Very soon! I also wanted to pop in here and let you know which ships are affected by this:
Ships that fall into this category receive all four Cruiser Commands. Below is a list of ships that are classified as Cruisers:
Cruiser Refit
Heavy Cruiser
Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Advanced Heavy Cruiser
Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Support Cruiser
Support Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit
Exploration Cruiser
Exploration Cruiser Refit
Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Exploration Cruiser Retrofit
Assault Cruiser
Assault Cruiser Refit
Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit
Mirror Assault Cruiser
Star Cruiser
Fleet Star Cruiser
Mirror Star Cruiser
Odyssey Operations Cruiser
Odyssey Star Cruiser
Odyssey Science Cruiser
Odyssey Tactical Cruiser
All Factions
Cardassian Galor
Battle Cruisers
Ships that fall into this category receive three Cruiser Commands: Command - Strategic Maneuvering, Command - Shield Frequency Modulation and Command - Weapon System Efficiency. Below is a list of ships that are classified as Battle Cruisers:
Battle Cruiser
Fleet Battle Cruiser
Klingon Empire
K'Tanco Battle Cruiser
K't'inga Battle Cruiser
K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Koro't'inga Battle Cruiser
Vor'cha Battle Cruiser
Vor'cha Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Mirror Vor'cha Battle Cruiser
Vor'Kang Battle Cruiser
Negh'Var Heavy Battle Cruiser
Fleet Negh'Var Heavy Battle Cruiser
Kamarag Battle Cruiser
Kamarag Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Kamarag Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Tor'Kaht Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Bortas Heavy Battle Cruiser
Bortasqu' War Cruiser
Bortasqu' Command Cruiser
Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser
All Factions
Elachi Monbosh Battleship
Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser
Ferengi D'Kora Marauder
Flight-Deck Cruisers
Ships that fall into this category receive two Cruiser Commands: Command - Shield Frequency Modulation and Command - Attract Fire. Below is a list of ships that are classified as Flight-Deck Cruisers:
Klingon Empire
Marauder Flight-deck Cruiser
Corsair Flight-deck Cruiser
Corsair Flight-deck Cruiser Retrofit
Fleet Corsair Flight-deck Cruiser Retrofit
Dacoit Flight-deck Cruiser
Dreadnought Cruisers
Ships that fall into this category receive two Cruiser Commands: Command - Weapon System Effiency and Command - Attract Fire. Currently there is only a single ship classified as a Dreadnought Cruiser:
Dreadnought Cruiser (Galaxy X)
Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski
So, the aggro control aura will not be available for any Klingon ships???!!! Oh c'mon... so the best tanks will have to play a FED char or fly non-Klingon ships?!?! You cannot be serious How more tanky than a Vo'quv, Negh'Var or Bortasqu' can it get? ( Give these three ship classses the Attract Fire Command instead of Weapons Efficiency!
Good news flight deck cruisers get aggro control aura so if you picked up the free ship you will have that...
Also you might want to read more closely
No KLINGON ships. Read more closely
Just doesn't feel right to have no tank aura on ANY Klingon-design ship The guys who are known to be able to take a beating... With fat, slow ships like the Bortasqu' etc....
Very soon! I also wanted to pop in here and let you know which ships are affected by this: >snip<
I notice the TOS Connie isn't on the list (It's classified as a light cruiser). Oversight? Or is it just too old.
Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
I notice the TOS Connie isn't on the list (It's classified as a light cruiser). Oversight? Or is it just too old.
The starter "Miranda/Centaur/ShiKahr-class Light Cruisers aren't there either. I guess we don't get these commands until we rank up to Lieutenant Commander then?
frankly, I'm surprised that the dreadnaughts/battleships don't have more commands available, since they are traditionally flagships, although I'm glad to see that the Odysseys have the full list, seeing as the Ent-F is the Federation Flagship.
Odyssey gets all four commands, but not the Bortasqu'...
