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Re: Party Amplifier GPL Consumable



  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    "I want a option that make me invisible for all. and also talking to me is optional. Better a option that my game char never appears ingame.", sry bad joke, but I think you should go play single player games ;)

    The man asked for a way to turn off the Disco Bomb effect for his character only. This is an entirely reasonable request. He's also stated it is something he doesn't have to have right away but would like very much. Further, he's stated his opinion in adult terms and has attempted to keep his post from degenerating into the usual trollfests these sorts of things turn into. Again, all of this is reasonable and grown up.

    And your response. Honestly? Is that the best you can come up with? Instead of trying understand his viewpoint, you elected to go for the cheap laugh and try to score points off him? Bad form, Mate. Waaay unclassy.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    I didn't say it harms me in any way. The disco ball is fun. I'm just politely stating that I prefer not to be affected by it when I don't want to dance with a random stranger. It's like you're allergic to the idea or something. :cool:

    Perhaps, but it is often implied that it is harmful.

    Now you say it isn't harmful (which it isn't), but you say that you prefer not to be affected by it. Other than making a bunch of pixels jiggle around, how does it affect you?

    Really, I don't see the problem with it. It doesn't interrupt or interfere with any in game process and if it causes 'problems' for you then you could simply move away.
    It's really no big deal, especially considering that there have been far worse ways of griefing that have caused genuine problems for players and their enjoyment of the game. Remember the new romulus transport console blocking? Or the bug that caused saucer sep/mvam use to slow everyone in that instance down to a slide show? Or how about the Jemhadar shield/BFI doff exploit that caused lag for an entire instance when it procced?

    Honestly, the devs have far better things to be getting on with than adding in new code to turn off something that doesn't even have much of an effect on players. What "far better things" you ask? Why, bugfixes for one!

    The "I don't want to be social" thing is the vibe I'm getting from much of this complaining. That "cheap shot", while cheap and a little below the belt certainly has a point.
    I need a beer.

  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Really, I don't see the problem with it.


    ...and if it causes 'problems' for you then you could simply move away.

    So Party Amp Mk II:

    Causes characters to move to another instance.

    Or Party Amp Mk III:

    Knocks characters back X distance from the character using the device.

    If the suggestion to the issue is a problem in of itself, it's not a very good suggestion...imho.
    It's really no big deal...

    To you. And that is fine. There are things that other folks have issues with that are no big deal to me. However, I'm not selfish...and thus, I support having their issues resolved as well...even if it is really no big deal to me.
    there have been far worse ways of griefing

    Glad that you could acknowledge that it is a potential means of griefing.
    The "I don't want to be social" thing is the vibe I'm getting from much of this complaining.

    Again, it is not social. It's a device. Being social...requires...being social.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some people just want to be left alone.

    And in single-player games, one is never anything but "left alone." Hence people's repeated claim that those who don't like the predictable side-effects of being in a multi-player game should stick to single-player games. :rolleyes:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And in single-player games, one is never anything but "left alone." Hence people's repeated claim that those who don't like the predictable side-effects of being in a multi-player game should stick to single-player games. :rolleyes:

    The game was around over 3 years before this was introduced...people that have played the game fine up until this point should just leave?

    Curious thought patterns some folks have out there...
  • risian5risian5 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Curious thought patterns some folks have out there...

    Agreed. I can't fathom how people who "want to be left alone" think going into a multi-player environment then demanding everyone else stop "having fun wrong" is the way to achieve this.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • mreeves7amreeves7a Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Limiting the Subspace Party Amp like that would a very bad idea. Why? Because it starts the slippery slope for social interactions (and yes, just being in a group of people counts as social). You limit the party ball, next people will want to hide others custom uniforms, then hide other players ship patterns and so on...
  • vlock07vlock07 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    EDIT: At the demand of the mods: the polite robot version.
    edit: I'm not editing this because I felt that what I said in reply to a particular post was uncalled for, but rather I'm editing it because it's somewhat distracting to the discussion. Still, when you're going to jump into a thread and flame somebody without knowing them...you can come off looking a little silly. Just something to keep in mind for folks that do that sort of thing...

    My knowledge of you or lack thereof, in no way shape or form alters what you are saying. Your comments provide all information necessary for a response.

    Pertinent posts:
    Were that the case, then I would have likely never even noticed they were in the game outside of reading about them. It's only from folks spamming them on top of NPC mission givers, vendors, and zone in points...etc, etc, etc.

    There are just times and places, well - yeah, I'm a little more focused on trying to get something done or talking to somebody...then bam, I look like I've got ants in my pants - am five years old and have to go the bathroom - etc, etc, etc... it's just annoying.

