Maybe this would be a good time to buff the Galaxy-X since it's the redheaded stepchild here? Not that I'd hold my breath, tried that with the Galaxy-class and almost lost consciousness.
There are only five Dreadnoughts in game currently:
1) Galaxy-X Dreadnought Cruiser
2) Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier
3) Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird 4) Falchion Dreadnaught Warbird
5) Tulwar Dreadnaught Waribird
Of these 5 Dreadnoughts, only the Dreadnought Cruiser (Galaxy-X) will receive the Cruiser Commands.
Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
Red text is mine. You're a developer, you should know better. Why do people keep forgetting about those other 2? They may be all part of the romulan 3 ship pack and have a 3 piece console set that goes together, but they are all separate individual ships.
The range is apparently currently set to 5km, so ships would ahve to be in a REAL close formation to get all three buffs, but if I am not mistaken, they are saying ships can have one of all three buffs (four if you count the threat one) active at once, they just do not stack multiples of the same buff.
Hrm. It seems to me like it would make more sense to chain the abilities' range (ie. you have one ship 4km away and you're 4 km from them, it works) and maybe give the buff a duration when leaving range for thematic effect so that escorts tend to fly back to their cruiser teammates for a "refresh".
So maybe it should be an AoE buff but one that doesn't immediately expire outside the AoE but which instantly becomes a fading duration buff.
monkeybone13: Because the original was called the Scimitar, is usually referred to as Scimitar-class and habits are horrible things (I'm as guilty of this as anyone ).
Edit: Actually, that gives me an idea - rename the current 'Scimitar' to 'S'harien' and use 'Scimitar' to refer to the whole line? Would save on this confusion.
considering the shaft it alone is receiving, singled out in a category with just 2 auras, yes, it should just be rebranded a battlecruiser :rolleyes:
the first c store ship is hardly on par with whats considered a dreadnought nearly 4 years in.
I agree. Quite why the devs seem to like making a bad ship (caused by themselves, based on today's standard) even worse, by a magnitude of 100, is beyond me.
In fact, you could say the same for all the iconic ships from the series. it is almost as if they don't want to attract people who used to watch star trek... :rolleyes:
I know that the romulan warbirds arent getting anything......but the more cruiser style ones (aka, D'D and the lvl 40 one) should get the
Command : Weapon System Efficiency:
The Weapon System Efficiency Command reduces power drain from weapons by 25% for the cruiser and nearby allies. This Command will reduce the significant drain from directed energy weapon fire. Ultimately, this will lead to higher sustained damage and quicker recovery from firing energy draining powers like Beam: Overload.
because they already have -10 power to everything....imo its better than nadion inversion anyways
Kind of funny one of the pictures they choose to show on the blog was the Tal Shiar adapted battlecruiser.
Cause with this buff to cruisers in general, i can see this thing being a staple in PvP matches now since it can tank pretty hard core with its set bonuses and boff layout geared for engineering. Not to mention it can be made nimble enough to keep with groups.
I'm talking about the x->z power bonuses, which can be quite substantial on top of the other non-fluctuating core bonuses. I have an elite singularity core. As with any other singularity core, the 12.5 x 2 power bonus vanishes or is diminished during the singularity lockout/charge-up period. You recharge that lost singularity by fighting at a power disadvantage.
I don't know why it's so common for people on these forums to turn everything into an us-vs.-them debate. I fly Fed, KDF and Rom ships. I'm not some butthurt Rom-only.
Cryptic is adding a mechanic to make cruisers more relevant to the game. Despite all the Rom trappings, the D'D is a cruiser. Its role in the game is mainly defined by what it is. Adding much needed relevancy to every cruiser in the game except those that are Romulan is absurd.
Singularity powers + battle cloak + high crit chance, together, define a role in the game, but not for a beamboat with a 5/5.5 base turn. Playing to the strength of the Romulan powers requires a different class of ship. For a cruiser, it merely adds contextual powers with a tradeoff.
So Rom cruisers are left not being particularly strong at doing anything particularly Romulan, because 80% of what they do in the game is exactly what Fed cruisers do. They will be the only cruisers in the game that can't fill what I imagine will be a highly useful role that is likely to change how teams play together. They will be the only cruisers without the ability to have an always-on boost to their turn rates.
Romulan crit chance requires some kind of balance by way off Fed/KDF boff passives. Adding a dynamic-altering relevancy mechanic to cruisers but excluding Romulans is a huge fail.
+ 1 to this comment.
I thought at the beginning of LoR, that the 5 singularity powers the Romulans received on the warbirds, were explained as a tradeoff for them being weaker in power to the warp core, and thus receiving the -40 power (-10 across each subsystem)?
If the above is true, then why do the Romulan cruisers not receive this function as well?
This feature will enhance team game, in order for players to benefit from each others special abilities.:) However, for the Romulan captain commanding a warbird cruiser, you become a double liability to your team, having no special communication ability to aid your teammates, and, suffering from a continual -40 power.:(
They have cannons and they are the most effective ships, they already got everything they're going to get. You didn't waste your money, you paid for ships that are finally going to be balanced instead of superior.
Now they need to add the coveted second deflector to science vessels and we might have something close to balance! :eek:
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
I like this! Romulan characters can still be buffed by it when flying in groups with the Fed or KDF, so it's not like they get no benefit from it, and it gives the factions a stronger unique flavor. Roms get their Singularity powers, Fed/KDF get access to the Advanced Comm Arrays. I think this is good balancing.
Command - Strategic Maneuvering:
While this Command is active, the cruiser and nearby allies have their flight speed and turn rate increased. This Command is intended to give slower starships such as carriers, dreadnaughts and cruisers a needed boost to their turn rate and flight speed as long as they stay near the cruiser with this Command active.
If the cruisers get something to compensate for turn rates, the escorts should get something to compensate for weak hulls. Science officers and ships also need to be adjusted.
Making the cruisers turn slow was to compensate for their strong defenses.
I think I invested into the wrong game. I was just about to drop another $100 down on zen. Thank god I saw this blog first. I think I would have made a BIG mistake. I have some thinking to do.
The Cruiser Commands will affect non-small craft allies. This excludes things like torpedoes, mines and hangar pets. It includes things like saucer separation and pet toggles like those on the Bortasqu and Monbosh Battleship.
Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
Thats AWESOME!!!!! BUT when you do that can you get our saucer sections to not run away?
This is a poorly thought out shot in the right direction.
The Klingons are going to go nuts when they find out the Feds got a scimitar before they did.
How does a communications array boost another ships turn rate? "Akira class ship Pantheon, did you know there's a targ in your impulse engine buffers"? "Pantheon here, what we ever do without you cruisers around"!? Any name other than something to do with communication would work better for this. Or they could really go out on a limb and actually buff abilities that might benefit from communication like attack patterns.
I have a bonus question, won't lessening a ships threat control wreck it's damage resistance? Here come the one shots.
Pretty sure reducing threat doesnt reduce damage reduction. Its basically to assist the cruisers in their supposed role of tanking, so it has more threat than the escorts pull with their dps. Sounds perfect to me.
If the cruisers get something to compensate for turn rates, the escorts should get something to compensate for weak hulls. Science officers and ships also need to be adjusted.
Making the cruisers turn slow was to compensate for their strong defenses.
Escorts and Sci Ships do get a bonus, by staying in formation with the Cruisers they can get a shield resistance buff from Shield Frequency Modulation. If you operate an Escort or Sci Ship with a Cruiser the Escort or Sci Ship gets a buff!
With these new Cruiser abilities having a small 5 km Radius but the possibility of overlapping AOE buffs we are going to have to see tactics other than the normal Fed Ball. Players are going to have to start using some real formation tactics.
This might be the best thing in STO in a long time, now we got Carriers to provide fighter support, Cruisers to provide C2 systems, Science ships for the EW systems, and escorts to be the shooters for the task force. We got an actual battlegroup forming up here!
My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug.
I think I invested into the wrong game. I was just about to drop another $100 down on zen. Thank god I saw this blog first. I think I would have made a BIG mistake. I have some thinking to do.
They add something new to help a class that is underperforming and you think it's a bad thing?
If the cruisers get something to compensate for turn rates, the escorts should get something to compensate for weak hulls. Science officers and ships also need to be adjusted.
Making the cruisers turn slow was to compensate for their strong defenses.
I think I invested into the wrong game. I was just to drop another $100 down on zen. Thank god I saw this blog first. I think I would have made a BIG mistake. I have some thinking to do.
I will wait and see what happens next.
I have an almost 40k hull on my defiant if irrc and a 51k hull on my D'Kora cruiser so what weak hull are you talking about exactly?
The D'D pays a hybrid tax for being a warbird and a cruiser.
For D'Ds, the price is only losing the 4 cruiser auras which can be granted to you by an ally. The dreadnought cruiser pays a hell lot more and ends up as now a bad cruiser and a bad dreadnought!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
If the above is true, then why do the Romulan cruisers not receive this function as well?
Honestly, because they are the only cruisers that can battlecloak. Being the only cruisers able to cloak at any time and then re-enter combat with a decloak alpha buffed to hell from all the superior Boff passives the faction has it's pretty unique to Romulan cruisers. And they can do it repeatedly. No other cruiser can.
And the D'D has her unique setup with 2 LTC. So yeah, I don't really think not having this will hurt them.
If the cruisers get something to compensate for turn rates, the escorts should get something to compensate for weak hulls. Science officers and ships also need to be adjusted. mean something like, I don't know.....10% defense bonus from speed maybe? :rolleyes:
I agree about science ships, but after reading this today I think we're not far away from that double deflector Cpt.Geko talked about. Maybe we'll have the ship classes on somewhat equal ground once again.
+1 Great idea to show the game isn't just about DPS
I completely agree. An MMO is about teamwork, and about cooperation. Admittedly since another MMO came out I have been over there being a fantasy little self, but with this I am certain to get back on STO for more than just dailies to really enjoy the aspect of what I do best - support.
monkeybone13: Because the original was called the Scimitar, is usually referred to as Scimitar-class and habits are horrible things (I'm as guilty of this as anyone ).
Edit: Actually, that gives me an idea - rename the current 'Scimitar' to 'S'harien' and use 'Scimitar' to refer to the whole line? Would save on this confusion.
To be honest, the Scimitar was considered a 'Reman Warbird', not a romulan ship, much less a dreadnaught. And I think the Falchion and Tulwar were original creations by Cryptic, based off the design and capabilities of the Scimitar.
nice stats, but the regent, the regent is over. its 1000% worthless now
More than anything I'm pissed as hell at this. The Oddy was behind when Fleet Ships started coming out, and the Regeant just made it worse. This... oh man... I can barely find a reason to justify still using the thing with this.
5x DHC fore, 2x Turrets and the Kinetic Beam aft Damage spikes better than Escorts.
I trade my Oddy toys for a Phaser Relay and shifting a Universal to Engineering.
Keep the Fleet RCS and Neutronium, turning is acceptable.
The only thing worse than the Odessey is the Hull by a mere 750. And that doesn't matter. Crew doesn't count, and its shields are better. The only real loss is a device slot that is rarely used.
Honestly, because they are the only cruisers that can battlecloak. Being the only cruisers able to cloak at any time and then re-enter combat with a decloak alpha buffed to hell from all the superior Boff passives the faction has it's pretty unique to Romulan cruisers. And they can do it repeatedly. No other cruiser can.
And the D'D has her unique setup with 2 LTC. So yeah, I don't really think not having this will hurt them. mean something like, I don't know.....10% defense bonus from speed maybe? :rolleyes:
I agree about science ships, but after reading this today I think we're not far away from that double deflector Cpt.Geko talked about. Maybe we'll have the ship classes on somewhat equal ground once again.
course it wont hurt them but the buffs are really nice .. -25 percent power drain al weapons nice buff
The Odyssey can Science better than this gunboat due to its consoles and uni boffs. Again, that ship pays a hybrid tax for being able to hybridize.
Any of the free T5 Sci ship beats the Oddy at Science. That doesn't justify its short standings at everything else - especially when comparing it to something else that can out-perform it to such a degree.
It can match this Battle Cruiser's tac abilities to a tee, but it can't match the power. Its defenses are weaker. The ship's life is in its shields, and this Battle Cruiser out-matches it. The Hull difference isn't worth arguing as a few hundred isn't going to be decisive compared to the loss of shield points. The manuverability is better too, making the restricted damage arcs from the Oddy even less worthwhile.
The skills are even able to out-perform it with the only catch being if the Oddy swaps the lt Com to Sci - and that means it can't ever defeat it in combat.
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
Red text is mine. You're a developer, you should know better. Why do people keep forgetting about those other 2? They may be all part of the romulan 3 ship pack and have a 3 piece console set that goes together, but they are all separate individual ships.
Hrm. It seems to me like it would make more sense to chain the abilities' range (ie. you have one ship 4km away and you're 4 km from them, it works) and maybe give the buff a duration when leaving range for thematic effect so that escorts tend to fly back to their cruiser teammates for a "refresh".
So maybe it should be an AoE buff but one that doesn't immediately expire outside the AoE but which instantly becomes a fading duration buff.
Edit: Actually, that gives me an idea - rename the current 'Scimitar' to 'S'harien' and use 'Scimitar' to refer to the whole line? Would save on this confusion.
My face is sad, but not surprised...
I agree. Quite why the devs seem to like making a bad ship (caused by themselves, based on today's standard) even worse, by a magnitude of 100, is beyond me.
In fact, you could say the same for all the iconic ships from the series. it is almost as if they don't want to attract people who used to watch star trek... :rolleyes:
Command : Weapon System Efficiency:
The Weapon System Efficiency Command reduces power drain from weapons by 25% for the cruiser and nearby allies. This Command will reduce the significant drain from directed energy weapon fire. Ultimately, this will lead to higher sustained damage and quicker recovery from firing energy draining powers like Beam: Overload.
because they already have -10 power to everything....imo its better than nadion inversion anyways
Harden up Princess
Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
Cause with this buff to cruisers in general, i can see this thing being a staple in PvP matches now since it can tank pretty hard core with its set bonuses and boff layout geared for engineering. Not to mention it can be made nimble enough to keep with groups.
+ 1 to this comment.
I thought at the beginning of LoR, that the 5 singularity powers the Romulans received on the warbirds, were explained as a tradeoff for them being weaker in power to the warp core, and thus receiving the -40 power (-10 across each subsystem)?
If the above is true, then why do the Romulan cruisers not receive this function as well?
This feature will enhance team game, in order for players to benefit from each others special abilities.:) However, for the Romulan captain commanding a warbird cruiser, you become a double liability to your team, having no special communication ability to aid your teammates, and, suffering from a continual -40 power.:(
They have cannons and they are the most effective ships, they already got everything they're going to get. You didn't waste your money, you paid for ships that are finally going to be balanced instead of superior.
Now they need to add the coveted second deflector to science vessels and we might have something close to balance! :eek:
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
I like this! Romulan characters can still be buffed by it when flying in groups with the Fed or KDF, so it's not like they get no benefit from it, and it gives the factions a stronger unique flavor. Roms get their Singularity powers, Fed/KDF get access to the Advanced Comm Arrays. I think this is good balancing.
Making the cruisers turn slow was to compensate for their strong defenses.
I think I invested into the wrong game. I was just about to drop another $100 down on zen. Thank god I saw this blog first. I think I would have made a BIG mistake. I have some thinking to do.
I will wait and see what happens next.
Thats AWESOME!!!!! BUT when you do that can you get our saucer sections to not run away?
Pretty sure reducing threat doesnt reduce damage reduction. Its basically to assist the cruisers in their supposed role of tanking, so it has more threat than the escorts pull with their dps. Sounds perfect to me.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for answering these.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Escorts and Sci Ships do get a bonus, by staying in formation with the Cruisers they can get a shield resistance buff from Shield Frequency Modulation. If you operate an Escort or Sci Ship with a Cruiser the Escort or Sci Ship gets a buff!
With these new Cruiser abilities having a small 5 km Radius but the possibility of overlapping AOE buffs we are going to have to see tactics other than the normal Fed Ball. Players are going to have to start using some real formation tactics.
