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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?



  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mrtshead wrote: »
    I firmly believe that if you think that the Galaxy class Enterprise was intended to be some sort of powerful warship in the show, you entirely missed the point of TNG. From my perspective, it's YOU, and not Cryptic, who "hate" TNG.

    i am sorry, i coudn't resist to respond, just to said that i found it very funny ( no really, it make me laught when i read it).
    sorry edalgo, don't want to implie that one or the other is right or something, it just that i found the replie funny.
  • shaneseifertshaneseifert Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mrtshead wrote: »
    I firmly believe that if you think that the Galaxy class Enterprise was intended to be some sort of powerful warship in the show, you entirely missed the point of TNG. From my perspective, it's YOU, and not Cryptic, who "hate" TNG.

    Ok there is value in discussion and difference of opinion. I see VERY few posts where anyone is saying make it top dog when it comes to dps. Only that it should be competitive or at least a viable alternative to some of the other cruisers. Kinda boring having a ship that's mostly there to take a beating but can't hit back. Having watched tng from start to finish on DVD with my father, you will notice that Enterprise was actually very nasty, and the days of sitting around taking a beating were mostly seasons 1-3. Right up until she shot holes through a Borg cube. If she had a major weakness it was the mindset of Starfleet until the Borg showed up. In fact, until voyager was super modded she is still the only federation starship to solo a Borg cube on film/tv, and with only VERY minor modifications. Having said that, no, it should not be some kind of Super Battleship, though one of the original ones produced WAS named after the Battleship Yamato, and in an episode where the crew loses their memory, Worf, who is from a warrior race CLEARLY states that given her armament she was clearly a Battleship. And DS9 only made it look even more awesome as that show went on. The point is it is silly to have some of the ships that clearly have no hope of competing in terms of firepower and durability outclassing it, people are ok with the Excelsior doing it, but somehow opposed to the Galaxy class. It doesn't even make sense. No one debates the POINT of the next generation. What we debate is that it IS tradition that a starship that bears the name Enterprise is a top of the line in both tech and firepower starship. While the Galaxy class was an Explorer, she was also the Federation FIRST line of defense. When something nasty was around that's who Starfleet sent. I agree that TNG sent alt of mixed messages, but people who worked on the show and others that wrote the technical manual that served as sort of a bible for the shows writers agree that it was the Federations most powerful ship at the time. Not some trumped up Excelsior class that by that time was used to ferry Admirals around. Excelsior a that we're pressed to fill greater rolls after Wolf 359. Balance of the game is important, no one I've read here wants to change that, to state that the purpose of this thread is to make the galaxy some super battleships, or that the majority of posters want that is a gross misscharacterization.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    Wow no you need rewatch TNG.

    The Galaxy class was the most powerful starship class in the federation at the time of TNG. But the message wasn't to pew pew all the time it was about using this big powerful ship to expand man's knowledge while and trying to find peaceful solutions to our problems and disagreements. If a Galaxy class ship had problems during a crisis situation then other ships probably wouldn't have survived.

    But tension and drama lead to better ratings so after Gene Roddenberry pasted away things started getting darker on the shows. But the core message is still there.

    1. yeah, because roddenberry wanted drama, but no conflict at all, ever. Roddenberry was an idiot by that time and the show would not have made it past 2 season if he still had control.

    2. Your right, it IS the most powerful ship of the federation, and is equal to most governments most powerful warships. Yeah, for a group that supposedly was all about peace and exploration, they had some POWERFUL "exploration and Science" ships. Galaxy class was equal to a warship and was one in all but name.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    1. yeah, because roddenberry wanted drama, but no conflict at all, ever.

    That's not true at all. Roddenberry pushed for the inclusion of a Klingon marine in the crew. To both showcase the ideals of the federation (turning enemies into allies) ... and to underscore conflict and drama (having this former enemy in the crew creates dramatic tension).

    Roddenberry wanted action and conflict and drama. He always did. With all his work on Trek.

    I'm really not one to step up and defend his work since I really feel the magic of Trek is found in between what his vision was and what all of the other people put into it. A real group effort.

    But just because Roddenberry's vision was of a united people of Earth who were quite a few steps closer to a utopian ideal than we currently are ... doesn't mean he eschewed drama, conflict and tension. The guy wrote television.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Roddenberry was an idiot by that time and the show would not have made it past 2 season if he still had control.

    Wow, this might just be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum. :eek: And I don't say that lightly.
    However, this thread is not the apropriate place to discuss that topic.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I believe I said:

    "As much as one can argue that the Galaxy would be tactically superior (Boff/console slots) to its predecessors, it also makes no sense to make the replacement for the Enterprise-D (Enterprise being the historical name of the highest Starfleet pride) to be less formidable than the ship its replacing. No matter what "canon" someone brings up, this is a prevailing concept in Star Trek itself."

