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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



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    howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I bought a Fleet Galaxy yesterday, and I have to ask what all the ******** is about... The ship does exactly what it's designed to do, heal/tank to the max... Seriously, it's just fine as it is, I was in Cap'n'Hold and 5 ships shooting at it couldn't dent it... The issue, as always, is people want X to be Y while looking like Z...
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    admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can anyone explain how come the Galaxy a pleasure cruiser, and stated by Gene that only six were originally built, suddenly multiplied and we saw quite a few during the Dominion War, i think it was suggested that Starfleet commissioned these ships with x amount of internal volume unfinished to get them on the frontline. That tells me the Galaxy was a more than adequate front line warship.
    Now some people will throw the argument that Starfleet was desperate for ships, by why commission a ship as large and resource consuming as a Galaxy if Starfleet didn't have faith in it's combat capabilities. Surely producing Excelsiors, Akira's, Defiant's, Intrepid's would be more logical as they are smaller and require less materials.
    i submit the Galaxy class was Starfleets premier battleship during the TNG through to Voyager and Cryptic have certainly got her very wrong in this game.

    Starfleet Initally planned only 6, Peace time mentaility, and 3 of them were meant as spares for the comissioned 3. as time went on they abandoned this idea and started making more. THen DW started and the production went up. When the war ended I believe the DW Galaxys were probably refitted to Venture specs.
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    ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I bought a Fleet Galaxy yesterday, and I have to ask what all the ******** is about... The ship does exactly what it's designed to do, heal/tank to the max... Seriously, it's just fine as it is, I was in Cap'n'Hold and 5 ships shooting at it couldn't dent it... The issue, as always, is people want X to be Y while looking like Z...

    sry for mi english

    1st i dont want to ofend yuo kid but ,lol in a Dps game a ship what only can heal and tank yea a lot of ppl will be happy to see u enter a elite STF or fleet action, man i see more ppl quit a stf when i enter in mi galaxy than never before that why i only do thats when have a few fleet mates, without fleet gear full purple consoles the dmg of the ship is to much low to stop probes to escape , killl the asimilated Bop (heal the kang is almos irrelevant tks to plasma Hy of thats asimilates bop,

    in conclusion the ship is an accesory for other player (escort or scie AOE) u on yuor own has no positie impact in today game u cant get more agro than a escort so tank the gate is irrelebant u will in Cd yor heals and the escort still under fire , bro scie are bether healers than a galaxy and i u setup a galaxy for full heal yuo lose any other eng hability what can boost yuor dmg and he performance is even worse in that case.

    the ship suffer from have a very old setup pre FP2 maybe in that time was a good ship but now ....
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    stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I bought a Fleet Galaxy yesterday, and I have to ask what all the ******** is about... The ship does exactly what it's designed to do, heal/tank to the max... Seriously, it's just fine as it is, I was in Cap'n'Hold and 5 ships shooting at it couldn't dent it... The issue, as always, is people want X to be Y while looking like Z...

    Finally! Someone who understands the ship!
    sry for mi english

    1st i dont want to ofend yuo kid but ,lol in a Dps game
    Wrong on so many levels. THis game isn't ALL about DPS. Team support, serving as a distraction, these are also important. Try comparing DPS to capturing the commandposts in Cap and Hold. Sorry, but a distraction that can tank very well and allow teammates to capture the command posts is WAY more effective than slugging it out for hours.
    a ship what only can heal and tank yea a lot of ppl will be happy to see u enter a elite STF or fleet action
    This guy was bringing up PvP, not STFs.
    bro scie are bether healers than a galaxy and i u setup a galaxy for full heal yuo lose any other eng hability what can boost yuor dmg and he performance is even worse in that case
    The Galaxy-class isn't intended for damage, you said that yourself in fact. So why complain that it can't do damage when you believed it yourself that it couldn't?
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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    jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    *pauses for a sec*
    You realize being a zombie cruiser isnt hard, you can do it with 1 cmd eng. You can be an awesome healer with 1 cmd eng. And if 5 people are shooting you in pvp and your not dying, that just means they suck hard. 1 well timed subnuke and youd be gone.

    So basicly youve stated that the galaxy can heal and tank as well as any cruiser. Cept it cant hold agro nearly as well as the rest. Galaxy is a joke compared to the rest of the entire fed cruiser line.

    The stock reg T5 assault cruiser is a much better ship then the fleet galaxy. And before you say just go fly that then think about it. Your really against the galaxy getting made better to be on par?

    No one is asking for the galaxy to be some OP trash that 1 shots everything. But we would like it to be a good ship, I bet if you swapped everything stat/boff/console wise on the Fleet Galaxy/Ambassador youd see this. 1 day next to no galaxys, next day a ton of them and almost no ambassadors. Know why? Cause the layout SUCKS. Once you reach the point of being a zombie cruiser whats the point in going further into the not die area? I mean if im already next to impossible to kill with a CMD eng and 4 eng consoles wtf is the point in giving me TRIBBLE load more eng sh*t.

    Give it a ltc sci or something else atleast that opens up some options with sci debuff to make up for lack of tac, which a galaxy having less firepower then an Excel/ambassador is a lolwtf moment right there but whatever. Just give it the fleet D'D layout and be done with it.