    Like I tried to clarify earlier (probably poorly, mind you) - there's a world of difference between the folks trying to be social and those just looking to grief/harass with a new toy.
    voporak wrote: »
    I didn't say it harms me in any way. The disco ball is fun. I'm just politely stating that I prefer not to be affected by it when I don't want to dance with a random stranger. It's like you're allergic to the idea or something. :cool:
    Some people just want to be left alone. I control my character, you control yours, don't mess with each other. Why is that so hard a concept for some to deal with?

    Arguments are:

    "Do not do things to my character"

    1. The only thing done to your character is a change in their idle animation, which you did not control prior to the deployment of the party item either. You retain all normal control.

    2. Powers that do things to others' characters are not unprecedented in this game. The team buff powers available to Vice Admirals already alter your character without your permission, actively changing their stats, while 'Diplomatic Immunity' changes your allowances.

    3. Party items are not unprecedented in the MMO genre. All, MMOs have party items that interact with players around them. You cannot play an MMO without encountering party items.

    Disclaimer: I love everybody in this thread and I totally respect your opinions including those I vehemently disagree with and I have no opinions at all on you or your motivations or your feelings or your intelligence or your character or your skills or your etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong. I also love China and Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic and have no opinion at all on their motivations or their feelings or their intelligence or their character or their skills or their etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I'm noticing some violations of PWE Community Rules and Policies in this thread.

    Let's keep the conversation civil. There's no need for hostility here, and insulting comments are strictly against the rules.

    Please show some respect for other people's opinions, even if you don't agree with them.

    Stick with the facts -- Please don't speculate about other people's motivations.

    When referring to other forum users, please leave off any personal references to beliefs, feelings, behavior, intelligence, character, skills, etc.

    Any post that's been crafted to provoke an angry reaction is trolling and is subject to moderation, warnings, and infractions. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO TROLL POSTS! Report them.

    If you are responsible for a post that breaks the rules, please take responsibility to go back and take out the inflammatory language. Otherwise, the Mods will have to exercise their responsibilities.

    Read the rules (see above)

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

    Live Long and Prosper,
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vlock07 wrote: »
    Further, if you're truly standing on the principles of controlling your own character completely, then there is a much greater offense that has been in the game since day one: team buffs. People who team buff are actually changing your stats without your permission. Surely you are opposed to that too.

    A red-herring argument and completely unrelated... the one does not make the other undesirable or bad. Your premise does not follow.
    vlock07 wrote: »
    So while I'm touched at your concern for my image, between the two of us, I'm not the one attempting to start a civil rights movement to free video game characters from the tyranny of party items or coming down on the side of a woman who accused Cryptic of a "criminal conspiracy" of disco balls. I'm fully unconcerned that I will look silly by comparison ;)

    Your attempt to discredit other posters as being "silly" does not advance your argument one iota. It is also quite probably an infraction of the forum rules. Please stop.

    My opinion: For the record, I find the disco balls a minor annoyance but generally trivial. I don't care about them one way or the other. The Devs have long learned their lesson about creating items that cause player characters to be immobilized and otherwise subjected to undesirable effects. This gadget seems to fall below that threshold and it's even more limited than the party poppers are as this is a consumable device. Once people can't easily get them anymore, and the novelty has worn off, we'll probably see them less often. The people who use them pay for them in more ways than one, including the waste of a bank and/or inventory slot.

    For that reason, I highly doubt the Devs will entertain the development of an "off-button" for this kind of thing since it's "Working As Designed". I don't discourage the suggestion, though, as it doesn't really impact me much one way or the other. It's no skin off my nose if the Devs did create an "off-button", so I don't need to spend a lot of effort poking holes in the idea. You're either in favor of it, or you're not.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Agreed. I can't fathom how people who "want to be left alone" think going into a multi-player environment then demanding everyone else stop "having fun wrong" is the way to achieve this.

    But its not demanding anything of other characters. Its saying "you go play with your magic balls however you like, but I don't want to participate." Still works for everyone else who wants to. I have fun my way (there's stuff I enjoy would probably annoy the heck out of some players), you have it yours.
  • vlock07vlock07 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    A red-herring argument and completely unrelated... the one does not make the other undesirable or bad. Your premise does not follow.
    If they are standing on principles of self-control, as at least one had previously claimed and possibly edited out, the premise does follow. Any one infraction on their person, favorable or no, will be as undesired as another because they believe in total self-control. If they are not against the example, they are not arguing self-determination, but only that they dislike like a specific activity. This would be important to the argument, save that I have been banned from speculating on others motives, even if they bring up their motives.

    Which reminds me:
    Disclaimer: I love everybody in this thread and I totally respect your opinions including those I vehemently disagree with and I have no opinions at all on you or your motivations or your feelings or your intelligence or your character or your skills or your etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong. I also love China and Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic and have no opinion at all on their motivations or their feelings or their intelligence or their character or their skills or their etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong.
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Your attempt to discredit other posters as being "silly" does not advance your argument one iota. It is also quite probably an infraction of the forum rules. Please stop.

