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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brigadooom wrote: »
    Why don't these Update posts containing from-the-heart/wallet explanations of changes (we're doing it - deal with it) ever make it to the front page of the site, for the non-forum reading folk? :rolleyes:

    Does that sound like a smart business decision to you?:rolleyes: Of course, preventing the need for topics like this one by listening to the community instead of metrics would be an even smarter business decision. Ferengi rule of acquisition No.57 "Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them. "
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Now the next move is an update patch increaisng the FM rewards from fleet events, with a "we hear our players" note form devs, followed by 74648746 posts form ppl saying thank you.

    I'm started to think that Cryptic do this stuff on purpose.
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    solomace wrote: »
    Lol, sorry, but I just had to respond to this.

    He said that his fleet was fine with this and that he is from a large fleet. I was simply asking that how does he know if it's only happened in a day and does "every" member of his fleet come on and have said they are okay.

    Now if you had read his response and his previous posts, instead of rushing to defend him, simply because it's me posting (I'm touched btw;)), then you will see that his "facts" are questionable, even about his own "large" fleet.

    Have you never been in a large guild or fleet? Have you ever had every member be happy about everything? Unless his fleet is full or Borg, then I as I said, I question his "facts" as you say, that all his "large" fleet member are in total in agreement considering he started by saying most large fleets are happy about this.

    I can state with a great degree of certainty he has been and is presently in a large fleet. I can wave at him later for you if you wish. :D
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • roadghostroadghost Member Posts: 394 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I usually don't pay much attention to stuff outside of doffs, storylines and stf missions that I do with my son. But a few weeks ago I discovered the 'exploit' with IOR's. It actually made mining dilithium a fun thing to do. And I started trading on the exchange to get more zen to buy lockbox keys (I have almost 1000 lockboxes in my inventories.). I was even considering buying more zen with real money to supplement my lifetime member stipend and maybe open all my lock boxes at last. Well this past week I wasn't able to play at all and today when I did, I saw the IOR's were gone. The economy has been changed and the one thing I found to do that was fun when playing alone is now gone. Oh well. Back to logging on for doffs every few days and missions once a week or so. I'll be watching reruns of the tv shows in the evenings instead of farming.
  • deathstalker89deathstalker89 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It friday evening only about 120 people in game tells me not many like to grind them self to death. I guess people are tired of working for almost nothing they get enough of that in the real world.:(
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    rinkster wrote: »
    As I understand metrics are king.......

    857 posts


    In less than 24 hours

    And, apparently, still no answer from Cryptic.

    You've had a full working day, how are we supposed to not view this as contempt for the player base?
    They're ducking for cover at the moment. I know I would.

    I hate to be one of the tldr folk, but darn, 87 pages so far. I just don't have the hours to read all that. So, here's my 2 cents regardless.

    Hopefully this post helps to explain our position and why we continue to make the decisions we do. We want Fleet Progression to be a reward for Fleet Gameplay. We want players to earn more Dilithium. We want Foundry missions to have useful rewards. We want small Fleets to only be limited by group effort, not by artificial caps on progress.

    I bolded the important two statements made here. For the first in regards to wanting us to have more dilithium: Then up the refinement cap to prove your sincerity, and please don't insult our intelligence with a measly couple k raise. 16k or don't even waste our time.

    As for the second statement about fleets and artificial caps, if this is even remotely true then your first course of action should be to remove the artificial dilithium refinement cap immediately, no questions asked. It is the single biggest(Note: THE ONLY ONE) artificial cap that is holding small fleets back.

    Wam. Bam. Thank you, mam. That's all folks. He's dead, Jim. Game over. The End. The princess is in another castle. Etc. Etc.

    We might be willing to negotiate a compromise, however. Say, the refinement cap lifted to... 16,000 per day? I think that is a fair compromise. This also means lifting certain artificial caps on earning dilithium. For example, mining claims, or other so called dilithium dailies designed to restrict one's progress in the game. I think a total removal of refinement caps would be excessive and ruin the point of dilithium, but being able to refine more dilithium per day would certainly go a very long ways to easing tensions. And frankly, this situation here, getting on the good side of gamers will get you much further than telling us to stick it.

