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Ask Cryptic: October 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    First, thank you for answering our questions every month.
    Actually i wanted to ask a LOT of questions but i think this one is THE most important to me and i know a lot of other people too. (in- and most notably outside the forums.)
    Ships are a crucial part of this game, especially when you are fan of a specific ship class. Everything stands and falls with them. (i hope thats the right expression).

    Mr. DStahl, i don't expect my question to be answered but at least please read it and consider it, i try to be as honest and open as possible.

    Can we please get a "Mirror Galaxy Class"?
    A Galaxy Class with the BOFF & Console Layout of the Ferengi D'Kora, Galor or Regent Class (simliar like the Mirror Assault Cruiser and Star Cruiser from the Tholian Lockboxes). That ship would have all stats, Hull , BOFF & Console layout of the prime universe counterpart (the Galor, D'Kora or Regent Class), except that it looks like a normal Galaxy -R Class. To give this ship an additional bonus you could make the ship parts of the Envoy, Celestial, and Galaxy availlable, just for the sake of creativity. Everyone who has bought the Monarch and the Venture will have those ship parts availlable too, of course.

    In exchange for the D'Koras ability to use DHCs and the "Battle Module 3000", the "Mirror" Galaxy could come with a Heavy Beam Array (270 degrees, weapon Damage like a Dual Beam Bank or slightly better), which is only useable on a Galaxy -R, Fleet Galaxy and this Mirror Galaxy Class.

    And now the interesting part for Cryptic ($$):
    If you decide to make it like the D'Kora or Galor, i think you could easily sell that ship for 1500 - 2500 ZEN in the Z-Store or make it a Lockbox ship. I think it would sell like hot cakes, just because it would be (finally) be a Galaxy Class with "teeth" and a much more active ship, in contrast to those passive Galaxy Class ships we have in this game.
    If you decide to give it the Hull HP, Maneuverability, BOFF & console layout of the Regent Class, then you could make it a unlock for everyone who has already bought the Regent, charging 200 - 500 ZEN. PLUS you would sell even more Regent class ships. So it would be a win - win for everyone!
    You could even release it in some special TNG Lockboxes, outside the normal Lockbox cycles (meaning, you don't have to wait untill the end of the Temporal Lockboxes.)

    Releasing such a ship would be a nice gesture to all TNG fans who are very unhappy, disappointed and frustrated with the Galaxy Class as it is in the Game. Flying a extreme Tank is just a pain and especially not what a Galaxy Class is about. If you want a "super" tank in this game, why don't you just use one of your own designs for that "role", but please do not abuse the Galaxy Class for that.
    As a "mirror" Ship, it wouldn't affect STOs prime universe Galaxy Class, so the game would still have a lot of completely toothless Galaxy Class. For many of us, the Galaxy class is just the most iconic ship in Star Trek, seeing it as the one starfleet cruiser featuring the least firepower is just disappointing and frustrating. (Even the Star Cruiser has a Mirror variant with more firepower).
    Anyway releasing that ship would be a win - win for everyone.

    Thank you for reading, live long and prosper.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited September 2012
    poker ?

    skants ?
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • ildwildw Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are there any plans to overhaul the exclusive items that players got for pre-ordering the game, from a low level, starter equipment to a level
    scaling equipment, e.g. The TR-116A Rifle, Multi-Spatial Personal Shield, Chromodynamic Armor etc.
    And if you do plan on overhauling the items, would you consider redesigning the TR-116A Rifle so that it looks more similar to the one shown in DS9.
  • tosveteranstosveterans Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can we please have some of the game and fleet data shared so that we can access it on our websites or possible phone apps? (Character information, bank, roster, calendar etc.) What about an update to the Fleet Roster where we can search easier and add the ability to assign restrictions or privileges to an individual over and above the Fleet Ranking.
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Here we go again...

    1) Will we see additional BOff species (e.g. Romulan, Reman, Cardassian) options, both male and female, for all career paths (Tac, Eng, Sci)?

    2) What plans does Cryptic have regarding customisable and core gameplay-relevant ship interiors, including canon ones (e.g. Intrepid for Voyager), as per the discussion at http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=5766711#post5766711?

