On the mirror Qin raptor build, is it okay to switch out TSS1 for a PH1?
And would it be better to use a scourge retrofit than a mirror qin raptor?
Also why the borg engines and deflectors?
you could, but the resist of TSS will be much more useful. you already have good hold resist from 2 APO. yes, even the retrofit somraw and scourge are better then the qin. both have a better turn rate, better ENS station, a turn axis that isn't terrible, and an extra bonus chunk of shield hitpoints that isn't mentioned anywhere to go with their inferior shield mod. the borg engine and deflector 2 part bonus is a very nice extra hull heal. something escorts tend to be short on.
you could, but the resist of TSS will be much more useful. you already have good hold resist from 2 APO.
For some folks though, can't the APO get them killed relying on it instead of PH? It does nothing against the damage - they'll be moving, but unless they're moving away as they're moving - they're also having their hull eaten.
With two TTs, two EPtS, and the RSP for shields - vs. just the HE for hull - with the TSS instead of PH, aren't you leaving yourself open to being killed from the inside?
What do you think about with what you also said there, about the possibility of picking AtS instead of RSP...with the TSS and the PH if you take the RSP?
Don't forget I'm cooky and out there (and no, I'm not the guy that said Sci sucked - that was, can't name him on the forums - but like I said, I do my own stupid things without being given credit for what others say...lol), but this is what I've got on my Mirror Qin:
But then again, it's obviously not a 7 cannon boat.
Fore: 2x Plasma Torp, Plasma DBB, Plasma DHC
Aft: Plasma Mine, 2x Plasma Turret
I tend to do the following with the alpha...
Cloaked. Hit TS. Wait 15s, hit THY. Hit BO, APA, APO. Decloak. Fire the THY Torp. Hit FoMM. Hit EPtW. Fire the DBB. Fire the TS Torp. Hit CRF, begin firing the DHC/Turrets. Hit EM to fly past them, dropping the DPB'd Mines on them. Turn, hit TT, TS, and fire off the next TS while the DBB/DHC/Turrets continue to fire.
No doubt it would work much better if I weren't using plasma - but it's a test build. My fourth toon, so the furthest back on the rep grind. The idea to replace the Plasma DBB/DHC/Turrets with Romulan Plasma for the additional disruptor proc. Replace the two Plasma torps with an Omega and a Hyper (it's funny how well they work together when the Omega hates working with other torps). Add in the KineticProc, the 2pc secondary bonuses from both Omega and Romulan... and that's along the lines of where I'm going with it.
Suppose I should also mention that for DOFFs it's running SDO(BFI), 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), and WCE(EPt)...and it's got Leech.
The curious aspect, imo, where I'm curious - is what the Romulan DES set will be - just a variation of the Reman? Even there, the Reman's somewhat tempting in a somewhat suicidal manner...meh. I hate how slow the Omega is, and if the 2pc Reman affects the THY of the Omega (being plasma) - that could be helpful. Don't know if that's the case and haven't seen anybody mention it one way or the other because of how generally bad the Reman set is. Otherwise, it's a case of thinking Omega or perhaps the AMACO.
Course, I couldn't see taking this particular boat into an Arena - without a BC, it's just too exposed. In C&H or even Ker'rat though - full Eng, Eng Batt, SFM to slip away - cloak and then return to reengage.
But I'm cooky...so like most things I post in regard to builds - I'd highly recommend that folks politely laugh and ignore it.
Don't forget I'm cooky and out there (and no, I'm not the guy that said Sci sucked - that was, can't name him on the forums - but like I said, I do my own stupid things without being given credit for what others say...lol)
yes i know, it was someone else with a V name. not my intention to name the wrong person, and i was corrected on opvp.
as for the rest of that, chances of success are much lower then an all cannon build. it might not kill even half as well as a perfectly executed attack from a build like this, but it will be painful 100% of the time, instead of epically failing a high % of the time. not to mention it can be very tricky to set that kind of attack up, even for veterans.
im finding a cannon and HY omega torp to be very effective though, its extreamly hard to kill the HY omega, even with AOE, so it almost always hits.
yes i know, it was someone else with a V name. not my intention to name the wrong person, and i was corrected on opvp.
as for the rest of that, chances of success are much lower then an all cannon build. it might not kill even half as well as a perfectly executed attack from a build like this, but it will be painful 100% of the time, instead of epically failing a high % of the time. not to mention it can be very tricky to set that kind of attack up, even for veterans.
im finding a cannon and HY omega torp to be very effective though, its extreamly hard to kill the HY omega, even with AOE, so it almost always hits.
Yep, it's one of the reasons why I said it wouldn't work well as an Arena build - while that alpha's awesome to pull off - if it doesn't get pulled off - it's a horrible build. So many things can go wrong with that alpha as well - anything from a simple miss of the BO, latency throwing the timing off, getting decloaked, target deciding it's time to relocate in a hurry (that one's kind of funny - you're all dressed and ready to go... they leave you standing there exposed).
I'm still trying to come to terms with the THY Omega - I think it's great Aft. Fore? Not so much.
Hyper, DBB, 2x DHC
Turret, Cutting, Omega
Is something I've been thinking about as an alternative. The timing on dropping the Omega (yep, dropping - treating it like a mine) as you pass though has been a lot rougher for me than the timing on dropping mines - simply because there's no worry about getting caught in the AoE splash (love the AoE splash on the THY Omega vs. pet spam).
Course, a thought that came up from something I'm doing on my Sci in the Patrol would be:
Dropping the DBB, going with Omega for Tet Glider - having the KineticProc and trying to get a Romulan [Pla] Console to increase the Plasma Dmg of the Hyper/Omega while also adding the DoT proc to the Phased Tets.
The decloak, Phased Tets/Cutting going, a TS or THY of the Hyper, flying by and dropping the Omega, turning to continue the standard attack.
I'm just not finding that I'm getting the one side down long enough - it's like when I'm flying either of my Engs and you can sit there dancing with two Bugs until boredom sets in. But if the one ship's attacking from both sides, it creates a quandary in the average pilot. Which way do they turn - what's getting left exposed - do they turn, do they move away...etc, etc, etc.
edit: By the way, to anybody reading any of my posts in this thread - I'm not suggesting in the least that I know better in any way than what Drunk and the others are saying. The TRIBBLE I fly would hardly work for anybody - it's just a case that I'm not very good with the usual (which is usually the best) - so it's a case that certain things are more tailored to what I'm good at while avoiding the things that I'm not so good at. There's a 99.99% chance that I would always defer to the advice that's being given by them... they've put a lot of work and effort into the stuff they've come up with - and that - deserves both respect and gratitude. Many times I've been able to take something they've said and work it into one of my cooky builds...though they'd likely prefer not having any credit for anything to do with my failgasms out there.
At this moment, on my Plas'Tinga, I have the omega torp equiped in front and the hyper in back. This because the omega torp does 5x more plasma dot compared to the hyper torp, and Im more interested in delivering the dot.
I myself was not really convinced in using both omega and hyper torps in front. This because the omega torp somehow fails with me. It is shooting half of the time "blanks" (you can also see this in the animation: spitting out a torp which then fades), and therefore not giving the hyper torp a window to fire.
However, As Virus says that it works good together, so I still have to do some more testing. Also I still dont know how a torpedo doff works with these torps. Maybe the doff works after each omega torpedo, continously replenishing the supply, so every second a torp is fired. And that the "blanks" are just visual effects, but still hitting the target.
Who has already some results about the torpedo doff with the omega and hyper torp?
