So now you want a CMDR tactical station for the Explorer? At that rate, why bother having any other cruisers except Explorers? Whats next, give the Explorer the Defiants Boffs plus a LTCMDR sci and console layout, 60k base hull 5/5 weapons layout and 150 power cap?
I believe it's a typo. In a previous post, Dontdrunkimshoot proposed a Comm eng, Lt and Ens sci and Lt Comm and Lt universal.
Something I can very well understand assuming all other slow cruisers (pretty much all of the FED ones) get some more uni boff slots as well.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Just took a moment to read the article, and now I feel so ashamed to even play this game. This people is fooling us so hard and we let them just for the startekkism. Sooo hard. Oh my god, and this guy is the lead designer haha, I can just laught. Really? Haha, come on.
I'm tempted to answer some statements but he just laught so hard at our intelligence that I'll just take it easy and laught of myself too for even paying attention to sto's lead designer, haha oh come on XDD
When they stop putting new stuff on the C-Store, stop releasing content of any kind, and only run deep sales on what they already have, then maybe it's time to worry. Otherwise, I'm getting really tired of all of the knee-jerk gloom and doom {word redacted due to forum rules}.
When the developers start posting pictures of themselves waving cash, I think that would be a sign that "Star Trek: Online" is over.
TRIBBLE. I never thought of it this way I wonder as we approach the end of the license agreement if they will be granted a renewal.....think about that for a second folks Most lic agreements are for 5 years and if sto were not granted a renewal? Poof! It's all gone in a heart beat this or based on greed another Is given a lic as well and they launch a MMO based on trek as well (swtor vs sw galaxies) and the new MMO crushes sto just in sheer. Freshness ....we will learn a lot in 2014 .......a lot
Did cryptic get a five year agreement?
Season 8 = The Voth
Season 9 or 10 = Iconians?
Once the Iconians finally arrive, I think that might be the sign of the end. Iconians 'might be' key to wrapping up all the loose ends. I am just making a guess.
I believe it's a typo. In a previous post, Dontdrunkimshoot proposed a Comm eng, Lt and Ens sci and Lt Comm and Lt universal.
Something I can very well understand assuming all other slow cruisers (pretty much all of the FED ones) get some more uni boff slots as well.
If you've seen the rest of his suggestions for the Exploration cruiser, it might as well have a CMDR tactical, it works to tactically supplant the Assualt cruiser, which is supposed to be a tacially oriented ship. In addition, tossing uni consoles around like candy aren;t going to fix cruisers problems, just act as a bandaid on a sucking chest wound.
The Fleet Starcruiser doesnt have a uni' and it isnt one of the better turning cruisers either.
"[CaptainGeko] We are strongly considering giving older ships a second look to see if any of them need some love. We have a couple in mind, but I don't want to share which ones yet in case the list changes. But, to be clear, I'm talking about older ships, not the Odyssey or Bortasqu. We are happy with those, although we may consider new set bonuses for them." Hopefully by older ships you mean the Miranda and I personally have 2 thumbs up for this as I've been waiting since the begin. Good job !
More likely, he meant the original T5 and + ships that are Fleet ships, but still behind the curve: Exploration Cruiser, Start Cruiser, Long Range Science, Deep Space Science, Recon science.
I hope Science Vessels and skills get more love, there is a reason why people prefer going Tactical & Escorts, the higher level science powers are not too exciting and not powerful enough to compete with Tactical and Engineering skills.
Regarding the promised evaluation of Romulan Superior Operative I wonder how long it will take to see how much more powerful this is than stacking Efficient BOFFs or any other space related traits.
I hope Science Vessels and skills get more love, there is a reason why people prefer going Tactical & Escorts, the higher level science powers are not too exciting and not powerful enough to compete with Tactical and Engineering skills.
Regarding the promised evaluation of Romulan Superior Operative I wonder how long it will take to see how much more powerful this is than stacking Efficient BOFFs or any other space related traits.
Like I said in a earlier post, it isn't rocket science to figure that out. Anyone with 2 eyes and a brain that isn't filled with **** could tell that sro is the best thing boff trait wise in the game.
Easiest way to fix this would to simply add sro engs and scis to the embassy for anyone to purchase.