    Plainly put it only makes sense that the replacement for a ship that's name (such as the Enterprise) is the pride of the Federation is tactically superior to the ship it is replacing. This isn't the launching of the USS Bill Clinton, but a ship that Starfleets' reputation is banked upon. It's unrealistic to argue that the next ship in the line have less firepower than the ship its replacing, no matter if its smaller , especially considering the advancement the ship has.

    As far as being in a time of war and the "D" and "E", the "E" was no less in a time of war than the "D" was, actually the likelyhood of war with an overwhelmingly superior foe was more present with the "E" during its development time, or were the Borg as much of a paper tiger in Star Trek canon as it is in STO? Yet we see them just working to replace smaller-mid size ships , as you say, with the Sovereign, but not increasing the firepower dramatically to be deal with the threat as opposed to a ship thats a generation (10 years) older, and the Sovy isn't that much smaller to where advances in tech would preclude it for being more than a match in destructive capability as the "D" was, and most of that size was taken up with non combat space (apples to apples) . If not, the Federation didn't deserve to survive because it wasn't trying or not even taking threats seriously.

    i think the problem here is that this is a topic debated by different categories of fans, and some factors hold more weight with some then others. id like to think theres ruffly 3 groups of fans, and im not saying any is beter then the other

    1.casual fan of scifi, have watched at least some of the shows and movies, liked JJtrek

    2. more hard core fan, seen it all, proboly doesn't like jj trek, weighs in universe and out of universe information equally

    3. true nerd core canon fiend that dismiss all out of universe information as irreverent, with only the canon and 'pretty much canon' tech manuals as valid sources of information.

    this debate between us is a debate between a type 2 and type 3 fan, and we arent ever going to agree if we arent using the same information for our positions. to you, the enterprise E was designed to replace the enterprise D, out of universe, so of course the enterprise E is better. to me, the sovereign class is a large cruiser half the size of the flagship class, introduced less then a decade after the galaxy. due to the recent loss of an enterprise, they happened to make one of the first examples of this class the new enterprise. none of the out of universe intentions behind anything mater to me, if you want to debate which is more powerful in canon, only the hard canon is admissible, period. if you cant agree to those terms, this is a fruitless argument.

    its pointless anyway, with just the canon, and pretty much canon, ive proven time and again that the galaxy wins the numbers game over any other starfleet ship.

    I know you love your mile-long phaser strips and how the Galaxy is so big it can bolt on more and newer stuff, but seriously, if that was the be all and end all, why don't we have cruisers with the majority of their saucer with emitters wrapped all around it in a large spiral?

    its not so much that i love the way phasers work, its that thats how they work, deal with it. im trying to think of a post galaxy ship that doesn't have arrays warped all the way around the saucer. best example is the akira class, its dorcel array is even longer then the sovereign's longest. the sov, intrepid have pretty long arrays for their size, and though they may be split in some cases, they have been seen firing from both at once on a single target. i guess the answer to that question is they do, unless your talking about cryptic designs :rolleyes:
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    reynoldsxd wrote: »
    Cryptic is facing a bit of a dilemma here. They know that an upgraded set of galaxies would sell like hotcakes, that however would also mean that a part of the population would cease to exist as a potential customer. As long as the galaxy remains a worse ship, the players might get frustrated enough to cave in and buy something else.

    The galaxy is a big can of cash, and also a death knell for further offerings.

    with all the destructive short sighted additions they have made to the game, i refuse to believe they are this cautions for the long term. besides, this whole premise isnt even true. no 6 turn cruiser is going to completely satisfy any galaxy class fans game play to the point that he doesn't use anything else again. escorts, sci ships, destroyers, battle cruisers, these all bring different game play to the table then this slug could satisfy, and more often then not id rather be in those other kinds of ships then the fattest cruisers. stats obviously sell ships more then anything, or else everyone who likes the galaxy wouldn't mind its station setup no mater how bad it is. we want a decnt galaxy class, we cant even use our favorite ship in the content we enjoy because its SO BAD right now. a great galaxy class would be best, but id take a decent usable one
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Wow, this might just be the dumbest thing I've ever read on this forum. :eek: And I don't say that lightly.
    However, this thread is not the apropriate place to discuss that topic.

    I am talking about TNG, of which that is true. The first season was a pail imitation of TOS and the second season had the Gorgon...I mean Polaski was STILL trying and failing to copy TOS.

    The numbers of the show do not lie, it was only at the season 3 that the show really became well-watched.

    but you are right, this is off topic, as for above. No, the Sovereign was specifically created to be a warship to fight the Borg, better in nearly every way to the Galaxy class, it is said a couple times in the movies AND it only makes sense. The Galaxy was created at a time of relative peace, which explains the allowance of family on board. The Sovereign has no such thing, and while it DOES have some accommodations for off-time stuff, they are not as plentiful as the Galaxy was.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    but you are right, this is off topic, as for above. No, the Sovereign was specifically created to be a warship to fight the Borg, better in nearly every way to the Galaxy class, it is said a couple times in the movies AND it only makes sense. The Galaxy was created at a time of relative peace, which explains the allowance of family on board. The Sovereign has no such thing, and while it DOES have some accommodations for off-time stuff, they are not as plentiful as the Galaxy was.