    My small fleet is ***** slapping the fleet mark requirements. Perhaps this was due to the foundry 50 marks every half hour. Maybe not. I'm not sure. I'll see how things go from here onward. But there is just one thing beating the snot out of our progression. DILITHIUM. If not for the projects that we can do that does not require it, we would be dead in space. If not for a few of us spending our frigging dollars on dil exchange, we would still be waiting on upgrade projects and embassy progression. This needs to end. Too much **** needs our dilithium. 8k per day is not enough. Period.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wirtdd wrote: »
    Now the next move is an update patch increaisng the FM rewards from fleet events, with a "we hear our players" note form devs, followed by 74648746 posts form ppl saying thank you.

    I'm started to think that Cryptic do this stuff on purpose.

    Maybe if they spent less time trolling their playerbase....
  • olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Maybe if they spent less time trolling their playerbase....

    Does MMORPG.com have a Troll of the Month award for MMOs? If not...
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    olivia211 wrote: »
    Does MMORPG.com have a Troll of the Month award for MMOs? If not...

    Ahahah, yes that venerable and well established e-zine (mmorpg-center i assume you mean, the guys that awarded this game best f2p lol) :rolleyes:
  • mushariagainmushariagain Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    pretty sure you no longer need the wrapper. you play a mission, as long as it does not have the red text, you get rewards.

    I'm pretty sure you don't get any rewards at all except loot drops unless you have the IOR repeatable, regardless of whether or not it qualifies.:(

    Edit: Also, there's another reason to do the IOR; the XP. The story missions usually require you to get to the next level before you can do the next mission, then it doesn't give you enough XP to level, meaning you either have to do IOR or fleet events, so back to my original point; forcing non-fleet players to grind fleet events, even worse, forcing them to grind fleet events so that they can play the main campaign... Cryptic... Are you feeling well? O.o

    I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It means you have somebody or a team of somebodies who does feng shui on the customer experience by being solely dedicated to it. You're describing service providers with an inflexible level of demand, relatively little competition, and high barriers for entry when you talk banks and airlines... although that hasn't stopped many of them from looking at least somewhat beyond the production (ie. "if we build a product or service, they will come") mentality.

    Here's a nice summary of the eras, though it uses different terms than I'm used to:

    By and large, Cryptic's approach skews towards emphasizing production and tacking on advertising after the fact. They DO use datamining but they use it to coral people back towards expectation rather than in an anticipatory, relationship-building way.

    Think for a second about something like Amazon or even airlines. They tailor offers and pricing to the user and generally try to shift the offer to the user. They pursue a sale they think is likely when they put any effort into it. Disney is, overall, a good example of a marketing company. For people who live leisurely lives, Disney targets them frequently while with people on fixed incomes, they may try to get with a more affordable vacation package.

    They aren't trying to get the consumer to buy the product their way. They find aspects of the product that appeal to a target market and try to align the consumer with the right offer.

    Things like the customer script at Starbucks or those "company values" manuals at service chains are also great. People like it when you ask their name, when you write their name. A good customer experience is like a spell. Subtle. Customers shouldn't necessarily consciously realize they're being influenced by it and may deny being influenced by it. I think it's easy to dismiss this stuff as a cynical Gen X/Millennial but I think it's a profound artform that works and doesn't really require customers believing that it works. There is a wealth of behavioral experiment literature on what works.

    And I'll give you an example, a very small one, where Cryptic got one little aspect of this right. The fleet contribution sound effect. There were podcasters and players raving about this, some describing their reaction to those rapid pupil dilation cuts from "Requiem for a Dream." I have a feeling it was almost an afterthought from Cryptic but it greased the gears for a gameplay activity tremendously. That's a really micro example and fairly mechanical but you do it longterm and strategically.

    PvP, The Foundry, Klingon play, DOffs, Fleet Actions, STFs... These are all in effect offers or value propositions which, once bought into, are used as a center for soft sells on the C-Store.

    Let me toss an article out there:


    How much do you think Cryptic does this when designing game systems?

    For example, take the Foundry or PvP:

    My feeling is that they probably only employed datamining in any kind of systematic way. Anything else boiled down to polling friends and fleetmates.

    How much do you see Cryptic doing this? I think Cryptic's iterative approach winds up being a lot more employee driven and hobby-like, to a point where they neither meet needs nor do they do so profitably. (In fact, I think the profit generated is often markedly divorced from the needs being met. To a point where their approach might often be effectively using profit -- whether measured as money or activity -- to underwrite unprofitable game design elements -- whether measured in popularity or revenue generated.)

    In general, how much do they manage their brand and the brands they license? How often does anyone say, "What does this do to customer satisfaction?" I'd bet the IDEA comes up but that they don't have anyone primarily concerned with that... and because they don't, it's what gets compromised when the chiefs meet and Al is pushing systems and Jesse/Kestrel are pushing story and the art leads are looking at their workloads. It's a missing voice in the room in terms of having a dedicated voice and because it's a missing voice, it gets compromised.

    You need people educated in customer satisfaction strategies to make that a co-equal focus with systems, art, content, etc. If nothing else, to wear a different hat and say, "How will this impact the player?" But ideally armed with behavioral psychology, pertinent questions, and studies and analysis based on more than just staring at numbers looking for patterns.

    Above all, asking, "How do we make the game that people want to play?" and not, "How do we make people play the game the way we want them to?"

    The minute you start deciding how you want players to play the game, you've lost.

    Does that mean letting them exploit clickies? Heck, no. But a clickie exploiter has a desire. You find the desire and exploit it with a strategy. Maybe they like repetitive action. Maybe the activities they enjoy playing are not linked to or consistent with the rewards they want.

    Somebody playing a clickie wants something. Dilithium. A weapon. A ship. A costume. And they want to use that in the game somewhere. Maybe they want to spend more time PvPing or more time posing in their new costume on the fleet starbase. Maybe they want to play a big Foundry mission but want to get the reward they think the mission deserves first so they can play that mission with the new guns they want. Maybe they only want to play at length once a month. And the clickie lets them do what they want to do when they get around to playing and lets them avoid doing what they don't want to do.

    Every exploiter wants something. You find out what it is they want and offer it attractively in a legitimate way. Shutting them down is just herding them like cattle towards things they don't want to do. You miss out on figuring out what they DO want to do when you just close an exploit.

    Designers should not be determining how people play but should be figuring out how to serve the ways people DO want to play.


    I am one of those so called 'exploiters' who used the clickies and then the farm missions. With a minor amount of introspection I know what 'need' I have that cryptic is not meeting in game.

    Part A) I love new ships. I get the most excitement in this game after getting a new ship and finish setting it up and taking it out for it's first STF.

    Part B) I hate social obligations or connections created for me in an online video game.

    So to get new ships I need to be in a fleet. I hate fleets so I make my own and the only way to advance said fleet in what I find to be a bearable but still unreasonable amount of time I do what I do.

    If their was another game with a similar ship setup style that was casual in nature and focused on PvE I'd be gone tomorrow.

    And if only Cryptic could afford to hire you stoleviathan99. You see the person you just described in your post is what I believe is the OP's job description. Shame he isn't very good at it.

    Can we take this a step further if no one minds? What type of player was attracted to the game with it going F2P? I would assume the casual player with limited time that just enjoys a little pew pew or some solid story content without a mountain of grind. That is what the game was during the first F2P season. Yet they are doing their best to change that and I cannot understand why.

    These decisions they make are so self destructive. This game is a success in spite of the decisions made not because of it. Their is literally no competition in the Sci Fi casual PvE focused MMO market that I know of so why on earth would they move away from that demographic?
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bareel wrote: »

    I am one of those so called 'exploiters' who used the clickies and then the farm missions. With a minor amount of introspection I know what 'need' I have that cryptic is not meeting in game.

    And if only Cryptic could afford to hire you stoleviathan99. You see the person you just described in your post is what I believe is the OP's job description. Shame he isn't very good at it.

