You don't need to be in a fleet to make a pre-made team.
When you run STFs...
1. Is every other player besides yourself a leecher every single time?
2. If no, what stops you from reaching out to those players who aren't leeching and sending a friend invite?
3. What's stopping you from sending a PM to all the other players in this thread who are having the same problem as you and forming a group of non-leeching players whom you can team with for events?
It takes a minimal effort to find good players to team with in this game.
i do not want a vote to kick soley for stfs
and whats stopping cryptic from doing something about leechers you think new players old ones want to put up with leechers for the rest of this games life ? put it this way stuff like this makes ppl leave and never look back
Cryptic needs to remove the incentive for leeching by removing any rewards for non-participation. This is something they can achieve through code without involving a player based vote to kick system. Why would they make more work for themselves when they don't have to?
They must make, that the box with marks drop at the end of the mision.
If you not at the end, no box and no marks.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
Ok so, when you run any event, is every other player a leecher every single time? You're the only person who is participating? If the answer is no, there's plenty of other folks out there to team with who aren't leechers.
ya if i want to spend time in zone chat looking for 2 more for so and so and let me now let me ask you something do you pug alot ? or at all?
I pug daily if not teaming with fleetmates. Even when I'm teaming with friends/fleetmates, we generally pug 1 or 2 open spots on a team. The only thing preventing you from finding good players to team with is yourself and your own laziness.
laziness is why the pug system was added for its laziness why their are more and more leechers every day sorry but this type of talk can go both ways
No, that's not what the queue system was added at all.
so it was not added to stop ppl from spaming zone chat over and over looking for this and that for stfs? the pug system came in to play way before the fleet starbase do you recall them days?
Not sure about that. For sure there will be plenty of people getting kicked because they don't have the right gear, don't "play right", or have a ship name someone doesn't like, or isn't flying the ship they're "supposed to" etc. IMO any player vote system is open to abuse and will do more harm than good, so they're a bad idea.
I highly doubt this actually. If its a vote kick option. You're making the assumption that all the other team mates would agree... most times when I see some Elitist raging and griefing, I'd be more apt to vote for that person to get kicked than the new player.
People still spam zone chat to this day looking for teams, so no, this isn't what it was added for. Yes, I do remember the days before the public queue system. I also remember I never saw a single leecher back then because you teamed with people you knew, not some random group of players you're tossed into an event with.
Oh you could still team with people you didn't know... The big difference was, when you did get a leecher, you simply added them to your ignore list, and you never had another problem with that player.
Eventually the leeches were left spamming zone with LFT, LFG... because people wouldn't team with them....
The queue system has removed the social aspect of the game. I really dislike it.
Seriously recommend joining channels such as FleetEvent, TeamFind, or similar. More people means faster team building, and most likely a lot less leeching.
You're making the assumption everyone on a team doesn't know each other or is not in the same fleet. Were we able to name fleet names here, I can tell you of at least 3 I know of that will abuse this. They'll take 1 or 2 "fillers", then kick them from the group before the reward is dropped.
if teams are going to be immature and yes abuse it like you think and really not saying it will not happen but dont you think a punishment should be giving to them immature ppl?
And who gets to define what "immature" is? In the example I cited, all that fleet would need say is the person wasn't "following the group" or "leeching" or whatever other excuse they want to come up with.
GM know all see all that a fact for just about any mmo and they can look up combat log just as easy as you hit the tab for it in you chat box for it
how you think macro bots get banned in eveonline?
and im not going to lie the way some of you are so dead set against a vote to kick in my opinion i think your the ones causing the problem and dont want your free rides interrupt be the leecher thing to do
And people could also say those so in favor of it want it to abuse other players with it. That door swings both ways.
I don't see this as a necessity because it will get abused and anyone can find good people to team with if they put forth the minimal effort to do so. If you'd like to be lazy and anti-social, you should live with that decision and accept the consequences.
like i said in one of my post this type of game play behavior both ways dont in my opinion dont encourage new players to stay and returning player to stay and if keep going unchecked i dont see a two bright of a future for this game
because ppl not going to go to much out of the way to get something done before say f this not worth the time in hassle it take to get this done
You're assuming this is the position every new/existing player will take. It's not. Some will of course. Others will seek out active fleets, socialize, make new friends and team up with people they know. Those who do aren't going to have any issues with leechers.
You're also neglecting to take into account any negative impact a vote-to-kick system would have on new players. Using your example; the first time some new player gets kicked from an event because they don't have the right gear, don't understand the encounter, aren't piloting the "correct" ship etc., they're going to leave.
this is my thing i dont see it get any more abused then the report spam dose and if you look at the forums it not happening every day with the forums being blow up with "i got reported spaming even though they didn't deserve it" not saying it dose not happen
my take on it is that 90% of the people in the game avoid this forum like the plague. So what you see here is only ten percent of whats really going on.
like i said in one of my post this type of game play behavior both ways dont in my opinion dont encourage new players to stay and returning player to stay and if keep going unchecked i dont see a two bright of a future for this game
because ppl not going to go to much out of the way to get something done before say f this not worth the time in hassle it take to get this done
this is my thing i dont see it get any more abused then the report spam dose and if you look at the forums it not happening every day with the forums being blow up with "i got reported spaming even though they didn't deserve it" not saying it dose not happen
I think you're a nice guy. I even think I probably agree with you, but I can't quite tell. Please, for the love of Jehoshaphat, use some punctuation!
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
when you are in the mission you are a team right! wel what the leader can do is very simple KIK IS TRIBBLE OUT sory but am tired of it to see ya in space and dont worry am not sleeping
well ya but its up to 3 others that decide if that reason is logical or not to kick them
this not like zone chat me setting with 5 account and report you spaming
system Lord Baal is dead
i do not want a vote to kick soley for stfs
and whats stopping cryptic from doing something about leechers you think new players old ones want to put up with leechers for the rest of this games life ? put it this way stuff like this makes ppl leave and never look back
system Lord Baal is dead
and cryptic should handle them appropriately dont ya think so to?
system Lord Baal is dead
They must make, that the box with marks drop at the end of the mision.
If you not at the end, no box and no marks.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
ya if i want to spend time in zone chat looking for 2 more for so and so and let me now let me ask you something do you pug alot ? or at all?
system Lord Baal is dead
laziness is why the pug system was added for its laziness why their are more and more leechers every day sorry but this type of talk can go both ways
system Lord Baal is dead
so it was not added to stop ppl from spaming zone chat over and over looking for this and that for stfs? the pug system came in to play way before the fleet starbase do you recall them days?
system Lord Baal is dead
I highly doubt this actually. If its a vote kick option. You're making the assumption that all the other team mates would agree... most times when I see some Elitist raging and griefing, I'd be more apt to vote for that person to get kicked than the new player.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Still is an option... just not when the team is Queue formed.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Oh you could still team with people you didn't know... The big difference was, when you did get a leecher, you simply added them to your ignore list, and you never had another problem with that player.
Eventually the leeches were left spamming zone with LFT, LFG... because people wouldn't team with them....
The queue system has removed the social aspect of the game. I really dislike it.
Seriously recommend joining channels such as FleetEvent, TeamFind, or similar. More people means faster team building, and most likely a lot less leeching.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
if teams are going to be immature and yes abuse it like you think and really not saying it will not happen but dont you think a punishment should be giving to them immature ppl?
i do
system Lord Baal is dead
GM know all see all that a fact for just about any mmo and they can look up combat log just as easy as you hit the tab for it in you chat box for it
how you think macro bots get banned in eveonline?
and im not going to lie the way some of you are so dead set against a vote to kick in my opinion i think your the ones causing the problem and dont want your free rides interrupt be the leecher thing to do
system Lord Baal is dead
like i said in one of my post this type of game play behavior both ways dont in my opinion dont encourage new players to stay and returning player to stay and if keep going unchecked i dont see a two bright of a future for this game
because ppl not going to go to much out of the way to get something done before say f this not worth the time in hassle it take to get this done
system Lord Baal is dead
this is my thing i dont see it get any more abused then the report spam dose and if you look at the forums it not happening every day with the forums being blow up with "i got reported spaming even though they didn't deserve it" not saying it dose not happen
system Lord Baal is dead
I think you're a nice guy. I even think I probably agree with you, but I can't quite tell. Please, for the love of Jehoshaphat, use some punctuation!
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.