    Can you state a valid source on the claim that the Sovereign was created as a warship intended to fight the Borg? I remember the exact same thing being said about the Defiant, which is true and I know this myslef, but this is the first time I hear of the Sovereign in that context.

    About the Galaxy - the allowance of families on board was not as a result of 'relative peace'. The allowance of families on board was due to the fact that the Galaxy Class starships were designed to go on a 7 year standalone exploration missions in deep space so they wanted to enable the crew to bring their families so they can continue with their normal family life should they desire, and also because Starfleet was clearly very confident of the Galaxy Class' defensive and combat abilities in order to protect those innocent lives. Starfleet is much more than some military.

    Also, there is no such thing as 'relative peace' in space, this is probably the 1.000.000-th time I say this. They go out there and explore the uncharted. They can't know what they'll encounter. Even if they stumble upon a single unknown ship, it can still be hostile and a threat that could be their undoing. Every Starfleet ship sent on such missions was more than capable of handling itself and Starfleet seemed pretty confident that with the Galaxy Class they had one of the 'Top Dogs' in known space.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    I agree here.

    And I found canon references to why array length DO NOT mean more powerful phasers.

    In the TNG episode where Barclay became a super genius Picard asked for more power to phasers. We hear Geordi saying how he was isolating only certain emitters on the array and increasing power on the EPS conduit behind those specific emitters. Then Geordi States the phasers are as hot as they're going to get. They didn't charge the entire array but maximized power to only a few and was stated more powerful that way.

    Longer array is only to have a wider firing arc in canon especially on a ship that isn't very maneuverable at impulse speed.

    Phasers are powered by the EPS grid. This is powered by the warp core and/or fusion reactors. Therefore the ship with the most powerful warp core AND most efficient EPS grid AND emitters will have the most powerful phasers. We all agree the Sovereign is more advanced. Now even though the Galaxy is larger the Sovereign has a larger warp core by 4 stories. It's engineering section is taller than the Galaxy's which its warp core does not extend into its neck area. Bigger is better? Well then the Sovereign wins with more power potential.

    Is the Galaxy capable and powerful? Absolutely! Would Starfleet new flagship is less powerful than its predecessor? Absolutely not. Size does matter but you have to look at the stats that count not just internal volume.

    i'll have to go back and rewatch that episode. but the last time i saw it i dont remember thinking oh well that just blew out whats in the tech manual. if i did i would have been referencing that episode, and not the manual the last few years. 1 acceptation is an inconsistency, not a disapproval. theres to many instances were they bothered with a full array discharge, to great effect, and ive yet to see even a passable explanation for that happening that isn't the one found in the tech manual.

    a lot of assumptions are made about warp cores. if 1 is taller then the other, does that mean its more powerful? compare the miranda to the constitution. the miranda's core is vertical, but only 3 or 4 decks tall. the connie's core stretches all the way up its neck to the bottom of the secondary hull. yet both ships run the same warp engines, and just about every other component is common between them. whats the difference between these ships? well, the connie is an explorer, a tall core might help a ship like that in some way, while the miranda was an iner federation space mission class. perhaps a tall core puts less stress on it when your at warp for weeks at a time, but doesn't necessarily generate anymore power.

    i also believe that just about any warp core generates more power then the ship could possibly need at sub light. what the weapons and shields would require must be a fraction of the energy that would be required to fly at warp, let alone tens of thousands of times faster then that. so i assume power generation is a non issue on any of these ships, and the limitations are more in what the shield and weapon emiters can channel, and the volume of plasma the EPS system can move.

    the sovereign is faster then the galaxy, and that would require more power, so im not surprised its core is a bit bigger... taller, whatever. the volume of the reaction chamber is proboly the most reliable indicator of how much power is produced. the tallness, well thats just fancy piping isn't it?
  • shaneseifertshaneseifert Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    We keep getting drawn off topic. This isn't about the Galaxy being better than this or that ship so much it's about it being less capable than it should . It should be more balanced than it is. At the end of the day it's ability to hit back has been underplayed and it isn't keeping up with the power creep at all. The Sovvy refit is great. I don't want to cone those stats for the Galaxy, but balance it in some other way.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    The D'Deridex originally came out with the Galaxy's stats and ppl threw a fit so Cryptic changed it.. The DD isn't the best but not bad... A Jack of all trades master of none... Very Capable. We should get that for the Fleet Galaxy.

    theres no denying that they KNOW that that galaxy R station setup is unacceptable, since the LoR beta. they know, because they reacted to feedback of it. if they have time to build dyson spheres they have time to adjust a stat or 2 in an excel spreadsheet
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Can you state a valid source on the claim that the Sovereign was created as a warship intended to fight the Borg? I remember the exact same thing being said about the Defiant, which is true and I know this myslef, but this is the first time I hear of the Sovereign in that context.

