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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I absolutely agree a small fleet should be a 'project' but I also agree that it shouldn't be impossible. As stated even a proper sliding scale will cause small fleet still take a decent amount of time but still be plausible in this game's lifetime.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    And this cuts to the heart of the matter.

    Here's a suggestion: Folks want to earn fleetmarks for UGC yes? So find a way to tack them on to the rewards for running Spotlight missions.

    That way there is some oversight and review for missions. The ones that pass muster (Review by Das Overflake or whoever ;) ) issue fleet-marks and other "bonuses" as seen fit by whatever power reviews missions.

    And THIS is the 800 Lb. gorilla in the room; The concept of "Playing as Intended"; we are only to do certain things within their planned framework that is SO restrictive, we are only allowed to use 4 sets for endgame and most new content has both a hard cap from rep marks AND a time cap limit.

    Where's the fun in being corralled like cattle just to live up to an internal metric?
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    STO is by design a themepark game.

    I remember as a child going to Knott's Berry Farm. Myself, my brother, and a family friend went on the 'Log Ride' roughly 18 times in a row. It started out as awesome. There was hardly a line! After about the fifth or sixth time it became tedious, less about the experience and more about seeing how many times we could do it.

    Currently this is how I feel about this game. It has become less about the actual experience and more about how many times we can do it before we get sick of it. If we continue 'riding the same ride' we get bored. We start to find new venues to relieve said boredom. Some it was 'farming' the IOR. Now some are finding new games.

    I myself realized I have a month prepaid to play another game. It may not be the most fun game but the experience is different and much more enjoyable than the one I am currently getting from STO.

    I hope that Stahl or whomever has the power to change things realizes what they are doing to this wonderful IP. Please people keep posting your disdain for the current state and direction this game is taking.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • merrick1992merrick1992 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just wanted to add another voice to the group. We the players stand firm. I have not logged into the game since Thursday and will not until this fiasco is addressed. Keep up the fight, my friends. You know what they say about the squeaky wheel.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I do not like the idea that you guys want us to pay you to play a game that feels more like a second job. Dan, you said "We want players to do this" and "We want players to do that."

    We do not work for you. You provide a product we enjoy and we will be happy to pay you for it. But you need to stop producing this in a way that makes players play how you want them to play. For one thing, the community becomes fractured, and another thing, people get bored. Both of these lead to people leaving and therefore not spending money.

    I have written many posts about "Playing as Intended" and you speak to the heart of the matter, because the Fleet mark debacle is merely a symptom of that. People need to recognize it like you do, and I think that this is part of what is peeing people off, really.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    I absolutely agree a small fleet should be a 'project' but I also agree that it shouldn't be impossible. As stated even a proper sliding scale will cause small fleet still take a decent amount of time but still be plausible in this game's lifetime.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!

    The problem with the sliding scale or any scaling down of projects based on Fleet size is exactly as has already been mentioned. Larger Fleets will just reduce their membership in order to complete projects faster and cheaper, and then invite members back after completing said projects.

    And wasn't it said that project resource amounts were based on having 25 members in the Fleet? If so, then obviously a 500 member Fleet is going to have an easier time than a 5 member Fleet. But the whole reason why there are 500 member Fleets anyway is so they can complete those projects that much faster. If there were a sliding scale based on Fleet size, there would never be Fleets larger than 25 members.

    I feel sorry for the low level Fleet members that are going to get booted from their Fleets once Fleet Starbases and all its assests start hitting Tier 5.
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  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You missed the whole point of my post.

    I am creating an ideal situation for people to remain in the fleets they are in, due to familial/language/country/friends/RP/etc reasons, and still be able to get rewards without having DStahl's option A used, or the current option B (severe toll on fleet members to progress).

    This situation would allow people to reap the benefits of a large fleet without having the drawbacks of not enough members, while still retaining their existing small fleet.

    Note that it is not merging fleets. Merging involves mixing the fleet rosters together and taking the best starbase. That is not what I propose.

