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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some really great feedback has been posted here and people who actually see what's happening to the game and what potential this game has.

    Some of the content in this game is still fun to an extent, but the main things that keep me playing is that it's Star Trek and the social aspect of getting together with my fleet members, running events and having a laugh.

    I wish Cryptic would open their eyes and see how much damage they've done and realise that if they thought a little outside the box there are many approaches they could have taken to the fleet advancement system as a whole. In the long run it's not just this aspect of the game, but many aspects of the game that have potential to make this game feel like a game really worthy of being called Star Trek.

    It's getting to the point where I think a revamp is needed. FFXIV needed it and after doing the Alpha testing it has paid off; with STO it's getting to where I feel it may be worth closing things down for a short while and delivering something spectacular. Heck even keeping this one running till the last minute while they get ready for a big revamp on a separate server and actually investing in servers that don't bottleneck as much as these ones have.

    You would think with all this feedback they get time and time again, they'd get the picture and do something, but somewhere between reading the feedback, coming up with ideas and implementing changes something goes drastically wrong. I sometimes feel like they spend more time having wild parties at Cryptic HQ and are all off their heads when in the design phase.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    So no dev comment on this until Monday?

    As far as I'm concerned, the original post was the dev comment. "We've listened to your feedback, and consulted our metrics, and this is how it's going to be. See you in May!"
    Join Date: January 2011
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let us look at their track record for balance.

    PvP? Nope, half of the abilities are useless.
    Captain Abilities? Hows that Engineer feeling.
    Ships? Galaxy R says hello.
    Abilities? Hello broken Sci.

    Rewards? Azure Nebula vs Infected Space Elite anyone..

    They can't even fix Engineering Team to clear viral matrix without breaking cloak. Or remember that the lobi torpedo uses the same system as the Tri-Co when they change it. The list of 'unbalanced' things in this game and 'misunderstood' by devs is crazy.

    How about their stability? How many times have STFs been remade?

    Or on their follow threw? The Omega Store Doffs that took months to be added back to the game and are bugged perhaps? KDF faction?

    I have no faith, everything they touch simply gets mucked up and the only thing that really changes is what activity I do to get double the reward in half the time.

    Don't throw something out until the replacement is ready to go.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    olivia211 wrote: »
    Same. I'm not giving them anymore money. If they want, I am sure they can look up my account and see how much money I've dumped into the game. Just before this change I had purchased 3 months of gold time. Not renewing that. No point, really.

    In my haste I became LTS in Season 6... but I've largely stopped playing actively and only get on when I know my friends want to do some STF's. Yeah I've also spent a fair amount on this game but very little in recent months. Real shame considering the loyal fan-base and potential a Star Trek MMO has.
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    Think I'll take the weekend off and play some other betas (Firefall, Defiance) maybe some SWTOR. I'll be back bright and early Monday to ruin Cryptics first day of the week.

    I'm tired of feeling this depressed, angry and generally bored, and still logging in to play. I'm a much more upbeat guy..XD
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In my haste I became LTS in Season 6... but I've largely stopped playing actively and only get on when I know my friends want to do some STF's. Yeah I've also spent a fair amount on this game but very little in recent months. Real shame considering the loyal fan-base and potential a Star Trek MMO has.

    Oh Lowe....I pity you for buying the LTS. But I agree on the last bit. They could do so much with this franchise and yet they see us as a captive audience. Not only as Trek fans, but as gamers. There is a double draw there and as such the job of drawing us in is much easier. Pity then, that they take this opportunity and make such a poor job of it. Such potential wasted.

    Sod it, I'm off to play skyrim.
    Lowe? Olivia? What are your alternatives going to be?
    I need a beer.

  • papertoastypapertoasty Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hmmmm, I wonder if the Fleet Marks nerf was implemented after the 'special' fleets hit rank 5?

    thats what i tried to point out earlier.

    a little suspicious if you ask me
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh Lowe....I pity you for buying the LTS. But I agree on the last bit. They could do so much with this franchise and yet they see us as a captive audience. Not only as Trek fans, but as gamers. There is a double draw there and as such the job of drawing us in is much easier. Pity then, that they take this opportunity and make such a poor job of it. Such potential wasted.

    Sod it, I'm off to play skyrim.
    Lowe? Olivia? What are your alternatives going to be?

    Hehe minecraft atm :p
  • olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh Lowe....I pity you for buying the LTS. But I agree on the last bit. They could do so much with this franchise and yet they see us as a captive audience. Not only as Trek fans, but as gamers. There is a double draw there and as such the job of drawing us in is much easier. Pity then, that they take this opportunity and make such a poor job of it. Such potential wasted.