    You're not exploiting you're managing in-game tasks within your time-limited framework to gain the maximum amount of enjoyment per hour spent on a game that's only really fun content is team based PVE and new ships.

    As for the 2nd part... the robot that used to plug into my Nintendo used to give me better forewarning of when a game was going to TRIBBLE me :D
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    wirtdd wrote: »
    Now the next move is an update patch increaisng the FM rewards from fleet events, with a "we hear our players" note form devs, followed by 74648746 posts form ppl saying thank you.

    I'm started to think that Cryptic do this stuff on purpose.

    They do. Take away 100% of something, then give 50% back and still get the 50% reduction they were looking for.

    Its the weekend, their going to let us stew for two days and hope it blows over by Monday. I can almost guarantee that's their gameplan after an entire day of nothing but Stahls post full of ifs and maybes.

    Look at the Ask Cryptic Feb. Is it me or does he not definitively answer any question asked of him...

    And he can't talk about the May update, but he does, then he can't again...

    I need an aspirin to follow his convoluted mass of non-answers...
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    They do. Take away 100% of something, then give 50% back and still get the 50% reduction they were looking for.

    Standard business practice, I buy something wholesale for 30% less than I sell it to you but I tell you that your getting 20% off the high-street price ;)
  • brigadooombrigadooom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Does that sound like a smart business decision to you?:rolleyes:

    What, having some degree of openness and transparency towards the community? Sounds terrible. At least make some sort of effort to let everyone know the bad news equally, rather than leaving it to word of mouth.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    They do. Take away 100% of something, then give 50% back and still get the 50% reduction they were looking for.

    Its the weekend, their going to let us stew for two days and hope it blows over by Monday. I can almost guarantee that's their gameplan after an entire day of nothing but Stahls post full of ifs and maybes.

    Look at the Ask Cryptic Feb. Is it me or does he not definitively answer any question asked of him...

    And he can't talk about the May update, but he does, then he can't again...

    I need an aspirin to follow his convoluted mass of non-answers...

    This is exactly what I'm expecting. Lose 100 FM per hour, get back 30ish. They're also gonna put that 30 marks somewhere I don't wanna play.
  • blebbingtonblebbington Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hmmmm, I wonder if the Fleet Marks nerf was implemented after the 'special' fleets hit rank 5?
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As of writing this (assume this thread will hit 90 pages) combining this thread with the one closed by Branflakes, we are at 165 pages, totaling about 1650 posts, about 95%-99% voicing disent at this decision, and still no response (other than the OP, Branflakes closing the other thread, and community mods redacting far more disenters than CDF folks).

    Talk about a big middle finger to the playerbase.

    Let's not even talk about the double talk from Cryptic (we want players to get more dilithium, but we won't raise the cap).
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    Hmmmm, I wonder if the Fleet Marks nerf was implemented after the 'special' fleets hit rank 5?

    Yea, that timings sort of coincidental, no?

    Dev: 'ZOMG! A fleets hit Tier 5 WAAAY ahead of schedule!'

    D.Stahl: 'What? That's not POSSIBLE! These players are SUPERHUMAN! They must be stopped! *superflexes* I know! Lets cut off their fleet marks! That should slow the dastardly villians down!'

  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    brigadooom wrote: »
    Why don't these Update posts containing from-the-heart/wallet explanations of changes (we're doing it - deal with it) ever make it to the front page of the site, for the non-forum reading folk? :rolleyes:

    They did link to this thread on their Facebook page, but within minutes they deleted it. Presumably they realised just how badly they'd misjudged player opinion on this issue, and didn't want the anger to spread to the Facebook promotional page. XD
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • blebbingtonblebbington Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    Yea, that timings sort of coincidental, no?

    Dev: 'ZOMG! A fleets hit Tier V WAAAY ahead of schedule!'

    D.Stahl: 'What? That's not POSSIBLE! These players are SUPERHUMAN! They must be stopped! *superflexes* I know! Lets cut off their fleet marks! That should slow the dastardly villians down!'


    "Meanwhile! At the Legion of Cryptic! ... "
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Dear Dan,

    I've been away for a few days, I don't play as often anymore after you ruined the game in Season 7.

    I see however that yet again you've managed to earn the ire of a great many players through your frankly amateur communication policy that seems to assume that when one ****s their pants it's best to wait before telling the rest of the room you've done so. At least give others the courtesy to leave the room or hold their noses by pre-warning them, I mean it's basic etiquette.

    Before you reel off more useless numbers, I'd just like to say I don't believe a word you say about "how great" the game is doing. Maybe if you published your figures and the sources from which they were calculated I might be willing accept them. You see statistics should never be trusted if their is no accompanying source, this is something elementary to anyone who has the capability of critical thought.

    I do find it funny though how you wheel out the same statements every time you mess up like this. This is why I find it so hard to believe your statements. You see I only started playing in August of last year and since then I've lost count of how many things you've meddled in, however I've noticed a clear decline in my enjoyment of the game.

    I've not been here as long as some so I won't make any phony statement about how if only you produced more content I'd be happy and that I'm a long suffering player (I feel for you guys that are, it must be soul-wrenching). The truth is your content sucks, your systems suck and at the moment the lack of creativity is making this game go stale real quick.

    You see your own statements really are all I need to confirm to me just how poorly run this game is. Firstly your explanation of why you chose the design options you did for the Fleet system smacks of a group of developers who are either to lazy or too uncreative to look beyond two poor choices for fleet development and try a more out of the box approach.

    Then there is all this talk about players getting more dilithium than ever before. This is another statement I don't believe at all especially when you go on to say that the average max player isn't hitting their refining cap. The reality was most of us "max" players were hitting the refining cap consistently in Season 6, now very few of us are.

    Season 7 was already the end for small fleets this was just the final nail. You see Dan, you may or may not be aware of this but most of your playerbase are time-limited. We have limitations as to how much time we can play. So when you meddle with the game and introduce new ever more boring time wasting grind content and make it more difficult to amass currency we have to shift our playing habits within the time-limitations we have. Let me spell this out for you personal reputation systems and the sinks involved meant many people either left the game (as did 6 of my 8 fleet members) or made a choice to focus on one irritating grind course to take either fleet or personal rep.

    If the idea was to get me to play more, it failed. You want to know why it failed? in a nutshell it's boring. In detail, your fleet missions suck and give out bugger all in rewards, not only that but the 20 man Starbase Defence is a lag-happy mess. The reason why people look for exploits is becuase the grind sucks, they want to do fun things like play with friends on cool new episode missions, oh but wait that's never going to happen, or play PVP, oh wait it's terrible in this game... maybe we could play group mission on foundry content, oh wait it's bugged to hell.

    You see Dan I could sit here and write a whole book on how badly handled this game and it's playerbase is... if there is any loyalty from us players it's to the franchise not the game or Cryptic. If a proper Star Trek MMO came out tomorrow with real team based story adventure, fully realized PVP and Factions... you would be closing up shop it is as simple as that. As it stands it's the only place to get my Star Trek fix though I log in less and less as many of my old friends are gone.

    However I'm not going to write too much more.

    I will break it down for you though in a kind of executive summary.
    • Increasing the demand for currencies by in-game inputs and stagnating the supply or reducing the supply of said currencies has ruined the game
    • People do not want to grind your poorly designed fleet missions over and over for a pitiful amount of currency
    • The entire game feels like a fun fair filled with the broken dreams of players and the half finished half arsed pet projects of the developers
    • Legacy bugs, there are so many it's not even funny
    • You have no in-house QA and treat a weekend test on tribble as a benchmark for "fit to release", also totally ignoring the feedback and concerns of said tribble testers who get paid nothing to QA your game
    • The story content you have is about as deep as pool of urine in my pants when I forget to wear my incontinence nappy.
    • Apparently it's been 3 years since you failed to keep your promise on the KDF
    • In line with your policy on pet projects you will no doubt leave the KDF in a half finished state and move onto a Romulan mini-faction
    • The point of games is that they are fun Dan... fun, not an exercise that feels like work but where I actually pay to do it.

