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Official Romulan Ship and Singularity Mechanic Feedback Thread



  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I think that singularity mechanics is really fun. More choices is always good. I'm just little afraid thet Fed play style will seem a little dull without it.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nothing will change 5.5 turn rate into something it's not.

    Nothing but a full ENG BOFF power revamp will change the Gal-R layout into anything but the extremely poor design that it is.

    One of the worst possible BOFF layouts.

    Now compounded with the EPTx changes that actually found a way to make an already under-performing BOFF layout (Gal-R) even worse.

    The awful turn rate of the Bortas.

    Take a look at the last 6 months of sales, let me know how sales of the Bortas and Gal-R have been.

    With all due respect archoncryptic, you asked us to play with the Andorian Tac version before making any judgements.

    We recognized it when announced.

    We played with it anyway, it's still a really under-performing BOFF layout to this day.

    Many of us have unfortunately become pessimistic at this point that this D'Deridex will be anything but lackluster - with, or without, singularity mechanics.

    I promise to play these ships and give feedback again. Will it have any effect?

    Id' also like to say that every time a Dev tells us to "play it first", I'd like to recommend they please also take that advice when it comes to ships & powers, their design and their place (or lack there of) in PvP.

    If players are unable to judge a ship by its numbers without personally playing it first, then that logic holds true for developers accurately/inaccurately judging its place in PvP without trying it there themselves.

    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but many of the stats on the ships above level 20 are placeholder. Our current testing is focused on levels 1-20 because that's what's ready to test.

    We are actively monitoring these feedback threads and we are listening to player concerns.
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I started testing this morning before I left for work and after looking over the threads there's not much I can say that hasn't already been said. I would, however, like to echo what I've seen above and say that three ensign powers from one profession IS pretty annoying. That said I absolutely love the sound that singularity core ships make when they explode and the visual effects are AMAZING. Very satisfying. :D
  • ciprianp1ciprianp1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Tested so far until lvl 10.
    The T'Liss -> someone beat me to the comment about ''Event Horizon''. But still pretty cool interiors. They feel different, that is what is important.
    Not shure what to make about the singularity powers. ( I hope the feds and klings get a bonus of some sort to the warp core), because at curent stats it is like the romie have an extra boff ( like plasma AoE damage from lvl 1-10, from 10-X the plasma damage and a bonus heal, so it is pretty offset in my opinion. I would like to see in the week-end some pvp. After that I can make a real comment.
    These things aside I REALLY LOVED 2 THINGS:
    - the option in the dialog box were it says ''put ship on screen'' - that really felt like trek.
    - the fact that someone likes the tripods in ''War of the Worlds'' and used them here - maybe soon you will see some other ground attack units? pleaseeeeee....
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just realized something: I don't remember seeing any free romulan shuttles.

    Is the scorpion which is a paid ship the only romulan small craft avalable? Very disapointing if true. We have seen Romulan shuttles on DS9, so there's no excuse.

    We'll have more info up on this very soon.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but many of the stats on the ships above level 20 are placeholder. Our current testing is focused on levels 1-20 because that's what's ready to test.

    We are actively monitoring these feedback threads and we are listening to player concerns.

    Forgive me for being this blunt Archon, but given your previous comments about the D'Deridex that's not exactly comforting. If you're open to giving that ship (and by extension just about every other maligned cruiser) a non-ridiculous turn rate based on player testing and feedback than please just say that.

    Listening is one thing. Doing something about it is entirely different. And the latter has been rather lacking in regards to ship design concerns for quite some time.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but many of the stats on the ships above level 20 are placeholder. Our current testing is focused on levels 1-20 because that's what's ready to test.

    We are actively monitoring these feedback threads and we are listening to player concerns.

