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100-attachment mail limit



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    daedalus27daedalus27 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    You seem to be under the mistaken notion that our use of the mail system somehow affects your gameplay. If you quit drinking their kool-aid for a second and think about how e-mail attachments actually work you'll realize the attachment limit has nothing at all to do with game or server performance and is only a way to channel users into another pay-to-use system authored by your game creators.

    Thats all well and good, except there is presently no substitute mechanism (pay or otherwise) replacing this storage method. They killed doff and long term storage which is absolutely needed due to starbase construction and the way items stack/bind without an adequate substitute. I can understand they want to monitize what they can to pay for the game and make some money, but this seems more like an arbitrary unintended change by developers who do not understand how many utilize their game. There are solutions here, but first we need the developers to acknowledge the issue.

    There have been many suggestions in this thread on how to alter the storage situation and allow them to make money at it. People aren't against a game they enjoy from profiting so that it can continue to exist. The problem here is an unannounced change without any stated reason which alters how people are forced to play due to design decisions without any adequate alternative means to adjust gameplay.

    There have been many suggestions in this thread on how to deal with this. Some of these highly workable and profitable solutions include; unlimiting storage purchase options, changing how doffs are used in starbases in to tokens used for projects, a doff storage bank, chaning so that starbase projects can use any catagory of doff, allowing the purchase of mail attachment slots, etc. There are solutions out there, but making an announced change without any plan to provide the needed storage capacity shows that the developers either don't know their players and how they deal with the games limits, or simply don't care. Either case is disturbing.

    TL/DR: Changes are fine, just make sure there are solutions in place (pay or otherwise) so players can continue to use the game.
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    shaltorshaltor Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This whole mail thing reminds me of another Cryptic "change" for City of Heroes....Enhancement Diversification.

    "Enhancement Diversification," or ED imposed a point of sharply diminished returns on how far each individual aspect of each power could be improved; prior to ED, a player could focus all enhancements on only one of a power's aspects and receive fully cumulative benefits.

    Cryptic's stated reason behind ED was "to promote the use of more different types of Enhancements in powers." Critics derided ED, saying that its universal reduction of the maximum possible effectiveness of all characters made it a global nerf; that many defensive powers had now been significantly weakened for two issues in a row, frustrating especially those who specialize in such powers and invalidating many of their existing tactics; that some powers cannot legally or usefully accept more than one type of enhancement and thus cannot be "diversified"; that it was deceitful to enact such a severe change less than a month after officially announcing "we're [Cryptic] finished making large changes to the power sets," and that ED was too fundamental a change to implement so long after the original launch.

    ED also received strong negative feedback from the player community; the response thread to ED on the official City of Heroes message forum exceeded 3,500 replies in the first 36 hours, and soon after grew so large that a second thread was required due to forum software limits"

    Along with that, the player base only became aware of this change because a beta tester broke NDA to tell everyone what was coming down the road. It seemed apparent that Cryptic decided to change this mechanic w/o any feedback whatsoever.

    I guess some habits never die.
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    koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I resent your false accusation that me or anyone else "knew" we were "doing something unintended" and therefore "abusing" anything. You're doing something wrong by accusing us of this, and you should apologize. This is quite literally adding insult to injury, syberghost.

    I also want to you to explain to me in detail how the hundreds of dollars I paid for a lifetime subscription for which one of the advertised benefits was "unlimited" mail access means I was taking any kind of "free ride."

    I am fairly certain that "insulting subscribers on the forums" is not part of your responsibilities as a community moderator and I would like to ask for the contact information of your supervisor so that I can make a complaint against you

    That.. isn't insulting you. Also if they agree..
    (Besides, speaking as someone who hears that all the time..)

    Also: Yes, people holding more mail and items actually does take up more space. I imagine it's not as huge as an actual mailstore, but there's a reason why a lot of corporations have mail limits and attachment limits. A good one.
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    koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It is insulting to accuse paid subscribers, the game's customers, of knowingly abusing the mail system.

    The advertised feature matrix for paid subscription lists unlimited access to mail as a feature provided in return for payment.

    It is therefore also insulting to accuse paying customers of taking a "free ride" for making use of the features they paid for.

    I have emailed customer service with this, and also emailed the community moderator "syberghost" on his gmail account asking him for the contact information of his supervisor so that I can file a complaint about his conduct.

    I believe it would be appropriate for him to apologize in this thread to me and others he has insulted with these remarks.

    :rolleyes: You're assuming a bit much, but go ahead.
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    robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Whats going to happen is not people are going to create alt accounts just to hold mail.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    This thread has now most definitely run its course, and isn?t providing any constructive feedback, so due to this as well as the high number of flaming/trolling posts and/or reported posts in this thread, I'm closing this thread down.

    1. For future reference please remember that it helps a great deal when posts which violate the PWE Community Rules and Policies are not responded to and are reported via submitting a Forums and Website Ticket (click here).

    2. If you think any of your posts within a thread have violated the PWE Community Rules and Policies, please edit your posts before a moderator takes action.

    3. If you feel you need to get in touch with PWE BranFlakes to discuss the actions taken by any Community Moderator, you can do so by submitting a Forums and Website ticket (click here).

    Cheers, :)

    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
This discussion has been closed.