Right now you're getting $181.00 worth of Rom C-Store gear for $125.00 - 1/3 off. If you do not want the C-Store items in bulk then simply buy them from the C-Store individually after LoR goes live. You won't get a discount but the items will still be there for sale.
/sigh. This was not what I said at all. I said that the price for the Legacy pack is way overpriced. It's simply too high, and have allready driven players away from it rather than get them to buy it with the high price.
Had they instead used some sense and priced it lower, they would have more sales. Yes, they may not make quite as much on the surface of it with lower prices, but with lower prices, there will come more sales, so even with lower prices, they can actually make more $ than with the high price.
Marketing 101, wich for Cryptic is more like Marketing 404 :P
You get $181.00 worth of C-Store items for $125.00. That is 1/3 off. AKA, 33% discount. You don't need to buy the Packs. You can simply buy the individual items in the C-Store once LoR goes live. You won't get the 33% discount but you can buy just the items you want.
And you're not required to have any of the Packs or C-Store items to play the Expansion. You can use the free ships and gear.
That is true, perhaps my inability to afford so many of these packs these days just reminds me of how little free money I have these days.
I don't think I'm asking for much when I ask for more affordable versions of the packs with a little more bang for our buck. Take the 30 keys out or something but leave some of the more interesting rewards out. I think the only two things I really want are the Remans and the ship that comes with the starter pack. Other than that the rest of the stuff is so-so to me.
Zadesca - 23c Andorian Eng Officer Raychul - Remen Sci Officer Lumba - Ferengi Eng Officer Vadesca - Orion Eng Officer AKA: Yavin_Prime
I'm just saying that in TOR you are buying the Expansion - and they still have Cartel Store items on top of it. And you don't get a discount on the Cartel Store by being Gold or Silver. You can't really compare buying a $20.00 Expansion for $10.00 as being similar to getting C-Store items at the same rate.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Since Cryptic doesn't want to do it for you, I reverse engineered the approximate prices of everything in this pack.
Scorpion Fighter flyable shutle - 500 zen
T'Varo Light Warbird - Tier 1 ship - 500 zen
Dhael Warbird - Tier 2 ship - 750 zen
Valdore Heavy Warbird - Tier 3 ship - 1000 zen
D'ridthau Warbird - Tier 4 ship - 1500 zen
T'Varo Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 Ship - 2000 zen
Dhelan Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
Mogai Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
D'deridex Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2500 zen
Playable Reman species - 600 zen
Liberated borg reman boff - 400 zen
Doff minipack - 250 zen
30 master keys 1/account 3375 zen
Exclusive Items - 725 zen
Note that the doff minipack is probably undervalued, if it's all unique purples versus being like the normal 3 packs where they're garbage whites. If that's the case, then the exclusive items drop in value as the doff pack goes up.
There is such an swarm of messages I do apologize if this has been answered.
I already paid a considerable sum to play STO as a Life Time subscriber, and want to know if I want to access all the new Romulan content I will be forced to buy the new Legacy packs now?
This goes against what was was promised when one purchased the gold membership if this is the case! :mad:
Calm, friend, just breathe and think about it.
Everyone gets all the basic Romulan CONTENT for free.
As an LTS, you will get (yet unspecified, but likely pretty much identical) veteran rewards on your Romulan characters (two ships, a shuttle, an Android BOFF and sundry slots and costumes), just like on your Fed and KDF characters, plus your 500 Zen per month.
The legacy packs are in no way related to the LTS. It's a bunch of C-store items that are being sold as a discount bundle. Since your LTS does not give you a discount or anything free from the c-store now (beyond the 500 zen per month credit), this won't be discounted free either.
/sigh. This was not what I said at all. I said that the price for the Legacy pack is way overpriced. It's simply too high, and have allready driven players away from it rather than get them to buy it with the high price.
And my response to your statement is that you are getting fixed-price C-Store items for a 33% discount. That's reasonable. That's even a bigger sale then Cryptic's normal 20% off.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
That is true, perhaps my inability to afford so many of these packs these days just reminds me of how poor I'am.
I hear ya. I can't afford the big pack either. However! Since you're a lifer you can use a combo of stipend and dil to get the stuff from the packs individually once it's released. That's what I plan to do anyway.