    I think you just given some D'Deridex fans some hope, on the other hand, you somewhat buried any hope of someone who pilots Galaxy...
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • bitterscotbitterscot Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I feel that the singularity powers in no way make up for a permanent -40 to power levels. Singularity has to be charged up to level 3 at least before it's even worth using, that's time spent, on top of that, once used, you can't even begin to start charging it up again for.... 20 seconds? (Can't remember and suffering constant "server not responding" atm)

    Constant lower weapon power = always doing less damage.
    Constant lower shield power = less shield regen and resistance.
    Constant lower engine power = terrible turn rate and lower defence %
    Constant lower aux power = less effective sci heals / damage.

    All those negatives for a few (somewhat gimmicky) powers, that you can choose to use just one of, every 45s to a minute maybe?

    I'd like the option to not even bother with the core. Perhaps the cores themselves should have the -10 to all systems stats on them. That way we could choose to use them and suffer the power loss, or remove them and lose the powers. Course, wouldn't really be a romulan ship without it though, would it?

    I can honestly see me just using ships from the faction I ally with as a result.
    [6:07] [Combat (Self)] Your Dual Antiproton Banks - Overload III deals 166213 (61268) Antiproton Damage(Critical) to Gateway.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ships like the Defiant and Galaxy-R with their too many Ensign Tactical or Ensign Eng stations have had these running, repeated, complaints.

    Ships with awful turn rates with repeated, running complaints.

    I thought perhaps that problem would die with the old ships, that they were basically beyond saving in the current business plan of "what's next and new?"

    I reconciled with that. It's a business model, and this is a business after-all.

    To see those same, almost universally derided and reviled, design choices such as 6 or lower turnrates or too many Tac Ensign stations (Andorian, The Romulan T'Varo) or too many Ensign Eng stations (D'Deridex) is really just mind-boggling.

    ok, theres like NO similarity between having 3 tac ENS and 3 eng ENS. any escort that isn't hurr durr 4 cannons can use the 3rd ENS seamlessly, especially if you use torps, HY1 is a great skill. i dont really understand the complaining about the tac andorian ship, its supposed to be a deep compromise using the version with 5 tac consoles. the other 2 are perfectly normal, with the hugly powerful 5th forward weapon.

    the T'Varo, if i recall correctly, had the armatige station setup with a universal instead of sci LT. and an enhanced battle cloak. thats a great station setup, pared with a very overpowered given its stats ability.

    3 sci, well theres so many different system cooldowns in sci at ENS that thats not an issue at all.

    NOTHING is worse then having 3 eng ENS, of course made worse by the worst station power change in the history of the game, to the EPt skills. on ships that dont have better then a single LTC eng, a 3rd ENS is ok, but ships with a commander and 2 LTC level eng powers, there is no good, or even ok build that can be made with that, now more then ever.

    the decision with the D'Deridex, i sense geko behind it. i dont know how they could have missed all the galaxy R is horrible threads. they seem obsessed with making tier 4 ships, for cruisers and kinda escorts, cursed with this insane over specialization. it only EVER made sense on the defiant, to have that much tac, and little else. the galaxy is IN CANON the most versatile ship, with the largest and most powerful phaser arrays of any canon federation ship. being a versatile ship means universal stations, why isn't that obvious?! yet its the least versatile, wimpiest ship in the entire game. how dare you get THAT ship, of all ships, that wrong devs.

    and now the d'deridex. with these cruiser stats you devs are serial killer of canon. your design goal for them to only be heal boat support ships is WRONG. your design goal for the smallest ships to be the only thing that deals damage is WRONG. not pandering to cruiser fans, as in all star trek fans, is FINANCIALLY WRONG.
  • direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Romulans not having a science ship is something that had me scratching my head too. They've always been portrayed as devious but intelligent, and with science to a level in the ballpark of the Federation.

    I've always seen Gorn portrayed as "brute force", or using "push-it-till-it-moves" technology, but apparently in STO they are the KDF's Science & Technology species.

    Also, I've always seen the Orions as sly tricksters, something that would probably support Science-based style of buffing/debuffing. But again, in STO, they are instead wielders of the heavy, slow cruiser tanks.
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  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We'll have more info up on this very soon.

