Literary Challenge #45 : Freestyle
This is the comments thread for
Literary Challenge #45 : Freestyle.
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Let's get those creative juices flowing! :cool:
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I'll need to think about this one a bit, but I'm sure I'll come up with something...
That said, I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else writes, especially Sander, Marcus, gulberat, scarlet, and jonsills.
Placed it in the correct thread, my bad. First time doing on of these!
Moved to here:
Wrong thread, indyv72.
That post belongs in the actual Lit Challenge Thread, not the Discussion Thread we're currently in.
Good story, though. :cool:
No worries. We all make mistakes like that sometimes.
I say again, though, rather good story. :cool:
Well, with this kind of restrictive topic, it's going to be a tough one this time......
Just to confirm, you're speaking sarcastically, there, right?
Because 'writer's choice' is the least restrictive topic I know about.
This topic gives me the opportunity to write one of two possible stories that I've been meaning to write. Unfortunately, one such story would have to take place, chronologically, after another story which is going to be far, far too long for an LC. The other idea...may also be too long for just an LC. I'll have to see what I can do here.
"Are you giving me an attitude, Spock?"
"I am projecting several attitudes at the moment. To which are you referring?"
Yes, I was speaking sarcastically. I was hoping the smiley at the end would help confirm that.
Just wanted to make sure. :cool:
Having Asperger's Syndrome seems to make it a bit harder for me to spot Sarcasm unless it's painfully obvious, so if I think I'm seeing sarcasm, I just need to make absolutely sure.
I have a few ideas, but I need to let them gel first before I 'put pen to paper'... Might have something by the end of the week...
I may squeak one out for this one too
How do Orions make more Orions? I figured that, given 25th century technology, most of the more career-oriented Orion women we see would opt to have babies electronically rather than actually go through the bother and personal hazard of being pregnant. (The ones with cultural issues, like Kaldana, or just outright poor ones, would have to do it the old-fashioned way)
What is Orion culture actually like? I took the mercenary society we see at its word and imagined a diffuse, ancient culture that had long since set aside its hearthworld to embrace the Galaxy. I might say something more about the 'story' about the Orion homeworld being abandoned, and what an interesting coincidence it is that the Emerald Empress was able to present herself to a Klingon born on post-Praxis Qo'nos as someone whose homeworld had become uninhabitable...
More generally I've tried to get at the idea that Orion society isn't always a patriarchy and isn't always a matriarchy. it just kind of sucks.
My character's origin starts with Orions so I'm keenly interested on what others have said about it beyond "canon".
Sometimes being a slave means you're a stealth infiltrator for your mistress in the Syndicate, sometimes it means you had no connections and your cousin sold you off for what little latinum you could bring. And I liked the idea that the ancient Orion pantheon was dominated by an all-powerful, all-conquering mother goddess, because that's what the ancient Orions were familiar with.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
@ indyv72 - there are obviously some issues with time travel in the Back to the Future series (if they travel 6 months into the past then they should arrive floating in space opposite Earth's present position in the solar system, right?), so a cruise into the Delta Quadrant isn't too unreasonable.
@ sharpie65 - I hate to be critical, but it's really hard to read the red font against a black background. I survived though.
@ ayel1 - did your character get posted to a new ship within 24 hours of the fight? That's the impression that I got, though I'm not sure since the character already knows some people well. Also, you might want to go and replace the ? with proper punctuation. It happens to all of us...I copy from Word into Notepad and then replace the "fancy" punctuation that Word makes with the basic ones prior to pasting my entry into this wimpy text box.
@ aten66 - will your entry be depressing?
@ maverickdude05 - I'll look for your again once you fix the punctuation issues since you are aware of them. How did you end up with * everywhere?
Are you posting to previous threads?
Oh, very well.
Awesome story you wrote up there. I was really impressed by Gorvar's nagging self doubt, the bit of backstory about his own experience in an escape pod, and the end there with Krishna was really touching. You still have a few ?'s floating in there amid some other typos ("unphased" instead of "unfazed") but nothing to distracting. Great piece of work!
Now to the others...
@indyv72 - Very cool. :cool:
@sharpie65 - good story, intriguing ending, but as others have mentioned - the colors... Instead of using different colors to identify who's talking, just write it in. ("Aye-aye, sir," the helm officer answered.)
@ayel1 - welcome to the LCs and the forums! Great little log entry by way of introduction. But you'll notice all of the ? marks where apostrophes and quotes should be - to avoid that, don't do your typing in Word.
@masopw - THAT was very interesting! I enjoyed that immensely - thank you for sharing! Q, multiple realities, mirror universe, temporal paradoxes and red matter all at once? I think that has to set some sort of record...
@whytelyon - NICE backstory! I really enjoy your use of the Borg-ravaged universe in "Parallels" as your springboard. Though I fear your friends won't find this reality than much better...
@aetan66 - oh, you tease...
@hughkat82 - welcome aboard! Interesting bio there.
@cosmonaut and the others... I'll get to you later. I've got some writing of my own to do.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon