Gauss cannons (kinetic damage ,attack speed very slow ,standard cannons dps) , shoots 600 kilograms bullet using old rail gun tehnology ,bullet is electricaly propeled to 1/3 speed of light due to its heavy mass usable only on dreadnoughts, cruisers and carriers.
Photon-antiproton phased beam array (phaser damage ,phaser proc and antiproton passive) woala end game phasers...
Super conductive heat dispersal hull plating (reduce incoming damage from all sources by 15%)
Attack Pattern Omega also breaks (and provides temporary immunity from, IIRC) tractor beams. This will save much pain against not only Borg, but D'deridexes - the latter love using them in concert with plasma torpedo salvos.
someone already said it. M1828A1 machine gun AKA "tommy gun" with or without the 50 round magazine
And in terms of mechanics, I can see this version working like the misnamed piercing beam rifle: burst-fire primary, full-auto secondary. Instead of heat, though, this would be regulated similarly to the Omega launcher, with the magazine containing 50 rounds.
This reminds me of some other things I've mused about in other threads; I'll share a couple here:
'Jackhammer EX' - bullpup-configured combat shotgun using a ten-round drum magazine (like the hypothetical 'tommy gun' above, would use the Omega launcher's magazine mechanic). When equipped, adds 'Emplace Bear Trap' as an ability slottable in your action bar - this has you emplace a mine triggered by enemy proximity which does 10x the weapon's point-blank damage. In other words, a Trek update of an actual weapon...
mated weapons - this would require giving rifles a 'slot' (much like kits have module slots) which can accept any of an array of devices: grenade launchers (themselves coming in a range of possible flavors), mini-PWAs (MASS: Star Trek edition), and even microflamers. Note: these do not replace the weapon's alt-fire mode, but, as with the 'Bear Trap' above, add an action which has to be placed in your action bar; and such an implementation would also alter the MACO and KHG rep weapons (they would regain the pulsewaves' alt-fire, and come with a free photon GL in the underbarrel slot)
Gauss cannons (kinetic damage ,attack speed very slow ,standard cannons dps) , shoots 600 kilograms bullet using old rail gun tehnology ,bullet is electricaly propeled to 1/3 speed of light due to its heavy mass usable only on dreadnoughts, cruisers and carriers.
Photon-antiproton phased beam array (phaser damage ,phaser proc and antiproton passive) woala end game phasers...
Super conductive heat dispersal hull plating (reduce incoming damage from all sources by 15%)
Wide arc dual beam bank (250* arc >.<)
Beams get all the good stuff as it is. Duals need 250 degree beams like I need a transfusion of liquid synthetic polymer to replace my blood.
cryptic loosens up
cryptic fixes all their bugs and issues with this game
cryptic removes the dilithium store and dilithium completely
cryptic puts lockboxes in z store and doesnt require a key on purchase.
cryptic adds 3d space travel instead of 2.5d
cryptic creates more aesthetically pleasing ships.
cryptic removes the main STF's from the list and forces players to sibiran, vorn and QS to find a team while they brings back the old format with fixes.
cryptic deals with the gold spammers.
nothing more, im not kidding either.
So you want the game to end? Alrighty then, one vote for being a TRIBBLE.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Now that we are familiar with the species of Fluidic Space, I suggest a few of these creatures, genetically altered to suit our needs.
Gekli Starships
Yes, the entire breed exists because of experimentation with living creatures as the basis of a starship. A symbiotic relationship between ship and crew maintains the health and well-being of both.
Living Armor
Smaller creatures of the Gekli genetic line can be adapted to become a living space-suit. It's ability to absorb many forms of energy and most forms of radiation make it an ideal defense against ranged weapons, while its tough skin and musculature protect the wearer from environmental hazards such as vacuum or blunt objects. It recycles the wearer's waste products and in return offers recycled air, water, and a nutritious curd-like material which can be eaten, allowing the wearer to survive indefinitely in the vacuum of space or in harsh conditions such as on Nukara.
Tiny when compared to the Gekli, these little psionic critters become emotionally attached to a person and follow him around. Like the Gekli, Companions have the ability to absorb, store, and emit energy. They will absorb a percentage of any directed energy attack aimed at their chosen person and re-direct that energy toward whatever their person is targeting.
Space Leeches
These critters can be stored in stasis until needed, then discharged toward a foe in canisters which open to liberate thousands of tiny creatures whose sole purpose in life is to absorb energy. They will stick to the nearest ship and begin to suck power off its drives, weapons, shields, and batteries. When sated they drop off to digest the meal and give birth to a new generation of Space Leeches.
Obligatory cry of "NECROOOOO!!!!"
T6 Ambassador (not the guardian, despite its layout being pretty similar), T6 TMP connie or T7 Galactica plz.
all the enterprise full maco gear along with the enterprise phaser pistols as a pure appearance option on weapons.
sisko's item that allows all classes to use the battle cry ability from the tac gear.
Kirk's glasses from WOK
Legendary hologram doff's of all the series characters that are rewards for story missions or accolade achievements. (Piccard hologram for fully leveling diplomacy duty officer or Kirk for fully leveling military, doff and beam and projectile r&d)
full kits on bridge officers
Vulcan Science Academy Deflector MK XIV [PG/Grav] [SciCdr]
+50 Flow Capacitors
+50 Graviton Generators
+50 Particle Generators
Reduces the time to use science abilities by 10%
Vulcan Science Academy 2nd Deflector Mk XIV
+15 Flow Capacitors
+15 Graviton Generators
+15 Particle Generators
Vulcan power siphon
Your Tachyon Beam, Charged Particle Burst, Energy Siphon, Tyken's Rift and Viral Matrix powers will drain a small amount of power from your enemy and give it to you.
Applies to:
* Tachyon Beam
* Charged Particle Burst
* Energy Siphon
* Tyken's Rift
* Viral Matrix
Foe: -10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Self: 10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Skills that effect this ability:
* Starship Flow Capacitors
(Improves Shield Drain and Energy Drain)
2 piece bonus
+50 power insulators
+50 inertial dampeners
I want a Tommy gun just like Picard had in first contact if a holographic Thompson can make mince meat of borg just imagine what one fresh from the replicator could do.
Dr. Soran's gangster blaster from ST. Generations.
That is all.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Vulcan Science Academy Deflector MK XIV [PG/Grav] [SciCdr]
+50 Flow Capacitors
+50 Graviton Generators
+50 Particle Generators
Reduces the time to use science abilities by 10%
Vulcan Science Academy 2nd Deflector Mk XIV
+15 Flow Capacitors
+15 Graviton Generators
+15 Particle Generators
Vulcan power siphon
Your Tachyon Beam, Charged Particle Burst, Energy Siphon, Tyken's Rift and Viral Matrix powers will drain a small amount of power from your enemy and give it to you.
Applies to:
* Tachyon Beam
* Charged Particle Burst
* Energy Siphon
* Tyken's Rift
* Viral Matrix
Foe: -10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Self: 10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Skills that effect this ability:
* Starship Flow Capacitors
(Improves Shield Drain and Energy Drain)
2 piece bonus
+50 power insulators
+50 inertial dampeners
I know it is a necro thread, but wow this would be such a great 2-piece science set.
Dual torpedo launchers, galaxy style huge beam arrays with proper animations, omega-rep style torpedo launchers (with charges) for common torpedoes, proper phaser pulse cannons, heavy single cannons and other stuff
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I want to see kits removed and their division powers re-bundled into various division based tricorders. The powers could be universal within each division and be slotted to the active tricorder according to the wishes of the player, like the new trait system.
Just like on TV and the big screen (and the recent Star Trek 2013 game), I want to whip out my tricorder and have it cast my abilities, unlock doors, interact with my environment.
I don't need additional animations to slow down my engineer any more than he already is.
What I would like is an anti-rubberbanding doohickey.
long pants for the kdf and a modern uniform without all the usual kdf TRIBBLE
more clothes for the alien boffs
small scorpion from Nimbus as a pet (i like the way how they walk and run)
Craftable stealth body armor. The armor from Dragon's Deceit was close, but the expose/exploit bonus should be a flanking damage bonus instead. Expose/exploit means nothing if you plan on sneaking behind them and assassinating them in one shot.
Plus you can only get the armor from Dragon's Deceit once, and it comes with random modifiers. I got stupid modifiers on mine and I hate it. I wish I could trash it and get a new suit from redoing the episode.
Give us craftable stealth armor with +50% stealth and +10% flanking damage, as well as the usual physical, kinetic, and energy damage resistance. At least this way if you get dumb modifiers you can just throw it away and craft a new suit.
Reasonable people who will be quite civil in any disagreement they may have with you, instead of flaming and telling you why you had no right at all to have an opinion different from theirs in the first place. In lieu of that, I'll settle for an ignore button for the forums.
The ability for a player to create 'set bonus' items.
The Dil cost per item would be dependent upon how many items make up the set.
Particle Traces determine which powers the set has, such that common items provide very weak powers and very rare items provide more powerful ones, (each item in the set requires these traces to gain that set bonus.) Also: specific traces have specific powers, such that Beta-Tachyon particles might offer shield drain abilities, while Duranium might offer armor bonuses. The set bonus powers and their required components would be independent of the normal item upgrade system, so that an item can be upgraded normally, but there is an extra charge to make it part of a set.
To create a set, a player must first research and obtain a 'prototype equipment set' for the two, three, four, or five item set templates, which are then each used to create one of the items of the set.
A player may not install more than one custom set on his ship, although this would not be extended to STO created sets.
At this point in the game, a removal and revamp of the three classes. There's no reason why a captain of a starship shouldn't have access to all the class skills, I mean how can any captain not know attack pattern alpha? How can only some captains know about nadion inversion? Why can only some captains call down security teams, or generators?
The class system never worked properly so just scrap it.
Photon-antiproton phased beam array (phaser damage ,phaser proc and antiproton passive) woala end game phasers...
Super conductive heat dispersal hull plating (reduce incoming damage from all sources by 15%)
Wide arc dual beam bank (250* arc >.<)
And in terms of mechanics, I can see this version working like the misnamed piercing beam rifle: burst-fire primary, full-auto secondary. Instead of heat, though, this would be regulated similarly to the Omega launcher, with the magazine containing 50 rounds.
This reminds me of some other things I've mused about in other threads; I'll share a couple here:
Beams get all the good stuff as it is. Duals need 250 degree beams like I need a transfusion of liquid synthetic polymer to replace my blood.
So you want the game to end? Alrighty then, one vote for being a TRIBBLE.
In the game I'd like to see playable Q. JK of course
Gekli Starships
Yes, the entire breed exists because of experimentation with living creatures as the basis of a starship. A symbiotic relationship between ship and crew maintains the health and well-being of both.
Living Armor
Smaller creatures of the Gekli genetic line can be adapted to become a living space-suit. It's ability to absorb many forms of energy and most forms of radiation make it an ideal defense against ranged weapons, while its tough skin and musculature protect the wearer from environmental hazards such as vacuum or blunt objects. It recycles the wearer's waste products and in return offers recycled air, water, and a nutritious curd-like material which can be eaten, allowing the wearer to survive indefinitely in the vacuum of space or in harsh conditions such as on Nukara.
Tiny when compared to the Gekli, these little psionic critters become emotionally attached to a person and follow him around. Like the Gekli, Companions have the ability to absorb, store, and emit energy. They will absorb a percentage of any directed energy attack aimed at their chosen person and re-direct that energy toward whatever their person is targeting.
Space Leeches
These critters can be stored in stasis until needed, then discharged toward a foe in canisters which open to liberate thousands of tiny creatures whose sole purpose in life is to absorb energy. They will stick to the nearest ship and begin to suck power off its drives, weapons, shields, and batteries. When sated they drop off to digest the meal and give birth to a new generation of Space Leeches.
T6 Ambassador (not the guardian, despite its layout being pretty similar), T6 TMP connie or T7 Galactica plz.
original join date 2010
Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
sisko's item that allows all classes to use the battle cry ability from the tac gear.
Kirk's glasses from WOK
Legendary hologram doff's of all the series characters that are rewards for story missions or accolade achievements. (Piccard hologram for fully leveling diplomacy duty officer or Kirk for fully leveling military, doff and beam and projectile r&d)
full kits on bridge officers
+50 Flow Capacitors
+50 Graviton Generators
+50 Particle Generators
Reduces the time to use science abilities by 10%
Vulcan Science Academy 2nd Deflector Mk XIV
+15 Flow Capacitors
+15 Graviton Generators
+15 Particle Generators
Vulcan power siphon
Your Tachyon Beam, Charged Particle Burst, Energy Siphon, Tyken's Rift and Viral Matrix powers will drain a small amount of power from your enemy and give it to you.
Applies to:
* Tachyon Beam
* Charged Particle Burst
* Energy Siphon
* Tyken's Rift
* Viral Matrix
Foe: -10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Self: 10 All power each pulse (4 pulse max)
Skills that effect this ability:
* Starship Flow Capacitors
(Improves Shield Drain and Energy Drain)
2 piece bonus
+50 power insulators
+50 inertial dampeners
Look at the pretty mushroom grow
That is all.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I know it is a necro thread, but wow this would be such a great 2-piece science set.
You can get those by getting Diplomacy commendation to Tier 4 on a Fed character.
What I would like is an anti-rubberbanding doohickey.
more clothes for the alien boffs
small scorpion from Nimbus as a pet (i like the way how they walk and run)
Plus you can only get the armor from Dragon's Deceit once, and it comes with random modifiers. I got stupid modifiers on mine and I hate it. I wish I could trash it and get a new suit from redoing the episode.
Give us craftable stealth armor with +50% stealth and +10% flanking damage, as well as the usual physical, kinetic, and energy damage resistance. At least this way if you get dumb modifiers you can just throw it away and craft a new suit.
T5 K'tinga
T5 K'tinga Retrofit
Koro'tinga with thin bars removed and neck and nacelles thickened and solidified.
Mix'n'match parts for all of the above.
The Dil cost per item would be dependent upon how many items make up the set.
Particle Traces determine which powers the set has, such that common items provide very weak powers and very rare items provide more powerful ones, (each item in the set requires these traces to gain that set bonus.) Also: specific traces have specific powers, such that Beta-Tachyon particles might offer shield drain abilities, while Duranium might offer armor bonuses. The set bonus powers and their required components would be independent of the normal item upgrade system, so that an item can be upgraded normally, but there is an extra charge to make it part of a set.
To create a set, a player must first research and obtain a 'prototype equipment set' for the two, three, four, or five item set templates, which are then each used to create one of the items of the set.
A player may not install more than one custom set on his ship, although this would not be extended to STO created sets.
The class system never worked properly so just scrap it.
Windows 10 Pro
Intel Core i7-5700
2 Titan GTX 980M GDDR5 8 GB