Just a note to say I've edited the first post and thread title slightly, petitions are against the forum rules, however as the thread contains a lot of useful feedback we'd rather leave it in place - please continue to post in it but there's really no need for it to be a petition as such
I've added this note to the first post for clarity.
Then can we possibly get an idea about what's going to be done to get the KDF out of this nasty Catch-22, or if its even being addressed back there?
Then can we possibly get an idea about what's going to be done to get the KDF out of this nasty Catch-22, or if its even being addressed back there?
Unfortunately that's not for me to say, I only moderate the forum rules (I'm, as the signature suggests, a volunteer moderator not a developer)
I could tell you all sorts of stuff, but it'd all be fictional and made up ;-) Keep the discussion going, I just needed to stop it being a 'petition', but I'm sure that threads like this are no doubt looked upon for feedback, and an active thread shows concern for the gameplay just as well as it being called a petition :cool:
Unfortunately that's not for me to say, I only moderate the forum rules (I'm, as the signature suggests, a volunteer moderator not a developer)
I could tell you all sorts of stuff, but it'd all be fictional and made up ;-) Keep the discussion going, I just needed to stop it being a 'petition', but I'm sure that threads like this are no doubt looked upon for feedback, and an active thread shows concern for the gameplay just as well as it being called a petition :cool:
Oh I know, it was less asking you directly for information and more asking to have a Dev dragged here by the ear and having their nose pressed to the monitor while shouting "LOOK!" at them. Though you probably can't do that either.
Anyway, on topic. There's just a lot of things missing on the KDF side. I even found out today that the Ferasans can't use the eyepatches that come with the Klingon Academy set while all the other species can.
Then there's just the general lack of appearance options for the KDF as a whole when compared to the Federation. No off duty outfits, no dress uniform options...etc. And the appearance options are just the tip of the iceburg.
I get that there are fewer players on the KDF side, but there's a reason for that, its because the powers that be haven't given us the same level of development that the Feds have gotten. That's why its a catch-22.
Oh I know, it was less asking you directly for information and more asking to have a Dev dragged here by the ear and having their nose pressed to the monitor while shouting "LOOK!" at them. Though you probably can't do that either.
Correct, I'm on the landmass to grab anyone at Cryptic by the ear for anything ;-)
Well, then lets open more barrels of blood wine and the Devs and players can tell lies to each other like well drunk men.
Lets raises our mugs to swimming with bow legged women and hope the truth floats to the surface now and then.
Revisiting this thread to restate a thought I have:
The Devs have already stated they actually prefer the freedom of designing KDF ships.
With that in mind, and the need for sales to drive content for KDF, simply make all C-Store ship weapons & consoles *Account* bound. Give a reason for Feds to buy KDF ships, use the already blatant Fed majority cash milking as a way to drive KDF development too.
Plus, there are a few things I'd like to nab off the Fed ships...
Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]'Iw HaH je Hoch! ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3 A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome. Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
- Better ships. Cloaking devices is a built-in ability, not an universal console. No Fed ship has this advantage.
- More and more interesting daily missions.
- Easy credits and dilithium with dailies and contraband.
- Funnier doff missions.
- Better players. We have RP-ers and experienced ones. I've never seen a noob with a minigun in a STF on the KDF side.
I'm ok with the KDF as it is. It just needs more episodes, and another skin for the UI. Red makes me sick after an hour. More ships and better fleet ones wouldn't bother me too.
Edit : I'm not surprised the FED keeps all the players, since there are no real difference between the two factions. FED even get a 5 tac console ship, the KDF didn't. Where are the difference between the two factions? If you can do whatever you want as a fed, there is no point creating a kdf character. The KDF need more offensive and aggressive ships and sets than the FED, it's obvious. FED is all about defense, the KDF is all about aggression. Why can't we get that in game? Give KDF meaningful tactical advantages and just answer "go play KDF if you want that content" if they complain about the difference. The FED already have very defensive and enjoyable ships (the Atrox, the Galaxy, etc). After all, anyone can have a char in both faction... I love my Atrox, but I'd like to play a faction with real tactical advantages, and I don't find them in the KDF.
Everyone has currently a FED char as main char, if you want this to change, you have to give people some real reason to change. Which means something unique to do, or some significant advantages.
Personally I think the easiest lest amount of development time would be...
Foundry KDF missions (good ones) become "locked" and availible for us to play with the hail command just like story missions.....
