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Guest Blog: Celebrating Diversity in Star Trek



  • doogie74doogie74 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just to be clear, the overwhelming majority of hate crimes committed due to sexual orientation are directed toward LGBT individuals, not heterosexuals. Nobody in the United States was ever tied to a fence and beaten to death by homosexuals because he was straight.

    You missed the point of borisvodika when he asked:
    Why is your shunning because of sexuality more important than my shunning because society thinks im a loser?

    So why is one hate crime more valid than another hate crime?
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doogie74 wrote: »
    You missed the point of borisvodika when he asked:
    Why is your shunning because of sexuality more important than my shunning because society thinks im a loser?

    So why is one hate crime more valid than another hate crime?

    Maybe because borisvodika's comparison to being "shunned" for playing M:TG, and D&D, was with being disowned by one's family, hated by and losing one's friends.. and yes, even murder because of their sexual orientation? I think it may have been you and boris that missed the point. Or do you agree with borisvodika, that being teased for card games, and video games is on par with being beaten to a pulp, strapped to fence and left to die in Wyoming?

    And really? Being teased or even shunned for playing games is a "hate crime" now? Wow. Just wow...
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doogie74 wrote: »
    You missed the point of borisvodika when he asked:

    So why is one hate crime more valid than another hate crime?

    You are begging the question. One is a hate crime; the other is not. A hate crime is a criminal act whereby a criminal purposefully targets their victims due to their membership in a protected group.

    Protected groups vary, but are generally consist those who have a history in this country of having mass murder perpetrated or attempted against them. The reason for this is that there is a history of violence against these groups not aimed so much at individuals as designed to intimidate entire communities, such as the mass murder of homosexuals in New Orleans, the bombings of synagogues, and the wholesale slaughter of black children in the South by whites.

    While I sympathize with anyone who has crimes committed against them, this country does not have a history of organized violence against people who play Dungeons and Dragons. There is no history of people burning D&D players alive or walking into D&D tournaments and opening fire.
  • doogie74doogie74 Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daemonheld wrote: »

    And really? Being teased or even shunned for playing games is a "hate crime" now? Wow. Just wow...

    You might want to do a little more research on what defines a hate crime.
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    doogie74 wrote: »
    You might want to do a little more research on what defines a hate crime.


    Yeah, not seeing anything there about video or card games.

    Race... check!
    Religion... check!
    Sexual Orientation... check!
    Ethnicity/National Origin... check!
    Disability... check!

    Magic: The Gathering... hmmm, not there.
    Dungeons & Dragons... hmmm, not there.
    *ANY* video game, card game shunning? Nope...
    Made to feel like a loser... Not there either.

    Funny, that.

    This is sort of "old" now, being from 2010, and it's just a portion... but I don't think I am unclear at all what constitutes a "hate crime" ... YOU on the other hand might be better served by taking your own advice, and do.. *some* research on what defines a hate crime.

    The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 defines hate crime in 280003a as a "crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of property crime, the property that is the object of the crime" motivated by prejudice based on the "race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation" of the victim.

    State hate crime statutes vary in the protection offered to victims. At least 10 states and the District of Columbia have enacted hate crime laws that cover gender identity and sexual orientation. At least 21 states have criminal legislation that addresses gender-identity motivated crimes. There appear to be at least 25 states that protect potential victims of sexual orientation. Additionally, at least 22 states address bias-motivated crimes, among other factors, contingent on disability.

  • baronvonhellerbaronvonheller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If only Sean Kennedy were playing a video game, he may be alive today. But sadly, he was guilty of being TRIBBLE. He was beaten so badly, that his brain stem separated from his brain.

    The best part? His murderer, who left the following voice mail after the incident:
    "The f'ing fa$$ot... owes me $500 for breaking my g-damn hand on his teeth", served only a year in Prison.

    So, while being "shunned" may have caused you some temporary discomfort, I think you'll live, unlike Sean Kennedy, Matthew Shepard, the 32 victims of the UpStairs nightclub firebombing, and the countless other LGBT lives lost to acts of violence or driven to suicide.
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If only Sean Kennedy were playing a video game, he may be alive today. But sadly, he was guilty of being TRIBBLE. The best part? His murderer served only a year in Prison.

    So, while being "shunned" may have caused you some temporary discomfort, I think you'll live, unlike Sean Kennedy, Matthew Shepard, the 32 victims of the UpStairs nightclub firebombing, and the countless other LGBT lives lost to acts of violence. ~ or having been pushed to suicide...