It is not so much about getting that fourth command for the sake of completion, but to get the aggro aura in order to be a viable tank, since it will be an integral cornerstone for any future hi-end tank (and yes, they do have a purpose in STO). As a KDF player I want to have a Klingon-design ship choice to do that, and not being pushed to a non-Klingon design And as I said, there are plenty of sensible choices: The Vo'quv, the Bortasqu', the Negh'Var...
I know that these ships, in contrast to Odyssey and co., can equip cannons. So why not give these Klingon ships three commands as it is, but a different variation, i.e., Attract Fire, Strategic Maneuvering, and Shield Frequency Mod. ? No Weapon System Efficiency in order to compensate for their cannons.
Otherwise my question would be: What is the supposed niche for a Bortasqu' War Cruiser or Negh'Var in PvE endgame? Damage dealing?? In every respect there are better choices amongst cruisers, e.g., the Vor'Cha. Tanking? Without the aggro aura they have a profound disadvantage here, too...
It does seem odd that the Bortas classes don't get attract fire. I mean look at thing. It screams, I'm going to fire very large guns at you as I lumber towards you, while you shoot at me and it does nothing....then you die. I would think that Attract Fire will be its first ability.
And just for something random, considering how big some of the ships are getting, we've got the Scimitar now, and the Voth City Ships are going to be enemies in the near future. Why do I get the crazy sensation we're gonna get the Klingon Cardassian Alliance Negh'Var from the mirror universe????
Anyway, as far as the Bortas is concerned how about a variation. The Bortas'qu Command vessel is an engineering focused cruiser. Why not have that singular edition have all four commands?
That said from an in story perspective it makes sense. For the Klingons this is a duplicated technology from espionage. It would be illogical for them to perfectly duplicate the tech and thus get the full range of abilities. (it would be nice if the Klingons came up with something for Starfleet to hijack). Truth is Attract Fire doesn't fit in to Klingon design philosophy. Klingons since they got the cloak, have a strike hard and fade away attack ideal. Their ships are hard as they come, but they're much more interested in destroying enemies than taking hits for their allies. But even then it's still odd that their heavy hitters, the Bortas and Negh'var aren't getting this. Those are both siege ships that are designed to take heavy punishment.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
It does seem odd that the Bortas classes don't get attract fire. I mean look at thing. It screams, I'm going to fire very large guns at you as I lumber towards you, while you shoot at me and it does nothing....then you die. I would think that Attract Fire will be its first ability.
And just for something random, considering how big some of the ships are getting, we've got the Scimitar now, and the Voth City Ships are going to be enemies in the near future. Why do I get the crazy sensation we're gonna get the Klingon Cardassian Alliance Negh'Var from the mirror universe????
Anyway, as far as the Bortas is concerned how about a variation. The Bortas'qu Command vessel is an engineering focused cruiser. Why not have that singular edition have all four commands?
That said from an in story perspective it makes sense. For the Klingons this is a duplicated technology from espionage. It would be illogical for them to perfectly duplicate the tech and thus get the full range of abilities. (it would be nice if the Klingons came up with something for Starfleet to hijack). Truth is Attract Fire doesn't fit in to Klingon design philosophy. Klingons since they got the cloak, have a strike hard and fade away attack ideal. Their ships are hard as they come, but they're much more interested in destroying enemies than taking hits for their allies. But even then it's still odd that their heavy hitters, the Bortas and Negh'var aren't getting this. Those are both siege ships that are designed to take heavy punishment.
Exactly!!! One must not forget that any ship with Attract Fire has a double-disadvantage: You lack the bonus aggro AND your aggro is being reduced when someone else has the aura turned on in your group :-( Aside from cross-faction lockbox-ships, the only KDF ships that get Attract Fire are unsuited for tanking, i.e., taking some beating: The Dacoit, the Marauder, and the Corsair (all with only mediocre hulls and shield modifiers)... Cryptic, I beg you to reconsider this! The Bortasqu', the Negh'Var, the Vo'Quv... all with stats DESIGNED to tank... but these ships will NEVER be able to take the tanking role in any hi-end content if this stays like this :-/
My suggestion: Replace Command - Weapon System Efficiency with Command - Attract Fire for the Bortasqu' War Cruiser, the (Fleet) Negh'Var and the (Fleet) Vo'Quv.