My toon running the Plas'Tinga: Dehr@rudiefix (the aft beam array will be changed for the romulan one, when I have it available)
Why the scatter volley instead of rapid fire for the mirror raptor build? And would it be ok to get a torp or cutting beam replacing one turret(cutting beam) or one DHC (torpedo). And replace attk delta for a BO or HY or spread.
Why the scatter volley instead of rapid fire for the mirror raptor build? And would it be ok to get a torp or cutting beam replacing one turret(cutting beam) or one DHC (torpedo). And replace attk delta for a BO or HY or spread.
1 scater volly is nice to have, it clears basically any spam in front of you intently. those builds are baselines that can be customized as a player sees fit. adding torps in there will require more skill to effectively use then just DHCs, it just depends on what you can use reliably, and what your comfortable with. the cutting beam can replace a turret on anything with little trouble.
I've never used it against a carrier.
Will even the level I version remove any fighters the carrier send toward you?? or will it only just reduce them to a manageable amount?
A bit of both depending on the pet. The less durable ones will be destroyed nearly instantly, the tougher ones will be reduced to a manageable level, eliminating most, if not all of them.
Though I say coating the carrier in Warp Plasma is a better solution....or destroying the carrier itself.
......ok get it, stands for Brace for Impact. I've always called/seen them called Shield Distribution. Thx for clearing it up for me. Feel dumb now.:rolleyes:
all my other builds have been more baseline, this one is fairly exacting, this is exactly what one of my characters is useing. if you would like to build a plasma weapon/EWP boat, a good place to start is my plasma ktinga build, this is a good place to end. the ktinga can be much more resilient, but the fleet vorcha has all the necessary stations to fully utilize every plasma related thing in the reputation system, all of which you will want to include.
2 embassy particle gen consoles, -th, plasma infused
4 plasma energy damage consoles
3 tech, 2 BFI
the 2 part romulan set gives you additional plasma energy damage, effecting all your weapons damage and DOT damage, so do the plasma infused embassy consoles. wile decloaking, and using the tier 5 romulan passive along with all tac buffs i can get the EWP3 tooltip to show over 2000 DOT base. your inherent crit chance should by high enough give you a good chance to crit on top of that. watch enemy buffs, grab them with a tractor beam and cover them and thier forward flight path with plasma, or save the tractor beam for when they are trying to escape the cloud of doom. even not fully tac buffed, its pretty rare that a cloud of yours isn't dealing at least 1000 DOT.
thats just 1 part of your offensive capability, your damage from weapon DOTs will be only about 1%-5% of your total issued pain. but thats ok, it most certainly is causing HE to be used early, before they really need it for your EWP. the DHCs and exparamental beam BOs are your next most damaging asset behind your EWP cloud, and can cut holes in shields quite effectively. anyone you shoot at you want to be holing, and its more then likely you have a hold available thanks to TB and EWP being cut down to global from AtB with tech doff use. so, theres no reason not to go all out for crit chance, you don't need acc mods at all, when i can hold im not missing no mater what. omega or fleet deflectors can buff your accuracy too, and thats what i use them for, but they also give you a tiny amount of crit overflow too.
you can DOT someone to death with this built, but you can also beat them down with high weapons spike, and deliver kinetic kill shots too. for your kill shot, HY omega torps. thats right, when you arent burning someone to death, your 1 shooting them. assuming they are already fairly beleaguered, it will deal between 15k and 30k damage, even without the KHG set, which you could use to buff its damage i suppose. the HY omega torp is the best heavy projectile in game by about 1000%. it has 4k hitpoints, and typical HY projectile evasion. AOE attacks cant effectively deal with it, it shrugs off PSW and TBR, your best chance to kill it it to lock a tractor beam on it. so, unless your target runs, or your somehow out of holds, it will ALWAYS hit. and your cannons can keep a shield facing down long enough for it to hit hull often, between TTs. your cutting beam can be effective at this time too, hitting hull through the down facing.
the romulan experimental beam array for this build conveniently has crtH3. this weapon drains no energy when fired, which is nice, but it makes BO shots drain much less then on any other beam. watch out for your own torps popping near you, and setting you on fire. luckily you have HE at its global. this thing is a bus, you cant slow it down and prevent yourself from getting too close to your target, its just slides towards them. APO can help, or lurch you closer to them, its very lurchy forward, and not very fast going backward. if you got a faceing up you should be fine though.
im pretty sure this is the best platform and setup to use all the rep stuff, without gimping yourself in some way. it can use it all, and you got that moment of invincibility with the 3 part omega stuff, and the supper BO+dot thing with the romulan beam array too. everything synergies, and together acts like another plasma tac console to buff all energy damage and dot. you need to be super aggressive though, you have minimal heals and defense, you need to be controlling your enemy's before you get all alpha striked or sci'ed to death.
It has a chance to proc an instant and HoT shield heal.
Iirc Shield Distro's a chance based single repair now, no more HoT.
Also, hazzard doffs are triggered by BFI (and ramming speed too). They add hull resistance and are not chance based.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Is there anything i can replace the maco shield with? It takes a long time to get tier 5 reputation, and i wanna use something as close to it as possible during that time.
This is almost exactly what I was planning, although I hadn't even considered the experimental array in the back with BO.
It might be a drop in the bucket but you could also pile on a fleet boost for sci skills to add a little more to particle generators.
the only thing you really need is the omega torp, its awesome. the set bonuses are nice, and fit well on such a plasma heavy build. i keep forgetting about those fleet bonus things, lol @ them being useable in pvp
Is there anything i can replace the maco shield with? It takes a long time to get tier 5 reputation, and i wanna use something as close to it as possible during that time.
fleet advanced resistant capA is the closest, and second only to maco as far as shields go imo. but the fleet elite are even better actually if you can get one of those.
Hey all, Corsair here, been kickin' around the queues to decent effect with this ship and figured I'd go ahead and post this before I forget to... again.
Anyway, the goal of this ship was to see how effective I could be with 0 dilithium investment, as this character was rolled post-Reputation system implementation. So far it's worked great, so, here goes. This is a ship that will cost you lots of EC. I mean this, the DOffs needed are not cheap. It will also require a tremendous amount of time investment, so, be prepared to do a little grinding.
Okay, the ship is the Recon Science Vessel (RSV), yes, that one you get at level 40. If anyone tells you it's "not an endgame ship" please correct them. Harshly or gently is left up to you. It is not the "best Science Ship ever." It's not even as good as its Fleet variant, however, it holds its own. As for why I chose the RSV over the Mirror RSV (available through the exchange for a song and dance while supplies last) the answer is simply that the extra Ensign Tactical slot jives better with supporting the team, and make no mistake, as a Science Captain in a Science Ship you will be doing a *lot* of supporting. You damage the enemy by damaging the availability of your enemies abilities and counter abilities. I cannot stress this enough, as this is how you setup kills for your teammates, and how you save your teammates.
You have to be able to look at what your enemies are doing and how they're using their abilities to determine which of your abilities to use, Captain or Bridge Officer, the source of the abilities, and even what they do is not as important as what they make the enemy do. One of the best ways to help your team beat your enemies is figure out who the *other* team's healer is, and make sure to keep an eye on what he's doing. If you see him target one of his allies and toss an Extend Shields their way, you can pretty much bet that person is in a situation where they could be very easily killed. Energy Siphon, Tyken's Rift, and Photonic Shock Wave the healer (turns of his Extend Shields power), come about, and Chroniton Torpedo Spread, Sensor Scan, Sub-Nuc, and VM3 the guy he was trying to save! Also, keep in mind people using Mines will not fly where you Tyken's Rift(s) are, and any in them will seek to escape them at great haste, possibly even using their Evasive Maneuvers to do it. If you Tractor Beam someone they will probably use whatever Tractor Beam break they have to escape it (especially if they're under focus fire). All of this leads back to Sub-Nucleonic Beam. You want as many of your target's abilities on cooldown as possible when you Sub-nuc them, as it creates the biggest possible opening for your teammates to make the kill.