I would love to know what the hell STO game the devs are playing and why the hell we don't have it because they're obviously not playing the one on holodeck. Pre and post LOR launch Dan kept hyping up the fact that the dev team has doubled, they're releasing more content than ever before and the quality is consistently better than ever before.
LOR brought the same typical two week play it then ditch it, possibly the most amount of new bugs in any season release. Sure it looks pretty and sounds good on paper, but in the end it wasn't really the holy grail they seem to think.
More grind, less actual content, refusal to seriously investigate and implement player feedback, near non-existent and certainly incompetent customer service, completely oblivious to the flaws in the game, and painfully obviously only interested in profit over quality.
When another company whose name I won't mention can receive a total of 99 unique bugs from a release and in a little over a week have a patch to resolve 89 of those bugs and on a much newer engine compared to Cryptic having much more experience with their game engine it seriously begs the question of just how competent Cryptic actually is.
I've spent more money on this game than any other game I've ever played because I could see the potential in the game, and believed Cryptic when they said the problem was the amount of staff and resources they had. Well they got the resources and staff and turns out that wasn't the problem at all, and it's really a shame because this game could be so great. This interview is just another prime example of how disconnected Cryptic actually is with their own game and player base.
The shiit thing is I'm still holding out hope season 8 will be a good one, and I think that type of hope is what keeps a lot of players sticking around other than the fact it's really the only Star Trek based game.
When Questioned about more powerful escorts vs the already not so useful roles of Cruisers & Sci Ships his most significant answer is...
''My take as Lead Designer is that the problem is not significant'' - CaptainGeko
Have u played the game lately Capt Gek? if u ever been in alot of pvp matches nowadays, alot of Cruisers and Sci Vessel having a hard time doing anything in pvp, especially against players that have 5 tac console escort/warbird ships... many KDF/Fed Cruisers & Sci Ships don't have the ability to fight them 1 on 1 since they're have either a inferior cloak or no cloak at all, can't out run , can't out DPS and can't out survive Escorts/Warbird, not to mention the abilities and elachi weapons now that have the ability to cut right through shields like it was nothing. so any slow ship (mostly Tanks/Carriers) don't have the ability to evade them while escorts/warbirds in the other hand can easily get away without any problems.
by the way... are u a friend of Don Mattrick? you almost sound like him
I've decided that I have a love-hate thing going on with Geko. I like some of the things he says and the thought process behind those things, but man...some of the other things he says are just "LOLWUT". Sigh. :P
The comments about the Galaxy are for a lack of better word...depressing.
But given that the forum thread regarding the issues surrounding the Galaxy is 325 pages long and has had no input or interaction from the devs, it was totally expected.
See no evil, hear no it were.
The idea that Science and Engineering are fine, compared to Tactical is laughable at best.
:rolleyes: /golfclap
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
A thread full of overreaction, much? Geko specifically said that Eng- and Sci- ship updates ARE in development, and that class-specific content goals are coming too. So what's this BS about him turning a blind eye to the overpowered escorts thing? If the head dev says he doubts the claims, but is still implementing fixes, it does not count as "turning a blind eye".
Seriously, this rage is completely unwarranted. This is the best damned F2P MMO out there, yet people still manage to find ways to hate it unconditionally...
I don't know what to think of Geko anymore. Sometimes he uses anecdotal evidence to back up his claims; sometimes he uses the internal metric explanation to justify/explain something. The only consistency I see in his answers is their extreme vagueness.
None of his answers were very promising, and they don't make me feel excited about playing the game. The usual....
Edit: I wouldn't go as far as saying this is the best F2P MMO out there. It is the only Star-trek MMO we have the opportunity to play, and the game is improving but we still have a long way to go.
It sounds to me like Cryptic is having trouble deciding between the two options that would expand the usage of old ships. Will it be boff modules or a system update allowing modified three pack sales?
In the end boff modules would probably be better for gameplay. If they make too many it could render ship choice practically inconsequential. They could also render some three packs less valuable. So I say start with making three packs for old ships workable. Then start selling bridge modules in the c-store only. Both is the only way they'll make everyone happy, while creating a newer but smaller percentage of people upset with the clash in design theory.
i like how he says control science works in pve...
guess he doesnt realize all the end game stuff (stf's) are immune to 99% of the science abilities.
You noticed that too? rofl...