    About the Galaxy - the allowance of families on board was not as a result of 'relative peace'. The allowance of families on board was due to the fact that the Galaxy Class starships were designed to go on a 7 year standalone exploration missions in deep space so they wanted to enable the crew to bring their families so they can continue with their normal family life should they desire, and also because Starfleet was clearly very confident of the Galaxy Class' defensive and combat abilities in order to protect those innocent lives. Starfleet is much more than some military.

    Also, there is no such thing as 'relative peace' in space, this is probably the 1.000.000-th time I say this. They go out there and explore the uncharted. They can't know what they'll encounter. Even if they stumble upon a single unknown ship, it can still be hostile and a threat that could be their undoing. Every Starfleet ship sent on such missions was more than capable of handling itself and Starfleet seemed pretty confident that with the Galaxy Class they had one of the 'Top Dogs' in known space.

    The Sovereign thing comes up time and again because people just assume it's a warship because the TNG movies were a lot about fighting (some okay and some just dumb. I still get a headache thinking about insurrection) and it looked more "bad-TRIBBLE". The Borg thing just comes from the conclusion that the Ent-E trashed a Borg cube means it was meant to fight the Borg. And then there's the line of Picard in FC, asking "anyone still remember the time we were explorers?" or something like that.

    I personally think that are misassumptions. First of all, there is no canon source to proof any of these claims. The Sovereign class was designed either during or shortly before the Dominion war and as such probably intented to reinforce the fleet that lost a huge number of vessels during the war. Even during First Contact and Insurrection we see the Ent-E is on duty concerning the Dominion war originally. I think picards line originates from the thought that their mission for the past and future years seems to be playing "firefighters" for Dominion realted skirmishes, politics and so on. The Sovy itself was said to be an evolution of the Excelsior by the designers at some point and it makes sense. It's smaller than the big Explorers, albeit more advanced. Those ships would substitute for a lot of ship classes the fleet had during TNG and streamline the line-up, basically. I do think that the Sovereign Class IS more of a "battle cruiser" due to the fact that it seems more manneuvreable and roughly the same level of armament to a Galaxy - it's more of a Vor'Cha take on battlecruiser, not a Negh'Var (which was the KDFs answer to the Galaxy).

    The rest of your post just deserves a squeal of approval :D Well said :cool:
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    angrytarg wrote: »
    The Sovereign thing comes up time and again because people just assume it's a warship because the TNG movies were a lot about fighting (some okay and some just dumb. I still get a headache thinking about insurrection) and it looked more "bad-TRIBBLE". The Borg thing just comes from the conclusion that the Ent-E trashed a Borg cube means it was meant to fight the Borg. And then there's the line of Picard in FC, asking "anyone still remember the time we were explorers?" or something like that.

    While I have no problem agreeing that the Sovereign was designed to be an advancement and more powerfull, albeit not fulfulling the same role as the Galaxy, I also think that people are interpreting the destruction of the Borg cube based on their wishes rather than clear objective thinking.

    The Borg cube fell due to Picard's previous intimate knowledge of the Borg, so he knew where to strike them. If the cube fell due to the Sovereigns sheer power that would mean that Starfleet designed a ship so much better than anything they ever created, that would literally blow your mind. It would also mean that Picard would have laughed like J. Jonah Jameson in Spiderman when he heard Shinzon's threats - if he has a ship that can take a Borg cube in a single blow, what threat is a Scimitar?

    I agree with the rest of your post, I cut it short because of multiquoting and length. ;)
    edalgo wrote: »
    Well the Sovereign surely had better weapon and defensive systems in mind when being build especially after Wolf 359.

    Again, I have no issue with the premise of the Sovereign being an advancement. However, the thing is - the design and implementation of tech for the Sovereign began much earlier than Wolf 359.
    The result of Wolf 359 was the Defiant, the Sovereign was allways going to be what it is because her creation started before the Wolf 359 battle. No doubt that some advancements were installed as a result of that experience, but the Sovereign was allways going to be what it is. The Defiant on the other hand is the direct spawn of the Worf 359 battle.

    But yeah, on the topic of Galaxy anyway:
    We keep getting drawn off topic. This isn't about the Galaxy being better than this or that ship so much it's about it being less capable than it should . It should be more balanced than it is. At the end of the day it's ability to hit back has been underplayed and it isn't keeping up with the power creep at all. The Sovvy refit is great. I don't want to cone those stats for the Galaxy, but balance it in some other way.
    edalgo wrote: »
    The D'Deridex originally came out with the Galaxy's stats and ppl threw a fit so Cryptic changed it.. The DD isn't the best but not bad... A Jack of all trades master of none... Very Capable. We should get that for the Fleet Galaxy.