This might be the best thing in STO in a long time, now we got Carriers to provide fighter support, Cruisers to provide C2 systems, Science ships for the EW systems, and escorts to be the shooters for the task force. We got an actual battlegroup forming up here!
They add something new to help a class that is underperforming and you think it's a bad thing?
I have an almost 40k hull on my defiant if irrc and a 51k hull on my D'Kora cruiser so what weak hull are you talking about exactly?
For D'Ds, the price is only losing the 4 cruiser auras which can be granted to you by an ally. The dreadnought cruiser pays a hell lot more and ends up as now a bad cruiser and a bad dreadnought!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
nice stats, but the regent, the regent is over. its 1000% worthless now
Honestly, because they are the only cruisers that can battlecloak. Being the only cruisers able to cloak at any time and then re-enter combat with a decloak alpha buffed to hell from all the superior Boff passives the faction has it's pretty unique to Romulan cruisers. And they can do it repeatedly. No other cruiser can.
And the D'D has her unique setup with 2 LTC. So yeah, I don't really think not having this will hurt them. mean something like, I don't know.....10% defense bonus from speed maybe? :rolleyes:
I agree about science ships, but after reading this today I think we're not far away from that double deflector Cpt.Geko talked about. Maybe we'll have the ship classes on somewhat equal ground once again.
Yup, just been on there myself lol.
And I was right, she looks a lot like that DTNE runner up, just as I thought
Also, the V.A.T.A. reminds me of the KDF Bio torp...
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
I completely agree. An MMO is about teamwork, and about cooperation. Admittedly since another MMO came out I have been over there being a fantasy little self, but with this I am certain to get back on STO for more than just dailies to really enjoy the aspect of what I do best - support.
The name of the new console coming with the Avenger.
Stands for: Variable Auto-Targeting Armament
Included a screeny.
I will have to disagree. We'll find most Cruisers running with the Weapon setting now...
According to the wiki, the Scimitar, Talwar, and Falchion are all 3 separate classes, therefore they can't all be generalized as the same ship, IMO.
To be honest, the Scimitar was considered a 'Reman Warbird', not a romulan ship, much less a dreadnaught. And I think the Falchion and Tulwar were original creations by Cryptic, based off the design and capabilities of the Scimitar.
Although at Memory Beta (the NON-canon wiki) it is labeled as a 'Scimitar Class' and points out it is a 'Romulan Warbird'
So Cryptic didn't even go by canon for this ship.
I stand by my statement that the romulan faction has 3 dreadnaughts, not 1.
Ooh! Ooh! What does it do? Anyone fired it? Does it make things go BOOM?!
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
More than anything I'm pissed as hell at this. The Oddy was behind when Fleet Ships started coming out, and the Regeant just made it worse. This... oh man... I can barely find a reason to justify still using the thing with this.
5x DHC fore, 2x Turrets and the Kinetic Beam aft Damage spikes better than Escorts.
I trade my Oddy toys for a Phaser Relay and shifting a Universal to Engineering.
Keep the Fleet RCS and Neutronium, turning is acceptable.
The only thing worse than the Odessey is the Hull by a mere 750. And that doesn't matter. Crew doesn't count, and its shields are better. The only real loss is a device slot that is rarely used.
So much for being the flagship of the Federation.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
course it wont hurt them but the buffs are really nice .. -25 percent power drain al weapons nice buff
Any of the free T5 Sci ship beats the Oddy at Science. That doesn't justify its short standings at everything else - especially when comparing it to something else that can out-perform it to such a degree.
It can match this Battle Cruiser's tac abilities to a tee, but it can't match the power. Its defenses are weaker. The ship's life is in its shields, and this Battle Cruiser out-matches it. The Hull difference isn't worth arguing as a few hundred isn't going to be decisive compared to the loss of shield points. The manuverability is better too, making the restricted damage arcs from the Oddy even less worthwhile.
The skills are even able to out-perform it with the only catch being if the Oddy swaps the lt Com to Sci - and that means it can't ever defeat it in combat.
The Oddy isn't even worth the cost anymore.