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Ask Cryptic: October 2012 - Submit Your Questions, Please!

pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
edited September 2012 in Galactic News Network [PC]
Hello Captains!

Please post your questions below and dStahl will answer selected questions from all those received. Please post them today as I will ship questions off to Dan tomorrow.

Also, remember that questions will not be answered in this thread -- answers will be posted in an upcoming "Ask Cryptic" Web Feature that will be released in October.


Brandon =/\=
Post edited by pwebranflakes on


  • fakehilbertfakehilbert Member Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Why have there been so many additions to the game lately that have a massively negative effect on pvp balance? Is that just a mistake that you are going to correct?
  • tobar26thtobar26th Member Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is it that time already?

    Ok so..

    Mini Doff Packs in lock boxes.

    Any chance of a new flavour next time? the mini doffs are a nice idea, but a new variant other than Vanilla and Gamma would be cool, the Ferengi Privateers for example were nice, very flavoured to the theme.

    Any chance of creating Tabs on the Lobi store to make navigation easier? It's a bit...messy right now.

    Are we any closer to seeing Benzite Bridge Officers? :P
  • xxxhellspawnyxxxxxxhellspawnyxxx Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Any chance for improving and balancing PvP in the next 2 years or so?
  • castsbugccastsbugc Member Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Would it be possible for Foundry authors and developers to work closer together on a timetable for the timely addition of assets into the Foundry database. There have been a great many WONDERFUL additions to the costume, item and ship libraries for players and it seems that a Foundry mission would be a great way to showcase and 'advertise' these items. Alas, for the most part every item added to the c-store, lobi store and lockboxes since march of 2011 have failed to materialize. It has been stated previously that this was in the works, but as of so far this has failed to materialize. Could we possibly get a more material date and a protocol for when such items 'should' be available to authors?
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited September 2012
    why do you ignore pvp balance when introducing new flashy must have items?
  • palpha2clearancepalpha2clearance Member Posts: 432 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My question is always about bridge officers, and when will we see the exchange for them last official word i thought was between season 6 and 7, but no word on this for a while, but i get skipped on the ask Cryptic reguarly.

    When will fleet modules be free since they were a feature update we should not have been charged for?

    The doff system left them behind, stfs and fleet actions left them behind, teaming leaves them behind, the code needs to be touched to let us team with 5 captains and let us bring our full away teams, the best fleet action that included them was star base 24 ground and we lost it......it is so sad, trek is about the support officers and the investment the Captain spends working with them.
  • psyloafpsyloaf Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    A while ago we heard talk of the playable First Officer system giving Captain powers to First Officers. Furthermore, there was talk of making Bridge Officers department heads that would provide bonuses. Are there any new updates on this front?
    Fleet Advanced Research Vessel T6
    Commander Science, Lieutenant Commander Engineering, Lieutenant Commander Universal, Lieutenant Tactical, Ensign Science
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Any chance we can get a straight answer as to why there aren't ANY KDF ships that qualify for the fleet upgrade discount ?

    let me clarify: There are NO tier 5 c-store ships that have a fleet counterpart- thus no discount.

    I'm tired of your song and dance answer about this matter, Dan.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • lascaillelascaille Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    since there are the new log boxes, i would say snb-doffs ar the smallest problem for pvp.
    will be there an adjusment of the new doff powers and consoles for pvp?
  • masterguidamasterguida Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have three questions, pick your choosing

    1. Will there ever be a back story released about the Borg Origins?

    2. Will there be more incorporation's of the Q's and there realm of space? i felt that we didnt get enough back story from TNG/VOY and would like to know more.
  • awesometificawesometific Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It seems that the Klingon/Fed War story line has fallen by the wayside and there doesn't seem to be a reason for the factions to be separated. It there any plans to either reinforce this story line or drop it all together and move the narrative forward?
    Fleet Admiral Marcus Red-Six
  • starfleetsfcstarfleetsfc Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What are the details on the new Winter Event?
  • lanceandragon#1584 lanceandragon Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    With the Ambassador Class release being tied to a Story mission release, will we see updates to the Wrath of Khan era uniforms like ranks and other items like 23rd century phasers?
  • jmitchell76jmitchell76 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Jem Hadar Attack Ship/Bug. Will we see it again in the winter event or another chance at getting one?
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited September 2012
    Here are some questions from our French and German players that we've localized into English:


    Are more Borg missions planned and will there be new items on DS9?


    Will there be something like Zen Store Tokens to change the race of your character?


    Are there plans to synchronize the game to German/French? That would be much more intense.