    Agree completely, but feel you missed one tidbit..
  • baronvonhellerbaronvonheller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daemonheld wrote: »
    Agree completely, but feel you missed on tidbit..

    Indeed I did, thank you for adding that.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    In 1986 2 things happened that stick in my mind - I was in grade 5 - the shuttle blew up - that was a big thing.

    My school Librarian was beaten to death in a local park bathroom where gays went to meet.

    Now looking back I know he was TRIBBLE - but of course back in those days more than 25 years ago kids did not know as much as they do today.

    Of course it was a pretty big thing for the school but because of the growing Aids crisis - not looked to negativiely apon.

    To this day the offenders were never caught that I know off - so perhaps there will be some justice in the next life - who knows.

    Thankfully we are much more tolerant today as this used to be a frequent occurance - and in fact in many Muslim countries today it is still a crime punishible by death(being TRIBBLE)

    My personal opinion is that no-one chooses to be homosexual - it's a biological anomoly - yes it is a biological anomoly as being 100% homosexual contradicts the need for the sexes to reproduce and hence the end of the species - and all species primary fuction is to carry on itself through replication. There are only rare cases in nature of animals engaging in pure homosexual behavior - in most cases it happens when there is not a willing opposite sex partner availible.

    However, none of this in our day and age warrents discrimination or attack for someones sexual orientation. I have had several TRIBBLE friends in my life and I always judged them by their actions towards me and others and not that they were TRIBBLE.

    Star trek is like a dream that I am not sure can ever be realized as humans are far to judgemental and destructive and selfish to put aside all the things they would need to in order to form a fair and just society.

    Thankfully we have progressed a lot in the last 25 years and incidents in North America like the one that took the life of my librarian don't occur as often. Sadly though we are still murdering each other for just as many other reasons as before. Perhaps some day that might change. Perhaps.
  • borisvodikaborisvodika Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    daemonheld wrote: »
    Maybe because borisvodika's comparison to being "shunned" for playing M:TG, and D&D, was with being disowned by one's family, hated by and losing one's friends.. and yes, even murder because of their sexual orientation? I think it may have been you and boris that missed the point. Or do you agree with borisvodika, that being teased for card games, and video games is on par with being beaten to a pulp, strapped to fence and left to die in Wyoming?

    And really? Being teased or even shunned for playing games is a "hate crime" now? Wow. Just wow...

    This is your problem, you disregard other peoples issues because you find them of less importance.

    yes i was beat up and bullied daily because I was what society considers a loser. Yes I did loses numerous friends when they found out I go to Star Trek conventions in a science officer uniform (for example).

    I suffered a hell of a lot more than just teasing because of who i was, but to you, because i am not TRIBBLE and had to deal with all this, doesnt matter.

    Once again, like i stated earlier, you are picking and choosing examples that benefit your point while ignoring/belittling the same examples that happen to people daily who just happen to be not TRIBBLE. I am sure a lot of gays have commited suicide, and that totally sucks. It sucks just the same amount as the vast amount of nerds/geeks/losers that kill themselves because of the torment they go through.

    You obviously know by now that i am not homophobic, this little debate we have going here is not in and of itself about homosexuality. It is about the fact that the torment and suffering that gays have had to go through is no more important than the suffering and torment many many other demographics have had to endure. When you crusade and your only point is "you are not TRIBBLE, you dont even know", im sorry, but its not valid.

    What dont I know?

    Being beat up because of who i am? I know that
    Losing friends for who i am? I know that
    Having my parents ashamed of me (because I didnt play sports or go to parties or do other activities that are socially accepted)? I know that

    But because i am not TRIBBLE that doesnt matter. Ridiculous.

    Any human being who has to suffer because of who they are or what they do is wrong period. There is no degree of wrong, there is just wrong.
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is your problem, you disregard other peoples issues because you find them of less importance.

    yes i was beat up and bullied daily because I was what society considers a loser. Yes I did loses numerous friends when they found out I go to Star Trek conventions in a science officer uniform (for example).

    I suffered a hell of a lot more than just teasing because of who i was, but to you, because i am not TRIBBLE and had to deal with all this, doesnt matter.

    Once again, like i stated earlier, you are picking and choosing examples that benefit your point while ignoring/belittling the same examples that happen to people daily who just happen to be not TRIBBLE. I am sure a lot of gays have commited suicide, and that totally sucks. It sucks just the same amount as the vast amount of nerds/geeks/losers that kill themselves because of the torment they go through.

