That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
After looking it up:
Mirror Universe Mystery
Alright added it to the list!
Everyone please remember if your mission is here, play the other ones listed as well. 1 it's fun, 2 you'll be helping other authors and 3 you'll be learning how others use the foundry and improve your own foundry knowledge. We had some great discussions in the previous thread about people's missions.
Also its kinda the point of this thread. It's not a freebie review/play grabber.
Great mission, right from the start. Beginning had a nice mystery feeling - "What's going on???" and it kept up until the climax. The idea of having "pirates" in is always cool. I also really like the maps, it is evident that a lot of work has been put into it. The only thing(s) I had a problem with was the "kill everything" objectives which I explain in the detailed section. On the other hand I liked how the "scan everything" objectives on the first map was done. Excellent job and I look forward to the next one!
More specifics
Map - Mariana System
Very nice looking map
Map - USS Irwin
Poor red shirt
Great Map
Map - Mariana Surface
Having to eliminate all the pirates and monsters felt a bit strange, if I were the captain I would try and sneak in undetected or just fight the ones that are in my way. Having the NPC groups walking around and not being objectives would be a way to give the player choice. Same thing goes with "Infiltrate the Fort". What kind of infiltrating is blowing everyone up! Maybe that objective could be "secure the fort" or something similar (note this is an opinion and if you meant to do it this way on purpose there's nothing wrong with it either)
I like the look of the compound!
Map - Mariana System (2)
battle with the boss was kinda easy...especially after beating up 4 other groups. Maybe give him some friends?
Great mission, right from the start. Beginning had a nice mystery feeling - "What's going on???" and it kept up until the climax. The idea of having "pirates" in is always cool. I also really like the maps, it is evident that a lot of work has been put into it. The only thing(s) I had a problem with was the "kill everything" objectives which I explain in the detailed section. On the other hand I liked how the "scan everything" objectives on the first map was done. Excellent job and I look forward to the next one!
More specifics
Map - Mariana System
Very nice looking map
Map - USS Irwin
Poor red shirt
Great Map
Map - Mariana Surface
Having to eliminate all the pirates and monsters felt a bit strange, if I were the captain I would try and sneak in undetected or just fight the ones that are in my way. Having the NPC groups walking around and not being objectives would be a way to give the player choice. Same thing goes with "Infiltrate the Fort". What kind of infiltrating is blowing everyone up! Maybe that objective could be "secure the fort" or something similar (note this is an opinion and if you meant to do it this way on purpose there's nothing wrong with it either)
I like the look of the compound!
Map - Mariana System (2)
battle with the boss was kinda easy...especially after beating up 4 other groups. Maybe give him some friends?
Thanks for the review! I really appreciate it.
The infiltration part was supposed to convey that the plan was to infiltrate it but that plans changed.
And yes the final battle was supposed to be tough but I could not seem to get anything tougher than a re-skinned Klingon carrier. I wanted to keep it open to all levels so that kind of limited from re-skinning like a Borg cube or something insane. I thought about adding some escorts to the main boss but I felt that it wouldn't keep with the story.
Thank you again for playing and I hope you'll play Act II later this month!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "The time has come to see the world as it is." - Captain James T. Kirk Twitter - @SDVargo
It's an interesting mission and technically there are no problems. However it feels very disjointed and not much happens on each map: walk here finished beam out, shoot this finished warp out. In fact most of the maps were like this. When I'm playing I don't get a sense of flow in the mission, its just a bunch of random things happening. Still the mystery that is the main plot drives the mission and makes me want to find out what actually happened.
Map Vulcan Space
What is the purpose of this map? If I was flying to Vulcan why wouldn't I go there via Sector Space?
Map Vulcan
Puff puff damn transporter chief why couldn't he beam me somewhere closer to the ambassador
Orion ships coming? We're on Vulcan in the middle of Federation space, it seems strange to be attacked here.
