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Ask Cryptic: October 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Many players are complaining about the Raptor's axis turn. This ship has indeed low turn abilities for an escort. Any plans to fix this?
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • maxxinamaxxina Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there a specific date when we can expect Foundry mission system to mission Journal be activated ?
  • entnx01entnx01 Member Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    In our attempts to recruit members, it seems most only care about Starbase Tier level and what cool gadgets they can get. We've even lost one member, who was providing a lot of the construction materials, to a fleet with more powerful gear already unlocked. It feels like the Starbases are geared more toward "we'll bribe you to join our fleet" (allure of Advanced and Elite Fleet gear) rather than "join because we're social and a lot of fun." Is there any plan to help smaller fleets either A) catch up to bigger fleets, or B) gain visibility by acknowledging the social aspect of smaller fleets rather than the Starbase level of bigger fleets?
  • themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Dan, does the team intend to take a step back and run a comprehensive bug-fix-and-update on the early missions? Some of them are glitchy, while others show their age... they don't even have animated opening doors. These are the missions that introduce a player to the game and considering the state they are in... it might not leave a good first impression.
  • rbatalla1977rbatalla1977 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there any plans to add the Foundry Spotlight missions as part of the story playable missions? This could be helpful specially on the KDF side would cover the lack of content. :cool:
    Join Date: Apr 18, 2010
  • drogyn1701drogyn1701 Member Posts: 3,606 Media Corps
    edited September 2012
    When will we see Tholians and Tholian ships in the Foundry?

    When will we see Wells, Regent, Korath, etc in the Foundry?

    When will we see the Starbase maps in the Foundry?

    When will we see the new Klingon First City and Klingon Academy in the Foundry?

    When will we see more Foundry doors open up?

    When will demorecord be fixed?

    Weren't Foundry spotlight rewards supposed to be implemented by now?
    The Foundry Roundtable live Saturdays at 7:30PM EST/4:30PM PST on twitch.tv/thefoundryroundtable
  • nitrous82nitrous82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I know that there is a plan to revamp the doff system, is there any chance that there is an ETA yet? I ask because I have noticed that most of my, and my fleetmates missions fail allot more lately, even if there is only a 1 or 2 percent chance to fail, they fail almost every other time.
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm wondering why the most popular ship class (Cruisers) should be relegated to Damage sponges and heal ships while you are putting more of these in the C-store hoping to make money out of ships that can't destroy anything without help?

    Also why is it that 1 Dual heavy cannon does over 3 times the damage of 1 Beam array? (they fire 2 volleys for a Beam arrays 1 and they do more damage per hit as well)
  • theparanoidtheparanoid Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1000 Day Vet Reward

    Since we getting close this this mark. As now I am 15 days from 1000 days. Can you share some information about this reward.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are you still planning to revamp Exploration in the game? If so, how and when?

    Would it be possible to sell STO music in the C-store for use in iTunes and such?

    Will we ever revisit an Enterprise storyline, like the Xindi?

    Do you have a name and/or release date for Season 7 yet?

    When can we expect the Andorian Kumari-class to become available?

    When will we get the Tholian mobs and assets in the Foundry?
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • polie05polie05 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are we going to have a vote kick and/or reporting system (that actually works) to get AFK'ers out of STF's/Fleet Events?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    - Now we will have have a timeships from the 29th Century in game .
    How come CBS approved this, but NOT approved a tier 5 Constitution Refit ?

