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Official Romulan Ship and Singularity Mechanic Feedback Thread



  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've got to say...the warp shadow power is pretty freaking awesome....the mogai in general is pretty fun to fly :)

    loving the bio-molecular torpedo...but how often are we going to fight against undine? adding some DSEs for them in the pelia sector and gamma orinis and it would be worthwhile.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Plasma Shockwave really should, as others have noted, be renamed Singularity Shockwave so people don't think its boosted by plasma consoles or anything like that and just as a matter of thematic consistency.

    What kind of damage does it do? Does it do Plasma damage? Then the name is fine - people will have to figure it out like the rest of the mess that is Plasma. Not everything in the Plasma World is buffed by everything that buffs Plasma in the Plasma World. That's how it goes...unfortunately. There is no thematic consistency when it comes to Plasma. There would be consistency by keeping it as Plasma Shockwave since the visual effects are that of...Plasma.

    If you rename it Singularity Shockwave and it still does Plasma damage - then you may confuse people as far as what resists they need to deal with it.

    There's no doubt that how Plasma is handled needs some love when it comes to what does and what does not buff each of the Plasma attacks - some thematic consistency would be nifty. Further obfuscating it by creating additional names would only complicate the matter.

    As has been said in a few threads in regard to Plasma:

    Plasma Infusers: Should only boost Directed Energy attacks and their related DoTs.
    Ambiplasma: Should (actually does) only boost Projectile Kinetic and Projectile DoTs.
    Particle Gens: Should boost all Energy Damage - including DoTs, Eject Warp Plasma, and the Plasma Shockwave.
    2pc Harness: Should boost all weapon Energy Damage - including DoTs.
    Romulan Science Consoles [Pla]: Should boost all weapon Energy Damage - including DoTs.

    If Plasma Infusers did not boost anything but the DEW and DEW DoTs - there would be less confusion. The tooltip could read as such, eh? With clear tooltips on what they affected, then it would be clear what they affected.

    Course, I know drunk will disagree with what I've got there...heh.
  • skiffy1skiffy1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think the skyfile isn't hooked up to the romulan ship interior. When you're in your quarters, the windows simply look blank.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    I've got to say...the warp shadow power is pretty freaking awesome....the mogai in general is pretty fun to fly :)

    loving the bio-molecular torpedo...but how often are we going to fight against undine? adding some DSEs for them in the pelia sector and gamma orinis and it would be worthwhile.

    I love the bio-molecular torpedo, mostly because it looks like a green photon torpedo. :D
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • vinsinarvinsinar Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The only problem on the ship side so far is the lack of a carrier and science station flexibility on the current ships. Of course I have always been of the belief that all stations should be universal so you could spec out the ship based on your need. If not at least always make the highest ranked station universal.

    A short term fix would be to have the JH dreadnought be able to do more of a support role. Its not a good fit currently for a Science captain but by making the commander tac station a universal that would solve the problem.

    I find it interesting we have fighters but no carrier.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    By the way, if you hit P and scroll through the list for the various Singularity powers - they'll give you some of that detailed information that some folks are looking for. It's just not on the minitooltip - but it's there.
  • vinsinarvinsinar Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    its not so much that there is a unique problem with the D'deridex having one of the lowest turn rates, compared to other ships it probably should. the problem is the floor for turn rates, the lowest they go, is WAAAAAAAAY to low to be any fun to use, or to be even useful. the correct turn rate floor is that which the kdf battle cruisers have, between 9 and 11. these turn MUCH worse then escorts, and noticeably worse then sci ships, but at least they arent unusably bad, they are about perfect.

    turn rate is a more important to combat stat then hitpoints, or consoles, even station setup. it allows positioning, damage mitigation, and being able to point weapons that do more then a net of 0 damage to your target. thats another problem, weapons that arent DHCs being useless, but thats for another topic.