    Since most small fleets would not be content with simply having members and no donations to fleet projects, I inserted the ability to donate only. This way, it reduces the amount of provisions used up by fleet members, allowing fleet projects for the smaller fleet to progress without having to re-provision.

    Sure, it doesn't really benefit the player. But fleets are NOT about the player. Fleets are about being a part of something bigger, and supporting them.

    And yeah, it's not the best idea I've come up with. You are more than welcome to improve upon the three-fleet concept and build on it. :)


    I still don't understand how your ideal way is suppose to help smaller fleets to achieve their starabse?
    In what you are saying, it would just allow player beeing in MegaFleet X and Tiny Fleet Y to contribute and get stuff from Mega Fleet x + to contribute to Tiny Fleet Y without getting anything from it.
    so it means contributes X2 = grind x2

    How is this suppose to scale the small fleet starbase progression at all ?

    And yes you miss the point of this thread : its not about small fleet able to buy things it is about small fleet and their starbase progression !
    And overall it is about people in small fleet having to GRIND and let the FUN off the way all along
    this is the point of this thread

    My fleet is only doing the 1000xp projects (meaning no provisioning ones > virtually what you are proposing) and we struggle to get it progressing

    Now what you are suggesting already exist : :D

    1 .me from my Tiny Fleet Y, just have to temporary quit my fleet,
    2.go buy my way into Mega Fleet X so i can buy there whatever i want since i have a lot of lifetime fleet credits to be spent;
    3. Come back to my Tiny friendly fleet Y

    It is very easy to find now a T4 fleet and soon a T5 willing to let you buy ships/provisions from their store in eschange of few millions EC.
    A Disenchanted player
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Larger Fleets will just reduce their membership in order to complete projects faster and cheaper, and then invite members back after completing said projects.

    The best proposed solution to this is when you create a fleet you choose (or since you already have a fleet once this 'regulation' is implemented you choose), your fleet size limitations. You choose to be a max size of 50 and even if you have 15 people you will always be paying for that size. You will also never be able to exceed nor change that limitation.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have written many posts about "Playing as Intended" and you speak to the heart of the matter, because the Fleet mark debacle is merely a symptom of that. People need to recognize it like you do, and I think that this is part of what is peeing people off, really.

    Couldn't agree more with you, I made a post about that myself too. However, I'm sick of being handled and forced to play as intended. Untill this game becomes fun again instead of a massive grindfest I am taking a break. I logged in to change the title of my KDF alt, and that's all I did since thursday and all I plan to do untill something changes around here. If they don't want to listen to us but go by metrics, I'll make sure that I won't be giving them the idea that I'm enjoying the game as it is.
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    My fleet has around 116 members, we have been around for a VERY long time, the fleet started around the time the option to create fleets were made available, after everything that happened we are now down to about 5 active members, and thats ranging from once a day for a couple hours or once a month, my embassy is still tier 0 and starbase is halfway to tier 3 what we lack the most is fleet marks and Dill if it wasn't for that we would have been top tier long ago. Now I'm not one to quit and abandon my fleet for somebody else that might have better stuff, I try VERY hard to do my part. I am one of the top ranking officers and i control holdings, the way I see it is if members are active and that I see that they have jumped in the donations list, thats a good way to show me they want a promotion.

    How can 5 "active" members possibly meet the expectations of finishing projects? Right now the devs made my VERY hard situation a million times worse, I want the best for my fleet and I have tried my very best to give it to them....Why are they punishing us?
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Have the ability for a player to be able to join a maximum of three fleets; however, only one fleet can be set to "primary" fleet.

    This thread is far too long for me to keep track of, but I really like this idea.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    The best proposed solution to this is when you create a fleet you choose (or since you already have a fleet once this 'regulation' is implemented you choose), your fleet size limitations. You choose to be a max size of 50 and even if you have 15 people you will always be paying for that size. You will also never be able to exceed nor change that limitation.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!