    In closing I was hooked in August and I'm pretty much want-a-way by February, I'm an average player, not hardcore just average I have a life, a job, family, friends... other hobbies and wheres STO was winning out against my other hobbies in August, it is now way down on the pecking order.

    Carry on TRIBBLE your players and meddling in things endlessly whilst throwing a few ships about and come May the Romulan mini-faction and "Search for Sela" episodes will be too little too late for most of us.



    Mr. STO made damn sure I'm never moving from DDO to Neverwinter.:cool:

    QAPLOO! *10chars*

    I need a beer.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some cracking posts as well as good ideas on here, pity none are by devs.

    I have not played the foundry missions as my eyes needed time to mend after bleeding so much from grinding the fleet missions when they first came in. If I ever have to do a colony invasion again my head will simply just explode, or ooze.

    I had planned to have a look at some foundry missions sometime soon seeing that they gave FM's but was put off by the constant shifting of goalposts with rewards, requirements and then reductions anyway even when missions met requirements and now this nerf so I wont bother at all now.

    I have already all but given up on the rep system as they moved goalposts on that too and I don't want my eyes to bleed again because of having to do another colony invasion like grind over and over and over and over just for that set of daily missions.

    I was trying to help keep my/our small fleet ticking over with one of my sons but after reading that opening post I now see little point in that either.

    While some leeches sponge off their hundreds of fleet buddies to get things discounted many of us work for the rewards. I find it a bit of a TRIBBLE take when the devs tell me that some sponger's money is worth more then mine is because they weren't smart enough or couldn't be arsed to figure out a way to scale things so tough luck.

    I have seen some wastes of bandwidths prattle on about small fleets being useless. Everyone should join a big fleet they say, and you can't expect to get things on the cheap. They miss the big picture though as fleets have been around longer then the starbase sink, later sinks, and future sinks.

    You needed 5 people to start a fleet and you could queue up in teams of 5 to play content or do it solo (notice those 5's?) so many fleets didn't need to be massive, a lot of that came with starbases and the need for people to leech off....sorry, I mean people who you don't talk to or know or fly with to get you to that shiny place sooner so that you can brag a bit and show off your erm....big gun and all that.

    Removing the FM's from the foundry was stupid and counterproductive and the opening post on here even more so, well in my case anyway. It's just the latest 'play our way' thing that's been done that actually just makes me want to play less.

    Everything here is a sink now even time itself. I don't remember seeing Picard constantly having to tour his ship to check out that everyone are doing their jobs. He sat in his ready room checking the datapads and such or called the heads to him to report. I have to go aboard my ship and check most departments in every single sector and nebula though if I want to doff effectively. Loads of loading screens to go through eating up my time when I need it for dil, FM's and all the other things that have been sinkholed.

    Games are supposed to be fun but the devs seem to have long forgotten that sadly.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So no dev comment on this until Monday?
  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ahahah, yes that venerable and well established e-zine (mmorpg-center i assume you mean, the guys that awarded this game best f2p lol) :rolleyes:

    yeah the one that gave them the 6.4 review, Hell Champs did better than STO.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So no dev comment on this until Monday?

    it would appear that way. They are gonna let is stew for the weekend. If I am logged on, I will be in the foundry, doing exactly what they don't want us to do.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ahahah, yes that venerable and well established e-zine (mmorpg-center i assume you mean, the guys that awarded this game best f2p lol) :rolleyes:

    Nonot that fake site. There are two decent mmo sites I know of, mmorpg.com and Massively. Althoughthe STO "reporter" for Massively isa major Cryptic sychophant andMassively has been pushing Cryptic stuff uncommonlya lot lately. (*cough*payola*cough*)
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm going with the boycott option at the moment, kinda of sad that I'm more intrigued by whats being said in here than playing the game at the moment, but that's a longer trend that started with Season 7.
  • olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm going with the boycott option at the moment, kinda of sad that I'm more intrigued by whats being said in here than playing the game at the moment, but that's a longer trend that started with Season 7.

    Same. I'm not giving them anymore money. If they want, I am sure they can look up my account and see how much money I've dumped into the game. Just before this change I had purchased 3 months of gold time. Not renewing that. No point, really.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
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