    You obviously know by now that i am not homophobic, this little debate we have going here is not in and of itself about homosexuality. It is about the fact that the torment and suffering that gays have had to go through is no more important than the suffering and torment many many other demographics have had to endure. When you crusade and your only point is "you are not TRIBBLE, you dont even know", im sorry, but its not valid.

    What dont I know?

    Being beat up because of who i am? I know that
    Losing friends for who i am? I know that
    Having my parents ashamed of me (because I didnt play sports or go to parties or do other activities that are socially accepted)? I know that

    But because i am not TRIBBLE that doesnt matter. Ridiculous.

    Any human being who has to suffer because of who they are or what they do is wrong period. There is no degree of wrong, there is just wrong.

    Well, it's nice to see you reply to comments, it's a shame you chose to skip the reply to yours that addresses some of your very points here, Can I relink some of them here?

    You state that I "disregard other people's issues", but I explicitly said:

    daemonheld wrote: »
    People are hateful, I know this. I know that gays aren't the only people that get harassed, bullied, or shunned..

    But there is more to it than that...
    daemonheld wrote: »
    but there are degrees, you know? Black people in the USA have a LONG history of being abused, oppressed, and yes, even killed for the color of their skin.. but, a black teen doesn't have to worry about coming home one day, saying to his parents, "Hey folks, I'm black.." and have them thrown out, or disowned for it. You see a difference there?

    Can you answer some of the questions I posed to you?
    daemonheld wrote: »
    2.) You were shunned? You've had friends come to you, tell you that you were "disgusting", "a deviate" and "deserve to spend eternity burning in fire", then spit on you, shove you to the floor and kick you repeatedly? You've had that? You've had your mother tell you that because you play M:TG, or D&D, you are no longer her son, and as far as she is concerned you are dead? You've had that too, have you?

    You asked me before why being shunned for being TRIBBLE is worse than being shunned for your experiences... I answered that before too...

    daemonheld wrote: »
    3.) You ask why being shunned for being TRIBBLE is worse than being shunned for being a "loser"? Because I've willing to bet you've never had to fear for your life for being a Star Trek fan. I'm willing to bet that, as stated above, you didn't have to worry about being thrown out of your house, because you like D&D. Being a "geek" is defined by what you like.. hobbies and past times. Being TRIBBLE is what we are. It's part of us. Like having blue eyes, or being 5'10. If you don't see a difference in those two things, I can't really help you.

    I'm NOT disregarding what you have gone through... at all. But I think comparing what you have gone with being thrown out of your house, and disowned by your family, or being murdered is a little... lacking.

    You said your parents are/were ashamed of you. Are you welcome in their home? Even with the "shame" they have. If you were to try and call your family and wish them happy holidays, or send cards for Mother's Day and Father's day... would they speak with you on the phone? Would they keep the cards, or send them back?

    This is YOUR problem, you have been bullied, and teased.. the same as EVERYONE ELSE is... and you are trying to say it is either the same thing, or at least on par with being KILLED for your hobbie... Gays are KILLED for WHO THEY LOVE. You said there are no degrees of wrong, just wrong... so, you think calling someone a "nerd" in the hallway in junior high, is the EXACT SAME THING as being tied to a fence, beaten *almost* to death, and left to die? Are you really claiming that?
  • rickeyredshirtrickeyredshirt Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My freshman year of HS a bunch of simpletons from my school committed a heinous crime. Fast forward fifteen years and things have not gotten any better. I understand where the anger and hate comes from but in order to get through this and become better we really have to come together. Dividing ourselves further will get us nowhere. Star Trek has always had the intention of bringing everyone together. I don't believe this thread/event is accomplishing that. Suicide is something that I wish on nobody, everybody should have someone to go to. Jimmy Doohan had a good story about that.
  • rexnebular51rexnebular51 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is great and wonderful to see. Too bad the STO game itself wasn't more gender friendly. I recently purchased the "Beachcomber Outfit" on Risa because I thought wearing shorts on the beach would be more appropriate than my heavy leather uniform. Spent an hour on the Tailor screen trying to put on a pair of beach trunks before someone explained: You're a man... you can't wear the shorts. Umm, excuse me? I can't wear shorts because I have a male character without shapely, sexy legs to show? This does not sound diverse. This sounds blatantly sexist and discriminatory. I can see male toons not being allowed to wear a skirt or the Orion slave girl outfit but beach shorts? Really? When the devs stop creating gender specific content is the day we can truly celebrate LGBT diversity.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    My freshman year of HS a bunch of simpletons from my school committed a heinous crime. Fast forward fifteen years and things have not gotten any better. I understand where the anger and hate comes from but in order to get through this and become better we really have to come together. Dividing ourselves further will get us nowhere. Star Trek has always had the intention of bringing everyone together. I don't believe this thread/event is accomplishing that. Suicide is something that I wish on nobody, everybody should have someone to go to. Jimmy Doohan had a good story about that.