    Then how do you retroactively institute this on existing Fleets? I tell you, a sliding scale will have Fleet leaders lowballing their membership for the reduced costs in projects. Then what happens to the "excess" members? They get booted, and all the work they put into the Fleet is lost to them except their Fleet Credits. They're left with attempting to join another Fleet of comparable level to the one they were just kicked out of, and I say attempt because recruiting will cease, no Fleet will want more members than the maximum allowed for the minimum expenditure; or start a new Fleet and have to start all over from scratch.
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  • brucebleobrucebleo Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Too many people to quote, but I agree with the sentiment of NOT merging smaller Fleets.

    The smaller Fleets are small because they choose to be. I am one of those 1-man Fleets that Mr. Stahl has mentioned. I'm a 1-man Fleet because I choose to be, and I acknowledge the fact that it will be harder for me to level up my Starbase than if I recruited 500 members. But that's ok. I knew that going in. And I'm not asking for any reduction in costs for Fleet projects. MY Starbase is my long term "project" in STO. And I don't want to lose what I've personally built and invested in through some merger.

    I agree 98% with this!!

    What I don't agree with is that it's not OK......I did NOT know this when my fleet was created waay back in head start before the game launched. This whole Large Fleet favouritism stinks.....I and my fleet mate have been perfectly happy to not join other larger fleets for the WHOLE time leading up to this.........but now we have ACTUALLY discussed leaving our beloved head start fleet.......NO Why the hell should we? FIX THIS.....if you can't create an option for smaller fleets to have the same access to shiney sparkly pixels that the large fleets do.....then quite simply get out of making games.

    You COULD introduce fleet ship limitations......like perhaps a daily allowance of fleet ships and mods BASED on the membership numbers of fleets.....per account if you want to be really scroogey.

    But no......still as Blebbington said it's odd that the fm nerf happens just after certain 'spesh' fleets hit t5 eh?
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Then how do you retroactively institute this on existing Fleets? I tell you, a sliding scale will have Fleet leaders lowballing their membership for the reduced costs in projects. Then what happens to the "excess" members? They get booted, and all the work they put into the Fleet is lost to them except their Fleet Credits. They're left with attempting to join another Fleet of comparable level to the one they were just kicked out of, and I say attempt because recruiting will cease, no Fleet will want more members than the maximum allowed for the minimum expenditure; or start a new Fleet and have to start all over from scratch.

    There has to be a minimum that a fleet can select to prevent said 'exploit' from happening. If you have a fleet of 167 you would not be able to select a maximum fleet size lower than your current fleet size.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well the scaling seems not to be a good solution for now cause no matter wich way you look at it, there will be a mean to exploit.
    Either with large fleet kicking members, or small fleet not wanting to have more members in so the amount of requirements stay at low.

    Now there a simple solution that have been put on the table : reward ALL events with a possibility to either choose the bound reward or the fleet mark. And make so it reward an acceptable amount of it and not some ridiculous bits.
    A Disenchanted player
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    brucebleo wrote: »
    I agree 98% with this!!

    What I don't agree with is that it's not OK......I did NOT know this when my fleet was created waay back in head start before the game launched. This whole Large Fleet favouritism stinks.....I and my fleet mate have been perfectly happy to not join other larger fleets for the WHOLE time leading up to this.........but now we have ACTUALLY discussed leaving our beloved head start fleet.......NO Why the hell should we? FIX THIS.....if you can't create an option for smaller fleets to have the same access to shiney sparkly pixels that the large fleets do.....then quite simply get out of making games.

    You COULD introduce fleet ship limitations......like perhaps a daily allowance of fleet ships and mods BASED on the membership numbers of fleets.....per account if you want to be really scroogey.

    But no......still as Blebbington said it's odd that the fm nerf happens just after certain 'spesh' fleets hit t5 eh?

    Dude! You will have access to the same "shineys", it's just going to take you longer to get there. There is no favoritism towards large Fleets, it's just simple math. More people filling the bucket means the bucket gets filled faster.

    I tell you, once these Starbases start hitting Tier 5, a lot of people are gonna find themselves without a bucket, because those Fleets won't need 500 members anymore.

