I've wanted my revamped Gal-X for years now... Wouldn't have minded except they had me ready to go with screenshots and everything...
That is why we don't have a tac based Fleet Gal-R. That is a spot reserved for the Fleet Gal-X... If they ever really release her... We got the bloody avenger instead... Bah...
Edit: We didn't need an avenger... they could have given the fleet Gal-X the same damn treatment and it would have been canon... Grrr...
Oh well. So long as I get the hangar bay they teased... Hangar > front weapon slot, for me, at least for fun's sake. Mileage varies in the real world...
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
The purpose of this thread is some people, including myself, would like to be able to use the Galaxy (for the RPer in me) and use it to be on par with others in end game content without gimping ourselves. Especially when competing in PvP or other competitive PvE.
I don't neccessarily RP, but I do like my ships to have canon setups as seen in the ST shows. Don't get me wrong, I also want the Galaxy to have a usefull role in PvE whatever that may be (I assume tanking, but unfortunatley the game content has no real need for tanks). That's why I'm here in this thread in the first place. The ship deserves some adjustments, we have been over this many times - this is one of the last ships in game that should be without at least some niche role.
PvP is a completely different topic. I'm not going to even go there for now, I'll just say that I consider it broken.
Edit: We didn't need an avenger... they could have given the fleet Gal-X the same damn treatment and it would have been canon... Grrr...
Agreed on this one. They could have and should have enhanced the X to a fleet version rather than releasing the Avenger.
There are only 2 reasons they released the Avenger - one is $$$ because I assume they expect to see more cash from a new C-Store ship rather than a new fleet ship and the other is to shut up all the whiners that were whining for a 'Vengeance', they gave them a blocky looking ship that could be painted black, without any context to the game and current timeframe. Classic Cryptic.
My ADD kicked in and I couldn't fly the same ship anymore (There is a reason I have ships coming out my ears, it is because I'll buy downgrades just to have a change of damned pace lol)
Taking my Gal-X out of dry dock... Curious what I can make her do now. It's been a while.
She isn't bad at all. A little long in the tooth, but another misunderstood ship. In the right hands she used to be a pure beast. She still isn't half bad, just old now.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
In a healer role, she falls behind sci cruisers. And not nearly as far as she falls behind tac cruisers in DPS.
In a pure tank role, she most certainly does not, and if you think so you haven't spent enough time tanking recently.
I fully concede, PvP a heals cruiser trumps a tank cruiser, but that is not a problem that is unique to this game. In PvP with no objectives, raw survivability means far less. That is a content problem and one inherent to the genre. Tanks in PvP are content dependant. The Gal-R will be no exception, and no amount of pointing the finger at her is going to change the fact that in PvP, if you are hard to kill, and I don't have to kill you, I just won't.
A full engineering build cruiser is currently able to take far more damage and make it disappear then any other ship, period, end discussion. Even the almighty healboat cruisers.
I've been working a full on damage mitigation build, working saucer sep, aux to damp, and 4x ep skills leaving many doff slots open. I can fit more doffs to help my damage mitigation now then I can afford to purchase at the moment. They matter. They matter a ton. They are underrated, and people are so stuck in the DCE/A2B mentality that they are under appreciating the ability to not be reliant on them.
Between my speed, raw hps, and the pure absorption awesome I'm literally reducing the amount of damage output that the mobs create. They hurt me less then they hurt anything else.
And the best part? The Gal-R rules the roost. Lockbox/lobi/romulan aside (I can't memorize every ship ever... sorry) she is the best at this out of any Fed cruiser. The Odyssey, while able to mimic it closely, has in inferior saucer separation, and less hull and shield then a fleet Gal-R. Edit: And an Ody has less inertia rating to start anyway, and has a higher crew... again points that work against her)
A star cruiser has to give up something. She can get extra heals or polarize hull or something, but she can never be as maneuverable. That matters. It matters a ton.
And, in cases where I need to have a high hull to deal with one shot mechanics, I have the option to replace saucer separation with a fleet RCS + Struct Int and have the highest hull out of any fed ship instead. I'm a versatile tank at that.