    This is for you rickeyredshirt:

  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,462 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can someone shoot this sick puppy already and bury it's remains?

    Including the TRIBBLE/TRIBBLE liberties twist into a blog about diversity was highly controversial to begin with but by now this disaster is nothing more than a corpse being poked with a stick.

    Close the thing already.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    Can someone shoot this sick puppy already and bury it's remains?

    Including the TRIBBLE/TRIBBLE liberties twist into a blog about diversity was highly controversial to begin with but by now this disaster is nothing more than a corpse being poked with a stick.

    Close the thing already.

    I agree 100% - although I support my TRIBBLE and TRIBBLE friends to be what they are PEOPLE - human beings that deserve to live without fear and oppresion just like the rest of us

    I hate when some - not all - homosexuals try to make a big politaical/moral/social issue everywhere they can to try to justify their lifestyle!!

    You should not have to justify it - don't bother - be what you are.

    Forcing the TRIBBLE issue into this diversity thing is just plain stupid - live long and prosper my TRIBBLE friends.

    bury this thread already.
  • baronvonhellerbaronvonheller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree 100% - although I support my TRIBBLE and TRIBBLE friends to be what they are PEOPLE - human beings that deserve to live without fear and oppresion just like the rest of us

    I hate when some - not all - homosexuals try to make a big politaical/moral/social issue everywhere they can to try to justify their lifestyle!!

    You should not have to justify it - don't bother - be what you are.

    Forcing the TRIBBLE issue into this diversity thing is just plain stupid - live long and prosper my TRIBBLE friends.

    bury this thread already.

    I doubt you have any TRIBBLE friends. At least not any that respect themselves, that is.

    I am definitely not trying to "justify" anything to anybody. I have no need to, because I couldn't care less what anybody else thinks, least of all somebody with an attitude like yours.

    Having said that, I do agree. This thread has become a waste of time. For a while, there was a very nice discussion taking place among rational adults. That time has unfortunately ended. One can only argue the same points with a brick wall so many times.

    I appreciate all the discussions with those who took the time to have serious discussions in an adult manner.

    For the rest who are just too stubborn, ignorant or unwilling to see the handwriting on the wall, I feel sorry for you. I wish you the best of luck in your mountains, caves or wherever you decided to hole up in and fortify yourselves against the inevitable future.

    Like I said before, I do believe you are entitled to your opinions, even if most of society finds them to be ignorant and archaic. But, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't also eager to watch you get run over by the unstoppable freight train of Equality that's heading your way at breakneck speed. :D

    The LGBT Community, and Society as a whole, will no longer be held back by the barbaric, hateful and oppressive views of an increasingly insignificant and irrelevant vocal minority.

    Admiral Von Heller, out.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,462 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I doubt you have any TRIBBLE friends. At least not any that respect themselves, that is.

    That's exactly the attitude that rubs people the wrong way. Anyone who doesn't agree with the activism is ignorant, selfish or doesn't respect him/herself.

    And people wonder why i loath special interest groups.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    That's exactly the attitude that rubs people the wrong way. Anyone who doesn't agree with the activism is ignorant, selfish or doesn't respect him/herself.

    And people wonder why i loath special interest groups.

    He is right about 1 thing - currently i do not have any TRIBBLE friends - now at 40 years old - I have long since past the time when I hung out in the same circles as they do.

    I went to The Univ of Western Ontario in London, Ont, Canada - which as the biggest TRIBBLE community of any University in Canada.

    I lived in Toronto which has the largest TRIBBLE community in the world after San Fransico.

    But I am sick and tired of them forcing the issue so much - In toronto they have the 2nd biggest Pride parade in north America.

    Why - why do gays have to blatetly show everyone that they are proud to be TRIBBLE? You don't have a Heterosexual parade that shuts the city down for a day with floats full of almost naked people with waterguns - showing how happy they are to be Heterosexual.

    I mean it's got to the point of political correctness - nonsense.

    back in the day that I did have TRIBBLE friends - they did not try to hide it - but they also did not try to FLAUNT IT!! that's what I admired about them!!

    Definition of FLAUNT. intransitive verb. 1: to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Where's the "DIE THREAD! DIE!" Emote when you need it?
    I need a beer.

