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Fleet Hanger Pets Access for Free (Ended 72 hours after 7/12 per OP)



  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    this is not an attempt .They really troll hobos by doing this (btw they dont troll everyone in that fleet ,they just troll few who sell fleet stuffs even though the entire fleet worked ) and yes its working ,you should check the other thread.

    Of course this is a shot at House of Beautiful Orions. It is not charity work. There is a bitter feud between the top leadership of the fleets.

    Does this involve all the people of both fleet? No.

    Should they keep this "event" going? In fact I thing that all T5 fleets that have people with time should make access to T5 gear for players on both sides - fed and KDF - because lets face it - T5 is gated gear that will never be availible to most players in the game unless they play large somes of EC or something like this happens.

    So even though this is a shot at hobo - I hope it catches on to many more T5 fleets and they start offering access to their gear to people for free or for a much smaller fee.

    It is a shame that a feud between fleets led to this great breaking down of a significant barrier put in place by the system developed by Cryptic - the starbase system - but I am happy that it did.
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    NoP are like Robin Hoods now, and thank you for doing this service for those fleets who can't have an access to these goodies.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Of course this is a shot at House of Beautiful Orions. It is not charity work. There is a bitter feud between the top leadership of the fleets.

    Does this involve all the people of both fleet? No.

    Should they keep this "event" going? In fact I thing that all T5 fleets that have people with time should make access to T5 gear for players on both sides - fed and KDF - because lets face it - T5 is gated gear that will never be availible to most players in the game unless they play large somes of EC or something like this happens.

    So even though this is a shot at hobo - I hope it catches on to many more T5 fleets and they start offering access to their gear to people for free or for a much smaller fee.

    It is a shame that a feud between fleets led to this great breaking down of a significant barrier put in place by the system developed by Cryptic - the starbase system - but I am happy that it did.

    Honestly, we just didn't like the fleets that were asking 10+ million EC for access to these items. It wasn't just the one fleet. This is not an attack on anyone but just an attempt to make the STO community happy.

    On the other fleets offering free access topic, TRIBBLE.'s fleet leader @novalous claimed in OPvP that he would be offering free access to his starbase Fed-side. Unfortunately they're only Tier IV on their Tactical, Engineer, and Science at the moment, but it's a start. So if you want elite fleet shields or something else that is available at Tier IV you should send a tell to him for some.

    Edit: We ask that you don't name any other fleets in a negative way to prevent this thread from getting closed. Thank you for understanding.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    Honestly, we just didn't like the fleets that were asking 10+ million EC for access to these items. It wasn't just the one fleet. This is not an attack on anyone but just an attempt to make the STO community happy.

    On the other fleets offering free access topic, TRIBBLE.'s fleet leader @novalous claimed in OPvP that he would be offering free access to his starbase Fed-side. Unfortunately they're only Tier IV on their Tactical, Engineer, and Science at the moment, but it's a start. So if you want elite fleet shields or something else that is available at Tier IV you should send a tell to him for some.

    Edit: We ask that you don't name any other fleets in a negative way to prevent this thread from getting closed. Thank you for understanding.

    Well good for you - I do know that Dental and Hobo have a "History" - but let's just take what you say at face value for now - in none of my comments so far have I placed any blame on Dental or Hobo - just what is generally known - and that both sides have been involved.

    I hope that you guys and others can find the time to keep this a "ongoing" - open door policy

    It comes as something as a surprize that Dental would be the first to break down this restrictive barrier for whatever reasons and as i said - its good that it happened. Hopefully some T5 Fed side fleets will take up the banner you guys have started.
  • justin2384justin2384 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It would be awesome if you guys would undercut the FED side I'm sick of seeing players get scammed out of millions for them to profit. FREE Pets For all I say.
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    We have created a channel to handle invites, please join NoP Public Service if you need an invite to the starbase.
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    We have created a channel to handle invites, please join NoP Public Service if you need an invite to the starbase.

    That's a great idea.
  • corgatagcorgatag Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Being in a small fleet, I don't normally have access the these goodies, but though this nice offer, all my characters now have elite fleet shields. Thanks guys!
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have no dog in the x fleet vs that fleet. I haven't asked 4 invite not b/c anti NoP et al, but more I haven't flown a ship w/a hangar in months and don't see that changing.

    I do see the irony of a KDF fleet which is a part of a group which apparently has upset a lot of other fleets, for breaking immersion etc, but in one act has done more in the spirit of the IP's Fed based economy than the game developers or anyone other player (myself included).

    Aside from fleet politics there are many complaining who encouraged Cryptic's business model of selling steep power creep, gambling, etc the exact opposite of the IP's Fed based economy and most of them are rping Feds.

    So, why is it none of the Holier than Thous thought to do this Fed side a year + ago?
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    I have no dog in the x fleet vs that fleet. I haven't asked 4 invite not b/c anti NoP et al, but more I haven't flown a ship w/a hangar in months and don't see that changing.

    I do see the irony of a KDF fleet which is a part of a group which apparently has upset a lot of other fleets, for breaking immersion etc, but in one act has done more in the spirit of the IP's Fed based economy than the game developers or anyone other player (myself included).

    Aside from fleet politics there are many complaining who encouraged Cryptic's business model of selling steep power creep, gambling, etc the exact opposite of the IP's Fed based economy and most of them are rping Feds.

    So, why is it none of the Holier than Thous thought to do this Fed side a year + ago?

    Most of the Fed side fleets at T5 have been raking in massive amounts of EC on selling access - there are such good fleets at T5 who could do the same Fed side without it hurting their balance sheet - and would be good PR for them. Leaving this up to Starfleet Dental just puts those Fed fleets to shame.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Most of the Fed side fleets at T5 have been raking in massive amounts of EC on selling access - there are such good fleets at T5 who could do the same Fed side without it hurting their balance sheet - and would be good PR for them. Leaving this up to Starfleet Dental just puts those Fed fleets to shame.

    Too bad none of them bothered to get together and make a Fleet called "Strarfleet" which invited people to access resource than return to their preferred fleet.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    I have no dog in the x fleet vs that fleet. I haven't asked 4 invite not b/c anti NoP et al, but more I haven't flown a ship w/a hangar in months and don't see that changing.

    I do see the irony of a KDF fleet which is a part of a group which apparently has upset a lot of other fleets, for breaking immersion etc, but in one act has done more in the spirit of the IP's Fed based economy than the game developers or anyone other player (myself included).

    Aside from fleet politics there are many complaining who encouraged Cryptic's business model of selling steep power creep, gambling, etc the exact opposite of the IP's Fed based economy and most of them are rping Feds.

    So, why is it none of the Holier than Thous thought to do this Fed side a year + ago?

    Because, if no one minds a bit of off-topicness for a moment, this is exactly what WAS predicted a year ago. (It really was about a year ago btw since season 6 hit). A lot of people early on complained that only the really big fleets (or folks with a LOT of time and/or money even if there were few people in those fleets) would ever get to the higher tiers, especially due to how costs rise so exponentially at the higher levels.

    Early on, tier 1 and 2 stuff, it wasn't bad. A lot of people had tons of resources from playing the game for so long, so even in some of the smaller fleets (so far as I know) things were going pretty smoothly.

    Once people starting working on/hitting tier 3, that's when it got more difficult for a good portion of fleets. Also, we hit a big crisis, what I personally think of as the 'First DOFF Crisis' because of the huge need for specific DOFFs, such as common Sensor Officers going up to a million EC each. Plus, we hit the other big issue with eventually needing uncommon DOFFs for projects as well.

    Add in other issues like the Romulan Ale/Dosi Rotgut issue with the Bartender (and a similar problem with the Chef), and all those fleets who couldn't afford to finish it that easily were getting further and further behind.

    Then awhile after that was the Embassy being added with Season 7. Which meant that fleets had to now deal with either focusing on a single one, or splitting their efforts. By this point a very large amount of fleets had hit tier 3, and a good chunk had gotten to tier 4. There was and had been some 'selling access', mostly in regards to fleet ships. Because people would want certain fleet ships mostly, and they would pay for that access. But as tier 4 became more 'common', it didn't really happen as much.

    Skip to about January/February of this year now. The larger and/or richer fleets started to hit tier 5 in various areas. Embassies were being finished, we started seeing tier 5 SBs occasionally, and so on. That's when this big 'wave' of selling access started to occur. At first it was as bad on the Fed-side as it was on the Klingon side. VERY high prices (even compared to now) as so few fleets had reached it.

    As more reached it though, the price was usually lowered because if one fleet's price was too high, people just went to a cheaper one. Now that there are plenty of fed fleets who've reached tier 5, even in multiple areas. So the cost is 'low' compared to what it was.

    Klingon fleets, being generally smaller and usually not as focused on (especially if a fleet has a Fed and KDF side to it), have 'lagged behind' most Fed fleets. Hence why the prices are so high.

    So it's exactly as people thought might happen: Bigger/Richer fleets have access to the top tier stuff, while most people are not close, and may not ever get access without paying or being otherwise invited. Look at the posts in this thread, there's been several who've said something along the lines of 'my fleet is no where near tier 5 science to get these pets, and I might not have gotten them without paying otherwise'.

    (This post wasn't met to 'attack' nor 'defend' the actions of any fleet, it was a 'history lesson' of sorts so that those who didn't know, or weren't around, can know what was said back then, and what did happen eventually. I hope that the people of Dental/NoP don't mind that)
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Because, if no one minds a bit of off-topicness for a moment, this is exactly what WAS predicted a year ago. (It really was about a year ago btw since season 6 hit). A lot of people early on complained that only the really big fleets (or folks with a LOT of time and/or money even if there were few people in those fleets) would ever get to the higher tiers, especially due to how costs rise so exponentially at the higher levels.

    Early on, tier 1 and 2 stuff, it wasn't bad. A lot of people had tons of resources from playing the game for so long, so even in some of the smaller fleets (so far as I know) things were going pretty smoothly.

    Once people starting working on/hitting tier 3, that's when it got more difficult for a good portion of fleets. Also, we hit a big crisis, what I personally think of as the 'First DOFF Crisis' because of the huge need for specific DOFFs, such as common Sensor Officers going up to a million EC each. Plus, we hit the other big issue with eventually needing uncommon DOFFs for projects as well.

    Add in other issues like the Romulan Ale/Dosi Rotgut issue with the Bartender (and a similar problem with the Chef), and all those fleets who couldn't afford to finish it that easily were getting further and further behind.

    Then awhile after that was the Embassy being added with Season 7. Which meant that fleets had to now deal with either focusing on a single one, or splitting their efforts. By this point a very large amount of fleets had hit tier 3, and a good chunk had gotten to tier 4. There was and had been some 'selling access', mostly in regards to fleet ships. Because people would want certain fleet ships mostly, and they would pay for that access. But as tier 4 became more 'common', it didn't really happen as much.

    Skip to about January/February of this year now. The larger and/or richer fleets started to hit tier 5 in various areas. Embassies were being finished, we started seeing tier 5 SBs occasionally, and so on. That's when this big 'wave' of selling access started to occur. At first it was as bad on the Fed-side as it was on the Klingon side. VERY high prices (even compared to now) as so few fleets had reached it.

    As more reached it though, the price was usually lowered because if one fleet's price was too high, people just went to a cheaper one. Now that there are plenty of fed fleets who've reached tier 5, even in multiple areas. So the cost is 'low' compared to what it was.

    Klingon fleets, being generally smaller and usually not as focused on (especially if a fleet has a Fed and KDF side to it), have 'lagged behind' most Fed fleets. Hence why the prices are so high.

    So it's exactly as people thought might happen: Bigger/Richer fleets have access to the top tier stuff, while most people are not close, and may not ever get access without paying or being otherwise invited. Look at the posts in this thread, there's been several who've said something along the lines of 'my fleet is no where near tier 5 science to get these pets, and I might not have gotten them without paying otherwise'.

    (This post wasn't met to 'attack' nor 'defend' the actions of any fleet, it was a 'history lesson' of sorts so that those who didn't know, or weren't around, can know what was said back then, and what did happen eventually. I hope that the people of Dental/NoP don't mind that)

    Not trying to be a smartass, but I don't see the connection of the obvious complaints from over a year ago leading to what this "event" has done in terms of the irony I was referring to?
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Most of the Fed side fleets at T5 have been raking in massive amounts of EC on selling access - there are such good fleets at T5 who could do the same Fed side without it hurting their balance sheet - and would be good PR for them. Leaving this up to Starfleet Dental just puts those Fed fleets to shame.

    The fleet I'm in has Tier 5 everything on the Fed side- a fully completed starbase- and a strict policy against selling access. On the other hand, every one of our members can send an invitation to fleet maps to anyone they wish.

    Our KDF fleet sister-fleet has a T5 fabricator and essentially the same policy.

    We just don't advertise... much.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    Not trying to be a smartass, but I don't see the connection of the obvious complaints from over a year ago leading to what this "event" has done in terms of the irony I was referring to?

    Well...after looking at your post, then my post...you're right. I misunderstood what you were getting at in yours. That is my mistake.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    The fleet I'm in has Tier 5 everything on the Fed side- a fully completed starbase- and a strict policy against selling access. On the other hand, every one of our members can send an invitation to fleet maps to anyone they wish.

    We just don't advertise... much.

    Hmm - Jupiter Force?? I think Mav should have a same type of event as Dental if in fact he is listening.
  • braindotwavbraindotwav Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the Hangar invite
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm - Jupiter Force?? I think Mav should have a same type of event as Dental if in fact he is listening.

    No, Reddit Alert. And it's certainly no fleet policy, if you ask one of our members randomly you're just as likely to be told to get lost as to get an invite. We leave it up to everyone to do as they wish. Which is mostly why we won't organize a publicity stunt like this.