Tanking yes, is an under utilized role in this game, but there are certainly some places where it comes in handy. That is a content issue, not a ship issue. Any tank ship in the game faces this issue, it is not focused on the Gal-R
pure tanking has next to no use in game, and even if it did, the galaxy's abundance of eng is not the best path to peek tanking. the deflector and maco cooldowns can be a nice bandaid, but are no replacement for doubled up sci skills. what does a galaxy have over an ody? the ability to cycle RSP and AtS? a second AtS only closes a 5 seconds gap, and you cant even put PH on the ship. RSP is a please nuk me button, and if you rely on that as part of your defensive cycle, nukes will take you out easy. also if your a sci captain then your useing the wrong class to be a pure tank.
your AtD approach i can pull of in an escort, wile at the same time having a ton of DPS. its also having about 2 or 3 times the effect, because it woks off your base turn rate, and even separated the galaxy still has that base of 6. surly a COM, LTC eng, LTC, ENS sci and ENS tac recluse would do whatever your doing with the galaxy better. even a stat cruiser with an extra sci skill would do better. stacking resists runs into a diminishing return wall though, its never been the way to go. reasonable resistance stacking combined with overwhelming healing has long been established as the most effective way to tank damage, and has the added benefit to being useful to your teammates. JUST a tank is the most useless thing you can bring to any content, not even npcs will bother shooting you.
not only are there several ships better at pure tanking, pure tanking is without use in game. and any content that favors pure tanking sounds god awful boring to me. this game proves offense is the best defense already
During the last ship sale, I picked up a Gal-X for my Galaxy R captain K'Kera. I'm still indecisive on how to build it. Might use cannons for the challenge and so that the BO can be for the Phaser Lance.
Member since November 2009... I think. (UFP) Ragnar
Funny Gal related story... I bought my Gal-R to get over the sting of discharging a ship of mine loaded down with my good phasers...
I was conducting beam tests across all energytypes and I had worn my self out. I moved them all from one ody to another... and then proceded to discharge the wrong ody...
I never did re-invest in current phaser beams. Luckily I still had some mixed 11/12 borg phasers in the bank, but I've been holding out for elite fleet ones, I don't really want to rebuy those advanced fleet ones...
But, yeah, my phaser gear is sub-par. I'd assume the best you can do is standard faw/beta/a2b stuff. Beams are in a good place right now, why fight the turnrate?
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Oh don't get me wrong, full on cannons is not only viable, but bloody amazing when a skilled pilot uses them.
I'm just old and my wrists are giving out.
Put that on for size. An old crippled lady can out DPS your average pug tac/scort in her Sci/Gal-R. I'd say:
: <
You must be this tall to ride this ride.
Edit: I just hit 14.099k ISE in my Gal-R. How far behind is she, really? How high can she go? How high could a top end tac push her? The world may never know...
Only my Gal-R could have done this, tho I admit it was luck of the draw and rare. Still interesting. Well, maybe any tank, but it gave me so much good data...
I've stated many times, tho it tends to be ignored, that a tank can be a godsend to an underpowered/unskilled party. You get to save the day without completing the mission for them.
I warped into ISE to conduct a test. 2 people DC immediately. A third hangs on for a second or 2, then down they go, as well. Me and a moderately performing promie are the only ones left, and I'm in pure on tank mode. I did 6k dps (A whole 1k over what ISE is tuned for, so even with *NO* damage potential other then my 2 blue tac consles and phased polarons, In a pure on absorbtion build, I'm doing more then enough damage for the content... just saying...)
The one that held on for a second comes back just as we down the first transformer cube. Their DPS is low, but they are obviously having connection issues. With me tanking, they could deliver maximum damge and not have to worry about their own defenses.
A little old school 10% rule, me knowing how blow my burst when I need to (NImbus/sensor scan/photonics/QSM/refracting cascade/kitchen sink/go!) and then me holding agro and making damage vanish, and we ate up a bad situation like it wasn't even happening.
2 people warped in just as we finished off the spheres, and they helped, but we were well in time to hit the optional just the 2.5 of us.
