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Federation Flight Deck Cruiser?



  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kevik7 wrote: »
    Hi yes I am new here, and untainted by the want for new ships and the desire to not share any of my toys.

    This is also my first post ever so I am going to make myself sound stupid, by of course bringing logic to this thread. Something I doubt most of you twelve year olds won't understand.

    After reading several pages of this I have formed my own conclusion on the matter. Those people who play the Klingon faction don't like to share. They want the shiniest toy around and the want rub it into everyone elses face. They won't share and they don't want the other kids getting the same thing, because they are selfish and greedy of course. They won't respond to logic and I am sure I will get many responses from those greedy kids making unintelligent and illogical comebacks.

    Adding carrier based cruisers just seems to make sense no matter how you look at it.

    It would make sense from a business perspective because if people want it people are willing to pay for it. There are a vast amount of players that play the Federation and plenty of willing customers. They make money and make many players happy, something every game developer dreams about but rarely gets in these kinds of games.

    It would also make sense from a from a real life military perspective. The Federation is fighting a war with the Klingons, something the fate of billions of innocents hangs in the balance. If the enemy has anything advantageous in battle its only logical that you develop something similar so you don't fall behind. If carriers work in battle then you want your own version to balance the scales. If your enemy has a laser beam and you only have a slingshot and rocks, aren't you going to improve your weapons? Is the enemy going to cry foul because you took away their only advantage? Heck no, its a war, if you fall behind technologically you going to have a harder time fighting the war.

    Honestly this game isn't even all the much PvP, so who honestly cares? What are you going to lose accept not being able to rub your carrier in other kids faces? All you carrier-cruiser protesters think that people are crying like babies cause they don't have carrier-cruisers, well I think you guys are the real ones crying like children. And the are pages and pages of proof of it.

    Edit: That IwantitImusthaveit mentality you keep saying the Federation players have..... Of freaking course they want it, you keep rubbing in their faces that you have it and they don't. Its only natural they want it themselves. Your all just lucky this isn't a majority PvP game, because then everything must be painstakingly balanced and in no way shape or form should any side have any advantage over the others.

    No, we have a 'quit friggin taking our faction exclusives!!!' mentality. . .because, as paneth48 stated, the Federation keeps gaining KDF exclusives (whether it be carriers, cruisers with cannons, universal consoles, etc), and the KDF is continually neglected as a faction. It's been that way from the very beginning. So yeah, we have very little patience with upstart feddies who see a KDF exclusive and start demanding that the Federation have it.

    If there's to be no differences between factions, then why the heck do we even have a KDF faction? Just rename the game 'Starfleet Online' and let the Kirks PvE to their heart's content.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kevik7 wrote: »
    Hi yes I am new here, and untainted by the want for new ships and the desire to not share any of my toys.

    This is also my first post ever so I am going to make myself sound stupid, by of course bringing logic to this thread. Something I doubt most of you twelve year olds won't understand.

    After reading several pages of this I have formed my own conclusion on the matter. Those people who play the Klingon faction don't like to share. They want the shiniest toy around and the want rub it into everyone elses face. They won't share and they don't want the other kids getting the same thing, because they are selfish and greedy of course. They won't respond to logic and I am sure I will get many responses from those greedy kids making unintelligent and illogical comebacks.

    Adding carrier based cruisers just seems to make sense no matter how you look at it.

    It would make sense from a business perspective because if people want it people are willing to pay for it. There are a vast amount of players that play the Federation and plenty of willing customers. They make money and make many players happy, something every game developer dreams about but rarely gets in these kinds of games.

    It would also make sense from a from a real life military perspective. The Federation is fighting a war with the Klingons, something the fate of billions of innocents hangs in the balance. If the enemy has anything advantageous in battle its only logical that you develop something similar so you don't fall behind. If carriers work in battle then you want your own version to balance the scales. If your enemy has a laser beam and you only have a slingshot and rocks, aren't you going to improve your weapons? Is the enemy going to cry foul because you took away their only advantage? Heck no, its a war, if you fall behind technologically you going to have a harder time fighting the war.

    Honestly this game isn't even all the much PvP, so who honestly cares? What are you going to lose accept not being able to rub your carrier in other kids faces? All you carrier-cruiser protesters think that people are crying like babies cause they don't have carrier-cruisers, well I think you guys are the real ones crying like children. And the are pages and pages of proof of it.

    Edit: That IwantitImusthaveit mentality you keep saying the Federation players have..... Of freaking course they want it, you keep rubbing in their faces that you have it and they don't. Its only natural they want it themselves. Your all just lucky this isn't a majority PvP game, because then everything must be painstakingly balanced and in no way shape or form should any side have any advantage over the others.

    If this argument is to be valid, it would only be fair to make it so for both factions. In other words, Feds get these carriers, KDF get the science vessels. This would result in both factions playing fairly similarly, which, AFAIK, is not what Cryptic wants.

    Also, that argument that KDFers have a 'don't like to share' mentality relies on the assumption that the KDF's ships are superior. I doubt this is the case. At best, both sides are equal.
  • chi1701dchi1701d Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No, we have a 'quit friggin taking our faction exclusives!!!' mentality. . .because, as paneth48 stated, the Federation keeps gaining KDF exclusives (whether it be carriers, cruisers with cannons, universal consoles, etc), and the KDF is continually neglected as a faction. It's been that way from the very beginning. So yeah, we have very little patience with upstart feddies who see a KDF exclusive and start demanding that the Federation have it.

    If there's to be no differences between factions, then why the heck do we even have a KDF faction? Just rename the game 'Starfleet Online' and let the Kirks PvE to their heart's content.

    Ok, then I suggest you ask cryptic to remove the the Varanus and Fleet Varanus support vessel, and remove the pet from the bortasque, after all, detachable ship parts was fed thing as well.

    KDF Demanded that they be allowed on a fed station DS9 instead of rolling a fed toon.

    And having no uniqueness in the factions doesnt = doom. The most succusfull mmos go with the philosophy.
  • paneth48paneth48 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    chi1701d wrote: »
    Ok, then I suggest you ask cryptic to remove the the Varanus and Fleet Varanus support vessel,

    Nooo! not our one unwieldy science ship! Never mind its ONE science ship among how many races affiliated with the Kilingons? Oh gawds and its Gorn too..

    chi1701d wrote: »
    and remove the pet from the bortasque, after all, detachable ship parts was fed thing as well.

    Incorrect kind sir! Klingon D7s, the front part was made to detach as a life boat (such as one is with klingons). Also how many klingons even use that over priced set of ships? Bundle costs you about 50 bucks dosent it? Thats hardly giving something.

    chi1701d wrote: »
    KDF Demanded that they be allowed on a fed station DS9 instead of rolling a fed toon.

    Station was atually Bajoran, which before had all sorts of traffic from all sides. While they may be part of the Feds now it is kept open as a nuetral station due to the borg invasion among other threats, and is about the only place the Feds and Klingons can meet. As for 'demanding' it makes sense for them to have a place to meet up with the Feds when they are helping to save the galaxy, also the thought of the Devs making another station for klingons probably made them cry. was probably just easier in the end to ok them to land there..
    chi1701d wrote: »
    And having no uniqueness in the factions doesnt = doom. The most succusfull mmos go with the philosophy.

    Yes but those MMO's also have something this one dosent, equal content for both sides. Without that people tend to cling on to liitle things like 'Uniqueness' because its about all they have. I could almost say with certainty that if both sides had equal content it wouldent be an issue.

    Edit: also the reason for the science ship the klingons got, they had no way of detecting the cloaked ships the feds got, it took a great bit of yelling to get that pig too if I recall, even then it was followed up with the feds getting the sci ship with the tac field.
  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    okay, this is getting ridiculous...

    I'm begining to think that people think that games are played and lived in vaccuums or something that these two enemies got together and drew clear cut lines in the sane and said "Ok, we can have this this and this and you guys can have this this and this, and we can share this but only on Sundays."

    Give it a rest already. One, in war there is no such thing as one side having something to itself. YEs, you will have it in the beginning to yourself and it will surprise the enemy for all of what a few months before they build a bigger better badder version of it?

    Don't both sides have Intelligence bureaus?

    When Germany built jet fighters did the allies not cheat and steal their way to it?

    When America built nuclear missiles did Russia not figure out how to make from Russia one with love?

    When Wii started ruling the gaming world did Sony and Microsoft not make their own versions?

    So stop saying what is exclusive to either side because in war their is no such thing. People figure out what works, what scares them, what does what and uses it. The moment Fed's secret service figures out how to mount DHC's on a cruiser or make a long range gun platform or how to make beams that have 360 degree arc's I'm sure the klinks side will also figure out how to make.... well.... steal the tech as well.

    I'm not even sure if Klinks even build ships so much as steal, err, i mean commandeer a ship paint it red and say this is mine TRIBBLE!"

    If it's not born in you and can be made then it can be replicated. Simple as that.
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • paneth48paneth48 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lasonio wrote: »
    okay, this is getting ridiculous...

    I'm begining to think that people think that games are played and lived in vaccuums or something that these two enemies got together and drew clear cut lines in the sane and said "Ok, we can have this this and this and you guys can have this this and this, and we can share this but only on Sundays."

    Give it a rest already. One, in war there is no such thing as one side having something to itself. YEs, you will have it in the beginning to yourself and it will surprise the enemy for all of what a few months before they build a bigger better badder version of it?

    Don't both sides have Intelligence bureaus?

    When Germany built jet fighters did the allies not cheat and steal their way to it?

    When America built nuclear missiles did Russia not figure out how to make from Russia one with love?

    When Wii started ruling the gaming world did Sony and Microsoft not make their own versions?

    So stop saying what is exclusive to either side because in war their is no such thing. People figure out what works, what scares them, what does what and uses it. The moment Fed's secret service figures out how to mount DHC's on a cruiser or make a long range gun platform or how to make beams that have 360 degree arc's I'm sure the fed side will also figure out how to make.... well.... steal the tech as well.

    I'm not even sure if Klinks even build ships so much as steal, err, i mean commandeer a ship paint it red and say this is mine TRIBBLE!"

    If it's not born in you and can be made then it can be replicated. Simple as that.

    While I agree to a point, want to then explain why the faction who is more use to war and has it ingrained into their culture has LESS ships? and yes we have ship yards, we defend them enough they better be putting out ships.
  • wunjeewunjee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lasonio wrote: »
    okay, this is getting ridiculous...

    I'm begining to think that people think that games are played and lived in vaccuums or something that these two enemies got together and drew clear cut lines in the sane and said "Ok, we can have this this and this and you guys can have this this and this, and we can share this but only on Sundays."

    Give it a rest already. One, in war there is no such thing as one side having something to itself. YEs, you will have it in the beginning to yourself and it will surprise the enemy for all of what a few months before they build a bigger better badder version of it?

    Don't both sides have Intelligence bureaus?

    When Germany built jet fighters did the allies not cheat and steal their way to it?

    When America built nuclear missiles did Russia not figure out how to make from Russia one with love?

    When Wii started ruling the gaming world did Sony and Microsoft not make their own versions?

    So stop saying what is exclusive to either side because in war their is no such thing. People figure out what works, what scares them, what does what and uses it. The moment Fed's secret service figures out how to mount DHC's on a cruiser or make a long range gun platform or how to make beams that have 360 degree arc's I'm sure the klinks side will also figure out how to make.... well.... steal the tech as well.

    I'm not even sure if Klinks even build ships so much as steal, err, i mean commandeer a ship paint it red and say this is mine TRIBBLE!"

    If it's not born in you and can be made then it can be replicated. Simple as that.

    This is all well and good until you realize that this is a video game, and in many ways is a faction vs faction video game, and is a game where Faction A gets everything Faction B has, but Faction B doesn't get but a fraction of what Faction A has.

    There needs to be some uniqueness, or they need to be 100% identical. One or the other. Most would prefer uniqueness. Problem is, KDF has neither uniqueness nor does it have the sheer content the Federation has.

    And that's where the problem is.

    If they're not going to get the sheer volume of content Feds get, let them stay unique in some aspects. Otherwise, there's absolutely no point to playing them.
  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I don't really know quite honestly why the FED side has so many ships, I think it may be to ensure that the fed side actually has players or something or maybe they are feeding the hardcore fans out their ships that aren't any good so that the klinks don't call foul, I think most klinks don't mind when they see a new fed ship because they know deep down in their hearts that it's just for publicity and it's just a show horse with nothing under the hood They are like "Oh I see you got a shinny new toy, ooooh it's a cruiser, my how pretty, ooooh look at that it has beams on it, shoot it, ooooh look how pretty she is, congrats you must be so proud of her." While thinking 'Ha what a hunk of junk, i wouldn't commandeer that TRIBBLE if you payed me.' but admittedly no matter how many ships one side has if 93% of them are ineffective it doesn't really matter does it?

    Heck I don't trust the FED higher ups anyhow so i don't know where all these ships are coming from... they need to go back if you ask me and if i could be a neutral captain i would be neither fed nor klink but somewhere in the middle. I mean Klinks are underhanded and they let you know, it's in your face like bam so you have to respect it, but fed's they are really underhanded but they hide it behind a veneer smile like they are slowly conquering the universe with lies or something... like they are that grey emperor dude from star wars or something I'm just waiting for one to say "Use the dark side of the phaser young ensign and you will truly know greatness..."

    But back to the topic

    As a FED only player (Can't get over the head thing in the klinks it just bugs me.... i'd be like amazed at it like when you get a really strange bruise or a pimple or something... maybe i'm a forheadist....) I will only use 3-4 ships max on that side since after strenuous studying and arduously painstakingly making decisions i just could not make any effective builds with more then 4 ships and 2 of which are brand spanking new and 1 is a fleet version of the original ship so I'm at a lose as to how that works.

    I don't care what anyone says, klinks got fed's by the short and curly's when it comes to what really matters. They have the ships, they have the contraband, they have the money and they have the will to use all these things to their advantage. I would gladly give 25% of our ships to Klink, no sweeten the pot and make it 45% of our ships in a crazy ferengi trade for the same level of contraband alone. Klinks trip over 400+ cases of contraband on the way to the bathroom alone when i can't find 10 in a day. I will then throw in another 10 no 15% if you give me a cruiser that i won't laugh at when the Fed scientist roll it out and say Here Captain Horatio, here's your new ship. My first response is, can i see her consoles, Oh, i see. I laugh only to keep from crying myself to sleep. I don't want DHCs or turn rate because a ship with 1K+ people should not be fish tailing off the walls. Give me one that can have 2 BeFAW's 3 and 1 Omega and I will be just fine.

    I don't really care much for carriers. I use befaw so a carrier on a battlefield to me is just a minor annoyance.

    I don't really care if both sides are equal at all, i think both sides should be different but not when it comes to creatable weapons since all things can be rebuilt. It's just not feasible or realistic to the series to assume one side will have something forever as if it's an unwritten rule, maybe it is, not a big star trek fan but i do know a thing or two about war and if it's war then anything goes. I mean that is what we are talking about right? Being realistic to the series or are we talking something else here? I'm sure if we can adapt to the Borg then I am sure we can adapt to each other. I've already gotten all the pvp accolades for killing both feds and klinks so that's not a problem I just hope at some point we can put a rest to this kind of talk and it does not always degrade into a pointing and shoving match over who has what and when. In the end it doesn't matter, a ship is just one phase of the answer, it will come down to the captain and their knowledge and skill and if you have talent then the ship doesn't matter... unless you need a crutch then i completely understand, just don't call yourself great if that's the case say my ship is great. If you beat me in my ship then well i guess i have alot more work to do and that is fine, I have no interest in getting bored with something and when i become the best i ditch the game.
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • wunjeewunjee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Give me one that can have 2 BeFAW's 3 and 1 Omega and I will be just fine.

    So you want a Fed cruiser with an Escort's Tac BOFF slots..And I bet you aren't willing to give up the Cmdr and Lt.Cmdr Eng slots to get it either..

    There isn't a single Klingon battlecruiser with a Commander Tac BOFF slot, let alone a Commander AND a Lt. Commander Tac BOFF slot..

    You're basically asking for a cruiser-version of the Steamrunner there. Maybe you should just buy one of those..
  • kevik7kevik7 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    scurry5 wrote: »
    If this argument is to be valid, it would only be fair to make it so for both factions. In other words, Feds get these carriers, KDF get the science vessels. This would result in both factions playing fairly similarly, which, AFAIK, is not what Cryptic wants.

    Also, that argument that KDFers have a 'don't like to share' mentality relies on the assumption that the KDF's ships are superior. I doubt this is the case. At best, both sides are equal.

    This seems like a reasonable statement. I know the devs want to keep some things true to the storyline but this is also a game. Balance the sides a bit.

    I am not saying the carrier ship is superior but it has the cool ability to launch fighters. I want to try it, so I am picking up the Escort Carrier soonish. I am a tactical player so carrier cruisers don't really do me any good, they just make sense.
  • lasoniolasonio Member Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think I said it before or maybe I should say it again, If I had the Fleet Patrol or even the reg patrol escort set up i will be happy, i on't need a thousand eng and sci consoles if i'm putting out 125 dps i wouldn't really care
    Even god rested. No work ethic.
  • skyecolyoskyecolyo Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Funny story, the Vanguard class (star cruiser) was originally designed as a flight deck cruiser.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I still think this thread should dig a hole, crawl into it, and die.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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