If I purchase either the Starter or Legacy pack, will it instantly appear in my list of Activated Features on my account page?
Mine appeared as saying Star Trek Online - Preorder.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
As a fleet leader, I had this marvelous thought of preordering the legacy pack for one of my members in the fleet. Is there anyway you could preorder the package for someone else's account???
I'm just saying that in TOR you are buying the Expansion - and they still have Cartel Store items on top of it. And you don't get a discount on the Cartel Store by being Gold or Silver. You can't really compare buying a $20.00 Expansion for $10.00 as being similar to getting C-Store items at the same rate.
which is true. they are too very different versions of expansions and they have 2 very different 'stores'
cryptics store looks like it's trying to do business. where as tors store, I swear is just a joke shop. it's pretty pointless imo.
they are both f2p in name but their models are worlds apart.
As a fleet leader, I had this marvelous thought of preordering the legacy pack for one of my members in the fleet. Is there anyway you could preorder the package for someone else's account???
You could send him the money. Otherwise there is no code to be transferred or something like that...
And my response to your statement is that you are getting fixed-price C-Store items for a 33% discount. That's reasonable. That's even a bigger sale then Cryptic's normal 20% off.
How or why is it so hard to understand that ppl think 100+ bucks is too expensive?
We are not saying that 33& in the c-store is bad, but rather that comparing this to other expansion packs, this seems way overpriced, when normal exp packs run from $10-$30 and maybe in rare cases $50 for a big exp pack.
That is what ppl are complaining about, not that we get 33% of in the c-store...
How or why is it so hard to understand that ppl think 100+ bucks is too expensive?
We are not saying that 33& in the c-store is bad, but rather that comparing this to other expansion packs, this seems way overpriced, when normal exp packs run from $10-$30 and maybe in rare cases $50 for a big exp pack.
That is what ppl are complaining about, not that we get 33% of in the c-store...
they are both f2p in name but their models are worlds apart.
Yep, I think when they designed TOR's F2P conversion they made two lists, "What is working in F2P" and "What is not working in F2P" and then shredded the first list and used the second. If they could have left "don't have to pay a monthly fee" off the list as well, I think they would have. :P
After I bought mine they sent me an email that I had to follow the link to confirm the purchase to my account. I clicked it, they said all was good, and then I noticed a second Preorder listed under my Account - but that might have been there for some time. The Account list isn't long enough to include every pack I own. For example, my Steamrunner Pack isn't on the list, but it's always under my bundle.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
How or why is it so hard to understand that ppl think 100+ bucks is too expensive?
We are not saying that 33& in the c-store is bad, but rather that comparing this to other expansion packs, this seems way overpriced, when normal exp packs run from $10-$30 and maybe in rare cases $50 for a big exp pack.
That is what ppl are complaining about, not that we get 33% of in the c-store...
Since you can play Roms for free, and use all the free Rom ships, I'm not sure what your argument is. Are you mad that you can't afford all the C-Store optional things? Lots of people can't. There's nothing stopping you from buying them individually with Dilithium/Zen and eventually getting them all for free.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
How or why is it so hard to understand that ppl think 100+ bucks is too expensive?
We are not saying that 33& in the c-store is bad, but rather that comparing this to other expansion packs, this seems way overpriced, when normal exp packs run from $10-$30 and maybe in rare cases $50 for a big exp pack.
That is what ppl are complaining about, not that we get 33% of in the c-store...
You seem confused. The EXPANSION is free, for everyone. The $125 pack is just c-store items, period - other than being released as a promotion along with the expansion, it's completely unrelated to it.
Since you can play Roms for free, and use all the free Rom ships, I'm not sure what your argument is. Are you mad that you can't afford all the C-Store optional things? Lots of people can't. There's nothing stopping you from buying them individually with Dilithium/Zen and eventually getting them all for free.
Yeah people mistake this for the expansion itself.
The Expansion is free. This is a C-store ship pack with a race and a costume and a title thrown in.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Listen, I know the LOR exp pack is free, but it's not exactly unreasonable to compare it as if it were the price for an exp pack, now is it?
Point is, that yes the LOR exp pack is free, but with these two packs, being offrered before LOR is even live, you have to make the simple connection that we are, infact, paying for LOR with these packs, no?