    I like the group missions at starbase 24, but there are only 2 ground missions. Will there be more?


    Could you implement an option where we don?t have to logout to change characters?


    Are you planning to implement cut scenes for spaceships, e.g. when getting a new ship from the ZEN store?
    Why is the KDF using Tribbles? Will they have their own pets at some point, anything but Tribbles?


    Will there be housing in STO for RP-gaming or social missions?
    Will there be extra inventories for anomalies, BO,crafting, or Tribble food?
    Will there be another Winter Event or the Nexus?
    Are you planning on extending the DOff-system? Collecting new titles, DOffs and Dilithium is boring.
    Will there be more Star Trek Events like First Contact Day, Federation Day etc.?
    Will we be able to customize the UI freely, i.e. not only moving parts?


    Are some of the fleet ships still missing, like the Fleet version of the Excelsior?


    When will the Ambassador Class be implemented?


    Will I have to give up my favorite ship class (Assault Cruiser ? Sovereign) at some point because it got obsolete and replaced by fleet ships?


    Will there be a possibility to cancel running Fleet Projects?


    Will it be possible to land on freely visitable planets with certain ships choosing whether to land automatically or manually? Would be cool to see the ship on the ground!


    Could you implement more interiors instead of ships? I always wanted to walk through the whole U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 D.


    The requirements for T3 Fleet Projects are very high. Are you planning on adjusting the system for smaller fleets, e.g. depending on the number of members?
    Why are there no fleet mark rewards for PvP?
    @Random teams in PvP matches: Would it be possible to have additional PvP Queues where existing teams are disbanded and regrouped when the map starts?
    Why are you considering adding the Romulans as playable race when the Klingons are nowhere near equal to the Federation yet?
    Could you please add the option to skip ALL the cut scenes there? It?s not possible for some.
    Fleet Tactical Escort Retro: Could you switch the Ensign Tactical with a Universal?
    Could we have more options to customize the HUD?


    Will fleets be able to fight for territories, including Fed v Fed? And could we have the fleet logo on the starbase?
    Could you raise the member limit for fleets to 1.000?


    Could you add a design for the Advanced Research Vessel based on the Venture Class?


    Will the Klingons be put on an equal footing with the Federation already this year or next year?


    Could you implement an option to use/transfer a skin on another item? Ex.: Using the M.A.C.O but displaying a Reman shield)


    Are you planning on extending the pet system, e.g. implementing loot pets?
    Will STO be added to the CORE Connect System with achievements, rewards etc. or will it only be Raptr/Facebook?


    There are lots of Tribbles in the fleet base, but interaction with them is only visible for me and not for others. Could you make them visible globally?
    Could you increase the stack size for replicating/buying stuff? It?s very troublesome when you have to get amounts of 7.000+ for example.


    Will there be more playable factions?
    Will there be bridge gameplay like in Star Trek Bridge Commander?


    Can we have the Typhoon ship please?
    Will there be more space weapon types like torpedos or heavy beams?
    Will the ?normal? science vessels get a bit more DPS at some point?


    I would prefer real new content and a balancing update (nerfed science). Anything planned?


    Will we be able to get the Jem'hadar ship again except through the Exchange?
    Will there be more useful sets to collect?


    Will there be new item levels (Mk XIII?) with the rising Admiral level?
    Could you add a Voayger Pack to the C-Store?
  • russell1997russell1997 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there going to be a better way to get Purple Mk XII ship consoles?

    The randomness and lack of quality in the fabrication mission and the unreasonably high prices on exchange is leading to much dissatisfaction with the system.
  • es0archeres0archer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are you planning to give us more STF's as promissed back in season 2...namely the rest of the species 8472 STF's or are you going to continue to polish and redo and rework and recycle and revamp the same ONES and ninja patch it everytime we find a strategy to do the optionals in the givin time or/and kill the boss.

    Thank you.
    ps: this is a serious question! Not trolling.

    Again, thank you!
    Lifetime member.......not proud of it!
  • vykorprimevykorprime Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1. Are squadron looting messages ever able to be set as "fly-ins" again? There is an option to do so in the Notification settings, but ticking the box does nothing at all and it's reset to off immediately. This bug has been reported but we just can't seem to catch any engineer's attention:


    It'd be ideal, in fact, to have a setting where only the first few rolls in a match are shown as fly-ins. This way you can see whether a PUG is respecting Need/Greed rules, or if you should also Need on everything. This makes the ridiculous Prisoner's Dilemma scenario that is PUG loot rolling easier to manage.