Map Near Wolf 359
Curious why you had a reach marker before the interact with object for scanning
Remember everyone please if you dump your mission in the thread, play everyone else's mission, otherwise I'm going to just abandon this thread as its is not being used for it's intended purpose.
Remember everyone please if you dump your mission in the thread, play everyone else's mission, otherwise I'm going to just abandon this thread as its is not being used for it's intended purpose.
^^ This!
Oh and I'll be restarting playthrough reviews shortly, some rl work took more time then intended.
That's quite the paradox, how could you nerf nerf when the nerf is nerfed. But how would the nerf be nerfed when the nerf is nerfed? This allows the nerf not to be nerfed since the nerf is nerfed? But if the nerf isn't nerfed, it could still nerf nerfs. But as soon as the nerf is nerfed, the nerf power is lost. So paradoxally it the nerf nerf lost its nerf, while it's still nerfed, which cannot be because the nerf was unable to nerf.
Everyone please remember if your mission is here, play the other ones listed as well. 1 it's fun, 2 you'll be helping other authors and 3 you'll be learning how others use the foundry and improve your own foundry knowledge. We had some great discussions in the previous thread about people's missions.
Also its kinda the point of this thread. It's not a freebie review/play grabber.
I played Treasure Hunt , and I'm guessing that is one you made Markhawkman?
It was Great! lots of action! Interesting story!
Good dialogue!
There are a few maps that were really cool ! Like the energy bridge!
And also in another map, having to jump up a giant borg building thingy! That reminded me of the good ol Nintendo game Supermario! That was really fun.
The Only Suggestion I would suggest is to have the Respawn area's be Closer to the Battles, besides that , it was Great!
This is a foundry that I am really proud of. It has a great story and space combat I'm so proud of this work and the different custom maps I created, I'm going to submit it to Cryptic for Feature Episode.
I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Unexpected Undine debris are entering Federation territory. Admiral Tshana is calling for assistance. Help the aenar Admiral figure out what is causing this to might be more beneficial than Starfleet realizes...
Go to the Wall console outside the Transporter Room on the Earth Spacedock. Its through the door on the right to start the mission.
BTW guys I'm gonna have to implement a "rule" to try and make this work. You can post your mission(s) in this thread and do whatever you want, but I won't add it to the list nor will I play it until you've played at least one other mission on this list (or previous lists) and left feedback. If other people want to play it its up to them I still encourage it.
For the ones that are up here already I'll leave them up but I'll still wait for a review before playing it. For new ones both rules (adding to list and me playing it) stand!
BTW guys I'm gonna have to implement a "rule" to try and make this work. You can post your mission(s) in this thread and do whatever you want, but I won't add it to the list nor will I play it until you've played at least one other mission on this list (or previous lists) and left feedback. If other people want to play it its up to them I still encourage it.
For the ones that are up here already I'll leave them up but I'll still wait for a review before playing it. For new ones both rules (adding to list and me playing it) stand!
Howdy zorbane, I like the idea of you trying this out.
I'm not one, to write a long review many times. But I do and will play episodes. And will leave a review/ rating on peoples episodes that I play.
So people will know I played by seeing my review I leave in-game on their episode.
But I do like your new Rule here. I say keep that one, as it just may help.
well time to go back offline for a bit. laters all.
I played this is your final mission by this is science.
Thoroughly enjoyed it up until I got confused on the Starfleet academy map . I loved the cinematic storytelling and the part where take control of your bridge was a lot of fun (it is at the end of your career so you are in an Odyssey class of course). Unfortunately I got confused and lost. I believe it was supposed to be a little confusing to make your captain appear old and out of touch. A little hint for finding
the proffesor would help. I am repairing my pc and wont be in game at all for a while.
Oh my mission needs a repair atm I did some editing that broke it. Will repair asap.
Repaired and updated.