Tanks rock in their place. Unfortunately those places are too rare here.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Only my Gal-R could have done this, tho I admit it was luck of the draw and rare. Still interesting. Well, maybe any tank, but it gave me so much good data...
I've stated many times, tho it tends to be ignored, that a tank can be a godsend to an underpowered/unskilled party. You get to save the day without completing the mission for them.
I warped into ISE to conduct a test. 2 people DC immediately. A third hangs on for a second or 2, then down they go, as well. Me and a moderately performing promie are the only ones left, and I'm in pure on tank mode. I did 6k dps (A whole 1k over what ISE is tuned for, so even with *NO* damage potential other then my 2 blue tac consles and phased polarons, In a pure on absorbtion build, I'm doing more then enough damage for the content... just saying...)
The one that held on for a second comes back just as we down the first transformer cube. Their DPS is low, but they are obviously having connection issues. With me tanking, they could deliver maximum damge and not have to worry about their own defenses.
A little old school 10% rule, me knowing how blow my burst when I need to (NImbus/sensor scan/photonics/QSM/refracting cascade/kitchen sink/go!) and then me holding agro and making damage vanish, and we ate up a bad situation like it wasn't even happening.
2 people warped in just as we finished off the spheres, and they helped, but we were well in time to hit the optional just the 2.5 of us.
Tanks rock in their place. Unfortunately those places are too rare here.
What you describe here is more about player skill then anything the ship is doing. I would argue that had you been in say a Fleet Assault Cruiser you could have done the same thing while also putting out better damage. You would have just looked less cool doing it :cool:. That's my "Beef" with the Galaxy. Any build used on the Galaxy can be slightly altered and slapped onto one of the other fedcruisers and perform better.
A revamp of engineering skills could most certainly make any of the real arguments against a Gal-R vanish in a puff of smoke. It won't stop people who think only DPS matters from saying it isn't enough, nothing will appease those people.
And I realized how silly I have been here recently. I'm fighting an argument that the dev's already answered with fleet ships. They could have given her a 3rd tac console or a uni slot. They didn't. Because the Galaxy is not a tactical vessel and she doesn't need a universal slot.
And with the experience I've been getting, the state of engineering skills aren't as bad as they first seem on the surface at all. You could leave the skills just exactly how they are now, write some content that is tank friendly and she more than shines. She just never gets any serious play by people who are willing to push her to the boundaries, because her stigma is so great and people are so closed minded.
Hate on her all you want, but arguments full of hyperbole, non-truths, and accusations made by people who obviously haven't even really tried it for themselves aren't convincing.
Do what you want with the ship, argue about it night and day, give her a scimmy layout for all I care. I got the knowledge I was seeking. It won't be the first time I knew something others didn't, and it certainly won't be the last.
I usually agree with you, but I will take exception here. I believe the skills do need a revamp. As far as writing content for tanks, that would only work in PvE, but it surely wouldn't work in PvP, where there is (should) be no script.
I usually agree with you, but I will take exception here. I believe the skills do need a revamp. As far as writing content for tanks, that would only work in PvE, but it surely wouldn't work in PvP, where there is (should) be no script.
I don't want script in my PvP, you misunderstand.
There are ways to make a tank viable in PvP environments that have nothing to do with NPC's and scripting.
Take Capture and Hold. Right now, you just kinda fly and kill in the area. You just need superior numbers. A big, full on tank ship, you can just about ignore.
Now, imagine if to cap the node, you needed to perform an interaction that could be interupted. You can no longer afford to ignore that big DPS sponge, because you can't cap the node if they have weapons on you. You have to deal with it some how, be it CC or killing it or chasing it off... You have created content where a tank class has a role, even if minimal. It is certainly better then the situation we have, and it doesn't take a lot of work, either...
That is just an off the cuff example. You don't need to do PvPvE, which can be done well but isn't what I mean at all. I just mean PvP objectives where having a beefy tanker can be an asset. I still want to shoot players.
And the skills... Yeah, there are a couple with some cooldown issues, Aceton beam is the worst offender. Cooldown is too long. The debuff is amazing, but not up often enough to be worth its slot(s). The doffs that buff it miss the mark entirely.