But I'm through with this.
Now back to my dastardly schedlue of taking over the galaxy.
Listen, I know the LOR exp pack is free, but it's not exactly unreasonable to compare it as if it were the price for for an exp pack, now is it?
Point is, that yes the LOR exp pack is free, but with these two packs, being offrered before LOR is even live, you have to make the simple connection that we are, infact, paying for LOR with these packs, no?
But i'm through with this.
Now back to my dastardly schedlue of taking over the galaxy.
No? I don't see how you can connect paying for a C-store ship pack to paying for the entire expansion. It doesn't make any sense. These are just some bundles for a few ships and other stuff for people who want them at a discounted price. That's it.
The Legacy of Romulan pack individual item prices are as follows.
Reverse engineering exclusive title prices via Starter Pack:
T'Varo Light Warbird - T1 ship - 500 zen
T'Varo Warbird Retrofit - T5 ship - 2000 zen
Liberated Borg Reman Boff - 400 zen
Title: Surviver of Romulus approximately valued @: 200 zen.
As the Liberated Reman Borg Boff is account-wide rather then per-character it is actually worth more then 400 Zen. All the current C-Store Boffs are per-character purchases for 400 Zen.
The same goes for the Legacy Pack version.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
You seem confused. The EXPANSION is free, for everyone. The $125 pack is just c-store items, period - other than being released as a promotion along with the expansion, it's completely unrelated to it.
Oh for crying out loud.. No, know what, I will not even bother. But I am NOT confused my friend, that's just you making assumptions that are not yours to make.
Listen, I know the LOR exp pack is free, but it's not exactly unreasonable to compare it as if it were the price for an exp pack, now is it?
Point is, that yes the LOR exp pack is free, but with these two packs, being offrered before LOR is even live, you have to make the simple connection that we are, infact, paying for LOR with these packs, no?
But I'm through with this.
Now back to my dastardly schedlue of taking over the galaxy.
I'm glad you are through with this, because we are all just getting more and more confused about what your issue is. You seem to understand that this is purely optional, is not in and of itself an expansion, and that it's actually a good discount. I think at this point you are just arguing to be stubborn - more power to ya, but we will keep on disputing you just to keep the waters from being muddied.
/sigh. This was not what I said at all. I said that the price for the Legacy pack is way overpriced. It's simply too high, and have allready driven players away from it rather than get them to buy it with the high price.
Had they instead used some sense and priced it lower, they would have more sales. Yes, they may not make quite as much on the surface of it with lower prices, but with lower prices, there will come more sales, so even with lower prices, they can actually make more $ than with the high price.
Marketing 101, wich for Cryptic is more like Marketing 404 :P
That is true, perhaps my inability to afford so many of these packs these days just reminds me of how little free money I have these days.
I don't think I'm asking for much when I ask for more affordable versions of the packs with a little more bang for our buck. Take the 30 keys out or something but leave some of the more interesting rewards out. I think the only two things I really want are the Remans and the ship that comes with the starter pack. Other than that the rest of the stuff is so-so to me.
Raychul - Remen Sci Officer
Lumba - Ferengi Eng Officer
Vadesca - Orion Eng Officer
AKA: Yavin_Prime
Scorpion Fighter flyable shutle - 500 zen
T'Varo Light Warbird - Tier 1 ship - 500 zen
Dhael Warbird - Tier 2 ship - 750 zen
Valdore Heavy Warbird - Tier 3 ship - 1000 zen
D'ridthau Warbird - Tier 4 ship - 1500 zen
T'Varo Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 Ship - 2000 zen
Dhelan Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
Mogai Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
D'deridex Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2500 zen
Playable Reman species - 600 zen
Liberated borg reman boff - 400 zen
Doff minipack - 250 zen
30 master keys 1/account 3375 zen
Exclusive Items - 725 zen
Note that the doff minipack is probably undervalued, if it's all unique purples versus being like the normal 3 packs where they're garbage whites. If that's the case, then the exclusive items drop in value as the doff pack goes up.
Calm, friend, just breathe and think about it.
Everyone gets all the basic Romulan CONTENT for free.
As an LTS, you will get (yet unspecified, but likely pretty much identical) veteran rewards on your Romulan characters (two ships, a shuttle, an Android BOFF and sundry slots and costumes), just like on your Fed and KDF characters, plus your 500 Zen per month.
The legacy packs are in no way related to the LTS. It's a bunch of C-store items that are being sold as a discount bundle. Since your LTS does not give you a discount or anything free from the c-store now (beyond the 500 zen per month credit), this won't be discounted free either.
I hear ya. I can't afford the big pack either. However! Since you're a lifer you can use a combo of stipend and dil to get the stuff from the packs individually once it's released. That's what I plan to do anyway.
Mine Trap Supporter
which is true. they are too very different versions of expansions and they have 2 very different 'stores'
cryptics store looks like it's trying to do business. where as tors store, I swear is just a joke shop. it's pretty pointless imo.
they are both f2p in name but their models are worlds apart.
My activated list only shows as:
Nothing in there about the Romulan pack.
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
Are you sure ? I think my account always listed that since I preordered the game way back.....
You could send him the money. Otherwise there is no code to be transferred or something like that...
How or why is it so hard to understand that ppl think 100+ bucks is too expensive?
We are not saying that 33& in the c-store is bad, but rather that comparing this to other expansion packs, this seems way overpriced, when normal exp packs run from $10-$30 and maybe in rare cases $50 for a big exp pack.
That is what ppl are complaining about, not that we get 33% of in the c-store...
Since that pack is not the expansion.....
Yeah theres that idea. They really need to have options that allow to give packs/items to people.
You seem confused. The EXPANSION is free, for everyone. The $125 pack is just c-store items, period - other than being released as a promotion along with the expansion, it's completely unrelated to it.
Yeah people mistake this for the expansion itself.
The Expansion is free. This is a C-store ship pack with a race and a costume and a title thrown in.
Listen, I know the LOR exp pack is free, but it's not exactly unreasonable to compare it as if it were the price for an exp pack, now is it?
Point is, that yes the LOR exp pack is free, but with these two packs, being offrered before LOR is even live, you have to make the simple connection that we are, infact, paying for LOR with these packs, no?
But I'm through with this.
Now back to my dastardly schedlue of taking over the galaxy.
Reverse engineering exclusive title prices via Starter Pack:
T'Varo Light Warbird - T1 ship - 500 zen
T'Varo Warbird Retrofit - T5 ship - 2000 zen
Liberated Borg Reman Boff - 400 zen
Title: Surviver of Romulus approximately valued @: 200 zen.
Legacy Pack
Scorpion Fighter flyable shutle - 500 zen
T'Varo Light Warbird - Tier 1 ship - 500 zen
Dhael Warbird - Tier 2 ship - 750 zen
Valdore Heavy Warbird - Tier 3 ship - 1000 zen
D'ridthau Warbird - Tier 4 ship - 1500 zen
T'Varo Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 Ship - 2000 zen
Dhelan Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
Mogai Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2000 zen
D'deridex Warbird Retrofit - Tier 5 ship - 2500 zen
Playable Reman species - 600 zen
Liberated borg reman boff - 400 zen
Doff minipack - 250 zen
30 master keys 1/account 3375 zen (Math goof: They're valuing them at 3000 Zen, rather than the C store price of 3375)
Exclusive Items - 1100 zen
Reman "Nemesis" Uniform - 500 Zen
Survivor of Romulus Title - 200 zen
Survivor of Remus Title - 200 Zen
Rihannsu Title - 200 Zen
No? I don't see how you can connect paying for a C-store ship pack to paying for the entire expansion. It doesn't make any sense. These are just some bundles for a few ships and other stuff for people who want them at a discounted price. That's it.
Mine Trap Supporter
The same goes for the Legacy Pack version.
it's badly labelled just look at the header being called the legacy pack and being told to act now.
should say legacy ship pack with extras
Oh for crying out loud.. No, know what, I will not even bother. But I am NOT confused my friend, that's just you making assumptions that are not yours to make.
I'm glad you are through with this, because we are all just getting more and more confused about what your issue is. You seem to understand that this is purely optional, is not in and of itself an expansion, and that it's actually a good discount. I think at this point you are just arguing to be stubborn - more power to ya, but we will keep on disputing you just to keep the waters from being muddied.