Science kits Analyst Mk X and Physicist Mk X use to be very useful in ground stfs. After Cryptic nerfed them over a year ago, the effectiveness of the kits were reduced to aesthetics. Now, both kits leave a thumbnail sliver of damage, which the Borg recover from within seconds.
Sonic pulse, Anesthizine Gas, and Exothermic Induction Field were once fun to use.
It sounds to me like Cryptic is having trouble deciding between the two options that would expand the usage of old ships. Will it be boff modules or a system update allowing modified three pack sales?
Instead of using bridge officers, Cryptic should just add new ship stats.
As I've said many times, space combat (and ground) need a revamp. Ditch the abilities and MMO Fantasy style setup, as it just doesn't feel right. Why should bridge officers be assigned abilities and each slot be ranked?
When your dealing with a sci-fi game like this, you can only apply so many of the standard MMO rules to it before it starts to lose it's feel as a sci-fi game IMO. Get rid console slots, get rid of BoFF abilities and introduce an in-depth tech tree and upgrade mechanic for every ship.
For me it would certainly give a larger sense of achievement when I've capped out my ship, rather than doing menu grinds and just dropping an item into a slot and saying, "All done". Grinding is fine, but I'd rather have a long continuous grind for a great goal than a repetitive one.
Does anyone else get a shiver down their spine at just how disconnected from the in game reality our lead designer is?
Escorts arent king?
Control setups arent terribad?
Tanks are effective and contribute something to the group?
Are you serious?
To the Lead Designer, I am issuing you a challenge.
You pick the exploration cruiser, gear it out with the best possible gear in the game and come do an STF with me. I will parse the data.
I guarantee you four things, using my nearly maxed out tacscort:
- I will do four times the damage you do, no matter what weapons you use
- I will hold more aggro than you, no matter how much you spec into threat
- I will do as much healing as you do, no matter how much you spec into healing
- I will contribute way more than you could ever hope to, no matter how hard you try to beat me.
These are the facts, sir, and i suggest you take them seriously before you blow off the community feedback like you have.
I am not saying to nerf escorts, they are doing the job they were intended to do, but you need to take the power disparity seriously and get the rest of the ships up to par so they can do effectively what they were designed to do.
75 or so percent of the tier 4 and 5 ships in this game are completely worthless, 2/3 of the profession specs are gimped with the majority of their skills being absolutely laughable compared to others, 90 percent of the traits are bad, and the entire PvE aspect of the game revolves around your ability to do as much damage as possible over the shortest amount of time.
You need to solve that problem, and quickly. The direction youve taken with the ridiculously overpowered romulan faction traits and ships is a good example of exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.
Dont even get me started on how badly your console/lockbox love affair has broken PvP forever.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Does anyone else get a shiver down their spine at just how disconnected from the in game reality our lead designer is?
Escorts arent king?
Control setups arent terribad?
Tanks are effective and contribute something to the group?
Are you serious?
To the Lead Designer, I am issuing you a challenge.
You pick the exploration cruiser, gear it out with the best possible gear in the game and come do an STF with me. I will parse the data.
I guarantee you four things, using my nearly maxed out tacscort:
- I will do four times the damage you do, no matter what weapons you use
- I will hold more aggro than you, no matter how much you spec into threat
- I will do as much healing as you do, no matter how much you spec into healing
- I will contribute way more than you could ever hope to, no matter how hard you try to beat me.
These are the facts, sir, and i suggest you take them seriously before you blow off the community feedback like you have.
I am not saying to nerf escorts, they are doing the job they were intended to do, but you need to take the power disparity seriously and get the rest of the ships up to par so they can do effectively what they were designed to do.
75 or so percent of the tier 4 and 5 ships in this game are completely worthless, 2/3 of the profession specs are gimped with the majority of their skills being absolutely laughable compared to others, 90 percent of the traits are bad, and the entire PvE aspect of the game revolves around your ability to do as much damage as possible over the shortest amount of time.
You need to solve that problem, and quickly. The direction youve taken with the ridiculously overpowered romulan faction traits and ships is a good example of exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.
Dont even get me started on how badly your console/lockbox love affair has broken PvP forever.
Well said. I was shocked at some of the comments Geko made in his responses. Maybe he's been playing a different game? Who knows.... cause based on his feedback, it can't possibly be Star Trek Online that he's been playing.
Does anyone else get a shiver down their spine at just how disconnected from the in game reality our lead designer is?