  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Sorry I didn't make it along to any of the events today, I was at the Edinburgh STO Meet Up. Did meet one of your fleet mates though. I'll try to come along tomorrow! :)
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    He is right about 1 thing - currently i do not have any TRIBBLE friends - now at 40 years old - I have long since past the time when I hung out in the same circles as they do.

    I went to The Univ of Western Ontario in London, Ont, Canada - which as the biggest TRIBBLE community of any University in Canada.

    I lived in Toronto which has the largest TRIBBLE community in the world after San Fransico.

    But I am sick and tired of them forcing the issue so much - In toronto they have the 2nd biggest Pride parade in north America.

    Why - why do gays have to blatetly show everyone that they are proud to be TRIBBLE? You don't have a Heterosexual parade that shuts the city down for a day with floats full of almost naked people with waterguns - showing how happy they are to be Heterosexual.

    I mean it's got to the point of political correctness - nonsense.

    back in the day that I did have TRIBBLE friends - they did not try to hide it - but they also did not try to FLAUNT IT!! that's what I admired about them!!

    Definition of FLAUNT. intransitive verb. 1: to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd

    I doubt San Francisco has the largest TRIBBLE population in the world or even in the United States. There are less than 8 million people in the San Francisco metro area and only about 1 in 10 live within the city limits.

    Considering that the world population, as a whole, probably has a pretty consistent rate of homosexuality, I would expect that cities like Shanghai, Istanbul, Karachi, Moscow, and Mumbai probably have the largest TRIBBLE populations in the world, though in some of those places homosexuality is a serious crime so they understandably do not march through the streets. Perhaps San Francisco and Toronto have some of the highest per-capita rates of openly TRIBBLE residents, but certainly not the largest TRIBBLE populations in the world considering how small those cities are in population compared to say, New York City, with 8 million in the city limits and over 20 million in the greater metropolitan area

    And that fact should be a good indication of why there are TRIBBLE pride parades. There are huge populations of homosexuals living in fear and daily persecution around the world. The pride parades started as a march for civil rights, just like the freedom riders or the acts of Ghandi. They continue as a tradition, just like people continue to celebrate the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.

    Heterosexuals do not have a parade because nobody in the United States was ever thrown in prison or executed for being heterosexual whereas sodomy laws were only recently overturned and many countries continue to execute homosexuals.

    However, if you really want a "heterosexual parade", you should start organizing one. Godspeed!
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    That's exactly the attitude that rubs people the wrong way. Anyone who doesn't agree with the activism is ignorant, selfish or doesn't respect him/herself.

    And people wonder why i loath special interest groups.

    If you truly "loath" all, "special interest groups" then you must be a very staid person with no passion, hobbies, or interests. I, for instance, am a member of the American Physical Society which promotes the special interest of physics-related education and research. Do you "loath" me? Do you "loath" promoting education and research in physics and astronomy?

    I suspect the truth is that you just "loath" the "special interests" you dislike, such as ones which promote equal rights for homosexuals.
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited June 2013
    I doubt San Francisco has the largest TRIBBLE population in the world or even in the United States. There are less than 8 million people in the San Francisco metro area and only about 1 in 10 live within the city limits.

    Considering that the world population, as a whole, probably has a pretty consistent rate of homosexuality, I would expect that cities like Shanghai, Istanbul, Karachi, Moscow, and Mumbai probably have the largest TRIBBLE populations in the world, though in some of those places homosexuality is a serious crime so they understandably do not march through the streets. Perhaps San Francisco and Toronto have some of the highest per-capita rates of openly TRIBBLE residents, but certainly not the largest TRIBBLE populations in the world considering how small those cities are in population compared to say, New York City, with 8 million in the city limits and over 20 million in the greater metropolitan area

    And that fact should be a good indication of why there are TRIBBLE pride parades. There are huge populations of homosexuals living in fear and daily persecution around the world. The pride parades started as a march for civil rights, just like the freedom riders or the acts of Ghandi. They continue as a tradition, just like people continue to celebrate the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.

    Heterosexuals do not have a parade because nobody in the United States was ever thrown in prison or executed for being heterosexual whereas sodomy laws were only recently overturned and many countries continue to execute homosexuals.

    However, if you really want a "heterosexual parade", you should start organizing one. Godspeed!