    150 pages of this is beyond silly. Takes 2 mins to change this TRIBBLE and yet they sit on their hands. Devs do a lot of stuff for the game in their free time, can spend months on something, but not 1 has 2mins to fix the ships left in the dust. Galaxy isnt the only one after all.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    However the Lakota refit didn't make it to all the ships and we have NEVER seen a Lakota Refit vs a Galaxy in series.

    The T5 Excelsior is based on the Lakota though. So that's what it is.
    ehgato wrote: »
    sry for mi english.

    1_ Maybe , will never be sure , but not all excelcior was at the same refit than the lakota .

    The top tier Excelsior though is the same refit as the Lakota. Says so right in the description when you buy it.
    2_ here not agree, we can see the galaxy fire on a galor and other ships with 2 or 3 phasers hit left them out of combat or made them blowup and keep goin to another target dont see any excelcior do that most of the time the excelcior go down with a few enemey hits.

    We saw a whole wing of Galaxies get beat up by the Cardassians in Sacrifice of Angels.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Only ship we didn't see go down during any of the big space battles. Yes a Galaxy.

    You need to rewatch that last season of DS9. Galaxies were destroyed in that war.
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Cept it cant hold agro nearly as well as the rest.

    Sure it can. That's just a matter of spending skill points or not.
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    starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    We saw a whole wing of Galaxies get beat up by the Cardassians in Sacrifice of Angels.

    Actually, there wasn't a shot of a Galaxy-class taking damage during the war until the season six finale, "Tear of the Prophets." A Cardassian orbital weapons platform took a few potshots at the U.S.S. Galaxy and melted off some of the hull, but the ship was still fighting.
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    ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Finally! Someone who understands the ship!

    sry for mi english.

    This is not the point here The ship is out of date for his rank and COST in the store

    Wrong on so many levels. THis game isn't ALL about DPS. Team support, serving as a distraction, these are also important. Try comparing DPS to capturing the commandposts in Cap and Hold. Sorry, but a distraction that can tank very well and allow teammates to capture the command posts is WAY more effective than slugging it out for hours.

    Is not??? when u have a time countdown to complete one objetive what most of the time is kill X and X have lots of HP , what u goning to do? tank X to dead? or drop all dps u can in X ? or when u have lots of X moving and u most kill them all ?

    This guy was bringing up PvP, not STFs.

    last time i check this game was not only PVP... and the ship description dont say use only for suport in PVP xD

    The Galaxy-class isn't intended for damage, you said that yourself in fact. So why complain that it can't do damage when you believed it yourself that it couldn't?

    you "almost" hit the point here the ship need an update to fit this days game standart
    So to me the ship is out of date A LOT

    and one update is only a temporary solution, like i say before whe need a system for update our ships, because if by some miracle all ships get fixed today in a year will be back to the same point of out dated ships

    Whe need to be capables of interchange bridge BOFF setups and maybe consoles also , so for example some crazy and mad Startrek fan want fly a galaxy can buy it from the store and Most buy other ship or more with his needed bridge or console setups so instal this in his galaxy (not talk abaout espcials consoles that most continue bound to the especific ship

    so the fan get what his need crptic sale more every one happy
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    supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You need to rewatch that last season of DS9. Galaxies were destroyed in that war.

    Please point me to the relevant episode. Only possible scene might be the graveyard scene in the 2nd battle of chintoka where 300 allied were destroyed. However the fleet footage before the route doesn't show any Galaxies present. Also responding to another posters claim in Sacrifice of Angels Galaxies getting slapped around by the Galors, not to my recollection think you'll find it was other way around

    Also lets forget PvP and concentrate on PvE, to the people against seeing the Galaxy get a boost tactically or sci wise, If 3 or 4 Galaxy captains turned up in ISE,KASE or CSE would you been thinking hell yeah plenty of heals i'm not going to die here. or would you be thinking oh **** this is a fail, knowing these ships do not have the dps to perform in these matches as a group.
    Also if a group turned up in Gorn Minefield, Star base 24 or Klingon Scout Force would you be thinking oh heck i'm not going to get 1st place here, or be rubbing you're hands together knowing 1st place is in the bag.
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    howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ehgato wrote: »
    sry for mi english

    1st i dont want to ofend yuo kid but ,lol in a Dps game a ship what only can heal and tank yea a lot of ppl will be happy to see u enter a elite STF or fleet action, man i see more ppl quit a stf when i enter in mi galaxy than never before that why i only do thats when have a few fleet mates, without fleet gear full purple consoles the dmg of the ship is to much low to stop probes to escape , killl the asimilated Bop (heal the kang is almos irrelevant tks to plasma Hy of thats asimilates bop,

    in conclusion the ship is an accesory for other player (escort or scie AOE) u on yuor own has no positie impact in today game u cant get more agro than a escort so tank the gate is irrelebant u will in Cd yor heals and the escort still under fire , bro scie are bether healers than a galaxy and i u setup a galaxy for full heal yuo lose any other eng hability what can boost yuor dmg and he performance is even worse in that case.

    the ship suffer from have a very old setup pre FP2 maybe in that time was a good ship but now ....

