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Official Federation Tutorial Feedback Thread



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    druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    stodecker wrote: »
    We have the time to fix the graphical issues with the environments (the bloom on the bridge, doors clipping through walls, etc.), but wholesale 'change the bridge'-style feedback is simply beyond the scope of where we are at.

    While fixing the doors, make sure they are of the smaller model as seen on Earth Spacedock, and not the gigantic pre-refit ESD, or the current middle-sized half-rendered style on the new bridge/interiors.

    Consoles would be nice if they employed a new LCARS style (or more traditional LCARS style), as well as proper LCARS "Red Alert" styling. At current, all you've done is taking the standard "Red Alert" warning and slapped it onto every console display on the bridge. Looks quite bad.

    Are the interiors of the ship indicative of what we might expect for a future new "player ship interior" ?
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can You please set the Team Mode OFF, on the Vega Colony Ground mode of the mission.

    I got teamed with Four other players and didn't get to read what the NPC's were saying or kill the BORG.

    When that many players are vying for the same goals it's difficult to achieve a sense of accomplishment.

    Especially for first time players.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    ekumulumekumulum Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    stodecker wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Fantastic feedback so far. It's given me a good idea where to track down the bugs and get everything working smoothly on our end.

    A few people have asked for tweaks to the story. I will go over some ideas with the leads and see if there is any wiggle room. No promises though, we might be story locked at this point.

    We have the time to fix the graphical issues with the environments (the bloom on the bridge, doors clipping through walls, etc.), but wholesale 'change the bridge'-style feedback is simply beyond the scope of where we are at.

    The cutscenes are still being worked on, animations being changed, and of course we can't get final timing until we get the voice files back from the audio department. That goes for some of the tooltips too.

    If there are any tooltips you THINK should be in here, let me know ASAP, and also where you would put them. Keep in mind we can't throw a ton of game mechanics at the player in a row, or they'll never remember all of them. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thanks for your feedback,


    Some Ponits:

    1. The Tutorial isn't good for Teamplay. I've used to play it with an friend, but there was no way. Alone no problems, but together catastrphe.

    2. I hope that the normal Starfleet-Acadamy-Map would be changed with the Map from the new Tutorial. I would visit the new Room from Captain Taggert as Captain. And the Shuttlebay on Acadamy is fantastic. It would be great, when I can fly with shuttle to ESD, like in the Tutorial. PLease do it :)

    3. The Tooltipps are Great :)

    4. The Part with the U.S.S. Renown an U.S.S. Kithomer is nice, but one thing is stupid. I destroy with an Miranda-class an little probe, but the Big Thyphoon- and Sovereign-Class has some Problems with 2 little Probes? Strange :rolleyes:

    Good Work.
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    reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    My Impressions of the new Fed Tutorial:

    Fed Tac Bajoran Male

    Like that we are placed in the Academy uniform.

    Captain Taggart's office at the academy seems strange with how the windows are, it feels disconnected, don't know if its possible to make them transparent on the inside so you can actually see out them, and the doors leading in aren't properly embedded in the walls. The doors also are labeled Deck F and don't match the cosmetic doors in the building. When Lt ferra refers to the office being behind him its not clear what side its on either.

    The Cutscene on the ship when you start the rescue operation has the transporter operator half in the floor.

    The Armory has two NPC waiting for me to unlock it, but the door is being held open by their presence.

    The Cutscene for the hull breach seems to last a long time for what it is, is there supposed to be more going on there?

    And it looks like all the Klingons aren't loading into the map, On Training Cruise Klingon Marauders, Repel Klingon Borders I am stuck at 71%. I went AFK to do something and they respawned and I was able to move forward.

    for Breach the Door, the door was open, and I wasn't prompted to breach it until I passed it, at which point I phasered the floor.

    Reached the bridge, saw a Klingon take off with Captain Taggart, and have the mission Training Cruise, Defeat the Klingon Boarders, but there are no Klingons, so now I'm officially stuck.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i guess all that emergency medical hologram VO from JJ trek is just canned then, seems like a waste. though repelling the klingons was a lot more fun then being aboard the khitamer.

    also, vega REALLY needs to be your own instance. up intil that point you really felt isolated and alone agienst the galaxys worst, then suddenly theres some guy theres some other cadet there too thats thrust into a crazy situation? you couldn't get a message out, no one else could have shown up to help.
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    lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited October 2013
    I like what was done with the new tutorial, Flows much better then the old one.
    I also had no problem at all to finish it.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, I tried again with an alien science officer, and I got stuck at exactly the same place. I enter the bridge, watch the captain get kidnapped, then I need to defeat the Klingons, and there are no Klingons to fight.