What I'm finding is really crimping me the most, having to choose between A2SIF and A2D. If they renamed A2D to Reserve Power to Dampers or something and took it off the A2* cooldown that would help a ton.
And... that's it really. DEM is on a long cooldown, but is very strong. Mucking with it's cooldown would be more QoL then balance. Hitting it more often would "feel" better I think, but its pretty potent.
I thought the eng skill situation was a lot worse then it really is. Had to dedicate some time and learning and think outside the box some, but the changes that would be needed are minimal.
Edit: And if I had a doff that gave shield redistribution to Eng team... I'd jump for bloody joy... OMG that so needs to happen... Or, what I would actually like personally better, a doff that made the build in shield redistribution work faster/better... I'm of the opinon that spending the player attention to manage shields should be stronger then an ens level ability that does it automatically... but that is just me. Either or I would take readily.
And we could always use new skills, things are getting stale. Even Tac and Sci could use a shakeup really, Eng will just benefit the most.
Oh, and yeah, I even wrote in the post any tank could have probly done it. Hell, my Catbox could have just solo'ed it from there, but it wouldn't have been half as fun. I was just still flush with excitement from the run and wanted to share a cute Gal story.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
i posted a while ago maybe even in this thread but its been so long im not going to scroll through 550 or so pages to find it. i suggested a while ago that for the galaxy-R to have all lvl1 engy abilities on their own cd. that didnt go well with the forum but it was an idea. i love the gal-R and use it almost exclusively. so what if it takes 9 minutes instead of 7 and a half. whats the fun of going through the estf's in five minutes or less? have some fun guys. and all you captains complaining about cruisers not doing enough dps, YOU killed the cruisers. cruisers were not meant to dps, they are tank/healer. i agree estf's are not designed with tanks/healers in the least and that should change even if slightly. elite stf's should be just that. an escort tanking damage? come on cryptic. stop listening to complainers. you want dps, fly an escort. you want tanks, bruisers fly a cruiser or sci.
star trek fans dont buy the Tank healer bit a few pvpers do but not the PvE people
If you need heals in a elite STF your not a elite player and should return to normal STFs
Right now my escort can out tank my Fleet galaxy and out DPS it with ease i do it every day and so do many others
two tactical BO options are just a slap in the face making the ship Boring as well
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
A revamp of engineering skills could most certainly make any of the real arguments against a Gal-R vanish in a puff of smoke. It won't stop people who think only DPS matters from saying it isn't enough, nothing will appease those people.
And I realized how silly I have been here recently. I'm fighting an argument that the dev's already answered with fleet ships. They could have given her a 3rd tac console or a uni slot. They didn't. Because the Galaxy is not a tactical vessel and she doesn't need a universal slot.
And with the experience I've been getting, the state of engineering skills aren't as bad as they first seem on the surface at all. You could leave the skills just exactly how they are now, write some content that is tank friendly and she more than shines. She just never gets any serious play by people who are willing to push her to the boundaries, because her stigma is so great and people are so closed minded.
Hate on her all you want, but arguments full of hyperbole, non-truths, and accusations made by people who obviously haven't even really tried it for themselves aren't convincing.
Do what you want with the ship, argue about it night and day, give her a scimmy layout for all I care. I got the knowledge I was seeking. It won't be the first time I knew something others didn't, and it certainly won't be the last.
I agree with this, there are far too many people on here that think the escort is king and insane dps is all that matters. The fact is, Im an engineer by trade, and tanking is what I do. I have lots of them, and the Gal R is my favorite. I have earned friends on this game and their respect by showing what the old girl is capable of if you give her a fair chance...and I have mine armed "canon" as well...If done right they are almost impossible to destroy with the right doffs and boffs they can be formidable "damage absorbers" freeing up the little escort dps gadflies to do their thing. They have a good role, not enough content, but still quite useful if given a chance. Plus, she's just a sexy ship anyway.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "To secure peace is to prepare for war."
i posted a while ago maybe even in this thread but its been so long im not going to scroll through 550 or so pages to find it. i suggested a while ago that for the galaxy-R to have all lvl1 engy abilities on their own cd. that didnt go well with the forum but it was an idea. i love the gal-R and use it almost exclusively. so what if it takes 9 minutes instead of 7 and a half. whats the fun of going through the estf's in five minutes or less? have some fun guys. and all you captains complaining about cruisers not doing enough dps, YOU killed the cruisers. cruisers were not meant to dps, they are tank/healer. i agree estf's are not designed with tanks/healers in the least and that should change even if slightly. elite stf's should be just that. an escort tanking damage? come on cryptic. stop listening to complainers. you want dps, fly an escort. you want tanks, bruisers fly a cruiser or sci.