    The opt-out posters have suggested that their opponents are foolish, stupid, unreasonable, immature, etc. Their opponents have suggested similar things as I have, albeit less pointedly, in many posts. These things happen in arguments; I'm just the latest link on the chain. Congratulations, you got me, but if you want to stop further infractions you might just have to stop the whole chain. That's what happened to the last thread.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Agreed. I can't fathom how people who "want to be left alone" think going into a multi-player environment then demanding everyone else stop "having fun wrong" is the way to achieve this.

    /deep breath

    Where is there any demand that anybody else stop having fun?

    Again, the only "fun" this simple request would stop - would be people that have "fun" making people that do not want to dance...dance. It would not stop them from being able to dance themselves nor would it stop them from being able to make those that want to dance dance.

    I do not know how many times that has to be said...if people haven't read it the times it has been said already, it is unlikely that they will ever read it.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vlock07 wrote: »
    If they are standing on principles of self-control, as at least one had previously claimed and possibly edited out, the premise does follow. Any one infraction on their person, favorable or no, will be as undesired as another because they believe in total self-control. If they are not against the example, they are not arguing self-determination, but only that they dislike like a specific activity. This would be important to the argument, save that I have been banned from speculating on others motives, even if they bring up their motives.

    Which reminds me:
    Disclaimer: I love everybody in this thread and I totally respect your opinions including those I vehemently disagree with and I have no opinions at all on you or your motivations or your feelings or your intelligence or your character or your skills or your etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong. I also love China and Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic and have no opinion at all on their motivations or their feelings or their intelligence or their character or their skills or their etc. because if I did it would be bad and evil and wrong.

    The opt-out posters have suggested that their opponents are foolish, stupid, unreasonable, immature, etc. Their opponents have suggested similar things as I have, albeit less pointedly, in many posts. These things happen in arguments; I'm just the latest link on the chain. Congratulations, you got me, but if you want to stop further infractions you might just have to stop the whole chain. That's what happened to the last thread.

    I'm lovin' this guy
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vlock07 wrote: »
    1. The only thing done to your character is a change in their idle animation, which you did not control prior to the deployment of the party item either. You retain all normal control.

    This is incorrect.

    If you have an Emote set, the Party Amp overrides it. While within the area of effect of the Party Amp, you are unable to do any other Emote outside of Combage - which will do the short animation and then return to dancing.
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd just like to know how I can get one of these things. Is it part of the Risa event, or something from one of the anniversary events?
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd just like to know how I can get one of these things. Is it part of the Risa event, or something from one of the anniversary events?

    They are on Risa, near the Dabo table inside the big building, they cost 200 Gold Pressed Latinum each.

    Pop em all over! :)

    Make the world better.. once dance at a time
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    urniv821 wrote: »
    They are on Risa, near the Dabo table inside the big building, they cost 200 Gold Pressed Latinum each.

    Pop em all over! :)

    Make the world better.. once dance at a time

    Actually, they are 100 each.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    Actually, they are 100 each.

    Oh pardon me, they must have lowered the cost.
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do make a distinction among the various devices we've seen so far in-game. Somebody shooting balloons doesn't bother me, I can kick them out of my way or play with them if I choose. Somebody using team enhancement skills (I can't believe this was used as an argument) is aiding my performance on a team I have agreed to join. Somebody hitting me with a snowball, as in real life, should be taken as playful, seasonal fun. That's provided they haven't put a rock inside it. I can imagine characters in the various Star Trek series doing these things.

    This amplifier is a psychotropic device. I'm trying to figure out myself how this could ever be explained in a star trek setting other than being an attack. In real life, you could turn up the music in a workplace which might annoy co-workers, but would not override their nervous system and cause them to dance and clap. It would be a choice still.

    This item doesn't fit within Starfleet ideals, and is beyond simple rudeness.

    I appreciate the people that choose to use this item in an open area away from crowds where you have a choice to run to them and join in, or go about your business. I find people that use this item in an already crowded spot, near mail/exhchange/bank npcs are juvenile with no manners. If this is used in a team event, know that I will leave the team as I find you disrespectful.

    Is there an option similar to /block aid that would prevent others from interacting with you at all? I would like to see in chat who used this item, and perhaps put them on ignore. Maybe ignore could have block aid included in it from now on?

    Furthermore, all these parrots flying around is giving me wow flashbacks. I thought I needed to go work on my bloodsail reputation the other night.
  • obsidiusrexobsidiusrex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    urniv821 wrote: »
    They are on Risa, near the Dabo table inside the big building, they cost 200 Gold Pressed Latinum each.