    Look, I get that you're kind of a tard monger calling other people "kid" and stuff, that's cool... But I could literally take a Tier 3 ship into an STF and out dps the average tard I parse doing about 2k... If I wanted to lol my way through an STF I'd hop in my Fleet Defiant or Fleet Norgh and laugh/cry my way through the stupid easiness of it all...

    There are more elements to the game then "Hey man, shoot this, shoot that, now go over there and shoot that..." especially in PvP, which is the only real fun part of the game...

    I always love the "Hey, well if those people were shooting at you and couldn't kill you, they just weren't very good, I mean come on, subnukes ftw..." Thanks, I remember seeing you there to qualify you for that statement... I was subnuked... several times... It's called science team, cross healing, and teamwork... The one Cap'n'Hold game I played we came back from down ~500-1200 and won ~450-0, because we out healed and out teamed my usual faction... Galaxy is fine, most of the people flying it aren't...
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    ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The T5 Excelsior is based on the Lakota though. So that's what it is.

    The top tier Excelsior though is the same refit as the Lakota. Says so right in the description when you buy it.

    again in game we only see that, dont worry i dont want your lakota out of the game :D

    We saw a whole wing of Galaxies get beat up by the Cardassians in Sacrifice of Angels.

    Really were? here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwKnvRPIrl0

    i dont see any galaxy blowup maybe is the bad quality ..


    ups nop the same maybe u can point me were all this galaxy explode because i dont see them and actualy i see more activity and fire power from galaxys tha any other excelcior, i see a few in the back ground and only 1 firing but his target dont go down...

    but we are getting out of topic .
    what u think of mi idea in the previus post? the one for refit our own ships

    of corse that will work
    cruciers <->crucier
    NOT escort <-> crucier etc
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Amen brother. The excelsior and miranda were cannon fodder during the dominion war. Only ship we didn't see go down during any of the big space battles. Yes a Galaxy.

    Unfortunately, multiple Galaxy class ships were destroyed during the attempt to retake DS9, the First and Second Battle of Chintoka courtesy of the Weapons Platforms and the Breen, and a number were also destroyed during the initial push into Dominion controlled Cardassian space, before the Cardassians turned on the Dominion. So as powerful as they were, they still took losses, just not very many (I believe at most just under 50 were destroyed in total), at least compared to the Mirandas (did those ships even have shields?) and Excelsiors (you will never see me cry if one dies, in fact you'll see me unhappy if any survive XP).

    However, this is all stats in some book somewhere, and weren't on screen. On screen, the only Galaxy class starships you ever see destroyed were (in order of their demise) the USS Yamato, USS Odyssey, and USS Enterprise-D. And only the Odyssey was destroyed by the Dominion. The Yamato fell prey to an Iconian virus, and the Enterprise-D was destroyed due to... writers being cruel. XD.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Look, I get that you're kind of a tard monger calling other people "kid" and stuff, that's cool... But I could literally take a Tier 3 ship into an STF and out dps the average tard I parse doing about 2k... If I wanted to lol my way through an STF I'd hop in my Fleet Defiant or Fleet Norgh and laugh/cry my way through the stupid easiness of it all...

    There are more elements to the game then "Hey man, shoot this, shoot that, now go over there and shoot that..." especially in PvP, which is the only real fun part of the game...

    I always love the "Hey, well if those people were shooting at you and couldn't kill you, they just weren't very good, I mean come on, subnukes ftw..." Thanks, I remember seeing you there to qualify you for that statement... I was subnuked... several times... It's called science team, cross healing, and teamwork... The one Cap'n'Hold game I played we came back from down ~500-1200 and won ~450-0, because we out healed and out teamed my usual faction... Galaxy is fine, most of the people flying it aren't...

    Well if your getting cross healed by your team your hardly tanking 5 people by yourself. So that says little about the ship being any good at it. And i said a well timed subnuke, you could get nuked at the start of a fight all day long and just clear with sci team and buff up no problem. If you think that sitting with your team throwing heals on you makes your ship a better tank then a assault cruiser.....

    Here is the sad truth, AC/SC can do the same healing/better healing for the SC, can take the same amount of dmg, but out debuff/dmg the galaxy. So the galaxy excels at nothing, not even tanking. Especially when all the agro skills/consoles are based off agro through dmg. A galaxy has to stack threat + much more then a AC does to get the same pull effect.

    And as someone said, take 5 Fleet galaxys into an STF, i have no doubt youll complete it but how fun that will be... now take 5 of just about any other fleet cruiser into an STF and see the differance. The ship just has flat bad layout, you can boost it all you like but its still inferior to any other fleet level cruiser. Few changes and the ship could be really fun, but at current its just a floating zombie that cant even bite anything.

