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Gravity Well III's damage is lower than Gravity Well I



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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    maicake716 wrote: »
    This is where I've always thought there needs l be a "universal" bridge offer type. Not just station, some powers can really either 2 or all 3 classifications. This would solve that.

    100% agreed.
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    captainforfuncaptainforfun Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm sorry but i don't want everybody to have a universal boff that uses science powers or else whats the point of having the science class!? subsystem disabling should be listed as science abilities, not tactical abilities. :mad:

    The main issue is, that you get only an target sub 1 in a sci ship as inate, which is pretty pointless, especially now with the resistances. Would be nice if they upgrade the Target Subsystem inate abilities to lvl 2 in the lvl 50 sci ships.

    And btw. why should target subsystems be a sci power? Depending on the point of view it can also be a eng or a tac power. The fact that sci ships get a inate version of it, does not mean it is a sci skill.

    They just gave it to sci ships as a compensation. To be honest i don't remember which argument they used, why sci ships have a inbuild version.
    Reynolds / Thokal

    U.S.S. Helios -Vesta Class / R.R.W. Dark Science - Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer
    U.S.S. Donut - Fleet Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I'm sorry but i don't want everybody to have a universal boff that uses science powers or else whats the point of having the science class!? subsystem disabling should be listed as science abilities, not tactical abilities. :mad:

    Bad idea. Now if they actually added more space boff traits it would be nice. The existing selection is 4 (there is a 5th, but only some players have those):
    Leadership = Subsystem Repair + 20 skill<- Note that with 5, you can skip spending skill point on this altogether.
    Efficient = +7.5 WC effciency. <- if you have an effcient captain and spend a couple of points on this skill, it is completely pointless unless you like getting +1 or less power per boff.
    Superior Romulan Operative = The current favorite, the crit boff. (Limited to tac stations for fed adding to the escorts online theme)
    Subterfuge (Romulan) Infiltrator (Reman) = Cloack buff

    So out of those 4, we have one cloack boff, one tac boff, and 2 engineer skill boffs. It would be nice if devs threw sci captains a nice boff with a sci trait. How about a boffs with Astrophysicist and with the same +10 bonus as the captain (like Leadership on the subsystem repair side)? I think it would balance things off for sci toons.
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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm sorry but i don't want everybody to have a universal boff that uses science powers or else whats the point of having the science class!? subsystem disabling should be listed as science abilities, not tactical abilities. :mad:

    who said it'd use science powers? science powers are science powers last i heard....
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    subsystem disabling should be listed as science abilities, not tactical abilities.

    I'm curious as to why you think that?

    You do realize that the following are the Skill Categories, right?

    Tactical Systems
    Engineering Systems
    Science and Operation Systems

    And further with that, then - you realize that Tactical and Engineering are part of Operations, right?

    It's the reason that so much can easily appear as if it could be multiple categories.

    Something that's Operations could be Tac or Eng, and since they include Operations with Sci, it could be part of Sci as well...

    ...Science in STO is a Cryptic fabrication. Most of it is actually Tac/Eng with some Science...which in turn, in trying to fit things in - led them to doing what they did, eh?
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm curious as to why you think that?
    you're joking right?

    Um, not in the least. That's why I went on to explain why I asked...
    You do realize that the following are the Skill Categories, right?

    Tactical Systems
    Engineering Systems
    Science and Operation Systems

    And further with that, then - you realize that Tactical and Engineering are part of Operations, right?
    oh so by your perverted notion, everything should be tactical!?! You might as well go play Jagged Alliance.

    Perverted notion? Um...everything tactical?

    I know that folks like to harp on the public school system, but did you even try to read what I said?

    Go look at your toon's skills, those are the three categories. It is what it is.

    As for the Tac and Eng being part of Operations?


    Command, Operations, and Sciences

    So you click on Operations...


    ...and you see:

    "Operations officers included engineers, security and tactical, and some service specializations such as communications."
    It's the reason that so much can easily appear as if it could be multiple categories.

    Something that's Operations could be Tac or Eng, and since they include Operations with Sci, it could be part of Sci as well...
    oO wow so you DO think everything should be tactical.

    Show us on the dolly where the mean ol' Tac touched you...seriously, try reading instead of having some kind of PTSD moment.
    ...Science in STO is a Cryptic fabrication. Most of it is actually Tac/Eng with some Science...which in turn, in trying to fit things in - led them to doing what they did, eh?
    Wow. Chip on your shoulder much?

    I'm not even sure where to start in trying to reply to that...your reply to that part reminds me of that old joke, the one that goes something like - don't you hate when somebody starts to say something, and right when they start to get to octopus....
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    rarianrakistararianrakista Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    GW 2 and 3 are not affected by Aux levels.

