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Fleet Hanger Pets Access for Free (Ended 72 hours after 7/12 per OP)



  • grbubbagrbubba Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you so much for this, I got my elite slavers and elite ground gear, something that would've taken a while with my own fleet. We are a small KDF fleet that is just now working on Tier 3 projects, so again, thank you. And thank you to other fleets that are taking up the baton of generosity and putting out free invites themselves, Starfleet Dental (and Nerds of Prey) has started something good. Keep paying it forward!
  • herpeticherpetic Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    grbubba wrote: »
    Thank you so much for this, I got my elite slavers and elite ground gear, something that would've taken a while with my own fleet. We are a small KDF fleet that is just now working on Tier 3 projects, so again, thank you. And thank you to other fleets that are taking up the baton of generosity and putting out free invites themselves, Starfleet Dental (and Nerds of Prey) has started something good. Keep paying it forward!

    Thanks for your feedback! A major hat tip is due to House of Snoo, who have been on board with us from pretty much the beginning. Long may this continue.
  • deathkgtdeathkgt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like to thank NoP (or SFD) for the invites to my toons for the hangar pets. It would've cost me an arm & a leg to get hangars pets for my toons. You guys are doing a good service to the KDF players & community. Way to stick it to those greedy fleets.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wear your EVA suit. ;)

    Well, when I went to their SB earlier, it was only a tier 4, but maybe I can get an invite to HOBO's SB or someone else's soon to actually look at a tier 5.

    Anyways, it's part of the original post now, but I'd just like to say that my fleet, Sentinels of Freedom/War is offering access to our facilities as well.

    For our Fed side:

    Tier 4 SB with tier 4 sci, tac, and engineering, along with a 100% completed Embassy, and tier 1 Dil mine (note: no access to tier 1 Trade on the mine until later this week) with a tier 1 Development area.

    For the KDF side:

    Tier 4 SB with tier 4 sci and tac, and tier 3 engineering, along with a tier 2 Embassy and tier 1 Dil mine with both Trade and Development being at tier 1 as well.

    So, while we do not have anything at tier 5, my hope is that we can still offer you access to the other tiers if you don't need the top tier stuff, especially if the other fleets who are offering access are busy/full/unavailable at the time you are wanting it.

    Couple notes real quick as well:

    1. We aren't currently offering fleet ship access at this time.
    2. Anyone who chooses to help from my fleet is doing it on a purely volunteer basis, so I can't promise when my fleet will be able to help.

    That aside, I've already helped a few folks get some stuff, and hope to help more with this new drive that has been started by NoP.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    The more fleets the better. Increased numbers means better timezone coverage. In NoP we cover a lot of timezones but there's always going to be times which numbers are low and there might not be someone able to get to the starbase quickly.

    We did try using our channel to organise a starbase fleet defense (the 20 man one). If people want easy fleet marks they are welcome to come along for the ride. We will make random offers which will help others at times so keep your eyes on the channel.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The more the better, indeed.

    This is a game. We're all here to have fun, right? And gating off some of the best items in the game behind a paywall is no fun at all.

    Especially in a game themed after Star Trek, where, you know, the Federation was basically a communist utopia. We didn't exactly see Klingon capitalists, either.

    I appreciate how much work, by so many people, goes into a Tier 5 base. As an officer in one of the largest fleets in the game, trust me, I know. I've invited several people a day to RA's base now, and I'm honestly surprised by how many people don't realize that you needn't be a member of a fleet to access its stores. The way the provisions and access work isn't explained anywhere in the game.

    I'd like to petition Cryptic to decouple fleet shipyard access from fleet membership. It's the one thing a base invite can't give, and frankly, that sucks.
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    I'd like to petition Cryptic to decouple fleet shipyard access from fleet membership. It's the one thing a base invite can't give, and frankly, that sucks.

    Some interesting ideas there. This proposed change in mechanics is probably one of the better suggestions I've seen recently. We haven't offered fleetyard access as it becomes a provisioning issue which pushes the need for compensation more.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd like to petition Cryptic to decouple fleet shipyard access from fleet membership. It's the one thing a base invite can't give, and frankly, that sucks.
    devian666 wrote: »
    Some interesting ideas there. This proposed change in mechanics is probably one of the better suggestions I've seen recently. We haven't offered fleetyard access as it becomes a provisioning issue which pushes the need for compensation more.