I agree with this, there are far too many people on here that think the escort is king and insane dps is all that matters. The fact is, Im an engineer by trade, and tanking is what I do. I have lots of them, and the Gal R is my favorite. I have earned friends on this game and their respect by showing what the old girl is capable of if you give her a fair chance...and I have mine armed "canon" as well...If done right they are almost impossible to destroy with the right doffs and boffs they can be formidable "damage absorbers" freeing up the little escort dps gadflies to do their thing. They have a good role, not enough content, but still quite useful if given a chance. Plus, she's just a sexy ship anyway.
this thread have demonstrated that this ship is the least effective tank/healer cruiser.
whatever one can do with it you can do better with a simple star cruiser.
just a star cruiser, not even speaking about a bullwark voth ship.
some want it to me more tactical, but this is just a preference and can not be used as justification to a revamp.
meaning the galaxy don't need a revamp because he is a terrible dps ship, but because his stats make it a terrible ship overhaul that didn't even give him a niche, or role that can not be done by an other ship with better efficiency.
that is the consensus of the guys who are pushing this thread, of course you will always have from time to time, people that jump here and said they want a 5 tact console with 2 lt commander tact galaxy.
but this is not what the core of the people that support this thread are asking.
but i guess that asking people to get in touch with what the thread is really about, is maybe too much to ask, it is so much easy to assume.
it would be cool if it could dps better. thats fundamentally useful no mater how personal you take DPS being important. would be more interesting if it was some kind of super sci cruiser the likes never seen before though. thats why i like this proposal of mine, covers all the bases
COM eng LTC uni
LT uni LT sci
ENS sci
you could use the LTC for tac sure, but you would have the worst dps cruiser that happens to have an LTC tac, even worse then that hirogien cruiser. you could also go tac less, a first for a cruiser, and have a huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique
I don't care how we do it, I just want a Galaxy-Class ship that I can use effectively in high end missions. This game needs more Trek, not less. All of these Cryptic designs are nice and all, but they aren't Star Trek.
My vote still lies in a Galaxy that is Eng Heavy and Sci Heavy. I.E. 4 Eng consoles, 4 Sci, 2 Tac. Commander Engie Boff, Commander Sci Boff, Lt Eng, Lt Tac, Ens Sci. Hows that? It'll still tank like hell, AND provide crowd control or debuffing. DPS may take a little hit, but at the same time, you have room to make up for it.
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
it would be cool if it could dps better. thats fundamentally useful no mater how personal you take DPS being important. would be more interesting if it was some kind of super sci cruiser the likes never seen before though. thats why i like this proposal of mine, covers all the bases
COM eng LTC uni
LT uni LT sci
ENS sci
you could use the LTC for tac sure, but you would have the worst dps cruiser that happens to have an LTC tac, even worse then that hirogien cruiser. you could also go tac less, a first for a cruiser, and have a huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique
In regards to a "huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique", doesn't that fly in the wind of what you were talking about having a lot of eng' (as the Gal-R does already)?
My vote still lies in a Galaxy that is Eng Heavy and Sci Heavy. I.E. 4 Eng consoles, 4 Sci, 2 Tac. Commander Engie Boff, Commander Sci Boff, Lt Eng, Lt Tac, Ens Sci. Hows that? It'll still tank like hell, AND provide crowd control or debuffing. DPS may take a little hit, but at the same time, you have room to make up for it.
Having two CMDR boffs is 100% against the designs and balances of the ships in this game. What exactly is the downside of that boff layout?