    Good to hear. With so few shuttle related content, it's more of an immersian thing, but it's still nice to have.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ah, things never change on Tribble - they ask for feedback on ships, and 95% of the feedback is for something that is a perceived flaw in something they have not even tested. Good times!

    Now, for some feedback on things that I HAVE tested:
    * The interior is awsome looking, but as per usual it feels like it could not actually fit inside the ship, and it has a bunch of weird corridors that twist and turn for no apparent reason. Why not make the interior more like the Belfast bridge, where everything is compact and there isn't a ton of empty space, at least on the smaller ships?
    * I another post I mentioned that the Romulan ships didn't feel different enough from Fed/KDF ones - after reading the dev posts here, I need to retract that. The T'Liss felt slower and more ungainly than I remembered a T1 ship feeling, and that now makes sense after reading Archon's post about lower overall power levels. I can get behind that plan, it makes you adjust your tactics and really have to make use of the singularity core. I think you can probably come up with some other differentiation factors as well, but that is a good start.
    * The T'Liss' cannon hardpoints are a bit close together for my taste - it was hard to tell my Dual Cannons from my turret firing. It might look a little better if they were spread a bit further apart.
    * There appeared to be green impulse engines along the top back edge of the T'liss' main hull (the same as were in the dorsal fin), but they are only visible from a certain angle - like the mesh is missing an opening that should be there. The ones on the fin also seemed to appear and disappear depending on the viewing angle. If I had my druthers, the ones on the fin should be the only ones needed, and they would be more prominently visible. The ship is small, the design is old, and the maneuverability not great - small impulse engines fit that description.
    * The crew on the T'Liss seems a bit large for such a small ship. The NX-class was a comparable size, and it had half the crew of the ship as it stands.

    I think that's all I have for rignt now. I will get you more feedback on the Dhalen once I have had more time to play it.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I appreciate your enthusiasm, but many of the stats on the ships above level 20 are placeholder. Our current testing is focused on levels 1-20 because that's what's ready to test.

    We are actively monitoring these feedback threads and we are listening to player concerns.

    Fair enough, and it is enthusiasm for this game that does keep me posting here and testing, and providing feedback.

    So thanks for recognizing that, I know I can get a bit too enthusiastic at times. ;)

    ok, theres like NO similarity between having 3 tac ENS and 3 eng ENS. any escort that isn't hurr durr 4 cannons can use the 3rd ENS seamlessly, especially if you use torps, HY1 is a great skill. i dont really understand the complaining about the tac andorian ship, its supposed to be a deep compromise using the version with 5 tac consoles. the other 2 are perfectly normal, with the hugly powerful 5th forward weapon.

    I agree that 3 Ensign Eng is worse.

    3 Ensign tac isn't so much about making use of the Tac, it's the lack of other things that make other ships simply better options every, single time.

    5th Forward weapon is not as big a deal as people make it out to be, all of the worries of the Andorian being OP in PvP - and that ship went out with a whimper.

    How many of these do you actually see show up in PvP that put out a good performance, how many of those are the Tac Version with the extra Tac Lt?

    That BOFF layout is excessively poor, and 5 Tac consoles does not make up for that.

    Again, as with the Defiant - it's pretty much a given that the Sci and Eng versions of the Andorian with their 1 less Tac Console are leaps and bounds better due to the simply better build options that 1 Lt gives.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    BTW, ArchonCryptic - very nice work overall. Don't let the negative nellies get you down, and don't give in to people who what you to give up on actual game design because they are unable to develop new styles of play. That happens far too often in STO, and the result is everything feeling the same no matter what you play.