    I agree as well. I would love to offer fleet ship access if the mechanic of requiring to be in a fleet wasn't there. Or rather, you only had to be in an SB with the correct level of shipyard to buy the appropriate fleet ship.

    But to play Devil's advocate a bit, I have a feeling that it might be extremely difficult, maybe impossible to do so. It could be that they went this way because the coding of the game either wouldn't allow it any other way, or presented too many issues, so they might've went the easier/more realistic route with it. Or maybe some whole other reason that I'm not thinking of.

    So we may never see this change, but only a dev could answer the reasoning behind it. Which with that said, it might be good to ask the devs somehow, be it in the next Ask Cryptic, or in interviewing one of the devs in a podcast, or maybe we might get lucky and one will answer in this thread.

    Heck, it's worth making a thread over this subject though. At the very least, it's a good discussion to bring up, and who knows maybe something might come of it.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • lynomanlynoman Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you to all the fleets participating for this great offer!
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    herpetic wrote: »

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this! This is one of the co-leaders of HOBO offering free Tier 5 SB access in our very own public channel! We are just so overwhelmed by this change of heart and thank HOBO from the bottom of our hearts for their outstanding generosity to all STO's players. Unfortunately we don't have any more contact details for how this will be handled at the moment, so just send a tell to the gentleman responsible while we work on doing this more efficiently.

    Starfleet Dental would humbly like to offer our services to HOBO at this time. We would be happy to volunteer some of our time to help you handle invite requests, if you would like to invite any of our klank alts into your fleet and grant invite privs so we can help you out, please let us know. We would be willing to do this, naturally, free of charge.

    thats very friendly of them, but, i did buy for 15 million 2 weeks before this started,any change i could get my ec back?XD

    thanks again guys, i see much people having there elite pets,and they all seem very proud of it,thanks to you guys.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I agree as well. I would love to offer fleet ship access if the mechanic of requiring to be in a fleet wasn't there. Or rather, you only had to be in an SB with the correct level of shipyard to buy the appropriate fleet ship.

    But to play Devil's advocate a bit, I have a feeling that it might be extremely difficult, maybe impossible to do so. It could be that they went this way because the coding of the game either wouldn't allow it any other way, or presented too many issues, so they might've went the easier/more realistic route with it. Or maybe some whole other reason that I'm not thinking of.

    So we may never see this change, but only a dev could answer the reasoning behind it. Which with that said, it might be good to ask the devs somehow, be it in the next Ask Cryptic, or in interviewing one of the devs in a podcast, or maybe we might get lucky and one will answer in this thread.

    Heck, it's worth making a thread over this subject though. At the very least, it's a good discussion to bring up, and who knows maybe something might come of it.

    It works the way it does because every ship vendor in the game is the same, and when you access them, they check your character's access level to see what you can buy. Obviously that's very convenient for fleet members, who can buy a fleet ship at ESD or wherever.

    What Cryptic would have to do to change this is make the ship vendor on the tactical deck of the starbase work differently, it would have to check the access level of the base it's on rather than the person using it.

    Keeping every shipyard the same is easy for them, so no, we probably won't see it change. But it never hurts to ask.

    My two favorite Star Trek ships are the Sovereign and the Akira, and the best version of both are hidden behind the Tier 5 wall. I have access to them- my fleet was among the first that had access to them- but if I were in a small fleet that would never reach T5, I'd be pretty bummed about this. And I'd feel a lot of pressure to leave that small fleet to join a large one.

    And...well...that's no fun.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    riyott wrote: »
    Fleets that are offering free access KDF:

    Nerds of Prey (Fleet Pets)
    House of Snoo (Elite Fleet Weapons)
    Sentinels of War (Tier IV Tac and Sci)
    House of Beautiful Orions (All Tier V)

    although exceptions have been made in recent days, House of Beautiful Orions do not generally offer free public access to its base. this has been made clear numerous times, yet you continue to post otherwise.
    while it has been fun helping others out when the nops were too busy on their fed mains lulzing it up on drozana, i can not really continue to do this while also ignoring the subtle baiting in this thread and in the group, nor while having my main muted in the freebie group channel.
    you knew full well hobo didnt want to be listed in op, but you did it anyway. you then went a step further and posted contact details for my invite-alt in this thread, advising people to contact me in game for free invites, knowing full well how annoying that would be.
    you have done a fair job of making it clear to me that this isnt at all about altruistic ideals. you should remove hobo from your list of supporters. if we do something like this again in the future we will undertake it under our own terms.
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    although exceptions have been made in recent days, House of Beautiful Orions do not generally offer free public access to its base. this has been made clear numerous times, yet you continue to post otherwise.
    while it has been fun helping others out when the nops were too busy on their fed mains lulzing it up on drozana, i can not really continue to do this while also ignoring the subtle baiting in this thread and in the group, nor while having my main muted in the freebie group channel.
    you knew full well hobo didnt want to be listed in op, but you did it anyway. you then went a step further and posted contact details for my invite-alt in this thread, advising people to contact me in game for free invites, knowing full well how annoying that would be.
    you have done a fair job of making it clear to me that this isnt at all about altruistic ideals. you should remove hobo from your list of supporters. if we do something like this again in the future we will undertake it under our own terms.