    There is a HUGE difference between celebrating a birth of a Nation and celebrating - nowadays grossly FLAUNTING - the fact that you are homosexual - they have turned the parades into nothing but a large skin fest - i know - now in Toronto where I am - the stuff is going on - I will film the parade an post it here for others to view so they can make the determinations of my FLAUNTING accusation. And comparing a acts of Ghandi in here - you are going WAY overboard!

    Definition of FLAUNT. intransitive verb. 1: to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd.
  • wanderer89wanderer89 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was about to start my own thread but I saw this and thought "eh, nows a better time";

    Thank you Cryptic. I'm finding Risa to be so much fun and its exciting to see how I'm progressing with the corvette reputation, I'll hjave it in about three weeks, unless I buy more Zen Points :)

    ... these past two and a half years I've had things happen. I have been "let go" from my previous job. I've been let go from University because I have a, confrontation lets say, with my Dad last Christmas because I came out and announced my boyfriend (at 24). I am especially happy that in this time I've been able to encounter Stonewall Fleet AND have people in my main fleet (TenForward) support me :)

    Thank you STO, though you havent done anything specifically for me, I appreciate that you have done so much since LoR to make me have fun and enjoy myself. I have been diagnosed with Discognative Behavioural Disorder, had it not been for this game God knows where I'd of been.

    Thank you Cryptic, Thank you Devs and Thank you fellow STO players for making me feel a part of a community :)
    Vice Admiral Dir Sonatra, I.R.W. Kholairlha, Scimitar Class Warbird
    Vice Admiral Oshin S'ree, USS Steamrunner, Steamrunner Class

  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,462 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you truly "loath" all, "special interest groups" then you must be a very staid person with no passion, hobbies, or interests. I, for instance, am a member of the American Physical Society which promotes the special interest of physics-related education and research. Do you "loath" me? Do you "loath" promoting education and research in physics and astronomy?

    I suspect the truth is that you just "loath" the "special interests" you dislike, such as ones which promote equal rights for homosexuals.

    I see a very sad puppy trying to discredit me and failing horribly in the process.
    If you had bothered to read a few posts back then you would have seen the very reason why i loath special interest groups.

    Phrases like "You must be ignorant, sad etc if you do not agree with me" is exactly why i do not like special interest groups.

    I realize that it's psychology 101: "If you cannot counter an argument or opinion then proceed to make your opponent look dumb and throw in some personal info to reinforce your position".

    From my position there is no need to flaunt personal information to defend my severe dislike for the activism from special interest groups.

    So for further reference stop.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There is a HUGE difference between celebrating a birth of a Nation and celebrating - nowadays grossly FLAUNTING - the fact that you are homosexual - they have turned the parades into nothing but a large skin fest - i know - now in Toronto where I am - the stuff is going on - I will film the parade an post it here for others to view so they can make the determinations of my FLAUNTING accusation. And comparing a acts of Ghandi in here - you are going WAY overboard!

    Definition of FLAUNT. intransitive verb. 1: to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd.

    You claim that there is a huge difference but offer no evidence to support that claim.

    The fourth of July celebrates the creation of the declaration of independence when Americans, in order to protect their civil liberties, declared themselves free of the tyranny of the English king. Unfortunately, those freedoms did not extend to certain groups such as blacks, natives, and homosexuals.

    The TRIBBLE rights parades were started in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles by a few brave souls who publicly declared that they were TRIBBLE and wanted civil rights just as the declaration of independence publicly declared that the signers wanted civil liberties. They continue today as a tradition which celebrates all the rights that have been won by tireless effort, just like the fourth of July.

    Rather than support your claim, you go off on a tangent about how some people show too much skin, which is non sequitur. People at these events (at least in the US) generally feel free to wear as little or as much as they want without enduring ridicule or judgement. They are, after all, celebrations of freedom. Similar amounts of skin are shown at many other public holidays, such as the Catholic celebrations of Carnival / Mardi Gras or at many beaches.
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I doubt you have any TRIBBLE friends. At least not any that respect themselves, that is.

    I am definitely not trying to "justify" anything to anybody. I have no need to, because I couldn't care less what anybody else thinks, least of all somebody with an attitude like yours.

    Having said that, I do agree. This thread has become a waste of time. For a while, there was a very nice discussion taking place among rational adults. That time has unfortunately ended. One can only argue the same points with a brick wall so many times.

    I appreciate all the discussions with those who took the time to have serious discussions in an adult manner.

    For the rest who are just too stubborn, ignorant or unwilling to see the handwriting on the wall, I feel sorry for you. I wish you the best of luck in your mountains, caves or wherever you decided to hole up in and fortify yourselves against the inevitable future.