    I get the feeling that once people figure out how to use their cloaks and singularity powers to develop tactics to fight like Romulans rather than Feds and Klingons, things will work out just fine with the lower power levels.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ok, theres like NO similarity between having 3 tac ENS and 3 eng ENS. any escort that isn't hurr durr 4 cannons can use the 3rd ENS seamlessly, especially if you use torps, HY1 is a great skill. i dont really understand the complaining about the tac andorian ship, its supposed to be a deep compromise using the version with 5 tac consoles. the other 2 are perfectly normal, with the hugly powerful 5th forward weapon.

    the T'Varo, if i recall correctly, had the armatige station setup with a universal instead of sci LT. and an enhanced battle cloak. thats a great station setup, pared with a very overpowered given its stats ability.

    3 sci, well theres so many different system cooldowns in sci at ENS that thats not an issue at all.

    NOTHING is worse then having 3 eng ENS, of course made worse by the worst station power change in the history of the game, to the EPt skills. on ships that dont have better then a single LTC eng, a 3rd ENS is ok, but ships with a commander and 2 LTC level eng powers, there is no good, or even ok build that can be made with that, now more then ever.

    the decision with the D'Deridex, i sense geko behind it. i dont know how they could have missed all the galaxy R is horrible threads. they seem obsessed with making tier 4 ships, for cruisers and kinda escorts, cursed with this insane over specialization. it only EVER made sense on the defiant, to have that much tac, and little else. the galaxy is IN CANON the most versatile ship, with the largest and most powerful phaser arrays of any canon federation ship. being a versatile ship means universal stations, why isn't that obvious?! yet its the least versatile, wimpiest ship in the entire game. how dare you get THAT ship, of all ships, that wrong devs.

    and now the d'deridex. with these cruiser stats you devs are serial killer of canon. your design goal for them to only be heal boat support ships is WRONG. your design goal for the smallest ships to be the only thing that deals damage is WRONG. not pandering to cruiser fans, as in all star trek fans, is FINANCIALLY WRONG.

    Although I agree with you, it's probably pointless to give feedback on this issue and beat the dead horse. The thread with 23k hits and 800 posts about Galaxy-r / the fail of 3 engineering slots was thouroughly ignored, so it's not likely they will change their minds anyway.

    Maybe we aren't just smart enough to after close to 3 years in STO figure out the awesomeness of toothless "tank ship" with 3 engineering ensign layout - in a game, where tanks are not needed and all content is solved by dps class in so called "glass cannon" ships.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've always seen Gorn portrayed as "brute force", or using "push-it-till-it-moves" technology, but apparently in STO they are the KDF's Science & Technology species.

    Also, I've always seen the Orions as sly tricksters, something that would probably support Science-based style of buffing/debuffing. But again, in STO, they are instead wielders of the heavy, slow cruiser tanks.

    Orions as sly, and tricky, but their tools are economic and political. Why would they even consider a fair fight with guns and stuff when they can just subvert somebody else into fighting their battles while seeming uninvolved.

    Gorn in Trek have... a rather inconsistent presentation.
  • direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I just realized something: I don't remember seeing any free romulan shuttles.

    Is the scorpion which is a paid ship the only romulan small craft avalable? Very disapointing if true. We have seen Romulan shuttles on DS9, so there's no excuse.

    Also: regarding science vessels, we have seen Romulan Scout ships on TNG. Add that in as well.

    I would think that we should get that Romulan Runabout-equivalent (the one with the BSG Centurion face), since that's what we escape the colony with to dock with our TOS BoP.

    *side note: in the cutscene, it seems like that Romulan Runabout needs seats at the control panels. Standing controls for a small craft would be awkward without having something to hold on to. I mean, ye olde sailing vessels had helms where you stand, but you could at least hang on to the wheel when the ship is rocking about. Can't really do that when the controls are a flat console.
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  • direphoenixdirephoenix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    momaw wrote: »
    Orions as sly, and tricky, but their tools are economic and political. Why would they even consider a fair fight with guns and stuff when they can just subvert somebody else into fighting their battles while seeming uninvolved.

    Gorn in Trek have... a rather inconsistent presentation.

