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In-game Silencing System



  • blznfunblznfun Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The ignore function is reporting is working to silence. i just got silenced today. Granted I was recruiting which is another issue I addressed in another post, but the fact was it was instant. Reporting something to the GM generally takes time for someone to manually review the case. As for the running man, that would P%*$ me off too. People like that should get a 1 month vacation from STO for a first offense. Firstly because the running man is stupid and needs to go back to the 80s where it belongs, and second because I hate false flaggers. False flagging should be severely punished

    Why I did the "Running Man" is stated above on one of the pages. I get harassed by one particular member of the player base with it (as well as a host of name calling and profanity to me and my fleet). I thought this time I would do something different and join in with the cyber bully and act like it wasn't offensive. Well yeah, look where that got me... Griefed...
    =/\= 106th Fleet =/\=
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    Joined: Oct/2008
    Original Handle: the_orig_jean_luc_picard
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    blznfun wrote: »
    Well the fact of my OP was that I was silenced WITHOUT doing anything. I did not violate ANY chat policies (Can't see how as I did not type a single bite in zone/local.), all I did was one "running man emote".

    And as of last, I am hearing of more and more people getting silenced for no reason. Maybe they are targeting our fleet, the 106th Fleet, I don't know. But whatever it is it seems there may be a group out there targeting random or select people and silencing them. Granted the new system seems to require a "Report to GM" behavioral ticket, it shouldn't be to hard to track who is actually doing it. That is unless the "Ignore" function is working to silence people again.

    I would rather see 10,000 gold spammers than to be silenced ONCE by griefing. But since I don't watch zone and local, it really doesn't pertain to me.

    This NEEDS to be addressed. People NEED to held accountable for griefing. If not, it will get so bad that no one will want to play. To use the excuse, "Use teamspeak or vent or VOIP in general" is not a valid argument as many fleets still need access to in-game chat. I and many others have stated it in many replies here how to correct it. Now we just need action.

    Couldn't agree more there. As much as I promote our fleet's TS account, only like 10% of the fleet actually use it. Admittedly its probably that some find it inconvenient. What infuriates me is emails and fleet emails are silenced. That my friends is BS!!!! I'm a fleet founder, and some griefing idiot can silence me for no reason. Besides, I don't think, as annoying as it is, that promoting a fleet is spam. Spam is sending messages that are profain, or trying to promote some sort of product outside of the game. Putting your fleet's recruitng info isn't spam. If you have a problem with it, you're probably being a hypocrite becasue though we all hate seeing it, we've all probably spammed for our fleets at one time or another.
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    mjaymor78 wrote: »


    Now we are getting somewhere :), all we need now is a developer to agree, that silencing users should only effect the silenced user in Zone and Local chats and I believe you will make a lot of people happier.

    exactly! I couldn't agree more
  • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I saw a Spammer on ESD the other day with a web site trying to sell Fleet credits. I did quickly report it.
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Putting your fleet's recruitng info isn't spam.
    Eh, I dunno about that...

    "Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately."

    Unsolicited? Check.
    Bulk? It's to an entire channel, so check.
    Advertising? For a fleet, so check.
    Indiscriminately? It's not directed at someone specific, so check.
    If you have a problem with it, you're probably being a hypocrite becasue though we all hate seeing it, we've all probably spammed for our fleets at one time or another.
    The Fleet I'm in either recruits through the Starbase One fleet recruitment board, or mention it directly to someone (generally after grouping with them, or if asked). I've never seen anyone spam.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Okay this thread has run it's course (especially since we're now getting back into "what is spam" etc)

    If you get chat silenced for any reason you can always file a ticket to find out why.

    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
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  • tamujiintamujiin Member Posts: 321 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I linked stuff twice in zone chat free stuff i wanted to give away. I was silenced for that. According to the reasons for being silenced it is breaking a code of conduct rule.

    When i linked it twice there was about 20 lines of text inbetween each line. Which isnt considered spam. The only thing i can figure is Windego was a gm, and he said stop spamming dude, and i told him to shut up i am not spamming.

    I read THOUROUGHLY many times the code of conduct, and you can see MANY CoC rules being broken in zone yet they silence me for linking stuff i wanted to give away a few times.

    This is serious B.S. If this is how the GM's run this game you guys need to pull yer heads outta the clouds and come back to reality, this is a buisness, i spend money and by doing stuff like this it just cost yah any money i spend in the near future.