    I know I might sound insane to some now, but the baic premise of the D'Deridex Boff setup is what I would like the best for the fleet Galaxy. Also as others have said, the D'Deridex had the Galaxy setup, but then Crytpic changed it due to outcry.

    The fleet D'Deridex currently has: TRIBBLE X XXXX X TRIBBLE

    What I'd be very happy with for the Galaxy is similar: TRIBBLE X XXXX X TRIBBLE

    I'd be very happy with this Boff setup even if the ship retains it's current console slots. I know some will view this as a heresy, because the setup is basically killing the option for the glorified A2B and I can see where they'd be comming from - however, personally I was never big on cookie cutter builds.

    My interest in this setup is because the ship retains the engineering focus, while adhering to the canon role of the Galaxy Class in a much apropriate way.
    A while ago, I watched a documentary about the Enterprise-D narrated by none other than Jonathan Frakes himself and he described Enterprise's role as: long range deep space exploration, scientific and cultural research, charting anomalies, mapping, first contact scenarios, full ecologic and biologic studies and implementation of the Federation policies. Now all of that implies of a very balanced ship to me, so this "jack of all trades" setup I think will genuinely portray the ship that was in the show.
    My biggest desire is more science capabilities on the Galaxy because it clearly is a very science oriented and capable starship class.
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    1st sry for mi english, and mi lack of hope....

    shpoks wrote: »
    But yeah, on the topic of Galaxy anyway:

    I know I might sound insane to some now, but the baic premise of the D'Deridex Boff setup is what I would like the best for the fleet Galaxy. Also as others have said, the D'Deridex had the Galaxy setup, but then Crytpic changed it due to outcry.

    The fleet D'Deridex currently has: TRIBBLE X XXXX X TRIBBLE

    What I'd be very happy with for the Galaxy is similar: TRIBBLE X XXXX X TRIBBLE

    I'd be very happy with this Boff setup even if the ship retains it's current console slots. I know some will view this as a heresy, because the setup is basically killing the option for the glorified A2B and I can see where they'd be comming from - however, personally I was never big on cookie cutter builds.

    My interest in this setup is because the ship retains the engineering focus, while adhering to the canon role of the Galaxy Class in a much apropriate way.
    A while ago, I watched a documentary about the Enterprise-D narrated by none other than Jonathan Frakes himself and he described Enterprise's role as: long range deep space exploration, scientific and cultural research, charting anomalies, mapping, first contact scenarios, full ecologic and biologic studies and implementation of the Federation policies. Now all of that implies of a very balanced ship to me, so this "jack of all trades" setup I think will genuinely portray the ship that was in the show.
    My biggest desire is more science capabilities on the Galaxy because it clearly is a very science oriented and capable starship class.

    hi bro is a nice to see more ideas for the galaxy this one makeme thinq why criptic chosse made the (C) store galaxy T4 eng and sice with : XX TRIBBLE and X XX XX
    this setup made sence for a multi rol ship like the galaxy but in the T5 we get the pain in the ********* extreme eng based "wont be so bad setup IF the 4 of the 5 ens lvl skill share CD same powers continues to lvl ltc and few other options starting at ltc lvl.

    some many times whe talk abouth criptic want the triny of 3 boff class based ship : defiant heavy tac boff, interpid heavy boff scie, and with bad luck to all fans of the galaxy the heavy eng boff ship....

    but i cant believe why criptic dont see the eng powers conflict (most posible they think it will be fixed later) we already endind the 4 aniversary and no change or fix there...

    im here since start of f2p some time out and back i was here when they release the fleet version and all of us ask for a change in that boff setup (and get ignored) but then they released the DD with the same boff setup and theyr new romulans costumers say no to this , they change it in no time...

    im find mi self very disapointed with this, and like any other kdf player i see most of the thing made kdf unique go to the hands of fed players and see manytimes in the forum writed "if fed players cry for some thing they will get it" and for many things i seethat hapens BUT with the galaxy .....

    LOL is like criptic say "this far no more" xD

    and im still fly mi galaxy in 1 of mi captains mi last stuborn character and slowly i was playing more and more KDF side with all the bugs , some of this bug older like f2p other com and go .
    (NOT ROMIS they are not a real faction and i dont really like what criptic made with them)

    the future of fed characters and the galaxy are marked when mi fleet reach shipyard 5 i will take the fleet sovering and if the galaxy stay the same it will be dust in ESD until a big nostalgia hitme and takeit for a run ....
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I still insist that the the most major flaw in the galaxy, is the fault of how engineering abilities work, as well as the lack of choose. Too many share cool downs with abilities considered to be better. Also many engineering abilities are lack luster, while tactical abilities for the most part, are awesome. Target subsystem even has its uses, and attack pattern delta.

    Science also kinda has this problem too but, more so on many lackluster abilities. Make engineering abilities that are at ensign level that don't share a cool down with emergency power to x or engineering team. Improve engineering team give it re-balancing shields. Make Aceton beam apply its debuff after all damage has been totaled and make it only cleansed by engineering team and the like. Same with eject warp plasma make damage higher and boarding party, engineering team can only clear it, but make it a on contact effect then a sustained random effect.

    Directed energy mod needs a doff maybe that gives a chance to heal own shields for % of damage. Also a set percentage of damage penetrates shields would be nice.

    Becuase engineering abilities and debuffs should be countered by engineering team just as science, science, tact,tact. Not this almost one size fits all that most tactical abilities have now.
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    1st sry for mi english

    yea many Scie and also Eng powers get nerf under the screem of tacticals captains... (tacticals star theyr rage here xD ) one thing i never understend is why the small ship are the few what can use the top power for mines and torpedos only a few cruciers (the class of ship what really can carri that many torpedos and mines inside of their hull) but if some take away the torpedo and mine powers from the tactical class they will rage and start to scream , even when they dont really usit ....

    anyway torpedos are not like in the show and dont think they buff them anytime, but will be cool to see the cruciers be siege ship of the game.

    but can be cool if a new Eng power made the cruciers use more torpedos something like :

    Beam armonic sync : cut the dmg of beam arrays to half and grant x% to torpedos bypass shield of the ship ataked by the beams... (based in aux power maybe) this will made CD any other beam power

    lvl 1 can star at LTC lvl 2 at CMDR and LVL 3 train by ENG captains with 6 points in torpedo spec.

    Stealth torpedo : overcharge the torpedo and give a stealth buff so cant be detected until reach 3.5 k but slow their speed 1/3 until reach the 3.5k then recover their speed but star to loose the overcharge if not hit the target in 3 sec until reach theyr normal dmg.

    upgrade AOE mine : lunch a single mine set to proximity and detonate in a AOE blast

    this can made a new family of builds

    have more ideas but not all ready

    i like to listen your feedback ppl
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    something galaxy X related is happening tomorrow, get hyped!

    this mostly likely includes some or all of the following

    *gen 2 sep on galaxy X

    *fleet galaxy X

    *fleet gurumba

    *gen 2 MVAM

    *gen 2 sep on galaxy R

    *the best opportunity they will ever have to improve the galaxy R and galaxy X station and console setup to 2014 tier.
  • opo98opo98 Member Posts: 435 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    As I've said elsewhere, I am hoping that it's a C-Store ship as oposed to a Fleet ship.
    If it's a Fleet ship, I sincerely doubt it'll be what most players are hoping it will be.

    If it is a Fleet version, we probably won't get much beyond additional console slot (probably Tac) an additional BOFF (probably Eng), and a little more hull. Possibly saucer sep via synergy.

    A C-store version allows for a 'refit/retrofit' version with additional improvements, possibly a set bonus and, most importantly, account-wide unlock!

    It won't be there at all. Patch notes for tomorrow mention nothing of a Galaxy of any kind.
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Not saying it is, but on the other hand, C-store ships don't generally appear in the patch notes anyway. Fleet ships do, but rare that the C-store ones do.

    There is also that matter of "announcements" not going under "patch notes" because they're two disparate entities.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ehgato wrote: »
    1st sry for mi english, and mi lack of hope....

    hi bro is a nice to see more ideas for the galaxy this one makeme thinq why criptic chosse made the (C) store galaxy T4 eng and sice with : XX TRIBBLE and X XX XX
    this setup made sence for a multi rol ship like the galaxy but in the T5 we get the pain in the ********* extreme eng based "wont be so bad setup IF the 4 of the 5 ens lvl skill share CD same powers continues to lvl ltc and few other options starting at ltc lvl.

    Yeah, it has been mentioned many times in the thread that sorting out, adding and improving the engineering Boff skills could be one way to aleviate the problem the Galaxy Class is facing in STO.

    Frankly I wouldn't have anything against a fix like that, I'm at this point pretty used to what the Galaxy is and her Boff layout so a fix to the engineering skills may be a real boost as long as it's worthwile and not just cosmetic.
    It wouldn't portray the ship genuinely as in canon - being a multirole and multipurpose ship, but meh....what's left in STO that adheres to canon by now?

    But on the other hand, I have this serious doubt that Cryptic will ever endeavor in making such significant changes to their game as revamp of the engineering Boff tree or revamp of the end-game content to bring back the roles of each class - making tanking relevant and necessary.
    That's why I'm pushing for Boff slot changes, because I think we're much much more likely to see such an "easy" fix rather than hope Cryptic will revamp their game.
    ehgato wrote: »
    some many times whe talk abouth criptic want the triny of 3 boff class based ship : defiant heavy tac boff, interpid heavy boff scie, and with bad luck to all fans of the galaxy the heavy eng boff ship....

    And that's ok and I'm ok with that. I can even see why they decided to go that route with the 'Big 3' back when they created them. But then F2P came and they borked their game making it an extreme DPS fiesta. So now, out of those 3 - the Defiant is still good because it carries vast amounts of firepower in a DPS centered game; the Intrepid is facing some issues of the same nature due to DPS centered end-game, but I still consider it solid (although it may need some help) in terms of sheer science and then we have the Galaxy - it has the lowest DPS potential in a game revolving around DPS and it's good at tanking in a game that doesn't require tanking.

    Basically, I wouldn't bother me to have an engineering heavy ship (I already have it anyway:P) if heavy engineering had a role and was relevant in the game. That, unfortunatley, is not the case here - thus this epic threadnought concerning this topic.
    ehgato wrote: »
    but i cant believe why criptic dont see the eng powers conflict (most posible they think it will be fixed later) we already endind the 4 aniversary and no change or fix there...

    im here since start of f2p some time out and back i was here when they release the fleet version and all of us ask for a change in that boff setup (and get ignored) but then they released the DD with the same boff setup and theyr new romulans costumers say no to this , they change it in no time...

    Oh, they see it, believe me. They just don't feel they need or want to do anything about it. You've said it yourslef - the D'Deridex is a perfect example of them knowing of the Galaxy's issue. The D'D had the Galaxy layout copy-pasted, but people complained and she got the Boff & console setup she has now. But by now we should get used to everything Romulan being OP, right?
    ehgato wrote: »
    im find mi self very disapointed with this, and like any other kdf player i see most of the thing made kdf unique go to the hands of fed players and see manytimes in the forum writed "if fed players cry for some thing they will get it" and for many things i seethat hapens BUT with the galaxy .....

    LOL is like criptic say "this far no more" xD

    Hehe :) As someone who plays mostly KDF, I can tell you that this is indeed the "KDF type issue" of the Federation side. lol :D
    ehgato wrote: »
    and im still fly mi galaxy in 1 of mi captains mi last stuborn character and slowly i was playing more and more KDF side with all the bugs , some of this bug older like f2p other com and go .
    (NOT ROMIS they are not a real faction and i dont really like what criptic made with them)

    I also play mostly KDF, however my primary Fed. Captain flies a Fleet Galaxy Class. Call it stubborn or whatever, I love flying that ship, doing my thing, doing stuff in the game with the Galaxy, I enjoy my time on her bridge and I always try to enhance her with new tech and make her as powerfull as a Galaxy can possibly be. Nothing beats the fun of flying my favourite ship.
    ehgato wrote: »
    the future of fed characters and the galaxy are marked when mi fleet reach shipyard 5 i will take the fleet sovering and if the galaxy stay the same it will be dust in ESD until a big nostalgia hitme and takeit for a run ....

    I'm going to be perfectly honest here - I'll be that guy that will fly his Galaxy untill the bitter end. :D When this game is about to shut down, hopefully many years from now, you'll still be able to see the U.S.S. Roddenberry, the Galaxy Class Explorer under my command warping around in space.
    Well, unless Cryptic does something incerdibly stupid like slapping a hangar bay on the ship. If this happens, I'm gone.

    My primary Fed. is a cruiser char and currently has the following cruisers at his disposal:

    - Fleet Avenger (still slapping myslef for actually buying that one)
    - Odyssey 3-pack (gathering sigificant amount of dust in drydock)
    - Regent (ripped off the wide angle quantum, put it on the Galaxy and never looked back )
    - Fleet Excelsior (extremely fun ship, but is on a temporary forced vacation)
    - Fleet Galaxy - the ship I actually use 99% of the time.

    I don't care about the power, DPS or whatever else - nothing beats the fun of having and commanding the ship I fell in love with as a child. As long as the PvE content in this game is so lemonade that people do it in T1 ships, it means I can do everything in my Fleet Galaxy-R.

    That said, I clearly believe that this iconic ship deserves better. Much better.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    Glaxy class

    Needs Moar !!!!!!
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm also okay with boosting engineering powers as I understand the trinity decisions of the big three, even though I don't like the concept.

    What I personally don't get is that we are able to buy those 2409 refits at T4 but are not allowed to continue playing them at endgame. A T5 Venture would have a LTC Sci, a T5 Bellerophon would have a LTC Tac (I think?) and a T5 Sao Paolo would have a LTC Eng. This is a different playstyle than the regular T4/T5 version of these ships.