    Hello there concerned citizen.

    As you said in the channel you would be offering free star base invites to players so I put it in the thread just as every other fleet who offered.

    As for the "lulzing it up on drozana", we try to have at least two NoP representative on the star base at all times. If they're aren't any on, that's most likely because there's things they need to do, whether it's real life things or just STO dailies. Thank you for understanding.

    Had you not wanted to be mentioned in the thread you should have said so, which you did not. It is sad to see HoBO not stick in it with us, but I will edit the OP. If you or any other fleet member needs access to one our star bases without having to pay your fleet leaders, let us know. It's always anonymous.

    Thank you for reading,
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    while subtlety and suggestion are great tools, for the full effect they should at minimum be based on truths.

    have fun.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It works the way it does because every ship vendor in the game is the same, and when you access them, they check your character's access level to see what you can buy. Obviously that's very convenient for fleet members, who can buy a fleet ship at ESD or wherever.

    What Cryptic would have to do to change this is make the ship vendor on the tactical deck of the starbase work differently, it would have to check the access level of the base it's on rather than the person using it.

    Keeping every shipyard the same is easy for them, so no, we probably won't see it change. But it never hurts to ask.

    My two favorite Star Trek ships are the Sovereign and the Akira, and the best version of both are hidden behind the Tier 5 wall. I have access to them- my fleet was among the first that had access to them- but if I were in a small fleet that would never reach T5, I'd be pretty bummed about this. And I'd feel a lot of pressure to leave that small fleet to join a large one.

    And...well...that's no fun.

    I again agree with everything you have put here.

    I think most people would be ok with losing the extra convenience of going to ESD or other places if it meant that all you would need to get a fleet ship would just be to be on the correct SB with the high enough tier shipyard.

    That'd make life a lot less painful I think in regards to getting fleet ships for a lot of people. Including myself, because I don't have access to a tier 5 shipyard (on either side of the game), and as it stands, I won't have access (without paying) to that for quite a long time. No Fleet B'rel, no Fleet Imperial, etc.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • herpeticherpetic Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    although exceptions have been made in recent days, House of Beautiful Orions do not generally offer free public access to its base. this has been made clear numerous times, yet you continue to post otherwise.
    while it has been fun helping others out when the nops were too busy on their fed mains lulzing it up on drozana, i can not really continue to do this while also ignoring the subtle baiting in this thread and in the group, nor while having my main muted in the freebie group channel.
    you knew full well hobo didnt want to be listed in op, but you did it anyway. you then went a step further and posted contact details for my invite-alt in this thread, advising people to contact me in game for free invites, knowing full well how annoying that would be.
    you have done a fair job of making it clear to me that this isnt at all about altruistic ideals. you should remove hobo from your list of supporters. if we do something like this again in the future we will undertake it under our own terms.

    We are sad to see you go, and would like to thank your fleet for your help during this event. Please let us know if you are doing it again so we can amend the OP appropriately.
  • riyottriyott Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Nerds of Prey is now recruiting. Read the following thread for information on recruiting procedures.

  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I thought about something earlier. Namely that, fleet gear access isn't the only thing that makes it more difficult to play a Klingon player sometimes. Other more faction-specific things can be much more expensive for a Klingon (and Klingon-allied Romulans sometimes) to buy.

    Primarily DOFFs. If you compare the prices for any DOFF on the Federation side to the Klingon side, they are always more expensive on the Klingon side because of the generally fewer players. If the prices weren't massively different I wouldn't mind too much, but DOFFs (especially very rare ones) can be several times the cost comparatively.

    Other things, like Mirror Universe ships, the difference might be there, but not to the extreme that DOFFs are.