    How this is even a discussion is beyond me. Its that obvious its that bad compared to all the rest. Reason so many of us post here is simply because we love TNG and the galaxy and want to fly it, only thing keeping us from spending our $ is cause its so bad atm. And it boggles my mind that anyone is resistant to making this ship BETTER. I mean honestly why not just refuse free money cause that makes as much sense...
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    admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Unfortunately, multiple Galaxy class ships were destroyed during the attempt to retake DS9, the First and Second Battle of Chintoka courtesy of the Weapons Platforms and the Breen, and a number were also destroyed during the initial push into Dominion controlled Cardassian space, before the Cardassians turned on the Dominion. So as powerful as they were, they still took losses, just not very many (I believe at most just under 50 were destroyed in total), at least compared to the Mirandas (did those ships even have shields?) and Excelsiors (you will never see me cry if one dies, in fact you'll see me unhappy if any survive XP).

    However, this is all stats in some book somewhere, and weren't on screen. On screen, the only Galaxy class starships you ever see destroyed were (in order of their demise) the USS Yamato, USS Odyssey, and USS Enterprise-D. And only the Odyssey was destroyed by the Dominion. The Yamato fell prey to an Iconian virus, and the Enterprise-D was destroyed due to... writers being cruel. XD.

    Again we never see Galaxys dying during Dominion war. some probably did but not on screen. My best guess on how many Galaxys were in service at the time is at MAX 20 minium is 10. We see ALOT more excelsiors and Miranada's and even Akira's die and note the bulk of excels were basic refited excels NOT Lakota Style. as far as we know she is the only Excel at the time to have that refit.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Again we never see Galaxys dying during Dominion war. some probably did but not on screen. My best guess on how many Galaxys were in service at the time is at MAX 20 minium is 10. We see ALOT more excelsiors and Miranada's and even Akira's die and note the bulk of excels were basic refited excels NOT Lakota Style. as far as we know she is the only Excel at the time to have that refit.

    Oh, it's almost a guarantee that quite a few were destroyed. I am sure there were a number that were part of the garrison at Chinktoka, which was taken by the Dominion and the Breen, and I know a number were in the fleet that attempted to retake Chintoka and got their rears handed to them by the Breen.

    And in the massive fleet battles and skirmishes that were part of the war, I am sure a number were destroyed. But as I stated in my other post, only three were ever seen destroyed on screen.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    azazel420 wrote: »
    I don't understand why people continually ask for universal boff stations on the galaxy when comparable ships don't get universal slots. If engineering abilities are so bad then you should be asking for better engineering abilities, asking for your favorite ship to get special treatment is silly. The galaxy is exactly as focused into engineering as the defiant is to tactical and the intrepid to science. If engineering abilities suck so bad then that is the sensible way to address the galaxy.


    I think we should make a ludicrously long thread asking for good engineering abilities or buffs to the ones that could use it!
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Also lets forget PvP and concentrate on PvE, to the people against seeing the Galaxy get a boost tactically or sci wise, If 3 or 4 Galaxy captains turned up in ISE,KASE or CSE would you been thinking hell yeah plenty of heals i'm not going to die here. or would you be thinking oh **** this is a fail, knowing these ships do not have the dps to perform in these matches as a group.

    There's a couple of threads in this very forum pointing out how to build even the Galaxy for DPS and quite a few boasts from Galaxy Captains about how they do great in those very encounters.

    So if Deeps in STFs is the real issue, why not ask those captains for their builds and tactics?

    I've been through a zillion of those STFs, like many of you have. I've certainly pugged quite a few. And failed quite a few of those pugs. It's not the ship that creates failures in those pugs. It's usually the people behind those ships working against each other during the encounter.

    I don't know. I don't think STFs are really the issue for the Galaxy. A Patrol Escort is a fine ship for those STFs so I understand the root of quite a few complaints; but you can certainly build a Galaxy to do a-OK in STFs. If the Galaxy absolutely has to be your ship, you can go through STFs in it and do the Deeps needed to win.

    I mean I have failed a bunch of STFs in each kind of ship, and it's far more a problem of people doing something bad during the encounter, or people being AFK/Leeching that causes a failure moreso than them being in a Galaxy.
    Also if a group turned up in Gorn Minefield, Star base 24 or Klingon Scout Force would you be thinking oh heck i'm not going to get 1st place here, or be rubbing you're hands together knowing 1st place is in the bag.

    To be fair, I scored more 1st places in the Crystaline Catastrophe in my Star Cruiser than I ever did in any of my escorts.

    They've laid the groundwork with that event to demonstrate that they CAN change the fleet actions to score differently. So again it's not the ship that needs changing. This specific issue, in fact, I think is one they could and should fix ASAP since they showed they can do it with the CE event. That would make the Galaxy do great in Starbase24, Scout Force and Minefield, if they applied those CE changes.
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    supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here's some on screen evidence that points to the Galaxy Class being the Federations most powerful ship during TNG - DS9.

    In the episode TNG: "Conundrum", the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D was described as a battleship, based on her specifications. This was by her own crew who had suffered memory loss and looked at the ships specs.

    In the Episode TNG Best Of Both Worlds BORG Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you lead the strongest ship of the Federation Starfleet

    In the DS9 Episode Valiant The Dominion Battleship is compared to a Galaxy class starship for power and size and totally ripped the Valiant apart in a few shots, This indicates the Galaxy was considered the most powerful ship in starfleet at that time to be compared to that ship

    The warp core has been stated as being the most powerful equipped at the time to a federation starship, and from TV and film, the warp core is where a ship gets its power.