    My Starfleet main will also stick to his Explorer, it just doesn't feel right to change that ship :D Although it's a Venture-Type, not a pure Galaxy Class anymore because the Galaxy model kinda irks me and the 2409 refit looks nice to me. My fed Sci commands a Fleet Nebula and will also not ditch that ship, I would like a Venture reskin for that, though. And my new Fed Tac commands a Cheyenne - I might some lucky day grind enough Zen for the Galaxy Dreadnaught to use that Venture-ized on that toon. Other than that I have a KDF Tac with a MU Negh'Var. I only use canon designs, really (would use the Galaxy skin if they would fix that, including the weapon hardpoints).
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    The problem with boosting lower level engineer abilities is that would provide more of a boost to everything else in the game and still leave the Galaxy class the worse choice when attempting to fill any role since EVERY ship in the game has access to lower level engineering abilities.

    It wouldn't fix the Galaxy's situation but only add more power creep into the game.

    Dont think "boost" is what we need, mi personal opinion is we need some thing else to add some thing "usefull" for avoid all the comflict of shared CD whe have this days

    i can think on agresive powers like:
    some thing like channel all aux and eng power to main array

    But criptic think the eng power most be defensives with a small power boost to weapons, this is what made so pasive the galaxy R

    a more agresive is a option but to be honest i will like to have a chance to use more scie power in the galaxy it will be nice also
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    Something like that would still give a wider advantage to the Fleet Sovereign Excelsior and Avenger . Plus think about people with bug ships that run 2 lt engineering stations and an ensign slot. Patrol Escort, Steamrunner, the list continues.

    sure it will IF they are given at lower lvl like ens mi fault is not to be more clear on mi idea , it should be at ltc and cmdr lvl , but always goin to be a ship with high lvl of eng boof slot and take the same advantage , that will never happens if criptic stay true to his initial idea of trinity but they find more easy give to the new ship acces to tacticals power and consoles and not to fix the inbalance in BOFF powers.

    Here are in dust many good ideas for many ppl (DO NOT SAY THAT MY IDEAS ARE GREAT)

    and sry for mi english
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ehgato wrote: »
    Dont think "boost" is what we need, mi personal opinion is we need some thing else to add some thing "usefull" for avoid all the comflict of shared CD whe have this days

    Yeah, my thoughts were in that direction as well.
    edalgo wrote: »
    Something like that would still give a wider advantage to the Fleet Sovereign Excelsior and Avenger . Plus think about people with bug ships that can run 2 lt engineering stations and an ensign slot. Patrol Escort, Steamrunner, the list continues.

    Oh and the Scimitar can run a LtCmdr and lt eng station... Like that ship really needs more help.

    I get where you're comming from, what I thought regarding a rework or adding low level engineering skills was in the area of being able to slot 3 usefull low level engineering Boff skills that wouldn't cancel each one out on cooldown. That could turn the Galaxy's 3 engi Boff slot from a weakness into an advantage. Sure, the likes of the Excelsior will also have access, but that's why this is only a part of a solution. The other part would be making tanking relevant.

    Anyway, as I said - I highly doubt they will bother going so deep into their game mechanics at this point in the game. I don't hold much hope for that anymore. That's why I believe an altered Boff layout, or maybe adding a special weapon to the C-Store Galaxy-R such as "Heavy Beam Array" to be a much more realistic solution.
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    maybe IF some thing like aux2damp were in Ens lvl AND give more boost based on the inate inertia of the ship will hlp a lot with the shared CD and also hlp Free lvl 40 ship but not so much other class of ship like the steam runer or the JHbug

    sry for mi english
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    Adding something like the Heavy beam array would be a ideal way to fix many underpowered ships

    make the beam array only available to ships that need it/ nturally they should only be available from the Dil / lobi/ or cstore so cryptic can make money

    sort of like the way spital wave disruptors are done
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    The problem with boosting lower level engineer abilities is that would provide more of a boost to everything else in the game and still leave the Galaxy class the worse choice when attempting to fill any role since EVERY ship in the game has access to lower level engineering abilities.

    It wouldn't fix the Galaxy's situation but only add more power creep into the game.

    It depends on how you boost it yes there other ships like mentioned that have alot of engineering slots but. If you boosted abilities that are clearly not on par with their cooldown counter parts or even other ensign abilities. They will be forced to choose instead of it being almost a forced choose. In current meta you are almost forced to take TAC team and its been like this for so long, I think devs are really gun shy of changing this but it really needs to be done. Also engineering ensign needs more choose, at least as much as tac which has like 4 engineering you effectively have 2 due to shared cooldowns.

    Along with taking a good long look at lt com and commander rank abilities of engineering, many of whom have no place to very little place in pve much less pvp.
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    jellico1 wrote: »
    Adding something like the Heavy beam array would be a ideal way to fix many underpowered ships

    make the beam array only available to ships that need it/ nturally they should only be available from the Dil / lobi/ or cstore so cryptic can make money

    sort of like the way spital wave disruptors are done

    What if this heavy beam array is open to any ship and with the mods : ACC+CRTH +DMG BUT this mod increase when the ship has lees turn rate and more inertia so a escort wont get a real boost of this (they dont need that) a scie can get a moderate boost and old ship like the galaxy can get a decent boost
This discussion has been closed.