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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am a Fleet Leader in a 500 member fleet , We use teamspeak and group every day and run your content.

    We pick what is fun to run and enjoy we can pick anything.

    We pick 99% of the time STFs , Why ? because its the most fun content in the game to us

    The only reason we pick any Romulan missions is because ,,,,Were blackmailed into it by your design in rewarding romulan marks , Not because we find any of them fun

    The same goes in spades for Fleet mark missions .......There NOT fun

    Why not let us convert Omega marks and Borg processors into ( Romulan marks ) and ( fleet marks )

    Why not let klingons group with us to Run Content ? We have a klingon sister fleet and those guys have a hard time doing content because the ques are empty a lot of the time while we run full 5 man teams

    Final word......If you ad the same rewards to Fleet actions that you have in stfs we would still rather play the sTFs The fleet and romulan content is just that poor

    Am I travel in time? Or u posted this already early today or yesterday.
  • zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    it has been 2 days since the latest patch and the forum its full of people complaining I'm not here to discuss what or why because I have already posted everything I wanted to say in the proper sections... I 'm here as a customer (paying) to ask:
    Where are the devs? why no one answer the playerbase? could we at least have an ETA on restoring the things you broke with this patch (tdd, boffs powers... and the list goes on..)
    Please devs say something, I'm not asking you to change your mind but at least acknoledge what its happening here! give us a sign you still care!
    I've lost more members of my fleet (small kdf fleet) because of the new changes (and many were subscribers) but hey thats not what I'm here for... (and its my problem alone), I'm here to ask to developer to acknoledge us.. PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!!

    BTW Support link does not work!
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    it has been 2 days since the latest patch and the forum its full of people complaining I'm not here to discuss what or why because I have already posted everything I wanted to say in the proper sections... I 'm here as a customer (paying) to ask:
    Where are the devs? why no one answer the playerbase? could we at least have an ETA on restoring the things you broke with this patch (tdd, boffs powers... and the list goes on..)
    Please devs say something, I'm not asking you to change your mind but at least acknoledge what its happening here! give us a sign you still care!
    I've lost more members of my fleet (small kdf fleet) because of the new changes (and many were subscribers) but hey thats not what I'm here for... (and its my problem alone), I'm here to ask to developer to acknoledge us.. PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!!

    BTW Support link does not work!

    email customer support directly customersupport@perfectworld.com

    visit the tech support forums at http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/

    most who post their tech issues here never actualy notifiy tech support, our forms are for peer to peer support not legit support.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Again, the trick is to just maintain the minimum number of members for the maximum gain. If they try to tweak it like you suggest; then a Fleet would be penalized for each member that left (and Guild movement is common and constant in any MMO.) And if they counted a person who left as a member, you'd have the same issue many are complaining about now - a small Fleet with high Project costs.

    Don't go recruiting willy nilly. :P
  • captwcaptw Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    a little tid bite for Cryptic, Ignoring this won't make it go away. Hopefully someone in Cryptic reads all of this and goes hey we need to change and it needs to happen now. When I first started playing this game back in Open Beta I had high hopes for this game to be something great, unfortunately over the last three years I and many players have been greatly disappointed. We've seen the KDF be shortchanged, heck now you start out at Commander ranks season one players started out at a Rank only known as warrior (ensign for FED), the weekly episodes haven't been done in a long while and now have become stale content, PvP remains broken, the CStore isn't used like it use to be, now if you want something you have to get master keys and have a slim chance at getting what you want from it. End game content or lacking there of all you added was ONE new STF and that quickly became boring, the Star Base/ Embassies have pretty much killed any small time fleets, and I'm pretty sure that one day in the near future you may be getting a letter from PWE that goes something like this, "we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, good luck finding a new job we just can't have you here anymore".

    I would hate to see this game go with out even reaching it's full potential, but as of right now this game is spinning down the drain and fast. You guys need to do something now not later, I would say with in the next month at minimal, to release a whole slew of new content in the game, get the KDF ball really rolling, know this will get some hate but hold of on the Romulan faction till then. Not all end game content needs to be with the Fleets and STFs new content is desperately needed there. Please take what most of us here have said to hear, I would really hate to see another Trek go away.
    "I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
  • tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Q: "I feel so ignored..."
    That says everything about customer input into this game.
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
  • zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    email customer support directly customersupport@perfectworld.com

    visit the tech support forums at http://techsupport.perfectworld.com/

    most who post their tech issues here never actualy notifiy tech support, our forms are for peer to peer support not legit support.