    this is pretty much the last straw, seeing the D'deridex this way. at least the negvar is a viable ship with its turn rate, hell even the horrible galaxy R can separate its saucer. the battle cloak with the +10 to turn rate is nice and all, but like i said its the floor thats the problem. turn rate is modified multiplicative, not additively, so engine power, skill points, abilites and consoles all multiply by your base, the difference of 1 base after all these modifiers is absolutely huge. a ship with a base of 20 sits at about 50 turn without even trying. a ship with a 6 turn will never see better then 15.

    i dont think certain ships should turn better then their size should let them just because, but for christ sake everything has to be usable. theres a really simple way to fix this, and do the entire game a huge amount of good, and thats by basically just giving every cruiser plus ~2 turn rate. as a category of ships, they still have the worst turn, but like the kdf cruisers, they would be enjoyable to fly.

    odyssey- 8
    all galaxys- 8.5
    star cruiser- 9
    ambassador- 9
    sovereign- 9.5


    Jem Dread Carrier-7
    Recluse- 7
    dkora- 9.5
    Orb Weaver-10
    galor- 11

    kamarang- 11

    D'deridex- 9
    tier 5 rom whatever- 8

    everyone would be happy, people would buy more cruisers, new players drawn to LOF wile leveling their romulans would not stop playing as soon as then went from the 14 turn mogia to the 5 turn D'deridex. you know, stuff like that, that makes business sense. players will hate, HAAAAATE going from the mogai to the D'deridex, all the new customers your trying to attract especially. its time, finally, to fix how horrible and unfun all the iconic ships in the game are, the cruisers.

    balance concerns? what balance concerns. cruisers are so freaking underpowered right now its not even funny. all the defensive power creep, combined with high speed avoidance has made escorts nearly unkillable, and theres been nearly as much power creep to spike damage. cruisers benefit from the healing power creep to a lower degree, because they cant combine it with maneuvering, and their damage over time is now rendered null by the average regeneration and resistance levels. then the kick in the balls EPt skill change, holy TRIBBLE, its a bad time to like cruisers. unless that 10 second gap is completely walked back, cruisers will be nonviable compared to escorts and sci ships. YOU NEED TO ADDRESS THIS TOO.

    it being intentional that cruisers be this tank healer, that are downright pathetic, costs you money. people want to kill stuff and use their favorite ship to do it, there should be at least limited ways for people to do that. the best way to start doing that is to let them turn better. the second thing you need to do is massively buff pressure damage weapons, keeping in mind the anti pressure levels ships have now with the high resistance and high regeneration. maybe these weapons need to be more front loaded in their damage dealing, 2 shots per cycle instead of 4 on beam arrays and single cannons. in pvp, cruiser damage used to have a modest effect, it could force healing, ware targets down, chase away lone escorts if they couldn't achieve a quick kill, stuff like that. now for any healer it doesn't even mater if they fire.

    ok, actual ship stats feedback to come in later posts. DON NOT DISREGARD THIS ONE, this subject is more important then a silly new faction.

    I don't agree with you're turn rate adjustments that would create another problem.

    I have no problem with the turn rate on cruisers or carriers makes them feel like the battleships they are. If you increase their turn rate then everyone loads them up with DHC's what's the point in even having any other type of weapon. The real issue with them is the under performance of beam weapons, fix this issue and this will solve the cruiser problem for some. If you want great turn rates fly an escort. You should have a very hard time keeping your nose on a target with a big boat.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    you can claim and use tier 1 through 4 ships from your chosen ally, and their consoles. they are universal consoles afterall.

    Great, I just breathed a sigh of relief there. Plasmonic leech will be almost mandatory for Romulan ships the way their power levels are at now. Looks ggod for the KDF then as most people will realize they pretty much will have to go KDF with their Romulans.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • qgbnormanqgbnorman Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    will craftable warp cores be avalible? and borg / maco..?
  • seekerkorhilseekerkorhil Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    Great, I just breathed a sigh of relief there. Plasmonic leech will be almost mandatory for Romulan ships the way their power levels are at now.

    This is true. It is also likely the Leech console will be in the next lockbox exchange for this reason.

