its time that ALL Ev suits were disabled in all social maps
ALL SKEV was disabled (extinguishers , party poppers bombs the lot) except in private maps
And ALL Emotes were disabled in Drozana and ESD except in club 47
This really does come across like a 'Only my way of playing goes' type thing.
Disabling emotes except for one area would definitely be quashing RP which going from the first post was a query as to why it's seeming dead. Disabling a silly fun item designed for public area use (unless I was imagining many running around shooting off their freshly gotten anniversary poppers throughout ESD and Qu'onos) in public areas then opens up the question of why even have them or even a game Anniversary celebration since those can be argued to run someone's immersion. And for disabling EV suits, what will be the next step in decreeing who's characters can wear what in which areas?
If people are getting so caught up into a free game to where they're ready to start only insisting select ways are valid to enjoy the game, maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a little health break away from things.
Disabling emotes except for one area would definitely be quashing RP which going from the first post was a query as to why it's seeming dead. Disabling a silly fun item designed for public area use (unless I was imagining many running around shooting off their freshly gotten anniversary poppers throughout ESD and Qu'onos) in public areas then opens up the question of why even have them or even a game Anniversary celebration since those can be argued to run someone's immersion.
The thing that ruins my immersion is I'm having fun jumping around or firing off trek themed balloons and then someone talks out of character (OOC) complaining about graphical effects and then threatening to kill my family. That is pretty clearly not roleplaying, unless they are roleplaying a mentally ill klingon warrior.
Again the discussion is veiled by what they aren't telling you about their behaviour. What is really going on is that the Starfleet Dental haters want to force us to decrease the quality of our roleplaying down to their level. This is just not going to happen.
We have had several roleplaying wars declared on us. Which that's fine, but they don't want to pvp us which really defeats the whole purpose. Instead the "war" is used as an excuse to verbally abuse us using chat channels or messaging. Look we're fine if they want to play cowboys and indians but there's no need for the abuse, it really kills my immersion.
Flame retardant foam mostly
3 to hide yourself from those who might screen shot you
So wait, wait, hold people who aren't violating any terms of service and are playing the game completely within the rules are trying to hide themselves from screenshots? Even when a simple mouseover or click would still identify them?
I've heard a lot of insane things in this thread, but this has to rank in the top 3.
After witnessing all the people being upset over ridiculous reasons, it makes me what to double my efforts to stamp out inappropriate RP. Actually my support and thanks go out to the fleet that shall not be named and their sister fleet, the Wil Wheaton Fan Club.
The easier people get upset, the more it makes more and more people want to take pleasure in such immature and ridiculous behavior.
By the way I have been buying up all the Party Poppers, thinking of creating creating just a party popper RP fleet. A fleet that RPs using party poppers. I wonder how that will go over.
After witnessing all the people being upset over ridiculous reasons, it makes me what to double my efforts to stamp out inappropriate RP.
Just out of morbid curiosity , who exactly asked you, or the Mental's , or the Wesley's and the rest to do that ?
The easier people get upset, the more it makes more and more people want to take pleasure in such immature and ridiculous behavior.
So ppl should just "get tough or get out" ?
I know a few RL RP-ers who if presented with that "option" , well they would not even know how to deal with it , as it's so far out of their realm of experience .
But then again if any of the "moral superiority group" showed up next to them in RL with fire extinguishers ... , well let's just say that the anonymity of the internets offers the Mentals and their friends a great deal of security and protection . :cool:
Just out of morbid curiosity , who exactly asked you, or the Mental's , or the Wesley's and the rest to do that ?
So ppl should just "get tough or get out" ?
I know a few RL RP-ers who if presented with that "option" , well they would not even know how to deal with it , as it's so far out of their realm of experience .
But then again if any of the "moral superiority group" showed up next to them in RL with fire extinguishers ... , well let's just say that the anonymity of the internets offers the Mentals and their friends a great deal of security and protection . :cool:
But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
So it appears to me we're being presented with both sides of an argument on what's killing RP.
a) People busy with LoR, some (hopefully temporary) instancing changes, and general bad behavior among "serious" RPers
b) A single fleet wearing the wrong clothing and using social items.
Side A) Has the circumstantial evidence (the timing of the RP decline, testimony of RPers) on its side, the support of people in this thread who are NOT violating the forum rules and TOS
Side Has conspiracy theories about hackers, flagrant abuse of the forum rules and TOS, threats of real world violence, false accusations with proud refusals to give evidence, logical fallacies up the wazoo, declarations that people shouldn't be allowed to wear certain costumes in-game and general insanity.
Every RPer I know just rolls their eyes at the mention of Drozana.
yeah ignorant ones do, my wife RP there and at DS9, or use to. She is damn good, and yes she had to deal with ERP, but as she told me most of them are the more respectful RPR's and after a brief conversation would move about their own way and she her way. She was more shocked at some that called themselves RPr's who were very bias, judgemental, and most could not RP themselves out of a wet paper bag.
Drozana was the first stop for the Klingons, shame too, there were alot of good folks who did their best to try to make it like that, even some DJ's who did shows there.
You're right, to an extent. People can ignore you if they don't like what you're doing. The function is there, and you have as much right to occupy that space as they do. That being said, don't even try to put up this pretense of victimization. This reputation exists for a reason. Just today, I saw five members killing unsuspecting players orbiting Deep Space Nine, using D'Deridex singularity powers that damage allied targets. The intent to grief other players' experiences is clear, no matter how they spend their time in the game.
In response to the original post, it's mostly moved into private instances like Fleet Starbases and Bridges due to perceived disruptive influences. If you want to roleplay, join a Fleet.
sorry not a good answer. And they can be victimized if they wish, while a bit dramatic, they do raise a valid point, one you fail to address and just brush off. That is the failure of most of those who call themselves "rp's", they get a set of things in their own little minds and everything else is wrong. There is a TOS for that, doesnt need you, me, or anyone else's help, it is very clear.
the Rp went into the Grinder. same as everything else
yes, just like the game itself. this is about the most true statement I have read in years of playing this game. well I have not been playing it for almost a year now, since the BS of Cryptic became too much to bear after their economy debacle last year. Many of us old timers left. I still come by and hold hope that they may of learned, and sadly find out nope... just as bad, if not worse, then it was, and simply sigh and move on.
So wait, wait, hold people who aren't violating any terms of service and are playing the game completely within the rules are trying to hide themselves from screenshots? Even when a simple mouseover or click would still identify them?
I've heard a lot of insane things in this thread, but this has to rank in the top 3.
Attempting to crash the Game is not "within the rules"
and the balloon guns are KNOWN to crash the game
Skeving is griefing under all circumstances
And the screenshots of thirty idiots can not have mouse overs
but any fleet that does not discipline or expel griefers should be disbanded
so a few other proposals
Disable all non uniform costumes in esd
Disable ALL weapons all skev items etc in esd , ds9 and so on
Attempting to crash the Game is not "within the rules"
and the balloon guns are KNOWN to crash the game
Skeving is griefing under all circumstances
And the screenshots of thirty idiots can not have mouse overs
but any fleet that does not discipline or expel griefers should be disbanded
so a few other proposals
Disable all non uniform costumes in esd
Disable ALL weapons all skev items etc in esd , ds9 and so on
Disable all zone to zone chat
and so on
Crashing the game? Seriously? Crashing the game? Thirty "idiots"? (oh look, another TOS violation) Known issue? Known to whom? I haven't seen it. Can you provide documentation on this issue? Perhaps a link to a support thread with Cryptic confirmation? Or are you just making up more conspiracy theories to justify your own very, very narrow idea of what people should be allowed to do?
Why should non uniform costumes be disabled? Not everyone wants to wear the uniforms. Some people like roleplaying as pirates, or diplomats, or technicians in EV suits. What makes their RP something to be banned in the service of your own?
Why is your entitled, childish demand to control everyone else, your totalitarian desire to have everyone serve you worth anything? What about you makes you special? You're just another player. One of a million accounts on here. What you want, what you desire, what you demand is completely out of balance with your importance.
Edit: Also, I see more vague talk of "trolling and griefing", this time with the completely insane suggestion that fleets should be policed and disbanded. Who would decide what is or is not griefing? You? Oh wait, we already have people who decide, they're called GMs, and they've decided that none of these apparent "violations" are against the rules. More evidence that the problem here isn't a single fleet engaging in light hearted roleplay, but a small contingent of angry, hateful people who claim possession of the game out of what is almost assuredly the effects of a personality disorder.
skev is proven to crash the game due to too many visuals
Seriously? Crashing the game?
drops the frame rate til it stalls
Thirty "idiots"? (oh look, another TOS violation)
Known issue? Known to whom? I haven't seen it.
then you have a high end computer or VERY low graphic settings
Can you provide documentation on this issue?
ask anyone on a slower computer about this issue
Perhaps a link to a support thread with Cryptic confirmation? Or are you just making up more conspiracy theories to justify your own very, very narrow idea of what people should be allowed to do?
play ANY high spam mission and watch this happen
Why should non uniform costumes be disabled?
to stop deliberate misbehaviour
Not everyone wants to wear the uniforms. Some people like roleplaying as pirates, or diplomats, or technicians in EV suits. What makes their RP something to be banned in the service of your own?
Friend Technicians wear sierra uniform in engineering colours
no one wears an EV suit indoors unless its to annoy
And im not exactly a RPer
I just get fed up with watching people quit because someone pestered them for two hours
Why is your entitled, childish demand to control everyone else, your totalitarian desire to have everyone serve you worth anything?
I assume you also hate the police ??
The courts ?
your government??
Rules exist to protect people
What about you makes you special? You're just another player. One of a million accounts on here. What you want, what you desire, what you demand is completely out of balance with your importance.
And yet I am worth as much as ANYONE else and more than griefers
Edit: Also, I see more vague talk of "trolling and griefing", this time with the completely insane suggestion that fleets should be policed and disbanded.
in some other games "guilds" have been disbanded and in one case all 400 linked accounts were banned at once
Who would decide what is or is not griefing?
Cryptic and the community
You? Oh wait, we already have people who decide, they're called GMs, and they've decided that none of these apparent "violations" are against the rules.
actually in many cases they decide they ARE against the rules
More evidence that the problem here isn't a single fleet engaging in light hearted roleplay, but a small contingent of angry, hateful people who claim possession of the game out of what is almost assuredly the effects of a personality disorder.
at least 4 linked fleets out to provoke insult abuse and drive away anyone who isn't one of them
Especially the young and women
and all im asking is it be made more difficult to abuse these poor kids who are being chased out of the game
*SNIP* ask anyone on a slower computer about this issue
Sorry to cut you short, but once again you have just pulled stuff out of out of thin air, if you are going to make a statement and assert its true then you need to back it up with some evidence.
Every child, trickster, and perpetual motion inventor knows this age old trick, and its pretty juvenile.
Same goes for the rest of your post, you make accusations without a shred of evidence.
Sorry to cut you short, but once again you have just pulled stuff out of out of thin air, if you are going to make a statement and assert its true then you need to back it up with some evidence.
Every child, trickster, and perpetual motion inventor knows this age old trick, and its pretty juvenile.
Same goes for the rest of your post, you make accusations without a shred of evidence.
So thats a confession then??
As to evidence look on the websites of the fleets involved they freely admit to existing purely to harrass actual players
its not a secret
nor is the frame rate problem caused by too many objects and too much skev
you only have to prove what is not common knowledge
for example you do not have to prove the existance of air
I'm seeing more "Weasel Words" like "everyone knows" and the like. The lies continue. I've got a terrible laptop and reasonable but not minimal graphics settings. The balloons crash nothing. Also, say you're on a Gateway 2000 from Buck-a-Day and it does in fact slow down, there's a difference between "framerate slowdown" and "crash the game". You're seriously exaggerating to the point of pure dishonesty. I suppose space combat with a million different effects going on at the same time is griefing too, by your books. But the point stands that I asked for cryptic documentation and you gave me nothing but handwaving repetitions of your accusations and provided no evidence that an exploit was occurring. It's quite clear you're lying to serve your own agenda.
How exactly would disabling costumes prevent bad behavior? It seems to me like just more attempts to control environments to serve yourself. I wonder what banning certain modes of dress because you dislike a class of people would be classified as....
So you're declaring yourself the police, the courts and the government? We have that here and it's called Cryptic. Not a single Fleet member has been banned in a very very long time, so clearly the GMs condone their activities.
You declare people "griefers" without evidence. Perhaps your self importance is due to the fact that you can declare anyone less important than you at any time in your own addled mind.
Nobody is being abused by these Fleets. The only abuse I see is their detractors resorting to schoolyard name calling and threats of violence.
As to evidence look on the websites of the fleets involved they freely admit to existing purely to harrass actual players
its not a secret
nor is the frame rate problem caused by too many objects and too much skev
you only have to prove what is not common knowledge
for example you do not have to prove the existance of air
A confession to what? (have NO idea what you are talking about here)
Again you have stated something is true and yet refuse to provide the evidence, instead you want me to go looking for it. If you have it, show it to me!
If its 'common knowledge' why dont I and many others in this thread know if it?
Again, this is the typical diatribe put on by snake oil sellers and perpetual motion inventors. They can never back up what they say.
putting everyone in uniforms clears up both problems
no more stripper outfits no more bullying
uniforms are to make everyone look the same
And no im not the police or the courts
but without law we are nothing
as to snake oil sellers and perpetual motion men
they are closer to you than me
i am saying make your own observations
but EVERYONE knows the frame rate can be a problem and that the only reason for the balloons is to grief
How would you tell fleets apart then, or even (as you call it) "griefers", should they wear a separate outfit so they can be spotted and avoided? Perhaps a specific insignia on their uniform?
Just a question: I did not read the entire thread because I don't have so much time right now. Is there anyone interested in doing RP on a larger scale? Asking because what is the sence of discussing a topic when you are not interested in doing it at all, something I couldn't catch from the discussion on the last 2 pages.
How would you tell fleets apart then, or even (as you call it) "griefers", should they wear a separate outfit so they can be spotted and avoided? Perhaps a specific insignia on their uniform?
All the Valid fleets have fleet emblems
perhaps we could have one instance of drozana specifically for people in EV suits (one that has no atmosphere)
All the Valid fleets have fleet emblems
perhaps we could have one instance of drozana specifically for people in EV suits (one that has no atmosphere)
Interesting plan. You whould have a special costume for the fleets you dislike, and a separate instance for them, one might say they'd be "Concentrated" there.
putting everyone in uniforms clears up both problems
no more stripper outfits no more bullying
uniforms are to make everyone look the same
So when does it get to the point where only certain uniforms are allowed, since by your phrasing choice also removes all forms of civilian/merc clothing? There's a lot of the available uniforms I don't like the look of but according to these sorts of statements, I'd have to go along with whatever choice gets made for whatever arbitrary reason. And for the discussed reasons of why RP is in decline at this point, dictating that everyone's only allowed a particular uniform choice would pretty much start hammering the figurative nails in the RP coffin.
Sorry, not happening, especially when you figure how much zen and lobi people have already shelled out for certain clothing choices.
So when does it get to the point where only certain uniforms are allowed, since by your phrasing choice also removes all forms of civilian/merc clothing? .
It's clear that he has no interest in logic. What he wants is what HE wants, and when does he want it? NOW.
If he had his way this game would be beige and nobody would say anything that he disagree's with. I'm sure this guy is a barrel of laugh's when he 'roleplays'.
I recommend he reads 1984 or watches the film 'Brazil. Perhaps then he will realize just how stiffling his ideas are.
And there we have it Final confirmation that im 100% right
(as soon as he calls me a troll it means I am right because he only calls me that when I am)
Im not saying uniforms EVERYWHERE
for example risa should be off duty or swim suits only
but ESD is a military base not party central
There are exactly three reasons to wear an EV suit when not actually on a mission
1 Really ugly/zits
2 Really bad Breath
3 to hide yourself from those who might screen shot you
This really does come across like a 'Only my way of playing goes' type thing.
Disabling emotes except for one area would definitely be quashing RP which going from the first post was a query as to why it's seeming dead. Disabling a silly fun item designed for public area use (unless I was imagining many running around shooting off their freshly gotten anniversary poppers throughout ESD and Qu'onos) in public areas then opens up the question of why even have them or even a game Anniversary celebration since those can be argued to run someone's immersion. And for disabling EV suits, what will be the next step in decreeing who's characters can wear what in which areas?
If people are getting so caught up into a free game to where they're ready to start only insisting select ways are valid to enjoy the game, maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a little health break away from things.
The thing that ruins my immersion is I'm having fun jumping around or firing off trek themed balloons and then someone talks out of character (OOC) complaining about graphical effects and then threatening to kill my family. That is pretty clearly not roleplaying, unless they are roleplaying a mentally ill klingon warrior.
Again the discussion is veiled by what they aren't telling you about their behaviour. What is really going on is that the Starfleet Dental haters want to force us to decrease the quality of our roleplaying down to their level. This is just not going to happen.
We have had several roleplaying wars declared on us. Which that's fine, but they don't want to pvp us which really defeats the whole purpose. Instead the "war" is used as an excuse to verbally abuse us using chat channels or messaging. Look we're fine if they want to play cowboys and indians but there's no need for the abuse, it really kills my immersion.
So wait, wait, hold people who aren't violating any terms of service and are playing the game completely within the rules are trying to hide themselves from screenshots? Even when a simple mouseover or click would still identify them?
I've heard a lot of insane things in this thread, but this has to rank in the top 3.
The easier people get upset, the more it makes more and more people want to take pleasure in such immature and ridiculous behavior.
By the way I have been buying up all the Party Poppers, thinking of creating creating just a party popper RP fleet. A fleet that RPs using party poppers. I wonder how that will go over.
Just out of morbid curiosity , who exactly asked you, or the Mental's , or the Wesley's and the rest to do that ?
So ppl should just "get tough or get out" ?
I know a few RL RP-ers who if presented with that "option" , well they would not even know how to deal with it , as it's so far out of their realm of experience .
But then again if any of the "moral superiority group" showed up next to them in RL with fire extinguishers ... , well let's just say that the anonymity of the internets offers the Mentals and their friends a great deal of security and protection . :cool:
Real life threats are against the ToS.
a) People busy with LoR, some (hopefully temporary) instancing changes, and general bad behavior among "serious" RPers
b) A single fleet wearing the wrong clothing and using social items.
Side A) Has the circumstantial evidence (the timing of the RP decline, testimony of RPers) on its side, the support of people in this thread who are NOT violating the forum rules and TOS
I think the matter is resolved.
Drozana was the first stop for the Klingons, shame too, there were alot of good folks who did their best to try to make it like that, even some DJ's who did shows there.
sorry not a good answer. And they can be victimized if they wish, while a bit dramatic, they do raise a valid point, one you fail to address and just brush off. That is the failure of most of those who call themselves "rp's", they get a set of things in their own little minds and everything else is wrong. There is a TOS for that, doesnt need you, me, or anyone else's help, it is very clear.
yes, just like the game itself. this is about the most true statement I have read in years of playing this game. well I have not been playing it for almost a year now, since the BS of Cryptic became too much to bear after their economy debacle last year. Many of us old timers left. I still come by and hold hope that they may of learned, and sadly find out nope... just as bad, if not worse, then it was, and simply sigh and move on.
Take care team, and GL with the madness.
Attempting to crash the Game is not "within the rules"
and the balloon guns are KNOWN to crash the game
Skeving is griefing under all circumstances
And the screenshots of thirty idiots can not have mouse overs
but any fleet that does not discipline or expel griefers should be disbanded
so a few other proposals
Disable all non uniform costumes in esd
Disable ALL weapons all skev items etc in esd , ds9 and so on
Disable all zone to zone chat
and so on
Crashing the game? Seriously? Crashing the game? Thirty "idiots"? (oh look, another TOS violation) Known issue? Known to whom? I haven't seen it. Can you provide documentation on this issue? Perhaps a link to a support thread with Cryptic confirmation? Or are you just making up more conspiracy theories to justify your own very, very narrow idea of what people should be allowed to do?
Why should non uniform costumes be disabled? Not everyone wants to wear the uniforms. Some people like roleplaying as pirates, or diplomats, or technicians in EV suits. What makes their RP something to be banned in the service of your own?
Why is your entitled, childish demand to control everyone else, your totalitarian desire to have everyone serve you worth anything? What about you makes you special? You're just another player. One of a million accounts on here. What you want, what you desire, what you demand is completely out of balance with your importance.
Edit: Also, I see more vague talk of "trolling and griefing", this time with the completely insane suggestion that fleets should be policed and disbanded. Who would decide what is or is not griefing? You? Oh wait, we already have people who decide, they're called GMs, and they've decided that none of these apparent "violations" are against the rules. More evidence that the problem here isn't a single fleet engaging in light hearted roleplay, but a small contingent of angry, hateful people who claim possession of the game out of what is almost assuredly the effects of a personality disorder.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That
skev is proven to crash the game due to too many visuals
drops the frame rate til it stalls
then you have a high end computer or VERY low graphic settings
ask anyone on a slower computer about this issue
play ANY high spam mission and watch this happen
to stop deliberate misbehaviour
Friend Technicians wear sierra uniform in engineering colours
no one wears an EV suit indoors unless its to annoy
And im not exactly a RPer
I just get fed up with watching people quit because someone pestered them for two hours
I assume you also hate the police ??
The courts ?
your government??
Rules exist to protect people
And yet I am worth as much as ANYONE else and more than griefers
in some other games "guilds" have been disbanded and in one case all 400 linked accounts were banned at once
Cryptic and the community
actually in many cases they decide they ARE against the rules
at least 4 linked fleets out to provoke insult abuse and drive away anyone who isn't one of them
Especially the young and women
and all im asking is it be made more difficult to abuse these poor kids who are being chased out of the game
Sorry to cut you short, but once again you have just pulled stuff out of out of thin air, if you are going to make a statement and assert its true then you need to back it up with some evidence.
Every child, trickster, and perpetual motion inventor knows this age old trick, and its pretty juvenile.
Same goes for the rest of your post, you make accusations without a shred of evidence.
So thats a confession then??
As to evidence look on the websites of the fleets involved they freely admit to existing purely to harrass actual players
its not a secret
nor is the frame rate problem caused by too many objects and too much skev
you only have to prove what is not common knowledge
for example you do not have to prove the existance of air
How exactly would disabling costumes prevent bad behavior? It seems to me like just more attempts to control environments to serve yourself. I wonder what banning certain modes of dress because you dislike a class of people would be classified as....
So you're declaring yourself the police, the courts and the government? We have that here and it's called Cryptic. Not a single Fleet member has been banned in a very very long time, so clearly the GMs condone their activities.
You declare people "griefers" without evidence. Perhaps your self importance is due to the fact that you can declare anyone less important than you at any time in your own addled mind.
Nobody is being abused by these Fleets. The only abuse I see is their detractors resorting to schoolyard name calling and threats of violence.
A confession to what? (have NO idea what you are talking about here)
Again you have stated something is true and yet refuse to provide the evidence, instead you want me to go looking for it. If you have it, show it to me!
If its 'common knowledge' why dont I and many others in this thread know if it?
Again, this is the typical diatribe put on by snake oil sellers and perpetual motion inventors. They can never back up what they say.
no more stripper outfits no more bullying
uniforms are to make everyone look the same
And no im not the police or the courts
but without law we are nothing
as to snake oil sellers and perpetual motion men
they are closer to you than me
i am saying make your own observations
but EVERYONE knows the frame rate can be a problem and that the only reason for the balloons is to grief
So in essence you have no proof, no evidence and you feel its acceptable to make accusations. I see who the real bully is here.
Thank you for clarifying.
How would you tell fleets apart then, or even (as you call it) "griefers", should they wear a separate outfit so they can be spotted and avoided? Perhaps a specific insignia on their uniform?
All the Valid fleets have fleet emblems
perhaps we could have one instance of drozana specifically for people in EV suits (one that has no atmosphere)
Interesting plan. You whould have a special costume for the fleets you dislike, and a separate instance for them, one might say they'd be "Concentrated" there.
So when does it get to the point where only certain uniforms are allowed, since by your phrasing choice also removes all forms of civilian/merc clothing? There's a lot of the available uniforms I don't like the look of but according to these sorts of statements, I'd have to go along with whatever choice gets made for whatever arbitrary reason. And for the discussed reasons of why RP is in decline at this point, dictating that everyone's only allowed a particular uniform choice would pretty much start hammering the figurative nails in the RP coffin.
Sorry, not happening, especially when you figure how much zen and lobi people have already shelled out for certain clothing choices.
It's clear that he has no interest in logic. What he wants is what HE wants, and when does he want it? NOW.
If he had his way this game would be beige and nobody would say anything that he disagree's with. I'm sure this guy is a barrel of laugh's when he 'roleplays'.
I recommend he reads 1984 or watches the film 'Brazil. Perhaps then he will realize just how stiffling his ideas are.
stick to the topic and stop feeding the trollvax
(as soon as he calls me a troll it means I am right because he only calls me that when I am)
Im not saying uniforms EVERYWHERE
for example risa should be off duty or swim suits only
but ESD is a military base not party central