    3) Will we be able to get additional BOff costume slots?
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • jsb1763jsb1763 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can we please get Lobi account bound? Or at least the stuff from the lobi store account bound rather than character bound?
  • derrico1derrico1 Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    was wondering if there could be a way for fleets to see how much fleet members have contributed in the fleet roster area instead of only in the contributed section so the fleets who award players for helping can have easier access to the info plus we promote in fleet based on how much is contributed .the way it is now makes it difficult going back and forth trying to find info then trying to find fleet member , that is if at all possible...

    and could there be a way to have extra slots for are boffs for costumes id pay for that if needed but it be cool to see other boff's with different costume choices based on what im wearing for that mission ....

    when can we expect to see our ships crew wearing uniforms we chose and can we choose what the colors of them can be even if its based on depts and all crew in said dept wears the uniform for that dept and the color choice we set ...
    thanks for great job really hope for a reply from you our heros in star trek online.....
  • ash11dash11d Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    derrico1 wrote: »
    was wondering if there could be a way for fleets to see how much fleet members have contributed in the fleet roster area instead of only in the contributed section so the fleets who award players for helping can have easier access to the info plus we promote in fleet based on how much is contributed .the way it is now makes it difficult going back and forth trying to find info then trying to find fleet member , that is if at all possible...

    and could there be a way to have extra slots for are boffs for costumes id pay for that if needed but it be cool to see other boff's with different costume choices based on what im wearing for that mission ....

    when can we expect to see our ships crew wearing uniforms we chose and can we choose what the colors of them can be even if its based on depts and all crew in said dept wears the uniform for that dept and the color choice we set ...
    thanks for great job really hope for a reply from you our heros in star trek online.....

    yea that would be great if possible !!!!!!!
  • bd3648bd3648 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    derrico1 wrote: »
    was wondering if there could be a way for fleets to see how much fleet members have contributed in the fleet roster area instead of only in the contributed section so the fleets who award players for helping can have easier access to the info plus we promote in fleet based on how much is contributed .the way it is now makes it difficult going back and forth trying to find info then trying to find fleet member , that is if at all possible...

    and could there be a way to have extra slots for are boffs for costumes id pay for that if needed but it be cool to see other boff's with different costume choices based on what im wearing for that mission ....

    when can we expect to see our ships crew wearing uniforms we chose and can we choose what the colors of them can be even if its based on depts and all crew in said dept wears the uniform for that dept and the color choice we set ...
    thanks for great job really hope for a reply from you our heros in star trek online.....

    could our fleet starbase crew work the same way ? it can be choosen by our fleet admirals who decide what projects to do or set our settings be cool seeing crew on base wear next generation or original series uniforms and colors of the uniforms be set by depts also
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]CAPTAIN There Be Romulans Here !
  • ls10ls10 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dan, I recently bought the assault cruiser refit. The meteron gas console says that it couls be equipped on an assault cruiser, assault cruiser refit, and fleet assault cruiser refit. Is there any release date for the fleet counterpart? Thanks
  • origcaptainquackorigcaptainquack Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i have several questions.

    1. crystaline entity- it has been turned off. do you know when this mission will be fixed and reactivated?

    2. fleet star bases- are our bases going to be used in pvp? meaning will be beable to defend and attack other peoples star bases? alot would love this as it would really inhance this game and give not only endless hours of playing but reason for role playing as you assign members of the game to defend star base. give reason for people to grind and fix star base after destroyed.

    3. free to play- an answer to the lock boxes and way to make cryptic/ perfect world money- why dont you implement advertising at the top of screen ingame and on the forums for free to play. recieve major money from the advertiser.
  • theofacertheofacer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dan, PVP is impossible for the new or casual player. Can the PVP be reviewed to make it more noob player friendly? I used to pvp but do not have the days to devote to get the gear. I think new players are discourages because they que up and last 10 seconds in pvp. This should be a selling point of the game but i think its moved out of reach of the normal player
  • generalkrasgeneralkras Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I was wondering as to the status of pure story driven content in a similar vein to the original campaign's plot arc and was wondering when we'll see our next big story update. Also, are their any discussions internally about the possibility of expansion packs for STO?
  • bobbyd1bobbyd1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    flazizlle0 wrote: »
    Honestly I think you should a dilithium lockbox to balence out the shortage of dilithium these days. Maybe some of those lockboxes would have more than others? I don't know but we really need a higher availability of dilithium.

    yes maybe pay outs based solely on size of fleets to help us who belong in smaller fleets we have such a hard time progressing like the larger fleets
  • srodneysrodney Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    First Question (which I always ask): Nausicaan Energy Lance, when ?