    It has always been their intention that both factions have access to all the consoles. Romulans just need Plasmonic Leech more than anyone else.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The trade off for lower subsystem power doesn't quite sit right. If the Singularity Core had an inherent warp power transfer passive built into it, which increase subsystem power the higher the core is charged up, then I could see that being somewhat more useful. Either that or a click ability that dumps and consumes the extra power into all four subsystems, raising them for a set period of time.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    amosov78 wrote: »
    The trade off for lower subsystem power doesn't quite sit right. If the Singularity Core had an inherent warp power transfer passive built into it, which increase subsystem power the higher the core is charged up, then I could see that being somewhat more useful. Either that or a click ability that dumps and consumes the extra power into all four subsystems, raising them for a set period of time.

    You do realize, that the Singularity Core does have something along those lines, right? That even the basic Cores we start with will provide up to +7.5 Power to a single subsystem depending on what our Singularity Level is...
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You do realize, that the Singularity Core does have something along those lines, right? That even the basic Cores we start with will provide up to +7.5 Power to a single subsystem depending on what our Singularity Level is...

    Yes, however I was talking about the Singularity Mechanic itself giving a slight boost to all subsystems when charging. It could raise subsystem power settings by +2 per bar, similar to the MACO shields Power Conduit Link.

    Either that or a "consumable" battery-like power that drains all of the charged energy but raises all subsystems power for a set period of time, like the Red Matter Capacitor.

    Since all Warbirds have an innate -10 to all systems I don't think this would be too unreasonable a mechanic.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We don't know all of the ways in which we will be able to boost power yet.

    Also, suggesting that the Singularity Core @5 SCL offsets the penalty suggests that the penalty exists solely because of the Singularity Core...not anything else.

    Warbirds have several benefits. They need something to balance that out. Or...why would anybody fly anything other than for RP reasons?
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    To be fair there's already a myriad of ways you could boost power, unless Romulans will be denied access to things like the MACO shields, efficient BO's, trait stat increases, or the Red Matter Capacitor.

    As to the other advantages, I can think of two: Warbirds can equip dual heavy cannons and have battlecloaks, however those aren't exactly the most "unique" of things since the KDF can use those too. Unless there's something else I'm missing?

    The system I'd suggested requires you to build up and maintain that power level just to be on par power level wise with both standard KDF and Starfleet vessels. The trade off would be that you have to work to keep that power level, which you'll lose when out of combat gradually or immediately if you use one of the click abilities, and then have to start building power up again.

    The second suggestion is roughly the same too; you have a choice over what you want to use that extra power on: a bigger stat boost to subsystem power or spend it on damage, debuff or healing abilities.

    Either way you'll lose out on one or the other no matter which you choose. You don't get both benefits at exactly the same time.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • jtoon74jtoon74 Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I would prefer one of the science slots to be universal on the earlier Warbird ships.

    I would also like the Romulans to get there own varient of ship from the "Temporal Ambassador" mission.
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thank you all for the feedback. We're still reading this thread and the others on the forum.

    A few quick notes:
    -We have some changes coming to the Singularity mechanic soon. After testing that more, we'll evaluate if the power level penalties feel to harsh. Note that there are some higher level abilities to cut cooldowns and such that might make the Singularity feel more effective, but we're aware that it needs to feel worthwhile at low levels when only the Plasma Shockwave is available.

    -We've discussed renaming the Plasma Shockwave, but we're probably going to stick with the name and just make some tooltip updates to Plasma Consoles, Particle Generators skill, and the Shockwave itself to make it clearer how these abilities interact.

    -For those of you who are concerned with the D'deridex Retrofit's bridge officers seating and such, this is another reminder that all the higher level stuff is unfinished. Our test build already has different seating.

    -On the subject of the turn rate for the D'deridex, it will most likely retain a 5.5 base turn rate to keep it slower than the Galaxy. That being said, I recently made a change to RCS Consoles that is currently in internal testing. This change significantly improves the benefit that slower ships like the D'deridex and the Galaxy Retrofit receive from using these consoles. (Roughly doubling the benefit in the case of the D'deridex, in our current tests.) Some players do enjoy flying a slow, tanky ship - but this should allow you to customize for higher turn rates if you choose to. You're still not going to be flying like an escort in a gigantic ship like that, but there will be more flexibility.