In regards to a "huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique", doesn't that fly in the wind of what you were talking about having a lot of eng' (as the Gal-R does already)?
if you want to get specific, a COM and LT only of eng is all i would take, thats what i have said is the most you want. or id make the LT tac or sci, and the LTC sci, just the COM eng should be enough with damage control doffs.
going tactical id use the LTC for tac and LT for eng to run an AtB build
If that's the case, why are there ships that have two Commander Boff stations? Doesn't the JHDC have two? I'm sure one of the others can point out another ship that has two Cmdr. stations. Downside? Weak tactical seating and consoles. You get two Boff powers for Tac and two consoles. DPS Obsessed won't fly it because it's not a Scort or an Avenger anyway.
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Al Rivera mentioned it in a Priority One Podcast last week that they are still working on it.
(UFP) Ragnar
I've wanted my revamped Gal-X for years now... Wouldn't have minded except they had me ready to go with screenshots and everything...
That is why we don't have a tac based Fleet Gal-R. That is a spot reserved for the Fleet Gal-X... If they ever really release her... We got the bloody avenger instead... Bah...
Edit: We didn't need an avenger... they could have given the fleet Gal-X the same damn treatment and it would have been canon... Grrr...
Oh well. So long as I get the hangar bay they teased... Hangar > front weapon slot, for me, at least for fun's sake. Mileage varies in the real world...
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I don't neccessarily RP, but I do like my ships to have canon setups as seen in the ST shows. Don't get me wrong, I also want the Galaxy to have a usefull role in PvE whatever that may be (I assume tanking, but unfortunatley the game content has no real need for tanks). That's why I'm here in this thread in the first place. The ship deserves some adjustments, we have been over this many times - this is one of the last ships in game that should be without at least some niche role.
PvP is a completely different topic. I'm not going to even go there for now, I'll just say that I consider it broken.
Agreed on this one. They could have and should have enhanced the X to a fleet version rather than releasing the Avenger.
There are only 2 reasons they released the Avenger - one is $$$ because I assume they expect to see more cash from a new C-Store ship rather than a new fleet ship and the other is to shut up all the whiners that were whining for a 'Vengeance', they gave them a blocky looking ship that could be painted black, without any context to the game and current timeframe. Classic Cryptic.
My ADD kicked in and I couldn't fly the same ship anymore (There is a reason I have ships coming out my ears, it is because I'll buy downgrades just to have a change of damned pace lol)
Taking my Gal-X out of dry dock... Curious what I can make her do now. It's been a while.
She isn't bad at all. A little long in the tooth, but another misunderstood ship. In the right hands she used to be a pure beast. She still isn't half bad, just old now.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
pure tanking has next to no use in game, and even if it did, the galaxy's abundance of eng is not the best path to peek tanking. the deflector and maco cooldowns can be a nice bandaid, but are no replacement for doubled up sci skills. what does a galaxy have over an ody? the ability to cycle RSP and AtS? a second AtS only closes a 5 seconds gap, and you cant even put PH on the ship. RSP is a please nuk me button, and if you rely on that as part of your defensive cycle, nukes will take you out easy. also if your a sci captain then your useing the wrong class to be a pure tank.
your AtD approach i can pull of in an escort, wile at the same time having a ton of DPS. its also having about 2 or 3 times the effect, because it woks off your base turn rate, and even separated the galaxy still has that base of 6. surly a COM, LTC eng, LTC, ENS sci and ENS tac recluse would do whatever your doing with the galaxy better. even a stat cruiser with an extra sci skill would do better. stacking resists runs into a diminishing return wall though, its never been the way to go. reasonable resistance stacking combined with overwhelming healing has long been established as the most effective way to tank damage, and has the added benefit to being useful to your teammates. JUST a tank is the most useless thing you can bring to any content, not even npcs will bother shooting you.
one of the best tank healers i know did a great cruiser healing and surviving write up in my help thread, you might find some of it useful, hes better at explaining the art of heal tanks then i am. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8998411&postcount=672
not only are there several ships better at pure tanking, pure tanking is without use in game. and any content that favors pure tanking sounds god awful boring to me. this game proves offense is the best defense already
other then saying 1 should influence the other, i try to keep those 'facts' as separate as possible from each other
And A2D escort won't have near the hull or shield mod...
