@ambassadormolari - You know, when I started STO, I was insistent on using the classic Miranda hull. I was very married to that ship in-game and played with it through most of my LtCmdr levels. I almost hated trading it for the Exeter ... until I played with the Exeter :P Anyway, the writing about losing such a ship was close to me. I don't have any ideas for Kathryn in the same vein, but ... "I get it". Then there's Brax. Ferengi's must be fun to write about - I can't stand them in canon but there must be something about them. He and Grunt must meet!
Three stories, three ships destroyed (or nearly). Let's not forget Grunt lost his recently too. What's up with that? Do I need to blow up Solaris to keep up with the Jones'?
I certainly hope not. The Solaris is too cool a ship to be randomly destroyed like that.
Glad you liked it! I hear you, re: old ships. When I first started playing, I found it very annoying that every time I rose a rank, I was expected to ditch a ship I had grown to like in favour of a more advanced model. I suspect thats largely why the Advanced/Refit versions of Tier 2-4 ships exist, although I wouldn't mind if Cryptic made a Light Cruiser Retrofit.
The thing that makes Ferengi fun to write, in my opinion, is precisely because no one can stand them. They are stereotypically greedy, self-interested and capitalistic, which makes it all the more interesting when one of them breaks the mould (ie Nog and Rom), or uses those traits to bring a fresh perspective that differs from that of most Starfleet officers (ie Quark).
Should Brax ever run into Grunt, it will probably be in assistance to Arkos. I can see Arkos using Brax as an intermediary should he ever have to 'negotiate' with a Ferengi captain.
Well, before this completely drops off the map. Sorry if these are short.
@ambassadormolari: Nice story about switching between ships and new crew. I really like the Ferengi, always wondered about that part of Ferengi law.
To be honest, I was curious about that myself. I'm sure that Ferengi law is probably much more stringent than I made it appear-- it would be bad for collective businesses, after all, if criminals were allowed to buy their way out, and I'm sure that for the Ferengi there are worse penalties than just imprisonment (ie severe fines, voiding of business permits, or anything else that would cause a loss of profits). However, I would imagine that bribery and corruption would still be rife within the Ferengi legal system, hence a lot of criminals getting off scot-free.
To be honest, I was curious about that myself. I'm sure that Ferengi law is probably much more stringent than I made it appear-- it would be bad for collective businesses, after all, if criminals were allowed to buy their way out, and I'm sure that for the Ferengi there are worse penalties than just imprisonment (ie severe fines, voiding of business permits, or anything else that would cause a loss of profits). However, I would imagine that bribery and corruption would still be rife within the Ferengi legal system, hence a lot of criminals getting off scot-free.
There is actually a KDF-side Foundry mission entitle "Raktajino in the Jar" (based loosely upon Thin Lizzy's song about Whiskey) that deals with this very thing. As I recall, the accused is asked to bid his plea (put up whatever he cash he has or can beg or borrow on short notice) and then the sentence is revealed (the actual amount of latinum it would require to get him off the hook.) If the bid is higher than the sentence, he presumably gets off scot free, but if not you go to a forced labor camp.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Ferengi call it "hearing profit in the wind". Rule 98, after all...
(Interestingly, Grunt just got a Ferengi tac officer; I think I might make him a new character in this story, which so far involves the Hephaestus picking up some new crew members at Risa...)
It would be good for sure, although I could see ch'Raul's reaction being something like Admiral Cooper's...
What, punching Marcus in the face? ;-)
I would agree, although someone wrote a 'Dolores at Fifty' follow on, and apparently she spent her entire life manipulating and using men to get what she wanted... Siri isn't quite in that league of skankiness, but she does have a devious and manipulative streak which she tries to keep control of.
That would be fanfic, not canon. ;-)
I guess the perspectives of the person in the picture, and the person reading the newspaper can be quite different, and that rationale would explain Mrs Azarova's interpretation of the events and of course, her own experiences as a parent would do the rest of the work...
I suspect Marcus and Siri 'got papped' leaving the Pyramid Club soon after their repatriation to the Federation from Cardassia, and it featuring in the 'gutter press'.
I have not heard the expression "got papped." By context I assume it means getting mobbed by the paparazzi?
To be honest, even I don't know what strings were pulled to allow them to keep their careers, both being guilty of Conduct Unbecoming, as that would not have been a board of inquiry, but full court martials. The only things I can think, is board leniency due to 'expression of cultural heritage' on Siri's part, the fact that she was not an intended or naturally consceived child of Marcus and K'm'rn, but a clandestinely created binary clone from their genetic material, and hat it was a Starfleet operation which led to their incarceration...