    I'm NOT asking for support here i'm asking for acknoledgment, I'd like to know what devs thinks about whats happening here! english its not my language so I appologiza if I made myself unclear!!!!
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm NOT asking for support here i'm asking for acknoledgment, I'd like to know what devs thinks about whats happening here! english its not my language so I appologiza if I made myself unclear!!!!

    Devs rarely post on issues unless they actualy have a solution ready. And if you have not reported the issue the no one will be trying to fix it.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • esquire1980esquire1980 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Welcome to the "NGE" style of development classes, Dstahl.

    Cryptic started this with the "NGE" that was the F2P changes and it seems once you start this method, there is about no way to stop it. "Take-away" development causes less subs/players, and yes, even less money thrown at a "pixel store".

    Dstahl, there was a time when I thought you were going to turn this game around and content wise, you've done a great job. However, with all the NERFs, take-aways, changes to fit your store and your vision (not to be confused with the vision of your playerbase), I now put you right up there with Rubenfield and Blixtev.

    This will not end until you end it, your the Producer and like the "NGE" devs, it would seem your trying to destroy the population of your own game.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I seriously starting to believe that the Cryptic team does not know what to do with STO. They have no clue whatsoever in regards to what their playerbase want in Star Trek Online.

    They base their pretense notions on data and spread sheets and completely ignore the human element from the equation. The forums may represent 10% of the STO community, but if 98.9% of that 10% disagree with what you folks at Cryptic are doing, what makes you think that the other 90% of the population is not agreeing with the 10% that resides on your forums.

    Go to ESD, go to sector space without a Dev tag and begin to talk to several folks and you'll see what we're talking about.

    I honestly believe you folks at Cryptic Studios haven't a clue what the playerbase want, and "IF" you do, then your arrogance reeks to the high heavens.

    There was even an interview regarding Neverwinters NIghts, where an individual was quoted as saying they are not going to repeat the mistakes that were done in STO.

    Star Trek Online is starting to feel like a great social experiment for the next PWE games in line.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Devs rarely post on issues unless they actualy have a solution ready. And if you have not reported the issue the no one will be trying to fix it.

    I am a little confused. The issue has been expounded on, in great detail by multiple posters, over 98 pages of a single thread.

    Are you seriously suggesting that they are not aware of the issue.....

    And the person you replied to was merely asking that someone, anyone, from Cryptic come to this thread and at least acknowledge the feelings of a huge number of players.

    The silence is deafening......and, quite frankly, rude.
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    I am a little confused. The issue has been expounded on, in great detail by multiple posters, over 98 pages of a single thread.

    Are you seriously suggesting that they are not aware of the issue.....

    And the person you replied to was merely asking that someone, anyone, from Cryptic come to this thread and at least acknowledge the feelings of a huge number of players.

    The silence is deafening......and, quite frankly, rude.

    TO be fair have you seen what happens when a dev tries to talk to the community?

    I'd avoid it at all costs personaly.

    And to get a fix on the schedule there has to be tickets posted for the issue, with enough detailed information to recreate it.

    Often times no one says anything if the fix is is the pipe, it just shows up.

    What i was telling this poster was that is there is an issue they need to submit a support ticket for it, and since they said the links don't work, I supplied ones that do.

    I actualy have no idea what the issue is since what i responded to was in a different thread, at least I think it was, what year is this?
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll never run another Foundry mission again. :) Good job Cryptic.
  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You are already income back when you changed the FS recompences.For the fleet mark you need to do the same thing because the foundry mission are already deserted.:confused:
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wirtdd wrote: »
    Am I travel in time? Or u posted this already early today or yesterday.

    You found the Borg among us!
    jellico1 wrote: »
    I am a fleet commander in a 500 member fleet , We use teamspeak and group every day and run your content.

    We pick what is fun to run and enjoy we can pick anything.