Bah, doesn't matter, I'm not arguing anymore. I gathered my own information and know the answer myself. Listen or not, no skin off my teeth.
I'm only here now to bring muffins of peace and have some good ol' fashioned "Gal" talk.:P
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I'll take one!
During the last ship sale, I picked up a Gal-X for my Galaxy R captain K'Kera. I'm still indecisive on how to build it. Might use cannons for the challenge and so that the BO can be for the Phaser Lance.
(UFP) Ragnar
Hehe, I can't right tell you TBH.
Funny Gal related story... I bought my Gal-R to get over the sting of discharging a ship of mine loaded down with my good phasers...
I was conducting beam tests across all energytypes and I had worn my self out. I moved them all from one ody to another... and then proceded to discharge the wrong ody...
I never did re-invest in current phaser beams. Luckily I still had some mixed 11/12 borg phasers in the bank, but I've been holding out for elite fleet ones, I don't really want to rebuy those advanced fleet ones...
But, yeah, my phaser gear is sub-par. I'd assume the best you can do is standard faw/beta/a2b stuff. Beams are in a good place right now, why fight the turnrate?
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I... I... I... sort of went all canons on the Bortasqu and then saw all the Advanced Engineering Armor consoles in the Fleet Dilithium Mine....
(UFP) Ragnar
I'm just old and my wrists are giving out.
Put that on for size. An old crippled lady can out DPS your average pug tac/scort in her Sci/Gal-R. I'd say:
: <
You must be this tall to ride this ride.
Edit: I just hit 14.099k ISE in my Gal-R. How far behind is she, really? How high can she go? How high could a top end tac push her? The world may never know...
Sto academy is being wonky... updated build inc... fixed
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Only my Gal-R could have done this, tho I admit it was luck of the draw and rare. Still interesting. Well, maybe any tank, but it gave me so much good data...
I've stated many times, tho it tends to be ignored, that a tank can be a godsend to an underpowered/unskilled party. You get to save the day without completing the mission for them.
I warped into ISE to conduct a test. 2 people DC immediately. A third hangs on for a second or 2, then down they go, as well. Me and a moderately performing promie are the only ones left, and I'm in pure on tank mode. I did 6k dps (A whole 1k over what ISE is tuned for, so even with *NO* damage potential other then my 2 blue tac consles and phased polarons, In a pure on absorbtion build, I'm doing more then enough damage for the content... just saying...)
The one that held on for a second comes back just as we down the first transformer cube. Their DPS is low, but they are obviously having connection issues. With me tanking, they could deliver maximum damge and not have to worry about their own defenses.
A little old school 10% rule, me knowing how blow my burst when I need to (NImbus/sensor scan/photonics/QSM/refracting cascade/kitchen sink/go!) and then me holding agro and making damage vanish, and we ate up a bad situation like it wasn't even happening.
2 people warped in just as we finished off the spheres, and they helped, but we were well in time to hit the optional just the 2.5 of us.
Tanks rock in their place. Unfortunately those places are too rare here.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
What you describe here is more about player skill then anything the ship is doing. I would argue that had you been in say a Fleet Assault Cruiser you could have done the same thing while also putting out better damage. You would have just looked less cool doing it :cool:. That's my "Beef" with the Galaxy. Any build used on the Galaxy can be slightly altered and slapped onto one of the other fedcruisers and perform better.
I usually agree with you, but I will take exception here. I believe the skills do need a revamp. As far as writing content for tanks, that would only work in PvE, but it surely wouldn't work in PvP, where there is (should) be no script.
I don't want script in my PvP, you misunderstand.
There are ways to make a tank viable in PvP environments that have nothing to do with NPC's and scripting.
Take Capture and Hold. Right now, you just kinda fly and kill in the area. You just need superior numbers. A big, full on tank ship, you can just about ignore.
Now, imagine if to cap the node, you needed to perform an interaction that could be interupted. You can no longer afford to ignore that big DPS sponge, because you can't cap the node if they have weapons on you. You have to deal with it some how, be it CC or killing it or chasing it off... You have created content where a tank class has a role, even if minimal. It is certainly better then the situation we have, and it doesn't take a lot of work, either...