    And, of course, the last few Klingons in the transporter room took a very long time to appear.
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    raythilo2345raythilo2345 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    anyway we can have the small interior doors instead of big ones?

    and ya i can't complete the tutorial
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    foxalpha5foxalpha5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Is the tutorial planned to be part of Season 8 or will it launch before? I'm holding off making a new Fed character just so I can go through it with them.

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    sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Engineer Liberated Borg. Unable to beam up from Vega colony. Show stopper, as you cannot do anything after that point....

    All in all very impressed with the new tutorial. Definitely has a more Starfleet feel too it.

    As others have mentioned, inconsistencies with maps to do with doors not fitting in, and too big consoles dotted around.
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    stodecker wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    Fantastic feedback so far. It's given me a good idea where to track down the bugs and get everything working smoothly on our end.

    A few people have asked for tweaks to the story. I will go over some ideas with the leads and see if there is any wiggle room. No promises though, we might be story locked at this point.

    We have the time to fix the graphical issues with the environments (the bloom on the bridge, doors clipping through walls, etc.), but wholesale 'change the bridge'-style feedback is simply beyond the scope of where we are at.

    The cutscenes are still being worked on, animations being changed, and of course we can't get final timing until we get the voice files back from the audio department. That goes for some of the tooltips too.

    If there are any tooltips you THINK should be in here, let me know ASAP, and also where you would put them. Keep in mind we can't throw a ton of game mechanics at the player in a row, or they'll never remember all of them. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Thanks for your feedback,


    Does that include the LCARS too? Would it be possible within the time constraints to have the bridge (corridors, transporter room, ready room and engineering) use the same colour scheme as the LCARS (different shades of mauve and gold) that the Odyssey-class' Aquarius bridge does. Especially since both bridges fit the styling of the new interior corridors.

    Oustside of that I'm also surprised that the much better scaled transporter pad area from the back of the Aquarius bridge also wasn't recycled here.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    dauntlessf05dauntlessf05 Member Posts: 268 Media Corps
    edited October 2013
    The new tutorial is amazing, despite the bugs, but that's what Tribble is for right? lol

    Bugs I've noticed:
    -Door to armoury invisible
    -get stuck in trasporter room. - had to exit game and relog
    - not enough Klinks spawn - again had to exit game and relog
    - for Tactical, when you breach the door, there is no door there, but the objective is there.
    - get to bridge, and no klinks to take out - I've tried multiple instances, exiting the game and re-logging, nothing is working. Stuck on the bridge ( Klingons finally showed up)
    -no wounded officers

    Current Tutorial status: UNABLE TO BE COMPLETED
    Check out my STO Cinematic Videos: ZEFilms Youtube Channel
    Follow me on Twitter: @ZEFilms_STO
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    icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I got past the 71% area (where I got stuck on my second attempt) and found a new bug in the Space Tutorial. After you destroy the Jamming Satellites, when the Negh'Var is supposed to decloak... it doesn't. Looks like I need to make yet ANOTHER test character...

    I'll use this post as a master list of Sticking Points, in the order that I find them:
    1. Beaming Down to Vega - Objectives said "Beam to Ship" as soon as I spawned, couldn't progress.
    2. The infamous "71%" Bug.
    3. Non-Existant Negh'Var in Space Tutorial. (SOLVED - Log character out, wait about 5 minutes, go back in)
    4. Beaming Down to Vega again. Vega totally unpassable, not even a client restart will pass this bug.

    EDIT: I waited at Character Select while I typed this originally, and when I logged the character back in, the Negh'Var decloaked as it should. Work-around found.

    Current Tutorial status: UNABLE TO BE COMPLETED
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    zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Someone told me its so bugged its not even funny but the funny thing that happened is you go to get a prompt to open the door but its already open LOL :D
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    trekkiemelissatrekkiemelissa Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Issues so far:

    Not enough klingon spawns. Had to change maps to get more.
    Stuck on bridge after klingons take taggert. Can't go any farther than that.
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    jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is admittedly minor, but it would be nice if the starting Academy uniform had rank pips.

    The new ship interior and bridge look really, really great. I haven't had the bloom issues others have reported. Main engineering, being a clone of the existing engineering "set," looks noticeably worse by comparison.

    During the cutscene with me in the turbolift contacting R'raak, R'raak was stuck in the floor at the transporter console.