    Right, I see Orions as using more control/confuse powers, abilities, and tactics, which is what Science does (as well as buff/debuff) and are tactics that Science ships can make better use of. (Also, pertinent to this thread, being tricky and using tricky Science tactics/abilities would be right up there for Romulans too)

    For Gorns, we've only really "seen" two representations. The TOS version, which is what I'm saying is the "push-until-it-moves" brute force Gorn, and the agile, wily, crafty Gorn in Enterprise.. and note, that Gorn was from the Mirror Universe.
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  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    We'll have more info up on this very soon.

    Yay. Although I do own the Scorpion Fighter now. XD

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  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i have a feeling no feed back that is not 1-29 is being looked at, at this point. so i will talk about what i actually have used, as if i dont know exactly how a ship will preform looking at just its stats.(i absolutely can)


    - the battle cloak is awesome, the +10 to turn rate is nice too. killing a big bad NPC with a surprise APA1 and decloak buffed energy damage attack at point blank range, and then 1 shoting them with a HY plasma to the hull was the most fun low level play so far for me.

    -on the edges of the saucer part, it looked like there was some green glows showing up at certain viewing angles that maybe is not supposed to be there.

    - theses ships having only 160 power instead of 200 is really painful, if you have 1 setting set to 100, and another to 50, you have 15 and 15 power left for the other 2 sub systems. shields dont even regen below 25. i haven't used the wide variate of singularity powers yet, but at low levels at least they are no substitute for raw power. the plasma shock wave doesn't do much vs the hitpoint sponge npcs.

    -its plainly obvious on the ent era bop DHC/DBB firing hardpoint is at the front tip of the nacelle, we can see the npcs fireing from there. OMG that looks terrible, that hardpoint should be on the hull of the ship, like on the tos version. engines are not gun barrels, please have jamjams or whoever place that in a more sensible spot. that alone wound make me not want to buy and use the tier 5 version, having the DHCs fireing from there.

    tier 2

    -used this for 2 missions so far, its a great ship. turns well, has a cool station setup with the LT tac, ENS eng and 2xENS sci. the c store version with the universal in there looks fine too. dont think i used that new heal passive ability yet, but it looks like it would be a nice skill. this was certainly more desirable then the other kdf choices i had.


    -these romulan ships should come with 45 power to each subsystem, not 40. OR as you increase your singularity build up, you should gain some of that base power you have lost back. like each level should get you +2.5, or +3, to your base pool. you would of course lose that power when you use any singularity ability, so the +12, from +3 per the 4 levels, when the singularity is at its peek giveing slightly more power then a warp core sounds cool to me.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jaturnley wrote: »
    Don't let the negative nellies get you down, and don't give in to people who what you to give up on

    Just curious, how is the BOFF layout of the Galaxy-R a "new style of play"?

    The Singularity stuff looks to me to be gimmicky at best, and hopefully not OP at worst.

    Using the T1 ability in my warbird was about as effective as not using it at all.

    Those abilities are certainly not enough for me to torture myself by flying a beam boat cruiser with a turn rate of 5.5, -40 overall less subsys power and 3 Ensign Eng stations in the new EPTx & EPTy shall not be cycled! paradigm.

    I know it's probably not true but there are times I do wonder if someone on the Dev team does, in fact, truly hate cruisers.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    -these romulan ships should come with 45 power to each subsystem, not 40. OR as you increase your singularity build up, you should gain some of that base power you have lost back. like each level should get you +2.5, or +3, to your base pool. you would of course lose that power when you use any singularity ability, so the +12, from +3 per the 4 levels, when the singularity is at its peek giveing slightly more power then a warp core sounds cool to me.
    From what Archon said, this is by design - Warbirds are supposed to be different than other ships, and it kinda makes sense that they have lower power output in exchange for stealthiness. Personally, I am giving the design decision the benefit of the doubt until they hav unlocked everything. While you are right that the low power makes things tricky, it certainly didn't keep me from killing everything that I went toe-to-toe with last night. If I need to tinker with my power settings more than with the other two races in exchange for battle cloak with a big stealth bonus and a punch when I come out, I think I can learn to do that.