Anyway, here's the ship.
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators, and Subspace Decompiler; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare) Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare) Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Fire at Will 1 / Torpedo Spread 2
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
2 Rare Systems Engineer DOff's with Viral Matrix effect (Chance to cause VM to renew itself on Target)
2 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
1 Very Rare Gravimetric DOff with Tyken's Rift effect (chance to cause multiple rifts off of one use of Tyken's Rift)
-[General Tips]-
Basically, the ship is designed to cripple the fighting and healing abilities of the enemy team. Your Polaron proc will be around -54 debuff to all of a target's subsytems. Your shield drain proc will be around -600 or so. Your Tyken's 1 drains 9.8 per second per rift. Your Antiproton sweep (Jem'hadar 3-piece power) will be around -4000 shields to up to 5 targets in a 90 degree cone out to 6 km in front of your ship. At 125 Aux you will see mines through their Mask Energy Signature at about 6 km. Your VM3 will last about 13 seconds without a proc of your VM DOff. Your Energy Siphon will drain about 36 from all of a target's subsystems and apply the same to all of yours, letting you run (with EPtS 1 active) 125 in weapons and shields, and above 100 in Engines and Aux. Your PSW 1 will disable anyone within 3 km of you for 2 seconds. Your biggest weakness is a lack of heals and hold breaks.
You can cripple incoming energy weapon damage but have little in the way of ability to reduce raw kinetic damage. People with Tractor Beam Repulsors *must* be Shockwaved to stop, Sub-nuc doesn't turn off Tractor Beams. If an Escort tractors you with intention of cannoning you to pieces, make certain to PSW them (if they get within 3 km) as well as Energy Siphon (360 targetting) and Weapon Subsystem Targeting to blunt their damage. If you break their Tractor, chroniton torpedo them and move out of their firing arc. If you start seeing lots of mines (Tricobalt especially), make sure to FAW them down, or PSW them. You don't want the enemy team turning the Arena/Cap'n'Hold/Ker'rat into one giant ripping field. If it looks like an opponent is swarmed with mines or heavy torpedos, plant a Tyken's rift on the thing nearest him to wipe them all out and create a safe zone.
Above all else, be vigilant and work to improve your team's effectiveness while reducing the enemy's.
-[Cannons + Turrets variant Alpha]-
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Fore Weapons: 2x Polaron Single Cannons Mk X+
1 Polaron Dual Beam Bank Mk X+ [Acc]x2 (x3, preferred)
Aft Weapons: 3x Polaron Turrets Mk X+ [Acc]x2
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare) Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare) Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Scatter Volley 1
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
1 Rare Sensors DOff's with Sensor Scan effect (Sensor Scan reduce's scanned target's out going damage by around 42% for 8 seconds.)
3 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
1 Very Rare Gravimetric DOff with Tyken's Rift effect (chance to cause multiple rifts off of one use of Tyken's Rift)
-General Tips-
This is a very drain-oriented variant of the previous ship. It's more durable and self-sufficient in looking after itself on account of including somewhat better healing in the form of Hazard Emitters 2 and a Hull Resist+Tractor Beam Immunity in the form of Polarize Hull 1. The reason to take Scatter Volley over Rapid Fire is the same as keeping a rogue Fire-At-Will on the previous setup: Clearing mines, pets, photonic ships, and heavy torpedoes (critical with the currently buggy Romulan Hyper Torpedo+Torpedo Spread interaction). The fact that, with a little you can proc power levels across an entire team is something of an added bonus. You've got two Tactical Teams, don't be stingy about passing them around if you don't need them and someone else does. Sensor Scan pulls double-duty in the setup both as a DR debuff and damage-output Debuff and "Oh S---" button. Scanning a bunch of hopped up Tac/Scorts that are in close formation can and will make your healer's job easier (don't think it'll completely stop an Alpha by itself, it's 8 seconds, 10 with a purple sensors DOff, and a full buffed Alpha/attack is going to involve it damage being dealt over about 30 seconds).
-[Cannons + Turrets variant Beta]-
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators, and Subspace Decompiler; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Fore Weapons: 2x Polaron Single Cannons Mk X+
1 Polaron Dual Beam Bank Mk X+ [Acc]x2 (x3, preferred)
Aft Weapons: 3x Polaron Turrets Mk X+ [Acc]x2
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"] Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare) Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare) Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Scatter Volley 1
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
2 Rare Systems Engineer DOff's with Viral Matrix effect (Chance to cause VM to renew itself on Target)
3 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
-General Tips-
This particular setup, naturally, puts more emphasis on subsystem disables over subsystem drain. It's not as hyper-optimized in that role as it ought to be, though. Switching to Phased Tetryon weapons with the Omega Shield and Engines for Tetryon Glider when in Weapon-bias power settings would provide much better synergy across the board thanks to their dual-proc effect of Shield Drain (flow-capacitor based, synergy w/ Tetryon Glider) and Subsystem Disable (synergy with DOff'd up E. Siphon and Viral Matrix). Then why, you ask, didn't I post that setup? I've no first hand experience with it, and until I have it, I'm hesitant to suggest it.
Anyway, the Beta set has much more hard lockdown capability than the Alpha setup at the trade-off of a little less soft debuffing. Instead of reducing damage and healing through power drains and an out-going damage debuff, you simply select a target and turn it into gibbering lump of starship parts for a little bit. On the plus side, this is far, far more disruptive than previous setup. On the minus side, the lack of Tyken's Rift, or really any persistent damage zone, makes keeping up with a team using lots of mines and pets more difficult than it otherwise would be. Oh, thanks to VM and the plethora of Subsystem Disables, you are a pretty difficult target to put down if isolated. If you get lots of hate PM's, just smile and keep VM'ing, Siphoning, and Sub-nuccing your team's way to victory.
If you feel Keel'el's effect is well designed, please, for your own safety, be very careful around shallow pools of water.
With all the escorts and DPS cruisers running these times, a group could use a good sci-healer. In my opinion, best healer ships are sci ships which have also more than 1x LT engineer. So that would fit the advanced research science vessel retrofit (Nebula). However, if u have the money, the wells timeship (or klingon version) is a better choice because it has more shields, turnrate and speed.