    But for now, I'd settle for just having the fly-in option back.

    2. Will there be any non-lockbox KDF ships coming this season? Or next season?
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can we get the obscure cannon ships like New Orleans Class, the Raging Queen variant, the Vulcan Cruiser from Enterprise, and the Dauntless from Voyager's 'Hope & Fear' episode?
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Although an exploration revamp isn't in our immediate future, how about letting Foundry authors spruce up these exploration clusters? What do you think of this proposal?
  • admiralrichardadmiralrichard Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    iam want to play like meber of the borg are the plans play like the borg playble romulan in season 7 wil come soon
  • tommeke90tommeke90 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    are there plans for increase the level of vice-admiral to admiral in the next season of star trek online
  • chequepleasechequeplease Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Are you looking at a better way to introduce upgraded versions of lower tier ships into the game? I mean, with the introduction of fleet ships we've got three or four versions of the same ship, for example the defiants and galaxy classes.

    A second question if I may.

    Are we going to see more stand alone missions added to the general soon? The foundry has proved great for new missions, but it would be great to see more missions added officially to the game. Perhaps a revamp of the exploration and patrol missions in some forms since these seem to have been forgotten.

    Thank you.
    The Artist formerly known as Paddoxx
  • jkirk13jkirk13 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Four questions:

    1.) Will we see a time travel mission sometime in Season 7?

    2.) Will there be anything like a Temporal Tribble? I think it would be cool to get a tribble that can do something like the console on the Temporal Science Vessel but on the ground.

    3.) You have already said there will be a TNG and Voyager bundle sometime. Will there be a "Movies" bundle? Something with like the bridge from Star Trek II, phasers from the TOS movie area and a rank changeable TWOK uniform.

    4.) Is there anyway to use our holodecks to replay classic moments from Treks past? Like the Battle of the Mutara Nebula, Wolf 359, Siege of DS9, or even Spock trying to stop the Hobus supernova maybe?
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1: Will we ever be able to increase our daily Di refining limit, considering the fact that anything worth getting requires at least 2 days' worth to get?

    2: How often do Devs read content/feature suggestions on the Forums? There's usually more than a few good nuggets there. Also, could we get a dedicated Suggestions forum for them?

    3: You've mentioned this "Reputation" system a lot recently. Any chance we could get a few details to chew on while we wait for its release?

    4: What's been going on with the Crafting revamp? As an avid Craftsman in many games, I really want this system to work (it makes more sense in the ST IP than really many other places). Details on what the proposed system might look like?
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    is there any way to fix the dilithium exchange, it seems to not pay out what it should
    and a better way to recycle stuff that we get in in lock boxes
    like for fleet marks or lobi or GPL
  • sc0ttishsc0ttish Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hi Dan,

    are there any news you'd like to share about a possible reimagination of the exploration system in general? Or any new features regarding exploration, maybe? S8 or beyond?

  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can the KDF get an equivelent to the Armitage please?

    In the Winter event this.... winter... what changes will be made to it and how will the acquisition of the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship be affected?

    The KDF now have a Science Vessel of their own, can more Klingon designed Science Vessels be put in the Z-Store please? It's the one area the KDF does not have that the Feds do not.

    Can the K'vort Class from TNG be released to the KDF please?

    There are gaps in the KDF Fleet Ships stores compared to the Fed ones (Feds have 1 more ship per Tier), can more lower level KDF ships be released to the Fleet stores to make up for it please?

    The Qin Raptor's pivot point is so geared to the back of the ship, the ship turns too slowly because of it. Can this be fixed please?
    Play my missions on Holodeck!
    Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
    Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
    Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
  • blastenblaster1blastenblaster1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    why do you ignore pvp balance when introducing new flashy must have items?

    They've said before its because there's only so much pvp testing they can do internally and that if adjustments are needed they will update later.

    @Dstahl Fleet Starbases have been out for a good couple months now. Long before there releases we were told there would be measures taken to ensure that small fleet could keep up with big fleets. It so frustrating that A fleet of 5 has to pay 200,000 dilithium when a fleet of 500 has to pay the same amount. For me it's to the point where I don't want to play anymore seeing as I've done the other end game content so much it's boring. So I ask When will these measures to help out little fleets be put in game?
  • kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Is there going to be away for folks to earn Lobi from Cstore purchases other then Master Keys?

    I ask because I don't like the random nature of lockboxes but am willing to buy other stuff in the Cstore to earn Lobi.
This discussion has been closed.