    After all, how many of us run macros now because everything is so completely brain-dead-point-and-fire? I get the feeling that some of the recent decisions like this design and the EPTx changes are designed to make it harder to macro everything. I am not sure I disagree - making the game a little more brain-required is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just curious, how is the BOFF layout of the Galaxy-R a "new style of play"?

    The Singularity stuff looks to me to be gimmicky at best, and hopefully not OP at worst.

    Using the T1 ability in my warbird was about as effective as not using it at all.

    Those abilities are certainly not enough for me to torture myself by flying a beam boat cruiser with a turn rate of 5.5, -40 overall less subsys power and 3 Ensign Eng stations in the new EPTx & EPTy shall not be cycled! paradigm.

    I know it's probably not true but there are times I do wonder if someone on the Dev team does, in fact, truly hate cruisers.

    I will tell you what, I DO respect your knowledge and experience in this game - we've chatted in TTS before, and I know you know your stuff. When you have ACTUALLY FLOWN the D'D and made that conclusion, I will be right there listening. But until then, they need to stick to their guns and not make changes based on ships that you have flown that are NOT the D'D. Fair enough? Cut the devs some slack, they DO do this for a living.
  • wjeremy16wjeremy16 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    the trait for singularity specialist helps. I find that I end up at the level 5 singularity a lot quicker and a lot more ofthen then without it. with that trait the CD isn't to bad at all. and using a singularity core that gives me up to 7.5 bonus power to sheilds depending on the charge was very useful combined with the singularity specialist

    the -10 in the t'liss was no issue due to me putting full power into weapons as usual.
  • dieutoutpuissantdieutoutpuissant Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The singularity powers look great. The shockwave attack is extremely powerful, especially against targets with shields down. The CD is surprisingly short for such powers, but it's ok if you want everyone to become a romulan!
  • jaturnleyjaturnley Member Posts: 1,218 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The singularity powers look great. The shockwave attack is extremely powerful, especially against targets with shields down. The CD is surprisingly short for such powers, but it's ok if you want everyone to become a romulan!

    Get the singularity trait, it's even faster to both power up and cool down. Best part of about the plasma shockwave is that enemy fighters are literally no longer an issue - I forgot how annoying they are at low levels when your ACC is low and you can't hit them with your cannon. I got around them with my fed with the Point Defense console, but I won't even need it with a Romulan.
  • deathus0deathus0 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Found my singularity skill on my t'liss to be not worth the time, either it takes to long to get it up to strength where you can use it or it is just not that powerful. Having it power down in cutscenes and other dialogues is annoying.

    Have to wait and see how good the other tiers are.
  • archoncrypticarchoncryptic Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    jaturnley wrote: »
    BTW, ArchonCryptic - very nice work overall. Don't let the negative nellies get you down, and don't give in to people who what you to give up on actual game design because they are unable to develop new styles of play. That happens far too often in STO, and the result is everything feeling the same no matter what you play.

    I get the feeling that once people figure out how to use their cloaks and singularity powers to develop tactics to fight like Romulans rather than Feds and Klingons, things will work out just fine with the lower power levels.

    I appreciate that, and a lot of the other designers are paying attention to the feedback here, too. They're just not quite as talkative as I am. =)
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wjeremy16 wrote: »
    using a singularity core that gives me up to 7.5 bonus power to sheilds depending on the charge was very useful

    You're starting at -10, and that +7.5 only applies if you don't use your singularity powers at all....
  • captainbmoneycaptainbmoney Member Posts: 1,323 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I appreciate that, and a lot of the other designers are paying attention to the feedback here, too. They're just not quite as talkative as I am. =)

    Welcome to the Awesome Dev Club.

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