    I mention this, because I feel it's worth saying that:

    Even if you don't need hangars or elite weapons, I just wanna put it out there that having tier 5 in an area on the SB means that they also have access to the various purple DOFFs that can be bought on the Starbase. While they are random, you can buy purples of the three areas (tac, sci, engineer).

    Obviously the DOFF selection is limited, so the various lockbox and DOFF pack DOFFs won't be in there, but maybe the prices can be brought down on some DOFFs at least if people chose to do this, especially if they gave the DOFFs away.

    But that's just my thought I had. I figured it was worth at least mentioning. I'd do this if I wasn't saving my FCs for elite hangars and elite weapons atm.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • romeowhiskey4romeowhiskey4 Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So... Let me get this straight....

    You get access to a t5 fleet, but don't use their provisions, just your OWN fleet provisions, and only works if you are able to access those provisions?

    I saw 13 pages and thought 'I really cba to read all this!' so, a quick yes or no would suffice :)

    If this IS a case of opening up to access a t5 starbase I say fair play! Food for thought indeed! But could be detrimental to other fleets whose members no longer have a need to donate their stuff...

    Thing is, can I also ask...what next? My fleet is already completing t2 dilithium mine and about to hit t5 military... I would say a large number of fleets are hitting this now... so what next? Or is this question valid of a new thread?
  • romeowhiskey4romeowhiskey4 Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So... Let me get this straight....

    You get access to a t5 fleet, but don't use their provisions, just your OWN fleet provisions, and only works if you are able to access those provisions?

    I saw 13 pages and thought 'I really cba to read all this!' so, a quick yes or no would suffice :)

    If this IS a case of opening up to access a t5 starbase I say fair play! Food for thought indeed! But could be detrimental to other fleets whose members no longer have a need to donate their stuff...

    Thing is, can I also ask...what next? My fleet is already completing t2 dilithium mine and about to hit t5 military... I would say a large number of fleets are hitting this now... so what next? Or is this question valid of a new thread?

    Ok 30 pages!
  • herpeticherpetic Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So... Let me get this straight....

    You get access to a t5 fleet, but don't use their provisions, just your OWN fleet provisions, and only works if you are able to access those provisions?

    I saw 13 pages and thought 'I really cba to read all this!' so, a quick yes or no would suffice :)

    If this IS a case of opening up to access a t5 starbase I say fair play! Food for thought indeed! But could be detrimental to other fleets whose members no longer have a need to donate their stuff...

    Thing is, can I also ask...what next? My fleet is already completing t2 dilithium mine and about to hit t5 military... I would say a large number of fleets are hitting this now... so what next? Or is this question valid of a new thread?

    Yes, this is correct. We would be happy to see you on our starbase.
  • martin1970giesenmartin1970giesen Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Because of the new pets i got free from you guy, i took my kdf for a NWS and won.
    Thanks for this...
    Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
    Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
    Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
  • finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the way I see it is dental and nerds are making it so everyone else in the game doesn't need to work on star bases anymore only to get provisions. so you fleet leaders out there get ready to spend more because dental is going to give free stuff to your fleeties so they wont have to donate as much they only need to donate enough to get the fleet credits they need for the items they want to buy from dental ad nerds.

    good job dental in making it harder to complete a star base/embassy for the other fleets, you have come up with the perfect troll.
  • aetam1aetam1 Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    finious2 wrote: »
    the way I see it is dental and nerds are making it so everyone else in the game doesn't need to work on star bases anymore only to get provisions. so you fleet leaders out there get ready to spend more because dental is going to give free stuff to your fleeties so they wont have to donate as much they only need to donate enough to get the fleet credits they need for the items they want to buy from dental ad nerds.

    good job dental in making it harder to complete a star base/embassy for the other fleets, you have come up with the perfect troll.

    Yeah that really hurts fleet leaders because they have now no way of getting stuff. It's not as if they can go to NoP/dental too... Oh wait they can.

    So stuffing all your res in the starbase to get good gear is no longer a must. You can take the construction more slowly and do what you actually enjoy in the game. Oh the horror. People are having fun, cryptic do something!

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
  • finious2finious2 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lol troll defending its trolling. our fleets are close to being done so was just thinking of the younger fleets. it is really nice of you to make it easy for everyone. I knew anything I said would be seen as something to be trolled, if I would have said good job you would have found a way to turn that against me also. even if you had to quote me and change the words in to quote to something else then said. you guys are really a piece of work. remember to put my name on the no invite list!!

    see ya
This discussion has been closed.