If anyone needed auras, it was science for healing purposes. As it is, we use all our heals on ourselves because its a royal pain to heal anyone else.
At the very least, give science the ability to have a friendly target and a hostile one selected at all times. This way if we heal, the heal goes to the currently selected friendly unit. If we use an attack skill, it is used on our hostile target.
How about letting the engineers buff, and the science heal with auras.
Hmmm, so I noticed the Chel Grett isn't flagged for Cruiser Commands... which is odd because that is originally the "Breen Cruiser" in-game. Mind you, stats wise that thing is much more a Battle Cruiser than a true Cruiser, but... weird.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Hmmm, so I noticed the Chel Grett isn't flagged for Cruiser Commands... which is odd because that is originally the "Breen Cruiser" in-game. Mind you, stats wise that thing is much more a Battle Cruiser than a true Cruiser, but... weird.
"This page is for the NPC ship. For the playable starship, please see Breen Chel Grett Warship."
I'm aware of the difference... you're missing the point of the question. Why is there a difference? Since the ship was originally implemented as a cruiser, and has the stats of a battle cruiser with a tad more turn rate and a tad less engine power, why is it a destroyer?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
I'm aware of the difference... you're missing the point of the question. Why is there a difference? Since the ship was originally implemented as a cruiser, and has the stats of a battle cruiser with a tad more turn rate and a tad less engine power, why is it a destroyer?
"Cruiser" would imply a Commander (AKA: 4 BoFF power slotting) for Engineering. As you so pointed out, the Breen Chel Grett has in it's stead a Commander for Tactical. As far as classification is concerned, I'll go even farther and call it an Escort by dint of Commander Tactical Boff seating, the ability to equip dual heavy and dual cannons, and the fact that it has a +10 power bonus to weapons. (Nevertheless, I would call the Chel Grett "The ship that tries to do too much with too little".)
"Cruiser" would imply a Commander (AKA: 4 BoFF power slotting) for Engineering. As you so pointed out, the Breen Chel Grett has in it's stead a Commander for Tactical. As far as classification is concerned, I'll go even farther and call it an Escort by dint of Commander Tactical Boff seating, the ability to equip dual heavy and dual cannons, and the fact that it has a +10 power bonus to weapons. (Nevertheless, I would call the Chel Grett "The ship that tries to do too much with too little".)
Okay... so by the same reasoning, why would the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser be a battle cruiser? It is the only battle cruiser in the game with no weapon power boost, and it has a Universal Commander seat instead of an Engineering seat, the turn rate of an actual cruiser, and the Sensor Analysis of a Science Vessel. Going the other way around, why isn't the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier considered an Escort, since it has a Commander Tactical seat, a Weapon power boost, 4 Tactical Console slots, and a 4/3 payload?
My argument is simply that it was a cruiser that could already use dual cannons (see the original NPC version), made into a battle cruiser for use by players. Dual cannons, +10 Weapons power, 4/4 payload, 3 device slots, 4 Tactical consoles... all part of a battle cruiser. Tactical orientation of boff seating is available on the oddball Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser, so that doesn't exclude the ship either. So... why did they change the designation when it carried over from NPC to PC version?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Okay... so by the same reasoning, why would the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser be a battle cruiser? It is the only battle cruiser in the game with no weapon power boost, and it has a Universal Commander seat instead of an Engineering seat, the turn rate of an actual cruiser, and the Sensor Analysis of a Science Vessel.
you, my friend, are very confused. This is the Tal Shiar Battle Cruiser, the D'deridex Borgified if you will:
If you will care to look closely, it does indeed have the new cruiser commands.