    I dont agree with this stupid standered. Windego PM'ed me and did not identify himself as a GM if he was, he PM'ed me first, and I WAS NOT SPAMMING I KNOW WHAT SPAM IS< I WAS NOT SPAMMING I KNOW WHAT SPAM IS> I WAS NOT SPAMMING I KNOW WHAT SPAM IS..................................If they get butthurt and silence someone for telling them to shut up. VIA PM then go cry me a fricken river.


    You guys need to start silencing people that go off for 20 hours with stupid gorn jokes, and go off on bashing jesus or mohammed. Not people that link twice in zone chat free stuff, once, waits 20-30 lines and asks again.

    I have read the entire CoC, and no where did i read any violation of a CoC rule. or in the conversation did i SPAM THE CHAT, SWEAR, INSULT ANYBODY. GET NASTY SEXUALLY, OR CALL ANYBODY OUT.

    All i did was tell Windego, to shut up dude i am not spamming.
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yet Again. I send only one message in zone chat, and I get silenced for 24 hours.

    Can anything be done about this system? -___-
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
  • admiralkristovadmiralkristov Member Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    And what was that 1 message do tell?
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    a fleet ad...
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Sounds like someone got annoyed by fleet ads in general and likely didn't target you specifically or exclusively.
    You just did your ad at the wrong time and got caught in the crossfire.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    1 message...but how many times spammed in zonechat?

    you should have taken a screenshot of your chat...if it really was not offensive, spamming, etc...you would have your proof right there.

    also the exact wording of your msg could be relevant...
    Go pro or go home
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    kyeto13 wrote: »
    Yet Again. I send only one message in zone chat, and I get silenced for 24 hours.

    Can anything be done about this system? -___-

    There ARE finally doing something about it: they're silencing fleet ads! I applaud that.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    People are starting to massively report fleet ads, because it's spam. This is an excellent decision from the community!
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I was wondering why it was so quiet on DS9 chat. Minus the gorn jokes. And the political discussions. And the religious discussions. And the 1 AM world news. And the bacon madness.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Try posting your ad in a different location next time. Or changing your content. Or not posting it at all. Getting silenced for advertising comes with the territory really.

    At least you should be happy to know someone read your recruitment message.
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    honestly, half the stuff i see in chat is far worse than a fleet add. i think its more of a how dare he interrupt my spam with his own spam mentality.

    fleet adds are not spam if they are not "spammed" if fleet a posts an add say once an hour, that is not spam. however, when fleet b posts every 30 seconds, that is spam.

    just because someone doesnt like something doesnt mean its spam or reportable.

    what next, someone who doesnt like stf's is gonna target people for trying to get a team together...

    this is why i am in a fleet, i dont have to worry about all the little hooligans in zone chat..(and also why i have a recruiter lol..)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    puttenham wrote: »
    fleet adds are not spam if they are not "spammed" if fleet a posts an add say once an hour, that is not spam. however, when fleet b posts every 30 seconds, that is spam.

    Unsolicited bulk messages are spam -- yes, indeed, with the emphasis on bulk.

    Apparently a moderator thought he was spamming:

    /end of story
    /end of thread
  • darkjeffdarkjeff Member Posts: 2,590 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    puttenham wrote: »
    fleet adds are not spam if they are not "spammed" if fleet a posts an add say once an hour, that is not spam. however, when fleet b posts every 30 seconds, that is spam.
    Actually, unsolicited mass advertising through an electronic medium is spam.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Exactly the reason why my fleet dosen't spam zone chat with recruitment messages... I don't like my fleet members to be silenced.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
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  • starfleetmacostarfleetmaco Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Why did I get silenced? I barely said a word for the last hour. [System] You have been silenced. You may chat again in 0 hours, 11 minutes, and 30 seconds.

    it just happened all the sudden.
  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I've been in STO and CO since both were in closed beta. I've only ever used chat to try to help people. Just now I was chat banned for answering a question someone asked in zone chat. The question was "how do I get the maco armor uniform?" All I said was "you need to get all three pieces of Mk XII MACO gear from doing the ground STFs on elite. Cure gives the gun, Infected gives the shield, and Khitomer gives the armor." It was the only thing I said the entire time and I immediately got "you have been chat banned, you may chat again in 24 hours"

    I think this was caused, not by someone using report spam, but by several people simply adding me to ignore. That actually works too because the system responds to the ignores, not the reports.

    Now I can't chat in fleet, team, or respond to tells. This is a major problem as I am often called upon by friends and team mates to help them with missions, STFs, and even leveling up due to the +5% exp bonus I provide to all team members when in a group.