A TIME TO SEARCH: ENTER MY FOUNDRY MISSION at the RISA SYSTEM Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
This is a really great mission where the story, writing and map design are all excellent and well polished. The combat (which is quite heavy) was not too forced and felt like it made sense in relation to the story. 5/5
Specific things I noticed
Warp to the asteroid belt
A "one objective wonder". It felt like an unnecessary map transfer where literally all you do is hit the warp button. I felt kinda bad too because it looks like a lot of work was put into this map but I didn't notice until my ship started warping away.
map - xi cassiopeiae asteroid belt
Really cool map, I like the portals and the patrolling enemy ships.
(In regards to the "rules" I talked to renegadesteve about this mission a while ago and had planned to play it already.)
-Be warned it does have a fairly lengthy runtime of about 1 hour 30 minutes or more, minimum.
And as for my opening review...Gonna ReviewMirror Universe Mystery by neko213. Which I'm just gonna go map by map because I don't really have a clue on how to set this up right now.
Opening Thoughts:
-You may want to change "Investigate Anomaly at Wolf 359" to something involving ESD, since that's where you're supposed to go first. I caught it, but I feel it could be an easy thing to miss. Also, anyone who does like me and goes a finds a bunch of missions and then doesn't play them until like a week later would be a little confused, I think.
-Really like Admiral Inigo's look... I'm really big on basically "well designed characters" which basically means whether a character stands out to me visually instead of simply with their dialogue. I think Inigo is a good example of this.
Map 1: Wolf 359 Outskirts
-don't have much to say about this, except... surprise!
Map 2: Risa Sector
-"she and him" sounds a little odd to me; I'd probably just say "Though they are..."
Map 3: Deep Space 9
-Portal at end of the map says "Fx - Portal - Mirror Universe"... Might be worth renaming?
-Both the Romulan and the Orion captains I think also have memorable appearances; nice job.
Map 4: Mirror Deep Space 9
- one objective wonder!
Map 5: Mirror Deep Space 9 (Interior)
-some of the Terran groups spawn inside the walls. Or maybe they just get inside them, I don't know. Was still able to kill them so it didn't interfere.
-Groups 3-6 could really be spread out a little IMHO.
-Inigo was one of the ensign level spawns... Not sure if this is intentional due to the bit about his body double?
-The table's up a good 3 meters in the air.
Map 6: Mirror Deep Space 9
-Thor's hammer... really liking that name!
-oh no, he got away!
-Happy to see the Romulan and her ship here.
Map 7: Dewa System
-the "Reach the Planet" objective is really nasty. There's (maybe?) an invisible wall or something up right before it. I'm afraid I had to stop here because I simply couldn't figure out how to reach it, and I didn't see anything helpful in the other reviews...Which is interesting and makes me wonder if it's something on my part.
Closing Thoughts:
-I'm intrigued by the story and would like to know more about not only Inigo but also the Romulan and Orion captains. My personal opinion says that it could use a little more embellishment dialog-wise but who knows, maybe I get the information I'm looking for later on in the mission, and for the same reason I hesitate to say anything else. I did drop it, but gave it a 4/5 for what I'd played so far.
my first and currently only Foundry mission is up on the Fed side, intended for a Romulan audience.
Federation Side.
Level 41+
This is a Borg mission so bring a remodulator.
Mission description.
In the wake of the Borg Queen's defeat by Admiral D'vak and his fleet,You have been contacted by Admiral Quinn to report to Outpost 77 in the Kessik system for a confidental assignment. He didn't leave any details as to what you were needed for, but there was an urgent tone in his voice during the subspace communication. Report to the Kessik system in Gamma Orionis sector immediately and meet with the commanding officer there.
Some notes: This mission is designed to be a good challenge even on solo play. The intended difficulty though is on elite with 5 players. A good mix of dialogue and combat but may be slightly more combat heavy. Mission times will vary depending on team number, difficulty, and other factors.
Comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome. If you find an issue, please let me know here or in-game through the mail system by mailing @ashkrik23 or leave it in the reviews.
Hi ashkrik! Thanks for adding your mission. Once you've reviewed at least one mission on the list and provided feedback I'll add yours to the list and (when I have time) play yours too!
Hi ashkrik! Thanks for adding your mission. Once you've reviewed at least one mission on the list and provided feedback I'll add yours to the list and (when I have time) play yours too!
Okay, I'll try to hit one after I do a big update to my mission today.
Standard disclaimer: Everything I post here is my opinion and is for your consideration, not something that must be unquestioningly followed. We now continue your regularly scheduled mission feedback.
This is a really good mission, with really detailed maps and extremely polished, I didn't see any lazy mistakes at all. However it does suffer from new author mistakes such as one objective maps. Still the story was effective in maintaining my interest and overall, like I said earlier, was really good!
I did have one major issue other than the "One Objective Maps" and it was the way the mission flowed. I've noticed it with a few other people ever since I started this thread.
The majority of the mission felt like it was run through objectives not story. One example is on the Atrox bridge when you need to download the database before getting out. All I saw was a dialogue saying "the core is about to blow we need you to get out!". From my point of view (the player) I had to look at the objectives and say to myself "Ok the game wants me to download the ferasan database" not, "uh oh I better download that database before this ship explodes!". If the dialogue was different, for example: "The core is about to overload! Quick get the data off their computer and we can beam you out!!!!" it tells me what to do without having to look at the objective.
The same thing happens on the next map (which also happens to be a quick do two things and map transition) where they talk about the ship blowing up and then the objective says "head towards the planet" instead of the story telling me to do that. Those are just a couple examples, I noticed it in a few other places.
Here's some specific notes on the maps:
Map Koolhaas System Rendezvous
Nice map (although I don't know how much of it was you and how much comes with the map itself. I like the detail you put into the others as Captain Shepard of the Normandy *snicker*
Map Neutral zone
Nitpick - technically is there no more neutral zone since they're at war now?
Map Crash Site
Really nice looking map
Curious as to why you have the Disable Devices (0/3) concurrent objectives with the three individual Locate Device objectives
Map Facility 991 (Space)
One objective map
Map Facility 991 (Ground)
I liked the extra prisoners
It was still another one objective map though, I spent more time running than actually doing something relevant to the mission.
To recap, really good mission just some noobie mistakes I'm sure as you get more experience your future missions will be awesome.
The problem with the Crash Site map is if I only had the disable device objectives there wouldn't be the individual waypoints and having to walk all around the map to find them was negatively received.
The Facility 4028 map as I've said before is a nightmare. I tried adding npcs in the corridor and changing the beam in point but you end up getting stuck in the ceiling. Even the prisoners originally spawned on top of their cells, not a map I'm ever using again.
I also originally wanted to show the task force in space but there are still missing ship assets.
I played Fluidic Relations by @renegadesteve this morning.
The main thing that stands out to me in this mission is the array of maps. The Asteroid Belt and Colony map especially. I feel like I could explore the colony map for quite a while.
I was hoping for some ground combat in the Undine ship, but it didn't really matter in the end.
The inspiration from the episode where Janeway makes peace with the Undine was also nice.
The problem with the Crash Site map is if I only had the disable device objectives there wouldn't be the individual waypoints and having to walk all around the map to find them was negatively received.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Hehehe, I only just told him to include that
After looking it up:
Mirror Universe Mystery
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Alright added it to the list!
Everyone please remember if your mission is here, play the other ones listed as well. 1 it's fun, 2 you'll be helping other authors and 3 you'll be learning how others use the foundry and improve your own foundry knowledge. We had some great discussions in the previous thread about people's missions.