    We pick 99% of the time STFs , Why ? because its the most fun content in the game to us

    The only reason we pick any Romulan missions is because ,,,,Were blackmailed into it by your design in rewarding romulan marks , Not because we find any of them fun

    The same goes in spades for Fleet mark missions .......There NOT fun

    Why not let us convert Omega marks and Borg processors into ( Romulan marks ) and ( fleet marks )

    Why not let klingons group with us to Run Content ? We have a klingon sister fleet and those guys have a hard time doing content because the ques are empty a lot of the time while we run full 5 man teams

    We have 2 work arounds to get them in our games I will not disclose because you may try and Nerf it but it would be easier to allow grouping for PvE content

    Final word......If you adc the same reward to Fleet actions that you have in stfs we would still rather play the sTFs The fleet and romulan content is just that poor
    I am a Fleet Leader in a 500 member fleet , We use teamspeak and group every day and run your content.

    We pick what is fun to run and enjoy we can pick anything.

    We pick 99% of the time STFs , Why ? because its the most fun content in the game to us

    The only reason we pick any Romulan missions is because ,,,,Were blackmailed into it by your design in rewarding romulan marks , Not because we find any of them fun

    The same goes in spades for Fleet mark missions .......There NOT fun

    Why not let us convert Omega marks and Borg processors into ( Romulan marks ) and ( fleet marks )

    Why not let klingons group with us to Run Content ? We have a klingon sister fleet and those guys have a hard time doing content because the ques are empty a lot of the time while we run full 5 man teams

    Final word......If you ad the same rewards to Fleet actions that you have in stfs we would still rather play the sTFs The fleet and romulan content is just that poor
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    This may be the 800th post in this thread alone. all in less than 24 hours, 99% strongly opposed.

    I really think we need an answer from cryptic soon. This silence is not helpful at all.

    Give 'em time !
    Right now they are scrambling to figure out how to give us back our FM in a way that it will appear that they are giving us more but in reality we will get less .

    Hmmm ... , last time in the STF gate they gave us back more Dil , but it came with a Rep system that sucked out the Borg Neural Things from that equation .

    Let's see if we get some super new "option" that sucks out a ton of FM along with a "we're giving you back more FM's ... -- aren't we just awsome for "listening" " line ?
    Anyone who says "yes , but ..." to that "deal" will prolly get a free starship to light his way back to the Dilithium pits of Reemus ... .

    "Work slaves ... the greater glory of the Decepticon Empire !!!"
  • enterise83enterise83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    if you wanted poeple to stop play the game, you could of just turned the servers off it would of been easier! .............................................................................
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Give 'em time !
    Right now they are scrambling to figure out how to give us back our FM in a way that it will appear that they are giving us more but in reality we will get less .

    Hmmm ... , last time in the STF gate they gave us back more Dil , but it came with a Rep system that sucked out the Borg Neural Things from that equation .

    Let's see if we get some super new "option" that sucks out a ton of FM along with a "we're giving you back more FM's ... -- aren't we just awsome for "listening" " line ?
    Anyone who says "yes , but ..." to that "deal" will prolly get a free starship to light his way back to the Dilithium pits of Reemus ... .

    "Work slaves ... the greater glory of the Decepticon Empire !!!"

    Right now most of Cryptic team is on week-end miles away from something they are not seeing as a major issue with playerbase :)
    Oh and a simple solution would be to simply set it back to foundry...

    Even if they raise the marks rewarded on standard events, I here have been bored , tired and disgusted from playing them over and over .

    I'm done with that.
    A Disenchanted player
  • zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am a "Small" Fleet leader, we have less than 20 members and I am proud to be in it!

    It was not created to do "farming" (aka grinding) at a Starbase and it was not created to do "farming" (aka grinding) at an Embassy. It was created long before you even thought of turning STO into the grinding mess it is today. My Fleet and most others were created back when a group of friends wanted to do things together and have fun!

    Does anyone at Cryptic remember when that was?

    Well it was back in a time when STO meant playing an online game with people that enjoyed doing missions and events for the content they were playing and the rewards provided by that content.

    Does anyone from Cryptic remember what that was like?

    It was a time of looking forward to a new season and playing the new missions to see what new ships, weapons, consoles, outfits, etc. The devs had dreamed up for us. A time when we could not wait to play these and have fun!

    Does anyone from Cryptic remember what this feeling was like?

    Fleets were formed, back in the time of fun, for one reason and one reason only....