Front weapons: 3x chroniton torpedo
aft weapons: 1x chroniton mine, 1x [acc]x3 beam array, transphasic cluster or chroniton torp
If you wanna do more damage instead of crowd control, you can also equip trannies in front, and trannie mines or those ferengi mines on back.
main consoles are your sci-healing consoles: emitter arrays. Equip 4 of them. Fill engineer with 1 a 2 SIF generators. Fill remaining engineer and tac positions with consoles of choice like:
Console - Universal - Assimilated Module (more crit, hull repair, gravity)
Console - Tachyokinetic Converter (more crit, turnrate,gravity)
Console - Universal - Theta Radiation Vents (more crowd control and spam kill)
Console - Tactical - Automated Defense Turret (protect yourself from tric mines and slow torps)
Console - Universal - Tipler Cylinder (extra self heal for timeship)
note: 2 of the emitter arrays can be "upgraded" by using following embassy fleet consoles:
Console - Science - Emitter Array Mk X [HuH] [-Th]
Console - Science - Emitter Array Mk X [ShH] [-Th]
power settings: 25/60/40/75 (timeship) 25/60/25/90 (nebula)
A good build comes with good doffs: (all purple, commonly obtainable with colonization missions)
2x damage control engineer to have always EptS and EptA active
2x development lab scientists to have 2 copies of science team 3
1x projectile weapons officer to increase crowd controll with the chroniton torps.
these look like great sci ships, thanks for contributing guys. i never meant for this to be my blog, so anyone with good builds is welcome to post them. if they arent deeply flawed, they will end up in the table of contents
these look like great sci ships, thanks for contributing guys. i never meant for this to be my blog, so anyone with good builds is welcome to post them. if they arent deeply flawed, they will end up in the table of contents
First off, I love your spelling. Second, you hate my cruiser builds. Third, when the HELL are you gonna get on so we can do some FVF with pattycakes or mycakes or cap'n muffin tops or whatever it is you call him?
Oh wait. It's a build thread. Here.
Dual Cannons and DEM doffs. All day long. It's haxalicious!;)
First off, I love your spelling. Second, you hate my cruiser builds. Third, when the HELL are you gonna get on so we can do some FVF with pattycakes or mycakes or cap'n muffin tops or whatever it is you call him?
Oh wait. It's a build thread. Here.
Dual Cannons and DEM doffs. All day long. It's haxalicious!;)
if only DEM doff's effect lasted more then 8 seconds, they might be worth using for an over time damage weapon like DCs, singles or beam arrays. they would be good with a BO3/DHC alpha dealing maximum shield rending damage right before torps finish someone off, might be something worth trying on your birds.
go ahead and post a birdy builds if you like, thread still lacks them. im afraid to try to come up with any theoretically good bird builds due to having basically no actual experience with them. im sure you wouldn't hold back any criticism
i proboly wont be on for 6 to 8 more hours from now
also ya i cant spell or grammar to well. i blame being taught to best guess and write what your thinking quickly, and then go back and edit after. on a web forum, i do a LOT less editing after
if only DEM doff's effect lasted more then 8 seconds, they might be worth using for an over time damage weapon like DCs, singles or beam arrays. they would be good with a BO3/DHC alpha dealing maximum shield rending damage right before torps finish someone off, might be something worth trying on your birds.
go ahead and post a birdy builds if you like, thread still lacks them. im afraid to try to come up with any theoretically good bird builds due to having basically no actual experience with them. im sure you wouldn't hold back any criticism
i proboly wont be on for 6 to 8 more hours from now
also ya i cant spell or grammar to well. i blame being taught to best guess and write what your thinking quickly, and then go back and edit after. on a web forum, i do a LOT less editing after
One dem doff seems to be working great on the tac heavy cruisers. You pop that with CRF or CSV and you don't see power loss. In general that's the only times that my eng does see a drop so it's nice in that spot. Also great when you use the autocannon on a Bortas. I have YET to try it with the preloading BO3 and a Javelin or Lance, but that's next.
I have a bird build, but I'm assured its junky and won't work.
(omg u snuck in and changed 'continence' to 'contents'!! NINJA edit!)
One dem doff seems to be working great on the tac heavy cruisers. You pop that with CRF or CSV and you don't see power loss. In general that's the only times that my eng does see a drop so it's nice in that spot. Also great when you use the autocannon on a Bortas. I have YET to try it with the preloading BO3 and a Javelin or Lance, but that's next.
I have a bird build, but I'm assured its junky and won't work.
(omg u snuck in and changed 'continence' to 'contents'!! NINJA edit!)
yep, you can ninja edit if you do it before a minute passes. top suggestion in spell check failed me!
junky and wont work? but theres so much video evidence to the contrary!
i didnt think the xtra little bolt with dem would be more potent than the dhc burst.....hmmmmm.....
not even DEM, and the DEM doff can makes DC's measure up really. if it wasn't for their energy hog nature they share with beam arrays, singles, etc... they would be ok. they would still be less front loaded and need more time on target to theoretically deal the same damage as a DHC though.
This ship, is the Old, RA level Advanced Escort. It's for people that don't have that initial Ferrari Budget that many of the older hands pvpers have. I will have the Ideal Gear, along with it's present gear listed, (same with Doffs) this ship is surprisingly still competitive even after 3 years. The position of two powers have changed and that's all since I made this ship way back in the day, plus the addition of Doffs and gear sets. Presently I have 0 Rep grinded.
Azn Rep Grind: (Ideal) Rommy T2:Crit Chance T4: I suspect the placate is going to get changed. I'd go Secondary Shielding, especially with all the plas torps in pvp right now.
Borg/Omega: T2 If you do alot of pugging the hull repair nanites. T4: Graviton Amplifier.
Advanced Escort.
Weapons: AccX2 CrtD XI Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons X3 (want to upgrade to XIIs), XI CrtDX2 CrtH Quantum Torpedo.
3 AccX2 CrtD Tetryon Turrets. XI
Deflector: Borg
Engine: Borg
Shield: Maco Mk X (will be replaced with the Elite Fleet Shield once my guild unlocks it)
Eng: 1 MVAM Console. (optional. If you bought the mvam already might as well use it's console. If not then replace this with an Ablative Hull, or even better the + to crit chance Rommy Console. Honestly once I get there I'm probably going to drop the MVAM console entirely. The bug is -still- quicker, as is the defiant and bops even in MVAM beta command might as well crit them harder) 1 Borg.
Sci: Flow Cap or Particle Generator, 2 Field Generators
Tac 4 Tetryon Pulse Generators XI blues. (you know what the ideal is. XII purple)
DOFFS: 2 Energy weapon specialists. (cannon attack type) 2 Shield Distribution officers (right now all of these are Blue on my ship) 1 Torpedo officer purple.
Ideal Doffs: 2 Energy Weapon Specialists (purple), 2 Attack Pattern Doffs (purple), 1 Shield Distribution officer (purple)
Variant 2 Doffs. 2 Energy weapon Specialists, (cannons again) 2 SDOs, and Tractor Beam Officer, for Tractor beam repulsors. This gives your TBR a potent Engine Power Drain attack.
Between Tac Initiative, and the Cannon doffs you'd be amazed at just how many CRFs you can pump down range. My average up time for CRF2, is only 5 seconds off from perfect chaining, and as often as not, I can perfect chain it. This also lets me run HY2 which is by far the most effective of the HYs in the game. HY1 does not give you enough torpedoes to use effectively, and they can miss. HY3 has a far far too high opportunity cost, for a minimal gain in damage and an even smaller gain in Effective Damage.
If I ever get the Attack Pattern Doffs, this gives me perfect cycling of APO3s and APD2s 100 percent of the time barring the odd sub nuke. APD2 fits -perfectly- between the shared CD of APO as well. So presently you can fit it in for either yourself or a team mate, between the Shared CD when Tac Initiative is up.
Even premade v premade I've found people can live through the quad DHC setup because at the end of the day the damage is still coming in piecemeal. It's much harder for a healer to have the Twitch necessary to help someone survive 3 6k Torpedoes (average damage. Realistically one of those is going to crit for 15k or more if they are fired properly).
Even premade v premade I've found people can live through the quad DHC setup because at the end of the day the damage is still coming in piecemeal. It's much harder for a healer to have the Twitch necessary to help someone survive 3 6k Torpedoes (average damage. Realistically one of those is going to crit for 15k or more if they are fired properly).