    And why is everyone so hot to burn through everything so fast? Every time anything new comes out, people burn through it as fast as they can. Burn through Starbase Advancement. Burn through Reputation Tracks. Once you've done all that, what are you left with? Grinding the same content, except now you have no purpose to it. Why rush through it all?
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  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hussere wrote: »
    Well the scaling seems not to be a good solution for now cause no matter wich way you look at it, there will be a mean to exploit.
    Either with large fleet kicking members, or small fleet not wanting to have more members in so the amount of requirements stay at low.

    Now there a simple solution that have been put on the table : reward ALL events with a possibility to either choose the bound reward or the fleet mark. And make so it reward an acceptable amount of it and not some ridiculous bits.

    60 fleet marks seems acceptable in that case, with the bonus that you can buy with your fleet credits you get 70 fleet marks for that limited time till you re-up your bonus.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    There has to be a minimum that a fleet can select to prevent said 'exploit' from happening. If you have a fleet of 167 you would not be able to select a maximum fleet size lower than your current fleet size.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep up The Good Fight!

    And you don't think there won't be screaming and protesting and gnashing of teeth over how "unfair" that would be that they can't become a smaller Fleet simply because they want to. And those Fleets that have 100+ members yet only have a dozen active members, they should be penalized with having to always pay higher costs because they can't drop their maximum membership to what is actually active? Best just to leave it alone.
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  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Dude! You will have access to the same "shineys", it's just going to take you longer to get there. There is no favoritism towards large Fleets, it's just simple math. More people filling the bucket means the bucket gets filled faster.

    I tell you, once these Starbases start hitting Tier 5, a lot of people are gonna find themselves without a bucket, because those Fleets won't need 500 members anymore.

    And why is everyone so hot to burn through everything so fast? Every time anything new comes out, people burn through it as fast as they can. Burn through Starbase Advancement. Burn through Reputation Tracks. Once you've done all that, what are you left with? Grinding the same content, except now you have no purpose to it. Why rush through it all?

    Cause people want it now! :rolleyes:

    I'm okay with things taking a long time, it's just when it takes a long time, and it's not fun. :( Playing the foundry was fun. The "Fleet" activities never have been. :(
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yes and you should have killed that officer - there should be no communication while cloaked - just like running silent in a sub hiding below a destroyer.

    Sound cannot travel in a vacuum. The submarine comparison does not hold. Yet the Devs continue to mistakenly believe otherwise.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    hussere wrote: »
    Well the scaling seems not to be a good solution for now cause no matter wich way you look at it, there will be a mean to exploit.
    Either with large fleet kicking members, or small fleet not wanting to have more members in so the amount of requirements stay at low.

    Now there a simple solution that have been put on the table : reward ALL events with a possibility to either choose the bound reward or the fleet mark. And make so it reward an acceptable amount of it and not some ridiculous bits.

    I made a similar proposal on page 152 of this thread about rewards and again in its own thread titled Reward Revamp: A Proposal to Cryptic Studios. (Sorry, I'm on my phone and can't manage a link at the moment.) Admittedly it's a bit of a read, but it deals with more than just Fleet Marks.
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  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Surely with this sort of momentum behind this thread (and the others before it) an urgent response from the higher ups is warranted?

    We are the customers after all.


    200th post yay.

    We generate the revenue. Don't make us mad.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    Cause people want it now! :rolleyes:

    I'm okay with things taking a long time, it's just when it takes a long time, and it's not fun. :( Playing the foundry was fun. The "Fleet" activities never have been. :(

    Demand of instant gratification is part of what's wrong here.:rolleyes: LOL

    I agree that the fun needs to be put back into the game.
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  • brucebleobrucebleo Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Dude! You will have access to the same "shineys", it's just going to take you longer to get there. There is no favoritism towards large Fleets, it's just simple math. More people filling the bucket means the bucket gets filled faster.

    I tell you, once these Starbases start hitting Tier 5, a lot of people are gonna find themselves without a bucket, because those Fleets won't need 500 members anymore.