    Second Question: In order to ask a question, people should know what I'm asking about. So, first, I'll invite everyone to go to this page and refer to it if they don't understand where I'm going.

    The main attraction to an MMO is the universe it's based on. With that said, the important thing to maintain is a main plot (or storyline) that keeps evolving everytime new content is added. As you guys refer your updates as Seasons... each season could end with a "cliffhanger" that will make your players want to play further when the new season is up.

    If we look at the timeline, we can see that since March 5, 2011 the main plot hasn't furthered.

    Yes, we had new end-game content... but it was either revamped or not tied to the main plot.

    My question is: When are we going to play episodes that explain where the Iconians took Empress Sela ? (caus that's where we're at as far as the main plot goes)
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1. What are the odds of winning one of the Temporal Ships from the Temporal Lockbox.

    (Not likely to be answered, but even the casinos have to report their odds.)

    2. With so much effort being put into lockboxes, when will similar effort be made to put similar or equal quantities of items in the store which we can purchase without gambling?

    3. Alot of players have asked for many things to be added to the store. When will we start to see some of the player requests added, such as:

    * VOY Interior & Bridge
    * TNG Interior & Bridge
    * ENT Interior & Bridge
    * TMP-STVI Interior & Bridge
    * Ambassador Class

    4. When will Interiors get an overhaul to address some of the needed fixes, player suggestions, and quality of life improvements that are needed and wanted? (Such as control of our crew's uniform)

    5. Can we get the vanity titles "Commodore" and "Fleet Captain" added to the Level Unlocks for Rear Admiral, Lower Half?

    6. The Wells Class Timeship has a unique BOff layout, especially with the Lt. Cmdr. and Lt. Universal slots. Will we be seeing more unique layouts like this in the near future, or is this a one-off for this particular ship class?

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • bobbyd1bobbyd1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    bd3648 wrote: »
    could our fleet starbase crew work the same way ? it can be choosen by our fleet admirals who decide what projects to do or set our settings be cool seeing crew on base wear next generation or original series uniforms and colors of the uniforms be set by depts also

    being able do choose fleet crew or ship crew clothing and color based on depts would feel more star trek kinda weird seeing so many different types of clothing when walking arounfd our ships and our new fleet starbases .

    any chances with possible romulans entering we could see klingons and federation members end the war and maybe with the possible fleet embasies we see starfleet head quarters and the federation councel around or near starfleet academy sometime soon
  • hondix84hondix84 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Is there any possebility that the costs for fleet upgrades and fleet advancement is more apropriate to the size of the fleet?

    My fleet is just 5 Members big and we dont want to get more members because we are all friends who life in the same village. But for our little group its nearly impossible to get a tier 5 Starbase sometime without farming all the time for the next year or years... there is no fun in that when you nearly cant see any progress.

    So why dont make it more on size of fleet based what the upgrades and so on cost.
    Maybe every 20 members get it more expensive or more cheap... With a size of 20 members and below it would cost that much and with 40 - 60 that much, 60 - 80 that much and so on...


    I used up all my Charakter Slots, 46 for now. All toons maxed out...
    Is there any way to get more Slots on my account or at least in the future when new factions are released??
    And i dont mean 2 more for a liftime subscription.

    My fun for this game is to create and play a toon on every ship in the game, at least the Tier4-5 one and some below and now i have no slots left...

    A second account would be no solution because of all the c-store Items...

    I dont ask for free slots, i still would pay for them as i did for all the others.
  • craigsam13craigsam13 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1. Can you please fix the missing Account Bank access on the Belfast (Defiant style) bridges? All of the other bridges seem to have it.

    2. When will more Doff mission chains be released?

    3. Are there plans to increase the limit for doffs, inventory, bank slots, etc.?

    4. What is the status of the test-driving ships idea that has been previously mentioned?
  • jstaggjstagg Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi Dan,

    How are you? :)
  • mcitoshimcitoshi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are there plans to make playing pve missions as science in a science ship less long winded, frustrating and more on par with the other classes ?


    Are there any plans to make more KDF sorties like in Pi Canis or sorties for both sides but tailored to each faction ?

    p.s. whatever happend to the pvp sorties ?
  • jsalexanjsalexan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are you guys ever going to expand the system beyond Vice Admiral or is that it? If you are is there a time-frame for this to happen ?
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Here's my questions that WILL go unanswered yet again.

    #1. When will the KDF get ships that are not explicitly rehashed fed copies, only one per character for $250 worth, and actually Klingon like say maybe a KDF ship that actually has a cloak (It is horrifying that you guys released a ship calling it Klingon and has no cloak).

    #2. When will we get faction based qued missions more like the vault but based on story lines where they can have random loot bags for faction specific type vendors/loot.

    #3. Any indication on what these newer rewards will be for STF's in Season 7?

    #4. I have noticed mostly dabbling in research on KDF side certain races such as Orions and Ferasans have such a low damage resistance modifier that to some that are unaware it looks like an undergeared player even though they may be geared out in the best gear you can get very low survivability in ground combat... Any chance this will be looked into and changed for the better?

    #5. As far as KDF Fleet ships are concerned I know you guys have it setup a certain way with the discount which does not affect a single KDF ship but if I am being forced to do it with no discount is there any way we can get the Tier 4 and 5 ships to have functionality that properly rewards the cost of getting a ship to Tier 4 or 5 and then having to buy 4 fleet modules on top of that? The 3 ships in question fleet negh var, that bop, and the fleet vo'quv. The negh'var has that 10% deal, an extra eng console, and a ensign universal which the problem I have with that ship is the ensign universal is kinda crappy and the ship lacks tactical I would be more inclined to agree with its layout if it were in line with feeling more like a Heavy Battle Cruiser (is setup currently okay for tanking but very useless in a dps race). That bop hoh'sus or whatever it is just feels like its missing something to feel 20 dollars worth... The fleet vo'quv is the absolute worst one it requires a max shipyard and does not give anything new than the norm for a fleet ship it really needs to go back to the drawing board if it has already would be nice to know because especially with fleet ships most people are only going from either tier 1-3 and stopping because theres not much worthiness in starbases after that.

    #6. Any chance we will get a cross faction bundle where we can get the numerous KDF things we never ever see like melee weapons, ritual weapons, pain sticks, mak'leth's, etc?

    #7. Any way we could ever get the account bound STF tech drops... Gozer stated they would be in season 6 but Salami stated "It would be exploited" as far as that statement went we did not get one single example of how that could be exploited if you in fact are the person behind the wheel and you earned it how it could possibly be exploited? and if we will get this undelivered ability?

    #8. Last question I have is... Understanding your logic behind playable romulans is that they will be like the caitians and ferasans as a playable species unlock... Will this mean it will be the same thing as a fake romulan alien and that the ability to make the features of a romulan will just be removed from the customizing editor? I feel like as an unlock playable species only that they are just a money grab because they wouldn't be anything more than an alien we could create ourselves especially since the latest ones are so broken they have very low damage resistance on top of that for ground combat as for being rushed into production.
  • ussdanubeussdanube Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there anything special planned for Janurary 3rd 2013, which is the 20th anniversary of Deep Space Nine? And also a very big fan of the Ambassador Class Starship. I read on STOWiki in the upcoming content section that it is being released as part of story content. Can you elaborate weather this is true, if not is it being released? Would love to see different variants. (i.e Tactical, Engineering, Science)
    And finally is they're any chance of being able to alter the red alert siren from the current siren to the siren used in Voyager and TNG Movies.
    Love the Game it's absolutley amazing. Keep up the spectacular work.
  • faron85faron85 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will we ever get a chance to have more than 40 ship slots.
  • captpfdenniscaptpfdennis Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Just one question. Is there any plan to repair the demorecord feature within STO? It seems like such a small thing compared to everything else that is in the works, but it is rather essential to all of the STO machinima and one little podcast in particular. Thanks.
  • gornman47gornman47 Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hey Dan,

    Can you tell us anything about Romulans and their future (I know another romulan question)?

    Can you you tell us anything about the plans for Season 7, 8, 9?

    Can you tell us something about the game we don't already know?

    Once again thanks and keep up the good work!
    Q: [quoting Hartley] "Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays..."
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Why wasn't the 31st century time travel pod from Enterprise (Future Tense) not added in with the Temporal Lock Box set?
  • zigadeiczigadeic Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Question will we ever be able to change the initials U.S.S./I.K.S. on our ships to a initial version of our fleet name or will we always be stuck with them:P:P:P
  • verda9938verda9938 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will Starships ever get Assimlated like ground charters. I mean were flying around with borg tech instaled in our ships ( http://www.stowiki.org/Assimilated_Borg_Technology ) why not have the borg temporality reactivate it, or somthing to that effect? Will we ever get to fly a shuttel in a plaint's atmosphere on a mission?
This discussion has been closed.