    Sod it, I'm off to play skyrim.
    Lowe? Olivia? What are your alternatives going to be?

    It's becoming more and more clear that maybe some people need to step aside as far as PR goes. Probably even more from the development side as well. They talk so much about balance, yet I don't see any balance in fun vs money spent. It's all about the bottom line. They won't fix bugs like BOFFS not slotting or people not getting the proper reward for doing a spotlight mission, but I bet if the C Store went down, emergency server maintenance.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh Lowe....I pity you for buying the LTS. But I agree on the last bit. They could do so much with this franchise and yet they see us as a captive audience. Not only as Trek fans, but as gamers. There is a double draw there and as such the job of drawing us in is much easier. Pity then, that they take this opportunity and make such a poor job of it. Such potential wasted.

    Sod it, I'm off to play skyrim.
    Lowe? Olivia? What are your alternatives going to be?

    Skyrim for me too. Been playing it the last couple of months to get away from the grind here and will be getting the Dragonborn content sooner then I planned I guess, or get Xcom.
  • cyberoiduscyberoidus Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    the question is WHY,do they have to change all the time the good stuff they give us for a short period,they took dilithium out of stf,did the same in officer report,they keep making it harder to acquire primary item like dilithium and fleet marks,and i am not stating the ridiculus amount of romulan mark they give for doing azura.
    they also give us purple duty officer witch fail mission time after time,they make us spent fleet credits on those same doff,but we are getting only the TRIBBLE ones,the ones we can use to do anything,i have been playing sto every day for the past few years,i saw a lot of good changes,but the goal of the game always has been for me to have fun,and now there is no fun in grinding duff,cost to mutch dilithium,duff mission (all of them) have timer,so do the mission,fail it ,and wait again to try again...what is the point...

    Why do sto dev keep doing such a thing to the game, they know the the casual player will
    look up to the regular player for advice and tips on the game,if you managed to make me hate the game after almost 3 years of really good playing time (overall),imagine what it will do to the new player. And i am sure i am not the only one feeling that way about sto right now.........please give us the ability to do our duty officer missions,choose the duff we buy with our fleet credit,make it so we dont have to grind endless hours to acquire dilithium,so we can have fun with our fleetmates doing stf and fleet event and all the stuff we have to do on sto.

    One last thing,it would be about time for you (dev) to give us the option for the fleet leader,keep track for a player on fleet store acquisition would tell the leader how many provision a player as bought,flag for banned new member that comes to the fleet only to steel stuff and then leave,annoying to the extreme it is.
    I am not complaining about the quality of the game here,you (dev) have done a really good job at making sto enjoyable to play,congratulation on that.

    Please do give us (all players) a break and give us the means to do our job as a captain of the fleet we are in,and allow us to gain dilithium,fleet marks and romulan marks to a respectable amount so we can enjoy the game.

    the opinion of a fleet leader who is thinking seriously about quitting the game if no action is taken by the STO team.
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    olivia211 wrote: »
    I bet if the C Store went down, emergency server maintenance.

    IIRC, that actually did happen once, and on a Sunday...there was an emergency maintenance for that and they fixed it within a couple hours(might have been the ability to buy ZEN, but that's just as 'bad').
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Skyrim for me too. Been playing it the last couple of months to get away from the grind here and will be getting the Dragonborn content sooner then I planned I guess, or get Xcom.

    Skyrim is sounding good about now.

    That and *shudders* SWTOR :confused:
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • brucebleobrucebleo Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hmmmm, I wonder if the Fleet Marks nerf was implemented after the 'special' fleets hit rank 5?


    Now that you mention it......... o.0

    Reminds me of the old days

  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    olivia211 wrote: »
    It's becoming more and more clear that maybe some people need to step aside as far as PR goes. Probably even more from the development side as well. They talk so much about balance, yet I don't see any balance in fun vs money spent. It's all about the bottom line. They won't fix bugs like BOFFS not slotting or people not getting the proper reward for doing a spotlight mission, but I bet if the C Store went down, emergency server maintenance.


    I remember when they put an update out in Season 6 which bugged the pathing for NPC's that made all the Ground STF's impossible to complete broke the very first episode mission in the game and a whole bunch along the way.

    Did this game-breaking issue receive immediate attention? nope, it took 7 days. How many new players logged on on those 7 days to find the very first mission unplayable and thought wtf is running this game!?

    But yes if it doesn't have a quick buck attached to it, chances are it's not getting fixed :(
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    olivia211 wrote: »
    It's becoming more and more clear that maybe some people need to step aside as far as PR goes. Probably even more from the development side as well. They talk so much about balance, yet I don't see any balance in fun vs money spent. It's all about the bottom line. They won't fix bugs like BOFFS not slotting or people not getting the proper reward for doing a spotlight mission, but I bet if the C Store went down, emergency server maintenance.

    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    diotw wrote: »
    They did link to this thread on their Facebook page, but within minutes they deleted it. Presumably they realised just how badly they'd misjudged player opinion on this issue, and didn't want the anger to spread to the Facebook promotional page. XD

    That's okay. I took the liberty of linking it.

    Taking the week off to continue playing Baldur's Gate Enhanced. Go for the eyes, Boo. GO FOR THE EYES!
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Oh Lowe....I pity you for buying the LTS. But I agree on the last bit. They could do so much with this franchise and yet they see us as a captive audience. Not only as Trek fans, but as gamers. There is a double draw there and as such the job of drawing us in is much easier. Pity then, that they take this opportunity and make such a poor job of it. Such potential wasted.

    Sod it, I'm off to play skyrim.
    Lowe? Olivia? What are your alternatives going to be?

    I am looking at Scarlet Blade when it's ready to come out. I already downloaded it, but unfortunately was not selected for the beta. I was going to try Tera, but I have heard real horror stories about their community. Accusations that I cannot discuss here have been slung by people in that game and apparently the devs there aren't doing anything about it. I did buy Mists of Pandaria when it came out, then quit Wow 3 days later so I could go back to that and it will all be new to me. I have something like 200k gold. Not sure if that's a lot now, but it's still a nice chunk of change.

    All that or I could just redevelop a treatment I wrote a couple of months ago and talk to one of my clients about scripting it out.

    And to sort of stay on topic here...to find out if it was real or just people raging, I did one of the spotlight missions. It's true. We're not getting the ec OR the extra Dilithium. Really, do they not have people testing these things before they release them? Never saw problems like this from Blizzard.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
  • tpolebreakertpolebreaker Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Skyrim for me too. Been playing it the last couple of months to get away from the grind here and will be getting the Dragonborn content sooner then I planned I guess, or get Xcom.

    X-com is fantastic btw... highly recommended.

    Also, CCP just sent me a 90day/$30 thing for EVE... hmmm....
    The doors, Mister Scott!
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't know about the rest of you, I plan on continuing to play the game this weekend regardless of one minor thing that Cryptic did that was never intended to remain indefinitely.

  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't know about the rest of you, I plan on continuing to play the game this weekend regardless of one minor thing that Cryptic did that was never intended to remain indefinitely.

    You didn't read the thread did you?

    It's far beyond the removal of FM from Foundry. I won't restate them sense it has been stated in two different threads going on 1650+ posts.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm returning to GW2. Anet atleast knows how to treat their players. No spaceships, but I can still pew pew withmy engineer.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    X-com is fantastic btw... highly recommended.

    Also, CCP just sent me a 90day/$30 thing for EVE... hmmm....

    EVE seems more like a nicje type of game.

    Not sure if I can get into a game where I may actually loose my ship in a battle and have to start over again.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You didn't read the thread did you?

    It's far beyond the removal of FM from Foundry. I won't restate them sense it has been stated in two different threads going on 1650+ posts.

    I don't honestly have the patience to sift through 900 posts (or 1650 as you put it) to find what else is going on. I haven't been affected by some of the issues mentioned, such as the bridge officer slotting problem.

  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Has this become the STO "rant about everything" thread?

    At this point this thread has become pointless.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Has this become the STO "rant about everything" thread?

    At this point this thread has become pointless.

    It seems like it. People are just plain fed up with the devs actions lately.

  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Has this become the STO "rant about everything" thread?

    At this point this thread has become pointless.

    This is what happens when you have a near 100 page thread of legitimate complaints that goes ignored by the devs. Sad thing I'd dstahl started the thread but can't be bothered to respond to the legitimate arguments. It's like he doesn't care about the players.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • ryeknowryeknow Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    atomictiki wrote: »
    I'm returning to GW2. Anet atleast knows how to treat their players. No spaceships, but I can still pew pew withmy engineer.

    Anet is pretty dang good with communicating with the player base for sure. They are also pretty delicate in making their changes, rarely pulling knee jerk reactions like Cryptic does oh so too often. PWE/Cryptic is more EA esque...milk the cash cow till it dies. Anet seems to really care a lot about GW2 and its players. May have to fire up GW2 and take a whirl again on my Ele, Warrior or Guardian. Isnt there a big update coming in March?
This discussion has been closed.