    When will I be able to use them again?
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why create a new thread, there a already a dev responded one about the issue and that it is being rectified
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    rarianrakistararianrakista Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I searched before I posted, where is it?

    I don't come to forums since the change to PW much.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Here it is. Took 5 seconds to find it. Was posted on September 6.
    GW2 and GW3 were underperforming. But evaluating the performance of this ability across all ranks has caused us to tune them all, including an increase to GW1's performance under certain circumstances.

    More details on those exact changes after these other questions are answered.

    To clarify, the fact that GravGen skill had a negligible impact on the Repel value was not a bug - this was working as designed. So making changes to that would not be a "fix" - they are tuning changes.

    That said, two things are being changed:
    1) Graviton Generators will have a much larger impact on the Radius of Gravity Well.
    2) Graviton Generators will now effect a very small increase to the periodic Repel that the Well exerts. Although the tooltip won't show much change, it should be noticeable in practice since it's applied every second that the well exists.

    Related to #2, I'm investigating getting decimals added to the Repel value on this power, so that the effects of Skill are more evident in the tooltip. No promises, though, as those figures are automatically generated. I'm not sure which part of our UI/Software controls it, or if it can be easily modified.

    I'm unclear on your definition of "the mechanic." But I can tell you that the changes we're making to this ability will only affect Gravity Well, and nothing else.

    I'll get into a little more detail below.

    We have a revision checked in already, and are awaiting QA review. I can't make any firm promises on when these changes will go live, but I think it's safe to estimate a 2-3 week timeframe.

    NOW, onto the meat of the changes being made...

    * Ranks 2 and 3 now properly benefit from the user's AuxPower and Graviton Generators skill.

    This means that, aside from any further tuning mentioned, these powers will see a universal increase in effectiveness for players that fly with 50+ Aux, and have any skill points in Graviton Generators.

    * The Repel values of all ranks of Gravity Well can now be improved slightly with Graviton Generators skill.

    The value shown on the tooltip will only change by about -1 or -2 with very high skill, but since this small change is applied every second, it will add up.

    * The Radius bonus gained by Graviton Generators has been increased.

    Double the previous bonus, at all ranks. Whereas it previously only granted up to 0.25km additional range, it will now extend the range by 0.5km at 100 Skill, and further if you manage to have higher skill than that.

    * The amount of bonus damage that Aux Power and Particle Generators give to this power have been decreased.

    This was done because they scaled too aggressively at the high end, when using GW3 with Full Aux and 150 GravGen.

    ** In order to offset this decrease, the base damage has been increased by a good amount across all ranks. This should result in a notable increase to baseline performance, and a decrease to high-end performance.

    All of the core, unskilled damage values of Gravity Well will be getting an increase of about 40-50%. So if you never used high-Aux or high-Skill with your builds, your GravWell (all ranks) is about to become far more potent.

    We reduced the multiplier that Aux applies to this core damage value. Where it previously scaled from 33%-100% multipier, it now only applies a 33%-66% multiplier. Meaning, again, that only high values will see any significant impact.

    We also reduced the multiplier given by Particle Generators Skill. Attempting to give you the actual % values would be useless here because of the overall order of operations, but suffice it so say that it's been reduced. So, again, high-end users may see a decrease in the damage dealt by their Gravity Wells when combining high Skill levels with high Aux levels.


    I hope that fills in all of the cracks for this discussion. Again, I can't confirm any sort of date that this will go live, as it has only just been sent to QA for review, and I don't know what their scheduling commitments look like right now.
    jheinig wrote: »
    To be more specific, Gravity Well 2 and 3 will benefit from Aux power and Graviton Generators skill now -- previously they didn't. The amount that they benefit, though, is being reined in from what it would have been if the powers weren't bugged.

    In testing, just making GW2 & 3 benefit from Aux and GravGen allowed a science ship with 135 Aux and 150 GravGen to use GW3 against a group of five frigates and snare and destroy all of them. This is a bit over the top.

    Borticus has been tweaking the formulae so that the power will be useful, and you will see improvements in your Gravity Wells from increasing Aux or GravGen, but it won't be over the top.

    All other stats being equal, GW2 & 3 will be more powerful than GW1.
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    lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Here ya go:


    Lots of dev posts in there. Basically the issue was found and corrected on their internal build and should be going live soon-ish. The same issue was effecting Tyken's Rift, so that will be getting fixed up as well.
    Mine Trap Supporter
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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Nice find, we'll fix this soon!

    Yea right, I'll believe it when I see it. That has been broken for, what? Over a year or more???

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    gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hrrm, call me a noob, but I can't see how a change that devalues an intensive Sci skill point investment (higher base effectiveness) is any sort of benefit to Sci captains?