    It's been asked over and over and over and over and over. It's been driven into the ground and the abuse of the system has still NOT been fixed. I've seen enough of these exact types of threads to know that if I file a ticket, absolutely nothing will come of it. This fact alone is honestly annoying enough that I'm going to refrain from spending the $250 on master keys I intended to spend next month.

    Congratulations Cryptic, your system was abused to silence not only a helpful member of the community, but one of the game's whales. (for those who don't know whale is is game industry speak for someone who spends far more than the average person on a game).

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  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Congratulations Cryptic, your system was abused to silence not only a helpful member of the community, but one of the game's whales. (for those who don't know whale is is game industry speak for someone who spends far more than the average person on a game).

    See in in my head I pictured dan on the bow of that enterprise row boat JamJamz made yelling THAR SHE BLOWS!
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

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  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    See in in my head I pictured dan on the bow of that enterprise row boat JamJamz made yelling THAR SHE BLOWS!

    Ordinarily, I'd laugh, but I'm not in a laughing mood right now. Also, that post is technically spam since it doesn't contribute. However, I'm not in the mood to care. This false positive chat ban TRIBBLE has got to stop. And no my in-game name is not zenzenarimasen. I have over a thousand posts, mostly helpful, on the old forums. Unfortunately you can't search for them under my actual in-game name, the one i originally posted them as, because they're all posted by "archived post" now. :(

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  • thyuberdudethyuberdude Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Lulz... I've had the same thing happen to me and I know you and I are not the only ones this has happened too.. It's caused me to seriously consider going on a trolling spree and straight up ruining STFs and anything else i can think of effing up for other players.. A player controlled Anti-spam system is pure trash and no other MMO in there right minds does it or would do it. It's either 1. they have live chat moderators holding the ban hammers or 2. its left up to the chat system itself to stop spammers by limiting how many consecutive messages someone can post in a given amount of time.

    We all have the option to Ignore someone in chat.. THAT in and of itself should completely alleviate the need for any form of chat ban. Chat banning just isn't needed when I can make someone shut up from my point of view.
  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Lulz... I've had the same thing happen to me and I know you and I are not the only ones this has happened too.. It's caused me to seriously consider going on a trolling spree and straight up ruining STFs and anything else i can think of effing up for other players.. A player controlled Anti-spam system is pure trash and no other MMO in there right minds does it or would do it. It's either 1. they have live chat moderators holding the ban hammers or 2. its left up to the chat system itself to stop spammers by limiting how many consecutive messages someone can post in a given amount of time.

    We all have the option to Ignore someone in chat.. THAT in and of itself should completely alleviate the need for any form of chat ban. Chat banning just isn't needed when I can make someone shut up from my point of view.

    I wouldn't ruin STFs over this. That's harming innocents that aren't responsible. Though I'm sure that's why you said "consider" rather than "actually did."

    As for ignoring someone in chat, that's actually what it works on. The report spam adds people to ignore, and it's the ignore that the chat ban system looks for, not the report spam. Try it, make a trash account to test it on. Get an entire fleet to add them to ignore them after saying one thing in local chat. No report spam, just ignore. The trash account will end up being chat banned despite report spam not being used on it.

    This is the exact reason why I have an empty ignore list. I have never seen anyone say anything I would think they deserve to be chatbanned for 24 hours for. If I don't like what they're saying, I simply turn off the channel they're saying it on. I also keep a separate tab dedicated to zone chat so I don't have to have the zone static on the tab for tells, fleet, team, and private channels. Of course the zone tab has all of those as well so I don't end up ignoring friends when paying attention to zone.

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  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Ordinarily, I'd laugh, but I'm not in a laughing mood right now. Also, that post is technically spam since it doesn't contribute. However, I'm not in the mood to care. This false positive chat ban TRIBBLE has got to stop. And no my in-game name is not zenzenarimasen. I have over a thousand posts, mostly helpful, on the old forums. Unfortunately you can't search for them under my actual in-game name, the one i originally posted them as, because they're all posted by "archived post" now. :(

    Was just trying to lighten the mood. It aparently is an issue but there are work arounds that are impervious to douchebagery. External chat clients are usualy the best way to go anyway since you have full controll over who can use it.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • futurecaptainfuturecaptain Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Askray
  • cormorancormoran Member Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Askray
  • zenzenarimasenzenzenarimasen Member Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Askray

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