    So we could enjoy the fun in STO with our friends and feel like we were part of something fun...

    Does anyone from Cryptic remember what this feeling was like?

    You see the message is very simple. If you use your talents to develop fun and enjoyable content, more people want to play it and enjoy it. That means they spend more of their time and money doing it. And they get more of their friends to do the same.

    Does anyone from Cryptic remember what that was like?

    Now jump to the present Cryptic and ask yourself if grinding in your "farming" game the entire time you have each day to play reminds you of any of the above feelings!

    If you answer that question with yes, then we are all seeing the end of a really good idea in online gaming.

    On the other hand, if you answered no, then there is still hope!

    PWE/Cryptic Stop the grind, bring back the fun!


    P.S. We too have our own Teamspeak server (I actually own and run it) and we have our own Fleet chat channel like so many other Fleets do in STO. You don't have to be in a Mega-Pyramid Fleet to get those!
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A genius wouldn't need so many words, it's simple.

    Find out what people find fun, create something that is fun, make money.

    Except we are at the : "find a way to keep ppl playing for as long as possible so in that time we can tempt them with shiny's " stage .
    Was one lump of Starbase , one lump of Embassy and several lumps of Reputation enough for ya ?
    Apparently not , since you keep asking for more Reputation's .

    If this were the movies , I'd take a quote from "Meet the Spartans" :

    Leonidas / Cryptic : "Let us walk over to that giant pit of death. "

    Persian Ambassador / The Players : "Ummm ... ok !"

  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just listening to the Part 2 Priority one interview with Al Rivera - he seems like the guy calling all the shots and making all the decisions at STO - every thing is I, I, I - my team , my decision, I decide - wow I did not know he was the real man behind the throne.

    Wait till you get to the part where he teasingly guesstimates S.8 to be 3-4 times the size of a normal Season .

    If you also think about the possibility of 3-4 times the bugs being introduced , you may think that S.8 has the power to destroy STO as we know it (taking into account their current QA quality/capability) .
  • litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've voted where it hurts with the latest changes, gold canceled.
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
  • johnsteele1johnsteele1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've read about half of the posts in the 99 page monstrosity...I imagine the other half are about the same. Something confusing me though is this: If it takes 5 people to form a fleet but a fleet can be 1 to 500 members... then what's the issue with 1 player fleet missions? I mean I get a fleet is supposed to be a "fleet" not a fleet of 1, but if by definition a fleet can contain 1 member, then why are there no 1 person fleet missions? Seems to me that the only way a 1 person fleet could earn fleet marks ( if they didn't want to team up with others in a PUG) was to do the Foundry missions, since there are no actual "game" missions for 1 person fleets. I know it may sound silly that someone would have a 1 person fleet, but if it's allowed, then why not make it fair for all size fleets? While I'm on my soapbox, seems to me while I've been reading these posts, there's a lot of people with their noses turned up against smaller fleets. I've been in this game over two years now. I've been in big fleets, medium fleets and small fleets. Big and Medium fleets (100 to 500) seem to have alot of personal issues going on. Small fleets seem to me that they know it's them against the Universe and seem to keep their eye on the prize. Still, I'd like to see a way for the little guy to earn a decent amount of fleet marks on their own. I've seen some really great ideas here...too bad they probably won't be initiated. Eh, if it was me, I'd just allow the 1 person to get say 200 marks a day max, from any source, even if it was a clicker. Clickers, for the little guy, serve a purpose. It allows the little guy to get his marks, and then spend his (or her) time running the missions they want to do, instead the ones they have to. Eh, whatever..not like anyone is gonna listen anyway...Peace...
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    zeus16nbs wrote: »
    I am a "Small" Fleet leader, we have less than 20 members and I am proud to be in it!


    PWE/Cryptic Stop the grind, bring back the fun!


    P.S. We too have our own Teamspeak server (I actually own and run it) and we have our own Fleet chat channel like so many other Fleets do in STO. You don't have to be in a Mega-Pyramid Fleet to get those!

