*Buffed Borg LOLpedo to make even more unfair. All Borg torpedoes now do eleven trillion critical damage per shot, have unlimited rage and are utterly unstoppable. 2 second cooldown.
*Broke user-interface, buttons now change position at random when clicked, or drop entirely. We don't know what went wrong, nor do we care about fixing it. Buy a master key.
*Finished rendering all plot-missions unplayable due to AI glitches, background image failures and various other major show-stopping bugs. This portion of the game does not generate revenue therefore we DO NOT give two tribbles out of a Borg's butt about it. (Sadly this one is more true than you realize! :eek: )
*Added eleven new grind maps and 16 new reputation systems, each requiring 8 new currencies. Some promised rep items are broken to the point that they are useless, while others haven't even been programmed yet.
*Nerfed all powers that benefit the player in any way. Sci Team actually reduces your shields, Eng Team damages your hull, and Tac Team causes your security team to blow **** up aboard your own ship. Haz Team will cause you to burst into flames. Aux Power abilities will set your power levels to Zero for 15 min.
*Decreased server stability. We removed two banks of RAM and half of the CPU arrays and gave them to the Neverwinter team in trade for use of the K-Cup coffee-maker.
*Added new player ability "Orbital Howitzer." Instantly destroys any target for the low low cost of 500 lobi per shot.
*Added a bunch of Foundry stuff that doesn't work. Or does it? No one really knows because the person who programs the Foundry speaks Dutch and we can't understand him.
*Manipulated the Dilth market so you can no longer spend money to get ahead, you must grind a MINIMUM of 16 hours a day.
*Decreased Refine Cap by 7,500.
*Sold password management database to Russian Mobster to finance VO work for next grind-world map.
We expect this downtime to last for at least 8 hours with a 75% chance of something going wrong and extending the time by 2 hours. Downtime will occur during peak hours for non-American markets because we just don't give a dang about France. Sorry France. Cryptic Studios hopes you enjoy your expanded STO: Grind Harder Experience and that you will buy lots of lockbox keys otherwise we will all be unemployed. Thank you for playing STO: Grind Harder.
...this entire post. It made me laugh.
"You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
themarie you make my day happy now
But not far from true game play
I am becoming very disillusioned with the game experience... They flat-out refuse to fix any of the show-stopper bugs in the plot missions at all, yet will release four line patches detailing how they fixed an insignificant typo in the latest lock-box.
That right there tells me "story content" is not even a concern anymore. It's just STO: Lockbox Mania from here on out.
I am kind of disappointed. STO seems to have more of the computer nerd vib to it and I have met a ton of nerds in game that always give me good advice on computer stuff like processors and the like. That being said...does anyone not think that maybe they are doing more than just sticking a patch on a game? There is always hardware maintenance. Maybe they are swapping out backup servers or switching to another server all together. Maybe there is some other sort of delay built in.
If my past experiences are any indication, Cryptic's process may be similar to the following:
(1) Check server hard drives for red indicator lights.
(2) Shutdown 1: Replace malfunctioning HDDs.
(3) Restart 1.
(4) Partition & Format New Drives.
(5) Upload: Latest Image of STO onto new drives.
(6) Upload: New patch updates from secondary server or hard drive.
(7) Upload: New patch that addresses certain software stability issues.
(8) Shutdown 2: Let RAM memory clear for twenty to thirty minutes.
(9) Restart 2
(10) Check server hard drives for red indicator lights.
(11) Address any other issues.
(12) Restart 3
(13) Reconnect server.
Some other 'possible' issues that may be affected by these servers:
(1) Network issues.
(2) In-house email account issues.
(3) Motherboard issues.
(4) Power supply issues.
(5) HDD Defragmentation
(6) HDD Surface scans - Can take up to an hour for each drive.
(7) System cooling issues.
(8) Installing new drivers.
(9) Reset Back Up Time slots
(10) Database issues.
When most people think of a server, the image they have is one computer with a few drives. "Star Trek: Online" sits on a server with a few hundred drives, which fills up a medium to large sized room. Depending upon how many hard-drives they have, the restarting, patching, and maintenance time can be a little long.
Will somebody fix it so my KDF character doesn't have to stand on bank/exchange/lore consoles to use them. Foundry mission contacts require I do a timed jumping F.
It's been this way for months. I think it began with the glowing console introduction. Anybody working on this or do I need to save it for an AskCryptic?