Ive found this to be the case too now, especially with extra passives and all my crits working against me. my 4 DHC setups are currently parked, and im ether HY omega torp bombing or BO3ing. to many times now ive almost killed folks with 4 DHCs, just to not quite finish them off. if i had had ether a torp or beam closer it would have made a difference and gotten a kill
you could, but the resist of TSS will be much more useful. you already have good hold resist from 2 APO. yes, even the retrofit somraw and scourge are better then the qin. both have a better turn rate, better ENS station, a turn axis that isn't terrible, and an extra bonus chunk of shield hitpoints that isn't mentioned anywhere to go with their inferior shield mod. the borg engine and deflector 2 part bonus is a very nice extra hull heal. something escorts tend to be short on.
For some folks though, can't the APO get them killed relying on it instead of PH? It does nothing against the damage - they'll be moving, but unless they're moving away as they're moving - they're also having their hull eaten.
With two TTs, two EPtS, and the RSP for shields - vs. just the HE for hull - with the TSS instead of PH, aren't you leaving yourself open to being killed from the inside?
What do you think about with what you also said there, about the possibility of picking AtS instead of RSP...with the TSS and the PH if you take the RSP?
So there would be these two options:
EPtS1, AtS1
PH1, HE2
Don't forget I'm cooky and out there (and no, I'm not the guy that said Sci sucked - that was, can't name him on the forums - but like I said, I do my own stupid things without being given credit for what others say...lol), but this is what I've got on my Mirror Qin:
TT1, BO2, CRF2, APO3
EPtS1, AtS1
PH1, HE2
But then again, it's obviously not a 7 cannon boat.
Fore: 2x Plasma Torp, Plasma DBB, Plasma DHC
Aft: Plasma Mine, 2x Plasma Turret
I tend to do the following with the alpha...
Cloaked. Hit TS. Wait 15s, hit THY. Hit BO, APA, APO. Decloak. Fire the THY Torp. Hit FoMM. Hit EPtW. Fire the DBB. Fire the TS Torp. Hit CRF, begin firing the DHC/Turrets. Hit EM to fly past them, dropping the DPB'd Mines on them. Turn, hit TT, TS, and fire off the next TS while the DBB/DHC/Turrets continue to fire.
No doubt it would work much better if I weren't using plasma - but it's a test build. My fourth toon, so the furthest back on the rep grind. The idea to replace the Plasma DBB/DHC/Turrets with Romulan Plasma for the additional disruptor proc. Replace the two Plasma torps with an Omega and a Hyper (it's funny how well they work together when the Omega hates working with other torps). Add in the KineticProc, the 2pc secondary bonuses from both Omega and Romulan... and that's along the lines of where I'm going with it.
Suppose I should also mention that for DOFFs it's running SDO(BFI), 2x DCE(EPt), DCE(AtS), and WCE(EPt)...and it's got Leech.
The curious aspect, imo, where I'm curious - is what the Romulan DES set will be - just a variation of the Reman? Even there, the Reman's somewhat tempting in a somewhat suicidal manner...meh. I hate how slow the Omega is, and if the 2pc Reman affects the THY of the Omega (being plasma) - that could be helpful. Don't know if that's the case and haven't seen anybody mention it one way or the other because of how generally bad the Reman set is. Otherwise, it's a case of thinking Omega or perhaps the AMACO.
Course, I couldn't see taking this particular boat into an Arena - without a BC, it's just too exposed. In C&H or even Ker'rat though - full Eng, Eng Batt, SFM to slip away - cloak and then return to reengage.
But I'm cooky...so like most things I post in regard to builds - I'd highly recommend that folks politely laugh and ignore it.
yes i know, it was someone else with a V name. not my intention to name the wrong person, and i was corrected on opvp.
as for the rest of that, chances of success are much lower then an all cannon build. it might not kill even half as well as a perfectly executed attack from a build like this, but it will be painful 100% of the time, instead of epically failing a high % of the time. not to mention it can be very tricky to set that kind of attack up, even for veterans.
im finding a cannon and HY omega torp to be very effective though, its extreamly hard to kill the HY omega, even with AOE, so it almost always hits.
Yep, it's one of the reasons why I said it wouldn't work well as an Arena build - while that alpha's awesome to pull off - if it doesn't get pulled off - it's a horrible build. So many things can go wrong with that alpha as well - anything from a simple miss of the BO, latency throwing the timing off, getting decloaked, target deciding it's time to relocate in a hurry (that one's kind of funny - you're all dressed and ready to go... they leave you standing there exposed).
I'm still trying to come to terms with the THY Omega - I think it's great Aft. Fore? Not so much.
Hyper, DBB, 2x DHC
Turret, Cutting, Omega
Is something I've been thinking about as an alternative. The timing on dropping the Omega (yep, dropping - treating it like a mine) as you pass though has been a lot rougher for me than the timing on dropping mines - simply because there's no worry about getting caught in the AoE splash (love the AoE splash on the THY Omega vs. pet spam).
Course, a thought that came up from something I'm doing on my Sci in the Patrol would be:
Hyper, 3x Phased Tetryon DHCs
Omega, Phased Tet Tur, Cutting Beam
Dropping the DBB, going with Omega for Tet Glider - having the KineticProc and trying to get a Romulan [Pla] Console to increase the Plasma Dmg of the Hyper/Omega while also adding the DoT proc to the Phased Tets.
The decloak, Phased Tets/Cutting going, a TS or THY of the Hyper, flying by and dropping the Omega, turning to continue the standard attack.
I'm just not finding that I'm getting the one side down long enough - it's like when I'm flying either of my Engs and you can sit there dancing with two Bugs until boredom sets in. But if the one ship's attacking from both sides, it creates a quandary in the average pilot. Which way do they turn - what's getting left exposed - do they turn, do they move away...etc, etc, etc.
edit: By the way, to anybody reading any of my posts in this thread - I'm not suggesting in the least that I know better in any way than what Drunk and the others are saying. The TRIBBLE I fly would hardly work for anybody - it's just a case that I'm not very good with the usual (which is usually the best) - so it's a case that certain things are more tailored to what I'm good at while avoiding the things that I'm not so good at. There's a 99.99% chance that I would always defer to the advice that's being given by them... they've put a lot of work and effort into the stuff they've come up with - and that - deserves both respect and gratitude. Many times I've been able to take something they've said and work it into one of my cooky builds...though they'd likely prefer not having any credit for anything to do with my failgasms out there.
I myself was not really convinced in using both omega and hyper torps in front. This because the omega torp somehow fails with me. It is shooting half of the time "blanks" (you can also see this in the animation: spitting out a torp which then fades), and therefore not giving the hyper torp a window to fire.
However, As Virus says that it works good together, so I still have to do some more testing. Also I still dont know how a torpedo doff works with these torps. Maybe the doff works after each omega torpedo, continously replenishing the supply, so every second a torp is fired. And that the "blanks" are just visual effects, but still hitting the target.
Who has already some results about the torpedo doff with the omega and hyper torp?
My toon running the Plas'Tinga: Dehr@rudiefix (the aft beam array will be changed for the romulan one, when I have it available)
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
1 scater volly is nice to have, it clears basically any spam in front of you intently. those builds are baselines that can be customized as a player sees fit. adding torps in there will require more skill to effectively use then just DHCs, it just depends on what you can use reliably, and what your comfortable with. the cutting beam can replace a turret on anything with little trouble.
A bit of both depending on the pet. The less durable ones will be destroyed nearly instantly, the tougher ones will be reduced to a manageable level, eliminating most, if not all of them.