Also its kinda the point of this thread. It's not a freebie review/play grabber.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Great mission, right from the start. Beginning had a nice mystery feeling - "What's going on???" and it kept up until the climax. The idea of having "pirates" in is always cool. I also really like the maps, it is evident that a lot of work has been put into it. The only thing(s) I had a problem with was the "kill everything" objectives which I explain in the detailed section. On the other hand I liked how the "scan everything" objectives on the first map was done. Excellent job and I look forward to the next one!
More specifics
Map - Mariana System
Very nice looking map
Map - USS Irwin
Poor red shirt
Great Map
Map - Mariana Surface
Having to eliminate all the pirates and monsters felt a bit strange, if I were the captain I would try and sneak in undetected or just fight the ones that are in my way. Having the NPC groups walking around and not being objectives would be a way to give the player choice. Same thing goes with "Infiltrate the Fort". What kind of infiltrating is blowing everyone up! Maybe that objective could be "secure the fort" or something similar (note this is an opinion and if you meant to do it this way on purpose there's nothing wrong with it either)
I like the look of the compound!
Map - Mariana System (2)
battle with the boss was kinda easy...especially after beating up 4 other groups. Maybe give him some friends?
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
The infiltration part was supposed to convey that the plan was to infiltrate it but that plans changed.
And yes the final battle was supposed to be tough but I could not seem to get anything tougher than a re-skinned Klingon carrier. I wanted to keep it open to all levels so that kind of limited from re-skinning like a Borg cube or something insane. I thought about adding some escorts to the main boss but I felt that it wouldn't keep with the story.
Thank you again for playing and I hope you'll play Act II later this month!
"The time has come to see the world as it is." - Captain James T. Kirk
Twitter - @SDVargo
It's an interesting mission and technically there are no problems. However it feels very disjointed and not much happens on each map: walk here finished beam out, shoot this finished warp out. In fact most of the maps were like this. When I'm playing I don't get a sense of flow in the mission, its just a bunch of random things happening. Still the mystery that is the main plot drives the mission and makes me want to find out what actually happened.
Map Vulcan Space
What is the purpose of this map? If I was flying to Vulcan why wouldn't I go there via Sector Space?
Map Vulcan
Puff puff damn transporter chief why couldn't he beam me somewhere closer to the ambassador
Orion ships coming? We're on Vulcan in the middle of Federation space, it seems strange to be attacked here.
Map Near Wolf 359
Curious why you had a reach marker before the interact with object for scanning
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Added your mission to the list!
Remember everyone please if you dump your mission in the thread, play everyone else's mission, otherwise I'm going to just abandon this thread as its is not being used for it's intended purpose.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
^^ This!
Oh and I'll be restarting playthrough reviews shortly, some rl work took more time then intended.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
completely agree.
It was Great! lots of action! Interesting story!
Good dialogue!
There are a few maps that were really cool ! Like the energy bridge!
And also in another map, having to jump up a giant borg building thingy! That reminded me of the good ol Nintendo game Supermario! That was really fun.
The Only Suggestion I would suggest is to have the Respawn area's be Closer to the Battles, besides that , it was Great!
Well Done Indeed!
"The time has come to see the world as it is." - Captain James T. Kirk
Twitter - @SDVargo
This is a foundry that I am really proud of. It has a great story and space combat I'm so proud of this work and the different custom maps I created, I'm going to submit it to Cryptic for Feature Episode.
I hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Fluidic Relations
author: renegadesteve
Mission Description
Unexpected Undine debris are entering Federation territory. Admiral Tshana is calling for assistance. Help the aenar Admiral figure out what is causing this to might be more beneficial than Starfleet realizes...
Go to the Wall console outside the Transporter Room on the Earth Spacedock. Its through the door on the right to start the mission.
Added to the list!
BTW guys I'm gonna have to implement a "rule" to try and make this work. You can post your mission(s) in this thread and do whatever you want, but I won't add it to the list nor will I play it until you've played at least one other mission on this list (or previous lists) and left feedback. If other people want to play it its up to them I still encourage it.