Add all NPC ship skins to existing ships... you don't even have to offer me anything more I'd just like having more options with the looks I can make do with existing hull shield boff layouts
Same idea for costume options ... just unlock the options the kdf already has for us
you could even sell them in packs and i'd buy them ..... "Cruiser Ship Packs' Escort Ship Packs" "Gorn NPC costume packs" Ect.
I mean really its a total win win ... you can explain to to PWE it's good money for little development time , we get new content so we are sated, the extra KDF content could even bring new players in which could only add more players to both kdf and fed side ....
I don't have a problem paying for and getting rehashed things if they are "New" to me. Price it right >-1000 zen and make it bind on charecter and I'd buy every one of these packs just to have some variation . The only thing with no instant money when launched would be the new foundry KDF missions to flesh out the kdf from lvl 1 on but again that will bring more imersion so that would increase player base as well as keep old players busy running new kdf missions .....
If resources and time are a factor again this is the least amount of work for the most gain in my humble opinion.
This is perhaps why I am currently unwilling to spend any further "out-of-pocket" cash for this game. Since I am religated to being an irrelivent 19%er. More simply put, play Fedrat and whine and you will get your hearts desire, those who slog it out as a Klingon or another "irrelevent" species are just supposed to suck wind and shut up, for at Cryptic we do not care what you think or want Mr. 19%er just shut your pie hole and spend your cash stupid!:rolleyes:
KDF Ancient House of Seplch
Dahar Master "Epitai" Kelrok son of Pok Seplch House Leader Tactical
General Babd Grace O'Malley House Seplch Science Officer
Fleet Admiral Quintus Savat House Seplch Tactical Officer
This is perhaps why I am currently unwilling to spend any further "out-of-pocket" cash for this game. Since I am religated to being an irrelivent 19%er. More simply put, play Fedrat and whine and you will get your hearts desire, those who slog it out as a Klingon or another "irrelevent" species are just supposed to suck wind and shut up, for at Cryptic we do not care what you think or want Mr. 19%er just shut your pie hole and spend your cash stupid!:rolleyes:
Everyone has currently a FED char as main char, if you want this to change, you have to give people some real reason to change. Which means something unique to do, or some significant advantages.
we are the 19% ... would like to know how cryptic have counted the player numbers.
if they did it the same way the way they are treating kdf bugs, than they simply checked how many characters are on the server. but every kdf player has to have a fed character, otherwise he/she would not be able to create a kdf character.
i know this would be a stupid error but still possible.
Klingons have an overwhelming advantage in c-store ship consoles over federation...which is perhaps the ONLY advantage the klingon side has. The consoles give the klingon ships amazing abilities that are mostly based on science/engineering stuff.... which is completely wrong as canon had starfleet as the king of such abilities while klingons had the advantage in ship firepower.
Yah.. about that.... TURNS OUT THAT THE STARFLEET HAS A CONSOLE NOW THAT THEY CAN LET OUT GAS CLOUDS IN SPACE AND EXPLODE THEM AT WILL (Dont you dare start giggleing... you know what I mean)..... The STo team is now adding more consoles of happyness for FEDs making us wanting to go to them! Well I WILL NEVER LEAVE THE KDF! Guess what? MY FED IS A LvL 1~!!!!!MY KDF IS A LVL 50! BOTH OF THEM! Now... the sickess thing is that KDF takes 2 DAYS to lvl.. FEDS? GUESS WHAT????? ALMSOT A MONTH THE LOWESTS A WEEK (I never got lvl 50 fed.. how should I know?!) Anyways... STO.. GET YOUR ACT UP! if new facton.. have ,mercy for having more reasons to ignore KDF. Qapla'! or shall I say Peta'Q!
R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
Yes it would be nice if every faction was completely equal, but it just isn't going to happen. Instead, try looking at it this way. Federation gameplay is the standard, while the other factions offer "bonus" gameplay.
Yes, it isn't the answer you are looking for... but they aren't going to make 2 versions of each piece of content (possibly more if other playable factions introduced).
Oh be quiet you Hacthling, Pup, Kitten, whatever you are..... im just checking on my post.. and you may think FED is the main but guess what? The Empire is a great place to be in compared to you. You are spoiled to the bone (given much without consideration/fairness) and I think the Federation is a great Peta'Q! The Empire is more honorable living on what it has hoping for the day this happens.... as for me.... I am in the Gorn Hegemony trying to get back at the empire atleast RP but you get my drift.
R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
Just a note to say I've edited the first post and thread title slightly, petitions are against the forum rules, however as the thread contains a lot of useful feedback we'd rather leave it in place - please continue to post in it but there's really no need for it to be a petition as such
I've added this note to the first post for clarity.
Im sorry about that. I completly forgot that was a rule. Anyways thank you for keeping it up. And thank you Administrator for helping this fourm become better!
R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
2 words that invalidate all klingon whining. Honor Guard.
You already get the best ships, the best universal consoles and the best space and ground equipment in the game.
You have access to all the same endgame content the feds do.
Who needs 30 different ships when 25 of them are junk?
As for missions? There are already enough to get you to endgame. You don't need more. Feds could even do with less.
Endgame min-maxers have to love klingon more than feds.
Not everyone plays the game for the same reason. I don't want min/maxing. I want more costume choices for my KDF character. I want to start at level 1 and have full on missions to do that are no rehashes of Fed mission. I want more choices in what my character's species is. I'd like to make a Female Gorn Science Officer, just to say I could.
Complaining about KDF content is not helping our cause. The only thing that can ever make the KDF grow is when more of us play, and enjoy the content and ships which we have now... and they are some great ships!
"Be the content you wish to see in the world." - Chancellor Gan'Dih
Then can we possibly get an idea about what's going to be done to get the KDF out of this nasty Catch-22, or if its even being addressed back there?
Unfortunately that's not for me to say, I only moderate the forum rules (I'm, as the signature suggests, a volunteer moderator not a developer)
I could tell you all sorts of stuff, but it'd all be fictional and made up ;-) Keep the discussion going, I just needed to stop it being a 'petition', but I'm sure that threads like this are no doubt looked upon for feedback, and an active thread shows concern for the gameplay just as well as it being called a petition :cool:
Oh I know, it was less asking you directly for information and more asking to have a Dev dragged here by the ear and having their nose pressed to the monitor while shouting "LOOK!" at them. Though you probably can't do that either.
Anyway, on topic. There's just a lot of things missing on the KDF side. I even found out today that the Ferasans can't use the eyepatches that come with the Klingon Academy set while all the other species can.
Then there's just the general lack of appearance options for the KDF as a whole when compared to the Federation. No off duty outfits, no dress uniform options...etc. And the appearance options are just the tip of the iceburg.
I get that there are fewer players on the KDF side, but there's a reason for that, its because the powers that be haven't given us the same level of development that the Feds have gotten. That's why its a catch-22.
Anyway I'll leave the thread be now Enjoy!
Lets raises our mugs to swimming with bow legged women and hope the truth floats to the surface now and then.
I'll take what ever start we can get.
The Devs have already stated they actually prefer the freedom of designing KDF ships.
With that in mind, and the need for sales to drive content for KDF, simply make all C-Store ship weapons & consoles *Account* bound. Give a reason for Feds to buy KDF ships, use the already blatant Fed majority cash milking as a way to drive KDF development too.
Plus, there are a few things I'd like to nab off the Fed ships...
ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
- Better ships. Cloaking devices is a built-in ability, not an universal console. No Fed ship has this advantage.
- More and more interesting daily missions.
- Easy credits and dilithium with dailies and contraband.
- Funnier doff missions.
- Better players. We have RP-ers and experienced ones. I've never seen a noob with a minigun in a STF on the KDF side.
I'm ok with the KDF as it is. It just needs more episodes, and another skin for the UI. Red makes me sick after an hour. More ships and better fleet ones wouldn't bother me too.
Edit : I'm not surprised the FED keeps all the players, since there are no real difference between the two factions. FED even get a 5 tac console ship, the KDF didn't. Where are the difference between the two factions? If you can do whatever you want as a fed, there is no point creating a kdf character. The KDF need more offensive and aggressive ships and sets than the FED, it's obvious. FED is all about defense, the KDF is all about aggression. Why can't we get that in game? Give KDF meaningful tactical advantages and just answer "go play KDF if you want that content" if they complain about the difference. The FED already have very defensive and enjoyable ships (the Atrox, the Galaxy, etc). After all, anyone can have a char in both faction... I love my Atrox, but I'd like to play a faction with real tactical advantages, and I don't find them in the KDF.
Everyone has currently a FED char as main char, if you want this to change, you have to give people some real reason to change. Which means something unique to do, or some significant advantages.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Foundry KDF missions (good ones) become "locked" and availible for us to play with the hail command just like story missions.....
Add all NPC ship skins to existing ships... you don't even have to offer me anything more I'd just like having more options with the looks I can make do with existing hull shield boff layouts
Same idea for costume options ... just unlock the options the kdf already has for us
you could even sell them in packs and i'd buy them ..... "Cruiser Ship Packs' Escort Ship Packs" "Gorn NPC costume packs" Ect.
I mean really its a total win win ... you can explain to to PWE it's good money for little development time , we get new content so we are sated, the extra KDF content could even bring new players in which could only add more players to both kdf and fed side ....
I don't have a problem paying for and getting rehashed things if they are "New" to me. Price it right >-1000 zen and make it bind on charecter and I'd buy every one of these packs just to have some variation . The only thing with no instant money when launched would be the new foundry KDF missions to flesh out the kdf from lvl 1 on but again that will bring more imersion so that would increase player base as well as keep old players busy running new kdf missions .....
If resources and time are a factor again this is the least amount of work for the most gain in my humble opinion.
Dahar Master "Epitai" Kelrok son of Pok Seplch House Leader Tactical
General Babd Grace O'Malley House Seplch Science Officer
Fleet Admiral Quintus Savat House Seplch Tactical Officer
who cares. if going against the rules is the only way to get Cryptic to look in our direction i say do it.:mad:
Same here.
Klingons Do Not Petition!!!!! We Take!!!!!
Not me. I never got my Fed past Level 5
I have no fed characters(and am mildly annoyed I bought the thunderchild) :cool:
Rrezeth, Gorn Tactical, primary alt
Nari, Orion Science, secondary alt
Cryptic claims the KDF faction is only about 18% of the playerbase... obviously they're human... No real Ferengi would ignore 18% profit gain :cool:
Lets hope we get a glorious victory in this long battle with Cryptic
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
Well as long as Dan Stahl has a say in it we will have trouble getting Cryptic to do anything if history has anything to say about our future: http://www.stowiki.org/User:Peregrine_Falcon#The_History_Of_The_Klingon_Empire_With_Cryptic_Studios
if they did it the same way the way they are treating kdf bugs, than they simply checked how many characters are on the server. but every kdf player has to have a fed character, otherwise he/she would not be able to create a kdf character.
i know this would be a stupid error but still possible.
There is our rallying cry right there.
Yah.. about that.... TURNS OUT THAT THE STARFLEET HAS A CONSOLE NOW THAT THEY CAN LET OUT GAS CLOUDS IN SPACE AND EXPLODE THEM AT WILL (Dont you dare start giggleing... you know what I mean)..... The STo team is now adding more consoles of happyness for FEDs making us wanting to go to them! Well I WILL NEVER LEAVE THE KDF! Guess what? MY FED IS A LvL 1~!!!!! MY KDF IS A LVL 50! BOTH OF THEM! Now... the sickess thing is that KDF takes 2 DAYS to lvl.. FEDS? GUESS WHAT????? ALMSOT A MONTH THE LOWESTS A WEEK (I never got lvl 50 fed.. how should I know?!) Anyways... STO.. GET YOUR ACT UP! if new facton.. have ,mercy for having more reasons to ignore KDF. Qapla'! or shall I say Peta'Q!
Oh be quiet you Hacthling, Pup, Kitten, whatever you are..... im just checking on my post.. and you may think FED is the main but guess what? The Empire is a great place to be in compared to you. You are spoiled to the bone (given much without consideration/fairness) and I think the Federation is a great Peta'Q! The Empire is more honorable living on what it has hoping for the day this happens.... as for me.... I am in the Gorn Hegemony trying to get back at the empire atleast RP but you get my drift.
thank You So Much For This Point! We Have So Much Work For The Empire Alone.. Im Surprised They Even Think About A New Faction!!!!!!
Im sorry about that. I completly forgot that was a rule. Anyways thank you for keeping it up. And thank you Administrator for helping this fourm become better!
You already get the best ships, the best universal consoles and the best space and ground equipment in the game.
You have access to all the same endgame content the feds do.
Who needs 30 different ships when 25 of them are junk?
As for missions? There are already enough to get you to endgame. You don't need more. Feds could even do with less.
Endgame min-maxers have to love klingon more than feds.
Not everyone plays the game for the same reason. I don't want min/maxing. I want more costume choices for my KDF character. I want to start at level 1 and have full on missions to do that are no rehashes of Fed mission. I want more choices in what my character's species is. I'd like to make a Female Gorn Science Officer, just to say I could.
Has it sunken in to your thick little skull yet?
Suppose I should have expected name calling.
Gratz sir u winz the interwebs.
pft. :rolleyes:
"Be the content you wish to see in the world." - Chancellor Gan'Dih
Member since December 2009