Though I say coating the carrier in Warp Plasma is a better solution....or destroying the carrier itself.
It's called a Shield Distribution officer.
It has a chance to proc an instant and HoT shield heal.
all my other builds have been more baseline, this one is fairly exacting, this is exactly what one of my characters is useing. if you would like to build a plasma weapon/EWP boat, a good place to start is my plasma ktinga build, this is a good place to end. the ktinga can be much more resilient, but the fleet vorcha has all the necessary stations to fully utilize every plasma related thing in the reputation system, all of which you will want to include.
fore- 1 omega torp, 1 experimental romulan beam array, 2 plasma DHCs
aft- 2 plasma turrets, 1 cutting beam, 1 romulan hyper plasma torp
EPtS1, AtB1, AtB2, EWP3
TB1, HE2
station power long form here
skill point distribution
borg/omega deflector/fleet +particle gen,+accuracy
borg/omega engine/fleet turn3
adapted KHG (maco) shield/ elite fleet mkXII resistant resA/B
borg, temporal, leach, zero point
2 embassy particle gen consoles, -th, plasma infused
4 plasma energy damage consoles
3 tech, 2 BFI
the 2 part romulan set gives you additional plasma energy damage, effecting all your weapons damage and DOT damage, so do the plasma infused embassy consoles. wile decloaking, and using the tier 5 romulan passive along with all tac buffs i can get the EWP3 tooltip to show over 2000 DOT base. your inherent crit chance should by high enough give you a good chance to crit on top of that. watch enemy buffs, grab them with a tractor beam and cover them and thier forward flight path with plasma, or save the tractor beam for when they are trying to escape the cloud of doom. even not fully tac buffed, its pretty rare that a cloud of yours isn't dealing at least 1000 DOT.
thats just 1 part of your offensive capability, your damage from weapon DOTs will be only about 1%-5% of your total issued pain. but thats ok, it most certainly is causing HE to be used early, before they really need it for your EWP. the DHCs and exparamental beam BOs are your next most damaging asset behind your EWP cloud, and can cut holes in shields quite effectively. anyone you shoot at you want to be holing, and its more then likely you have a hold available thanks to TB and EWP being cut down to global from AtB with tech doff use. so, theres no reason not to go all out for crit chance, you don't need acc mods at all, when i can hold im not missing no mater what. omega or fleet deflectors can buff your accuracy too, and thats what i use them for, but they also give you a tiny amount of crit overflow too.
you can DOT someone to death with this built, but you can also beat them down with high weapons spike, and deliver kinetic kill shots too. for your kill shot, HY omega torps. thats right, when you arent burning someone to death, your 1 shooting them. assuming they are already fairly beleaguered, it will deal between 15k and 30k damage, even without the KHG set, which you could use to buff its damage i suppose. the HY omega torp is the best heavy projectile in game by about 1000%. it has 4k hitpoints, and typical HY projectile evasion. AOE attacks cant effectively deal with it, it shrugs off PSW and TBR, your best chance to kill it it to lock a tractor beam on it. so, unless your target runs, or your somehow out of holds, it will ALWAYS hit. and your cannons can keep a shield facing down long enough for it to hit hull often, between TTs. your cutting beam can be effective at this time too, hitting hull through the down facing.
the romulan experimental beam array for this build conveniently has crtH3. this weapon drains no energy when fired, which is nice, but it makes BO shots drain much less then on any other beam. watch out for your own torps popping near you, and setting you on fire. luckily you have HE at its global. this thing is a bus, you cant slow it down and prevent yourself from getting too close to your target, its just slides towards them. APO can help, or lurch you closer to them, its very lurchy forward, and not very fast going backward. if you got a faceing up you should be fine though.
im pretty sure this is the best platform and setup to use all the rep stuff, without gimping yourself in some way. it can use it all, and you got that moment of invincibility with the 3 part omega stuff, and the supper BO+dot thing with the romulan beam array too. everything synergies, and together acts like another plasma tac console to buff all energy damage and dot. you need to be super aggressive though, you have minimal heals and defense, you need to be controlling your enemy's before you get all alpha striked or sci'ed to death.
Iirc Shield Distro's a chance based single repair now, no more HoT.
Also, hazzard doffs are triggered by BFI (and ramming speed too). They add hull resistance and are not chance based.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
It might be a drop in the bucket but you could also pile on a fleet boost for sci skills to add a little more to particle generators.
CommanderDonatra@Capt.Sisko: ahhh is it supposed to do that?
Norvo Tigan@dontdrunkimshoot: hell ya, maybe
Adapted Maco Shield, Tier 5 Omega Rep
the only thing you really need is the omega torp, its awesome. the set bonuses are nice, and fit well on such a plasma heavy build. i keep forgetting about those fleet bonus things, lol @ them being useable in pvp
fleet advanced resistant capA is the closest, and second only to maco as far as shields go imo. but the fleet elite are even better actually if you can get one of those.
Hey all, Corsair here, been kickin' around the queues to decent effect with this ship and figured I'd go ahead and post this before I forget to... again.
Anyway, the goal of this ship was to see how effective I could be with 0 dilithium investment, as this character was rolled post-Reputation system implementation. So far it's worked great, so, here goes. This is a ship that will cost you lots of EC. I mean this, the DOffs needed are not cheap. It will also require a tremendous amount of time investment, so, be prepared to do a little grinding.
Okay, the ship is the Recon Science Vessel (RSV), yes, that one you get at level 40. If anyone tells you it's "not an endgame ship" please correct them. Harshly or gently is left up to you. It is not the "best Science Ship ever." It's not even as good as its Fleet variant, however, it holds its own. As for why I chose the RSV over the Mirror RSV (available through the exchange for a song and dance while supplies last) the answer is simply that the extra Ensign Tactical slot jives better with supporting the team, and make no mistake, as a Science Captain in a Science Ship you will be doing a *lot* of supporting. You damage the enemy by damaging the availability of your enemies abilities and counter abilities. I cannot stress this enough, as this is how you setup kills for your teammates, and how you save your teammates.
You have to be able to look at what your enemies are doing and how they're using their abilities to determine which of your abilities to use, Captain or Bridge Officer, the source of the abilities, and even what they do is not as important as what they make the enemy do. One of the best ways to help your team beat your enemies is figure out who the *other* team's healer is, and make sure to keep an eye on what he's doing. If you see him target one of his allies and toss an Extend Shields their way, you can pretty much bet that person is in a situation where they could be very easily killed. Energy Siphon, Tyken's Rift, and Photonic Shock Wave the healer (turns of his Extend Shields power), come about, and Chroniton Torpedo Spread, Sensor Scan, Sub-Nuc, and VM3 the guy he was trying to save! Also, keep in mind people using Mines will not fly where you Tyken's Rift(s) are, and any in them will seek to escape them at great haste, possibly even using their Evasive Maneuvers to do it. If you Tractor Beam someone they will probably use whatever Tractor Beam break they have to escape it (especially if they're under focus fire). All of this leads back to Sub-Nucleonic Beam. You want as many of your target's abilities on cooldown as possible when you Sub-nuc them, as it creates the biggest possible opening for your teammates to make the kill.
Anyway, here's the ship.
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators, and Subspace Decompiler; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Fore Weapons: 2x Polaron Beam Arrays Mk X+ [Acc]x2
1x Chroniton Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc]x2
Aft Weapons: 2x Polaron Beam Arrays Mk X+ [Acc]x2
1x Chroniton Torpedo Launcher Mk XI [Acc]x2
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare)
Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare)
Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Commander Sci: Tractor Beam 1 / Tyken's Rift 1 / Energy Siphon 2 / Viral Matrix 3
Lieutenant Commander Sci: Hazard Emitters 1 / Transfer Shield Strength 2 / Photonic Shockwave 1
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Fire at Will 1 / Torpedo Spread 2
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
2 Rare Systems Engineer DOff's with Viral Matrix effect (Chance to cause VM to renew itself on Target)
2 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
1 Very Rare Gravimetric DOff with Tyken's Rift effect (chance to cause multiple rifts off of one use of Tyken's Rift)
-[General Tips]-
Basically, the ship is designed to cripple the fighting and healing abilities of the enemy team. Your Polaron proc will be around -54 debuff to all of a target's subsytems. Your shield drain proc will be around -600 or so. Your Tyken's 1 drains 9.8 per second per rift. Your Antiproton sweep (Jem'hadar 3-piece power) will be around -4000 shields to up to 5 targets in a 90 degree cone out to 6 km in front of your ship. At 125 Aux you will see mines through their Mask Energy Signature at about 6 km. Your VM3 will last about 13 seconds without a proc of your VM DOff. Your Energy Siphon will drain about 36 from all of a target's subsystems and apply the same to all of yours, letting you run (with EPtS 1 active) 125 in weapons and shields, and above 100 in Engines and Aux. Your PSW 1 will disable anyone within 3 km of you for 2 seconds. Your biggest weakness is a lack of heals and hold breaks.
You can cripple incoming energy weapon damage but have little in the way of ability to reduce raw kinetic damage. People with Tractor Beam Repulsors *must* be Shockwaved to stop, Sub-nuc doesn't turn off Tractor Beams. If an Escort tractors you with intention of cannoning you to pieces, make certain to PSW them (if they get within 3 km) as well as Energy Siphon (360 targetting) and Weapon Subsystem Targeting to blunt their damage. If you break their Tractor, chroniton torpedo them and move out of their firing arc. If you start seeing lots of mines (Tricobalt especially), make sure to FAW them down, or PSW them. You don't want the enemy team turning the Arena/Cap'n'Hold/Ker'rat into one giant ripping field. If it looks like an opponent is swarmed with mines or heavy torpedos, plant a Tyken's rift on the thing nearest him to wipe them all out and create a safe zone.
Above all else, be vigilant and work to improve your team's effectiveness while reducing the enemy's.
-[Cannons + Turrets variant Alpha]-
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Fore Weapons: 2x Polaron Single Cannons Mk X+
1 Polaron Dual Beam Bank Mk X+ [Acc]x2 (x3, preferred)
Aft Weapons: 3x Polaron Turrets Mk X+ [Acc]x2
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare)
Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare)
Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Commander Sci: Tractor Beam 1 / Hazard Emitters 2 / Energy Siphon 2 / Energy Siphon 3
Lieutenant Commander Sci: Polarize Hull 1 / Transfer Shield Strength 2 / Tyken's Rift 2
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Scatter Volley 1
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
1 Rare Sensors DOff's with Sensor Scan effect (Sensor Scan reduce's scanned target's out going damage by around 42% for 8 seconds.)
3 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
1 Very Rare Gravimetric DOff with Tyken's Rift effect (chance to cause multiple rifts off of one use of Tyken's Rift)
-General Tips-
This is a very drain-oriented variant of the previous ship. It's more durable and self-sufficient in looking after itself on account of including somewhat better healing in the form of Hazard Emitters 2 and a Hull Resist+Tractor Beam Immunity in the form of Polarize Hull 1. The reason to take Scatter Volley over Rapid Fire is the same as keeping a rogue Fire-At-Will on the previous setup: Clearing mines, pets, photonic ships, and heavy torpedoes (critical with the currently buggy Romulan Hyper Torpedo+Torpedo Spread interaction). The fact that, with a little you can proc power levels across an entire team is something of an added bonus. You've got two Tactical Teams, don't be stingy about passing them around if you don't need them and someone else does. Sensor Scan pulls double-duty in the setup both as a DR debuff and damage-output Debuff and "Oh S---" button. Scanning a bunch of hopped up Tac/Scorts that are in close formation can and will make your healer's job easier (don't think it'll completely stop an Alpha by itself, it's 8 seconds, 10 with a purple sensors DOff, and a full buffed Alpha/attack is going to involve it damage being dealt over about 30 seconds).
-[Cannons + Turrets variant Beta]-
Ship Type: Recon Science Vessel
Critical Character Skills for Maximum Effectiveness: 9 ranks in Flow Capacitors, Graviton Generators, and Subspace Decompiler; 5 Ranks in Auxillary Subsystem Power (makes certain that Aux power caps out at 125 when maxed)
Fore Weapons: 2x Polaron Single Cannons Mk X+
1 Polaron Dual Beam Bank Mk X+ [Acc]x2 (x3, preferred)
Aft Weapons: 3x Polaron Turrets Mk X+ [Acc]x2
Deflector: Jem'hadar Deflector Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Engines: Jem'hadar Engines Mk XI [Available from "Operation Gamma"]
Shields: Jem'hadar Shield Array Mk XI [Available from "Boldly They Rode"]
Engineering: 1 Neutronium Mk XI (Rare), 1 Monotanium Mk XI (Rare)
Science: 4 Flow Capacitors Mk XI (Rare)
Tactical: 3 Polaron Phase Modulators Mk XI (Rare)
-[Bridge Officer Powers (ordered from lowest to highest rank slot per BOff)]-
Commander Sci: Tractor Beam 1 / Hazard Emitters 2 / Energy Siphon 2 / Viral Matrix 3
Lieutenant Commander Sci: Polarize Hull 1 / Transfer Shield Strength 2 / Energy Siphon 2
Lieutenant Eng: Emergency Power to Shields 1 / Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Lieutenant Tac: Tactical Team 1 / Cannon Scatter Volley 1
Ensign Tac: Tactical Team 1
-[Duty Officers (DOff's)]-
2 Rare Systems Engineer DOff's with Viral Matrix effect (Chance to cause VM to renew itself on Target)
3 Very Rare Warp Theorist DOff's with Energy Siphon effect (25% chance Energy Siphon will disable a subsystem for 5 seconds)
-General Tips-
This particular setup, naturally, puts more emphasis on subsystem disables over subsystem drain. It's not as hyper-optimized in that role as it ought to be, though. Switching to Phased Tetryon weapons with the Omega Shield and Engines for Tetryon Glider when in Weapon-bias power settings would provide much better synergy across the board thanks to their dual-proc effect of Shield Drain (flow-capacitor based, synergy w/ Tetryon Glider) and Subsystem Disable (synergy with DOff'd up E. Siphon and Viral Matrix). Then why, you ask, didn't I post that setup? I've no first hand experience with it, and until I have it, I'm hesitant to suggest it.
Anyway, the Beta set has much more hard lockdown capability than the Alpha setup at the trade-off of a little less soft debuffing. Instead of reducing damage and healing through power drains and an out-going damage debuff, you simply select a target and turn it into gibbering lump of starship parts for a little bit. On the plus side, this is far, far more disruptive than previous setup. On the minus side, the lack of Tyken's Rift, or really any persistent damage zone, makes keeping up with a team using lots of mines and pets more difficult than it otherwise would be. Oh, thanks to VM and the plethora of Subsystem Disables, you are a pretty difficult target to put down if isolated. If you get lots of hate PM's, just smile and keep VM'ing, Siphoning, and Sub-nuccing your team's way to victory.