Escorts arent king?
I am not saying to nerf escorts, they are doing the job they were intended to do, but you need to take the power disparity seriously and get the rest of the ships up to par so they can do effectively what they were designed to do.
As someone who does use escort ships, I found myself always dying in PvP matches. I am usually dead within five seconds. rofl... It might be due to not knowing how to spec for Pvp. I haven't been able to crack the code.
As other people have said 5 tact officers can do anything in this game with little to no effort. That being said the hive stf is a joke and if you think that is good and everything is fine with the content take a second look. So why dont you take a look at the duty officer missions that we have a list to grind through and turn some of them into new missions thats the stuff we want. If you honestly think that your line of BS will hold any weight to us who play the game shake your head or get your head out of the zen store and give us some real content and fix the little things like say the mail system and the exchange when items go missing. Or myself and many other will move to star citizen hell I have already gotg my started pack because they are offering us what we want in a space based mmo and if you think you little ships that you keep giving us to buy is content thats a joke to.So why dont you put more effore into the star trek name and brand and less into you zen store items and you know what, you would make more money that way I bet. But that makes sense and that is to much to ask from you since you never do what you say you will or fix anything that is broken. So fix this game or many or us are out when Star Citizen comes out watch come december dog fighting comes out and you will lose alot of players keep that in mind. As a player dont get me wrong I like STO but it needs more to keep up with Star Citizen just a heads up for you. Because you are the only space based mmo next to eve and eve is to much so we are stuck with STO for now. BUT Star Citizen offers what we want and what you dont think we need from that interview this is BS
Does anyone else get a shiver down their spine at just how disconnected from the in game reality our lead designer is?
Escorts arent king?
Control setups arent terribad?
Tanks are effective and contribute something to the group?
Are you serious?
To the Lead Designer, I am issuing you a challenge.
You pick the exploration cruiser, gear it out with the best possible gear in the game and come do an STF with me. I will parse the data.
I guarantee you four things, using my nearly maxed out tacscort:
- I will do four times the damage you do, no matter what weapons you use
- I will hold more aggro than you, no matter how much you spec into threat
- I will do as much healing as you do, no matter how much you spec into healing
- I will contribute way more than you could ever hope to, no matter how hard you try to beat me.
These are the facts, sir, and i suggest you take them seriously before you blow off the community feedback like you have.
I am not saying to nerf escorts, they are doing the job they were intended to do, but you need to take the power disparity seriously and get the rest of the ships up to par so they can do effectively what they were designed to do.
75 or so percent of the tier 4 and 5 ships in this game are completely worthless, 2/3 of the profession specs are gimped with the majority of their skills being absolutely laughable compared to others, 90 percent of the traits are bad, and the entire PvE aspect of the game revolves around your ability to do as much damage as possible over the shortest amount of time.
You need to solve that problem, and quickly. The direction youve taken with the ridiculously overpowered romulan faction traits and ships is a good example of exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.
Dont even get me started on how badly your console/lockbox love affair has broken PvP forever.
Perfectly articulated.
Think back to what you remember of how Cruisers were portrayed in the various series of Trek. They were powerful, awesome and generally terrifying ships. Even going back to Kirk's era, where it was generally accepted that the power of a cruiser could obliterate the surface of a planet.
Now, imagine that an STO cruiser were encountered in an episode of DS9. The encounter might go something like this:
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, a Federation ship is approaching. Galaxy Class. Weapons are armed.
Cardassian Captain: At ease. They are no threat.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, we really should raise our shields!
Cardassian Captain: Stand fast! That's an order!
Galaxy Class Starship fires it's phasers at the Cardassian ship.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Hmm, it seems their weapons had no effect. Could it be a trick? Are they trying to fool us?
Cardassian Captain: No, that's Federation Cruisers for you. Impressive, massive flying butterknives. They are no threat. Nothing more than an annoyance really.
Cardassian Bridge Crew breaks into uncontrollable laughter.
Cardassian Captain: Proceed on our original heading for Starbase 375. I bet we can blow it out of the sky before that ship can even scratch our paint!
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Well said. I was shocked at some of the comments Geko made in his responses. Maybe he's been playing a different game? Who knows.... cause based on his feedback, it can't possibly be Star Trek Online that he's been playing.