    During the Klingon attack, I had multiple issues with having no Klingons to fight. It's nice to see that they respawn eventually, but this is something that desperately needs a fix. Also, on one playthrough, the first group of Klingons didn't spawn at all, saving Cadet Rosark from his gruesome fate.

    No Klingons ever spawned near the EPS conduit I can destroy, so I didn't get to test that feature. However, targeting the conduit is a nightmare. Even if I do lock on and use the sniper fire, the targeting beam points in a different direction. It's just like with the generators on Cure Ground.

    Once again, after the captain gets kidnapped, there are no Klingons to fight on the bridge. I sat around for over 15 minutes but nobody spawned in, so I guess that's that.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
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    pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just a minor thing. When I entered the shuttle departure lounge at SFA before heading to the ship for the first time I felt the bar was a bit out of place.

    Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with a bar being there, but that particular one has a huge great back to it that blocks the view out of those nice big windows. Now I may not be any sort of interior designer, but if I had a room with a nice big window with a fantastic view like that I wouldn't plunk a great big wall in the way of it.

    Also the tutorial crashed for me when I beamed down to Vega colony. When I got back into game my objective was to beam up, but there was no way to do so. There was also nothing to do on the map except kill a single drone, loot armor, and loot a kit.
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Attempt 2:

    In the shuttle-to-spacedock cutscene, I didn't notice it the first time, but why are there warp streaks when you see ESD? You need to have something like space dust than warp streaks.

    Also again, ESD is in the wrong spot above the Earth, it needs to be over San Francisco. Also the lighting is irregular, given the positions of the Earth and Moon.

    In the Shuttlebay (again doesn't feel like a Miranda), but looking in the background with the Spacedock frame, there is no lights. Should add some.

    Like others..........Tutorial got stuck at the Klingon boarding party at 71%, after the Transporter room. End Tutorial Attempt 2.

    No offense, but there is just too many bugs with this new Tutorial and I highly suggest delaying this until after Season 8 is released. And while the cutscenes are good, the story is still stale and uninformative as a Tutorial.
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    kagasenseikagasensei Member Posts: 526 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    1) The windows of Cpt. Taggart's office have to be transparent. Really looks goofy like it is now.

    2) Most of the sliding doors are totally oversized and look out of place.

    I would also like to point out to Yuzral's amazing review video:

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    robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I was having a bit of fun with this tutorial and wanted to know if you can discharge Elisa. You can. The funny thing about this is that the conversation assumes she is still on board even though she was replaces by a random npc. The problem with adding her name on the button is what if the player already renamed her when they were looking at her after they got her?

    This tip also assumes that you have her slotted.

    You can also discharge Zarva. If you still have the reporting for duty window up it seems to get confused.

    There was no funny dialog after this up to Vega colony where the client crashed and the tutorial borked.
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    jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Okay, this morning I was able to fight Klingons on the bridge on my third login attempt.

    During the cutscenes on the bridge, Flores was wearing a Starfleet ensign uniform instead of her cadet uniform. During gameplay, she was still wearing the proper cadet uniform.

    When destroying the communications jammers, the voiceover refers to my "plasma beam" - a holdover from the Romulan tutorial, clearly.

    When I click "Done fighting" instead of looking for more raiders, it's a little disconcerting to see the "dropped mission" flyby. It makes me think I've done something wrong.

    Is the captain of the Renown intended to be asking me if I want to surrender during the fight? It seems...odd.

    The sector map is bright blue for some reason when I open it. I can't read it at all.

    Edit: Moved "Assimilation of the Innocent" feedback to appropriate thread.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
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    cers001cers001 Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can we get some epic music when the ship launches its the same problem when enterprise enters in 'boldly they rode'
    CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    When I logged in today, the Klingons and wounded officers showed up on the bridge, and I was able to continue. I managed to get all the way to the Vega colony before things broke down again. As soon as I beamed down to Vega, one objective was already complete, and the other (kill Borg) was at 94%. Unfortunately, the one Borg who shows up every long now and then doesn't count for that objective, and no other Borg are available, so I'm stuck again.

    I did this with both of my new characters, with exactly the same results on Vega.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mirai222 wrote: »
    When I logged in today, the Klingons and wounded officers showed up on the bridge, and I was able to continue. I managed to get all the way to the Vega colony before things broke down again. As soon as I beamed down to Vega, one objective was already complete, and the other (kill Borg) was at 94%. Unfortunately, the one Borg who shows up every long now and then doesn't count for that objective, and no other Borgs are available, so I'm stuck again.

    I did this with both of my new characters, with exactly the same results on Vega. By the way, I'm doing it solo, if that makes any difference.