    And why is everyone so hot to burn through everything so fast? Every time anything new comes out, people burn through it as fast as they can. Burn through Starbase Advancement. Burn through Reputation Tracks. Once you've done all that, what are you left with? Grinding the same content, except now you have no purpose to it. Why rush through it all?

    Who said anything about rushing through it?

    Been here 3 years......rushing is not a concern.....what is a concern is that for my fleet is not simply taking a fair while to upgrade.....it is stagnant. Let's not mention my KDF Fleet..... lol @ getting enough people to to queue up for KDF Fleet Actions......

    Again....rushing is not a problem.....to try and make out that is the problem here is just shortsighted. As an ex EVE player I KNOW what waiting for the cool stuff is all about....if you don't get that...start a new char in EVE and create a skill plan to fly a carrier let alone the skills to kit it out with mods.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,757 Community Moderator
    edited February 2013
    brucebleo wrote: »
    Who said anything about rushing through it?

    Been here 3 years......rushing is not a concern.....what is a concern is that for my fleet is not simply taking a fair while to upgrade.....it is stagnant. Let's not mention my KDF Fleet..... lol @ getting enough people to to queue up for KDF Fleet Actions......

    Again....rushing is not a problem.....to try and make out that is the problem here is just shortsighted. As an ex EVE player I KNOW what waiting for the cool stuff is all about....if you don't get that...start a new char in EVE and create a skill plan to fly a carrier let alone the skills to kit it out with mods.

    Well, the guy I was responding to for one seemed to be in a bit of a rush. If rushing is not a concern for you, then good on ya, mate. But there are those in this game that burn through new content as fast as they can, and then complain about not having anything to do. I never once suggested though, that rushing was the big problem with STO.
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  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dstahl clearly says in his post that change's will be made on there date.so if asking doesnt help,we need to chance the data.

    - play no more fm missions.
    - dont donate to youre fleet for a while.
    - dont run the foundry.

    and after 3 weeks,there data must be changed into something they dont like,so they can give us oure stuff back.

    if pw doesnt want to listen,then they have to feel it,in there wallet and there playersbase
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brucebleo wrote: »
    Who said anything about rushing through it?

    Been here 3 years......rushing is not a concern.....what is a concern is that for my fleet is not simply taking a fair while to upgrade.....it is stagnant. Let's not mention my KDF Fleet..... lol @ getting enough people to to queue up for KDF Fleet Actions......

    Again....rushing is not a problem.....to try and make out that is the problem here is just shortsighted. As an ex EVE player I KNOW what waiting for the cool stuff is all about....if you don't get that...start a new char in EVE and create a skill plan to fly a carrier let alone the skills to kit it out with mods.

    I miss my Nyx....I know exactly what you mean there, made me smirk a little :)

    But yes, patience smatience....we're talking about a much different issue here.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • whitemaggot1whitemaggot1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Add more fleet events mission to the PvE queues so we get more variety, playing the same missions over and over is boring. I have only being playing for about 4 months and im sick of the repetitiveness, I feel sorry for the people that have been playing for 3 years.
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    dstahl clearly says in his post that change's will be made on there date.so if asking doesnt help,we need to chance the data.

    - play no more fm missions.
    - dont donate to youre fleet for a while.
    - dont run the foundry.

    and after 3 weeks,there data must be changed into something they dont like,so they can give us oure stuff back.

    if pw doesnt want to listen,then they have to feel it,in there wallet and there playersbase

    The only mission i still play are the fleet dailys.
  • zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just to say it in simple language...

    We are the Customers that provide the income/earnings to PWE/Cryptic for STO.

    We, the Customers, are not cattle to be herded into a farming/grinding game system just because you decide that is the way it has to be.

    You have it backwards!

    A company exists to make profit and it makes profit by providing something it's Customers want to buy!

    Your Customers are complaining very loudly that they don't want your current product "vision" and the path it is headed toward!

    It's time someone in your company listened to what your Customers want!

    Star Trek gamers are not Farmers!

    PWE/Cryptic Stop the FARM, Bring back the FUN!

This discussion has been closed.