    The DS9 Episode Way of the Warrior The task force sent to support DS9 against the Klingons was lead by the Venture a Galaxy Class starship.

    The DS9 episode the Jemhadar the producers said they wanted to make a statement about the power and intent of the Dominion and choose a Galaxy class to die at the hands of the Jemhadar.

    In the Episode Ensign Ro Picard is faced by 2 Galor class ships and by the posturing he was making he looked very confident about engaging them.

    Ronald D Moore has said it was probably a mistake having families aboard, esp as we had the ship engage the Borg and patrol the Neutral Zone.

    Now this isn't about the Galaxies performance but it's about what has been shown and said on screen about the ship.

    The ship is a battleship, stated directly by the crew. The Borg recognised the Galaxy was the Fed's most powerful ship, Warp core was most powerful indicating alot of juice in the ship. A statement was made about the power and intent of a new enemy by destroying a Galaxy.

    This doesn't sound like a luxury liner, peacetime, exploration ship to me. But a ship that is capable of doing these things.

    Please those of you who are soo against changing this ship for the better, why ? do you even fly the ship in PvE ?

    What are you so afraid about having a boring, passive, and totally crippled ship made competitive, Not uber, not the best, but more completive for PvE content

    Would you run CSE, HSE, ISE, or KASE in a Galaxy with 4 other people running the same ship ?

    Would you attempt to enter Gorn Minefield, Starbase 24, Klingon Scout Force to farm mk xi purple loot in Galaxy.

    Would you enter Fleet Mark events and Romulan/Tholian mark events with a fleet of Galaxies.

    Didn;t see your post Snoggymack22. But what you have stated is clear evidence that the mechanics of the game are broken and the Galaxy is broken because the mechanics don;t support the way the ship was designed in game.

    CE is different as it rates healing as well as dps for its standing scoring. The others don't. However 1 thing the ship serious does need is a better turn rate. Least that would be a bit of a blow softener

    I can build a pretty decent cruiser but would i personally want to fight my way through a elite stf with a fleet of galaxies as it currently stands. Hell no as i've no confidence in its ability to halt the 6 raptors or 3 negh'var's in CSE. And certainly not HSE
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please those of you who are soo against changing this ship for the better, why ? do you even fly the ship in PvE ?

    I'm mostly against the ideas that are presented for those changes. Adding tactical slots. Adding universal or Lt. Commander Tactical BOFFs. Things like that. Trying to turn it into an Excelsior or something along those lines.

    Why am I against that? Because it's redundant. There already ARE cruisers that fill those roles.

    So I'd much rather see the changes be made to other aspects of the game so that other roles become more playable, more fun.

    That way, an Engineering focused ship like the Galaxy can be a fun ship for everyone, and we can all just put this "MOAR DEEPS" nonsense to bed. The game has to be about more than that. Or else this game itself loses a lot of meaning.
    Would you run CSE, HSE, ISE, or KASE in a Galaxy with 4 other people running the same ship ?

    You do know people have done STFs in their Tier 1 ships right? And posted about it? And people get together and have run them in shuttles? And posted about it? A full group of T4 Galaxies could beat that content.
    Would you attempt to enter Gorn Minefield, Starbase 24, Klingon Scout Force to farm mk xi purple loot in Galaxy.

    I wouldn't bother with those encounters to "farm" that loot in ANY ship. There's much more efficient ways to farm in this game.
    CE is different as it rates healing as well as dps for its standing scoring. The others don't.

    Right. But ... that was a recent change. Made to CE. Which means CE was a test of what they could do. All the other ones can get the same type of treatment. And absolutely should. They are on to something with CE. And if anything, the players should be making a ton more noise to the devs to keep doing that type of change. And bring it to all the other content. CE shows us all that they can evolve. The gameplay itself can improve. The ships didn't need to change at all. Just the way the encounters worked and scored things. There's hope. There's definitely hope. This game should be about more than deeps. It's Star Trek, after all.

    One final note about the STFs. They are Gozer's lasting legacy on this game. They were poorly designed from the beginning. And though they've been tweaked quite a bit and turned into a relatively bearable "grind" these days, they still bear quite a bit of the mark of Gozer's work on them. I don't PvP in space at all these days. And don't PvP much on the ground. So I'm really heavily slanted toward PvE. But even I have to admit that STFs are always going to feel klunky and off, and that's because of their designer, who never quite got what end-game content was supposed to feel like in one of these style of games. So I don't know, I mean using them as a measuring stick of ship performance, on one level, I get it. I truly understand why that works. On another level I keep thinking, meh, this is all demonstrating exactly how badly made those encounters have always been. So yeah, that's my 2 cents on STFs. I know it won't make a difference. There will always be folks who feel they are a benchmark of performance. But I think, after seeing the work done on the CE event, there's hope that Cryptic can design more into their game, and add some diversity.

    Diversity in content creation is where the ships and their roles can expand.

    And that will help ALL cruisers. And ALL science ships.