    Yer not really, the Vega Ground part of the mission is PRESET to Auto-Team Mode.

    They need to either add a whole lot more BORG or turn it off.

    Preferably the latter, as it also interferes with folks trying to read what the Mayor NPC is telling you.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    mirai222mirai222 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well, for a cooperative zone, Vega is very uncooperative. That is, it seems to be completely broken. My objective to kill Borg remains at 94%. I don't suppose a GM could step in a sprinkle in some Borg here and there...
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    blueshift7blueshift7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm also stuck on Vega with 94% of the Borg defeated. Not sure if auto-team is a great idea here.
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    wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mirai222 wrote: »
    When I logged in today, the Klingons and wounded officers showed up on the bridge, and I was able to continue. I managed to get all the way to the Vega colony before things broke down again. As soon as I beamed down to Vega, one objective was already complete, and the other (kill Borg) was at 94%. Unfortunately, the one Borg who shows up every long now and then doesn't count for that objective, and no other Borg are available, so I'm stuck again.

    I did this with both of my new characters, with exactly the same results on Vega.

    Exactly the same situation. Occasionally a lone borg spawns and I kill it but it doesn't affect the %age status...
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
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    nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,626 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm very pleased to see some revamping of the Federation gameplay experience. Now down to business, some observations I've made in my five or so runs of the tutorial.

    My largest gripe with this mission is that the quality of the dialogue dips rather quickly after the execution of Captain Taggart. This should be handled better in my opinion, and not simply used as a means to rush through the last few bits of the tutorial mission. Below are my minor gripes:

    • No more introduction movie?
    • Sometimes Flores doesn't escort you into Building 2 on the Academy map, instead she runs off into the bushes. You can still proceed to the weapons locker yourself, but it is very strange to see.
    • Please change Captain Taggart's Academy map uniform? White with white gloves? It is very different from almost every game uniform, let alone canon uniform.
    • Turbolift doors throughout these missions need to have their colour corrected, as they are very pale.
    • Perhaps inform the player to holster their weapon after the holodeck simulation.
    • Some time to chat with your class after your speech (before they run to queue for the shuttle) would be nice.
    • Flores' cutscene-to-game uniform switches need attention.
    • The NPC crew damage needs to be toned down as they are killing all the klingons preventing completion (although some times Klingons don't seem to spawn either).
    • The dialogue after the Captain is executed needs attention. Flores' saying "Yeah I'm going to call you captain now, because that's what you are, chain-of-command being what it is, now lets get home before any more Klingons show up."... what? We just witnessed our Commanding officer being murdered.
    • BO popups during the space section also need attention "that guy's starting to get annoying". rofl? Serious?
    • The Ferengi Captain's dialogue needs to be re-written. He's not a pakled.
    • Being repeatedly reminded of the cloaked Klingon battlecruiser isn't helpful.
    • Chief Zarva's "You have your problems, I have mine"... oh dear. The situation doesn't call for this tone, this type of language.
    • Captain Vo'Lok's dialogue also needs attention. "..., but we must inform the USS Khitomer that we will fail to make our rendezvous. We're not able to reach the Khitomer? They are not responding... so we are going investigate what happened to them, and you will accompany the Renown as we do so."... this is very condensed.
    • Furthermore, being promoted in one line like that. The dialogue quality at the end of this mission is lacking. Where is the reflection on how bad this mission has gone. What did Captain Taggart mean to the player? This is the time to rally your remaining crew etc.
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    amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think it'd be better if it just followed the same basic story flow of the original tutorial, where Captain Taggart is killed during the Borg attack on the USS Khitomer.

    The captain of the Renown wouldn't promote you after his death, but instead tries to get you out of harm's way by sending your ship, filled with the wounded from the Khitomer, to the Vega colony. Upon arrival you find that it is also under attack from the Borg.

    After you've helped the colony, you are then sent back to ESD where it is Admiral Quinn who promotes you because of your actions in dealing with the Borg.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yeah, that would be better. Because this plot with the Klingons is to generic and really makes Klingons look like thugs. Also, it really goes against the Klingon code of Honor to hide using a distress call, that's what a Romulan would do, a Klingon warrior would hunt and attack.

    If I had my way, I would start with the cutscene of the graduation like we had with the F2P Trailer (gawd, I still love it! RIP H2orat!)

    After the cutscene, you have the tutorial that really crams the various functions of ground from simple movement to more advanced like shooter mode.

    Then you get assigned to the ship, you learn of Vega being attacked by the Borg and then you go to assist, then you learn how to fight in space.
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