    - The KDF side of Fleet Ships sure could use a Raptor and a BoP that have 5 Tactical Consoles -- the same as the Feds , who have the Fleet Defiant and the Fleet Pormetheus Advance Escort with 5 Tac consoles .
    Is this going to happen ? If not , why not ? Aren't the KDF all bout the firepower ?
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can you give some background into the progress of the Neverwinter Toolset, and whether some of its features will be introduced into the Foundry at some point?
  • flazizlle0flazizlle0 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Honestly I think you should a dilithium lockbox to balence out the shortage of dilithium these days. Maybe some of those lockboxes would have more than others? I don't know but we really need a higher availability of dilithium.
  • jdadonjdadon Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I am more into the Star Ship design and customization. Which would makes me wanna ask. Are you going to add more customization's options? Such as New graphics, hull colors to the color of the tails that come off the impulse and warp nacelles. A new customization that allows us captains to create a layout of a bridge. I know alot of games out there have custom levels for battle. I think it is time for STO to look into some of these custom feature that gives us a degree of creativity. Kinda of hard to customize an Odyssey cruiser with only basic parts, and 2 handfuls of graphics and 5 hull colors, which to be frank, this really is no difference to hull 1 and 3, all i see is hull plating shift spots and the color grey shift lighter and slightly lighter.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ship interiors - holodecks, shuttlebays, when will we see them?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are there any plans on adding in the Norway class and the Steamrunner class in?
  • forcardassia6forcardassia6 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    You guys have released a Vulcan ship and are planning to release an Andorian ship. Is it at all possible to give the Tellarites some love and release a ship for them too? They are, after all, one of the four founding members of the Federation.
  • chandler94chandler94 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there any chance that we might be able to either turn a VA Fed into LG Klingon? Or possibly leave the Federation?
  • domparisdomparis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1)Will there ever be a way to customize starbase interiors just to give fleets a more unique starbase?

    2) Will there ever be fleet starbase projects that are 2 careers like a mission that rewards sci points and millitary points?

    3) Whats the 1000 day vet ship going to be? I bet loads of people who are really close to the 1000 day mark want to know what it is
    =/\= LLAP =/\=
    Join date Jan 2010
  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What Startrek ship (From a previous game) would u like to see added to STO If it was possible?
  • moronwmachinegunmoronwmachinegun Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    For the queue update - which looked great in the last Q&A by the way - can you also add character class type to the Challenge Match display? So along with faction, it has a colored background corresponding to tac/sci/eng?

    The previous Q&A mentioned race-specific content for the Klingons. I really like the idea of race-specific content for KDF. I think that doesn't necessarily mean your captain has to be a Gorn/Nausicaan/Orion, perhaps a BOFF or NPC could fill that role. After all, there are many things that can be investigated in each sphere of influence. What's going on with the Gorn separatists? What's that story behind the acquitted Orion? How does Nausicaan society operate? Etc. I don't think it would be too difficult to come up with story arcs for each race that are 2-3 missions long and give us background on their culture and society, and how they've integrated into KDF, and problems they are currently experiencing. They could easily fill the hole at lower levels, giving a new KDF officer an opportunity to meet and interact with the other races in the KDF. Did you mean that, or do you mean race-specific content that only toons that match that race could use?

    Many traits/consoles/abilities need to be rebalanced. Are there any plans to looking at the statistics of the various items and tweaking them to encourage use of the less popular? It seems that BOFF setups can have quite a bit of variability, but consoles are pretty cookie-cutter (neutronium, field generators, damage boosters). Perhaps the power curve for less frequently used consoles could be tweaked so the effect at higher Mk and quality is significantly greater.

    As a related question, could we get our innate healing over time added to the damage flyovers for our own ship? It would be instructive to see how much of an effect 0 vs full crew has on innate healing, or 50 vs 100 shield power, or base vs SIF hull healing, etc.

    There have been some bugs lately that really should have been caught before release. Can you give us some details as to your QA process? How many people are on the QA team? What are their roles? Does the QA process have a Test Plan that is followed for each release? If not, would it be possible to develop one? Something like (Run through every episode, mission, and PvP/PvE map start to finish, rotating from a tac, sci, eng, and alternating factions between klingon and federation) would have caught many of the hair-pulling bugs over the last few releases without an excessive time investment (PvE and PvP content would require all-hands, but the other missions would not). For example, for Fed only content, mission 1 is fedtac, mission 2 is fedsci, 3 is fedeng, etc. For fed/kli shared content, 1 is fedtac, 2 is klisci, 3 is fedeng, 4 is klitac, etc. And each software release, you would start with a new toon type so every toon variety is cycled through.

    How about offering special one-time rewards for players on all missions on tribble that can be taken to holodeck, such as a small amount of dil or zen or lobi or small chance at a master key, instead of a one-time tribble? This would encourage testing of all the missions.