Going the other way around, why isn't the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier considered an Escort, since it has a Commander Tactical seat, a Weapon power boost, 4 Tactical Console slots, and a 4/3 payload?
Technically, it is an Escort. HOWEVER do note that it has 2 full hangars, the associated carrier commands, and a +10 to aux. By that reasoning, it is a Carrier before it is an escort as it's 2 hangars are the main point for the Jem'hadar Dreadnaught.
So... why did they change the designation when it carried over from NPC to PC version?
Most likely for balancing reasons. Then again, nobody knows what goes on in the ship builder's head...
you, my friend, are very confused. This is the Tal Shiar Battle Cruiser, the D'deridex Borgified if you will:
If you will care to look closely, it does indeed have the new cruiser commands.
That was sort of my point. It has a good number of things about it that are not part of a battle cruiser's "definition", and yet the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser is both considered and named a battle cruiser. Thus my wondering why it is a battle cruiser and a Chel Grett is not a battle cruiser under the same design theory. The Chel Grett definitely has a good portion of its specifications in common with current battle cruiser designs, as listed above.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
So, the aggro control aura will not be available for any Klingon ships???!!! Oh c'mon... so the best tanks will have to play a FED char or fly non-Klingon ships?!?! You cannot be serious
STOWiki admin.
Also you might want to read more closely
Okay Battle cruisers can turn faster and have DHCs
No KLINGON ships. Read more closely
Just doesn't feel right to have no tank aura on ANY Klingon-design ship
STOWiki admin.
I notice the TOS Connie isn't on the list (It's classified as a light cruiser). Oversight? Or is it just too old.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
The starter "Miranda/Centaur/ShiKahr-class Light Cruisers aren't there either. I guess we don't get these commands until we rank up to Lieutenant Commander then?
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
It is not so much about getting that fourth command for the sake of completion, but to get the aggro aura in order to be a viable tank, since it will be an integral cornerstone for any future hi-end tank (and yes, they do have a purpose in STO). As a KDF player I want to have a Klingon-design ship choice to do that, and not being pushed to a non-Klingon design
I know that these ships, in contrast to Odyssey and co., can equip cannons. So why not give these Klingon ships three commands as it is, but a different variation, i.e., Attract Fire, Strategic Maneuvering, and Shield Frequency Mod. ? No Weapon System Efficiency in order to compensate for their cannons.
Otherwise my question would be: What is the supposed niche for a Bortasqu' War Cruiser or Negh'Var in PvE endgame? Damage dealing?? In every respect there are better choices amongst cruisers, e.g., the Vor'Cha. Tanking? Without the aggro aura they have a profound disadvantage here, too...
STOWiki admin.
It doesn't have the 10% bonus def like escorts and soon cruisers that can load dhc will out turn it
The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
Its not any type of cruiser, so why would it gets the cruiser commands?
Also, again, not a cruiser in any way.
No 5 tac consoles, no 5 weapon slots, no 4 powers.
Why not just give all Feds an extra tac, weapon and power?
And just for something random, considering how big some of the ships are getting, we've got the Scimitar now, and the Voth City Ships are going to be enemies in the near future. Why do I get the crazy sensation we're gonna get the Klingon Cardassian Alliance Negh'Var from the mirror universe????
Anyway, as far as the Bortas is concerned how about a variation. The Bortas'qu Command vessel is an engineering focused cruiser. Why not have that singular edition have all four commands?
That said from an in story perspective it makes sense. For the Klingons this is a duplicated technology from espionage. It would be illogical for them to perfectly duplicate the tech and thus get the full range of abilities. (it would be nice if the Klingons came up with something for Starfleet to hijack). Truth is Attract Fire doesn't fit in to Klingon design philosophy. Klingons since they got the cloak, have a strike hard and fade away attack ideal. Their ships are hard as they come, but they're much more interested in destroying enemies than taking hits for their allies. But even then it's still odd that their heavy hitters, the Bortas and Negh'var aren't getting this. Those are both siege ships that are designed to take heavy punishment.