For the ones that are up here already I'll leave them up but I'll still wait for a review before playing it. For new ones both rules (adding to list and me playing it) stand!
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Howdy zorbane, I like the idea of you trying this out.
I'm not one, to write a long review many times. But I do and will play episodes. And will leave a review/ rating on peoples episodes that I play.
So people will know I played by seeing my review I leave in-game on their episode.
But I do like your new Rule here. I say keep that one, as it just may help.
well time to go back offline for a bit. laters all.
Yeah there's no need for lengthy reviews. I personally do that just becuase...that's me.
What you thought of the mission and its story/tech is fine!
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Thoroughly enjoyed it up until I got confused on the Starfleet academy map . I loved the cinematic storytelling and the part where take control of your bridge was a lot of fun (it is at the end of your career so you are in an Odyssey class of course). Unfortunately I got confused and lost. I believe it was supposed to be a little confusing to make your captain appear old and out of touch. A little hint for finding
the proffesor would help. I am repairing my pc and wont be in game at all for a while.
Oh my mission needs a repair atm I did some editing that broke it. Will repair asap.
Repaired and updated.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
This is a really great mission where the story, writing and map design are all excellent and well polished. The combat (which is quite heavy) was not too forced and felt like it made sense in relation to the story. 5/5
Specific things I noticed
Warp to the asteroid belt
A "one objective wonder". It felt like an unnecessary map transfer where literally all you do is hit the warp button. I felt kinda bad too because it looks like a lot of work was put into this map but I didn't notice until my ship started warping away.
map - xi cassiopeiae asteroid belt
Really cool map, I like the portals and the patrolling enemy ships.
(In regards to the "rules" I talked to renegadesteve about this mission a while ago and had planned to play it already.)
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
If not, I want to submit mine up to anyone who's interested:
Title: (Rom) Infinite Shift
Author: Intuitive_Aptitude
Language: English
Allegiance: Starfleet (Fed Romulan)
Level: 31+
-Be warned it does have a fairly lengthy runtime of about 1 hour 30 minutes or more, minimum.
And as for my opening review...Gonna Review Mirror Universe Mystery by neko213. Which I'm just gonna go map by map because I don't really have a clue on how to set this up right now.
Opening Thoughts:
-You may want to change "Investigate Anomaly at Wolf 359" to something involving ESD, since that's where you're supposed to go first. I caught it, but I feel it could be an easy thing to miss.
-Really like Admiral Inigo's look... I'm really big on basically "well designed characters" which basically means whether a character stands out to me visually instead of simply with their dialogue. I think Inigo is a good example of this.
Map 1: Wolf 359 Outskirts
-don't have much to say about this, except... surprise!
Map 2: Risa Sector
-"she and him" sounds a little odd to me; I'd probably just say "Though they are..."
Map 3: Deep Space 9
-Portal at end of the map says "Fx - Portal - Mirror Universe"... Might be worth renaming?
-Both the Romulan and the Orion captains I think also have memorable appearances; nice job.
Map 4: Mirror Deep Space 9
- one objective wonder!
Map 5: Mirror Deep Space 9 (Interior)
-some of the Terran groups spawn inside the walls. Or maybe they just get inside them, I don't know. Was still able to kill them so it didn't interfere.
-Groups 3-6 could really be spread out a little IMHO.
-Inigo was one of the ensign level spawns... Not sure if this is intentional due to the bit about his body double?
-The table's up a good 3 meters in the air.
Map 6: Mirror Deep Space 9
-Thor's hammer... really liking that name!
-oh no, he got away!
-Happy to see the Romulan and her ship here.
Map 7: Dewa System
-the "Reach the Planet" objective is really nasty. There's (maybe?) an invisible wall or something up right before it. I'm afraid I had to stop here because I simply couldn't figure out how to reach it, and I didn't see anything helpful in the other reviews...Which is interesting and makes me wonder if it's something on my part.