    Seems to me that your problem is that you and your fleet simply lost it's focus. That is the same way my fleet was created and the same way my fleet continues to operate. We play to enjoy the game and socialize. The Starbase and Embassy is merely a bonus to work on. Yes progress is slow but, we are not burning ourselves out by mindless daily grind to reach an unrealistic goal.
  • ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I did not read the last 99 pages so its most likely been suggested, Add fleet marks to fleet actions, not just the daily....... ALL fleet actions.. Or add a daily for every fleet action so we can do them each day, that's 250 marks a day ad 50 marks per fleet action.
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
  • cragg1cragg1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    playing STO is like playing a board game with a 5 year old where the child constantly changes the rules to benefit himself :( you all really need to figure out how u want the game to be and leave it alone, sometimes i do not think you all know how to fix the glitches so I am forced to wonder what update will be the end of the game altogether. :mad:
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Considering the thought process (or lack there of) that has been going on recently, I can say I am truly uncomfortable at the upcoming May update.

    And people are actually giddy over a potential Romulan faction?
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • phyrexianherophyrexianhero Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Congrats on 100 pages for this thread alone (the third one on this topic, to my knowledge). My suggestions for an effective solution are as follows:

    1) Dilithium is a time-based currency. Everything takes time, everything should give *some* dilithium. You get 5 dilithium for doing a duty officer assignment, all PvP, STFs and Foundry missions give dilithium, and Stahl has said they're open to adding dilithium to regular episodes. Omega Marks and Romulan Marks can already be converted to dilithium so what's missing from this picture? The Fleet Events! If I'm going to run Colony Invasion, Starbase Fleet Alert, Starbase Incursion, etc. at least give me some dilithium too so I don't have to do something else on top of that. That'll also help with Cryptic getting the dilithium metrics up -- though if they were truly worried about that they probably wouldn't have single fleet projects that cost millions of dilithium (enjoy the 2 million Tier 3 embassy upgrade and 3.6 million Tier 5 starbase upgrade).

    2) Fleet Marks are needed in greater abundance. Not in May, right now. A fleet trying to get to Tier 5 will need something along the lines of at least 2,880 fleet marks per day on average. All fleet mark missions in game should be boosted by 50%, with a 'fleet week' once a month that doubles the rewards. The Officer of the Watch daily should be boosted from 5 fleet marks to 50 in order to give people a reason to come to their starbases that they've done over a dozen limited time projects for. Unlike the Foundry's IOR it is a daily (not repeatable every 30 minutes) and can *only* be done by people in a fleet (or at least, invited to a fleet holding). Also, fleet actions should always give fleet marks -- not just the daily.

    These are relatively simple fixes and there is no reason it can't be added within the next patch.
    Playing since January 2010. STOwiki administrator. Accolade hunter.
    My STOwiki page | Reachable in-game @PhyrexianHero
    Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
    KDF Armada: Klingon Intelligence (level 699, 2100+ members)
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    100 pages and no official response. Sad. :(
  • gunnyhwygunnyhwy Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well from the number of pages on this topic I see I'm not the only one wondering what the Devs were thinking when they done this. Sorry if I post something that someone else as touched base on but, I don't have the time to go through every reply that was posted. I read the statement at the start of this topic and could see some of the points made. Here is the thing I don't think you Devs are looking at from the players point of view.

    The Fleet marks in the Inv Officer Reports Mission was nice due to the fact it let everyone get fleet marks weather in a fleet or not. The fleet missions that are in the game now do not give you nothing near what you could with the Inv Officer Report Mission. I myself am in a fleet like most that have posted are as well. I understand the idea of wanting to get the marks for doing fleet gameplay but the problem is that can't be the only way to do it. The Inv Officer Reports mission gave fleet members the chance to earn marks if there were no other members around to team up with. It's hard to get into a fleet event mission sometimes because no one was in the que ( even harder on the KDF side) and when you did you did not get hardly anything for it. The Inv Officer Report gave people a option. Even if you did it and were not in a fleet you had the marks when you did join one.

    Now if you Devs didn't want the players to be able to get the fleet marks so quickly why did you change the mission to be able to be replayed every 30 mins? Just change the amount of marks given to 30 or something. Make the Inv Officcer Report mission give only XP, EXP, and fleet marks only. Set it up to be repeatable every hour or something. This move that you have done is really going to put the brakes on a lot of fleet projects for people now. That's something else we can point a finger at the Devs for to since you guys increased the amount of items needed for the projects as well but, that's for another day.
This discussion has been closed.