That is just an off the cuff example. You don't need to do PvPvE, which can be done well but isn't what I mean at all. I just mean PvP objectives where having a beefy tanker can be an asset. I still want to shoot players.
And the skills... Yeah, there are a couple with some cooldown issues, Aceton beam is the worst offender. Cooldown is too long. The debuff is amazing, but not up often enough to be worth its slot(s). The doffs that buff it miss the mark entirely.
What I'm finding is really crimping me the most, having to choose between A2SIF and A2D. If they renamed A2D to Reserve Power to Dampers or something and took it off the A2* cooldown that would help a ton.
And... that's it really. DEM is on a long cooldown, but is very strong. Mucking with it's cooldown would be more QoL then balance. Hitting it more often would "feel" better I think, but its pretty potent.
I thought the eng skill situation was a lot worse then it really is. Had to dedicate some time and learning and think outside the box some, but the changes that would be needed are minimal.
Edit: And if I had a doff that gave shield redistribution to Eng team... I'd jump for bloody joy... OMG that so needs to happen... Or, what I would actually like personally better, a doff that made the build in shield redistribution work faster/better... I'm of the opinon that spending the player attention to manage shields should be stronger then an ens level ability that does it automatically... but that is just me. Either or I would take readily.
And we could always use new skills, things are getting stale. Even Tac and Sci could use a shakeup really, Eng will just benefit the most.
Oh, and yeah, I even wrote in the post any tank could have probly done it. Hell, my Catbox could have just solo'ed it from there, but it wouldn't have been half as fun. I was just still flush with excitement from the run and wanted to share a cute Gal story.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
If you need heals in a elite STF your not a elite player and should return to normal STFs
Right now my escort can out tank my Fleet galaxy and out DPS it with ease i do it every day and so do many others
two tactical BO options are just a slap in the face making the ship Boring as well
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
I agree with this, there are far too many people on here that think the escort is king and insane dps is all that matters. The fact is, Im an engineer by trade, and tanking is what I do. I have lots of them, and the Gal R is my favorite. I have earned friends on this game and their respect by showing what the old girl is capable of if you give her a fair chance...and I have mine armed "canon" as well...If done right they are almost impossible to destroy with the right doffs and boffs they can be formidable "damage absorbers" freeing up the little escort dps gadflies to do their thing. They have a good role, not enough content, but still quite useful if given a chance. Plus, she's just a sexy ship anyway.
this thread have demonstrated that this ship is the least effective tank/healer cruiser.
whatever one can do with it you can do better with a simple star cruiser.
just a star cruiser, not even speaking about a bullwark voth ship.
some want it to me more tactical, but this is just a preference and can not be used as justification to a revamp.
meaning the galaxy don't need a revamp because he is a terrible dps ship, but because his stats make it a terrible ship overhaul that didn't even give him a niche, or role that can not be done by an other ship with better efficiency.
that is the consensus of the guys who are pushing this thread, of course you will always have from time to time, people that jump here and said they want a 5 tact console with 2 lt commander tact galaxy.
but this is not what the core of the people that support this thread are asking.
but i guess that asking people to get in touch with what the thread is really about, is maybe too much to ask, it is so much easy to assume.
COM eng
LTC uni
LT uni
LT sci
ENS sci
you could use the LTC for tac sure, but you would have the worst dps cruiser that happens to have an LTC tac, even worse then that hirogien cruiser. you could also go tac less, a first for a cruiser, and have a huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
In regards to a "huge amount of eng and sci. that would actually be something cool and unique", doesn't that fly in the wind of what you were talking about having a lot of eng' (as the Gal-R does already)?
Having two CMDR boffs is 100% against the designs and balances of the ships in this game. What exactly is the downside of that boff layout?
if you want to get specific, a COM and LT only of eng is all i would take, thats what i have said is the most you want. or id make the LT tac or sci, and the LTC sci, just the COM eng should be enough with damage control doffs.
going tactical id use the LTC for tac and LT for eng to run an AtB build
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.