    Would cryptic consider adding "global" dilithium projects, a la kickstarter for features that are commonly requested but are "nice-to-have's" that are cool? Say for example, a Poker minigame Featurestarter (tm MoronWMachinegun ;) ) that costs X million dilithium. Or a 3D chess minigame, or more Klingon costumes/content/etc? Or getting a big-name actor to do voiceover for a featured episode? The items could still be Zen store items, with discounts for backers, but at least Cryptic could put an actual $$$ amount on what would make them interested to do it. Add an expiration date for "donations" so dil gets returned to the players if it isn't funded. This would give Cryptic a direct way of measuring interest in a potential feature.

    Being in the embedded software industry myself, I think some of the confusion with the forums over promises being made and broken is caused by some misunderstandings of what different terms mean. From my experience, the only real commitment is when something has been scheduled and given to a software developer - so "looking at" or "interested in" or "plans for" do not signify any commitment, while "We have a developer scheduled to look at it after S6" means a firm commitment. Does this align with your definitions?
  • sc0ttishsc0ttish Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi Dan,

    are there any player-ranking system for STFs in the works? Many of us are tired of people coming into elite STFs without knowing the tactics, and ruining the game for the others... A ranking system could prevent players with lots of lost STFs prevent from entering elite STFs.

    (Of course this is just a rough sketch of what I'm thinking about.)

  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have 3 LockBox Ships now.
    I am sad to report that they are only collecting dust while i wait for new playable Content,
    instead i get even more LockBoxes and now with even more (but less and less canon) Ships inside.

    The Fleetmark Missions got old pretty fast, i am done with the STF grind (i got all my 3 ground XII Armors *yay*) but now i feel like there is nothing left to really do but to repeat things that i have done before.

    I am sitting on 10000 Zen and 250 million EC and do not feel like waisting them on more LockBoxes, simply because i have enough TOYS, i finally want to PLAY with the ones i already have!

    Please tell me the Foundry is somehow worked into that mysterious "Reputation System" for Season 7 and will finally give some proper item rewards for playing real Foundry Missions (and no not the console clickies!).

    What kind of grind would be better than one that is not repetitive and has new content for you every day, is always evolving and does only require Dev Time to add new items?

    Also, when will the Foundry finally be able to provide new PvP Maps?
    Maybe include a set of custom rules and mutators to it so even new game modes could be made.

    PvP Foundry Maps would be a win win situation, not only would it provide new PvP Maps and Modes in mass production, but also the new Foundry Authors would have an easier time to learn the Tools, not having to worry about NPC's, Triggers or Storytelling but just concentrate on building a good looking Map, would be a way easier entry level for many i would think.
  • ltsmithltsmith Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will you (Crytpic) make more content that is not in lockboxes because I have stopped spending money on STO because I feel that it is not fair that content is made that not everyone can use. I believe that most people say there is a content drought because a lot of content such as ships, uniforms, weapons, doff missions, and bridge interiors are all placed into lockboxes which only a small lucky few will ever be able to play and use new content. I want there to be more public content such as more ships in the C-store not in lockboxes thus more people can enjoy the content; but because of the lockboxes most of the players like myself have been on a content drought since the end of the last featured series and the Tholian Ground Incursion. Those and the few and far between C-store ships and uniforms are the only content we get because too many of the resources at cryptic are pulled into designing new lockbox content leaving the unlucky 99% of players without content for months.
    Join date: January 2010
  • teklionbenrashateklionbenrasha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The new Temporal Lock box had me narrowing my eyes at first, but as I think of it it could be really interesting story-wise. Do you have plans to tie these temporal visitations to a series of missions that would help justify their presence?
  • commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    athourst wrote: »
    Are there any plans on adding in the Norway class and the Steamrunner class in?

    I thought these were already in as variants of the Akira and Sabre??
  • bermanatorbermanator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It seems odd to me that you and your bridge officer never wear the same uniforms as the crew (or rather the crew doesn't wear the same as you). Are we ever going to see customizable crew uniforms for either fleet starbases or ships?
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Saber != Steamrunner.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • kekvinkekvin Member Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Will we see a space invasion zone to go along with the ground version?
This discussion has been closed.