    Like I said before, I do believe you are entitled to your opinions, even if most of society finds them to be ignorant and archaic. But, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't also eager to watch you get run over by the unstoppable freight train of Equality that's heading your way at breakneck speed.

    The LGBT Community, and Society as a whole, will no longer be held back by the barbaric, hateful and oppressive views of an increasingly insignificant and irrelevant vocal minority.

    You know what this is in 2 words? HATE SPEECH. its belittling, offensive and discriminatory. if I see another incident of this i'm going to start reporting it, and I will keep reporting it until its removed. this has gone on long enough
    Heterosexuals do not have a parade because nobody in the United States was ever thrown in prison or executed for being heterosexual whereas sodomy laws were only recently overturned and many countries continue to execute homosexuals.

    However, if you really want a "heterosexual parade", you should start organizing one. Godspeed!

    are you finished with your ignorant, belittling, offensive tirade yet?
    I suspect the truth is that you just "loath" the "special interests" you dislike, such as ones which promote equal rights for homosexuals.

    attacking people I see
    As for heterosexual pride celebrations, you are free to organize them, but I doubt you will find many attendees

    Indeed. because i'm willing to bet such people would be threatened, ridiculed and belittled for doing so. as well as being accused of some kind of absurd discrimination.
    You may want to either find a new country to live in or move further up into the mountains and fortify your compound. Although you are certainly entitled to them, your beliefs are increasingly archaic, unaccepted, and just plain wrong.

    Nice personal attack there
    Each new generation is more liberal and accepting than the previous one before it. So, what does that tell you?

    it tells me that people need to think about what they see on tv and are told in schools. i'm not referring to sexuality here. i'm referring to the fact people get bs thrown at them on a daily basis and never question it
    Each new generation is more liberal and accepting than the previous one before it. So, what does that tell you?

    Diversity has been studied and proven to weaken communities, encourage preference for under-performing minorities, and dissolving national security, by promoting less-qualified over best-qualified through the use of non-performance measures like race, gender, and diversity quotas.

    So now you accuse people of being TRIBBLE? first off, nationalism is just that, nationalism. you're confusing nationalism with national socialism, which are not the same thing by any stretch of the imagination

    and by the way, take a look at what the government does. those racial and gender quotas are real. do a little research for yourself. how about that little incident I mentioned earlier about white people being explicitly banned from being hired because of their race, by a government agency in ontario. it happened. and it got quietly hushed up real quick. go up north, theres a racial quota for having a certain percentage of natives working each job site, whether they work or not, they still have to be hired. talk to a few people that live up in northern alberta and they'll tell you all about that. nothing against natives, but thats not the point.
    Hitler, as I am sure you know, was also a great fan of eugenics

    who told you that? the history channel? are you going to make absurd claims about SS breeding camps and lampshades next?
    He also saw a future where Homosexuals were "eliminated":

    no he didn't. do a little research. a very large percentage of both the SS and the SA were homosexuals.
    After the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler promoted Himmler and the SS, who then zealously suppressed homosexuality, saying: "We must exterminate these people root and branch ... the homosexual must be eliminated."

    nobody ever issued any statement with the word 'exterminate' in it. believing everything you read on wikipedia isn't a smart move.
    So, to you, equality only happens once you've gotten rid of everybody who isn't like you?Yep, white nationalism.

    so now you accuse him of being a white nationalist because he is against forced diversity. forced anything isn't a good thing. diversity is fine, forced diversity is not. if anything has to be forced you should be rethinking your stance. that aside, white nationalism is neither nationalism nor nazism. do a little research before making such claims
    I find it interesting that the game programmers and developers are celebrating diversity, however continue to refuse to allow and deny requests for the basic options of name/handle and character gender changes that many other online games allow either free or paid

    that has nothing to do with diversity. that is a technical issue and isn't usually an easy one to work with. you'd be surprised what back-end problems that kind of change can cause. particularly with names, gender/race changes and anything that links to a database
    1) The blog was about tolerance for diversity as depicted on Star Trek and how it was a catalyst for social change.

    2) The blog, in one paragraph, mentioned the fleet's event

    the blog pushed a political issue and stance, thats a no-no according to the tos. the rest of the content has nothing to do with it. it was posted by a former member of that fleet and cryptic employee, which is a conflict of interest and rather questionable.
    Other fleets have also been allowed to post blogs that raise awareness of community events, such as PvP bootcamp.

    all of which were about game mechanics and had no political undertone, statement or motive
    "Why is it when someone expresses an opinion against the act of homosexuality, it automatically makes them a hater of the individual homosexual?"

    Because sexual orientation... is personal. It is an inherent part of your being. Can you separate your heterosexuality from who you are?

    what kind of loony personal attack are you trying to excuse there exactly? you're just trying to make excuses for attacking people
    Saying "be who you are, I don't care.. just don't 'shove it in my face'" is also a bit TRIBBLE..

    no it isn't
    Jewish is a faith (it being ILLEGAL to refer to it as a race in parts of Europe)
    Hebrew is a Race

    not to nitpick but how can it be illegal to refer to it as a race when it is a race? jewish is hebrew. jewish is referring to either a religion or a race, or both, depending on the context. that aside, jews are a semetic race, like arabs, with markers that show up in DNA
    But diversity is a good thing as long as we are all allowed to be what we are

    Actually, there is no scientifically accepted definition of homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual

    yes there is. who told you THAT exactly?
    A certain insane Austrian called Jews a race

    actually jews have been called a race since LONG before hitler was born
    This event is not exclusively about homosexuality and yet too many here have allowed their closeted bigotry to jump to that conclusion. It is an event to celebrate the DIVERSITY in our online Community.

    No, that is what the blog is about, not the event. you don't call it an LGBT event and then claim that isn't what it is. the blog is about diversity and promoting said event. and I see you threw in an attack there as well. calling people 'closet bigots' for stating what the event was about
    Freedom of speech should not act as a shield for those who encourage ignorance or incite hatred

    'ignorance' can be anything a particular group says opposes them. just as 'inciting hatred' can be as well. choose your words more carefully
    Seriously? All I'm saying is that white people are not superior to anyone, they are just people. Just like everyone else. And that they should not boast about their religion or anything, as it all comes from decades of wars and exploiting of colonies and unimaginable amounts of lost lives.

    so first you claim you made no anti-white comments and then go on to make another
    I'm not saying that Caucasians should be ashamed or feel guilty.

    thats funny, it sure looked like thats what you were implying
    Because you're heterosexual (I'm guessing that you are, as I don't know you) you can't see how much heterosexuality is up in people's faces

    excuse me?
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You know what this is in 2 words? HATE SPEECH. its belittling, offensive and discriminatory. if I see another incident of this I'm going to start reporting it, and I will keep reporting it until its removed. this has gone on long enough...

    ...excuse me?

    There is no sense in continuing this conversation along these lines, as this individual has absolutely no desire to change his/her thoughts on the matter, and will only further try to degrade the conversation to his/her level, with rational that is archaic, at best.

    There is no 'excuse' for this type of mentality in this day and age, other than to further ones own agenda of intolerance and contempt of what one feels is the undesirable part of modern society.

    This individual will obviously continue to travel though life 'kicking and screaming' about how society on-the-whole, is crumbling around them, because it doesn't wish to march to his/her desired drumbeat.


    Folks like this will get left further and further behind, as society Does Move Forward (perhaps slowly at times), in a direction of Tolerance and Equality For Everyone...

    Even people like lazarus51166...
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    There is no sense in continuing this conversation along these lines, as this individual has absolutely no desire to change his/her thoughts on the matter, and will only further try to degrade the conversation to his/her level, with rational that is archaic, at best.

    No, he made sense. You're just giving up.
    There is no 'excuse' for this type of mentality in this day and age, other than to further ones own agenda of intolerance and contempt of what one feels is the undesirable part of modern society.

    Actually, there is. They call it the "1st amendment" over in the states. Also, aren't you being rather hypocritical in assuming that as he does not agree with you then he must by definition be anti-diversity?
    This individual will obviously continue to travel though life 'kicking and screaming' about how society on-the-whole, is crumbling around them, because it doesn't wish to march to his/her desired drumbeat.

    As will you judging by the sound of your continual "ERMAGERD WERLD IZ AGEINST MEEEEE" tripe.

    Folks like this will get left further and further behind, as society Does Move Forward (perhaps slowly at times), in a direction of Tolerance and Equality For Everyone...

    You seem to be referring to your self there, unless your entire posting was satirical?
    Even people like lazarus51166...

    This is known as an "ad-hominem" iirc. Way to go mr credibility :rolleyes:.

    As well as hitting out at the slightest difference of opinion, you also invoke Godwins law by comparing others to Hitler and Nazisim. At the risk of re-invoking Godwin, have you ever considered that enforcing "diversity" in the way you imply may well be as bad as Nazism was?

    This thread really should have been locked several dozen pages ago.
    I need a beer.

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