Front weapons: 3x chroniton torpedo
aft weapons: 1x chroniton mine, 1x [acc]x3 beam array, transphasic cluster or chroniton torp
If you wanna do more damage instead of crowd control, you can also equip trannies in front, and trannie mines or those ferengi mines on back.
deflector: MACO / AEGIS / Advanced Positron Deflector Array Mk XII [Grav] [Ins] [ENG] [HullR]
engine: AEGIS / Advanced Fleet Hyper-Impulse Engines Mk XII [Turn]x3 [Spd]
shield: MACO / fleet advanced or elite resilient resA
main consoles are your sci-healing consoles: emitter arrays. Equip 4 of them. Fill engineer with 1 a 2 SIF generators. Fill remaining engineer and tac positions with consoles of choice like:
Console - Universal - Assimilated Module (more crit, hull repair, gravity)
Console - Tachyokinetic Converter (more crit, turnrate,gravity)
Console - Universal - Theta Radiation Vents (more crowd control and spam kill)
Console - Tactical - Automated Defense Turret (protect yourself from tric mines and slow torps)
Console - Universal - Tipler Cylinder (extra self heal for timeship)
note: 2 of the emitter arrays can be "upgraded" by using following embassy fleet consoles:
Console - Science - Emitter Array Mk X [HuH] [-Th]
Console - Science - Emitter Array Mk X [ShH] [-Th]
Boff layout timeship:
LTCMDR: EptS1, ES1, AtoS2
ENS: EptA1
LT: TB1, SS1
Boff layout nebula:
LTCMDR: EptS1, ES1, AtoS2
LT: EptA1, ES1
power settings: 25/60/40/75 (timeship) 25/60/25/90 (nebula)
A good build comes with good doffs: (all purple, commonly obtainable with colonization missions)
2x damage control engineer to have always EptS and EptA active
2x development lab scientists to have 2 copies of science team 3
1x projectile weapons officer to increase crowd controll with the chroniton torps.
My keybind file (based on the spacebar bind) which uses the F-buttons to target and heal teammates can be found at http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=6562941&postcount=197
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
First off, I love your spelling. Second, you hate my cruiser builds. Third, when the HELL are you gonna get on so we can do some FVF with pattycakes or mycakes or cap'n muffin tops or whatever it is you call him?
Oh wait. It's a build thread. Here.
Dual Cannons and DEM doffs. All day long. It's haxalicious!;)
if only DEM doff's effect lasted more then 8 seconds, they might be worth using for an over time damage weapon like DCs, singles or beam arrays. they would be good with a BO3/DHC alpha dealing maximum shield rending damage right before torps finish someone off, might be something worth trying on your birds.
go ahead and post a birdy builds if you like, thread still lacks them. im afraid to try to come up with any theoretically good bird builds due to having basically no actual experience with them. im sure you wouldn't hold back any criticism
i proboly wont be on for 6 to 8 more hours from now
also ya i cant spell or grammar to well. i blame being taught to best guess and write what your thinking quickly, and then go back and edit after. on a web forum, i do a LOT less editing after
One dem doff seems to be working great on the tac heavy cruisers. You pop that with CRF or CSV and you don't see power loss. In general that's the only times that my eng does see a drop so it's nice in that spot. Also great when you use the autocannon on a Bortas. I have YET to try it with the preloading BO3 and a Javelin or Lance, but that's next.
I have a bird build, but I'm assured its junky and won't work.
(omg u snuck in and changed 'continence' to 'contents'!! NINJA edit!)
dem with dual cannons huh?
i didnt think the xtra little bolt with dem would be more potent than the dhc burst.....hmmmmm.....
yep, you can ninja edit if you do it before a minute passes.
junky and wont work? but theres so much video evidence to the contrary!
not even DEM, and the DEM doff can makes DC's measure up really. if it wasn't for their energy hog nature they share with beam arrays, singles, etc... they would be ok. they would still be less front loaded and need more time on target to theoretically deal the same damage as a DHC though.
Azn Rep Grind: (Ideal) Rommy T2:Crit Chance T4: I suspect the placate is going to get changed. I'd go Secondary Shielding, especially with all the plas torps in pvp right now.
Borg/Omega: T2 If you do alot of pugging the hull repair nanites. T4: Graviton Amplifier.
Advanced Escort.
Weapons: AccX2 CrtD XI Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannons X3 (want to upgrade to XIIs), XI CrtDX2 CrtH Quantum Torpedo.
3 AccX2 CrtD Tetryon Turrets. XI
Deflector: Borg
Engine: Borg
Shield: Maco Mk X (will be replaced with the Elite Fleet Shield once my guild unlocks it)
Eng: 1 MVAM Console. (optional. If you bought the mvam already might as well use it's console. If not then replace this with an Ablative Hull, or even better the + to crit chance Rommy Console. Honestly once I get there I'm probably going to drop the MVAM console entirely. The bug is -still- quicker, as is the defiant and bops even in MVAM beta command might as well crit them harder) 1 Borg.
Sci: Flow Cap or Particle Generator, 2 Field Generators
Tac 4 Tetryon Pulse Generators XI blues. (you know what the ideal is. XII purple)
Cmdr: APO3, CRF2, THY2, TT
Lt Cmdr: APD2, THY2, TT What? No second CRF? You'll see why.
LT Sci: Here's where the variables start. Primary attack mode. Polarize Hull1, TSS2
Ens Sci: Tractor Beam 1
Variant LT Sci. TSS1, Feedback Pulse 1. Ens sci PH. Variant 2: TSS1, TBR1. Ens Sci PH1. Variant 3: HE1, TSS2, Ens sci. TSS1.
DOFFS: 2 Energy weapon specialists. (cannon attack type) 2 Shield Distribution officers (right now all of these are Blue on my ship) 1 Torpedo officer purple.
Ideal Doffs: 2 Energy Weapon Specialists (purple), 2 Attack Pattern Doffs (purple), 1 Shield Distribution officer (purple)
Variant 2 Doffs. 2 Energy weapon Specialists, (cannons again) 2 SDOs, and Tractor Beam Officer, for Tractor beam repulsors. This gives your TBR a potent Engine Power Drain attack.
Between Tac Initiative, and the Cannon doffs you'd be amazed at just how many CRFs you can pump down range. My average up time for CRF2, is only 5 seconds off from perfect chaining, and as often as not, I can perfect chain it. This also lets me run HY2 which is by far the most effective of the HYs in the game. HY1 does not give you enough torpedoes to use effectively, and they can miss. HY3 has a far far too high opportunity cost, for a minimal gain in damage and an even smaller gain in Effective Damage.
If I ever get the Attack Pattern Doffs, this gives me perfect cycling of APO3s and APD2s 100 percent of the time barring the odd sub nuke. APD2 fits -perfectly- between the shared CD of APO as well. So presently you can fit it in for either yourself or a team mate, between the Shared CD when Tac Initiative is up.
Even premade v premade I've found people can live through the quad DHC setup because at the end of the day the damage is still coming in piecemeal. It's much harder for a healer to have the Twitch necessary to help someone survive 3 6k Torpedoes (average damage. Realistically one of those is going to crit for 15k or more if they are fired properly).
Ive found this to be the case too now, especially with extra passives and all my crits working against me. my 4 DHC setups are currently parked, and im ether HY omega torp bombing or BO3ing. to many times now ive almost killed folks with 4 DHCs, just to not quite finish them off. if i had had ether a torp or beam closer it would have made a difference and gotten a kill