Exactly!!! One must not forget that any ship with Attract Fire has a double-disadvantage: You lack the bonus aggro AND your aggro is being reduced when someone else has the aura turned on in your group :-( Aside from cross-faction lockbox-ships, the only KDF ships that get Attract Fire are unsuited for tanking, i.e., taking some beating: The Dacoit, the Marauder, and the Corsair (all with only mediocre hulls and shield modifiers)... Cryptic, I beg you to reconsider this! The Bortasqu', the Negh'Var, the Vo'Quv... all with stats DESIGNED to tank... but these ships will NEVER be able to take the tanking role in any hi-end content if this stays like this :-/
My suggestion:
Replace Command - Weapon System Efficiency with Command - Attract Fire for the Bortasqu' War Cruiser, the (Fleet) Negh'Var and the (Fleet) Vo'Quv.
STOWiki admin.
At the very least, give science the ability to have a friendly target and a hostile one selected at all times. This way if we heal, the heal goes to the currently selected friendly unit. If we use an attack skill, it is used on our hostile target.
How about letting the engineers buff, and the science heal with auras.
Seriously, Science needs love guys. destroyer bro. cruisers have cmdr engineering boff slots, the chel grett has a cmdr tac.
Why are you not rejoicing?
I'm aware of the difference... you're missing the point of the question. Why is there a difference? Since the ship was originally implemented as a cruiser, and has the stats of a battle cruiser with a tad more turn rate and a tad less engine power, why is it a destroyer?
"Cruiser" would imply a Commander (AKA: 4 BoFF power slotting) for Engineering. As you so pointed out, the Breen Chel Grett has in it's stead a Commander for Tactical. As far as classification is concerned, I'll go even farther and call it an Escort by dint of Commander Tactical Boff seating, the ability to equip dual heavy and dual cannons, and the fact that it has a +10 power bonus to weapons. (Nevertheless, I would call the Chel Grett "The ship that tries to do too much with too little".)
Why are you not rejoicing?
Okay... so by the same reasoning, why would the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser be a battle cruiser? It is the only battle cruiser in the game with no weapon power boost, and it has a Universal Commander seat instead of an Engineering seat, the turn rate of an actual cruiser, and the Sensor Analysis of a Science Vessel. Going the other way around, why isn't the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier considered an Escort, since it has a Commander Tactical seat, a Weapon power boost, 4 Tactical Console slots, and a 4/3 payload?
My argument is simply that it was a cruiser that could already use dual cannons (see the original NPC version), made into a battle cruiser for use by players. Dual cannons, +10 Weapons power, 4/4 payload, 3 device slots, 4 Tactical consoles... all part of a battle cruiser. Tactical orientation of boff seating is available on the oddball Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser, so that doesn't exclude the ship either. So... why did they change the designation when it carried over from NPC to PC version?
you, my friend, are very confused. This is the Tal Shiar Battle Cruiser, the D'deridex Borgified if you will:
If you will care to look closely, it does indeed have the new cruiser commands.
Technically, it is an Escort. HOWEVER do note that it has 2 full hangars, the associated carrier commands, and a +10 to aux. By that reasoning, it is a Carrier before it is an escort as it's 2 hangars are the main point for the Jem'hadar Dreadnaught.
Most likely for balancing reasons. Then again, nobody knows what goes on in the ship builder's head...
Why are you not rejoicing?
That was sort of my point. It has a good number of things about it that are not part of a battle cruiser's "definition", and yet the Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser is both considered and named a battle cruiser. Thus my wondering why it is a battle cruiser and a Chel Grett is not a battle cruiser under the same design theory. The Chel Grett definitely has a good portion of its specifications in common with current battle cruiser designs, as listed above.
This, however, definitely wins the debate. My hat off to you sir