    Doesn't the proposed change merely mean that any old captain will now be able to use GW with pretty good effectiveness if they happen to be rocking an Aux battery?

    I mean, yeah, the ability was bugged before and wasn't working properly at all, so it's nice that it's being looked into.

    But if the proposed change provides no more than a relatively minor benefit to heavy Science skill investment, but a relatively major benefit to all captains regardless of Science skill investment, then it's not exactly something to give Sci captains any cheer, is it?
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited September 2013
    gurugeorge wrote: »
    Hrrm, call me a noob, but I can't see how a change that devalues an intensive Sci skill point investment (higher base effectiveness) is any sort of benefit to Sci captains?

    Doesn't the proposed change merely mean that any old captain will now be able to use GW with pretty good effectiveness if they happen to be rocking an Aux battery?

    I mean, yeah, the ability was bugged before and wasn't working properly at all, so it's nice that it's being looked into.

    But if the proposed change provides no more than a relatively minor benefit to heavy Science skill investment, but a relatively major benefit to all captains regardless of Science skill investment, then it's not exactly something to give Sci captains any cheer, is it?

    You're confusing science captain with science SHIP captains. Captains and their captain abilities are not affected by this nor will the interactions between them. Engineer captains will have the least damaging GW followed by science captains then at the top will be the tactical elite.

    Otherwise yes, the other thread highlights this issue of it possibly getting less of a buff from skill investment from before it was underperforming. We will have to wait and see how it plays out on tribble.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Why was this thread moved from the PvP Gameplay section to the Builds, Powers, and Game Mechanics section without any comment? The vast majority of this thread is about Gravity Well and how it affects PvP. Later it went on about Tykens Rift and the PvP impact of the ability. Can the moderator that moved it please move it back. Thanks
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    erraberrab Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yes, hopefully this will be the case. I have builds that use both Gravity Well I and III and I noticed that they seem about equal in terms of hold and damage. I never thought to check into it being a bug and assumed it was working as intended.

    Hopefully, they will consider also increasing the hold. It is a commander level power. It should at least have as much hold as tractor beam I if 130 AUX is put into it.

    And a big thank you for finding this bug.

    I know I'm way late to this party but why are you running 2 versions of Gravity Well?

    A few months back I tried running Gravity Well 1 and 3 with my Recluse but quickly dropped GW1 when I noticed that the cool down for the 2 levels were virtually identical.

    When I used GW3 the shared cool down with GW1 lasted for the same length of time has the cool down on GW3 so I just ended up running with GW3.

    I have not been spending any time playing STO lately so I'm unaware if the shared cool down with Gw1 and Gw3 has been adjusted.

    I'm glad that someone is finally fixing the abomination that is Gw3; it?s woefully underpowered when compared to Gw1.

    Is there any news on when this fix is finally going live, I can't wait to have a useful Gw3 again!

    On another note is anything being done for Gravity Wells twice removed Cousin Tyken's Rift; all versions of it seems like they are underperforming.

    One of the main reasons that I'm becoming more and more disenchanted with STO is that fact that I enjoy playing Science' however, Science skills seem incredibly underpowered and new End game Level True Science Vessels are few and far between.

    It seems like Science and Engineering Captains are being forced to use Tactical heavy ships that can be hybridized to slot some of their classes skills.

    I'm hoping we get a useful Gravity Well 3 and some new Science vessels that can slot that level of the skill ;)
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    rarianrakistararianrakista Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So is this getting fixed before season 8?
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Really !??? I never would have even checked...thanks for this post..I'm going to look into this myself...
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Changes are extremely, underwhelming, at first glance.

    Aux power used to multiply damage by 1% per point, now it seems to be closer to 2% per 3 points roughly I think, too late to do math.

    Additionally at 130 AUX each point of particle gen only adds 1.05 damage to GW3.

    Conclusion: 130 AUX + 142 PG gravity well 3 only deals 1,026.6 DPS which IMHO is too low for that level of investment considering I can get eject warp plasma higher without wasting AUX power and it has the bonus effect of completely removing a target's bonus defense where GW lacks that extra utility. At the end of the day my ships sporting a Gravity Well 1 will see a minor boost whereas the others will stick to their current GW1+EWP3 combo or TBR 3 for reasonable non weapon damage. It might be respectable damage with APO or that sci trait at 3 stacks but that's about it.
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    Changes are extremely, underwhelming, at first glance.

    Aux power used to multiply damage by 1% per point, now it seems to be closer to 2% per 3 points roughly I think, too late to do math.

    Additionally at 130 AUX each point of particle gen only adds 1.05 damage to GW3.

    Conclusion: 130 AUX + 142 PG gravity well 3 only deals 1,026.6 DPS which IMHO is too low for that level of investment considering I can get eject warp plasma higher without wasting AUX power and it has the bonus effect of completely removing a target's bonus defense where GW lacks that extra utility. At the end of the day my ships sporting a Gravity Well 1 will see a minor boost whereas the others will stick to their current GW1+EWP3 combo or TBR 3 for reasonable non weapon damage. It might be respectable damage with APO or that sci trait at 3 stacks but that's about it.

    Thanks for performing the check bareel. Unfortunately my heart just sank. I get 960.8 damage/second with Gravity Well I and about 229.6 in particle generators. Would you be able to check the number for around that area as well as the maximum particle generators?

    The current maximum is 310.5 without any external abilities. I am curious to see just how high Gravity Well III can reach when fully specced.

    To reach 310.5 in particle generators you need:
    5 Fleet Embassy Particle Generator Consoles
    1 Nukara Particle Converter
    1 Adapted MACO Deflector
    1 Astrophysicist Trait
    1 Joined Trill trait
    9 Points in Particle Generators (if you only have 6 you can substitute in EPtA II for +15)

    Because as of right now, it looks like my Gravity Well I on holodeck deals barely less damage than the "new and improved" Gravity Well III. And the current Gravity Well I barely scratches the surface of NPCs.
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    lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited September 2013
    bareel wrote: »
    Changes are extremely, underwhelming, at first glance.

    Aux power used to multiply damage by 1% per point, now it seems to be closer to 2% per 3 points roughly I think, too late to do math.

    Additionally at 130 AUX each point of particle gen only adds 1.05 damage to GW3.

    Conclusion: 130 AUX + 142 PG gravity well 3 only deals 1,026.6 DPS which IMHO is too low for that level of investment considering I can get eject warp plasma higher without wasting AUX power and it has the bonus effect of completely removing a target's bonus defense where GW lacks that extra utility. At the end of the day my ships sporting a Gravity Well 1 will see a minor boost whereas the others will stick to their current GW1+EWP3 combo or TBR 3 for reasonable non weapon damage. It might be respectable damage with APO or that sci trait at 3 stacks but that's about it.

    Since they locked out Tribble and Redshirt doesn't have the changes, I can just comment on what has been reported. If at 130 Aux + 142 PG GW3 deals 1,026.6 DPS then the changes suck. Using those exact stats, this is what's shown for the current broken version:

    So in conclusion, if the comments above are true, non-sci captains using GW1 got extra DPS as a gift, and heavily invested sci captains got a nerf hidden as a fix.
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    queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I just tested GW III some, at 125 power and 227 skill points it was doing about 1800 damage per sec.

    Tool tip was only 1080ish not sure what is going on there.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
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    majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    queue38 wrote: »
    I just tested GW III some, at 125 power and 227 skill points it was doing about 1800 damage per sec.

    Tool tip was only 1080ish not sure what is going on there.

    This was on Tribble then? You weren't using any debuffs on the target, were you?
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    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
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    mreeves7amreeves7a Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Does the current Holodeck Grav Well ignore shields like the one on Tribble right now?
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    queue38queue38 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This was on Tribble then? You weren't using any debuffs on the target, were you?

    no debuffs just GW III and then I watched. this was on borg probes.
    I am @allenlabarge in game :D
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    pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I love science. But am I alone in not realy caring about how much damage gravity well does? I don't fly science to do damage and I don't use gravity well for it, I also don't care to use gravity well for damage.

    What I want from gravity well is pull and lots of it. I want a **** tun of pull and I would be very happy to sacrifice damage entirely to get it. I want a Well that sucks up enemies over a space of 10k wether they have EP2E or not. I don't expect to get it. I think it would be horribly OP, but I still want it.

    What I want to know is weather we can get the pull of a grav well to have any noticeable effect on people in pvp with these changes and weather I can increase its range enough to grab more enemies in PVE.

    Nothing fills me with love for science more then a nice big group of enemies forced into a confined space with a couple of their friends who are about to suffer a catastrophic warp core failure.
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    rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Damage is king in this game, though. It has become pretty commonplace in the PvE community to overlook anything that isnt pure DPS specced, and maybe sometimes a little crowd control for infected.

    While grav well does fill that role, it needs damage to really shine as a skill.

    I am finding these numbers being posted really disheartening. I had high hopes for this change =/
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    queue38 wrote: »
    I just tested GW III some, at 125 power and 227 skill points it was doing about 1800 damage per sec.

    Tool tip was only 1080ish not sure what is going on there.

    Sadly I did not actively test that I prefer to have my wife help me do such tests with her account to keep it pure of outside influences and she cannot go on tribble right now. If the tooltip indeed lies then I have no idea.
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