    Moreover, please keep in mind that Battle Cloak provides a significant turn rate boost, Singularity Jump can provide added mobility, and that the D'ridthau's Molecular Phase Inverter console can also be used to increase your turn rate (in addition to the console's other functions).

    These aren't the only changes we're making based on feedback, just some ones I've already had a chance to address personally and/or discuss with the rest of the team.
  • zhuguizhugui Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The Quantum Singularity mechanics definitely add something new to the game. There is one thing I'm wondering about though: Are there any plans to make singularity abilities career specific? On that note, will there be any Romulan Science Vessels in the future?

    I can't help but feel like science is a tad under-represented, especially at lower levels.
  • hyoukihyouki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for the update, looking forward to trying it out.

    I was just testing one of the dilithium store Singularity Cores, and I did see that the one I have gives a 10% cooldown discount, making it available for charging more quickly. I strongly suspect that the higher level I get, the shorter I'll be trying to get that cooldown just so I can have more powers available to me.

    I did also notice, though, that the Aux-flavored Singularity Core I had gave NO Aux bonus while discharged, and that I think I'm going to have to take exception with. While I like the "more power when charged" notion, I think it should ALWAYS be giving at least some level of bonus to its appropriate stat, maybe 2.5 (gaining a point per charge level up to the listed max of 7.5 at level 5). As it is now, it doesn't really matter WHICH flavor I pick because it's not going to provide any benefit when I need it the most (i.e. when my Singularity Core is on cooldown), and I don't ever want my gear choices to feel pointless.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Should we be able to use Warp Shadows while cloaked? We are - but should we be able?

    Also, should we be able to use it while under the effect of a Tractor Beam (or several, /cough)..? We are - but should we be able?

    Hrmm, also - with Ker'rat being locked to Romulans - it removes an easy way to put together groups for testing of the Warbirds vs. other Warbirds, Feds, and KDF. Yes, it would only be lower level - but it would give at least a starting gist of things for some folks.

    I take it we're not supposed to be able to get a D'Deridex yet (no Commander mission) and with the mention of those changes...and...well, the likelihood of getting 80k Dil before the changes were rolled out - that we shouldn't bother trying to get that 80k Dil, eh? :)
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    -We've discussed renaming the Plasma Shockwave, but we're probably going to stick with the name and just make some tooltip updates to Plasma Consoles, Particle Generators skill, and the Shockwave itself to make it clearer how these abilities interact.

    Yes, please. It's pretty confusing at the moment.

    -For those of you who are concerned with the D'deridex Retrofit's bridge officers seating and such, this is another reminder that all the higher level stuff is unfinished. Our test build already has different seating.

    Great news!

    Maybe at some point you guys can also revisit the shame that is the Fleet Galaxy and give it the Uni Ensign that was inexplicably given to the Fleet Negh'var (the clear Galaxy counterpart) that has 3 points higher base turn, & DHC use, & a Cloaking device, for the truly cheap price of 2k hull or so.

    Seriously, that Fleet Galaxy is sad, but I'm tentatively happy for the D'Deridex.

    That being said, I recently made a change to RCS Consoles that is currently in internal testing.

    More good news!

    Please do keep in mind however that RCS consoles are extremely important to Escorts in PvP. So please don't let this change benefit Cruisers at the detriment to other ships.

    Preferably, RCS consoles should give something like

    MK XII VR RCS console
    Increases base turn rate by 40% (This is how it works on live)
    Increases base turn rate by 2 or 3 (example numbers, pulled out of air)

    *Whichever is the higher boost for the ship

    So more benefit to Cruisers is good, assuming it doesn't suddenly now work worse for Escorts and Sci ships.

    Moreover, please keep in mind that Battle Cloak provides a significant turn rate boost

    Battle Cloak:

    1) Borderline pointless in PvE.
    2) Your own BOFFs hailing you from inside your ship breaks it.
    3) In PvP, where cloaking mechanics shine, cloaking is used for alpha strikes. Once a big ship like a DD becomes visible, it will most likely remain so for the duration of the fight. It's a healer, not a BoP.

    Who do we have to bribe to get the emergency power to X internal shared cooldowns fixed so cruisers can go back to Cycling EPTx x 2 and EPTy x 2 like they have been for several years? :P
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    On the subject of the turn rate for the D'deridex, it will most likely retain a 5.5 base turn rate to keep it slower than the Galaxy. That being said, I recently made a change to RCS Consoles that is currently in internal testing. This change significantly improves the benefit that slower ships like the D'deridex and the Galaxy Retrofit receive from using these consoles. (Roughly doubling the benefit in the case of the D'deridex, in our current tests.) Some players do enjoy flying a slow, tanky ship - but this should allow you to customize for higher turn rates if you choose to. You're still not going to be flying like an escort in a gigantic ship like that, but there will be more flexibility.

    Moreover, please keep in mind that Battle Cloak provides a significant turn rate boost, Singularity Jump can provide added mobility, and that the D'ridthau's Molecular Phase Inverter console can also be used to increase your turn rate (in addition to the console's other functions).

    These aren't the only changes we're making based on feedback, just some ones I've already had a chance to address personally and/or discuss with the rest of the team.

    :( Okay the ship is gigantic so it shouldn't move well? Please explain the Klingon battle-cruisers then? How is it that they can maneuver so well given their size? So disappointing... like the Galaxy this ship will be collecting dust once the novelty of "omfg i'm flying a warbird!" wares off. Bleh serves me right for getting excited about this ship. I should have known it would end up being a dud. At least you've saved me the time of making another character.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thank you all for the feedback. We're still reading this thread and the others on the forum.

    A few quick notes:
    -We have some changes coming to the Singularity mechanic soon. After testing that more, we'll evaluate if the power level penalties feel to harsh. Note that there are some higher level abilities to cut cooldowns and such that might make the Singularity feel more effective, but we're aware that it needs to feel worthwhile at low levels when only the Plasma Shockwave is available.

    -We've discussed renaming the Plasma Shockwave, but we're probably going to stick with the name and just make some tooltip updates to Plasma Consoles, Particle Generators skill, and the Shockwave itself to make it clearer how these abilities interact.

    -For those of you who are concerned with the D'deridex Retrofit's bridge officers seating and such, this is another reminder that all the higher level stuff is unfinished. Our test build already has different seating.

    -On the subject of the turn rate for the D'deridex, it will most likely retain a 5.5 base turn rate to keep it slower than the Galaxy. That being said, I recently made a change to RCS Consoles that is currently in internal testing. This change significantly improves the benefit that slower ships like the D'deridex and the Galaxy Retrofit receive from using these consoles. (Roughly doubling the benefit in the case of the D'deridex, in our current tests.) Some players do enjoy flying a slow, tanky ship - but this should allow you to customize for higher turn rates if you choose to. You're still not going to be flying like an escort in a gigantic ship like that, but there will be more flexibility.

    Moreover, please keep in mind that Battle Cloak provides a significant turn rate boost, Singularity Jump can provide added mobility, and that the D'ridthau's Molecular Phase Inverter console can also be used to increase your turn rate (in addition to the console's other functions).

    These aren't the only changes we're making based on feedback, just some ones I've already had a chance to address personally and/or discuss with the rest of the team.

    awesome :D...Thanks for all the info :D...still planning on buying the refit though...I would much rather get as close to the NPC version as possible in terms of abilities...too bad it doesnt have LT Comm tac...any of them for that matter haha

    as for the guy who is saying that BC is pointless in battle???I of one have use it a often as i can to increase damage to enemy ships in PvE...its a life save at times...you just have to make sure you dont cloak when a torp is coming at you :P...as for the decloak BO comments....only time i have those is briefing its very rare to get decloaked in the middle of battle

    on the other hand...now i know how the kdf fell when i hit them with a TB hahaha.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes, please. It's pretty confusing at the moment.

    Preferably, RCS consoles should give something like

    MK XII VR RCS console
    Increases base turn rate by 40% (This is how it works on live)
    Increases base turn rate by 2 or 3 (example numbers, pulled out of air)

    *Whichever is the higher boost for the ship

    Not to get off topic, but this would be great.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Actually not. I do not see the point why escorts should reach so high turn rates using RCS consoles. I'm not sure the original intention was that they can stay 100% on their target with 45 degree weapons (it makes the whole dmg bonus for narrow arc weapons pointless). RCS with flat bonus are completely fine. Consoles should be equally strong for all ships. But I understand it's a hot topic and there probably never will be a consensus :P
    Some players do enjoy flying a slow, tanky ship - but this should allow you to customize for higher turn rates if you choose to. You're still not going to be flying like an escort in a gigantic ship like that, but there will be more flexibility.

    But there is nothing "tanky" about slow turn rate ships. That's a repeating myth going around that Galaxy for example is superior tank - it isn't. I'm not sure why people think so, but they obviously have not piloted the ship. If you cannot turn, you cannot change shield facing, you are very vulnerable to spikes.

    Good to hear that D'Deridex seating is not final, but do not forget the Galaxy ! Send Geko away to a vacation, and change the seating !

    Oh and btw, many thanks that you are communicating with us. Always appreatiated.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • captainwestbrookcaptainwestbrook Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think the Singularity animation kills itself too quickly.. it would be better if the animation would stay till the 4-5 second along with the duration of the singularity power used before the count down for next singularity power usage resets...
    Join www.UFPlanets.com
    5 FED Fleets | 3 KDF Fleets - T5 Colony on both factions
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited April 2013
    For Plasma Shockwave, just name it something like 'Zero Point Shockwave' or the like. Calling it plasma is problematic for a number of reasons, tooltip or no tooltip.


    Subspace Destabilization Shockwave.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Actually not. I do not see the point why escorts should reach so high turn rates using RCS consoles.

    I'm sorry but you should probably try playing an escort in a premade.

    Escorts pretty much live and die by their turn rate, and unlike the "me me me" mentality of PUGs, Premade TEAMS rely on their Escorts to score kills while Escorts rely on their Cruisers/Sci ships for healing and support.

    It's always about what the team as a force can accomplish together with all of the "parts" (ships) working in unison towards a goal.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I never said they do not. I said, it is questionable if they should reach so high turn rate numbers. And if the dmg bonus for 45 degree arc weapons reflects this. it was adjusted once already with the cooldown changes made by Snix. I'm not the judge on this, I'm just saying it's not right when one console has 4x more the benefit for one ship class than enother.

    Oh and please stop with that premade preaching. It's true you are making decent acolyte for Jorf's premade religion, and while amusing to read it few times, it gets rather repeatitve after a while.

    Obviously we can agree that we disagree about this subject, and I would let it at this.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Actually not. I do not see the point why escorts should reach so high turn rates using RCS consoles. I'm not sure the original intention was that they can stay 100% on their target with 45 degree weapons (it makes the whole dmg bonus for narrow arc weapons pointless). RCS with flat bonus are completely fine. Consoles should be equally strong for all ships. But I understand it's a hot topic and there probably never will be a consensus :P

    We don't need a consensus. They're wrong and we're right. :)

    If they want to fly fighters, then let them fly fighters. Inertial Dampeners wouldn't prevent the crew from becoming meat pancakes with the turn they're currently capable of...meh.

    They found that % bonuses did not work with the Subterfuge Trait for BOFFs...odds are they're finally realizing that it doesn't work for Turn either.

    Almost every balancing "disadvantage" given for all of the "advantages" is no longer a balancing "disadvantage"...tada, the state of things.

    They've got the basis for some decent ships here, an opportunity to set things right for a new tomorrow and the future of STO.
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