I actually think some of the KDF bugs need to be made officially 'working as intended' i.e. add sparks and smoke to the appropriate non-functional side of the Exchange/Bank consoles and have a Duty Officer mission added to execute the Transporter Officer at the Qo'noS shipyard.
Oh, and seriously, five hours?? I notice the authentication server is down (which normally stays up during the two hour downtimes) - that'll be why Tribble is down too...
So bad and sad that Tribble is not available during Holodeck maintenance :mad:
Given the length of the maintenance, I would imagine this is a hardware fix. That may preclude the possibility of Tribble being up.
"If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
Maybe, but I can almost 100% know the patch will break a few things unrelated to the patch notes.....
Its what they do that defines them
well yeah...they added a dominion lock box -_-
you would think by now they would LOWER the price of keys (in zen) because they are still making so much money...PWE Y U NO FOLLOW RULEZ OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND :P
in EC terms, as of last night, they were at 1,,557,000 ec each hahah
I am becoming very disillusioned with the game experience... They flat-out refuse to fix any of the show-stopper bugs in the plot missions at all, yet will release four line patches detailing how they fixed an insignificant typo in the latest lock-box.
That right there tells me "story content" is not even a concern anymore. It's just STO: Lockbox Mania from here on out.
At least you can login and play. THere is another game that is going FTP in February, but they are supposedly letting people go FTP right now. I downloaded it (a huge game) and was all set to login...and the "Play" button doesn't work.
I even went through all of their troubleshooting stuff to the point of filing a ticket. I sent them all the data they asked for and they come back a day later and say it's a connection issue on my end. I follow all their instructions again. I even run off another internet connection I have available to me and still no dice.
All this trouble...and I've not even logged in a single time yet. Needless to say, it's not looking good for this other game.
No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
Since I can only think of one 'Defeated Changeling' in the game - the training one in "Of Bajor" - and it disappears after a while, I wonder what the point of this new Duty Officer assignment is...
Unless, of course, considering the fact that we're also getting a Dominion Lock Box, the Gamma Quadrant Dominion or perhaps the Alpha Quadrant New Link and Alpha Jem'Hadar are about to make a return in some way...
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
I am kind of disappointed. STO seems to have more of the computer nerd vib to it and I have met a ton of nerds in game that always give me good advice on computer stuff like processors and the like. That being said...does anyone not think that maybe they are doing more than just sticking a patch on a game? There is always hardware maintenance. Maybe they are swapping out backup servers or switching to another server all together. Maybe there is some other sort of delay built in.
Could also be that they are asked by the money men to get the patch ready as it wasn't before so to give themselves more time, they decided to do an "extended maintenance."
Even so, I would rather they take the 5 hours now if needed than to have the server die on us later in the day because they felt rushed on completing something that wasn't done correctly.
And when I say nerd, I mean "your pocket protector turns me on."
Oh to be a 19 year old 'Glasses Wearing, Pocket-Protector Nerd' again...
Where were all the girls like you when I was...?
Then again, I probably would have missed out on all my interesting experiences with Mistress Anne, if somebody like you had been around....
Never mind... :cool:
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
*Buffed Borg LOLpedo to make even more unfair. All Borg torpedoes now do eleven trillion critical damage per shot, have unlimited rage and are utterly unstoppable. 2 second cooldown.
*Broke user-interface, buttons now change position at random when clicked, or drop entirely. We don't know what went wrong, nor do we care about fixing it. Buy a master key.
*Finished rendering all plot-missions unplayable due to AI glitches, background image failures and various other major show-stopping bugs. This portion of the game does not generate revenue therefore we DO NOT give two tribbles out of a Borg's butt about it. (Sadly this one is more true than you realize! :eek: )
*Added eleven new grind maps and 16 new reputation systems, each requiring 8 new currencies. Some promised rep items are broken to the point that they are useless, while others haven't even been programmed yet.
*Nerfed all powers that benefit the player in any way. Sci Team actually reduces your shields, Eng Team damages your hull, and Tac Team causes your security team to blow **** up aboard your own ship. Haz Team will cause you to burst into flames. Aux Power abilities will set your power levels to Zero for 15 min.
*Decreased server stability. We removed two banks of RAM and half of the CPU arrays and gave them to the Neverwinter team in trade for use of the K-Cup coffee-maker.
*Added new player ability "Orbital Howitzer." Instantly destroys any target for the low low cost of 500 lobi per shot.
*Added a bunch of Foundry stuff that doesn't work. Or does it? No one really knows because the person who programs the Foundry speaks Dutch and we can't understand him.
*Manipulated the Dilth market so you can no longer spend money to get ahead, you must grind a MINIMUM of 16 hours a day.
*Decreased Refine Cap by 7,500.
*Sold password management database to Russian Mobster to finance VO work for next grind-world map.
We expect this downtime to last for at least 8 hours with a 75% chance of something going wrong and extending the time by 2 hours. Downtime will occur during peak hours for non-American markets because we just don't give a dang about France. Sorry France. Cryptic Studios hopes you enjoy your expanded STO: Grind Harder Experience and that you will buy lots of lockbox keys otherwise we will all be unemployed. Thank you for playing STO: Grind Harder.
Without doubt,the biggest laugh i've had in while with this game.Unfortunately it's so close to the truth it makes me weep... :rolleyes:
At least you can login and play. THere is another game that is going FTP in February, but they are supposedly letting people go FTP right now. I downloaded it (a huge game) and was all set to login...and the "Play" button doesn't work.
I even went through all of their troubleshooting stuff to the point of filing a ticket. I sent them all the data they asked for and they come back a day later and say it's a connection issue on my end. I follow all their instructions again. I even run off another internet connection I have available to me and still no dice.
All this trouble...and I've not even logged in a single time yet. Needless to say, it's not looking good for this other game.
That's too bad, I know the game you are referring to and it's a good one.
As far as STO goes, I can rarely play for more than an hour or so at a time before my game just CTD without warning. It's to the point I can almost preempt it and restart my entire game client before it happens. Still very frustrating, along with all the other bugs still present from when I quit a couple years ago. It would be really nice if the patch notes for this game had some actual repair for holes that have existed for possibly years now. I mean, 5 items? It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Since I can only think of one 'Defeated Changeling' in the game - the training one in "Of Bajor" - and it disappears after a while, I wonder what the point of this new Duty Officer assignment is...
Unless, of course, considering the fact that we're also getting a Dominion Lock Box, the Gamma Quadrant Dominion or perhaps the Alpha Quadrant New Link and Alpha Jem'Hadar are about to make a return in some way...
how dare you?
the first new DOff assignment in months that has nothing to do with Eppoh tagging or a lockbox and you complain about it?
hooray new DOff Assignment! MORE MORE MORE!
Honestly with the DOff system being a pure text and numbers thing you would think they would add something for it every week or at least month, but since Heretic left the building all the DOff system gets is... oh new set of rare C-Store / LockBox DOffs with fresh Pay 2 Win powers.
*Added a bunch of Foundry stuff that doesn't work. Or does it? No one really knows because the person who programs the Foundry speaks Dutch and we can't understand him.
Oh rats, I forgot to do my tau dewa patrol daily before the server went down, that's going to b e annoying waiting for it to cooldown tomorrow. Oh well, I knew it was happening so it's my fault, not cryptics.
I am curious about this 'defeated changelings' business though.
yay more stuff i think ohhh look a squrell hey little guy no no come here dont go to the airlock no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! bye bye squrell. looks at nearby yellow shirt oops
ya im a red shirt so what im a master at being cannon fodder so what?:cool:
Cryptic should hire The Brain. And of course, pinky.
They could ponder about what the players are pondering about, and come up with a plan to TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE.
they peobably doing long patches every other week for hours clock in to let the illusion of them working a minimum of 40 hours a week when they probably only work like 15-20 hours a week and getting paid for 40 hours a week. theres also intnces where i am wrong on long patches every other week but the hours they work might be right thou.
Also ...
...this entire post. It made me laugh.
"You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
I am becoming very disillusioned with the game experience... They flat-out refuse to fix any of the show-stopper bugs in the plot missions at all, yet will release four line patches detailing how they fixed an insignificant typo in the latest lock-box.
That right there tells me "story content" is not even a concern anymore. It's just STO: Lockbox Mania from here on out.
(1) Check server hard drives for red indicator lights.
(2) Shutdown 1: Replace malfunctioning HDDs.
(3) Restart 1.
(4) Partition & Format New Drives.
(5) Upload: Latest Image of STO onto new drives.
(6) Upload: New patch updates from secondary server or hard drive.
(7) Upload: New patch that addresses certain software stability issues.
(8) Shutdown 2: Let RAM memory clear for twenty to thirty minutes.
(9) Restart 2
(10) Check server hard drives for red indicator lights.
(11) Address any other issues.
(12) Restart 3
(13) Reconnect server.
Some other 'possible' issues that may be affected by these servers:
(1) Network issues.
(2) In-house email account issues.
(3) Motherboard issues.
(4) Power supply issues.
(5) HDD Defragmentation
(6) HDD Surface scans - Can take up to an hour for each drive.
(7) System cooling issues.
(8) Installing new drivers.
(9) Reset Back Up Time slots
(10) Database issues.
When most people think of a server, the image they have is one computer with a few drives. "Star Trek: Online" sits on a server with a few hundred drives, which fills up a medium to large sized room. Depending upon how many hard-drives they have, the restarting, patching, and maintenance time can be a little long.
Boy, do I feel sheepish now for the amount of times I've used this in STFs and thought I was helping my team.
I actually think some of the KDF bugs need to be made officially 'working as intended' i.e. add sparks and smoke to the appropriate non-functional side of the Exchange/Bank consoles and have a Duty Officer mission added to execute the Transporter Officer at the Qo'noS shipyard.
Oh, and seriously, five hours?? I notice the authentication server is down (which normally stays up during the two hour downtimes) - that'll be why Tribble is down too...
Subscribed For: 0 Day
Subscription Status: Inactive
Given the length of the maintenance, I would imagine this is a hardware fix. That may preclude the possibility of Tribble being up.
In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
"Working as intended"
It's just saying that because your account details are unavailable at the moment (i.e. the authentication server is down )
Founder of the Greycloaks, Whitecloaks, Blackcloaks, Goldcloaks and Browncloaks (#NWPC)
well yeah...they added a dominion lock box -_-
you would think by now they would LOWER the price of keys (in zen) because they are still making so much money...PWE Y U NO FOLLOW RULEZ OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND :P
in EC terms, as of last night, they were at 1,,557,000 ec each hahah
Mine says the same thing. Yesterday, it said 739 days. Relax, it'll come back up.
Here's a map to show how much they've screwed up the game map.
At least you can login and play. THere is another game that is going FTP in February, but they are supposedly letting people go FTP right now. I downloaded it (a huge game) and was all set to login...and the "Play" button doesn't work.
I even went through all of their troubleshooting stuff to the point of filing a ticket. I sent them all the data they asked for and they come back a day later and say it's a connection issue on my end. I follow all their instructions again. I even run off another internet connection I have available to me and still no dice.
All this trouble...and I've not even logged in a single time yet. Needless to say, it's not looking good for this other game.
oh yea . . . and get some work done
Brandon =/\=
Unless, of course, considering the fact that we're also getting a Dominion Lock Box, the Gamma Quadrant Dominion or perhaps the Alpha Quadrant New Link and Alpha Jem'Hadar are about to make a return in some way...
^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
Oh to be a 19 year old 'Glasses Wearing, Pocket-Protector Nerd' again...
Where were all the girls like you when I was...?
Then again, I probably would have missed out on all my interesting experiences with Mistress Anne, if somebody like you had been around....
Never mind... :cool:
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Without doubt,the biggest laugh i've had in while with this game.Unfortunately it's so close to the truth it makes me weep... :rolleyes:
Ha! You're silly. What can I say? I like a guy that can set the time on my cable box 5 minutes fast.
That's too bad, I know the game you are referring to and it's a good one.
As far as STO goes, I can rarely play for more than an hour or so at a time before my game just CTD without warning. It's to the point I can almost preempt it and restart my entire game client before it happens. Still very frustrating, along with all the other bugs still present from when I quit a couple years ago. It would be really nice if the patch notes for this game had some actual repair for holes that have existed for possibly years now. I mean, 5 items? It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
The o3 - Killed you good
how dare you?
the first new DOff assignment in months that has nothing to do with Eppoh tagging or a lockbox and you complain about it?
hooray new DOff Assignment! MORE MORE MORE!
Honestly with the DOff system being a pure text and numbers thing you would think they would add something for it every week or at least month, but since Heretic left the building all the DOff system gets is... oh new set of rare C-Store / LockBox DOffs with fresh Pay 2 Win powers.
+1 to you ....i havent laughed that hard in a long time ;D....too bad a godo portion of that is true....or going to be -_-
No problem i can translate for you.
I am curious about this 'defeated changelings' business though.
That makes 2 of us :P
I'm in a really bad mood.
They could ponder about what the players are pondering about, and come up with a plan to TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE.