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The new PVP help and ship build thread



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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It was along the lines of if I was waiting to run something...it's because it was already running. :)

    Any small gaps with one thing were covered by something else.

    I did go through Aux batteries like crazy though - between the 0 Aux issue and folks subtargeting Aux...
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    beary666stobeary666sto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rudiefix1 wrote: »
    with the right build, a bop can be a very good healer. Think more in science!

    In fact, Im running atm a brel bird, dropping mines and torps, giving good heals and resists.... and all that while being cloaked..... You would be amazed how many ehaling abilities can be used under cloak. Can give build later (have to look up in game) if wanted?

    While it can be good for your numbers and annoying the other team, looking at it form a Team setting however, you are TRIBBLE over your team. Now the other team only has 4 targets to choose from.

    While science gives nice HoTs for shields and hull, and ST3 is great for a shield flash heal, engineering resists are still essential for hardening. A B'rel can't run Extends without dropping out of cloak. A B'rel is also very fragile. An engineer's hardiness comes from have that RSF to harden themselves so they save heals for teammates. A cloaking B'rel can't do that. And if you run into people like me is matches, I watch for B'rels, and I murder them when they decloak.
    Join Date: Sep 2009
    [23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
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    dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Is this a cheese build for Assault Cruiser ? :rolleyes:

    BO1 / APD1

    EPTS1 / ATB1 / ET3 / DEM3
    EPTW1 / ATB1 / RSP2

    PH1 / HE2
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    Is this a cheese build for Assault Cruiser ? :rolleyes:

    BO1 / APD1

    EPTS1 / ATB1 / ET3 / DEM3
    EPTW1 / ATB1 / RSP2

    PH1 / HE2

    that would work fine as a pug build, sturdy with good cruiser damage potential. it would proboly be more useful for it to have extend shields 3, then it would be a truly viable support ship. TSS in place of PH may be more handy as well. oh and swap EPtW with EPtA, it will give you plenty of weapons energy from the AtB bonus, and make you have at least some aux most of the time.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Mav's mirror assault/star cruiser

    The Spec: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=mavmirrorSC_0
    (my standard eng spec)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waJT0h30JU0 A video by shimmer showing some of the potency of warp plasma.

    Weapons: 7 Polaron beam arrays. 1 Chron mine/tric mine. (haven't tried the tric yet) Acc, Crth2s, after I get all the pieces together. Right now, I have 4 acc crth2s and 3 blue acc2s.

    TT, APD 1
    EPTS1, ES1, EWP, ASIF3
    EPTS1, ET2, ES 2

    HE 1, TSS 2

    Deflector: Borg (will be dropped for Omega likely at a later date)
    Engine Borg (likely again to be dropped once the chance to the borg set comes, to Omega)
    Shield Maco

    Consoles: 1 Borg, 1 Ablative Armor, 2 SIF Generators
    1 Field Generator. 1 Field Generator, 2 Emitter Array consoles. (can be swapped for the shield regen consoles)
    2 Polaron consoles.

    Devices: 1 Subspace Field mod. Weapon Batteries, Shield Batteries, Aux Batteries.

    Power levels: Primary: 95 weapons, 25 shields, 55 engines, 25 aux.
    Turtle: 70 weapons, 75 shields, 25 engine, 30 aux.
    Rawr heals: 50 weapons, 75 shields, 25 engine, 75 aux.

    Doffs: 3 Maint engs (2 greens and a blue right now. I told you I needed a couple doffs yet!), 1 purple Shield Distribution officer, 1 Extend Shields Warpcore engineer. My next refine ment attempt will put in 2 purple damage control doffs on an All In heal variant. This will let me swap one of my EPTSes out for an EPTA (emergency power to aux) and have 100 percent uptime on both in theory. Which will lead to even more rock solid heal numbers. Once I acquire these, and a purple maint eng. I will simply drop the SDO and put the damage control doff in it's place. For times when I need the SDO slot back will carry my matter anti matter specialist. Which gives warp plasma a 3 second Total Stop, that can reapply every time the DOT does.

    I broke open a new can of awesome sauce last night and refined my mirrorstarcruiser even further. I suspect that I can unlock even more potential once I acquire a couple of doffs. But healing is never an issue in this bad boy. And it can crank 1/4 to 1/3 of it's heal potential in Damage, while setting up zone denial. I'm also likely going to tweak the weapons loadout at some point if I can score enough of the new polarized disruptor hybrid weapons.

    I know you're saying "only 1/4 to 1/3erd it's output in damage compared to heals! but mav your AC can does 1/3 to 1/2!" That's how nuts the healing is. At the end of an average arena, I have anywhere from 300k to 500k damage. I'll let that math work itself out in your head abit. No doubt oddy players and recluse players are like "lolz only a mill in healing" yeah but unlike your fat garbage scows the Mirror star doesn't need to pump as much raw healing. It has massive resistance givers, (which prevent damage in the first place) and ontop of that it can help end matches faster by setting up kills, pet supression, Defense Score Negation, Premature Hazard forcing, while still providing solid mainline healing. Do note in longer arenas I've racked up well beyond these numbers. That is just the per match average. I also suspect, again that I have just a little more potential left in the ship.

    Oh and anyone that thinks an eng in a cruiser just isn't as good as a sci? Ask broken1981 about last night, and how we not only kept up with a team of him and his buddies that had 3 sub nukes (and of one which was delivered by an oddy) but how easily we kept the battlefield under our control (with 0 sci captains on our end no less hehe) The eng ain't dead by a long shot. But it can't run the Old Ways as readily anymore. It has to be Aggressive in setup.

    demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmaxb3dQq2A&feature=youtu.be
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Mav's fleet vorcha

    The Current Fleet Vorcha. Here is a demo video. Sorry the damage is Low here. I was shooting at nothing but Escorts who absolutely refused to get anywhere near each other very hard to snare a bunch of them or burn one down and move to the next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjMjRCeUTBo Most of my matches up to this point have had #s well north of this.

    The Fleet Vorcha, is basically buildable for one role only in my opinion. Throwing It Down. I don't mean like how the Vorcha R is built to Throw it, but I mean full on Escort levels of Throw Down. While you can build it to be more durable it greatly sacrifices offensive potential to do so. This is how I built mine. (By the way folks expect a "3.0" thread at some point in the future) This ship single handedly rekindled my love for STO pvp. You guys can thank the KDF for my decision to come back to public pvp

    http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/index.php?build=MavVorchaKarfi1_0 Here is the spec.

    Weapons: 3 Dual Heavy Cannons. Anti Proton, CrtDX2 Dmg. 4 Anti Proton, CrtHX2 Dmg Turrets aft. yes you are reading this right. Antiproton. Antiproton on the Fleet Vorcha Works due to one known factor, and one that is yet to be confirmed. (I will need to sit down and sift through a combat log to test the other possible factor) Is actually not only Viable, on this ship but quite potent. For a drain team you can switch these out for Polaron weapons. I recommend Acc CrtDX2s across the board if possible. CrtDX2 Dmg Quantum.

    The reason AP works on this is quite simple really. Warpplasma. It slows, and with the doff has a 20 percent chance to out right Stop a target, also I believe it rolls this every time the DOT rolls damage. This lets you get alot of good crit opportunity. Also, the secondary reason which is still just a theory right now, is DEM might be able to crit, if that is the case there is a good chance it also uses the modifiers of your weapons as well. I will need to Log Test that theory later. Suffice to say the plas though makes it work very well.

    Engine: Borg
    Deflector: Borg
    Shield: Resilient Cap 3 Yes this old shield, is still hax if you can field it. You can sub in a blue mark 12 Cap2 Resilient and get similar mileage. This minimizes your bleedthrough which on a ship that has very little hull healing prowess, is a Godsend. Switch the shield out for a Borg Shield, when you run Omega, the omega engine gives you superior turning, and the deflector boosts your accuracy.
    Replacement Shield: the T2 Sci Resilient shield has the exact same cap and regen, but with a bonus 15 percent DR vs, Phasers, Polaron and Tetryon.

    Consoles: 2 RCS Consoles. 1 Plasmonic Leech, Point Defense console.
    1 Borg, 1 Field Generator.
    4 Antiproton Mag Regulators.

    Power Settings: 90 Weapons, 60 Shields, 25 Engine 25 aux. That's semi Defense. Grr Face mode. 90 Weapons, 25 shields, 60 Engines, 25 Aux. Heal and Defense 50 weapons, 50 shields, 25 Engines, 75 Aux.

    Warp Plasma 3, Direct Energy Modulation 2, EPTS2, EPTS1

    Cannon Rapid Fire 2, Torpedo Highyield 2, Tac Team
    Cannon Rapid Fire 1, Tac Team

    Transfer Shield strength 2, Polarize Hull1

    Doffs: Three Shield Distribution Officers, 1 Matter Anti Matter Specialist, 1 Damage Control engineer. Can change this out, for a torpedo officer. Or swap out one SDO, for another damage control eng.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Fleet vorcha

    this is not a cruiser, it just has high end cruiser station powers and a cruiser turn rate. AtB, its not that good of a fit here in my opinion, but it has such a wide variety of abilities that you don't need it quite as much. the purpose of this build is to bring something that can stand in for an escort in turms of damage dealing, and not need any outside suport, at least not even close to the support an actual escort would need

    4 DHC, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1, APO1
    TT1, CRF1

    ET1, RSP1, EPtS3, AtS3

    HE1, TBR1

    station power long form here


    borg deflector
    borg engine
    KHG shield/ fleet mkXII resistant cap3, resA


    3 RCS, 1 neutronium

    borg, field projector

    4 energy type consoles


    2 purple damage control, 3 BFI

    any turn deficiency can be made up with careful use of APO and TBR. when you get a target in your forward arc, fly strait at them and use TBR, it holds them in place wile you push them away from everyone else, wile you pound the TRIBBLE out of them. they have to sit through your entire alpha strike and theres little they can do about it.

    with the damage control doffs granting you always on EPtS3, and having BFI and RSP to fall back on, you basically cant die, if you do you better have a good excuse. ET1 sucks, but what can you do. it and HE1 and AtS3 should be more then enough to also keep your hull healthy.

    with this build you should be able to very nearly tank like a healer, and very nearly damage like an escort. flying it with its turn rate disadvantage is a skill you will want to acquire fast.

    skill point distribution
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    heegoo419heegoo419 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So I pvp a itttle bit here and there and I recently changed my tact build from a DHC and torp build to an all energy weapon build (4 DHC 3 Turrets). And I noticed a significant drop in my DPS both in PvP and PvE and I'm not sure where its coming from. Im not sure if its my timing with my alphas or what but I figured I would ask and see if you all could help.


    Thats my Skill Tree load out.

    Here's my weapons/consoles/doffs:

    4 tetryon DHC mk xi [acc]x3
    3 tetryon turrets mk xi [acc]x3

    Omega Def and Eng
    Maco Shield

    2x RCS and cloak (switched out w/neutronium after first time i die)
    Assimilated Console and console from lobi store that increase turn rate
    5x Tetryon mk xii purple energy consoles

    2x SDO
    3x Attack pattern doffs (to get APO3 down to almost global)

    I usually alpha ffrom around 4-5 km away from my target and i have keybinds set up so i hit one key and all my tact powers activate

    Any insights, tips or anything would be very helpful.

    thank you in advance.

    ps the torp spreads are just for filler
    Risa Squadron
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    dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Fleet Vor'cha is gorgeus. Wish there was something like that on Fed side...
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heegoo419 wrote: »
    So I pvp a itttle bit here and there and I recently changed my tact build from a DHC and torp build to an all energy weapon build (4 DHC 3 Turrets). And I noticed a significant drop in my DPS both in PvP and PvE and I'm not sure where its coming from. Im not sure if its my timing with my alphas or what but I figured I would ask and see if you all could help.


    that looks like a good build to me. only thing i would really change is 3 to energy armor and 3 to threat control. that will give more energy armor then 6 in in energy armor, and give a little kinetic armor too.

    you might as well stick a chrono torp aft to use with the TS, whenever your not facing someone you can proc them. don't worry about specking for damage. you could stick a beam array on their too for an extra beam overload will cannons arent shooting.

    if your not doing an much damage as your used too, your proboly just encountering people who know how to tank. the lucky torp to the hull will deal much more spike then all cannons, but all cannons is just plain reliable at dealing big damage in every situation
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    pveheropvehero Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    heegoo419 wrote: »
    So I pvp a itttle bit here and there and I recently changed my tact build from a DHC and torp build to an all energy weapon build (4 DHC 3 Turrets). And I noticed a significant drop in my DPS both in PvP and PvE and I'm not sure where its coming from.

    I had a 4xDHC+3xTurret build. Then for some reason I removed one of my aft turrets to fit a mine launcher, and my damage output increased dramatically. My guess would be that 7 weapons was just a tad too much for my power levels.

    Give it a try. Slot a Beam array, torp or mine launcher in an aft slot. Let me know if you feel any difference. (or if it's just my imagination)
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    heegoo419heegoo419 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ]I had a 4xDHC+3xTurret build. Then for some reason I removed one of my aft turrets to fit a mine launcher, and my damage output increased dramatically. My guess would be that 7 weapons was just a tad too much for my power levels.

    Give it a try. Slot a Beam array, torp or mine launcher in an aft slot. Let me know if you feel any difference. (or if it's just my imagination)
    you might as well stick a chrono torp aft to use with the TS, whenever your not facing someone you can proc them. don't worry about specking for damage. you could stick a beam array on their too for an extra beam overload will cannons arent shooting.

    I was thinking along the same lines with the power levels just draining too much. Chrono torp with the spread sounds like a good idea while im turning, ill have to do some testing with that.

    Risa Squadron
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    shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited November 2012
    defiant R/qin

    this was the best escort for a wile, even with its undesirable ens station. it had the best turn and a cloak, and is still a competent ship even today. i am of the belief that 4 DHCs are best, they work well in every situation. they don't have a chance to fail doing their thing like running a torp or a DBB can, though when your lucky those can basically 1 shot

    4 DHC, 2 turrets, 1 beam array

    TT1, CSV1, APO1, CRF3
    TT1, APD1, APO1

    EPtS1, EPtS2
    TSS1, HE2

    station power long form here

    the tac ensign is not ideal here, it can be useful when running a beam or torp up front though. here its just going to give you a bit of burst damage wile your main guns arent pointing at your target. you could also use a target subsystem skill there instead. of equip a chronoton torp and slot torp spread to give whoever's chasing you a speed debuff.

    CSV's damage is actually just slightly lower then CRF's at level 1, and it can be an extreamly useful ability too at killing spam or dealing full damage to more then 1 opponent in its fireing arc. CRF3 is for your main spike.

    the 2 APO are your get out of hold free card, they let you shrug of anything from a tractor beam to warp plasma, and increase your speed greatly. wile those 2 are cooling down, APD will be usable, this is a great defensive skill that increases your defense, or the defense of an ally if you use it on them.


    borg deflector
    borg engine
    maco shield


    2 turn, 1 neutronium

    borg, cloak

    4 energy type consoles


    evasive maneuver cooldown reducing conn doffs, shield distribution doffs

    this ship is best at hitting and running, stacking all buffs and then decloaking and firing it all at someone. the shield distro doffs will give you an extra shield heal to allow you to tank longer, and being able to use evasive maneuvers more often will let you speed tank, get good position, and GTFO when needed without having to wait. trying to control such a speedy ship and use it effectively will do much to improve your pvp skill.
    Must have missed this.

    This is similar to mine in a lot of ways, but this is what my build looks like:
    4 DHC, 3 turrets
    TT1, CSV1, CRF2, CRF3
    TT1, APD1, APO1
    3rd Tactical Ensign not slotted

    EPtS1, RSP1
    HE1, TSS2

    maco deflector
    advanced fleet hyper-impulse engine [turn]x3 [spd]
    maco shield


    RCS mk XII (purple), AMS (swapped with Subspace Jumper or Vent Theta Radiation), Assimilated Module

    Tachyokinetic Converter, cloak (swapped with Subspace Jumper)

    4 energy type consoles

    shield distribution doffs x3, hazard officer x1, and subnuke doff x1

    I realize I am wasting an ensign tactical ability. I know some people like the EPtS2 and 1 cycling, but it just doesn't seem to outpace the damage I've receiving most of the time. EPtS1 and RSP1 seem to be a better combination for me. I've also tried A2SIF1, but didn't care for that either.

    Is there a particular reason why no one likes the Hazard Officers? It seems useful...particularly now that people love spamming tricobalt mines.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2 AtB galaxy R

    if your like me, this is your favorite ship, and it makes you sad that its the worst ship in game. but, thanks to the magic of AtB, even it can perform better then most cruisers without AtB.

    DPS mode

    4 single cannons, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1

    EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, DEM3
    EPtA1, AtB1, EWP1

    TB1, HE2

    my complete post buff AtB findings


    omega deflector
    omega engine
    maco shield


    sep console, borg, 2 neutronium

    3 flow cap

    2 energy damage type


    3 purple tech doffs, 2 bfi doffs

    with a tac captain, this will deal significant pressure damage thanks to AtB keeping DEM and CRF1 at ether global cooldowns. tac buffs effect these skills greatly and with them being on so often you are actually quite dangerous 1v1. 2 holds from TB and EWP, both at thier global as well, make it so you dont need high acc mod weapons, you can use high crit weapons instead and enjoy seeing multiple crits in a row, and for every normal weapon crit, DEM crits as well. if you use DEM, you want to do everything in your power to get yourself more crits. RSP2 at global with BFI doffs is great for shield tanking, and HE2 and ET1 should be able to keep your hull healthy too. this build is for those that want to make your galaxy R a bit of a battle ship like it should be, and not fall flat on your face wile doing it.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2 AtB negvar

    here's another build with AtB to make another completely dismissed ship an effective tool again. i find this one a lot of fun to fly, partly because of the lulz factor, and partly because its is a genuine killer.

    4DHC, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1

    EPtS1, AtB1, RSP2, DEM3
    EPtA1, AtB1, EWP1

    TB1, HE2

    my complete post buff AtB findings


    omega deflector
    omega engine
    KHG shield/ fleet resistant


    borg, neutronium, 2 turn

    temporal, leach

    3 energy damage type


    3 purple tech doffs, 2 bfi doffs

    this build would also work on a vorcha R and fleet ktinga with an aft beam array and BO1, or a mirror vorcha with TSS1.

    with a tac captain, this will deal significant pressure, and spike damage thanks to AtB keeping DEM and CRF1 at global cooldowns. tac buffs effect these skills greatly and with them being on so often you are actually quite dangerous 1v1. the 2 turn consoles and the temporal console go a long way toward keeping this thing's nose pointed for DHC use, i honestly don't have much trouble keeping escorts in my sights. since it damages like an escort, the on target up time isn't as important as how hard you can hit when you do get your chance to shoot, and when you do it should be devastating.

    2 holds from TB and EWP, both at their global as well, make it so you don't need high acc mod weapons, you can use high crit weapons instead and enjoy seeing multiple crits in a row, and for every normal weapon crit, DEM crits as well. if you use DEM, you want to do everything in your power to get yourself more crits. i personally use AP weapons on this, along with the borg and temporal console, and when i got someone held during an alpha, this will match or exceed the spike potential of a normal escort. i have gotten nearly 800 damage crits from DEM3.

    RSP2 at global with BFI doffs is great for shield tanking, and HE2 and ET1 should be able to keep your hull healthy too. all the klingon cruisers can be monstrous damage dealers, and with 2 AtB, they can be as dangerous as escorts, wile being twice as durable
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    That's all well and good but what about the skill point allocation that compliments this Negh'var setup?? I have a new KDF engineer, so I want to do this correctly...


    this is my basic cruiser/escort skill setup, covers all offensive bases and protects you from what can hurt you the most. i was gonna go back and build skill trees for all the posted builds but i just haven't yet. this is what i would use as a baseline for everything though.
    Mavairo had written this cheap arrangement has for a tac orb weaver that is pretty good, but what about the expensive science setup that he mentions he would have written?? Did he get a chance to do it?? if not, do you have one? (skills points and all...)

    to be honest, i have little sci ship experience. i know enough about sci to counter them, but the experience i can bring to cruisers and escorts i cant bring to sci ships as well. i could crank out at least 4 or 5 decent builds that should work in theory, but i doubt they would synergize as well as someone who mains sci ships could do. and those that do are welcome to share them here.

    im weeks behind in posting stuff here, and bringing things over, but a lot of the stuff is outdated, and with a new season starting i think there may be several things we haven't noticed yet that have changed, it gives me pause. also, when i put time into this thread, i get this what am i doing with my life feeling, surly theres something else i should be doing feeling. is why i haven't posted at all in the bootcamp thing. this thread will continue though, slowly. i guess i get more out of answering questions, the more that are asked, the better i will feel about putting time into the thread.
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    dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Classic All-Purpose "Kirk" PUG Assault Cruiser for Tac captain

    Classic Assault Cruiser / Heavy Assault Cruiser Retrofit

    Solid tank, good dmg, good support heals. Works especially well with the retrofit and its higher shield cap. No P2W needed, no Cheese. Good for TRIBBLE cruiser pilots like myself. Works awesome in STF as well.

    6 Beams Arrays + Torpedo front / Mine or Torpedo Aft

    [ATK] TS1 / BO2
    [DEF] FAW1 / APD1
    [ALL] TT1

    [ATK] EPTW1 / ATS1 /EPTS3 / DEM3
    [DEF] EPTW1 / ES1 /EPTS3 / ATS3
    [ALL] EPTE1 / RSP1 / EWP1

    [SHL] HE1 / ST 2
    [ANT] PH1 / HE2

    Shields + Def + Engines = at your decision all have its merits, pros and cons. But MACO shield works best in almost every scenarion.

    [ALL] Neutronium / SIF / SIF / BORG Console
    [SHL] Emitter Array x3
    [ANT] Field Generator x3 or any P2W / BORG

    3x Energy Type Consoles

    [ALL] 2x Damage Control Engineer (Purple)

    [SHL] 2x Development Lab Scientist (Purple)
    [SHL] 1x Warp Core engineer (Extended shields)


    [ATK] 1x Matter-Antimatter Specialist


    3x Shield Distribution Officer

    [ATK] = more attack oriented variant
    [DEF] = more defense / healing oriented variant
    [SHL] = shield healing
    [ANT] = anti-tractor setup

    I prefer the shield healing variant, as it allows me to have even high cap shields filled most of the time. 3k heal from EPtS3 every 30s, 3,7k heal from Science Team II every 15s, with extended up, very solid shield tank and can revive almost dead escort pugmate to full in no time. If all fails RSP1 - with shield arrays list close to 12s / enough to recover from almost anything.

    Probably could be changed to more hull heal oriented build, with ET3 + 2x Purple Maintanance Officers as well.

    I also have similar build to Nebula, might post it as well when I'm bored.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
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    havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    The sci orb is pretty flexible, but sluggish. here is my healer support setup that goes well with sci (and eng as much as anything can go well with them)
    EPtW1 Aux2Sif1 EWP1
    EPtS1 RSP 1 ES 2
    PH 1
    TB1 HE2 TSS3 VM3

    Doff: 2x VM technicians, 2x Dmg Control 1x BFI doff

    Weapons: a) All beams b) 5 Single Beams + 1 mine of choice aft,

    You can keep high aux, and reasonably high Weapons, it flies like a fast turning cruiser. You bring SNB and Sensor Scan, but should easily compete with competent cruiser in heal numbers.

    I have more offensive Sci/Sci setups that I'll post later. You can always pm me in game. For the KDF 2xKHG + 2x Assim makes it worth to consider a torp boat as well.
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    bigwig77bigwig77 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Thanks to this thread and the cruiser thread 3.0 and the OP's of these threads I now have a fairly solid Galor build. thank you gentlemen keep up the good work, very satisfying to have a cruiser that can toss some heals and still offer up some dps...
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    2 AtB mirror vorcha damage dealer/ support cruiser

    the mirror vorcha is a much better ship for all cannons and AtB then the vorcha R or even fleet ktinga. the second tac ens skill cant help your cannons, and you don't need 2 TTs due to AtB. beter to have another sci skill more then anything. unlike the fed star cruiser, this ship can turn extreamly well, has 3 tactical consoles, and can mount DHCs, its a ship with much higher potential