    Least that's my hope.
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    howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Well if your getting cross healed by your team your hardly tanking 5 people by yourself. So that says little about the ship being any good at it. And i said a well timed subnuke, you could get nuked at the start of a fight all day long and just clear with sci team and buff up no problem. If you think that sitting with your team throwing heals on you makes your ship a better tank then a assault cruiser.....

    Here is the sad truth, AC/SC can do the same healing/better healing for the SC, can take the same amount of dmg, but out debuff/dmg the galaxy. So the galaxy excels at nothing, not even tanking. Especially when all the agro skills/consoles are based off agro through dmg. A galaxy has to stack threat + much more then a AC does to get the same pull effect.

    And as someone said, take 5 Fleet galaxys into an STF, i have no doubt youll complete it but how fun that will be... now take 5 of just about any other fleet cruiser into an STF and see the differance. The ship just has flat bad layout, you can boost it all you like but its still inferior to any other fleet level cruiser. Few changes and the ship could be really fun, but at current its just a floating zombie that cant even bite anything.

    How this is even a discussion is beyond me. Its that obvious its that bad compared to all the rest. Reason so many of us post here is simply because we love TNG and the galaxy and want to fly it, only thing keeping us from spending our $ is cause its so bad atm. And it boggles my mind that anyone is resistant to making this ship BETTER. I mean honestly why not just refuse free money cause that makes as much sense...

    So we should all be sci captains using subnuke, since obviously it is the greatest skill in the game ever and nothing can survive it, correct???
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    jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So we should all be sci captains using subnuke, since obviously it is the greatest skill in the game ever and nothing can survive it, correct???

    Its the most sure fire way to bring down zombie cruisers. Whole reason they are zombies is their buffs, once stripped of them they are just another cruiser make em burn their heals then finish them. A well timed subnuke in a fight is the single most turn about ability a captain has.

    If i have to explain that to you....

    The other day in pvp with my mogai i got subnuked almost endlessly, but since they were just spamming it and not using good timing, me and my team dealt with it almost like it wasnt even happening. Stripping 1 buff off me isnt going to do much, stripping a zombie cruiser of a mass of buffs including almost certainly their RSP, and extended shields against your focused fire is almost garanteed death for them.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    The other day in pvp with my mogai i got subnuked almost endlessly, but since they were just spamming it and not using good timing, me and my team dealt with it almost like it wasnt even happening. Stripping 1 buff off me isnt going to do much, stripping a zombie cruiser of a mass of buffs including almost certainly their RSP, and extended shields against your focused fire is almost garanteed death for them.

    Example of a knowledgeable cruiser captain buff set:

    EPtS3, TSS2, TT1, RSF3 (sometimes, not always), Aux2SIF3, EPtW2.

    A cruiser with that buff set is very VERY difficult to kill. But hit it with a subnuke, and suddenly your buff set is this:

    RSF3 (unless you already had it active before), EPS Overcharge, Nadion Inversion

    That cruiser is... quite easy to destroy. You have minimal shield hardening (that +30 power still does harden your shields a little, but nothing like an EPtS3 + 125 shield power + TSS2), no hull hardening, no insta-redistribute, and no massively boosted shield regen. You're bare hull in less than a second, and dead seconds later (reason it takes that long is due to MW3 restoring some shields).

    So he's right, one subnuke that is timed correctly will end almost ANY ship if the opposing team is working together well. Like I stated in another thread, my cruisers never die unless I have 5 ships focusing me (and even then it depends on the ship classes and captain types) or until I get subnuked.

    So don't underestimate the power of a knowledgeable science captain and his Subnucleonic Beam 3.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm mostly against the ideas that are presented for those changes. Adding tactical slots. Adding universal or Lt. Commander Tactical BOFFs. Things like that. Trying to turn it into an Excelsior or something along those lines.

    Why am I against that? Because it's redundant. There already ARE cruisers that fill those roles.

    so for example criptik was in charge of a starwars game and made ligthsaber almost obsolete because they made a new weapon . a ruber stik whit the face of miky mouse on top and madeit more easy to use and fit more in the current content of the game...

    u will be ok?

    will u ask why in a starwars game with jedis and all other stuff the ligthsaber almost cant be used?

    dont know what u think abaut this, but most of the ppl i talk on mi fleet and other fleet agree in one point the ship is part of your toon , character or whatever u callit, so why have to setup mi character in a way i am are not looking for????

    sry for mi english
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    age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Here's some on screen evidence that points to the Galaxy Class being the Federations most powerful ship during TNG - DS9.

    In the episode TNG: "Conundrum", the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D was described as a battleship, based on her specifications. This was by her own crew who had suffered memory loss and looked at the ships specs.

    In the Episode TNG Best Of Both Worlds BORG Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you lead the strongest ship of the Federation Starfleet

    In the DS9 Episode Valiant The Dominion Battleship is compared to a Galaxy class starship for power and size and totally ripped the Valiant apart in a few shots, This indicates the Galaxy was considered the most powerful ship in starfleet at that time to be compared to that ship

    The warp core has been stated as being the most powerful equipped at the time to a federation starship, and from TV and film, the warp core is where a ship gets its power.

    The DS9 Episode Way of the Warrior The task force sent to support DS9 against the Klingons was lead by the Venture a Galaxy Class starship.

    The DS9 episode the Jemhadar the producers said they wanted to make a statement about the power and intent of the Dominion and choose a Galaxy class to die at the hands of the Jemhadar.

    In the Episode Ensign Ro Picard is faced by 2 Galor class ships and by the posturing he was making he looked very confident about engaging them.

    Ronald D Moore has said it was probably a mistake having families aboard, esp as we had the ship engage the Borg and patrol the Neutral Zone.

    Now this isn't about the Galaxies performance but it's about what has been shown and said on screen about the ship.

    The ship is a battleship, stated directly by the crew. The Borg recognised the Galaxy was the Fed's most powerful ship, Warp core was most powerful indicating alot of juice in the ship. A statement was made about the power and intent of a new enemy by destroying a Galaxy.

    This doesn't sound like a luxury liner, peacetime, exploration ship to me. But a ship that is capable of doing these things.

    Please those of you who are soo against changing this ship for the better, why ? do you even fly the ship in PvE ?

    What are you so afraid about having a boring, passive, and totally crippled ship made competitive, Not uber, not the best, but more completive for PvE content

    Would you run CSE, HSE, ISE, or KASE in a Galaxy with 4 other people running the same ship ?

    Would you attempt to enter Gorn Minefield, Starbase 24, Klingon Scout Force to farm mk xi purple loot in Galaxy.

    Would you enter Fleet Mark events and Romulan/Tholian mark events with a fleet of Galaxies.

    Didn;t see your post Snoggymack22. But what you have stated is clear evidence that the mechanics of the game are broken and the Galaxy is broken because the mechanics don;t support the way the ship was designed in game.

    CE is different as it rates healing as well as dps for its standing scoring. The others don't. However 1 thing the ship serious does need is a better turn rate. Least that would be a bit of a blow softener

    I can build a pretty decent cruiser but would i personally want to fight my way through a elite stf with a fleet of galaxies as it currently stands. Hell no as i've no confidence in its ability to halt the 6 raptors or 3 negh'var's in CSE. And certainly not HSE
    The creative writers of TNG didn't really know what a BB is like back in the 1940s and thety didn't carry civvies aboud them even today.You can call any ship of war a battleship be cuase that is what is for to go into battle exception being carriers and subs

    Corvette,FFs,DDs,CLs,CAs,DNs and BB are all battleships.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
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    neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    originpi wrote: »

    I think we should make a ludicrously long thread asking for good engineering abilities or buffs to the ones that could use it!

    i like the idea of transfering tractor beam or polarize hull to engi, that way the engi heavy ship like galaxy would have more option in ensign slot and will be a better ship to fly.
    escort who were used to use tractor beam would have to make a choice ( either tanking with epts1 or more dps with tractor beam, but that could be compensate by an other tss1 in the free sci slot ) the other escort who didn't use it will not be affected, same for polarize hull.

    i am however not so sure about science ship, indeed most of them only have a lt engi, so to use tractor or polarize hull they would have to give up 1 epts power, you going to tell me that this is the same for escort, but science ship seem less tanky in the long term fight.

    so if anyone is use to fly science ship, i am curious to hear his opinion on that idea, and how it will affect his build, or what new build he can pull out of this
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    yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ehgato wrote: »
    so for example criptik was in charge of a starwars game and made ligthsaber almost obsolete because they made a new weapon . a ruber stik whit the face of miky mouse on top and madeit more easy to use and fit more in the current content of the game...

    u will be ok?

    will u ask why in a starwars game with jedis and all other stuff the ligthsaber almost cant be used?

    dont know what u think abaut this, but most of the ppl i talk on mi fleet and other fleet agree in one point the ship is part of your toon , character or whatever u callit, so why have to setup mi character in a way i am are not looking for????

    sry for mi english
    Nice example. :)
    I like your Star Wars analogy, maybe if someone at Cryptic would read it he/she would finally figure out what we are talking about for several months.

    Canon or not, the Galaxy Class is a extremely Iconic ship, and by making it the most passive (and boring) ship in the game is just stupid IMHO.
    Heck they even made the Vesta (a much less popular Ship btw.) very versatile and fun to fly. Why can't they make something similar with the Galaxy Class?

    Basicly all this isn't about game balance or Firepower, it is about justice and fairness for TNG and Galaxy Class fans. Cruiser/Galaxy haters and Cryptics designers can turn and twist it as they want, DS9 and Voyager fans get a much better ship.
    If thats not enough, every other ship in the game is either more useful or at least more fun to fly.

    Just because some people at Cryptic prefer escorts doesnt mean that Cruisers and especially the Galaxy Class have to be that boring. In my opinion thats just rediculus and unprofessional by some of Cryptics designers.

    It's just alienating a big deal of Fans, nothing else.