Closing Thoughts:
-I'm intrigued by the story and would like to know more about not only Inigo but also the Romulan and Orion captains.
my first and currently only Foundry mission is up on the Fed side, intended for a Romulan audience.
Definitely not too late! I added your mission to the list
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Some general info.
Federation Side.
Level 41+
This is a Borg mission so bring a remodulator.
Mission description.
In the wake of the Borg Queen's defeat by Admiral D'vak and his fleet,You have been contacted by Admiral Quinn to report to Outpost 77 in the Kessik system for a confidental assignment. He didn't leave any details as to what you were needed for, but there was an urgent tone in his voice during the subspace communication. Report to the Kessik system in Gamma Orionis sector immediately and meet with the commanding officer there.
Some notes: This mission is designed to be a good challenge even on solo play. The intended difficulty though is on elite with 5 players. A good mix of dialogue and combat but may be slightly more combat heavy. Mission times will vary depending on team number, difficulty, and other factors.
Comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome. If you find an issue, please let me know here or in-game through the mail system by mailing @ashkrik23 or leave it in the reviews.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Okay, I'll try to hit one after I do a big update to my mission today.
Ya just noticed this when going through the list to pick a mission to play, stay tuned for my feedback
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Standard disclaimer: Everything I post here is my opinion and is for your consideration, not something that must be unquestioningly followed. We now continue your regularly scheduled mission feedback.
This is a really good mission, with really detailed maps and extremely polished, I didn't see any lazy mistakes at all. However it does suffer from new author mistakes such as one objective maps. Still the story was effective in maintaining my interest and overall, like I said earlier, was really good!
I did have one major issue other than the "One Objective Maps" and it was the way the mission flowed. I've noticed it with a few other people ever since I started this thread.
The majority of the mission felt like it was run through objectives not story. One example is on the Atrox bridge when you need to download the database before getting out. All I saw was a dialogue saying "the core is about to blow we need you to get out!". From my point of view (the player) I had to look at the objectives and say to myself "Ok the game wants me to download the ferasan database" not, "uh oh I better download that database before this ship explodes!". If the dialogue was different, for example: "The core is about to overload! Quick get the data off their computer and we can beam you out!!!!" it tells me what to do without having to look at the objective.
The same thing happens on the next map (which also happens to be a quick do two things and map transition) where they talk about the ship blowing up and then the objective says "head towards the planet" instead of the story telling me to do that. Those are just a couple examples, I noticed it in a few other places.
Here's some specific notes on the maps:
Map Koolhaas System Rendezvous
Nice map (although I don't know how much of it was you and how much comes with the map itself. I like the detail you put into the others as Captain Shepard of the Normandy *snicker*
Map Neutral zone
Nitpick - technically is there no more neutral zone since they're at war now?
Map Crash Site
Really nice looking map
Curious as to why you have the Disable Devices (0/3) concurrent objectives with the three individual Locate Device objectives
Map Facility 991 (Space)
One objective map
Map Facility 991 (Ground)
I liked the extra prisoners
It was still another one objective map though, I spent more time running than actually doing something relevant to the mission.
To recap, really good mission just some noobie mistakes
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
The Facility 4028 map as I've said before is a nightmare. I tried adding npcs in the corridor and changing the beam in point but you end up getting stuck in the ceiling. Even the prisoners originally spawned on top of their cells, not a map I'm ever using again.
I also originally wanted to show the task force in space but there are still missing ship assets.
Thanks for the review, Zorbane
The main thing that stands out to me in this mission is the array of maps. The Asteroid Belt and Colony map especially. I feel like I could explore the colony map for quite a while.
I was hoping for some ground combat in the Undine ship, but it didn't really matter in the end.
The inspiration from the episode where Janeway makes peace with the Undine was also nice.
I gave it 5/5 stars.
Ahhh clever!
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan