available?)
    Academy and Starship Shuttlebays were very good, don't see any reason the Shuttlebay couldn't be added to our ship interiors and I hope the corridors become the default for interiors in the future.
    I used the "Flashback episode" clich? to create my older Captain as a young Cadet for the tutorial.

    Just another point regarding the new LCARS, I can't believe what a difference it's made to the interiors, thank you thank you thank you.:D

    Overall, some very positive things coming out of STO at the moment.
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    jlebeck wrote: »
    I liked the character of Elisa Florres, she's young and just graduated the Academy, of course she's excitable
    I think even the most outgoing and thrilled person would tone down at least a little bit in a situation where their captain is killed on their first mission and after witnessing a borg invassion and assimilation of an entire planet first-hand. As it is, she acts as if it's "yet another happy day in starfleet". Midway through the tutorial she really started getting on my nerves.

    And people said Tovan was bad...
  • jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Looks like we both interpreted her character differently, that's why they make vanilla and chocolate.
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
  • kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Played after the Nov 8 Tribble patch as a female Vulcan Science Officer

    Awesome work! Here's my constructive critique.

    Glitches in order of mission flow:

    1) The door to Taggart's office looks AWFUL. It reads "Deck F" (like those other oversized "castle gates") and the panel next to it looks totally out of place (it's wider than the frame it's glued on). It's actually just a PADD attached to the door frame. And you repeat doing that in the ship interior. I'd fire that construction worker.

    2) Readying the ship for departure, Cpt. Taggart repeats his line "Very Good, Number One." twice, once each after requesting permission for departure and then for closing the shuttlebay doors. Hearing exactly the same line of VO twice within 5 seconds sounds odd and very cheap.

    3) After the leaving drydock-cutscene, the character automatically gets up from the chair, causing the screen to wobble (likely due to a clipping glitch). Best solution would be to simply have the character spawn 1 meter in front of the chair after the cutscene.

    4) The panels within the ship's turbolifts show some broken-looking shifted LCARS display.

    5) The Armory Door bug is back. The supposedly locked door is already open...

    6) The Borg Sphere armada warps THROUGH the planet in the Pollux System.

    7) Admiral Quinn STANDS on his chair during the entire cutscene showing the player entering his office.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,436 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    kagasensei wrote: »
    7) Admiral Quinn STANDS on his chair during the entire cutscene showing the player entering his office.
    He's very excited about how awesome you are. :)

    Mentioned upthread is one change I'd like to see made - please give us the ability to edit Cadet Flores' record. I want to be able to change her name, so when I run into other Fed groups on Nimbus III we won't all have Elisa Flores as our tac officer. It's bad enough that every single Rom in the game is best buds with a clone of Tovan Khev...
  • fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so is any of this feedback given in the past 18 pages going to make it into the release tomorrow (or at some time after it), or are you going to move this Alpha version of a tutorial, with all it spelling errors, graphics glitches, bugs and plot-holes onto the live realms tomorrow?
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so is any of this feedback given in the past 18 pages going to make it into the release tomorrow (or at some time after it), or are you going to move this Alpha version of a tutorial, with all it spelling errors, graphics glitches, bugs and plot-holes onto the live realms tomorrow?

    Far too busy working on S9 now to fix bugs
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
    Visit our Youtube channel
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so is any of this feedback given in the past 18 pages going to make it into the release tomorrow (or at some time after it), or are you going to move this Alpha version of a tutorial, with all it spelling errors, graphics glitches, bugs and plot-holes onto the live realms tomorrow?
    Tribble is for previews, not bug reports. Expect a glitchy and badly paced tutorial going live tomorrow together with numerous brand new bugs and issues.
  • oooooonoooooon Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    just tried the released version of the tutorial.

    At least the VO is working now and the cinematics run a lot smoother. Also it was nice playing with the added Lcars and looking forward to them being polished further.

    I encountered the door glitch as well. A bit embarrasing for the company? It is the first mission players do after all.

    There needs to be more time between redshirt text popup and him getting vapourised. I didnt even get a chance to read his final words and ive played the tutorial three times now.

    GPS conduit working now.

    There is no red alert light on the walls when playing the engineering path (corridor leading to main engineering). Also the crew that is assisting you doesnt fire upon the klingon invaders, they .. just.. stand.. there.

    Sad to see that they didnt listen to the feedback regarding all the consoles having the red alert sign on them upon returning to the bridge. At least leave the typing consoles black then to look like they are shut down. Maybe itl get fixed when more work into the new lcars gets underway.

    ferengi plasma leak still visible after freighter warps out.

    I think i'll stop playing here. let me know when the bugs are fixed.
  • trevino92trevino92 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    How and when will the new bridge officer (the one like Tovan Kev) from the new federation tutorial become available to existing players?
  • lotusmoon1lotusmoon1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I was asked to help someone get through he tutorial and they shared the mission with me they where on. problem i encountered is the person i have to talk to I can't find.

    Training cruise. i'm suppose to talk to the person who will be my first bridge officer. but there's no way cause there's no where to talk to her and since i did this mission before i should be able to drop the mission right?

    NO. you can not drop it you can not get into it you can't do anything and asking people about it in chat is useless cause everyone seams to be to self absorbed complaining about things that they won't stop to help or even answer a question asked.

    Now i have this quest i can't get done or drop. and i'm afraid i'll have to delete this toon and start over just to do anything now.

    anyone know what i can do as i'I've pinged the Gm's on such things and have never gotten a response so my hopes there are dashed too on expecting a response.
  • toxicompanytoxicompany Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This tutorial is absolutely HORRID, they place you into your ship without barely explaining a single thing, the game is a ton full of menus and yet you have barely any idea what you're doing... I'm the type of person that likes everything to be explained not just chuck me out there and I'll never know what I'm doing with anything at all.
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