    The Galaxy class was the benchmark when it came to firepower sturdyness and speed since start of TNG.
    Why can't they just create a Mirror universe version of the Galaxy Class with the Console/BOFF layout of the Ambassador or Regent?
    What we saw in TNG was a ship outfitted for diplomatic missions at peace times. Cryptics designers took every excuse they could find to make the Galaxy as boring and weak (firepower) as possible. As i already said, thats not good game developement, thats just rediculus. I wouldn't had expect such a immature behaviour by a professional game studio.
    I have seen LOTS of star trek mods for various games, that handle ships better than STO. Why do always people get to make (official) Star Trek games/Movies with no real idea about the francise?

    I'm not going into this any further, Cryptic won't change anything relating the Galaxy Class anyway, they have the game exactly as they want it to be.
    (Escorts rule everything and Cruisers are just big slow target practices with no means to bite back.)

    ---Keep on fighting---
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
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    snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ehgato wrote: »
    so for example criptik was in charge of a starwars game and made ligthsaber almost obsolete because they made a new weapon . a ruber stik whit the face of miky mouse on top and madeit more easy to use and fit more in the current content of the game...

    u will be ok?

    will u ask why in a starwars game with jedis and all other stuff the ligthsaber almost cant be used?

    Your analogy breaks down. It would be more like, you prefer the classic BLUE lightsaber. But in Cryptic's Star Wars The New Old Republic, they went and made Purple Lightsabers do more Deeps than Blue Lightsabers. Blue Lightsabers give better group buffs. But no one really groups that much. And you do things quicker by having more Deeps.

    So all the fans of blue lightsabers want their blue sabers to have Purple Deeps.

    Even though, they're both lightsabers and both do their role well. It's just one's role isn't as needed.

    Or, in the case of STO, there already are Deeps slanted cruisers. You just want your Eng slanted cruiser to do Deeps instead. Even though it's really good at the role it was designed for. It's just the game itself doesn't need a tank that heavy.

    Viola, the Galaxy.
    dont know what u think abaut this, but most of the ppl i talk on mi fleet and other fleet agree in one point the ship is part of your toon , character or whatever u callit, so why have to setup mi character in a way i am are not looking for????

    How many ships does your toon have? One of mine has like 12 of them. Are they part of his toon? Yeah. But they're still ships, and very capable of being switched out for various content.
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    jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    yreodred wrote: »
    Nice example. :)
    I like your Star Wars analogy, maybe if someone at Cryptic would read it he/she would finally figure out what we are talking about for several months.

    Canon or not, the Galaxy Class is a extremely Iconic ship, and by making it the most passive (and boring) ship in the game is just stupid IMHO.
    Heck they even made the Vesta (a much less popular Ship btw.) very versatile and fun to fly. Why can't they make something similar with the Galaxy Class?

    Basicly all this isn't about game balance or Firepower, it is about justice and fairness for TNG and Galaxy Class fans. Cruiser/Galaxy haters and Cryptics designers can turn and twist it as they want, DS9 and Voyager fans get a much better ship.
    If thats not enough, every other ship in the game is either more useful or at least more fun to fly.

    Just because some people at Cryptic prefer escorts doesnt mean that Cruisers and especially the Galaxy Class have to be that boring. In my opinion thats just rediculus and unprofessional by some of Cryptics designers.

    It's just alienating a big deal of Fans, nothing else.

    The Galaxy class was the benchmark when it came to firepower sturdyness and speed since start of TNG.
    Why can't they just create a Mirror universe version of the Galaxy Class with the Console/BOFF layout of the Ambassador or Regent?
    What we saw in TNG was a ship outfitted for diplomatic missions at peace times. Cryptics designers took every excuse they could find to make the Galaxy as boring and weak (firepower) as possible. As i already said, thats not good game developement, thats just rediculus. I wouldn't had expect such a immature behaviour by a professional game studio.
    I have seen LOTS of star trek mods for various games, that handle ships better than STO. Why do always people get to make (official) Star Trek games/Movies with no real idea about the francise?

    I'm not going into this any further, Cryptic won't change anything relating the Galaxy Class anyway, they have the game exactly as they want it to be.
    (Escorts rule everything and Cruisers are just big slow target practices with no means to bite back.)

    ---Keep on fighting---

    sums it up for the most part.

    Even with the defaint and intrepid boff layouts not being optimal they are still good enough since tac and sci get more/better skills to chose from. Eng gets heal self or heal someone else, thats pretty much it.

    Those 3 iconic ships though need redone, galaxy is just the worst of the 3 atm. I could honestly see them doing a reverse of the D'd on all 3 in a way.

    Like give the Galaxy the D'd layout. Give the Intrepid a LTC eng and tac with cmd sci. And the Defiant a Cmd Tac, Ltc eng Ltc tac lt sci. Would make them fit more like their show conterparts then their current layouts.

    The galaxy was tuff and flexable aka D'D layout, defiant was powerful but resilent, and the Intrepid was a long range tough lil sci ship with a bite.

    Give the defiant a 4 tac 3 eng 2 sci layout for the T5, and fleet with a 5/3/2 layout. Intrepid with a 3 tac 2 eng 4 sci for T5 and a 3/3/4 fleet. Galaxy with a 3/3/3 layout for T5, and a 3/3/4 layout for fleet. Reflects the shows and improves all 3 ships while keeping it all balanced.
This discussion has been closed.