There would've had to be some serious gymnastics to keep them in the service indeed.
Sent ^_^ I hope you'll find it as useful as I did :cool:
You know, I think I ran across that in my research but didn't have the patience to slog through it. ;-) But I'll keep it around for sure!
@gulberat - The thing I love most about your work (besides the content itself) is that I am learning more about Devidians than STO could ever create. And let me say that the intro "order" really gives the entire piece some gravitas ... something big happened and it's frakkin' serious. Alexi is in trooooublllleee! T'Nae needs a beat-down and it doesn't have to be physical.
Hopefully Alexei will get through this unscathed, but we'll see...and yeah, T'Nae...she REALLY disgraced herself in the Romulan arc, going from a liked admiral to one I now want to see die painfully.
And glad you like the look at the Devidians. Of course, Alyosha is a very unusual, not-exactly-representative example of his species, but still.
@marcusdkane, sander233, superhombre777 - simply awesome. The courtroom drama was enticing to read. Take THAT Channery! Poor Hillel - that guy needs a break. The last sentence was the bomb and it dropped last second. Man, well done!
@ambassadormolari - You know, when I started STO, I was insistent on using the classic Miranda hull. I was very married to that ship in-game and played with it through most of my LtCmdr levels. I almost hated trading it for the Exeter ... until I played with the Exeter :P Anyway, the writing about losing such a ship was close to me. I don't have any ideas for Kathryn in the same vein, but ... "I get it". Then there's Brax. Ferengi's must be fun to write about - I can't stand them in canon but there must be something about them. He and Grunt must meet!
Three stories, three ships destroyed (or nearly). Let's not forget Grunt lost his recently too. What's up with that? Do I need to blow up Solaris to keep up with the Jones'?[/QUOTE]
@gulberat: My favorite devidian's life goes on. Yeah, I don't like T'Nae either. But enjoyable story, nice to see where he came from.
Thanks. I enjoyed writing Alyosha at home, too. DNA doesn't matter...St. Petersburg is most definitely where he belongs. :-)
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Lolita at Fifty was written by Steve Martin as part of his collection of short stories, Pure Drivel, and published in 98... Published makes it canon Haven't actually read it myself, but from a review, it would seem Dolores became quite the gold-digger
There would've had to be some serious gymnastics to keep them in the service indeed.
Possibly that as the head of a department and his attache, neither of them really had to work with other officers, thus getting round the criteria of an officer's standing/ability to command being compromised. Perhaps Siri was assigned to the Valkyrie for it's first contact mission the Zildarni to get her off-planet and let things settle, before returning to her administrative position...
You know, I think I ran across that in my research but didn't have the patience to slog through it. ;-) But I'll keep it around for sure!
I have to admit, I only really read the beginning and ends, as I didn't want to get too bogged down with multiple rounds of cross-examination (or it would have outweighed the Hillel's strand too much... Also, I came up with a suitably Russian pre-marriage identity for Isabella, which superhombre777 approved of: Isabella Andreyevna Tupoleva ) after all, I was only writing an LC entry, not the next John Grisham manuscript
I'm surprised by how many entries we have already.
@ indyv72 - there are obviously some issues with time travel in the Back to the Future series (if they travel 6 months into the past then they should arrive floating in space opposite Earth's present position in the solar system, right?), so a cruise into the Delta Quadrant isn't too unreasonable.
The new DeLorean that takes place in the animated series is also based on space/time location, not just time... lol. Can't remember how it works cause I only saw a few episodes and read a few comics.
Thank you too sander233 & cmdrscarlet!
@malkarris - I'm not sure what more would need to be written, I suppose it could be fleshed out some more... lol
Note to Cryptic: next time around, petticoats, bonnets,and top hats and monacles are definitely in order for your next holiday event.
I certainly hope not. The Solaris is too cool a ship to be randomly destroyed like that.
Glad you liked it! I hear you, re: old ships. When I first started playing, I found it very annoying that every time I rose a rank, I was expected to ditch a ship I had grown to like in favour of a more advanced model. I suspect thats largely why the Advanced/Refit versions of Tier 2-4 ships exist, although I wouldn't mind if Cryptic made a Light Cruiser Retrofit.