    Pop em all over! :)

    Make the world better.. once dance at a time
    voporak wrote: »
    Actually, they are 100 each.

    Thanks, I found them from the GPL Vendor shortly after I posted :)
    I don't care how long you've been playing. I only care about how you play.
    And remember to follow the rules.
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2013
    fourxgamer wrote: »
    This amplifier is a psychotropic device. I'm trying to figure out myself how this could ever be explained in a star trek setting other than being an attack. In real life, you could turn up the music in a workplace which might annoy co-workers, but would not override their nervous system and cause them to dance and clap. It would be a choice still.

    This item doesn't fit within Starfleet ideals, and is beyond simple rudeness.

    I appreciate the people that choose to use this item in an open area away from crowds where you have a choice to run to them and join in, or go about your business. I find people that use this item in an already crowded spot, near mail/exhchange/bank npcs are juvenile with no manners. If this is used in a team event, know that I will leave the team as I find you disrespectful.

    People saying they can't imagine people being taken over or dancing in the Star Trek universe. The Star Trek universe which includes alien entities made out of the tin foil, episodes with beatniks, german soldiers and storylines which often include harmless fun. Some of the episodes are rather surreal in nature include Q's abilities. Pretty much anything you can imagine can be a part of Star Trek.

    You seem to be wanting to enforce ideals dating back to the 1600s in a Star Trek setting. I think roleplaying that is entertaining, trying to force other players to your outlandish code of conduct in a game is inappropriate. I think it's quite rude for you to even suggest this.

    However, these are all opinions and this is a game. I actually can't justify to myself why someone wouldn't enjoy the party amplifier.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    I actually can't justify to myself why someone wouldn't enjoy the party amplifier.

    Different people enjoy different things. As long as it is legal, where is the issue in respecting that?

    The Party Amp does not respect that. Whether it is used against an individual or a group of people that were intent upon doing something else or doing something else, the Party Amp does not respect that.

    Hell, the Party Amp does not respect that people enjoy different things at its very core. It doesn't even let the people that might otherwise enjoy it select the dance they would do to it - since it locks out all emotes other than Combadge and forces them to do whatever random dance it selects.

    It had potential. It failed miserably.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Agreed, this is a perfectley reasonable request, I don't see how anyone could argue with the OP's suggestion.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I had posted it in the other thread, but it got lost in all the...ahem, yeah - I'm surprised that thread is still there.

    But anyway, it was a simple request for The Party Amp and any such future devices in the game: A player should be able to go into Options and select not to be affected by it.

    This does not nerf the device, does not prevent it from affecting those that want to be affected by it, etc, etc, etc - it simply allows those that do not want to be affected by it not to be.

    lemme guess ,someone danced you too much :D

    Hell, the Party Amp does not respect that people enjoy different things at its very core. It doesn't even let the people that might otherwise enjoy it select the dance they would do to it - since it locks out all emotes other than Combadge and forces them to do whatever random dance it selects.

    if they nerf it and I wont be able to make Quinn dance you will be responsable for ruinning my game :mad:
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    if they nerf it and I wont be able to make Quinn dance you will be responsable for ruinning my game :mad:

    If the only request is for players to be able to opt out of being affected by it when they do not want to be affected by it and to be able to opt in to be affected by it again when they do, how would that result in you no longer being able to make Quinn dance?
  • captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If the only request is for players to be able to opt out of being affected by it when they do not want to be affected by it and to be able to opt in to be affected by it again when they do, how would that result in you no longer being able to make Quinn dance?

    you dont know what game settings Quinn has lol :D
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    You seem to be wanting to enforce ideals dating back to the 1600s in a Star Trek setting. I think roleplaying that is entertaining, trying to force other players to your outlandish code of conduct in a game is inappropriate. I think it's quite rude for you to even suggest this.

    However, these are all opinions and this is a game. I actually can't justify to myself why someone wouldn't enjoy the party amplifier.

    I truly believe you! I believe you cannot figure out why other people don't want to be your marionettes. You probably cannot understand why people don't want to be harassed and perhaps don't laugh at all your jokes. I doubt you understand why it's a bad idea to hunt down people that role play, creepy or not, and make them miserable. There's lots of activities I don't like but I don't hunt people down and bully them for it. Also, if I win in pvp I don't tea bag fallen opponents. This device is perfect for people that enjoy these types of activities and have very little concern for others' opinions and personal space.

    Aren't you from the same group that couldn't understand why people didn't enjoy cascading warp core breaches and being trapped on your ship's bridge? Your approval of this device is the clearest argument against having it. Endorsed by bullies, goon-approved.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited July 2013
    Walk away from the disco ball. Problem Solved. Range 30 ft..
This discussion has been closed.