Another epic,utterly useless 'interview' with a Dev. What is the point of doing stuff like this when players never, NEVER! get any useful answers?
Pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. This is actually worse than DSthal's attempts.
Escorts aren't king yet they want to put cannons on EVERYTHING. Science abilities are worthless beyond healing, and to top it all off the TWO most iconic ships IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE are utter TRIBBLE. NO T-5 Connie and NO competitive T-5 Galaxy.
The Defiant was UNIQUE, all other ships in Star Trek -- CRUISERS. (one could argue that Voyager was a "light cruiser" as opposed to a Heavy, and that the NX was a early cruiser.)
KNOW what? No point in rehashing what has been said a thousand times or more. I play the game the way I want -- I fly my cruiser and stay out of PVP... and I do so with my Science captain knowing she's at a severe disadvantage in any given encounter.
Because that's what I WANT to play. And I somehow -- despite not being party-line-Dev-Approved-- still have fun.
Think back to what you remember of how Cruisers were portrayed in the various series of Trek. They were powerful, awesome and generally terrifying ships. Even going back to Kirk's era, where it was generally accepted that the power of a cruiser could obliterate the surface of a planet.
Now, imagine that an STO cruiser were encountered in an episode of DS9. The encounter might go something like this:
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, a Federation ship is approaching. Galaxy Class. Weapons are armed.
Cardassian Captain: At ease. They are no threat.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, we really should raise our shields!
Cardassian Captain: Stand fast! That's an order!
Galaxy Class Starship fires it's phasers at the Cardassian ship.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Hmm, it seems their weapons had no effect. Could it be a trick? Are they trying to fool us?
Cardassian Captain: No, that's Federation Cruisers for you. Impressive, massive flying butterknives. They are no threat. Nothing more than an annoyance really.
Cardassian Bridge Crew breaks into uncontrollable laughter.
Cardassian Captain: Proceed on our original heading for Starbase 375. I bet we can blow it out of the sky before that ship can even scratch our paint!
STO Escort Edition of the above story:
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "Sir, an ESCORT approaches! Shall we flee?"
CAPTAIN: "No point, running away just makes one tired. Drop shields and prepare for maximum painful death --"
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "New reading! A Borg Ultra-Cube just dropped out of transwarp! The Escort is enga-- and it has totally pwnd the cube!"
CAPTAIN: "Wow, impressive even for an Escort! Now where were we?"
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "About to suffer severe terminal butthertz at the hands of the approaching Escort."
CAPTAIN: "SPLENDID. All hands prepare for humiliating defeat!"
I believe it's a typo. In a previous post, Dontdrunkimshoot proposed a Comm eng, Lt and Ens sci and Lt Comm and Lt universal.
Something I can very well understand assuming all other slow cruisers (pretty much all of the FED ones) get some more uni boff slots as well.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I'm tempted to answer some statements but he just laught so hard at our intelligence that I'll just take it easy and laught of myself too for even paying attention to sto's lead designer, haha oh come on XDD
Just kidding. Just kidding.
*shifty eyes*
You are correct though.
We do need to lighten up a little.
Did cryptic get a five year agreement?
Season 8 = The Voth
Season 9 or 10 = Iconians?
Once the Iconians finally arrive, I think that might be the sign of the end. Iconians 'might be' key to wrapping up all the loose ends. I am just making a guess.
If you've seen the rest of his suggestions for the Exploration cruiser, it might as well have a CMDR tactical, it works to tactically supplant the Assualt cruiser, which is supposed to be a tacially oriented ship. In addition, tossing uni consoles around like candy aren;t going to fix cruisers problems, just act as a bandaid on a sucking chest wound.
The Fleet Starcruiser doesnt have a uni' and it isnt one of the better turning cruisers either.
More likely, he meant the original T5 and + ships that are Fleet ships, but still behind the curve: Exploration Cruiser, Start Cruiser, Long Range Science, Deep Space Science, Recon science.
Are you out of your mind??That is an insanely dangerous weapon:eek:
Do not even THINK of using it :mad:
Flagship - N.C.C.-99635-A U.S.S. Asterion
I support playable Typhoon class!!
Regarding the promised evaluation of Romulan Superior Operative I wonder how long it will take to see how much more powerful this is than stacking Efficient BOFFs or any other space related traits.
Mister CaptainGeko: Did you ever play the game?
Like I said in a earlier post, it isn't rocket science to figure that out. Anyone with 2 eyes and a brain that isn't filled with **** could tell that sro is the best thing boff trait wise in the game.
Easiest way to fix this would to simply add sro engs and scis to the embassy for anyone to purchase.
@Geko: "I see ppl doffing outside of ESD so balance must be fine!"
Well played I give up.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
The comments made in this interview are more evidence of that....
LOR brought the same typical two week play it then ditch it, possibly the most amount of new bugs in any season release. Sure it looks pretty and sounds good on paper, but in the end it wasn't really the holy grail they seem to think.
More grind, less actual content, refusal to seriously investigate and implement player feedback, near non-existent and certainly incompetent customer service, completely oblivious to the flaws in the game, and painfully obviously only interested in profit over quality.
When another company whose name I won't mention can receive a total of 99 unique bugs from a release and in a little over a week have a patch to resolve 89 of those bugs and on a much newer engine compared to Cryptic having much more experience with their game engine it seriously begs the question of just how competent Cryptic actually is.
I've spent more money on this game than any other game I've ever played because I could see the potential in the game, and believed Cryptic when they said the problem was the amount of staff and resources they had. Well they got the resources and staff and turns out that wasn't the problem at all, and it's really a shame because this game could be so great. This interview is just another prime example of how disconnected Cryptic actually is with their own game and player base.
The shiit thing is I'm still holding out hope season 8 will be a good one, and I think that type of hope is what keeps a lot of players sticking around other than the fact it's really the only Star Trek based game.
guess he doesnt realize all the end game stuff (stf's) are immune to 99% of the science abilities.
Do you even Science Bro?
''My take as Lead Designer is that the problem is not significant'' - CaptainGeko
Have u played the game lately Capt Gek? if u ever been in alot of pvp matches nowadays, alot of Cruisers and Sci Vessel having a hard time doing anything in pvp, especially against players that have 5 tac console escort/warbird ships... many KDF/Fed Cruisers & Sci Ships don't have the ability to fight them 1 on 1 since they're have either a inferior cloak or no cloak at all, can't out run , can't out DPS and can't out survive Escorts/Warbird, not to mention the abilities and elachi weapons now that have the ability to cut right through shields like it was nothing. so any slow ship (mostly Tanks/Carriers) don't have the ability to evade them while escorts/warbirds in the other hand can easily get away without any problems.
by the way... are u a friend of Don Mattrick? you almost sound like him
Mine Trap Supporter
But given that the forum thread regarding the issues surrounding the Galaxy is 325 pages long and has had no input or interaction from the devs, it was totally expected.
See no evil, hear no it were.
The idea that Science and Engineering are fine, compared to Tactical is laughable at best.
:rolleyes: /golfclap
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
I don't know what to think of Geko anymore. Sometimes he uses anecdotal evidence to back up his claims; sometimes he uses the internal metric explanation to justify/explain something. The only consistency I see in his answers is their extreme vagueness.
None of his answers were very promising, and they don't make me feel excited about playing the game. The usual....
Edit: I wouldn't go as far as saying this is the best F2P MMO out there. It is the only Star-trek MMO we have the opportunity to play, and the game is improving but we still have a long way to go.
In the end boff modules would probably be better for gameplay. If they make too many it could render ship choice practically inconsequential. They could also render some three packs less valuable. So I say start with making three packs for old ships workable. Then start selling bridge modules in the c-store only. Both is the only way they'll make everyone happy, while creating a newer but smaller percentage of people upset with the clash in design theory.
Science kits Analyst Mk X and Physicist Mk X use to be very useful in ground stfs. After Cryptic nerfed them over a year ago, the effectiveness of the kits were reduced to aesthetics. Now, both kits leave a thumbnail sliver of damage, which the Borg recover from within seconds.
Sonic pulse, Anesthizine Gas, and Exothermic Induction Field were once fun to use.
Instead of using bridge officers, Cryptic should just add new ship stats.
When your dealing with a sci-fi game like this, you can only apply so many of the standard MMO rules to it before it starts to lose it's feel as a sci-fi game IMO. Get rid console slots, get rid of BoFF abilities and introduce an in-depth tech tree and upgrade mechanic for every ship.
For me it would certainly give a larger sense of achievement when I've capped out my ship, rather than doing menu grinds and just dropping an item into a slot and saying, "All done". Grinding is fine, but I'd rather have a long continuous grind for a great goal than a repetitive one.
Escorts arent king?
Control setups arent terribad?
Tanks are effective and contribute something to the group?
Are you serious?
To the Lead Designer, I am issuing you a challenge.
You pick the exploration cruiser, gear it out with the best possible gear in the game and come do an STF with me. I will parse the data.
I guarantee you four things, using my nearly maxed out tacscort:
- I will do four times the damage you do, no matter what weapons you use
- I will hold more aggro than you, no matter how much you spec into threat
- I will do as much healing as you do, no matter how much you spec into healing
- I will contribute way more than you could ever hope to, no matter how hard you try to beat me.
These are the facts, sir, and i suggest you take them seriously before you blow off the community feedback like you have.
I am not saying to nerf escorts, they are doing the job they were intended to do, but you need to take the power disparity seriously and get the rest of the ships up to par so they can do effectively what they were designed to do.
75 or so percent of the tier 4 and 5 ships in this game are completely worthless, 2/3 of the profession specs are gimped with the majority of their skills being absolutely laughable compared to others, 90 percent of the traits are bad, and the entire PvE aspect of the game revolves around your ability to do as much damage as possible over the shortest amount of time.
You need to solve that problem, and quickly. The direction youve taken with the ridiculously overpowered romulan faction traits and ships is a good example of exactly the opposite of what you should be doing.
Dont even get me started on how badly your console/lockbox love affair has broken PvP forever.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
Well said. I was shocked at some of the comments Geko made in his responses. Maybe he's been playing a different game? Who knows.... cause based on his feedback, it can't possibly be Star Trek Online that he's been playing.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
Perfectly articulated.
Think back to what you remember of how Cruisers were portrayed in the various series of Trek. They were powerful, awesome and generally terrifying ships. Even going back to Kirk's era, where it was generally accepted that the power of a cruiser could obliterate the surface of a planet.
Now, imagine that an STO cruiser were encountered in an episode of DS9. The encounter might go something like this:
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, a Federation ship is approaching. Galaxy Class. Weapons are armed.
Cardassian Captain: At ease. They are no threat.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Sir, we really should raise our shields!
Cardassian Captain: Stand fast! That's an order!
Galaxy Class Starship fires it's phasers at the Cardassian ship.
Cardassian Bridge Officer: Hmm, it seems their weapons had no effect. Could it be a trick? Are they trying to fool us?
Cardassian Captain: No, that's Federation Cruisers for you. Impressive, massive flying butterknives. They are no threat. Nothing more than an annoyance really.
Cardassian Bridge Crew breaks into uncontrollable laughter.
Cardassian Captain: Proceed on our original heading for Starbase 375. I bet we can blow it out of the sky before that ship can even scratch our paint!
"You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
Pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly. This is actually worse than DSthal's attempts.
Escorts aren't king yet they want to put cannons on EVERYTHING. Science abilities are worthless beyond healing, and to top it all off the TWO most iconic ships IN THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE are utter TRIBBLE. NO T-5 Connie and NO competitive T-5 Galaxy.
The Defiant was UNIQUE, all other ships in Star Trek -- CRUISERS. (one could argue that Voyager was a "light cruiser" as opposed to a Heavy, and that the NX was a early cruiser.)
KNOW what? No point in rehashing what has been said a thousand times or more. I play the game the way I want -- I fly my cruiser and stay out of PVP... and I do so with my Science captain knowing she's at a severe disadvantage in any given encounter.
Because that's what I WANT to play. And I somehow -- despite not being party-line-Dev-Approved-- still have fun.
STO Escort Edition of the above story:
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "Sir, an ESCORT approaches! Shall we flee?"
CAPTAIN: "No point, running away just makes one tired. Drop shields and prepare for maximum painful death --"
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "New reading! A Borg Ultra-Cube just dropped out of transwarp! The Escort is enga-- and it has totally pwnd the cube!"
CAPTAIN: "Wow, impressive even for an Escort! Now where were we?"
CARDASSIAN OFFICER: "About to suffer severe terminal butthertz at the hands of the approaching Escort."
CAPTAIN: "SPLENDID. All hands prepare for humiliating defeat!"
*bright flash, screen goes blank*