The thing that makes Ferengi fun to write, in my opinion, is precisely because no one can stand them. They are stereotypically greedy, self-interested and capitalistic, which makes it all the more interesting when one of them breaks the mould (ie Nog and Rom), or uses those traits to bring a fresh perspective that differs from that of most Starfleet officers (ie Quark).
Should Brax ever run into Grunt, it will probably be in assistance to Arkos. I can see Arkos using Brax as an intermediary should he ever have to 'negotiate' with a Ferengi captain.
To be honest, I was curious about that myself. I'm sure that Ferengi law is probably much more stringent than I made it appear-- it would be bad for collective businesses, after all, if criminals were allowed to buy their way out, and I'm sure that for the Ferengi there are worse penalties than just imprisonment (ie severe fines, voiding of business permits, or anything else that would cause a loss of profits). However, I would imagine that bribery and corruption would still be rife within the Ferengi legal system, hence a lot of criminals getting off scot-free.
Let the next Winter Event be themed around Picard's Victorian Christmas!
There is actually a KDF-side Foundry mission entitle "Raktajino in the Jar" (based loosely upon Thin Lizzy's song about Whiskey) that deals with this very thing. As I recall, the accused is asked to bid his plea (put up whatever he cash he has or can beg or borrow on short notice) and then the sentence is revealed (the actual amount of latinum it would require to get him off the hook.) If the bid is higher than the sentence, he presumably gets off scot free, but if not you go to a forced labor camp.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Ferengi call it "hearing profit in the wind". Rule 98, after all...
(Interestingly, Grunt just got a Ferengi tac officer; I think I might make him a new character in this story, which so far involves the Hephaestus picking up some new crew members at Risa...)
What, punching Marcus in the face? ;-)
That would be fanfic, not canon. ;-)
I have not heard the expression "got papped." By context I assume it means getting mobbed by the paparazzi?
There would've had to be some serious gymnastics to keep them in the service indeed.
You know, I think I ran across that in my research but didn't have the patience to slog through it. ;-) But I'll keep it around for sure!
Hopefully Alexei will get through this unscathed, but we'll see...and yeah, T'Nae...she REALLY disgraced herself in the Romulan arc, going from a liked admiral to one I now want to see die painfully.
And glad you like the look at the Devidians. Of course, Alyosha is a very unusual, not-exactly-representative example of his species, but still.
@marcusdkane, sander233, superhombre777 - simply awesome. The courtroom drama was enticing to read. Take THAT Channery! Poor Hillel - that guy needs a break. The last sentence was the bomb and it dropped last second. Man, well done!
@ambassadormolari - You know, when I started STO, I was insistent on using the classic Miranda hull. I was very married to that ship in-game and played with it through most of my LtCmdr levels. I almost hated trading it for the Exeter ... until I played with the Exeter :P Anyway, the writing about losing such a ship was close to me. I don't have any ideas for Kathryn in the same vein, but ... "I get it". Then there's Brax. Ferengi's must be fun to write about - I can't stand them in canon but there must be something about them. He and Grunt must meet!
Three stories, three ships destroyed (or nearly). Let's not forget Grunt lost his recently too. What's up with that? Do I need to blow up Solaris to keep up with the Jones'?[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I enjoyed writing Alyosha at home, too. DNA doesn't matter...St. Petersburg is most definitely where he belongs. :-)
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
Lolita at Fifty was written by Steve Martin as part of his collection of short stories, Pure Drivel, and published in 98... Published makes it canon
Given the people who frequent the Pyramid Club, there're probably always a few camped outside to get some scandal O_O
Possibly that as the head of a department and his attache, neither of them really had to work with other officers, thus getting round the criteria of an officer's standing/ability to command being compromised. Perhaps Siri was assigned to the Valkyrie for it's first contact mission the Zildarni to get her off-planet and let things settle, before returning to her administrative position...
I have to admit, I only really read the beginning and ends, as I didn't want to get too bogged down with multiple rounds of cross-examination (or it would have outweighed the Hillel's strand too much... Also, I came up with a suitably Russian pre-marriage identity for Isabella, which superhombre777 approved of: Isabella Andreyevna Tupoleva ) after all, I was only writing an LC entry, not the next John Grisham manuscript
I agree. Now I have to make it happen...
Sorry I missed this comment
The new DeLorean that takes place in the animated series is also based on space/time location, not just time... lol. Can't remember how it works cause I only saw a few episodes and read a few comics.
Thank you too sander233 & cmdrscarlet!
@malkarris - I'm not sure what more would need to be written, I suppose it could be fleshed out some more... lol