    I really have no idea what policies Jupiter Force has wrt base access. Making a public showing like this would be great PR for someone, though.
  • verulerveruler Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks guys! Will love the new pets! Really nice of ya!
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have learned some shocking news today. Apparently members of a certain fleet on the KDF side have to get to 250,000 on the leader boards to get access to their sister fleet's fully Tier V starbase no matter how much you've put into the other fleet. So this post is to tell you that you can come to our starbase anonymously, no one in that fleet will know. We have had several members of both of these sister fleets come in and get pets.
  • herpeticherpetic Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    I have learned some shocking news today. Apparently members of a certain fleet on the KDF side have to get to 250,000 on the leader boards to get access to their sister fleet's fully Tier V starbase no matter how much you've put into the other fleet. So this post is to tell you that you can come to our starbase anonymously, no one in that fleet will know. We have had several members of both of these sister fleets come in and get pets.

    I was genuinely surprised to learn this as well. We will accept all members of the fleet in question onto our base, no questions asked.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    I have learned some shocking news today. Apparently members of a certain fleet on the KDF side have to get to 250,000 on the leader boards to get access to their sister fleet's fully Tier V starbase no matter how much you've put into the other fleet. So this post is to tell you that you can come to our starbase anonymously, no one in that fleet will know. We have had several members of both of these sister fleets come in and get pets.

    Since House of Beautiful orions is the ONLY kdf fleet to have a "fully" finished T5 starbase - you must be refering to them.

    As I have said in all my posts in this thread - this "event" - is just a shot at Hobo in the ongoing feud and not a charity event.

    Regardless - I am happy that many KDF who would never have access to these gear now do - so continue this "event" as long as you can.
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    There's a disco by the fleet supplies officer on our starbase. Picture shows typical player gaining access to our elite facilities.

    In retaliation for yesterday's anti-Starfleet Dental thread I am offering free access to the Suliban Cell ship for an hour.

    When on board go to the contact duty officer console -> Tau Dewa -> 5 day doff assignment for a doff from the new doff pack of green, blue or purple quality

    For invites to the cell ship bridge PM @devian666 This is the only method of access and only for the next hour.
  • aarons9aarons9 Member Posts: 961
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    I have learned some shocking news today. Apparently members of a certain fleet on the KDF side have to get to 250,000 on the leader boards to get access to their sister fleet's fully Tier V starbase no matter how much you've put into the other fleet. So this post is to tell you that you can come to our starbase anonymously, no one in that fleet will know. We have had several members of both of these sister fleets come in and get pets.

    how is this shocking news?

    this is how i run my fleet.. only its 200k..

    we had a problem with people joining and then using up there hundreds of thousands of fleet credits then leaving.

    200k is not much..

    keep in mind, when you get an invite to another fleet sb, you are still using YOUR fleets provisions.. you still have to have access to them. or you cant buy anything.
    [12:35] Vessel Two of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 225232 (271723) Plasma Damage to you with Plasma Lance.
    [12:44] Vessel One of Two Unimatrix 01 deals 1019527 (1157678) Kinetic Damage to you with Plasma Energy Bolt Explosion.
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sorry, I meant to add in they also have to pay EC to access it no matter how much they've contributed. This is why we started this, but I was appalled when I learned fleet leaders were extorting their own, hard working fleet mates. This is not what Gene Roddenberry would've wanted, especially not to this extent.

    Again to everyone, do not let people charge you ten million EC or more. Join the "NoP Public Service" channel and ask for an invite for fleet pets and/or elite fleet weapons. Get yours today!
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    is there really a need to fabricate things?
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    is there really a need to fabricate things?

    Could you please elaborate? Thank you.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    Sorry, I meant to add in they also have to pay EC to access it no matter how much they've contributed. This is why we started this, but I was appalled when I learned fleet leaders were extorting their own, hard working fleet mates. This is not what Gene Roddenberry would've wanted, especially not to this extent.

    Again to everyone, do not let people charge you ten million EC or more. Join the "NoP Public Service" channel and ask for an invite for fleet pets and/or elite fleet weapons. Get yours today!

    Now Dental you are starting to cross a line you should not - by now this is well known stunt to go after Hobo - but you were keeping the personally directed attacks under a veiled "some KDF fleet" TRIBBLE out of it.

    I would suggest if you don't want this derailed you keep it to just promoting the event with no mention of any other intentions.

    It's for the players best interests - if that is what you claim to leave as much of the feud with Hobo out of this conversation. It could go south really quickly under the path you are starting to take.

    Your earlier path was at least silghtly more noble - you should get back on it.
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    Look forward to more offers and events in the future. The events and gear we have typically provided internally are going to be offered to the public on a more regular basis. Look forward to more community benefits.

    Cell ship invites are over at this time.
  • graytiegraytie Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Great event! Thanks for the access. Everything went better than expected.

    The big fleets feud and the little guy wins! I love capitalism :D
This discussion has been closed.