    4 DHC, 4 turrets

    TT1, CRF1

    ET1, AtB1, EPtS3, DEM3
    EPtA1, AtB1, ES2

    TB1, HE2

    my complete post buff AtB findings


    borg engine
    borg deflector
    KHG shield/ fleet resistant


    borg, neutronium, 2 turn

    temporal, leach

    3 energy damage type


    3 purple tech doffs, 2 bfi doffs

    for heals you have ET1, HE2, TSS1, and ES all at thier global. the aux based heals might not always be at their best due to AtB, but when healing is critically needed you can use an aux batt. this ship is not a dedicated healer, it is an even split between damage and support, a kdf cruisers natural state of being. with high cannons and DEM up time, you will be able to deal serious damage with this ship, wile supporting other damage dealers that dont have the healing power you do.

    the shield resilience you get from EPtS3 is truly massive, it is the best defensive ability in the game, but it has a high opportunity cost. luckily, AtB makes it so you only need 1. with EPtS3 and AtB's power buff, its extreamly easy to have your other 3 subsystems headlined at 125 the whole time. i suggest a preset at all times of 100/25/50/25. in addition to the cooldown slashing every 10 seconds, this extra power just makes you even more awesome at everything.

    this build is great for puging against those changeling fed teams you run into every once and awhile, without you around most kdf teams have little in the way of team healing. an ES at the right time can single handedly change the course of a match, no support ship is complete without it. even though your damage dealing is extreamly potent for a cruiser, your better making your highest priority to keep allied escorts alive.
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    harrymonkleyharrymonkley Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Has DEM + CRF been fixed then?

    I apologise if this is a noob question, but I'm sure that I'd read several posts in here that DEM wasn't working at the same time as cannon abilities.
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Has DEM + CRF been fixed then?

    I apologise if this is a noob question, but I'm sure that I'd read several posts in here that DEM wasn't working at the same time as cannon abilities.

    that was proboly from me, now it definitely does. dem3 will give you anywhere from 150-800 extra damage a shot, unbuffed to a fully tac buffed critical
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    redrickyredricky Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    While you're being helpful on this subject I'll pick your brain because it's something I've never really understood completely.

    Is the damage per cycle or per shot(like per animation)?
    CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
    Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
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    rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited November 2012
    that was proboly from me, now it definitely does. dem3 will give you anywhere from 150-800 extra damage a shot, unbuffed to a fully tac buffed critical

    And dont forget to choose either disruptors or antiprotons

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    redricky wrote: »
    While you're being helpful on this subject I'll pick your brain because it's something I've never really understood completely.

    Is the damage per cycle or per shot(like per animation)?

    DEM? well in the damage log, there tends to be a DEM entry after every other damage entry. i know on single cannon builds its insane how much damage i can cause, even with DHCs its very noticeable
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    blockade runner escort, the steamrunner

    all of you should get this, to ether support more canon ship like this getting added, or because its a fleet level ship thats an account wide unlock that only costs $10. it has 34500 hitpoints, or 400 more then a fleet patrol, and an interesting 2 LT eng and 1 ENS sci station setup.

    3 DHC, 1 DBB, 3 turrets

    TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
    TT1, APD1, CSV2

    EPtS1, AtS1
    EPtE1, RSP2


    station power long form here


    omega deflector
    omega engine
    maco shield


    3 turn, 1 EPS

    borg, zero point

    4 energy type consoles


    2 purple damage control, 2 attack pattern doffs, 1 AtS doff

    16 turn is a tad low, so i have a heavy investment in turn consoles. AP doffs giving you lots of APO3 up time will be very helpful too. HE1 and AtS1 with the AtS doff should be enough to keep you hull healthy, and you have RSP to fall back on. with heals covered, you can use the omega engine, its nice and fast, and with good engine energy and APO will make you very speedy for such i fat, chunky ship. damage control doffs will let you use your EPtS and EPtE at their global with just 1 copy.
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